Royal Protector- Time for Poppy’s presentation at court!!!!

“Now announcing
Princess Poppy Evangeline Jinn, Star Princess to the house of Jinn,
daughter of Emperor Qui-Gon Jinn and Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi!” The
announcer boomed out and Obi-Wan wished this part could be skipped as
Poppy squirmed in his arms in discomfort, the rush of voices that
tried to get a peek at her as they settled down in their seats as
their newest princess was finally announced to the court.

But it was

Wrapped up in soft
white cotton, Poppy was at least comfortably warm as the first of the
nobles of the kingdom came forward with their gifts, bowing while
throwing curious eyes to Poppy where she was tucked up in Obi-Wan’s
arms, most of her shielded except her round little face and squishy
nose that was already bearing the resemblance to Qui-Gon’s though
not as hooked since Qui-Gon had actually broken his hawk nose at some
point making it even more crooked.

He was grateful
only Qui-Gon was required to actually talked to these snobs but at
least Count Mace was there along with Breha and Bail.

They were among the
few he actually liked socializing with of the nobles since they were
genuinely wonderful people and had functioning heads not filled with
powders and desire for riches and power.

Far of he could
hear the cannon salute to announce to everyone that a new royal was
formally added and he stroked Poppy’s cheek tenderly as he caught
Anakin looking longingly at her from a distance.

Anakin was proving
himself quite the protective and loving big brother and if he could
get away with it, he would be the one holding Poppy that moment
Obi-Wan figured.

‘Maybe later,
once we’re all dining. He’s ever so fond of her.’ Obi-Wan
thought in satisfaction to himself because for a while he had worried
about a potential jealousy from Anakin’s side.

It never arrived.

Anakin adored his
younger sibling.

“I’m still
amazed you managed to lure Yan back.” Qui-Gon murmured in a quiet
aside to Obi-Wan, his eyes following the path of the white haired,
distinguished male as he made his way through the crowd quietly.

“The news of a
daughter and possible heir made a good argument for his return.”
Obi-Wan replied back, his own eyes on Asajj as she was near one of
the darker pillars where Knight Rex was standing guard over her and hiding her from view from her former employer.

She wasn’t wholly
free to come and go as she wanted just yet, her allegiance very much
troubling but Obi-Wan was willing to extend an olive branch as long
as that branch came with a few capable knights like the Fett family.

Not to mention his
own sparrows who had a few Fett members in it too.

What could he say,
the Fett’s had ever proved to be skilled and he’d be an idiot to
not extend the sparrow invite to at least a few of them.

To his side Qui-Gon
made a small hum of understanding before resuming his duty as regent
and father, greeting the gift givers with benevolent smiles.

Obi-Wan meanwhile
threw his eyes up and to the side, watching the upper floor where
shadows moved quietly.

Lord Protector had
become a Lord Prince consort instead, he could no longer move in the
shadows and observe quietly but had to engage with the nobles
filled with cotton in their heads and schemes behind smiling teeth.

That didn’t mean
he couldn’t entrust others to take the job that had once been his
and he hid a small smirk as he saw Fives peer suspiciously at someone
from the shadows of a curtain before he moved on.

Well, it was nice
to see that Echo and Fives were together up there.

‘Now lets net us
some traitors.’ He tucked Poppy into the crook of his arm, eyes
gleaming steely at the guests, taking note of exactly where Palpatine
and his cohorts were.

Royal Protector- Time for Poppy’s presentation at court!!!!

“Now announcing
Princess Poppy Evangeline Jinn, Star Princess to the house of Jinn,
daughter of Emperor Qui-Gon Jinn and Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi!” The
announcer boomed out and Obi-Wan wished this part could be skipped as
Poppy squirmed in his arms in discomfort, the rush of voices that
tried to get a peek at her as they settled down in their seats as
their newest princess was finally announced to the court.

But it was

Wrapped up in soft
white cotton, Poppy was at least comfortably warm as the first of the
nobles of the kingdom came forward with their gifts, bowing while
throwing curious eyes to Poppy where she was tucked up in Obi-Wan’s
arms, most of her shielded except her round little face and squishy
nose that was already bearing the resemblance to Qui-Gon’s though
not as hooked since Qui-Gon had actually broken his hawk nose at some
point making it even more crooked.

He was grateful
only Qui-Gon was required to actually talked to these snobs but at
least Count Mace was there along with Breha and Bail.

They were among the
few he actually liked socializing with of the nobles since they were
genuinely wonderful people and had functioning heads not filled with
powders and desire for riches and power.

Far of he could
hear the cannon salute to announce to everyone that a new royal was
formally added and he stroked Poppy’s cheek tenderly as he caught
Anakin looking longingly at her from a distance.

Anakin was proving
himself quite the protective and loving big brother and if he could
get away with it, he would be the one holding Poppy that moment
Obi-Wan figured.

‘Maybe later,
once we’re all dining. He’s ever so fond of her.’ Obi-Wan
thought in satisfaction to himself because for a while he had worried
about a potential jealousy from Anakin’s side.

It never arrived.

Anakin adored his
younger sibling.

“I’m still
amazed you managed to lure Yan back.” Qui-Gon murmured in a quiet
aside to Obi-Wan, his eyes following the path of the white haired,
distinguished male as he made his way through the crowd quietly.

“The news of a
daughter and possible heir made a good argument for his return.”
Obi-Wan replied back, his own eyes on Asajj as she was near one of
the darker pillars where Knight Rex was standing guard over her and hiding her from view from her former employer.

She wasn’t wholly
free to come and go as she wanted just yet, her allegiance very much
troubling but Obi-Wan was willing to extend an olive branch as long
as that branch came with a few capable knights like the Fett family.

Not to mention his
own sparrows who had a few Fett members in it too.

What could he say,
the Fett’s had ever proved to be skilled and he’d be an idiot to
not extend the sparrow invite to at least a few of them.

To his side Qui-Gon
made a small hum of understanding before resuming his duty as regent
and father, greeting the gift givers with benevolent smiles.

Obi-Wan meanwhile
threw his eyes up and to the side, watching the upper floor where
shadows moved quietly.

Lord Protector had
become a Lord Prince consort instead, he could no longer move in the
shadows and observe quietly but had to engage with the nobles
filled with cotton in their heads and schemes behind smiling teeth.

That didn’t mean
he couldn’t entrust others to take the job that had once been his
and he hid a small smirk as he saw Fives peer suspiciously at someone
from the shadows of a curtain before he moved on.

Well, it was nice
to see that Echo and Fives were together up there.

‘Now lets net us
some traitors.’ He tucked Poppy into the crook of his arm, eyes
gleaming steely at the guests, taking note of exactly where Palpatine
and his cohorts were.

For #Royalprotector: Is the noble who wants to control Prince Anakin perhaps Creepy old Palpatine? Ventress getting captured and figuring out that she is on her own and gives up her employer.

“Where did you
pick her up?” Obi-Wan asked quietly, Poppy attached to his chest
and Ahsoka by his side as he stared at the hooded woman in front of

“Lower dock side,
near the whaling district actually. She thought she’d lost us but
we know this city better than anyone thanks to you my lord.” The
modulated voice said quietly and Obi-Wan took notice of Ahsoka
twitching in discomfort.

Well, she was only
there as a cover anyhow as much as he dispised using her that way.

But Anakin and
Qui-Gon would never allow him to walk around alone right now and he
needed to deal with his sparrow network.

Especially with the
threat to the family.

So he ignored her
and reached out, clapping the other on the shoulder. “Good work
Jay, tell Corvus and Heron to grab an extra slip from the jar.”
Obi-Wan pretended not to hear the excited whisper behind them as he
continued forward to the cells.

Ahsoka followed
tightly on his trail.

For a minute
neither said anything.

And then…

“So you got a spy
network?” She finally whispered.

“Its one of the
consorts duties. But Qui-Gon has not had a partner for a very long
time and someone had to run it since Qui-Gon and Anakin did not have
the mind for subterfuge,” He glanced at her. “I sought out the
remains of Queen Shmi’s old network and those who were still
working here I hired into my service to keep it all going. I’ve
averted many a threat against the Emperor this way… now that I’m
no longer Lord Protector but the actual prince consort, I run it as
should be while you take my position once you are ready.” He

Frowning a bit,
Ahsoka nodded slowly and glanced back where the birds had now
disappeared. “…Are they all named after birds?”

Sniggering a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “They’re my birds. My sparrows to be precise,
makes it easier to talk about them with each having a code name. You
just met Jay, she leads them and the one I interact the most with as
she has an easier access to me. But the rest are scattered around.
All over, in the village, the taverns, the army and the castle
itself… not all of them are sparrows but report to a sparrow.” He
shrugged and stopped at the correct cell. “…Wait outside here,”
He softened when he saw Ahsoka’s hesitation. “She can’t harm
me, she’s chained up.” Obi-Wan assured before unlocking the cell
and stepping in.

Sitting on the
single chair in it, his would be killer sat glaring at him, both
cuffed and tied to the chair.

Well, seems his
sparrows weren’t taking any chances.

Obi-Wan didn’t
take an affront, he was still recovering from birth.

Taking in the pale
woman with her short hair, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “So,
cutting the crap, I’m a fan of mercy depending on what you tell me
in return,” He took another step into the cell, closer to the
woman. “I don’t need to know why you did what you did, I don’t
need to know what you were promised or how you intended to do it as I
know all of that… what I want to know is who hired you.”

She just spat at
the floor and went back to glaring at him.

Obi-Wan let out a
deep sigh and gently stroked Poppy’s head. “…Yan Dooku, I can
get into contact with him.” He said calmly.

A furrow appeared
on her brow.

“Your name is
Asajj Ventress, you are the product of an affair between Lady Talzin
and Yan Dooku. Yan Dooku swore to never return to these shores after
an unfortunate situation with one of his former knights, Komari. I
however can get him to return with the news of a daughter he doesn’t
know and expunge any kind of crime you have on record… I can make
everyone ignore it was you who attempted my life.” Obi-Wan stared
at the woman.

She stared back,
pale eyes wide before they slowly sunk down to stare at the stones,
obviously thinking hard.

Most likely she
wondered how the hell Obi-Wan knew all this about her but honestly it
wasn’t hard.

One look at her
features and they practically screamed Talzin. After that it was just
about following the breadcrumbs of clues to her parentage even if
Talzin had been death for over six years now.

“…And you would
protect me against repercussion from the one who hired me?”

Obi-Wan almost
startled, she had a deeper voice than he expected when she wasn’t
forcing it to be light and soft.

Still he nodded.
“I’ll keep you hidden in the castle until I have the proof I
need. You have my word as prince consort.”

She stared at him

Then she nodded
sharply and sat up in her restraints. “Sheev Palpatine hired me to
get rid of you and your kid before it came to the world. Said he’d
get rid of the Emperor afterward as a ‘broken heart’ case to
leave the Star prince vulnerable.”

Nose twitching,
Obi-Wan nodded slowly with his green eyes growing dark.

‘So… make an
enemy out of my family will you? Your days are numbered Palpatine.’

For #Royalprotector: Is the noble who wants to control Prince Anakin perhaps Creepy old Palpatine? Ventress getting captured and figuring out that she is on her own and gives up her employer.

“Where did you
pick her up?” Obi-Wan asked quietly, Poppy attached to his chest
and Ahsoka by his side as he stared at the hooded woman in front of

“Lower dock side,
near the whaling district actually. She thought she’d lost us but
we know this city better than anyone thanks to you my lord.” The
modulated voice said quietly and Obi-Wan took notice of Ahsoka
twitching in discomfort.

Well, she was only
there as a cover anyhow as much as he dispised using her that way.

But Anakin and
Qui-Gon would never allow him to walk around alone right now and he
needed to deal with his sparrow network.

Especially with the
threat to the family.

So he ignored her
and reached out, clapping the other on the shoulder. “Good work
Jay, tell Corvus and Heron to grab an extra slip from the jar.”
Obi-Wan pretended not to hear the excited whisper behind them as he
continued forward to the cells.

Ahsoka followed
tightly on his trail.

For a minute
neither said anything.

And then…

“So you got a spy
network?” She finally whispered.

“Its one of the
consorts duties. But Qui-Gon has not had a partner for a very long
time and someone had to run it since Qui-Gon and Anakin did not have
the mind for subterfuge,” He glanced at her. “I sought out the
remains of Queen Shmi’s old network and those who were still
working here I hired into my service to keep it all going. I’ve
averted many a threat against the Emperor this way… now that I’m
no longer Lord Protector but the actual prince consort, I run it as
should be while you take my position once you are ready.” He

Frowning a bit,
Ahsoka nodded slowly and glanced back where the birds had now
disappeared. “…Are they all named after birds?”

Sniggering a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “They’re my birds. My sparrows to be precise,
makes it easier to talk about them with each having a code name. You
just met Jay, she leads them and the one I interact the most with as
she has an easier access to me. But the rest are scattered around.
All over, in the village, the taverns, the army and the castle
itself… not all of them are sparrows but report to a sparrow.” He
shrugged and stopped at the correct cell. “…Wait outside here,”
He softened when he saw Ahsoka’s hesitation. “She can’t harm
me, she’s chained up.” Obi-Wan assured before unlocking the cell
and stepping in.

Sitting on the
single chair in it, his would be killer sat glaring at him, both
cuffed and tied to the chair.

Well, seems his
sparrows weren’t taking any chances.

Obi-Wan didn’t
take an affront, he was still recovering from birth.

Taking in the pale
woman with her short hair, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “So,
cutting the crap, I’m a fan of mercy depending on what you tell me
in return,” He took another step into the cell, closer to the
woman. “I don’t need to know why you did what you did, I don’t
need to know what you were promised or how you intended to do it as I
know all of that… what I want to know is who hired you.”

She just spat at
the floor and went back to glaring at him.

Obi-Wan let out a
deep sigh and gently stroked Poppy’s head. “…Yan Dooku, I can
get into contact with him.” He said calmly.

A furrow appeared
on her brow.

“Your name is
Asajj Ventress, you are the product of an affair between Lady Talzin
and Yan Dooku. Yan Dooku swore to never return to these shores after
an unfortunate situation with one of his former knights, Komari. I
however can get him to return with the news of a daughter he doesn’t
know and expunge any kind of crime you have on record… I can make
everyone ignore it was you who attempted my life.” Obi-Wan stared
at the woman.

She stared back,
pale eyes wide before they slowly sunk down to stare at the stones,
obviously thinking hard.

Most likely she
wondered how the hell Obi-Wan knew all this about her but honestly it
wasn’t hard.

One look at her
features and they practically screamed Talzin. After that it was just
about following the breadcrumbs of clues to her parentage even if
Talzin had been death for over six years now.

“…And you would
protect me against repercussion from the one who hired me?”

Obi-Wan almost
startled, she had a deeper voice than he expected when she wasn’t
forcing it to be light and soft.

Still he nodded.
“I’ll keep you hidden in the castle until I have the proof I
need. You have my word as prince consort.”

She stared at him

Then she nodded
sharply and sat up in her restraints. “Sheev Palpatine hired me to
get rid of you and your kid before it came to the world. Said he’d
get rid of the Emperor afterward as a ‘broken heart’ case to
leave the Star prince vulnerable.”

Nose twitching,
Obi-Wan nodded slowly with his green eyes growing dark.

‘So… make an
enemy out of my family will you? Your days are numbered Palpatine.’

In royal protector, can I ask for Bail and Breha as godparents of that precious newborn please? They could be rulers of an ally kingdom ?

Humming lightly,
Obi-Wan looked up from his makeshift desk in Qui-Gon’s office under
the window to wave the letter a the Emperor. “Breha and Bail just
responded, they’ll be delighted to be Poppy’s godparents and are
looking forward to her naming ceremony.” He smiled warmly at his

The Emperor stood,
moving over to read the letter over Obi-Wan’s shoulder while
reaching down to gently pet Poppy’s head as she slept in a deep
blue sling with black embroideries shaped like vines tied to
Obi-Wan’s body over a shoulder. The sound of her bearers heartbeat,
the heat and the smell was doing wonders for her nap time and it
allowed both parents to spend time with their little one as they
switched the sling between them.

And it made feeding
easier too for Obi-Wan when that time arrived.

Rumbling happily at
the friendly tone in the letter, Qui-Gon nodded and pressed a tender
kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “Just two more weeks and its time my
love, we get to show off our little one to the public.” He murmured

“Hopefully by
then I’ll be able to walk properly instead of looking like I’m
bow legged.” Obi-Wan sighed a bit while sitting back in his chair.

“To be fair to
you love, you did press a baby out of you and in the last nine months
you’ve been walking around with added weight to your body because
of said baby,” Qui-Gon said fondly, stroking Poppy’s head again.
“Though I don’t think either of us regret this option.”

Throwing his love
an exasperated look, Obi-Wan smirked. “Of course I don’t regret
it but I’d rather be able to walk normally once more and hopefully
get back in the sparring ring. I know I lost muscle mass while
carrying Poppy and though I don’t mind some flab, I do want that
strength back.” He frowned a bit.

Humming softly,
Qui-Gon nodded before taking the letter and setting it back on the
desk, offering Obi-Wan his hands to boost the other up on his feet.
“Indeed love but the clock shows its three pm, its time for some
food for both of us and I imagine Ahsoka is on her way to retrieve
us.” He smirked.

Right on cue there
was a knock on the door and both exchanged amused looks even as the
knock startled Poppy awake and had her grizzling in unhappiness
before she hid into Obi-Wan’s warm chest as Ahsoka popped her head
in to announce it was indeed time for brunch.

Taking Qui-Gon’s
arm, Obi-Wan settled into his husband side with a pleased little
sigh, wondering how he got so lucky.

There was still
problems, he was not about to forget the murder attempt that had lead
to discovering he was pregnant after all.

And then there was
the poisoning attempt on Obi-Wan himself.

But Obi-Wan had the
leads, he wasn’t far from discovering the culprit and he knew it.

‘And when I am
sure… when I know irreversibly who targeted my Emperor and
family… they will pay.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself,
squeezing down on the others arm carefully with Poppy sleeping
against his breast.

In royal protector, can I ask for Bail and Breha as godparents of that precious newborn please? They could be rulers of an ally kingdom ?

Humming lightly,
Obi-Wan looked up from his makeshift desk in Qui-Gon’s office under
the window to wave the letter a the Emperor. “Breha and Bail just
responded, they’ll be delighted to be Poppy’s godparents and are
looking forward to her naming ceremony.” He smiled warmly at his

The Emperor stood,
moving over to read the letter over Obi-Wan’s shoulder while
reaching down to gently pet Poppy’s head as she slept in a deep
blue sling with black embroideries shaped like vines tied to
Obi-Wan’s body over a shoulder. The sound of her bearers heartbeat,
the heat and the smell was doing wonders for her nap time and it
allowed both parents to spend time with their little one as they
switched the sling between them.

And it made feeding
easier too for Obi-Wan when that time arrived.

Rumbling happily at
the friendly tone in the letter, Qui-Gon nodded and pressed a tender
kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “Just two more weeks and its time my
love, we get to show off our little one to the public.” He murmured

“Hopefully by
then I’ll be able to walk properly instead of looking like I’m
bow legged.” Obi-Wan sighed a bit while sitting back in his chair.

“To be fair to
you love, you did press a baby out of you and in the last nine months
you’ve been walking around with added weight to your body because
of said baby,” Qui-Gon said fondly, stroking Poppy’s head again.
“Though I don’t think either of us regret this option.”

Throwing his love
an exasperated look, Obi-Wan smirked. “Of course I don’t regret
it but I’d rather be able to walk normally once more and hopefully
get back in the sparring ring. I know I lost muscle mass while
carrying Poppy and though I don’t mind some flab, I do want that
strength back.” He frowned a bit.

Humming softly,
Qui-Gon nodded before taking the letter and setting it back on the
desk, offering Obi-Wan his hands to boost the other up on his feet.
“Indeed love but the clock shows its three pm, its time for some
food for both of us and I imagine Ahsoka is on her way to retrieve
us.” He smirked.

Right on cue there
was a knock on the door and both exchanged amused looks even as the
knock startled Poppy awake and had her grizzling in unhappiness
before she hid into Obi-Wan’s warm chest as Ahsoka popped her head
in to announce it was indeed time for brunch.

Taking Qui-Gon’s
arm, Obi-Wan settled into his husband side with a pleased little
sigh, wondering how he got so lucky.

There was still
problems, he was not about to forget the murder attempt that had lead
to discovering he was pregnant after all.

And then there was
the poisoning attempt on Obi-Wan himself.

But Obi-Wan had the
leads, he wasn’t far from discovering the culprit and he knew it.

‘And when I am
sure… when I know irreversibly who targeted my Emperor and
family… they will pay.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself,
squeezing down on the others arm carefully with Poppy sleeping
against his breast.

Royal Protector: How about Evangeline for the baby? It’s a good Victorian Steam Punk name, and they could call her Angel for short? How is the new family getting along?

Letting out a tiny
noise, Obi-Wan slowly stumbled along on unsteady legs as Anakin
provided the support. The blond had insisted on helping his
step-father, holding out both arms while walking backwards while
Obi-Wan toddled slowly along on shaky legs from the bed towards the
bathroom while Qui-Gon watched worriedly from the rocking chair with
their little princess in his arms and a glass bottle filled with warm
goat milk.

Originally Anakin
had been suppose to feed his little sister but Obi-Wan had wanted to
get up and go clean and the blond had volunteered quickly.

“You should go
feed Poppy.” Obi-Wan said softly, leaning heavily on Anakin’s
arms despite trying not to.

“There be plenty
of times to feed her. I mean you give her one bottle of goat milk a
day right along with natural milk?” Anakin said with some cheer,
though his eyes were still curved with worry.

“Well yes…”
Obi-Wan trailed off, stopping halfway towards the bathroom to take
deep breaths. He noticed Qui-Gon sitting up more in the rocking chair
with a frown deepening on his face and sent the man a reassuring
look. “I’m alright love, just sore and a bit tired. Birth took a
lot out of me and Che promised she be up with some poppy milk
tincture.” He assured him.

That of course had
Anakin snorting, a wide smile on his face. “I still can’t believe
you two choose that, Poppy. Princess Poppy.” He said with happy

“Poppy’s a
beautiful flower.” Qui-Gon argued quietly, smiling warmly as he
settled back in the rocking chair to cuddle Poppy while feeding her.

And she was a
hungry little girl, sucking at the teat of the bottle quickly.

It was one of the
few pleasures Qui-Gon got before he would have to leave his husband
to be Emperor though Duke Windu was acting steward for them
thankfully to allow the family some time together.

The hours they got
all three treasured beyond measure and Obi-Wan at least was grateful
beyond measure because right now he was feeling rather needy after
the birth.

His daughter was
less than a week old and tradition dictated if a child
survived to become one month, it would be presented to the court. Not

And he was so
grateful for the tradition in this moment as it allowed him time to
calm down, allowed him time to heal as he was not expected to appear
in court either and guards and his own sparrows were stationed for
protection as Obi-Wan had attempts on his life before the birth.

In his current
condition there was even higher cause for concern.

But right in this
moment his family, outside of Ahsoka who was patrolling the castle,
was in one room and Obi-Wan could not help but be grateful for it as
he once more started walking towards the bathroom with Anakin’s

He glanced up at
Anakin and gave the blond a warm, tender smile in reassurance,
feeling the others gentle elbow squeeze in return.

For the moment…

Life was good.

Just for now,
things were alright.

They were safe and

What more could a
family wish for than that.

Royal Protector: How about Evangeline for the baby? It’s a good Victorian Steam Punk name, and they could call her Angel for short? How is the new family getting along?

Letting out a tiny
noise, Obi-Wan slowly stumbled along on unsteady legs as Anakin
provided the support. The blond had insisted on helping his
step-father, holding out both arms while walking backwards while
Obi-Wan toddled slowly along on shaky legs from the bed towards the
bathroom while Qui-Gon watched worriedly from the rocking chair with
their little princess in his arms and a glass bottle filled with warm
goat milk.

Originally Anakin
had been suppose to feed his little sister but Obi-Wan had wanted to
get up and go clean and the blond had volunteered quickly.

“You should go
feed Poppy.” Obi-Wan said softly, leaning heavily on Anakin’s
arms despite trying not to.

“There be plenty
of times to feed her. I mean you give her one bottle of goat milk a
day right along with natural milk?” Anakin said with some cheer,
though his eyes were still curved with worry.

“Well yes…”
Obi-Wan trailed off, stopping halfway towards the bathroom to take
deep breaths. He noticed Qui-Gon sitting up more in the rocking chair
with a frown deepening on his face and sent the man a reassuring
look. “I’m alright love, just sore and a bit tired. Birth took a
lot out of me and Che promised she be up with some poppy milk
tincture.” He assured him.

That of course had
Anakin snorting, a wide smile on his face. “I still can’t believe
you two choose that, Poppy. Princess Poppy.” He said with happy

“Poppy’s a
beautiful flower.” Qui-Gon argued quietly, smiling warmly as he
settled back in the rocking chair to cuddle Poppy while feeding her.

And she was a
hungry little girl, sucking at the teat of the bottle quickly.

It was one of the
few pleasures Qui-Gon got before he would have to leave his husband
to be Emperor though Duke Windu was acting steward for them
thankfully to allow the family some time together.

The hours they got
all three treasured beyond measure and Obi-Wan at least was grateful
beyond measure because right now he was feeling rather needy after
the birth.

His daughter was
less than a week old and tradition dictated if a child
survived to become one month, it would be presented to the court. Not

And he was so
grateful for the tradition in this moment as it allowed him time to
calm down, allowed him time to heal as he was not expected to appear
in court either and guards and his own sparrows were stationed for
protection as Obi-Wan had attempts on his life before the birth.

In his current
condition there was even higher cause for concern.

But right in this
moment his family, outside of Ahsoka who was patrolling the castle,
was in one room and Obi-Wan could not help but be grateful for it as
he once more started walking towards the bathroom with Anakin’s

He glanced up at
Anakin and gave the blond a warm, tender smile in reassurance,
feeling the others gentle elbow squeeze in return.

For the moment…

Life was good.

Just for now,
things were alright.

They were safe and

What more could a
family wish for than that.

RoyalProtector- the baby is born and they get to hold their child for the first time

At the beginning of the day nothing odd
had been happening, it was as usual, his sparrows had been delivering
notices of all activity they had caught wind of, anything suspicious
and Obi-Wan had analyzed it while sitting at his desk while going
over his duties at the consort of the Star Emperor.

The ache of his hips and back had
become gradually worse but Obi-Wan had ignored it with practiced ease
as he was used to much worse pain when injured in the name of duty.

It was when his entire body had spasmed
with pain and his stomach had convulsed in an odd manner and a
telltale wetness started under his rear on the padded seat that he
was clued in what was going on and called for the guard outside his

The labor had started and Obi-Wan was
carefully escorted to the birthing room where healer Che was already
waiting on them.

“A scout came ahead to warn me and
the others.” She explained dryly as she helped Obi-Wan behind a
blue and white folding screen and out of his wet clothes to get him
into a gown. “I believe one has been sent to the Emperor too and to
the prince.” Che added with a gentler look when Obi-Wan gave a
heavy breath. “I’m sure he’ll be here though if he stays in the
room is more uncertain.” She added, leading him towards the bed
that had been set up.

“Why?” Obi-Wan breathed out,
feeling surprisingly calm. He had expected some sort of panic at the
fact that he was giving birth but he felt nothing but an eerie sort
of calmness in his mind that helped him keep in control.

“Because if he starts pacing he’s
only going to agitate you or if he passes out, that’s bad too.”
Che chuckled a bit as she and another healer Obi-Wan vaguely knew
helped him down onto the bed where he could maneuver himself out over
it and into position.

With a bit of help he had pillows piled
behind him so he could sit in a half reclined position with his legs
spread and someone threw a blanket over his lower half for temporary

“I hope he can stay with me…” He
grunted, already feeling the ache spreading even further. “Because
at this point, I think I deserve to get to yell at him.”

To that the healers just chuckled.


Standing there in awe, Qui-Gon stared
down at the bundle in his arms, hardly feeling his jarred hand that
Che had bandaged that Obi-Wan had crushed in his grip.

How could he do anything but feel like
quiet awe and wonder when he was holding his daughter, her face still
pink and scrunched up but resting peacefully in his arms after coming
out of his love and consort.

She was beautiful and she had screamed
with powerful, strong lungs that had made Anakin curse somewhere on
the other side of the door before he cheered loudly in delight. “I

That had made Qui-Gon laugh at the time
and now…

Now he was just adoring, holding his
child as Obi-Wan watched from the bed, drugged up on poppy milk to
sedate the pain from his birth, a quiet smile on the redhead’s
face. “You ever gonna invite your son in to meet her?” He teased
softly, his voice lightly slurred.

“I should but I feel myself wanting
to act very selfish and greedy in not wanting to share her.”
Qui-Gon admitted softly in return as he moved to sit down on the
bedside, tilting his arms enough for Obi-Wan to see her too. “She
needs a name.” He hummed.

“She does but at the moment I’m too
full of poppy to decide.” Obi-Wan sighed, smiling sleepily.

“Then rest my love, rest and tomorrow
will be a new day for a name.” Qui-Gon leaned down, carefully
tucking his baby into the crook of his arm so he could kiss Obi-Wan

In another part of the castle, a scream
of rage in counterpoint was issued as plans long since plotted were
falling apart in schemers hands.

RoyalProtector- the baby is born and they get to hold their child for the first time

At the beginning of the day nothing odd
had been happening, it was as usual, his sparrows had been delivering
notices of all activity they had caught wind of, anything suspicious
and Obi-Wan had analyzed it while sitting at his desk while going
over his duties at the consort of the Star Emperor.

The ache of his hips and back had
become gradually worse but Obi-Wan had ignored it with practiced ease
as he was used to much worse pain when injured in the name of duty.

It was when his entire body had spasmed
with pain and his stomach had convulsed in an odd manner and a
telltale wetness started under his rear on the padded seat that he
was clued in what was going on and called for the guard outside his

The labor had started and Obi-Wan was
carefully escorted to the birthing room where healer Che was already
waiting on them.

“A scout came ahead to warn me and
the others.” She explained dryly as she helped Obi-Wan behind a
blue and white folding screen and out of his wet clothes to get him
into a gown. “I believe one has been sent to the Emperor too and to
the prince.” Che added with a gentler look when Obi-Wan gave a
heavy breath. “I’m sure he’ll be here though if he stays in the
room is more uncertain.” She added, leading him towards the bed
that had been set up.

“Why?” Obi-Wan breathed out,
feeling surprisingly calm. He had expected some sort of panic at the
fact that he was giving birth but he felt nothing but an eerie sort
of calmness in his mind that helped him keep in control.

“Because if he starts pacing he’s
only going to agitate you or if he passes out, that’s bad too.”
Che chuckled a bit as she and another healer Obi-Wan vaguely knew
helped him down onto the bed where he could maneuver himself out over
it and into position.

With a bit of help he had pillows piled
behind him so he could sit in a half reclined position with his legs
spread and someone threw a blanket over his lower half for temporary

“I hope he can stay with me…” He
grunted, already feeling the ache spreading even further. “Because
at this point, I think I deserve to get to yell at him.”

To that the healers just chuckled.


Standing there in awe, Qui-Gon stared
down at the bundle in his arms, hardly feeling his jarred hand that
Che had bandaged that Obi-Wan had crushed in his grip.

How could he do anything but feel like
quiet awe and wonder when he was holding his daughter, her face still
pink and scrunched up but resting peacefully in his arms after coming
out of his love and consort.

She was beautiful and she had screamed
with powerful, strong lungs that had made Anakin curse somewhere on
the other side of the door before he cheered loudly in delight. “I

That had made Qui-Gon laugh at the time
and now…

Now he was just adoring, holding his
child as Obi-Wan watched from the bed, drugged up on poppy milk to
sedate the pain from his birth, a quiet smile on the redhead’s
face. “You ever gonna invite your son in to meet her?” He teased
softly, his voice lightly slurred.

“I should but I feel myself wanting
to act very selfish and greedy in not wanting to share her.”
Qui-Gon admitted softly in return as he moved to sit down on the
bedside, tilting his arms enough for Obi-Wan to see her too. “She
needs a name.” He hummed.

“She does but at the moment I’m too
full of poppy to decide.” Obi-Wan sighed, smiling sleepily.

“Then rest my love, rest and tomorrow
will be a new day for a name.” Qui-Gon leaned down, carefully
tucking his baby into the crook of his arm so he could kiss Obi-Wan

In another part of the castle, a scream
of rage in counterpoint was issued as plans long since plotted were
falling apart in schemers hands.