I really love it starts with blood. I like how Obi-wan and Qui-Gon joined together now. Maybe can we see more of them?

For all that the world outside of
the temple he grew up is very strange to him still, Obi-Wan will
happily admit
that he’s gotten a fondness for the soaps, the depil cream, clean
clothes and the ease which
he can now personally clean up.

is a clear improvement and he enjoys it despite how confusing the
tunic and wraps still are to him as he struggles working out the
folds, mentally cursing out Quinlan for dunking him in the garden
lake while sending a wordless inquiry to Qui-Gon through their bond.

gets a ‘soon’ in response and slumps a bit, moving to the living
room of their quarters to wait on the man to arrive.

Qui-Gon doesn’t blame him for his ignorance and is happy to help
him get it right when Obi-Wan can’t quite remember how the other
had showed him to tie the entire thing off or straighten it.

to be fair, Qui-Gon made himself look sloppy on purpose, showing off
his collarbone to everyone and with a wink to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon had
explained it made people underestimate him.

Qui-Gon gave off something he claimed as a ‘hippie’

didn’t… quite understand that reference, despite Qui-Gon
explaining that it meant a person that didn’t conform and was free

asked if that made Obi-Wan into a hippie, Qui-Gon’s eyes had
widened before he threw his head back and laughed, loud and warm as
he pulled Obi-Wan into a tight hug as he laughed.

It was
like being shocked with electricity and yet it felt so soothing at
the same time, Obi-Wan sinking into the warm embrace of the man as he
laughed and laughed until it tapered off into a soft chuckle, his
chest rumbling under Obi-Wan’s ear with his hands fisted into the
tunic of the man.

are some of the things I like the most since I got to the temple,
especially master Qui-Gon’s hugs.’ Obi-Wan mused to himself,
settling tabards, sash and belt over the back of the couch before
settling down on the couch to wait on the man, his undertunic was
fine but that damn over tunic still being an issue, along with the
sash and belt.

the door slid open and Obi-Wan stood quickly while reaching out his
Force sense, letting out a relieved breath when no one followed
Qui-Gon in as the master hung up his robe and got his boots off.

around the couch, Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to freeze, blinking
at the gray crate with holes and a grate on beside the other man’s
feet, about a hand taller than the Jedi’s ankle. Staring at it,
Obi-Wan blinked heavily before looking up at Qui-Gon as the man
straightened, his boots now on the small mat beside the door.
“Welcome back master.” Obi-Wan said quickly, remembering his

up the crate with holes in it, Qui-Gon smiled slowly but warmly at
him. “Thank you Obi-Wan,” He murmured, crossing the floor and
setting the crate down on the caff table before turning expectantly
to Obi-Wan. “Do you need help with your tunic again?” He chuckled
out, eyeing the open over tunic.

sparing the crate a curious glance, Obi-Wan stepped closer to the
man. “Please, I tried but it kept coming out wrinkled and odd
looking…” He flustered.

under left.” Qui-Gon noted kindly, grasping Obi-Wan right tunic
flap, tucking it tightly under the left before pulling the left side
over and bringing the tabards over Obi-Wan’s head with one hand
while holding the tunic shut with his other, using the Force to bring
his sash over and wrapping it around Obi-Wan’s waist several times
and then sliding the end into the sash to tie it off as Qui-Gon used
his hands to straighten out the tunic and collar.

I use the Force to do this?” Obi-Wan sighed, feeling a bit
overwhelmed with tunics, tabards, sash and belt, even as he reached
for his belt to put it on himself over the sash, his saber hanging on

startled a chuckle out of Qui-Gon, the man shaking his head a bit
before the man settled a large hand on the duraplastic crate. “One
shouldn’t but I won’t stop you from it. Now, I have something for
you.” He tacked on, his smile turning a bit mischievous.

reminded Obi-Wan of Virtua right before the man would pull a prank on
Obi-Wan or one of the others.

also made him a bit leery. “For me?” He cautiously ventured.

then jumped behind the couch in surprise as a slight squeal came from
the crate, eyes wide as he looked back down at it.

A pair
of glowing eyes peered back at him from the grate opening of the
crate, something moving inside of it beneath Qui-Gon’s large
hand, Obi-Wan able to sense a life form inside of the gray crate now
that he focused on it.

what is that?” Obi-Wan squeaked out.

smile widened. “Your first proper gift in the temple.”

wide, Obi-Wan looked between the man and the crate with the eyes
inside in bewilderment.

For candleinthedark. Please, god, I beg of you for more. Just Obi-wan getting loved on and being disoriented about the whole thing? Please please?

It’s so quiet when he wakes and there’s a familiar, callused hand
gently cupping his face, a warm thumb stroking tenderly beneath his
eye and Obi-Wan refuses to fully wake as he just for once enjoys that
gentleness, the sensation of warmth wrapped around him along with a
sensation Obi-Wan can only explain as safe.

when was the last time he had felt safe?

must have been so long ago, he had been safe when he had been held by

He had
been safe when he had his hand on Anakin’s shoulder.

maybe, for a while, he had been safe with Cody at his back.

a soft, familiar chuckle, set in a deep and broad chest and Obi-Wan
remembers that too, he heard it often enough to become intimate with
that sound, to love the times he heard it, either pressed against the
chest with his ear hearing the sound of the man’s heartbeat or at a
distance when he got the man to laugh.

that man is gone.

had blasted him off a rock surface.


eyes, a scorching planet, and a saber coming towards him with an
explosion of pain, deep and soul tearing as he looked into
hateful eyes of someone he had once loved and now no longer
recognized as toxic yellow inflamed him.

eyes snapped open at the memory and he shoves himself away from the
hand, unable to escape the touch as he ends up pressed against the
back of a couch as wild green eyes land on the Sith wearing his
master’s face.

man pauses, his hand hovering in the air before he slowly lowers it,
still kneeling by the couch, unruffled and fond looking despite it
all. “Welcome to the world of the waking Obi-Wan.” He murmured,
that familiar deep brogue wrecking havoc on Obi-Wan’s mind.

pressing himself against the back of the couch, Obi-Wan stared at the
man before throwing a furtive glance around, flinching when he found
Anakin standing on the other side of the caff table.

action didn’t escape their notice but neither said anything as
Obi-Wan’s eyes fell back on the Sith wearing Qui-Gon’s face. Then
Obi-Wan took notice of a sting in his hand, quickly following a
needle in his hand up to an Iv line, staring up at the almost empty

very malnourished and dehydrated. Master Che found it best to hook
you up to provide adequate nourishment until you were awake to both
drink and eat.” The man continued to rumble.

his eyes, Obi-Wan stared at the man again.

Obi-Wan was anyone else, he would have refused to believe what he was
seeing, he would have called it an illusion, a product of Sidious or
Vader’s hand~or even his own broken mind but he knew he should be

should have been the outcome when Anakin’s blade had come down
towards him.

yet here he was, laying on a couch, staring at a man with Qui-Gon’s
face and a Sith’s yellow eyes.

And he
could feel the Force, darker than ever.

happened?” He rasped out finally, his throat aching and yet
unwilling to ask for something to drink.

reached out for him, pausing when Obi-Wan flinched, staring at the
redhead for a long moment before he slowly lowered his hand on his
lap, not forcing his touch on the Jedi. “We aren’t sure. I
discovered you in an old Je’daii on a dais, you were just… laying
there. I’m uncertain how long you were there but there were dust on
everything but you, from what we can conclude, you’re from a
different universe compared to ours and have in some manner been
transported across.” He noted quietly. Behind him, Anakin shifted
but Obi-Wan refused to look up.

he glanced down at his hands, licking his lips nervously as he tried
to gather his thoughts. A different universe? Travel across it? How?
Why? Who transported him?

And a
Ji’daii temple of all things?

were the originators of the Jedi and the Sith, one of the oldest
Force organizations that was known even though a lot of their culture
had been forgotten, absorbed into the Jedi or just lost.

couldn’t make sense of it, why was Obi-Wan here, why was he alive
at all.

there was the fact that he was clearly in Sith hands and yet
he was not a prisoner, he was not restrained and he wasn’t even
equipped with a Force inhibitor.

No, if
anything, he seemed to be treated with gentle care, like a welcomed
guest instead of an unwilling dimension hopping Jedi.

I make a pot of tea, will you drink a cup?” Qui-Gon’s voice drew
him back, Obi-Wan blinking slowly at the man before he let out a
shuddering breath. “I have sapir.” He tacked on after a second of

thickly, something hot and hard lodged in his throat, Obi-Wan gave a
small nod.

thing grew larger when Qui-Gon smiled softly at him, the expression
utterly fond and gentle as the larger man, the Sith, stood and
made his way to the kitchen.

Obi-Wan with the Anakin.

Obi-Wan glanced up only to flinch when those burning eyes, too
similar to what he saw on Mustafar, stared at him.

unwise as it was, Obi-Wan instead buried his face in his arms, hiding
away as he trembled quietly only to freeze when he felt a bond
shifting inside his mind.

shouldn’t have any bonds.

here one was, shifting with worry, with tenderness and possessiveness
that Obi-Wan could barely gleam from it as weak as it was and sitting
up sharply, Obi-Wan tried to stare at the Sith Qui-Gon only for a
dizzy spell to down him just as fast as he had sat up.

wanted to throw up and yet at the same time he wished to just sleep
more as Obi-Wan stared at the pale off white of the ceiling above
him, eyes wide and shocked as it hit him he had a bond to this
Sith Qui-Gon.

what do I do?’ He questioned, hysteria building in his chest.

For the sith!qui and jedi!obi, please can we see Obi-wan wake up? Maybe while Qui-Gon’s in the meeting and Obi-wan fucking panics about being surrounded by sith? Maybe he nearly (or does) kill someone?

world of the living and the aware comes slowly to the Jedi Master and
honestly, at first, he does not think he’s living at all, gently
swaying as he is, not in pain and the last images being of the
burning yellow eyes and the red saber coming
towards him.

Obi-Wan does not think he’s alive.


with the soft murmur of voices around him.

slowly, steadily, he becomes more awake, more aware and the voices
around him become familiar.

enough to send ice through him as he also feels the Force.

and terrible and he feels so small and fragile as he realizes he’s
in the arms of QuiGon,
able to forget how safe he used to feel in those arms and how he no
longer felt safe anywhere after order 66 and what An-Vader had done
to their home.

is familiar and yet not and Obi-Wan can’t.

a second the arms around him tighten, those impossible and dark arms
and then Obi-Wan flails, kicks out, catching someone with his bare
foot as he falls to marble floor of an impossible room, his body sore
and now hurting from the abrupt fall.

Obi-Wan doesn’t focus on that, he’s disoriented, scared and in
pain and he needs to escape and there are people behind him and in
front of him that are just impossible.

the door is expected and therefore Obi-Wan moves forward, scatters
onto his knees and hands and jerks forward, trying not to take notice
of the men and women around him that are so painfully familiar and
yet preposterously

almost there, almost at the window, gathering the Force to blow it
out and jump when…


voice booms behind him, painfully familiar and strong and Obi-Wan
spent over a decade listening to that voice, the lessons and the
orders, the chastisements and the praise.

so he listens.

at least his body listens as his mind flails in panic, sinking down
powerlessly between two of the chairs.

the chair’s of Yaddle and Saesee, his hand weakly resting on the
iktotchi man’s chair as his shoulders slumped and he focused his
eyes down, unable to look up, unable to see.

wasn’t right.

was all dark, even… even…

warm, large and familiar hand settled on the top of his head, gently
petting and Obi-Wan flinched beneath it, causing the hand to pause
before it slowly shifted to his shoulder and Obi-Wan could hear the
rustle of cloth behind him, feel the slight pressure of the hand on
his shoulder.

person behind him was kneeling down.

mounts in Obi-Wan’s stomach as he feels the hand slowly, but
adamantly turning him, Obi-Wan’s hand coming off the chair as he is
turned around on his knees to face the room instead of being able to
stare into the wall.

doesn’t want to see.

has to see.

yellow eyes stares at him from a face that’s painfully familiar and
Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to do.

cry, his entire body shaking as
silent tears rushed down his face.


all the times for the Force induced coma to stop, this was the last
thing Qui-Gon wanted but the Force barely had a moment to whisper a
warning before Obi-Wan suddenly jerked to in his arms, the small body
kicking out and catching Anakin hard in the shoulder, sending the
blond to the floor with surprising strength.

likely Force or hysteria induced.

had fallen from his arms, flopped to the ground in one stunned moment
and then quick as a hrosma
tiger he had bounced to all four and moved as fast as his panic
stricken body and mind allowed him.

council had been on their feet but no one wanted to harm this little
Jedi light, not with who he was.

Qui-Gon had done the only thing he could think to do.

yelled for Obi-Wan to stop with Force command in his voice.

the shock or the command caused the Jedi to falter, sinking to his
knees at the chairs and not a moment too late because Qui-Gon could
guess what Obi-Wan had been about to do, making his way to the window
as fast as he was while gathering Force.

then Obi-Wan had just remained there, slumped, panting, shaking as
Qui-Gon closed the distance, ready to sooth a startled beast.

had flinched under the touch.

then he had cried when Qui-Gon finally had him turn around, never
saying a word with a hopelessly broken and despairing look in his

can’t help but think back to how he found the other, the burned and
sooty clothes, the ash, minor injuries and now he wonders where this
Obi-Wan came from, what had happened to him even as he reaches up
with large hands, slowly stroking the tears away from the others

flinches again, slamming his eyes shut as a muffled low whimper
escapes him, clearly a noise made in response to touch.

Qui-Gon never expected holding a Jedi Obi-Wan would be easy, but this
wasn’t what he expected even as he slowly, carefully drew the other
man to him and stood with him in his embrace, the man’s arms
trapped against Qui-Gon’s chest and his legs hanging powerlessly

fight utterly gone for now as Obi-Wan cried into Qui-Gon’s chest.

For feralchild, Obi-wan hasn’t lived up to his name in a while. Can we see him being an absolute feral terror?

in a lose parade rest, Obi-Wan lazily observed the bridge and the
view-finder, peering
at the glittering stars and the sight of Kamino blue and dangerous
blow them
before he
slowly turned
and peered
in amusement at his apprentice, watching Anakin stretch his long body
as far as he can across four trooper’s body.

the end was Rex, looking wholly amused as he petted his General’s
hair, the three other looked a bit bemused but content with the one
at the end of Anakin’s legs playing with the flap of Anakin’s
boot’s, visibly fascinated with the fastening.

fun little monster?” Obi-Wan drawled, getting the blond’s

Was all that came out of the others mouth and Obi-Wan chuckled,
nodding as
Anakin spread himself even more out over the troopers lap, clearly
marking the 501st
as his and he was more than happy to be open about that claim as he
laid out over their laps like a giant feline ready for petting,
something Rex was obliging the little possessive monster with, not
that Obi-Wan would call him out on that.

all, Obi-Wan wasn’t the only possessive one and he really had no
ground to stand on when it came to displays of possessiveness by
other Sith, after all, Obi-Wan was no hypocrite.

was many things, possessive, angry, feral, wild and a very good
actor, but he was no hypocrite and freely admitted to his traits that
often helped him rise in the ranks of the Sith. His arrogance on the
other hand could at times be a problem but Obi-Wan felt he was owed
some for the way he could make others cower for him with just a look
and a flash of his fangs.


a bit, shaken from his thoughts, Obi-Wan turned smoothly to face Cody
as the other settled at his side on the bridge, a curious look on his
face as Qui-Gon followed the marshal commander to the redhead’s
side. “Commander Cody, Master.” Obi-Wan nodded to them, crossing
his arms over his chest.

soft chuckle escaped Qui-Gon’s mouth. “So, a brand new ship,
brand new army and everyone accounted and settled out throughout the
rather massive ship you apparently got made by Kuat of Kuat in
secret. That mean’s you have a goal, especially as you left Plo in
charge of terrifying the Kamino’s and keeping your boys safe.”
The old man stated, the question lingering in his voice as golden
eyes sparkled with hidden battle lust with amber eyes settling on
Obi-Wan in curiosity, the question burning in Cody’s eyes.

everyone’s curiosity and interest was skirting Obi-Wan’s senses,
loud and insistent and wondering.

a bit, Obi-Wan cocked his head before chuckling softly at them. “I
imagine it’s about time I tell everyone where we’re going.”
Curiosity turned to excitement, some dread but most of all, desire
for battle.

army had been raised and breed to fight
and that desire was deep in their bones even if some were more wary.

was time to use those skills and make sure they came back safe and

they were three Sith and therefore Obi-Wan was quite certain they
would survive.

all, their targets were nothing more than disgusting slugs.

his fangs in the bright light of Morti’s bridge, Obi-Wan felt his
own excitement rise. “Set course for Nal Hutta, I
have an Archon and a Hutt Cartel to deal with.” He wiggled
slightly, unable to help himself.

a flash, before anyone else could respond, Anakin was there in front
of him, eyes wide. “Did you find her? Did you find mom?” He
questioned breathlessly. “Is that why we’re going?”

Obi-Wan reached out to cup the back of Anakin’s head with one hand,
carding his fingers through the long hair before pulling him in and
pressing their foreheads together. “Yes little monster, I found
her. We’re going to get her.” He whispered softly, the words
gentle and warm.

twisted into his tunic, tugging Obi-Wan closer as Anakin pressed
against him.

let the other manhandle him, still rubbing the back of his scalp. “To
Nal Hutta Commander Cody, now.” He murmured, feeling the bridge
come to life as Anakin shuddered against him, the boy leaning heavily
into him to seek comfort.

Obi-Wan would give it.

all, this was his
little monster.

was nothing he’d deny the blond.

for Anakin, Obi-Wan was going to go to war against the hutt empire.

For feralchild, so can we assume that Obi-wan lets some of the clones go? Because clearly Plo and Wolffe belong together!

his eyes faintly in thought, Obi-Wan held his hand out to the
terminal and gathered the Force, the whisper of power sounding in his
ears as the screen began to roll through pages, ever going faster and
faster as Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered up into his skull as the Force
guided him.


one.’ Obi-Wan opened his eyes, staring at the page for a few
seconds before breathing out and leaning forward to read, stroking
his beard slowly even as the door to the office opened. He spoke
before looking up. “I’m willing to share this one with you, but
only because I sense a connection. They’re still all mine, but
Wolffe can also be yours even if I have main custody,” He glanced
up at Plo, eyeing the Kel Door for a moment before glancing back
down. “I will consider it your sworn duty to keep them alive
though, Wolffe and whoever of his batchmates follow him.” He eased
as he glanced over another line of galactic basic.

stood there for a few moments before humming approvingly. “Wolffe,
a name for a hunter. I very much like it.” He murmured as he moved
in through the door, glancing around the sparse office of whoever the
tech or worker who
used it originally. He raised a brow in surprise.

is showing my little monster and Qui-Gon around, introducing them to
my personal battalion.” Obi-Wan stated calmly, tapping his fingers
on the desk as he paused.

man slowly focused back on Obi-Wan at that. “…You sent your
little monster and master away… unusual.” He cocked both brows.

too, Obi-Wan stared at the screen then leaned his elbows on the desk,
peering at Plo. “I know my reputation, I have a reputation for
being possessive and dangerous. I’m not shamed by my reputation…”
He drawled slowly before pausing again then sighing. “But I also
know that eventually my little monster has to go and spread his wings
and sink his claws into the galaxy. So I’ll do my best by him now,”
Obi-Wan straightened, tapping the terminal screen. “And so I’ve
found him a companion for the road.” He smirked in satisfaction.

should bring a chill to Plo’s spine.

dangerous curl of Obi-Wan’s lips, the flash of fangs, the spark in
his eyes…but all it made him do was chuckle softly in amusement as
he nodded and then left to find Wolffe and get to know him some more,
him and his batchmates that he now shared custody with Obi-Wan over.

Obi-Wan stretched and breathed out, following after Plo as he tracked
his apprentice down with his former master, sensing Cody with him
and…well this was a surprise, a welcomed one.

slightly, Obi-Wan looped through the halls in an easy glide, inwardly
noting with glee how several kaminoans made very abrupt changes to
their paths when they noticed he was coming, pretending they weren’t
avoiding him.

the power to make sycophants turn tail heh, it did always amuse

though, Obi-Wan tracked the four down, finding them in a shooting
range as Cody explained the blaster lessons all clones were taught,
though the moment he noticed Obi-Wan, he gave his full attention to
the Sith, shifting his entire body in his direction while saluting.
“General Kenobi, you’ve done with your research?” Cody
questioned, having already been aware of what Obi-Wan was up to.

Obi-Wan crossed the floor to rest a hand on Anakin’s shoulder,
nodding to Cody as he noted to himself how tall Anakin was becoming,
well that was slightly annoying but oh well, Qui-Gon was tall too.
“Indeed, thank
you for guiding them around Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan smiled
inwardly at the bristle of pride in Cody’s aura before turning his
eyes on the other trooper standing there. “Rex, correct?”

trooper started, blinking in shock at Obi-Wan before nodding quickly,
saluting. “Yes sir, I’m… surprised you know.” He stated a bit

weren’t used to people knowing their names, were used to the
kaminoan’s culling them for independence, used to hiding even those
shreds that made them people.

Obi-Wan knew they were people.

people, and he was going to make sure the kaminoans never touched
them again.

Anakin’s shoulder, Obi-Wan turned his eyes to the other to find
expecting and curious yellow meeting his. “Little monster, this is
Captain Rex,” He looked back to the find the Captain’s eyes widen
slightly only to narrow in sudden understanding. “Captain Rex, this
is my apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Treat him well.” Obi-Wan
chuckled softly as the two cautiously meet each other for real as the
team they were going to be.

as Cody belonged to Obi-Wan, Rex would be at Anakin’s side.

to trust.

to understand.

who did not have loyalty to Obi-Wan first.

maybe, someone who could become a friend.

For Kybertears, can you tell us about those pink crystals Obi-wan cried. They’re really special, right?

wryly as he heard the soft shuffles of the other finally waking up,
Anakin continued working on their breakfast, stirring some honey into
the hot oats to sweeten the pot. He knew the other preferred his
oatmeal to be sweet and buttery and Anakin honestly didn’t mind it.

was rather filling for a full day of training, so he had fond
memories of this particular breakfast, especially with a tiny dash of
cinnamon on while Obi-Wan cut fruits into his own.

Came a quiet murmur from behind him and Anakin looked up, grinning a
bit as Obi-Wan shuffled into the kitchenette, making a beeline for
the water boiler. He
hadn’t even bothered to go change out of the clothes he had slept
in, the sleep wrinkled tunic and leggings creased all over and
disheveled hair just pushed out of his face so the man could see.

Obi-Wan, right for the tea, Anakin
couldn’t help the well of fondness inside of himself.
“Morning Obi-Wan, the water is already boiled
and should still be warm enough for tea.” He called out, watching
as Obi-Wan rested the back of his hand against the boiler before
reaching up into the cupboard to pull out the biggest mug he had.

be feeling really tired.’ Anakin mused as he continued stirring the
pot while watching Obi-Wan prepare his tea, finding his tea presser
and adding the loose leaf korun tea that Anakin knew was gun powder
strong and chalk full of caffeine.

huh,” He noted out loud, suppressing his urge to laugh when Obi-Wan
just grunted in response. “Well then, would you bother pulling out
two bowls once you got your tea in the water to steep?” Anakin
questioned, smirking into the pot when Obi-Wan nodded with a bone
cracking yawn, the man barely covering his mouth in time.

listened as the cupboard opened again, the soft click of ceramic and
then the scraping of a chair as Obi-Wan settled down at the table
right behind Anakin.

the stove off and pulling the pot off, Anakin turned and came over,
adding the porridge to the two bowls Obi-Wan had pulled out as
Obi-Wan continued staring hopefully at his mug with lidded eyes.

after draining the mug and eating a full bowl, Obi-Wan was finally
awake enough to look up at him, smiling a bit embarrassingly at
Anakin with the glow of his freckles shining a bit brightly in
response to the emotions at play. “Apologies about that Anakin,
good morning to you.” He noted softly.

leaning his elbows on the table, Anakin winked at his old master.
“It’s fine, you were tired. How’s your back?” He smirked.

his eyes, Obi-Wan shifted a bit. “It’s fine, bit sore but
sleeping on the couch has never done me any favor since I turned
thirty I’ll admit.” He snorted before pausing, squinting
uncertainly at Anakin.

The knight raised his brows in return.

he hoped Obi-Wan wasn’t about to spring something unpleasant on
him, he had enough of that last night thank you very much and he was
still not up to speaking with his wife just yet, even though he was
calm now.

been meaning to give you something.” Obi-Wan noted, fiddling with a
little black pouch on his belt.

Anakin sat back in his chair. “Give me something, what are you ta-”
Anakin choked on his words as Obi-Wan pulled the pouch up and opened
it, the air suddenly filling with a chime of bittersweet warmth, of
understanding and tender joy, two oink kyber crystals sitting
innocently Obi-Wan’s palm among the dark fabric that had been
shielding them.

far of part of Anakin mind supplied that the fabric must have been
shielding the crystals with how loudly they sang.

every time you’ve lost your sabers or they’ve become destroyed,”
Obi-Wan was smiling meekly at him. “You’ve gotten a kyber crystal
from me, made with my tears. But every time those kyber crystals have
been found by you, they’ve been made by bitter tears and pain. I
thought… maybe this time, the emotions could be more positive, to
give us both some hope for the future.” He prodded carefully, smile
turning hopeful.

out numbly, Anakin picked up one pink kyber crystal, awash in the
sensation of Obi-Wan’s cautious hope, warm love and tender
understanding, the crystal singing to him unlike any other crystal

even the first and only time he was at Ilum did he gain that kind of
reaction from his kyber crystal.

had ever sung to him like this before, had filled him with warmth and
a soothing kind of patience.

stunned eyes to Obi-Wan, Anakin speechlessly waved his mech hand to
the crystal, wordlessly asking questions.

the second crystal away, Obi-Wan gave a small shrug and a smile. “I
cried them during the meeting with the council, Plo… made some good
points about my life and… well, my life once began in a cage. That
isn’t where it’s going to end. Not anymore,” He smiled warmly
at Anakin before coughing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck to
break the moment. “And you’ve always gone on and on about how
we’re the Team,
so I figured, why not sport matching kybers.” He stood, moving over
to the counter with the water boiler, the back of his neck and ears
bright red.

his eyes slowly down to the crystal in his hand, Anakin felt his lips
turn up until he was sporting a wide smile. ‘That’s right, we are
the Team, the broken circle team, two halves of a whole.’ Anakin
mused, closing his fist around the crystal about to become his new
saber, the warmth of it pulsing through him and the Force of it
singing brightly for him as it filled him with hope.

Moddy! Can you believe how young Obi-wan looks when she shaves his beard off in that gifset? What if he had to shave off his beard of a mission and no one could believe how young he was? What if he had to pretend to be super young??

up at her too amused looking master with raised brows and twitching
lekkus, Ahsoka couldn’t quite suppress her disapproval as she
crossed her arms over her chest. “So you’re telling me that
master Obi-Wan is going to be jail bait for a mission?” She finally

there had been a string of young Force sensitive being abducted and
the council very much suspected it was another ploy by the Grievous
potentially Dooku, just as had been with the abducted initiates
earlier in the war.

council had therefore delegated the mission to Obi-Wan, the redhead
apparently choosing to go undercover as the best solution to get a
lead and
because the targets were younger people without any Force teachings, he would have to
go in without his saber and looking like a civilian.

very much disapproved of that, it felt like needless danger
considering how well known master Obi-Wan was.

that the two troopers felt like they approved any more than her.

Anakin was laughing about it!

some more in obvious amusement,
Anakin shook his head. “Pretty much or that’s the intention at
least, it’s never going to work though.” He snorted, leaning
against the durasteel wall as the troopers milled around, Captain Rex
and Cody listening with disapproval obvious on their faces.

three of them paused at Anakin’s explanation
of his amusement.

rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, pulling his tunic
taunt. “Oh come off it, yes, Obi-Wan is a highly renowned Jedi but
this person is out after younger
Force sensitive beings. Obi-Wan is turning thirty eight this year.”
Anakin pointed out dryly, raising his brows at all three.

Ahsoka’s lips twitched a bit then she laughed and gave a small nod.
“True, no one is going to mistake him for a teen, that much is
true.” She grinned, relaxing a bit.

and Rex shoulders seemed to slump a bit, both of them sharing a
rather small, relieved smile with each other.

Anakin chirped, tilting his head to look to the door of the fresher
before focusing back on Ahsoka and the leading troopers. “Which
means that once he gets it, he will have to revise this rather stupid
idea and we can do some proper recon.” He wiggled his shoulders a
bit before pushing from the wall and stretching.

he was excited to be doing some leg work, they had been to war for so
long now that a semi normal Jedi mission sounded wonderful to him.

Ahsoka wouldn’t mind actually experiencing some low key normality
for the Jedi Order.

had become a padawan during war time after all.

the fresher door opened and Obi-Wan stepped through, all four turning
to him.

Obi-Wan, I was about to send a rescue te-AH!” Anakin choked on his
own words as
they all got a look at a clean shaved Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man
blinking back at them as he rubbed his beardless jawline, a clefted
chin appearing from under all that hair along with more freckles.

didn’t look a day over twenty and if he had claimed to be eighteen,
people would easily believe him.

he could even claim to be sixteen and just look older than he was and
still that wouldn’t be a stretch.

the jail bait mission sounded a lot easier for Obi-Wan to pull off.

man smiled, dimples of his cheeks appearing as he dropped his hands
along his sides and straightened up. “You waited for me here, you
didn’t have to do that Anakin, I would have just joined you in
command center once I finished up.” Obi-Wan chuckled warmly, eyes
creasing up in a smile.

three exchanged looks of horrified realization.

could totally pull off a jail bait mission and he could pull it of
with ease, his face the very picture of what humans called ‘baby
faced’ and Ahoska suddenly had an understanding of human males
talking about how a beard changed how a face looked.

now Anakin was clearly less amused and more shocked and worried.
“Obi-Wan, you can’t be serious about this.” The blond moved to
walk at Obi-Wan’s side, head turned to his old master as Ahsoka,
Cody and Rex followed quickly behind.

the troopers rushing past ended up pausing in shock as they got a
look at Obi-Wan, the redhead seemingly not noticing as he continued
heading for command. “Of course I am Anakin, I’m quite
experienced and I’m not about to let Ahsoka do an undercover jail
bait mission, I have a better chance,” He shot Ahsoka an apologetic
look. “That is not a devaluation of your skills Ahsoka, but of
experience you have to understand.” He murmured, a warm smile on
his young face.

agree with Skyguy, Master Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka injected now that he had
his attention. “This is a dangerous
mission, how do you know that the person kidnapping Force sensitive
isn’t going to… to…” Ahsoka wasn’t even sure what they were

one who had been abducted had been found!

eyes softened at that. “I can look after myself, I’ll also equip
myself with a tracker that I’ll allow Helix to implant under my
skin. I’m not going to go in without a security measure in place,”
He stated, raising his hands in a silencing motion when everyone
seemed to open their mouth to argue with him. “No, this is the last
I want to hear about this mission, I have seniority, now you can help
me plan or you can stay out of it, the choice is yours.” He raised
his brows, pausing outside the command door to look at all four.

four exchanged long looks. “…I don’t like this sir,” Cody
finally stated, his lips pursed tight and white. “But I’d rather
be involved than having you go out without support.” He stated.

face was the picture of satisfaction as he ‘won’ in his own eyes.

else just had a vague sense of discomfort and nausea settling in as
the young looking redhead smiled at them, his smile making him look
beautifully young much to their horror.

For heatedteen, you know what would be cool? Is if Qui-Gon decides to add some of his hair to Obi-wan’s braid to help make it long again.

his padawan for a long moment as
the teen continued with the tea for their biscuits,
Qui-Gon tilted his head before smiling gently at the teen when an
idea occurred to him.

he was kicking himself for not thinking of it sooner.

had been a full week since he and Obi-Wan had returned and Obi-Wan
was only just starting to become comfortable with coming out of his
little nest and the quarters. Several friends, some council members
and certain friendly masters had come by with treats, well wishes and
generally just providing decent company.

had been good for Obi-Wan, seeing people he trusted.

still wore the omega collar though, every time they left the temple,
though they had only left twice since they came home.

to visit Dex and once to the Rotunda.

first one was one Obi-Wan had gone willingly, happily went to go see
Dex though he had clung to Qui-Gon’s arm the entire way and
Qui-Gon had let him. He wasn’t going to deny Obi-Wan something that
would make him safe.

Qui-Gon let his eyes focus on the shorter length of his braid before
he smoothly stood and went to the fresher, taking note that Obi-Wan
glanced after him before focusing back on the tea.

came back quickly after grabbing his grooming scissors, returning to
the couch just as Obi-Wan came over with the tray that included their
biscuits and tea. “Master?” Obi-Wan blinked curiously at him,
peering at the scissor with obvious curiosity.

the tea on warming Obi-Wan and come over here.” Qui-Gon invited,
patting the brown couch seat right in front of him with a small

but clearly also curious, Obi-Wan sat the tray down on their wood
caff table, moving to sit down in front of his master. And then he
let out a horrified gasp when Qui-Gon cut a long lock of hair from
the left side of his head. “Master!” He stared with wide eyes.

Qui-Gon placed the sisscor and hair down on his lap. “Oh it’s
just hair Obi-Wan, it will regrow.” He soothed softly, reaching out
and taking Obi-Wan’s shorter braid.

he undid it, smiling gently as he worked it open and placed the beads
and strands on his lap.

he raised the hair he had severed from his own head, carefully
braiding it in with Obi-Wan’s hair, working slowly and using the
Force to make sure it looked smooth, even though it was obvious it
was not Obi-Wan’s own copper hair.

he settled in the beads and colored threads again, braiding in the
little bead with the Jedi sigil at the bottom that signified Obi-Wan
as a senior padawan. “…There we go, just as long as it was,
carrying a little piece of me with you.” Qui-Gon murmured, meeting
the others eyes.

eyes were wide, slightly wet before he let out a small laugh. “I…
thank you master, that…” He swallowed heavily, Qui-Gon could see
his throat bob and he prepared himself just in time.

chuckled as his arms were filled with his padawan. “You’re
welcome Obi-Wan.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his
omega padawan’s head.

galaxy was a cruel place to omegas, there were people who would take
advantage of Obi-Wan at the slightest chance.

at the same time, there would always be someone in Obi-Wan’s

welcome Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon repeated more quietly, pulling the other
into his chest, making sure Obi-Wan knew that here, in these rooms,
with Qui-Gon, he would always be safe.

in the light above them, the beads of Obi-Wan’s freshly braided
hair, glittered lightly as the dual toned hair seamlessly swung the

Can we get more heated teen? I like how emotional everyone is in this. It’s so angst and sweetness. I love it. Just more please?

was official, Obi-Wan did not like his collar.

omega collar was a black, thin but somehow soft plastoid creation
that Qui-Gon had gone out of his way to test against everything but
his lightsaber and the Force.

even attacked it with his teeth and hadn’t made a dent in it,
making it a clever piece of creation to protect the bonding gland of
an omega and when Obi-Wan put it on, it covered it up with a nicely
cool sensation that made it easier to ignore as he locked it with a
his left pinkie finger print right over the gland.

he still hated it.

it reminded him that he was an omega, that there were people out
there that made this collar necessary, that Qui-Gon of all people
thought it was necessary because of these people and that simply
because of his secondary gender, this thing now became important.

Qui-Gon had outright checked that it would work with a frown on his
face and had used everything from knives to teeth to ensure it would
hold up.

it would make it obvious to anyone what he was even before they
caught his scent.

It was common for most omega’s of the galaxy wore one, true, and it was for their safety to prevent bonding by an alpha that caught them out or stumbled over them during a heat and wouldn’t take no for an answer and yet… it
was demeaning to him.

lessons about the taser and how to use it on different species, a lot
of them centered on the groin if Qui-Gon was involved in the lesson
somehow, was more interesting and intriguing honestly and the
innocent looking, black cylinder attached to his belt that had small,
metal teeth that were retractable was a lot more interesting along
with the self defense lessons.

the suppressors the healers now had him on seemed to be the correct
ones for him though the healer had warned them to keep an eye on
Obi-Wan’s mood during the time to see if it he was being effected
by the hormones.

he still hated the collar.

after one grueling day that involved not only being spilled on in
chem lesson but also had a fellow alpha padawan leering at him all
day and ‘accidentally’ brushing up against his ass to his tea
being spilled on him later on… well Qui-Gon got covered in a
sobbing padawan.

dear.” Qui-Gon murmured quietly, stroking over Obi-Wan’s hair as
he sobbed shakily into his chest, his tunic hem covered half a cup of
rather luckily lukewarm tea.

hate this, I don’t wanna be this, I don’t want the collar, I
don’t want alphas around.” Obi-Wan whined before reaching up and
wrapping his arms around Qui-Gon’s neck, letting his master pick
him up.

Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon murmured softly, ignoring the flinch traveling
through Obi-Wan’s shaken frame as he moved over to the couch,
sitting down instead of sending Obi-Wan to change his clothes.

Qui-Gon grabbed Obi-Wan’s couch blanket and wrapped it around the
teen, feeling the other instantly settle a bit at the warmth and
pressure around him before just settling back with the teen, rubbing
his hand over the back of his padawan.

all that Obi-Wan was sixteen and had a late presentation, he hadn’t
been prepared at all for what he had become and it was showing in how
he was reacting to the galaxy and himself. “I know it’s all awful
now, but I promise things are going to get a bit better…and while
in our quarters, you can take your collar off, you don’t have to
wear it unless you
want to Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon whispered, rocking gently.

it’s for safety,” Obi-Wan sniffled.

crying fit hadn’t lasted long and he could only blame residual
presentation hormones for the breakdown after his bad day.

but it’s also your choice Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon pressed a kiss to the
crown of his head. “And you choose if you wear the collar or not…
though I could get you the camo one?” He asked, smiling a bit when
Obi-Wan looked up at him with teary eyes. “It’s a collar that
mimics the skin color
the wearer, basically making it a seamless fit and no one has to see
it’s there unless…” He trailed off a bit.

Obi-Wan reached up to touch his collar, licking his lips before
nodding slowly and resting his head on Qui-Gon’s chest again,
sniffling a bit as he calmed down, cuddled up in his blanket. “…That
does sound nice.” He mumbled, wondering if the blanket wrap was
going to become go to behavior of Qui-Gon to help him calm down.

he’d stop crying at least.

that’s what we’ll get.” Qui-Gon murmured, cuddling his padawan
to his chest.