Moddy, in AWOLJedi do Cody and Obi-Wan ever talk about their feelings? Or does Rex say something to Anakin about his?

Following behind the taller blond, Rex glanced around the hall, taking in the decorations on the walls of the dormitory hall. These particular halls had decorations along the walls, tiles making a mosaic of patterns that were broken up by doors with plaques containing names of the owners.

There were several containing troopers and they always made Rex smile a bit, glancing at his Jedi’s back before going back to looking around.

“Here we are, Obi-Wan and Cody’s place.” Anakin stopped, smiling happily, setting his hand to the keypad.

“Are you sure we should just barge in?” Rex murmured, hands in his pockets. “What if they’re busy?”

Anakin just laughed at that. “I bet they’re just napping, Obi-Wan stayed up all night with the kids, much like I did.” He grinned warmly over his shoulder, waving Rex concerns away.

‘Honestly, you should be sleeping too.’ Rex thought, rolling his eyes fondly as he stepped in after the other.

Only to crash into his back with a surprised yelp.

Furthermore, his wasn’t the only yelp and Rex quickly poked his head around Anakin to blink into the room, finding… oh karking hell.

“Why Kote! I thought you were playing chicken!” He wolf whistled, laughing at his vod as the other glared at the two, flushed from where he had dragged a blanket around his and Obi-Wan’s lower halves on the couch as he was clearly resting between the Jedi’s legs.

Their clothes had been scattered around the room, a trail towards the couch and Obi-Wan had covered his face, letting out tiny noises that Rex could only call whimpers with his own blush going down his face, his collarbone and down his chest amazingly enough.

“Get out you two!” Cody hissed, his ears bright red as he tugged the blanket more up.

Anakin let out a spluttering noise. “Obi-Wan!” He gasped in outrage and Rex decided to be a good brother for once as he gave Cody a salute and then grabbed his fellow blond to drag him out of the rooms, still laughing.

Thankfully, Anakin didn’t put up much of a fight, let Rex drag him out even as he let out more spluttered, questioning noises.

Getting one last look at his vod and the General before the door shut, Rex couldn’t help but snigger at how red both of them were. Then he tugged his own General after him, keeping a hold of Anakin’s hand. “Well, at least we know where they are.” He stated a tad cheerfully.

Anakin let out an outraged squawk at that. “I walked in on my master kriffing!” He gasped and Rex glanced up at the other, snorting at the sight of a blush climbing high on his cheeks, the tips of his ears red where they stuck out from under his curls.

“I’ve walked in on so many vode at this point that I no longer have any embarrassment out of it, must be refreshing.” He teased gently, smirking slightly as he noticed the rumor mill moving.

By that he meant he could see the knights freeze at the end of the hall as Anakin had been anything but quiet, the first grabbing the second and hurrying right back out.

It would be all over the temple and the vode by the end of the day he bet.

Hearing Anakin go quieter, falling more into step with Rex, he glanced back up at the other and smirked lightly. “You didn’t think your master was an old maid now, did you?” He teased gently.

That got a loud snort out of Anakin, still a bit flushed, as he peered back at Rex. “If you think this is the first time I walked in on my master, you’re dead wrong. I just didn’t expect it here. I knew Cody was chasing his tail.” He grumbled a tad about dense masters.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Rex frowned. “You walked in on h-”
“With Quinlan Vos, on the kitchen table of our first quarters.” Rex looked up at the other flat words, blinking heavily.

“…He could do better.” Quinlan wasn’t a bad sort, but Rex had seen how the others destructive habits feed into Obi-Wan’s own destructive habits. So, yes, he could do better, someone who didn’t feed into the habits.

That gained Rex a loud laugh and a happy nod as they continued towards the hoverlift, knowing better than to head back to Obi-Wan and Cody’s quarters for a long, long while.

I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

I was wondering about AWOL Jedi and if there will be any AniRex.

Stroking the blond curls slowly, Rex wondered if he had ever felt happier than in this very moment, a sleeping Anakin with his head in Rex lap, still on the couch of the 501st’s break house with everyone having skedaddled… somewhere.

Rex wasn’t sure where.

He just knew that they had promised to look after the twins, enthusiastically telling Anakin that the twins deserved some ‘uncle and auntie’ time before disappearing with the baby bags of items for the kids, leaving Rex and Anakin.

Initially nervous, clearly a tad overwhelmed despite leaving the twins with others before, Anakin had stared at the door they had disappeared at for a while before Rex had gently drawn the other into a conversation about speeders.

Easiest way to distract Anakin Skywalker?

Talk about tech.

Seeing as at the current moment they were having a minor issue of there not being enough speeders, it had been the right choice as Anakin was enthusiastically telling Rex all about the speeders and motors he was currently fixing.

The Jedi council had managed to find the other a job he would like, mechanic, as Anakin didn’t have an interest in rejoining the Jedi order seemingly, Ahsoka certainly did not, she spent her time generally helping out. But maybe Anakin had already joined?

Just not as a Jedi Knight?

Rex wasn’t sure and he hadn’t had time to ask before Anakin had winded down, becoming tired. Noticing, Rex had guided the other to his lap and told him to rest with a quiet voice despite Anakin apologizing.

Babies were demanding, being a single parent, even with so many people willing to babysit and help, was exhausting and Anakin deserved the rest.

Stars, he had missed his General and sitting here, playing with the man’s hair as he slept was soothing.

Seeing him safe, seemingly content and here, with them.

Though it hurt to consider just how lonely the other must have been on Coruscant. But there was nothing Rex could have done about that or about his General.

Honestly, he was rather sure that back then, had they approached Anakin, he would have blown the plan wide open and informed the Senate in a fit of thoughtlessness. He adored his General, loved him but… Anakin could sometimes be too impulsive.

It could be a boon on the battlefield, against droids that adapted to tactics and battles, it kept them from realizing what was going on and giving the GAR the upperhand. But in normal life… well, sometimes not so good.

Now they didn’t have to think of that, now Anakin was here and… single.

Rex flushed at the thought, looking away as he swallowed thickly.

Kark, just because the other was single didn’t mean he had any interest in males and certainly didn’t mean any interest in Rex.

‘Its enough to just be his friend, enough to be there for him, to hear his voice, to know he’s here… I won’t ask for more. I don’t want to loose what we have.’ Rex thought shakily. He could love the other without that kind of relationship.

As long as Anakin and his kids were happy… that was all Rex needed, to see the other blond smile.

The thought had his lips twitching, a slightly wry smile coming to life. ‘When did I get that sappy?’ He couldn’t help but wonder as he looked back down at Anakin, stroking a fingertip gently along the other’s jaw. ‘How are you able to make me turn so sappy?’ Rex thought was exasperated and yet… also fond.

Settling in, Rex simply watched Anakin sleep, content in the moment with what he had and the life he was trying to build.


In which Anakin gives Rex a traditional Mandalorian Keldabe kiss after a won battle as a like “I’m glad you’re ok”

I commissioned @/aureliegomez on Insta to draw the boys,,,, they are doing donation commissions to Beirut and I wanted to send some support!

bro I love your floralskin series so much, what happens after Obi-Wan and Cody talk about it???

Breathing thickly as he woke, his chest hurting and his eyes crusty, Anakin wondered for a moment what was wrong with him as he tried to push himself up onto his elbows only to drop with a deep groan as his head throbbed.

“Anakin?” There was a muffled voice and Anakin whined, covering his eyes with a hand as light shone into the room.

There was a click, the sound of rushing water and someone spitting and then he heard steps, a door closing behind the person. The bed dipped moments later, a warm and slightly smaller hand than his wrapping around his hand, lifting it gently from his face.

Squinting, Anakin peered blearily up at a worried looking Rex, his soulmate facial flower creased by the frown he was sporting. “I’d ask how you feel but its clear you’re not well.” He murmured quietly, raising his other hand to his Jedi’s forehead, letting out a soft hiss.

Normally, Anakin would marvel at the sight of Rex wearing one of Anakin’s tunic but he honestly felt too miserable to even contemplate it.’

“You got strong fever,” Rex murmured worriedly, moving his hands slowly around the others face before huffing slightly. “Okay, you are not leaving these quarters. That meeting with the council is canceled.” He stated seriously.

“But Obi-Wan… needs me…” Anakin swallowed thickly, struggling to get up once more only to groan as Rex placed a firm hand on his chest, pushing him back into the sheets.

“General Kenobi has all the information you could give him,” Rex stated sternly before softening. “Cyare, please. You have a bad fever and you’re clearly not feeling well. Rest, I’ll call the General and inform him and IF you are needed, they’ll comm you.” He assured.

Peering blearily at the other half of his soul, Anakin hesitated before nodding, giving a small grunt at how that made his head ache.

He was honestly miserable and the idea of doing anything, even leaving the bed, sounded like a horrible action.

So he let Rex call Obi-Wan to inform him of Anakin’s condition, quietly curling up in bed instead as he rolled onto his side.

How much time had passed by the time Rex returned to him again, Anakin wasn’t sure but he let out a grateful little noise when Rex pressed a cool gel pack onto his forehead. “I cooked some plain rice, do you think you could eat that?” Rex murmured.

Squinting at the small bowl in Rex lap, Anakin paused a bit. “…Is that Ahsoka’s treat bowls?” He questioned with some amusement as he took in the size and black décore on the white bowl.

Ahsoka had a few small bowls that she would fill with treats, trying not to eat too many at a time. It generally failed because she’d refill it more than twice but hey, Anakin wasn’t about to call her on that.

Rex let out a small chuckle, nodding. “Yeah, figured you wouldn’t want a lot of rice if you ate any at all. So, what do you say?” Rex lifted a spoonful of rice from it, offering Anakin the lukewarm grains.

Peering at it for a moment, Anakin let out a small huff before opening his mouth, chewing slowly when Rex popped it in.

He knew he should eat something and some rice wasn’t the worst thing to test. Obi-Wan used to feed him puffed rice crackers when he was younger but Anakin would often forget to buy them in for himself.

The rice however was fine and while it settled a tad heavily, he did empty the bowl.

When Rex tried to leave though, Anakin let out a soft whine and wrapped his arms around his captain’s waist, giving him a doe eyed look.

Rex hummed but set the bowl on the nightstand. Then he carefully tucked himself under the blanket, pulling Anakin’s head to his chest. “Alright, just until you fall asleep runi.” He whispered.

Anakin let out an agreeable noise to that, pressing his nose to Rex chest.

The other smelled nice and listening to Rex heartbeat was always nice. Hell, just sharing the bed with him was nice, despite Anakin being ill.

‘If only every day could be like this, even though I’m sick.’ Anakin mused to himself with a smile.

Runi = Soul

FloralSkin, GO Rex!! Convince Anakin to see Obi! Woo, be the brains of this operation! But also it’s really sweet how Anakin is so aware of Rex’s preferences and desires, even if Rex IS willing to be what he thinks Anakin needs! I love it; they’re adorable!

Curled into Cody’s side, Obi-Wan breathed slowly.

Rest came so uneasily lately and to have these precious few moments together in the calm… well, there was nothing in the galaxy he’d trade for these moments.

Spent in silence in what had become their quarters, tucked up on the couch together under a warm blanket, Cody’s fingers in his hair as a comfortable silence settled around them, one of Cody’s soap operas playing on the tv.

On the caff table stood abandoned plates and cups, empty of what they had once contained and settled into respective stomachs.

Nuzzling slowly under Cody’s arm, Obi-Wan hummed softly when the other scratched slowly at his scalp, Cody shifting to exchange which leg was suited over the other, most likely to avoid his leg falling asleep.

Obi-Wan was rather sure his own were already asleep, stretched out on the couch under the blanket.

Not that he was bothering to move them.

He could happily fall asleep like this, cuddled into his soulmate with his warmth wrapped around the Jedi.

Had actually done so several times, Cody was good at making Obi-Wan relax, despite the war and all the responsibilities he had.

“What do you think about what Skywalker had to say?” Cody’s quiet voice cut through the comforting daze.

Shifting, Obi-Wan made a contemplative noise, peering up at Cody. He had given up on making the other use Anakin’s first name, even in private. Getting the troopers past using General or Commander was hard enough and Obi-Wan figured that with time and personal interactions, they’d get to first names.

It wasn’t like Rex called him Obi-Wan to his face either, so he wasn’t going to push Cody too hard.

When Anakin, a bit shifty eyed and hesitant had come with Rex, Obi-Wan had to admit, he was worried what the blond had set on fire this time and really hoped the Chancellor wasn’t watching when Anakin set whatever it was on fire.


It was the Chancellor Anakin was shifty about.

Letting out a breath, Obi-Wan let his mind shift through the information Anakin had relayed to them with Rex quiet support, holding the others flesh hand in one of his ungloved ones. “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure. I believe Anakin,” He stated quietly, arching a bit when Cody rubbed down his back. “But the concept of severing a soulbond… its dark and terrifying. And not something spoken about lightly.” Obi-Wan frowned at the tv, watching the twi’lek actor dramatically fall over.

Cody hummed in agreement. “Sounds dark, made my gut clench up when Skywalker said it.” He grumbled.

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath and nodded.

Yes, the severing of soulbonds to create ‘new’ ones was something he had heard about before outside of fictitious settings of novels and tv. But only in the darkest of Force magic as a real thing, in almost forgotten holocrons that only whispered about the knowledge, ashamed of what they had done.

There had been a time when the Jedi didn’t allow for soulmates, a brief time.

Knights thinking that their devotion to the Order was more important and therefore severing their link.

It hadn’t ended well, becoming one of the Lost on purpose had… twisted them, destroyed them in ways that had horrified the Jedi that saw them, leaving a pulsing, infected gap in the Force where there had once been light.

And creating a new soulmate bond?

No, Obi-Wan did not like the sound of it and for as much as he knew the Jedi were not the only Force organization in the galaxy, it made him wonder where in the galaxy Palpatine would have heard about something so dark and the reality of it compared to silly if dark tv show and operas.

Wondered and worried.

He would need to inform the council, of that he was sure.

I love Floralskin!! Mainly because of the Rexwalker, but Obi-Wan with a flower on his face from Cody’s scar is also pretty neat. Could we see the next part? Maybe Rex convincing Anakin to tell Obi-Wan about what Palpatine tried to get him to do and them realizing he’s the Sith? Love all your stories!! 💙🥰

Pausing, Anakin tilted his head at his soulmate. “What did you say?” He questioned with amusement, waiting for Rex to lift his head from his arms.

Turning it enough so he could peer blearily at Anakin, Rex let out a small grunt of disgruntlement at the stopped massage. “I said, you should talk with General Kenobi,” He repeated, giving a little happy sigh when Anakin started rubbing slowly at his back again. “It would help to talk with him. I know osik all about Force stuff but what the Chancellor told you sounds like…” He grimaced for point.

Honestly, when they had arrived back at Anakin’s quarters, the taller blond had still been less than settled and had therefore dragged his soulmate into the bedroom.

Of course, Rex was willing to do anything to help out Anakin, even if he wasn’t quite in the mood. Still, he had let Anakin undress him, his armor set to the side, a bit confused by Anakin telling him not to bother with the Jedi’s clothes.

It made more sense though, when instead of lube, Anakin had grabbed massage oil from his bed drawer and gently encouraged Rex to lay down on his stomach.

Now wholly onboard, knowing how tactile his soulmate was, Rex settled down on top of the covers and rested his head on his arms, smiling slightly as Anakin straddled Rex rear.

The weight had been comforting and the smell of the oil, a cloves Rex thought, had been soothing with the dimmed lights of the bedroom.

Added along with Anakin’s warm hands, the other having heated his mech arm up so the glove wasn’t cold, it made for a gorgeous sensation as Anakin slowly started kneading muscles, working at soreness in Rex back.

It had been so peaceful and Rex was sure the other must be using some kind of weird Force technique on Rex muscles, with how good the massage felt. Or maybe it was just that Anakin knew how to work his hands on muscles.

Hell did Rex know.

And then Rex had to open his fat mouth and interrupt the moment, Anakin now frowning faintly as he stared down at his hands on Rex oily skin. “I… don’t know. Maybe I’m overreacting?” The other blond mumbled, nervously shifting on top of Rex.

Grunting, Rex shifted then pushed at one of Anakin’s knees, encouraging the Jedi to shift up a bit so Rex could turn around on his back, uncaring of getting oil on the sheets. Instead he worked his arms around Anakin’s waist, staring up at him seriously. “You will listen to me Anakin Skywalker, you can be dramatic and you can be a bit too much sometimes,” The Jedi winced. “HOWEVER,” Rex continued sternly. “You are not overreacting. What Chancellor Palpatine told you was horrifying.” He scowled.

Sucking on his bottom lip, Anakin reached out to gently thumb at the flower on Rex face, tracing it with a tender touch. “…What if Obi-Wan thinks I’m silly?” He whispered, his emotions tangling with anxiety in the captain’s head.

Nuzzling at the others fingers, Rex raised his brows at his soulmate. “Do you really think he will?” He wryly questioned in return.

There was a pause and then Anakin shook his head, smiling shakily.

“Then you know you can go to him. He’ll listen.” Rex added, pulling Anakin down to kiss him softly, feeling the other smile into the kiss.

He knew Anakin would go speak with Obi-Wan.