For betatoomega, can we see more Rex and Obi-wan? Like Rex being really respectful about what Obi-wan’s going through but also really into him? Or Obi-wan comparing a good Alpha with what Anakin wanted

Staring at the dark ceiling with lidded eyes, Anakin tried to chase
the dream he had moments before, the bed warm and silky around him.

It was Obi-Wan in his dream, Obi-Wan sitting on their couch with his
hands in his lap, wearing…

His tongue flickered over his sleep dried lips.

His omega been wearing a soft wedding dress with sheer lace and
pearls as decoration and little thin straps and a sweetheart
neckline, elbow length silky white gloves, his neck covered in a
silky collar, ready for a wedding ceremony with his hair pulled back
in an artful little bun that allowed a few strands to fall forward to
frame his face.

Ready for Anakin to remove the collar and bite the gland to bond

He’d looked so…docile in his dream, smiling almost shyly up at
Anakin as if he was ready to be his and Anakin felt heat coil low in
his belly before rage slithered through him and he snapped his eyes
open with a snarl as he threw his covers aside, reminded that his
dream was just that, dream.

His omega was gone, out there in the galaxy among other alphas
without Anakin there to protect what was his.

With a sharp wave a vase was sent flying at the wall and shattered
into pieces as he snarled to himself, the Sith’s glowing eyes
casting an eerie light as he matched over to his closet to get

He wanted his mate back, dressed in white and ready to be claimed, he
wanted him back in his hands, to touch and there was nothing and no
one in this galaxy that would stop him.

He’d slaughter anyone who tried.


Soothing was the word that came to mind as Obi-Wan curled into Rex
side with the alpha’s arm around him as they sat together in the
lounge of the ship that was taking them to Selonia in the Corellian
system to a safe house provided by the Rebels Bail was working with.

Before he had been turned into an omega, he’d never noticed how the
scent of an omega or alpha affected him but now he could. Bail scent
had a sweetness to it that set him at ease and made him want to curl
close and just… well relax.

But Rex scent…

Well Rex scent made him feel safe, made his racing heart settle down
and made the anxieties he carried around him frizzle out and die if
only for the moments when Rex was pressed against his side and
Obi-Wan’s nose was close enough to smell the others pheromones.

Cody almost had the same effect but it was only recently Obi-Wan had
learned that the 212th were safe.

Instinctively he was still leery of his own men.

But Rex was safe.

Rex had been safe from the moment he had seen the man again and had
never tried to shoot him down or hurt him or contain him at all.

Rex had rescued him and meant safety.

There was a quiet crooning noise and Rex nose brushed his temple.
“Are you alright Obi-Wan? Do you want another blanket or should I
get you some water or juice?” He asked quietly into the others ear.

“No, no Rex I’m quite alright at the moment… you’re very
warm.” Obi-Wan noted.

“A gene modification of all clones, we’re engineered to handle
most climates and therefor run a few degrees warmer then most humans
when its cold or we go cooler when we’re in warmer climates.” Rex
waved off with an easy explanation.

“Makes sense I guess.” Obi-Wan murmured, pulling the blanket a
bit more tightly around himself and tucking it in. It was so easy to
be cold now, the coldness of space bothering him more then it used

Clearly Rex took note of that as he started to slowly rub Obi-Wan’s
upper arm. “Would you like to sit in my lap for warmth? You
certainly don’t have to but I’m offering you more warmth if you
want it.” He shifted, pushing his chair a bit back to ensure
Obi-Wan understood the offer.

Hesitating briefly, Obi-Wan smiled as he thought about how respectful
Rex had been about touching him, avoiding the gland of his neck and
asking for permission every time to ensure the former Jedi’s safety
and comfort.

Shifting slowly until he was sitting in the others lap sideways, he
let Rex tuck him beneath his chin with the clones arms tight around
him, rubbing lightly along his side and upper arm to provide the heat
he could.

‘…Is this what an alpha is suppose to feel like? Gentle and warm,
soothing nerves?’ Obi-Wan wondered, nosing shyly at the opening of
Rex shirt where the scent was strongest as long as you ignored the
mating gland which Obi-Wan was with iron will.

It felt…nice.

And then Obi-Wan reminded himself firmly that that he was a hunted omega.
‘Anakin would slaughter any Alpha I showed attention…’

For betatoomega, can we see more Rex and Obi-wan? Like Rex being really respectful about what Obi-wan’s going through but also really into him? Or Obi-wan comparing a good Alpha with what Anakin wanted

Staring at the dark ceiling with lidded eyes, Anakin tried to chase
the dream he had moments before, the bed warm and silky around him.

It was Obi-Wan in his dream, Obi-Wan sitting on their couch with his
hands in his lap, wearing…

His tongue flickered over his sleep dried lips.

His omega been wearing a soft wedding dress with sheer lace and
pearls as decoration and little thin straps and a sweetheart
neckline, elbow length silky white gloves, his neck covered in a
silky collar, ready for a wedding ceremony with his hair pulled back
in an artful little bun that allowed a few strands to fall forward to
frame his face.

Ready for Anakin to remove the collar and bite the gland to bond

He’d looked so…docile in his dream, smiling almost shyly up at
Anakin as if he was ready to be his and Anakin felt heat coil low in
his belly before rage slithered through him and he snapped his eyes
open with a snarl as he threw his covers aside, reminded that his
dream was just that, dream.

His omega was gone, out there in the galaxy among other alphas
without Anakin there to protect what was his.

With a sharp wave a vase was sent flying at the wall and shattered
into pieces as he snarled to himself, the Sith’s glowing eyes
casting an eerie light as he matched over to his closet to get

He wanted his mate back, dressed in white and ready to be claimed, he
wanted him back in his hands, to touch and there was nothing and no
one in this galaxy that would stop him.

He’d slaughter anyone who tried.


Soothing was the word that came to mind as Obi-Wan curled into Rex
side with the alpha’s arm around him as they sat together in the
lounge of the ship that was taking them to Selonia in the Corellian
system to a safe house provided by the Rebels Bail was working with.

Before he had been turned into an omega, he’d never noticed how the
scent of an omega or alpha affected him but now he could. Bail scent
had a sweetness to it that set him at ease and made him want to curl
close and just… well relax.

But Rex scent…

Well Rex scent made him feel safe, made his racing heart settle down
and made the anxieties he carried around him frizzle out and die if
only for the moments when Rex was pressed against his side and
Obi-Wan’s nose was close enough to smell the others pheromones.

Cody almost had the same effect but it was only recently Obi-Wan had
learned that the 212th were safe.

Instinctively he was still leery of his own men.

But Rex was safe.

Rex had been safe from the moment he had seen the man again and had
never tried to shoot him down or hurt him or contain him at all.

Rex had rescued him and meant safety.

There was a quiet crooning noise and Rex nose brushed his temple.
“Are you alright Obi-Wan? Do you want another blanket or should I
get you some water or juice?” He asked quietly into the others ear.

“No, no Rex I’m quite alright at the moment… you’re very
warm.” Obi-Wan noted.

“A gene modification of all clones, we’re engineered to handle
most climates and therefor run a few degrees warmer then most humans
when its cold or we go cooler when we’re in warmer climates.” Rex
waved off with an easy explanation.

“Makes sense I guess.” Obi-Wan murmured, pulling the blanket a
bit more tightly around himself and tucking it in. It was so easy to
be cold now, the coldness of space bothering him more then it used

Clearly Rex took note of that as he started to slowly rub Obi-Wan’s
upper arm. “Would you like to sit in my lap for warmth? You
certainly don’t have to but I’m offering you more warmth if you
want it.” He shifted, pushing his chair a bit back to ensure
Obi-Wan understood the offer.

Hesitating briefly, Obi-Wan smiled as he thought about how respectful
Rex had been about touching him, avoiding the gland of his neck and
asking for permission every time to ensure the former Jedi’s safety
and comfort.

Shifting slowly until he was sitting in the others lap sideways, he
let Rex tuck him beneath his chin with the clones arms tight around
him, rubbing lightly along his side and upper arm to provide the heat
he could.

‘…Is this what an alpha is suppose to feel like? Gentle and warm,
soothing nerves?’ Obi-Wan wondered, nosing shyly at the opening of
Rex shirt where the scent was strongest as long as you ignored the
mating gland which Obi-Wan was with iron will.

It felt…nice.

And then Obi-Wan reminded himself firmly that that he was a hunted omega.
‘Anakin would slaughter any Alpha I showed attention…’

May we have another RexObiCody? It’s been too long and they’re so good for each other. Like the first morning they wake up together?

The Gene-no, not the general, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan is still asleep
between them, cuddled up quietly between their bodies as he seems to
make himself as small as possible between their bulks, soft puffs of
breath hitting Rex in the chest with his legs tangled into Cody’s.

He looks comfortable.

Looks like he’s been sleeping properly for once.

Between them he has slept properly.

Cody presses a soft kiss to a freckled shoulder. “…Seems smaller
in the morning doesn’t he.” He murmured quietly, hand gently
petting the redhead’s hip, smiling at the collection of freckles he
could feel beneath his callused touch.

“That’s because he’s not General Kenobi right now. He’s
Obi-Wan.” Rex mumbled tiredly, eyes still closed with his nose
buried in Obi-Wan’s tussled red hair.

‘Vod has a point there.’ Cody mused as he continued to nuzzle
gently at the nude body in front of him, still too tired and sated
from the night before to even consider moving, especially with
Obi-Wan tucked up in front of him.

Obi-Wan never sleeps enough, he doesn’t eat enough and he doesn’t
hydrate enough.

He works until he collapses some days and Cody swears he’ll go bald
some day from the amount of stress and frustration his General drives
him through, its going to kill him one day.

But in this moment…after weeks and weeks of skirting around each
others, Cody and Rex finally managed to corner and coax the hesitant
Jedi into their beds.

Hesitant and unsure, worried about taking advantage even when Cody
and Rex had been the ones to pursue him. And Koth the conversations
about regs…

But slowly, carefully and oh so gently they had coaxed Obi-Wan into
careful kisses.

And here they were now.

Sharing a bed on a backward moon, bright and early in the morning
before anyone but the first guards and patrols are awake.

They should leave but neither Rex nor Cody want to.

They don’t like leaving sleeping bed partners and they certainly
will not leave Obi-Wan’s bed empty when he’s finally wakes and
stars knew when that was considering he was actually getting some
decent sleep for once.

So they stay, Cody gently caressing Obi-Wan’s hips with his fingers
as he traces the freckles of the shoulder with his eyes and Rex with
his eyes shut, fully awake and nuzzling into the red hair to get the
scent of their Jedi with his arms around the Force user.

“Hey Master Obi-W-” The tent flap was pulled aside and Rex sat up
as Obi-Wan mumbled, Ahsoka freezing in the flap opening as she looked
over them with wide eyes.

And then they curved with happiness even as Cody covered his burning
face, rubbing his scar lightly before quickly shifting his touch back
to soothing the almost waking Jedi in the bed.

“Commander…” Rex trailed off, licking his lips nervously.

Pulling her fingers over her lips in a zipper motion, Ahsoka winked.
“No ones gonna learn from me.” She whispered and backed out,
letting the flap fall down.

“…I’ll give it half an hour and then Fives knows.” Cody

“Fifteen minutes.” Rex grunted but laid back down, joining Cody
in soothing the squirming man between them. “And then everyone

“…Yeah.” Cody hummed then shrugged. “Bound to happen…but
lets not tell Obi-Wan.”

“Hey, if Skywalker is oblivious to us knowing about his
relationship, then Obi-Wan can be oblivious to the vods knowing about
ours.” Rex chuckled quietly and pressed a soft kiss to Obi-Wan’s

May we have another RexObiCody? It’s been too long and they’re so good for each other. Like the first morning they wake up together?

The Gene-no, not the general, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan is still asleep
between them, cuddled up quietly between their bodies as he seems to
make himself as small as possible between their bulks, soft puffs of
breath hitting Rex in the chest with his legs tangled into Cody’s.

He looks comfortable.

Looks like he’s been sleeping properly for once.

Between them he has slept properly.

Cody presses a soft kiss to a freckled shoulder. “…Seems smaller
in the morning doesn’t he.” He murmured quietly, hand gently
petting the redhead’s hip, smiling at the collection of freckles he
could feel beneath his callused touch.

“That’s because he’s not General Kenobi right now. He’s
Obi-Wan.” Rex mumbled tiredly, eyes still closed with his nose
buried in Obi-Wan’s tussled red hair.

‘Vod has a point there.’ Cody mused as he continued to nuzzle
gently at the nude body in front of him, still too tired and sated
from the night before to even consider moving, especially with
Obi-Wan tucked up in front of him.

Obi-Wan never sleeps enough, he doesn’t eat enough and he doesn’t
hydrate enough.

He works until he collapses some days and Cody swears he’ll go bald
some day from the amount of stress and frustration his General drives
him through, its going to kill him one day.

But in this moment…after weeks and weeks of skirting around each
others, Cody and Rex finally managed to corner and coax the hesitant
Jedi into their beds.

Hesitant and unsure, worried about taking advantage even when Cody
and Rex had been the ones to pursue him. And Koth the conversations
about regs…

But slowly, carefully and oh so gently they had coaxed Obi-Wan into
careful kisses.

And here they were now.

Sharing a bed on a backward moon, bright and early in the morning
before anyone but the first guards and patrols are awake.

They should leave but neither Rex nor Cody want to.

They don’t like leaving sleeping bed partners and they certainly
will not leave Obi-Wan’s bed empty when he’s finally wakes and
stars knew when that was considering he was actually getting some
decent sleep for once.

So they stay, Cody gently caressing Obi-Wan’s hips with his fingers
as he traces the freckles of the shoulder with his eyes and Rex with
his eyes shut, fully awake and nuzzling into the red hair to get the
scent of their Jedi with his arms around the Force user.

“Hey Master Obi-W-” The tent flap was pulled aside and Rex sat up
as Obi-Wan mumbled, Ahsoka freezing in the flap opening as she looked
over them with wide eyes.

And then they curved with happiness even as Cody covered his burning
face, rubbing his scar lightly before quickly shifting his touch back
to soothing the almost waking Jedi in the bed.

“Commander…” Rex trailed off, licking his lips nervously.

Pulling her fingers over her lips in a zipper motion, Ahsoka winked.
“No ones gonna learn from me.” She whispered and backed out,
letting the flap fall down.

“…I’ll give it half an hour and then Fives knows.” Cody

“Fifteen minutes.” Rex grunted but laid back down, joining Cody
in soothing the squirming man between them. “And then everyone

“…Yeah.” Cody hummed then shrugged. “Bound to happen…but
lets not tell Obi-Wan.”

“Hey, if Skywalker is oblivious to us knowing about his
relationship, then Obi-Wan can be oblivious to the vods knowing about
ours.” Rex chuckled quietly and pressed a soft kiss to Obi-Wan’s

Okay so, I wanted to share this idea with you; what if the clones were force sensitive? Not like jedi levels but enough that they could be like ‘oh hey there’s a jedi coming over here’ or ‘oh crap is that a sith?’ And maybe the kaminoans bred them so that the light side of the force feels soothing. this boils down to, if they were ever in the temple they would be so relaxed u//u sleepy clones.

They know when a Sith is coming.

They know when a Jedi is coming.

They know the difference and their
blasters are cocked and ready when the darksiders come around the
corner and they know when their Jedi are limping and tired and need
them to move fast.

Its something of a mysterious until
Obi-Wan and Anakin needs their commander and captain at the temple
for the simple reason to issue orders from the medical bed.

And neither are very awake for it.

In fact, both Rex and Cody are visibly
struggling against the drowsiness they experience, fighting to be
alert and at attention as they eye both Obi-Wan’s healing bruises
and the cuts on Anakin’s face with weary worry.

Not to mention both Jedi’s broken
legs that needs a slow healing knitter so not to rush and ruin them.

“Cody, Rex, have any clones ever been
in the temple before.” Obi-Wan can’t help but question after what
feels like half an hour of the same information being exchanged with
them both shrugging.

“Occasionally sir but for the most
part we meed up at the barracks. First time I’ve spent any amount
of time here.” Captain Rex volunteered.

Anakin knew that look on his master’s
face, the look of someone having a theory and finding the clues to
make it match.

“I wonder…Commander Cody, I’m
going to do something and I want to tell me if you feel it.” The
man rubbed his chin slowly, running his fingers over his beard.

Watching curiously, Anakin sat up
enough to watch Cody affirm with a sleepy noise before he felt
Obi-Wan reach out slowly in a training exercise Anakin remembered
from his padawan days.

A soft brush against the mind, a hello,
a greeting, safety, welcome. A connection.

Cody instantly shifted and looked
around before focusing on his General, blinking amber eyes. “Was
that you sir?”

“You could hear it then?” Obi-Wan
sat back in satisfaction before looking at Anakin. “I believe our
troopers are all Force sensitive Anakin?”

“Really? That would explain quite a
few things.” The blond mused. “It can’t be much though.”

“No, they would never had been made
Jedi but they are Force sensitive enough to be touched, contacted and
feel the world around them. A second of warning of the light and the
dark side.” Obi-Wan smiled in satisfaction then turned back to
Cody, eyes glittering. “And this information explains why you are
both so tired.”

“Really sir?” Rex blinked, shifting
his helmet against his hip.

“The temple is…soothing. Especially
to those untrained yet conditioned to the light side of the Force.
You react strongly positive to Jedi yet negatively to Sith. The dark
and the light side respectively.”

“I’d say that was a good thing
Gene-” The word was broken up by a bone cracking yawn that left
Cody floundering faintly.

Obi-Wan chuckled quietly and nodded. “I
believe so too Cody but perhaps our next meetings should be held
outside the temple?” His eyes turned amused. “Or else I swear you
may both fall asleep on your feet as you speak.” He teased.

Both Cody and Rex smiled sheepishly

Okay so, I wanted to share this idea with you; what if the clones were force sensitive? Not like jedi levels but enough that they could be like ‘oh hey there’s a jedi coming over here’ or ‘oh crap is that a sith?’ And maybe the kaminoans bred them so that the light side of the force feels soothing. this boils down to, if they were ever in the temple they would be so relaxed u//u sleepy clones.

They know when a Sith is coming.

They know when a Jedi is coming.

They know the difference and their
blasters are cocked and ready when the darksiders come around the
corner and they know when their Jedi are limping and tired and need
them to move fast.

Its something of a mysterious until
Obi-Wan and Anakin needs their commander and captain at the temple
for the simple reason to issue orders from the medical bed.

And neither are very awake for it.

In fact, both Rex and Cody are visibly
struggling against the drowsiness they experience, fighting to be
alert and at attention as they eye both Obi-Wan’s healing bruises
and the cuts on Anakin’s face with weary worry.

Not to mention both Jedi’s broken
legs that needs a slow healing knitter so not to rush and ruin them.

“Cody, Rex, have any clones ever been
in the temple before.” Obi-Wan can’t help but question after what
feels like half an hour of the same information being exchanged with
them both shrugging.

“Occasionally sir but for the most
part we meed up at the barracks. First time I’ve spent any amount
of time here.” Captain Rex volunteered.

Anakin knew that look on his master’s
face, the look of someone having a theory and finding the clues to
make it match.

“I wonder…Commander Cody, I’m
going to do something and I want to tell me if you feel it.” The
man rubbed his chin slowly, running his fingers over his beard.

Watching curiously, Anakin sat up
enough to watch Cody affirm with a sleepy noise before he felt
Obi-Wan reach out slowly in a training exercise Anakin remembered
from his padawan days.

A soft brush against the mind, a hello,
a greeting, safety, welcome. A connection.

Cody instantly shifted and looked
around before focusing on his General, blinking amber eyes. “Was
that you sir?”

“You could hear it then?” Obi-Wan
sat back in satisfaction before looking at Anakin. “I believe our
troopers are all Force sensitive Anakin?”

“Really? That would explain quite a
few things.” The blond mused. “It can’t be much though.”

“No, they would never had been made
Jedi but they are Force sensitive enough to be touched, contacted and
feel the world around them. A second of warning of the light and the
dark side.” Obi-Wan smiled in satisfaction then turned back to
Cody, eyes glittering. “And this information explains why you are
both so tired.”

“Really sir?” Rex blinked, shifting
his helmet against his hip.

“The temple is…soothing. Especially
to those untrained yet conditioned to the light side of the Force.
You react strongly positive to Jedi yet negatively to Sith. The dark
and the light side respectively.”

“I’d say that was a good thing
Gene-” The word was broken up by a bone cracking yawn that left
Cody floundering faintly.

Obi-Wan chuckled quietly and nodded. “I
believe so too Cody but perhaps our next meetings should be held
outside the temple?” His eyes turned amused. “Or else I swear you
may both fall asleep on your feet as you speak.” He teased.

Both Cody and Rex smiled sheepishly

I was wondering if you would be willing to do a dark AU where the clones are really, probably unhealthily, possessive. Preferably one where the find the chips and order 66. Heck, maybe that’s what triggers the whole kit and caboodle; the clones find out they’re supposed to kill their Jedi and just nope the heck out and decide no one’s going to harm their Jedi, or make them do it, either. Regardless of the methods they have to use. Thanks!

Lowering his cup slowly, Wolffe stared
at Rex. “What do you kriffing mean that we’re suppose to kill
them?” He growled out.

The captain growled back and shook the
chip at the others. “That’s what this is going to make us do.
That’s what Fives said and what Tup figured out. These things.”
He shook the jar lightly. “Are wired up to wipe us of our loyalty
to our Jedi and make us consider them traitors…and then we kill

Cody touched his own head, staring at
the glass jar. “We ALL have them?”

“Not all of the early generation but
who’s left of them?” Rex looked around. “Four or five out of
what? We are a whole army, a whole army against the Jedi? The old?
The young? The disabled of them? What about the cores?”

Several vods paled until they looked
like ghosts.

They could already imagine what would

“And our Generals? Who trust us with
their lives? Who shows us their backs? Stars light, Kenobi even lets
Cody carry his lightsaber.”

Cody gave a full body spasm.

“How many blaster bolts can a Jedi
dodge even with a saber?” Rex continued, driving in each point. He
then looked to Wolffe. “What about General Koon in his ship with
the Wolf pack behind him? He doesn’t stand a chance.”

Wolffe crushed the cup in his hand,
water pouring over his glove as he stared at his vod.

“…Then what do we do?” Someone

“We do what we were made to do. We go
to war and we serve and protect our generals.” Rex leaned in.


Rubbing a hand over his face, Obi-Wan
slowly set his cup aside. “Force…I feel exhausted.” He sighed,
wondering where the sudden tiredness came from.

“Perhaps a small rest or meditation
then sir?” Cody asked. “We’d inform you if our situation
changes of course.” He added when he saw the Jedi open his mouth to

That got a small pause then Obi-Wan
nodded. “Yes, that does sound good. Inform me if anything changes

“Of course General.” Both Cody and
the comm personnel watched the Jedi go, Cody slowly counting to
twenty in his head as everyone else milled about as normal.

And then he turned to the comms.

The clone smirked. “Come in Echo
team, what’s your position?”

“Still hunting, the bitch is running.
The General?”

“Currently sleeping, you have half an
hour before he works the drugs out of his systems.”

“Copy that sir.”

Cody switched channels. “Commander
Pond? How goes?”

“Droid bait is wearing down. He’ll
burn soon.” Came the icy cold voice of Pond in return and Cody
couldn’t help a vicious grin.

“Good. Any news from Captain Rex?”

“He has a dot on the Sith Master he
says. Refuses to tell us who but he has him.”

Cody nodded that, taking a deep breath.
From what Rex had hinted at it was something high up in the Senate
and therefor anyone still chipped would not be told. Beside, what
they didn’t know they couldn’t reveal.

“And Commander Bly?”

“Still tracking the Count. He says
his General is getting suspicious though.”

Aayla Secura was one smart cookie and
that could be a problem. “Does Bly have any plans of action.”

“Tranq. Its his only plan.” Pond
suddenly went quiet for a few moments. “Kark, General Windu is
waking up.” He hissed. “Razor, tranq him, now.”

‘We’re doing this for a reason, its
for their sake.’ Cody reminds himself, fiddling with the tranq in
his own utility belt. He hopes it won’t come to that point, he’d
rather not have to drug his Jedi twice in one day.

It felt like forever until the comms
suddenly crackled again.

“Echo squad reporting in. The bitch
is down.” There was a blaster impact. “And dead.”

One Sith down, three left.

“Pond reporting in. Droid bait lit up
like a bonfire.”


Cody had to leave the tent to distract
his General when the third report came in.

“Count is cornered and scared. He’s
surrendering to our General.” That was not part of the plan but
obviously Bly couldn’t get around her. Well perhaps the information
the count would give the Order would help.

And then Rex reported in. “And then
there were none.” His voice sounded viciously satisfied.

Cody would have asked what Rex had done
when the holo display suddenly light up, General Skywalker looking
pale and shaken as he demanded to see Obi-Wan.

“Obi-Wan! The Chancellor is dead! A

Cody exchanged a look, startled look
with Longshot.

‘And then there were none.’

I was wondering if you would be willing to do a dark AU where the clones are really, probably unhealthily, possessive. Preferably one where the find the chips and order 66. Heck, maybe that’s what triggers the whole kit and caboodle; the clones find out they’re supposed to kill their Jedi and just nope the heck out and decide no one’s going to harm their Jedi, or make them do it, either. Regardless of the methods they have to use. Thanks!

Lowering his cup slowly, Wolffe stared
at Rex. “What do you kriffing mean that we’re suppose to kill
them?” He growled out.

The captain growled back and shook the
chip at the others. “That’s what this is going to make us do.
That’s what Fives said and what Tup figured out. These things.”
He shook the jar lightly. “Are wired up to wipe us of our loyalty
to our Jedi and make us consider them traitors…and then we kill

Cody touched his own head, staring at
the glass jar. “We ALL have them?”

“Not all of the early generation but
who’s left of them?” Rex looked around. “Four or five out of
what? We are a whole army, a whole army against the Jedi? The old?
The young? The disabled of them? What about the cores?”

Several vods paled until they looked
like ghosts.

They could already imagine what would

“And our Generals? Who trust us with
their lives? Who shows us their backs? Stars light, Kenobi even lets
Cody carry his lightsaber.”

Cody gave a full body spasm.

“How many blaster bolts can a Jedi
dodge even with a saber?” Rex continued, driving in each point. He
then looked to Wolffe. “What about General Koon in his ship with
the Wolf pack behind him? He doesn’t stand a chance.”

Wolffe crushed the cup in his hand,
water pouring over his glove as he stared at his vod.

“…Then what do we do?” Someone

“We do what we were made to do. We go
to war and we serve and protect our generals.” Rex leaned in.


Rubbing a hand over his face, Obi-Wan
slowly set his cup aside. “Force…I feel exhausted.” He sighed,
wondering where the sudden tiredness came from.

“Perhaps a small rest or meditation
then sir?” Cody asked. “We’d inform you if our situation
changes of course.” He added when he saw the Jedi open his mouth to

That got a small pause then Obi-Wan
nodded. “Yes, that does sound good. Inform me if anything changes

“Of course General.” Both Cody and
the comm personnel watched the Jedi go, Cody slowly counting to
twenty in his head as everyone else milled about as normal.

And then he turned to the comms.

The clone smirked. “Come in Echo
team, what’s your position?”

“Still hunting, the bitch is running.
The General?”

“Currently sleeping, you have half an
hour before he works the drugs out of his systems.”

“Copy that sir.”

Cody switched channels. “Commander
Pond? How goes?”

“Droid bait is wearing down. He’ll
burn soon.” Came the icy cold voice of Pond in return and Cody
couldn’t help a vicious grin.

“Good. Any news from Captain Rex?”

“He has a dot on the Sith Master he
says. Refuses to tell us who but he has him.”

Cody nodded that, taking a deep breath.
From what Rex had hinted at it was something high up in the Senate
and therefor anyone still chipped would not be told. Beside, what
they didn’t know they couldn’t reveal.

“And Commander Bly?”

“Still tracking the Count. He says
his General is getting suspicious though.”

Aayla Secura was one smart cookie and
that could be a problem. “Does Bly have any plans of action.”

“Tranq. Its his only plan.” Pond
suddenly went quiet for a few moments. “Kark, General Windu is
waking up.” He hissed. “Razor, tranq him, now.”

‘We’re doing this for a reason, its
for their sake.’ Cody reminds himself, fiddling with the tranq in
his own utility belt. He hopes it won’t come to that point, he’d
rather not have to drug his Jedi twice in one day.

It felt like forever until the comms
suddenly crackled again.

“Echo squad reporting in. The bitch
is down.” There was a blaster impact. “And dead.”

One Sith down, three left.

“Pond reporting in. Droid bait lit up
like a bonfire.”


Cody had to leave the tent to distract
his General when the third report came in.

“Count is cornered and scared. He’s
surrendering to our General.” That was not part of the plan but
obviously Bly couldn’t get around her. Well perhaps the information
the count would give the Order would help.

And then Rex reported in. “And then
there were none.” His voice sounded viciously satisfied.

Cody would have asked what Rex had done
when the holo display suddenly light up, General Skywalker looking
pale and shaken as he demanded to see Obi-Wan.

“Obi-Wan! The Chancellor is dead! A

Cody exchanged a look, startled look
with Longshot.

‘And then there were none.’

That art of Obi-wan in Leia’s slave outfit is hot. Could we see Obi-wan undercover as a slave and Rex also undercover as Obi-wan’s owner or having to come to his rescue? Rex/Obi-wan please!

“He has quite the mouth on him, if he
was mine I’d have him begging for mercy by now.” The slaver
growled and Obi-Wan pushed slightly back into Rex leg while averting
his eyes to the ground, feeling his stomach squirm unpleasantly.

A hand gripped his hair, pulling his
head back a bit with enough force to provoke a tiny whimper from him
by the tight grip.

“He’s a pleasure slave, whatever
punishment I deem fitting for him can come later.” Rex growled out
in return, his hand holding onto Obi-Wan’s hair. “If its all the
same to you, I prefer him unscarred for his job.” He snapped before
letting go.

Obi-Wan let his head drop instantly
while inwardly cursing the Council for putting him in this situation.

Of course the information they had
gotten was valuable but it was humiliating walking around in only a
sheer red loin clothes with golden decorations.

‘At least Anakin’s not here to see
me like this. Or see me be treated like this either.’ Obi-Wan mused
as Rex pressed his head to the troopers knee, Obi-Wan going willingly
as the man played with his copper hair.

A quick shave had prevented anyone from
recognizing him as General Kenobi, Jedi but Force was it awkward to
have his face bare after so many years with it.

‘And I have Rex. I get to spend time
sleeping in the same bed as him.’ He thought, nuzzling the knee

“Well well, at least he’s docile
for you.” The slaver griped.

Rex hand tensed on Obi-Wan’s hair
again. “He is mine. As I told you. I’m not selling him regardless
what price you offer me. I know his value.” The man snapped in

The slaver snorted but Obi-Wan could
feel the gaze on him, the man obviously taking in lean muscles and
copper hair while ignoring pale scars on Obi-Wan’s body.

Force it was odd to be considered a
valuable commodity of all things.

Just something to be sold.

A shiver went through his frame at the
idea of being sold away as a bed slave and he made a firm note in the
back of his mind to talk to Anakin if anything of that nature had
happened to him. From what he knew, Anakin had only been owned by
Gardulla and Watto but what if…

Force he almost couldn’t stomach the
thought, Anakin was nine when he was found.

He yipped a bit in surprise as he was
suddenly pushed away from Rex knee, the man standing and Obi-Wan
looking up in surprise.

“I’m retiring for the night, I have
more entertaining things to do then drinking with you.” Rex
sneered, lip curling. Force, the holo projector giving him slightly
different features were really weird but so far no one had identified
him as a clone. “With me pet.” He snapped and Obi-Wan scrambled
to his feet, bare feet padding over the cold floor as he followed
submissively behind the captain.

The moment the door slid closed behind
them and the lock engaged, Rex dropped all pretenses and turned to
wrap Obi-Wan in a hug, hand running apologetic over his hair. “I am
so sorry.” He whispered.

“Its fine, we must play our roles.”
Obi-Wan whispered, tucking closer into the other man.

They had disengaged and broken the
surveillance bugs in the suite they had rented on the first day and
felt safe enough be themselves behind the locked door.

“Still, I know you have a tender
scalp, me pulling on it won’t make it any better.” He leaned in
and nuzzled his stubbly cheek against the smooth one of his Jedi.
“…Okay that will not stop being weird.” Rex chuckled.

Obi-Wan hummed then caught Rex by the
collar of his shirt to give him a soft kiss. “Well, they’re
expecting some noises since we retired early.” He grinned, cocking
his head.

“We don’t have t-”

up Rex and warm me up, this outfit does not provide me with much
warmth and the only good part about this mission has been the time
I’ve gotten to spend with you.” Obi-Wan whispered, hand going to
the others belt to turn of the projector, getting the amber eyes of
his lover back.

Rex softened and smiled, drawing
Obi-Wan back towards the bed by his hands until his knees hit it. He
sat down and drew the other into his lap, finally letting go to
loosen the fastenings of the loin cloth. “Well then…I’ll make
sure they hear you.” His eyes flared with heat and Obi-Wan felt his
pulse quicken as he leaned in, arms wrapping around the others

“Make me scream Rex.” He whispered
huskily, feeling warm hands run along his thighs.

“As my Jedi wishes.”

That art of Obi-wan in Leia’s slave outfit is hot. Could we see Obi-wan undercover as a slave and Rex also undercover as Obi-wan’s owner or having to come to his rescue? Rex/Obi-wan please!

“He has quite the mouth on him, if he
was mine I’d have him begging for mercy by now.” The slaver
growled and Obi-Wan pushed slightly back into Rex leg while averting
his eyes to the ground, feeling his stomach squirm unpleasantly.

A hand gripped his hair, pulling his
head back a bit with enough force to provoke a tiny whimper from him
by the tight grip.

“He’s a pleasure slave, whatever
punishment I deem fitting for him can come later.” Rex growled out
in return, his hand holding onto Obi-Wan’s hair. “If its all the
same to you, I prefer him unscarred for his job.” He snapped before
letting go.

Obi-Wan let his head drop instantly
while inwardly cursing the Council for putting him in this situation.

Of course the information they had
gotten was valuable but it was humiliating walking around in only a
sheer red loin clothes with golden decorations.

‘At least Anakin’s not here to see
me like this. Or see me be treated like this either.’ Obi-Wan mused
as Rex pressed his head to the troopers knee, Obi-Wan going willingly
as the man played with his copper hair.

A quick shave had prevented anyone from
recognizing him as General Kenobi, Jedi but Force was it awkward to
have his face bare after so many years with it.

‘And I have Rex. I get to spend time
sleeping in the same bed as him.’ He thought, nuzzling the knee

“Well well, at least he’s docile
for you.” The slaver griped.

Rex hand tensed on Obi-Wan’s hair
again. “He is mine. As I told you. I’m not selling him regardless
what price you offer me. I know his value.” The man snapped in

The slaver snorted but Obi-Wan could
feel the gaze on him, the man obviously taking in lean muscles and
copper hair while ignoring pale scars on Obi-Wan’s body.

Force it was odd to be considered a
valuable commodity of all things.

Just something to be sold.

A shiver went through his frame at the
idea of being sold away as a bed slave and he made a firm note in the
back of his mind to talk to Anakin if anything of that nature had
happened to him. From what he knew, Anakin had only been owned by
Gardulla and Watto but what if…

Force he almost couldn’t stomach the
thought, Anakin was nine when he was found.

He yipped a bit in surprise as he was
suddenly pushed away from Rex knee, the man standing and Obi-Wan
looking up in surprise.

“I’m retiring for the night, I have
more entertaining things to do then drinking with you.” Rex
sneered, lip curling. Force, the holo projector giving him slightly
different features were really weird but so far no one had identified
him as a clone. “With me pet.” He snapped and Obi-Wan scrambled
to his feet, bare feet padding over the cold floor as he followed
submissively behind the captain.

The moment the door slid closed behind
them and the lock engaged, Rex dropped all pretenses and turned to
wrap Obi-Wan in a hug, hand running apologetic over his hair. “I am
so sorry.” He whispered.

“Its fine, we must play our roles.”
Obi-Wan whispered, tucking closer into the other man.

They had disengaged and broken the
surveillance bugs in the suite they had rented on the first day and
felt safe enough be themselves behind the locked door.

“Still, I know you have a tender
scalp, me pulling on it won’t make it any better.” He leaned in
and nuzzled his stubbly cheek against the smooth one of his Jedi.
“…Okay that will not stop being weird.” Rex chuckled.

Obi-Wan hummed then caught Rex by the
collar of his shirt to give him a soft kiss. “Well, they’re
expecting some noises since we retired early.” He grinned, cocking
his head.

“We don’t have t-”

up Rex and warm me up, this outfit does not provide me with much
warmth and the only good part about this mission has been the time
I’ve gotten to spend with you.” Obi-Wan whispered, hand going to
the others belt to turn of the projector, getting the amber eyes of
his lover back.

Rex softened and smiled, drawing
Obi-Wan back towards the bed by his hands until his knees hit it. He
sat down and drew the other into his lap, finally letting go to
loosen the fastenings of the loin cloth. “Well then…I’ll make
sure they hear you.” His eyes flared with heat and Obi-Wan felt his
pulse quicken as he leaned in, arms wrapping around the others

“Make me scream Rex.” He whispered
huskily, feeling warm hands run along his thighs.

“As my Jedi wishes.”