ReporttoSenate, what happens next????? THAT CLIFFHANGER KILLED ME. Please say that the signal works and Rex is alright?

sound of their breathing was all the noise they could hear after the
buzz of the signal echoing in the room.

that, it had all gone silent except for the breathing and Anakin
Skywalker was terrified to open himself to the Force and seek out Rex
or even open his eyes.

hand on his shoulder wasn’t helping with how tight it was holding
onto him and it felt like forever until the hand suddenly eased the
grip, Obi-Wan letting out a heavy breath before chuckling. “Anakin,
you can open his eyes.” He stated, his voice full of relief.

his eyes quickly, Anakin stared across the room, letting out a shaky
breath as Rex was standing there, unharmed and a bit bemused looking,
rubbing his temples.

seems fine, feels fine too. Healer Caranda?” Obi-Wan turned his
head to look at the sullustan behind him.

man quickly shot forward and moved through the sheer doors to meet up
with Rex in the middle, the two talking before the man raised his
hands to the human’s head, the appendages glowing faintly green
before dropping.

spoke a bit more before Healer Caranda nodded, a visible smile on his
face as they came to the control room. “Outside of a headache, he
is fine. More than fine. This seems to be a success, however, I would
like to monitor the captain for a few days before we decide to
proceed with the signal to the rest of the troopers.” He spoke

however could barely pay attention to it.

He was
staring at Rex, his eyes watering faintly before he dropped the
control button and stepping forward, hugging the suddenly stiff
captain tightly. “Thank the Force.” He wheezed out, tugging Rex
under his chin as best he could.

A bit
difficult, Rex was slightly taller than Obi-Wan and Anakin could
barely fit him under his chin most days but he managed to work it
out, especially when the fellow blond relaxed into him, arms
hesitantly wrapping around Anakin in return. “I… I am fine sir.
Your signal worked.” Rex stated in a stilted tone.

occurred to Anakin, that while he was touchy and the troopers tended
to be touchy with each other, this was the first time he had touched
Rex this intimately.

Anakin couldn’t find it in him to pull away. “Thank fuck…”
Anakin muttered, pressing his face into short shaven blond hair.

such a dad.” Obi-Wan chuckled softly, his hand coming to rest on
Anakin’s lower back in a gentle, comforting motion, clearly
understanding despite teasing.

now that he had opened himself to the Force again, Obi-Wan’s clear
sympathy and relief through their pairbond was obvious to him. He
shifted his head enough to look at Obi-Wan with a wry smile. “Means
we can save them all, right?” He murmured, hearing Rex give a
startled noise.

however nodded and the two knights behind them was high-fiving each

could save their troopers.

was on those biochips, they could deactivate the chip, render them
effectively useless.

can save our men.” Obi-Wan repeated, his joy blooming and a clear
whisper of ‘Cody…’ in their bond causing Anakin to grin at

It was
almost amusing to hear how besotted Obi-Wan was with Cody, something
Anakin never knew could happen, Obi-Wan had been the perfect
Jedi. And now this, this softly besotted tone.

other just flushed, clearing his throat while stroking his beard. “As
long as Rex doesn’t show any adverse symptoms that is.” He tacked
on quickly, coughing nervously.

still.” Anakin smile widened so much it hurt, Rex still trapped in
his arms.

smile came back to Obi-Wan’s face. “But still, we can save them
now.” He agreed, voice soft and quiet.

Reporttosenate, the jedi just found out about the chips. Yikes. Do they overwrite the chips in time? The clones or jedi shadows organize a black op mission against the sith?

Pressing down on the button, Anakin leaned forward. “You hear us
Rex?” He called out through the comm, watching Rex raise his thumb
in the air in acknowledgment. “Still feel okay about this?” He
questioned, trying to still the nerves bubbling in his stomach.

still Rex raised his brows and then raised his second thumb, showing
an unwavering faith in the Jedi, in particular his Jedi.

Anakin had been the main developer of this disruption signal.

had been working hard on how to disrupt the biochips and finally
Anakin had figured out a way to effect them, via using samples
carefully extracted from a few troopers and then exposing them to the

biochips had at first not reacted but after tweaking the signal
several times, it had started to sizzle and pop.

had not been the desired reaction considering they were inside
the troopers brains.

Anakin had gone back to the signal tweaking, Obi-Wan dropping in to
look with Healer Che giving him a stern lecture on how the signal had
to deactivate, not pop out and actually sizzle.

would need to let the biochips only deactivate, so the brain
would function around it. The technology overwriting the clone
troopers personality was one of the last thing they wanted and who
knew what the Sith hells was on the biochip

In the
end what they wanted was for the tissue to only become part of the
brain without any function, making it a harmless if superfluous piece
of the brain.

Honestly, Che’s little lesson had been a bit overkill he had thought, she had been stressing it so hard but Che had gone into a long and detailed conversation about
how sensitive the brain was and how the direct trauma to it could
lead to personality changes and physical damage that would make the clones disabled, something they wanted to avoid, the war had already been traumatizing them enough.

After that… 
her insistance made sense.

Anakin wasn’t a brain surgeon, so it made sense that Che, for the
safety of the troopers, had involved herself, where he was lacking.

thankfully, Eeth Koth and a few other masters that were technically
advanced gave their aid.

It was
a big help.

was good, but he wasn’t perfect, despite how some people seemed to
think he was but this was about their children basically!

the spouses to some.


some of the Jedi had just gone the full mile and married some of
their troopers much to Anakin’s amusement because that had to be a
confusing family line to some.

to fathers to who knew what in some instances.

all of that had lead to this moment, a live subject after multiple
testing on removed biochips. And of course Rex, brave and reckless
Rex, had volunteered when he heard that Anakin had come so far.

was what lead to the current set up in one of the shelters that had
been hastily set up. Rex in one end of the shielded durasteel shelter
and Anakin and his team with Obi-Wan and Mace Windu in the other end
to observe and report to the rest of the council of a hopeful

ensure that only Rex would be exposed to the signal, they had set it
up with him in one end of the shelter that was pointed into the
forest, behind several glass walls and ray shields and Anakin and the
rest behind the last wall about to activate the button to activate
the signal in the room on the broadcast device beside Rex, the only
electrical device near him.

for the safety of the other troopers.

in case.

case Anakin had fucked up and he was about to harm Rex or even kill
him and Force forbid because Rex was one of his, Anakin had
adopted his battalion and it just wasn’t fa-

A hand
covered his shoulder, Anakin looking up from staring at the button in
his hand to blink at Obi-Wan instead, the man smiling sympathetically
at him. “It’s alright Anakin, you’ve done your best and I trust
in your skills. You and every other Jedi that has any expertise in
this has looked into it and we have tested them on samples… but we
need to test it on a living person first.” They both looked at Rex.

clone trooper was standing there in his blacks, brows raised, arms
crossed over his chest and seemingly looking a bit impatient but

was a lie, there was a nervousness hidden beneath the surface that
all the Jedi could fee, a worry for his life but more for the chip in
his head that could take control.

out, Anakin nodded.

had done everything they could.

they had to test it on a proper subject to ensure it was fully safe
after all the tests they had done on removed biochips.

his eyes, Anakin pressed down on the button, activating the signal.

ReporttoSanate: what heppens next? The Jedi consul knows about Who the Sith is. At least they are away but how does the order feel about it? The clones? Like, honestly, is a strike force being organized?

Everything was just coming down all at once now, wasn’t it?

They had escaped the war
mongering Senate and settled in to build a new life while also
finding a very suitable solution to getting the troopers recognized
as citizens only to be told about the biochips that could snap their
wills that were inside every trooper.

They needed to do
something about that still.

Then Senator Organa had
suddenly called them and now they had a Sith
on Coruscant, and not just any Sith but the Sith master himself,
leading the merry hydra that was the Senate.

the highest position of power.

wonder the war had been going to shit for all these
years and Obi-Wan couldn’t
help but wonder what the man had planned with all the troopers once
everything was said and done.

just wanted to return to bed where he knew Cody would be waiting for

and comfortable with all his ‘sons’ throwing teasing ‘dad’
comments when they saw him and how most of them were still taunting
Cody with ‘buir’ comments from time to time.

it really too much to ask?

they were stuck in their makeshift council chamber for the entire
twenty four hour cycle, it certainly seemed that way, especially as
they were leaning towards the twenty fifth soon and several council
members had already been hailed by their concerned troopers a few
times and Cody, as the highest ranking clone trooper, had outright
entered the council chamber.

to be fair, he had done so with food and water for all, a knowing and
resigned look in his eyes.

knew them too well and he also knew that they had to make sacrifices
right now as they needed to find solutions but Obi-Wan was honestly
getting a headache that was very close to a migraine at this point.

“I don’t think we can
remove every troopers chip,” Shaak rubbed her chin slowly, her
lekkus twitching with agitation and sleep deprivation. “There’s
just too many and brain surgery, even in our day and age, is a
sensitive thing. The brain is a tender thing.” She noted with a
worried frown.

For several long moments,
no one said anything until finally Kit sat up a bit, looking around.
“We might not be able to remove them and deactivating them is
uncertain, but could we rewrite them?” He queried, receiving
puzzled looks in return. “They’re biochips right? They run on a
signal but that also means they should be able to be rewritten like
most pieces of engineered hardware with software, yes?” His
tentacles twitched as his black eyes bounced between fellow council

The more technically
advanced members opened their mouths only to shut them again seconds
later, falling into contemplative silences.

He wasn’t wrong, per
say, the biochips were a mixing of technology and bio engineering but
that didn’t mean he was also right.

It would be a difficult
thing test and could take a lot of time, time they may not have with
the CIS and the Republic at war.

“I could work on it,”
Anakin rubbed his chin, frowning heavily. “But I’d need help of
someone knowledgeable with tissue and healers and a few other
technically advanced people, particularly people who are
knowledgeable about medical technology.” He glanced around.

“A wizard with
technology young Skywalker has always been,” Yoda tapped his cane
on the floor, looking around. “Our best bet this may be, to rescue
ourselves and the rest of the galaxy. Ideas for others someone has?”
His ears perked slowly.

Letting out contemplative
sounds, everyone started to brainstorm who could be of aid in such an

They still had a long
night to go and Obi-Wan bolstered himself with the Force for the
fiftieth time that day alone. ‘I just wanted a warm bed with Cody
in it…’ He sulked quietly.

ReportToTheSenate, the big Sith reveal by Bail and Padme

tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair, Bail waited to be
connected as he stroked his goatee with his free hand. He had been
waiting for five minutes already but considering it all, he was
willing to wait a lot longer to connect and as it was, he didn’t
think Daveron had that great of a communication line.

yes, waiting it was to be connected.

he waited, he considered what he wanted to say, what information to
give over to the other man and what he wanted to ask.

I want to ask anything?’ Bail glanced nervously away from the blank
holo projector to look at the window. He didn’t have any concrete
information to be honest, the angle of the recorder in the Senate had
been all wrong to get a good look and zoom in on Palpatine’s eyes,
so he couldn’t be sure of what he had seen.

the feeling…

Bail remembered that feeling, Zigoola was something he would never
forget with the trauma it had come slugging with.

remembered carrying Obi-Wan in a fireman lift over his shoulders as
the Jedi succumbed to the darkness of the Force on the planet and he
remembered the heaviness around him that threatened to eat

Bail would never forget the feeling and he had felt it that day in
the Senate, of that he was sure.

someone picked up and Bail let out a deep breath as Obi-Wan, sporting
a bedhead, blinked blearily at him. “Bail? What the kark, it’s
the middle of the ni-”

we’re in trouble, deep
karking, Sith trouble.” Bail cut in, the Jedi falling mute while
blinking at him in surprise.


council sat in mute stunned silence only broken by the wind outside
the temple they were restoring slowly but steadily, especially thanks
to the troopers aiding. With so many of them, things were going a lot
faster than anyone could have anticipated, the troopers having built
shelters for themselves first at the Jedi’s request and then come
to help once everyone had a safe place to sleep and rest.

right now, everyone was wondering if it really mattered.

they had potentially missed the most powerful being in the entire
galaxy being a Sith.

things Palpatine could have done to fuck everyone over in his
position as Chancellor, the things he could have set in motion for
the Jedi, the outright dangers to everyone’s freedom…

was a horrifying thing to think of.

is a disaster.” Obi-Wan finally whispered, his head in his hands.

one contradicted him.

there was nothing to contradict.

has he managed to stay under the radar that well?” Mace murmured,
rubbing his face tiredly. He just wanted to go back to bed with
Ponds, was that really too much to ask for Force?

have no idea,” Depa sighed deeply. “We’ve been looking since
Naboo, since Qui-Gon’s death. We’ve had our ear to the ground
since then.” She mumbled. She sent Obi-Wan an apologetic smile when
she saw him flinch at Qui-Gon’s name.

equally deeply as her fellow councilor, Shaak rubbed her brow,
looking more troubled than her usual serene expression. “He’s had
a long time to hide that is certain, who knows how long. I highly
doubt he was the master at the time of the Naboo invasion, but he
must have become it at one point. We have missed both he and the one
who trained Palpatine if he truly is the Sith we are looking for. Is
it possible that Senator Organa is mistaken.” She looked to

himself up on the crate he was using as a council seat, Obi-Wan
surveyed the rest of the council before shaking his head. “Bail got
very familiar with how the Sith and the dark side feels on Zigoola,
he knows what to look for, he saved me several times when the dark
side had me collapsing,” He murmured seriously, sweeping back his
hair while longingly thinking of his bed. “No, I don’t think Bail
is mistaken. We have a Sith in the Senate at the highest position of
power.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply, meeting
Yoda’s tired eyes as the old goblin tried to figure out what to do
about the Sith threat.

was a long silence filled with crickets and wind from the outside
before Plo spoke their collective thoughts. “We’re fucked.”

Reporttosenate! What’s Padme going to do woth a 501st worth of children? (How many even is that?)

cup clattering
on the floor while she
staring at her husband, Padme was gaping rather unattractively and
she heard Dorme snort very unladylike somewhere behind her but Padme
was very busy staring at her husband thank you very much as the holo
shape of Anakin shuffled awkwardly while clasping his hands in front
of himself, looking adorably flustered and also busted.

She choked out. “You adopted the entire
All of them?” The lady senator of Naboo got out.

meekly, Anakin smiled sheepishly. “That makes them members of the
Republic since I’m one.” He shrugged.

was not fair how handsome Anakin was in that moment because Padme
really had no idea how to respond as she continued staring at her
husband and he squirmed in place, sporting what she knew was sleep
wear in black and looking cutely disheveled with his curls a mess around his
head. “…Just how many are they?” She questioned with

mean what else were you suppose to do?

should have guessed Anakin would do it too when she heard how the
rest of the Jedi had.

wanted a huge family if he could get it.

hundred and twenty three?” Anakin admitted in a small voice,
shuffling in place.

could hear a pin drop in Padme’s apartment and she frankly wondered
if she had heard wrong as Dorme finally lost it and started giggling
at her lady.

down at her surprisingly still whole cup as it laid on the floor,
Padme blinked as the tea soaked into the carpet. “…I need
something a lot stronger than tea for this conversation…” She
mumbled out.

his throat, Anakin shrugged weakly. “I-I mean, a normal battalion
is on about
to five hundred
love, that’s all, I haven’t had time to fill up from Kamino and…
um…shutting up now.” He squeaked when Padme shot him a glare.

her face while peeking through her fingers at him, Padme wondered if
she should be grateful he didn’t just marry the whole lot. She knew
that in Tatooine culture it was normal to have more than one partner to
pool together your resources though Anakin was strongly monogamous.

was a long silence, the sounds of Coruscant traffic, Dorme’s
giggling and the shuffling on Anakin’s side the only sound filling
the space as the two stared at each other.

well, Padme stared down Anakin that was.

Anakin looked around for a distraction before suddenly lashing out
and dragging Obi-Wan into the image, the Jedi master looking adorably
flustered with
a toothbrush in his mouth and items in his hands and
was that bantha slippers with tooka sleeping pants the man was

is marrying his commander!” Anakin announced brightly, clearly
hopeful that the obvious diversion would work.

just blinked, the
toothbrush stuck in his mouth as he owlishly stared
at what Padme assumed to be her holo and then looked at Anakin, not
removing the toothbrush from his mouth since he was holding a glass
of what she hoped was water to rinse and a toiletries bag in the
other hand.

Master Kenobi, I’m sure Commander Cody is thrilled.” She stated
diplomatically as she fought not to giggle inappropriately.

it wasn’t often you saw the Negotiator himself look so unrefined
and soft.

just blinked again then bowed gracefully to convey his thanks and
well, now Padme was just jealous because how was he pulling off
looking graceful with a toothbrush in his mouth and in his sleepwear!

hair was even tussled around and he still managed to just look
swooshy and dignified… in tooka pants!

also adopting his own battalion?” Anakin tacked on unhelpfully,
squeaking when Padme leveled him a look.

bemused look crossed Obi-Wan’s face before the man shrugged and
wandered out of the image, humming a little tune around the
toothbrush that the recorder faintly picked up on.

Ani, what am I going to do with you.” Sighing deeply, Padme dropped her face in her hands, unable
not to snort and quietly laugh, seeing his sheepishly smiling face
through er fingers as she did.

I did want a big family… seems I got a whole bunch of adoptive sons
now.’ She mused in resigned amusement.

#reporttoSenate they got married? When did the Jedi decide to marry the clones

had been a throw away suggestion, Depa clearly making a joke while
tiredly rubbing her face with her feet stretched out in front of her
after a long day of restoration on the temple.

easiest way to get the Senate to acknowledge the troopers would be to
just adopt or marry the whole lot of them.” She snarked
out before smiling gratefully up at commander Gray as the man came
over and gave her a cold drink.

that thought, that idea…

traveled and soon enough several Jedi were looking speculatively at
both other Jedi and their troopers.

then Plo had stood up. “Alright, I’m adopting the Wolfpack and
none of you losers can stop me.” He grunted before marching over to
Wolffe and Sinker, grabbing both by the shoulder and dragging them
away while calling for the rest of his ‘boys’ to follow the kark

they did of course.


had shrugged then stood and wandered over to Ponds, peering down at
his commander thoughtfully before sighing and shrugging.

then he had knelt. “So, not about to adopt you Ponds but how you
feel about marrying me and adopting some of your brothers?” He
smirked wryly.

had gone from there, everyone either marrying or adopting as many as
they could though the youngest Jedi were denied, an age limit of
nineteen at least set for both marriage or adoption.

had eagerly taken the chance to adopt all
his men at once, going by Tatooine traditions where all he needed to
do was to share water and food with them before loudly declaring them
as his ‘children’. And the Senate would have to recognize that as
they did with the charigan’s adoption ritual that was pretty much
painting a green circle on each others forehead.

had hemmed and hawed for a few hours before shyly approaching Cody
and taking his hand, blinking at the man and then swallowing his
nerves to kneel down like Mace had done because if that stone faced
man could do it then Obi-Wan wouldn’t do worse.

Cody deserved the best.

couldn’t give him the best, he couldn’t give him a candlelight
dinner with live music and private darkness to
give him a beautiful ring.

didn’t have that, he had the stars over Devaron,
he had the songs of the lire birds in the distance and he had Cody
standing in front of him with a small, caring smile and that was all
Obi-Wan could give him as he asked for the others hand while offering
a carved, wooden trooper, as standard for Stewjon marriages.

gift, a token to be given to the one that was asked.

had taken one look at it and started laughing before pulling Obi-Wan
up on his feet and kissing the Jedi. “Jet’ika, you silly man.”
He breathed into the kiss before deepening it, ignoring the catcalls
around them from the rest of the 212th
who had been spying.

colored but melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Cody’s
waist with a low noise as he let the other take charge, melting into
the kiss with the lire birds and the stars and the smell of Cody’s
aftershave in his nose.

hands cupping his body, a firm chest against his and the assurance
that Cody would have
to be recognized by the Senate now.

adopting all of them, hang the Senate.’ Obi-Wan thought muzzily
into the kiss as he allowed Cody to utterly control him into leaning
into the marbled wall for more kisses, the rest of the 212th
scramming when they recognized the need for privacy.

all mine,
I’m not letting anyone take them away, not the Senate and not the
fucking chancellor. Hang him by the balls from a flagpole.’
Obi-Wan sighed happily into the kiss, allowing Cody to steal the air
from his lungs.

Report of the Senate! An insight from Palpatine about this whole Order Exodus debacle!

how had it come to this!?

seethed to himself as outwardly he just slowly stroked his chin while
staring at what was basically an empty building in the distance, the
Jedi temple run by what was in reality just a skeleton crew.

had all his plans not seen this coming?

had the Jedi managed to slip away without alerting anyone until they
were basically gone?

should have noticed something, the amount of Force sensitive leaving
and not returning but with the war going on Sidious would have to
admit that maybe he had grown a bit lax in his observation of the
Force auras.


seethed with rage while the senators bickered behind him.

even once did he consider that it wasn’t really the Jedi who had
taken themselves to safety and away from Coruscant, no, not one
single thought was spared to the clones.

all, they were only clones even if they had emotions.

did not know how the clones loved the Jedi, how they felt about their
Generals and Commanders.

in Sidious’ mind the clones saw the Jedi as their ‘masters’ and
did not love them, nor did the Jedi love them in return.

he did not see the second wrench thrown into his plans when suddenly
a secretary came running into the office with wide eyes. “We have a
transmission from the Jedi on Daveron!” She eeped out, her voice
shrill and loud.

the bickering Senator’s fell still, looking at her and Sidious
raised a brow, dread rising in his chest.

adopted or married every single trooper! All of them are basically
members of
the Republic through
said marriage or adoption
and by law they have the right to vacation days, sick days, mandatory
health checks and so much more.” She babbled nervously
while wringing her hands together with wide eyes.

dull roar exploded in Sidious’ office from the Senators as he just
sat there in mild confusion and shock.

how the hell was he suppose to handle this if the troopers were
suddenly legal citizens of the Republic?!

those Jedi.’ He hissed internally while imagining holding the
entire council under his lighting until flesh charred and eyes popped
form the heat, brains boiling.

where was that Skywalker boy!

All his plans were falling apart!

had it all gone so wrong? What had gone wrong?

despised not knowing where he had gone wrong so he could avoid
repeating it or fix it but at this point there was no fixing it.

would have to move forward without the Jedi close at hand for the
final order and triumph.

he had bothered to look towards the senator’s in that moment he
would have seen their openly wary expression as they watched their
Chancellor’s rather frightening expression and Bail in particular
focused on the man’s fingertips.

flashes of lighting were at it, almost unnoticeable.

it sent chills through Bail as memories of Zigoola flashed in his
mind, feeling suddenly as if he was carrying Obi-Wan once more over
his shoulders as the Jedi fell weak to the darkness of the planet,
fighting demons Bail couldn’t see even if he could feel the
oppression press down on him.

need to tell Obi-Wan.’ Bail thought to himself as he swallowed
heavily and exchanged a glance with Padme.

too was focused on the fingertips of Palpatine, her brown eyes
slightly too wide despite her expression showing nothing but serenity
and her impeccable makeup helping disguise any other reaction the
Nabooan senator had.

they had the same thought.

the Jedi and inform them fast.

troopers,’ Bail glanced to the stationed clone guard at the door,
taking in the red paint of the Coruscantian guard. Something told
Bail that the fastest way to get a message or get into contact with
the Jedi was to go through the troopers. ‘I don’t know which one
this is but
hopefully that won’t offend them.’ The Alderaanian Senator would
bite the bullet and potentially offend a man if it meant he could get
the message to Obi-Wan.

Jedi needed to know of the Chancellor’s behavior and what Bail was
currently feeling.

stony, barren world flashed in his mind again with Obi-Wan’s
labored and pained breath in his ear even as he felt the Coruscantian
sun coming in through the window and the plush chair below him.

felt so cold.

#reporttosenate- all the Jedi meet to talk about how they are going to protect themselves and the clones.

his face, Mace stared at the floor between his feet, taking in the
little insect crawling by.

rooms were still being readied and cleaned up in the temple of Eedit
so they had to take the best available room with privacy.

of them were sitting on crates someone had been kind enough to find
though Yoda had gotten the single chair for his old bones sake.

the start there had been yelling but it had tapered off into a
hopeless sense of despair that they were all struggling not to give
into. The knowledge that the troopers had chips in their head and
that the Jedi had no idea…

was worrying.

had already been a hard pill to swallow that they became war
general’s to what was basically systematic slavery but this on top?

that was impossible to swallow, to know that the troopers free will
could be taken from them at any moment.

Obi-Wan let out a loud sigh and dropped his face into his hands.
“When we let the troopers remove us from Coruscant, I did not
expect this.” He stated in what was frankly a hopeless tone that
had Mace heart twisting.

time he had seen the younger man like this was when Qui-Gon had died.

the Jedi had become tightly entwined with their troopers, caring for
them as much as they cared for their own order.

was impossible not to care about these men when
they fought and died with the Jedi, when they cared so much to begin

need to do something.” Depa tacked on, her tone somewhat desperate
as she glanced about.

Shaak whispered softly, chiming in on holo from Kamino. “I’ve
stopped the younger clones from getting the chips implanted, stating
that they were no longer useful to the kaminoans but for the older
ones, the ones already left Kamino,” She trailed off.

his temples, Plo let out a deep huff. “There must be a signal, the
biochips has to have a signal, if we could release some brand of
virus or emp signal…” He trailed off too, his twisting with
worry. “But what if that damages them?” He glanced about.

his head, Oppo leaned forward. “I do not believe it would,
biochips, when faulty can trigger the latent orders in them but
deactivated ones slowly degrade and just disappear into the brain
matter I know.” He stated quietly with a dark frown on his face.

up at that, Obi-Wan stared at Oppo. “…We should speak with the
healers, maybe they have a suggestion.” He stated quietly and Mace
nodded slowly, agreeing with the younger master. Honestly they were
at a loss here.

didn’t have enough knowledge about the biochips to really know what
they were fighting about but what Mace did know was that they did not
have much time left.

here I was hoping to just quietly sleep for at least a day.’ He
thought with something akin to despair even as he squared his
shoulders and stood. “With the healers we will talk, there is no
other way, we need more information.” Mace stated sternly.

this to you I will,” Yoda suddenly croaked, a tired tone to his
voice as everyone turned to him, the old troll shaking his head. “Old
I am, to this I have lead the order… my wisdom on the council long
ago should have been set aside…” He sighed deeply.

wanted to argue and by the look on several of the others faces he
could tell they too wanted, but no one did, respecting the choice of
their grandmaster.

he wasn’t wrong.

had been a council master for a long time and maybe it was time for
change, for refreshment.

right now it was time for survival against an overwhelming odds they
hadn’t noticed creeping in on them and Mace swore, if he got his
hands on the Sith master, he would happily take their karking hands
for setting the troopers in such a situation.

in reporttosenate, how are the padawans and younglings interacting with more clones than they have ever met and learning they are trying to save them.

nine, ten, eleven-” The counting was loud and clear as children of
all ages from five to eleven ran off around the room, desperately
scrambling for a hiding place while muffling their giggles.

the amused and grateful gaze of the creche masters, the troopers had
taken charge of amusing the children until all the Jedi had arrived
and everything could be settled up and today Commander Snow and his
men had decided to play hide and seek with the children. Snow, Lapra,
Browbeat and Tyr were all gathered in a group with their hands over
their eyes as Snow counted for all four of the troopers.

even more on the bench as he took a small break from the clean up,
Dolan smiled indulgently as he watched one of the older children
scale a beam to hide up in the ceiling scaffolding while a smaller
one crawled under a table with a delighted beam at having found her
hiding space.

to Dolan’s amusement, he noticed one of the mon calamari Initiates
slowly inched her way into the nearby pond and sunk under to hide.

don’t think that was allowed little one.’ Dolan rubbed his clean
shaven chin, grinning before grunting softly as Master Vos sat down
next to him on the bench, the kiffar watching the troopers count with
bemusement in his eyes.

said anything for a long time, only observed as Snow finally stopped
counting and started to search the cleaned and prepared room.

rooms had been on the priority scale apparently Dolan had learned,
the clones explaining with serious and stern faces that younglings
always came first and needed the comfort of clean and safe spaces.

had wholly approved of that, he didn’t mind a slightly drafty or
dirty room if his creche classes were safe and sound in their rooms
and he knew that the rest of the temple was on the agenda to be

don’t really like the clones,” Dolan glanced at Vos, raising a
brow as the man rubbed the yellow streak over his nose. “Don’t
trust them if I’m honest.” He trailed off, watching as Lapra
found the youngling under the table and grabbed them, playfully
tickling and throwing her into the air to the Initiates utter delight
as she hugged the man tightly.

both brows, Dolan settled his hands in his lap. “…The troopers
have been nothing but respectful and kind to the Jedi,” He said
slowly. “Something we have sorely lacked if the stories I’ve
heard from mission active knights are true.” Dolan tilted his head,
his nerf
tail tickling his neck.

a bit, Vos leaned his elbows on his knees, muscles flexing lightly
and most likely unintentionally though Dolan took a moment to admire
them still as the other master generally went around in a sleeveless
outfit. “I… you’re right. I just don’t…” The man pursed
his lips.

watched the other for a long moment, the sound of laughter filling
the room as the troopers searched and found kids, playing with them,
bonding with the children who had come to learn that the troopers
were more than soldiers. “…As I understand it, you should have
nothing to say about them, considering their loyalties have never
been in question nor have they ever conspired with dark siders or
killed Jedi on purpose.” Dolan said as lightly as he could.

still tensed and looked down, staring at his feet.

are they on probation,” The creche master returned to watching the
children. “I am not telling you to like them, one can not be
universally liked. But the very least you can do is respect them.”
Dolan hummed a bit.

Jedi master said nothing, only clenched his hands on his leggings.

Dolan smirked ever so slightly as he watched Tyr walk towards the
middle with two human Initiates clinging to his legs on each side.
“If you were to show your displeasure, I believe our Initiates may
just decide that you need a lesson in basic human decency and decide
a tickling match against a Jedi master is a good idea for the honor
of the troopers.” Dolan chortled out as Browbeat finally managed to
find their calamari Initiate in the pond and was struggling to get
him out without getting wet.

up at that, Vos watched the kids and the troopers before snorting.
“Guess you’re right. So far every trooper I’ve seen interact
with the younglings adore them and the younglings adore them in
return… not enough adult to play with them I guess?” He glanced
at Dolan.

slightly, the creche master glanced about then gestured. “Not many
choose to become creche masters, we make do with those we have but
unfortunately we are not always enough to play when babies need
feeding and younglings need their injuries tended to.” He smiled
gently before humming as he heard a noise. “But if I’m not wrong,
it sounds like a shuttle is coming closer. The council seems to have
arrived.” He grinned warmly.

they were all away from Coruscant to the safety of Eedit.

hoped it would remain that way.

#reporttosenate- what happens next?

his temple slowly, Cody let out a small huff of pain as he sat up
carefully in the medbed, clenching his eyes shut at how woozy that
really made him.

mouth was so karking dry and he felt like he was about to throw up
honestly but he guessed that was what anesthesia did to you, made you
feel like crap.

was the press of a glass into his free hand and Cody let out a soft
murmur of thanks without opening his eyes as he took several sips of
water to wet his desperately dry throat. Oh that was heaven sent,
wonderful despite being slightly lukewarm.

and deliciousness.

his eyes open to look at whoever, Cody almost dropped the glass as he
meet amused, warm green eyes, his Jedi standing in front of him with
a small, fond smile on his lips. “General!” He yipped in surprise
only to groan and rub his head once more. Kark that surgery was
really something awful.

his brows, Obi-Wan chuckled faintly. “Hello to you too Cody, I’d
ask how you feel but that groan really did tell me everything I
needed to know,” His face twisted into one of concern. “You had
surgery?” He questioned, glancing at the rest of the beds in the

Rex, Tup and Longshot were all laid up, all from different batches or
time scales compared to Cody though Obi-Wan would know that and Cody
wasn’t sure how to explain to the Jedi that the troopers were a
danger to them.

they could help.’ A voice piped up in Cody’s head as he stared at
the man who had come with water for him. “…We found something.”
He admitted quietly, carefully throwing his legs over the side of the
bed to stand, setting the glass on the tray between his and Rex

ended up almost falling only for Obi-Wan to quickly grab and support
him, the Jedi’s warm and strong body holding him up easily.

worried look grew deeper, creases appearing between Obi-Wan’s
brows. “Cody?” He murmured quietly.

go find Kix or Helix,” Cody murmured quietly, holding the Jedi by
the shoulder, both for his own support and as reassurance. “They
can explain this better than I can.” He settled on while
straightening up steadily and breathing out heavily.

frown clearly deepening even more somehow, Obi-Wan nodded slowly and
kept his arm around Cody, guiding him towards the office where they
could hear low murmuring.


deeply as he sat up, Mace rubbed his forehead slowly before swinging
his legs out of the bunk and moving towards Depa, checking on her
quickly before snorting as he took in the fact that she filtered out
the poison ages ago and was just taking a long sleep in.

bum.’ He thought in fond amusement before looking up when the door
hissed open, smirking a bit at Yoda when the old troll moved in.
“Master.” Mace tilted his head in greeting.

in return, Yoda hobbled towards him. “Spoken with the troopers I
have, at Eedit we soon shall be,” The old man offered up while
leaning on his cane as he peered up at Mace. “The rest already
there is, safe our young are.” He smiled warmly at that.

in return, Mace nodded. “One can’t say that the troopers don’t
take care of us. I don’t anyone has done as much for Jedi as the
troopers have.” He murmured in warm, fond tone.

Yoda opened his mouth only to snap it shut as both looked towards the
door as it once more hissed open only this time it was to one very
agitated redhead with wide eyes.

have a problem.” Obi-Wan snapped out, his tone full of panic.

looks, Yoda and Mace had a bad feeling rising as Obi-Wan tended to be
calm at every situation.

in Force name could have happened to bring him that hard that he was
leaking agitation into the Force.