Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

LightThroughCracks — Obi-Wan has a relapse (love all your fics!!!!)

Rushing through the hall as quickly as he dared, Anakin’s eyes darted left and right, cursing Dinvaka for ruining Anakin’s comm link during sparring.

It had been an accident, the older wookie padawan had apologized again and again but that didn’t make the current situation any better.

‘I need a council master. I need Master Plo, or Depa, or Yaddle, o-or Mace!’ Anakin’s thoughts were racing, even as he tried not to catch the attention of everyone. He knew that was a mote point though, everyone clearly realized something was up.

But were keeping a distance as Anakin was clearly looking for someone.

Finally, finally, Anakin spotted a very familiar, purple cloak with gold trimmings.

Saying karking it to manners, Anakin raced forward and grasped the kel dors hand, staring up with wide eyes.

He knew that Plo was most likely leaving the temple, since he was wearing the robe, but he was the first council member Anakin had found.

At the very least, Plo would be able to get into contact with someone else if his own excursion was more important.

Plo of course turned instantly at the grip, familiar with Anakin’s behavior and always accepting of it, a greeting on his lips under his mask that died when he spotted the building panic in Anakin. He knelt down, resting his hands on the blond’s shoulders. “Anakin?” He murmured.

Tugging, Anakin nodded the way he had come. “Master Plo, thank the Force,” He gasped out, “Obi-Wan. Its Obi-Wan.” He whispered, in a faint attempt to have some privacy even as his eyes filled with moisture, trying not to start crying.

Jedi had too good of a hearing, he didn’t want everyone to know that Obi-Wan was ill again.

Unable to see Plo’s eyes with his goggles, Anakin still knew that the others eyes had lit up with understanding, the man standing quickly. “Lead the way.” He murmured seriously.

With a council master following him, no one else did and Anakin couldn’t help but breath out in relief, even as he moved as quickly as he could without running.

Thankfully, Plo’s long legs meant he easily kept up. “What happened Anakin?” Plo questioned, his claws a gentle grip on Anakin’s softer hand, his mind suspecting but hoping that he was wrong.

“Me and Obi-Wan were going to dinner but then he felt bad and… and its best if you see it yourself.” Anakin swallowed thickly, fighting his tears as he pulled the kel dor along.

It would be amusing, the tiny human pulling the tall kel dor along, if it wasn’t so serious.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of walking quickly, Anakin ducked in to a smaller hall, less used and then into a darkened alcove Plo faintly remembered having benches in his youth.

And in the alcove, sitting on the floor, Obi-Wan was curled up against the wall, robe puddled around him as the redhead breathed shakily into his legs. H

e might have been hyperventilating at one point, Plo suspected, with how hard the other was breathing into the legs he had pulled to his chest, his face hidden into the fabric.

Yet when he heard Anakin, he lifted his face long enough for Plo to see the reddened, teary eyes.

“Oh… Oh Obi-Wan.” Plo breathed out into his mask, the hissing sound heard clearly into the alcove.

Obi-Wan flinched at the sound, curling even more up into his legs as he pressed his face into his legs, hiding away as his shame and self-loathing practically oozed off him in waves.

Pressing his hand to Anakin’s shoulder, Plo gave him the best smile he could then pressed his comm link into the Tatooian boy’s hands. “Alright, I need you to contact Healer Che. Then you need to speak with Master Windu, can you do that for me Anakin? Tell them that Obi-Wan is having an incident and that I will be bringing him to his old room.” He stated quietly.

Anakin, clearly worried, nodded, stepping back to give the two older Jedi privacy.

He knew Obi-Wan didn’t like seeing him like this and instead, sniffling slightly, Anakin focused on his own task of contacting the people Plo asked him to.

Inside the alcove, Plo knelt down slowly, settling one hand on Obi-Wan’s head, brushing past the flimsy shields of the others head.

The moment he had laid eyes on Obi-Wan, he had been rather certain that the other was having a relapse.

Now, inside Obi-Wan’s mind, he knew.

But this time, instead of leaning on the bond between himself and his padawan, Obi-Wan had fully withdrawn into himself, in an attempt to avoid harming his padawan.

Creating a backlash, his own emotions looping in the Force.

Stroking the copper tresses slowly, Plo let out a deep, crooning noise as he pressed his shields between Obi-Wan and the world, watching him slump to the wall. “Oh Obi-Wan, its alright child. It will be alright.” He murmured worriedly.

Obi-Wan let out a soft, broken noise, seemingly out of energy as he rested against the wall.

But he was tilting his head into the touch, blinking slowly up at Plo.

Trusting and open, accepting help.

“It will be alright.” Plo repeated, soft as he heard Anakin talk with Yaddle, the healers on the way.

In #onlyproud, maybe Obi-Wan has a relapse after a mission goes south, and Anakin and Mace are there to help him get over this bump in his recovery? xxx


The entire mission
had been an utter disaster, practically a genocide because Obi-Wan
had failed in his job as a negotiator and thousands of people had
died because he couldn’t do his job as the senior Jedi on site and
while the Council had waved their hands and assured him that there
was nothing that could have been done differently and that Obi-Wan
had acted as best he could, that didn’t stop the overwhelming guilt
that choked Obi-Wan.

And that lead to
his second failure.

Which left him
huddled up on the floor beside the toilet with his back pressed to
the wall, the taste of vomit still in his mouth as he felt too weak
to even get up. He’d failed to rescue those people and he’d
failed to keep his promise to both Qui-Gon, Force be with him, and to

Salty tears rolled
down his face and into his beard to drip onto his askew tunic.

There was a little
knock on the fresher, causing Obi-Wan to flinch weakly.

“Master?” It
was Anakin.

Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut, a wave of self-loathing making him even more nauseous.

“Master can I
come in?” Anakin requested, standing outside the door. Obi-Wan
opened his mouth to answer, to send the other away but couldn’t get
a word out. “Master please talk to me at least.”

A sob escaped him
at that, Obi-Wan pressing a hand to his mouth to try and contain it.

But Anakin had
heard it. “Master I’m going to come in.” He said, tone firm and
with that the door swished open, Anakin standing there framed in the
fresher doorway.

He looked a bit
tired, a bit pale in his dark rumpled tunics but mostly he looked
worried as he stepped in, taking one look at Obi-Wan.

The sixteen year
old then turned to the sink and got a glass of water from it and
moistened a little face towel before he knelt down, holding out the
glass to Obi-Wan. “Rinse your mouth please Master.” He implored

Slowly, Obi-Wan
closed one hand around the glass and took a small sip, swishing it
around his mouth before he spat it out into the toilet and took a new
sip to swallow and removing the taste of bile mostly.

Not all the way but

Settling the glass
down, Obi-Wan looked back at Anakin and made a low noise when the
teen started to gently wipe his face, going over his beard and mouth
first with the corner of the moistened towel before shifting it and
wiping the rest of his face, tears and sweat.

‘What am I doing
towards him? He’s not suppose to take care of me, I’m the karking
adult, I’m his teacher, I’m suppose to be his guardian not…’
Obi-Wan trembled even as Anakin threw the towel into the hamper.

And then his
padawan drew Obi-Wan into his long arms, the teen long ago having
grown taller then Obi-Wan. “Its going to be okay master. I know
you’re not okay but we’re gonna get you back to okay.” He
quietly murmured into his ear.

Obi-Wan rasped out, finally letting out a word, his throat raw from
throwing up.

“I contacted
Master Windu. He said he’d bring an oral bacta spray in case you
hurt your throat.” Anakin gingerly rested a hand against Obi-Wan’s
throat, fingers prodding slightly. “Your glands are a bit swollen
so you might have…” He hesitated before shifting them around
until they were both sitting on the floor, Anakin pulling Obi-Wan
into his lap with surprising strength, shifting Obi-Wan’s body
practically ninety degrees until he’s resting his head against
Anakin’s shoulder as the other holds him with Anakin’s legs
stretched towards the open door. “He told me to stay with you until
he got here, so that’s what I’m gonna do.”

Feeling lost and
uprooted, Obi-Wan made a low noise then slowly fisted his hands into
the blonds tunic. “…I’m sorry… you shouldn’t have to do
this, see this, me in this state.” Obi-Wan managed to rasp out, shuddering.

“Its okay master…
I know you’re not well.” Anakin whispered in quiet but utter
acceptance, resting his forehead against Obi-Wan’s with quiet
support as the teenager tried his best until an actual adult could

In #onlyproud, maybe Obi-Wan has a relapse after a mission goes south, and Anakin and Mace are there to help him get over this bump in his recovery? xxx


The entire mission
had been an utter disaster, practically a genocide because Obi-Wan
had failed in his job as a negotiator and thousands of people had
died because he couldn’t do his job as the senior Jedi on site and
while the Council had waved their hands and assured him that there
was nothing that could have been done differently and that Obi-Wan
had acted as best he could, that didn’t stop the overwhelming guilt
that choked Obi-Wan.

And that lead to
his second failure.

Which left him
huddled up on the floor beside the toilet with his back pressed to
the wall, the taste of vomit still in his mouth as he felt too weak
to even get up. He’d failed to rescue those people and he’d
failed to keep his promise to both Qui-Gon, Force be with him, and to

Salty tears rolled
down his face and into his beard to drip onto his askew tunic.

There was a little
knock on the fresher, causing Obi-Wan to flinch weakly.

“Master?” It
was Anakin.

Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut, a wave of self-loathing making him even more nauseous.

“Master can I
come in?” Anakin requested, standing outside the door. Obi-Wan
opened his mouth to answer, to send the other away but couldn’t get
a word out. “Master please talk to me at least.”

A sob escaped him
at that, Obi-Wan pressing a hand to his mouth to try and contain it.

But Anakin had
heard it. “Master I’m going to come in.” He said, tone firm and
with that the door swished open, Anakin standing there framed in the
fresher doorway.

He looked a bit
tired, a bit pale in his dark rumpled tunics but mostly he looked
worried as he stepped in, taking one look at Obi-Wan.

The sixteen year
old then turned to the sink and got a glass of water from it and
moistened a little face towel before he knelt down, holding out the
glass to Obi-Wan. “Rinse your mouth please Master.” He implored

Slowly, Obi-Wan
closed one hand around the glass and took a small sip, swishing it
around his mouth before he spat it out into the toilet and took a new
sip to swallow and removing the taste of bile mostly.

Not all the way but

Settling the glass
down, Obi-Wan looked back at Anakin and made a low noise when the
teen started to gently wipe his face, going over his beard and mouth
first with the corner of the moistened towel before shifting it and
wiping the rest of his face, tears and sweat.

‘What am I doing
towards him? He’s not suppose to take care of me, I’m the karking
adult, I’m his teacher, I’m suppose to be his guardian not…’
Obi-Wan trembled even as Anakin threw the towel into the hamper.

And then his
padawan drew Obi-Wan into his long arms, the teen long ago having
grown taller then Obi-Wan. “Its going to be okay master. I know
you’re not okay but we’re gonna get you back to okay.” He
quietly murmured into his ear.

Obi-Wan rasped out, finally letting out a word, his throat raw from
throwing up.

“I contacted
Master Windu. He said he’d bring an oral bacta spray in case you
hurt your throat.” Anakin gingerly rested a hand against Obi-Wan’s
throat, fingers prodding slightly. “Your glands are a bit swollen
so you might have…” He hesitated before shifting them around
until they were both sitting on the floor, Anakin pulling Obi-Wan
into his lap with surprising strength, shifting Obi-Wan’s body
practically ninety degrees until he’s resting his head against
Anakin’s shoulder as the other holds him with Anakin’s legs
stretched towards the open door. “He told me to stay with you until
he got here, so that’s what I’m gonna do.”

Feeling lost and
uprooted, Obi-Wan made a low noise then slowly fisted his hands into
the blonds tunic. “…I’m sorry… you shouldn’t have to do
this, see this, me in this state.” Obi-Wan managed to rasp out, shuddering.

“Its okay master…
I know you’re not well.” Anakin whispered in quiet but utter
acceptance, resting his forehead against Obi-Wan’s with quiet
support as the teenager tried his best until an actual adult could