Just saw the new Fertilewar Au and like what are the thoughts of Stewjoni Obi-wan about being given an entire battalion of Mandalorians? Does he know his heritage or is he utterly confused about what his instincts are telling him and the feelings of want and hunger all the clones are projecting into the Force towards him?

Watching his master and the captain talk together, Obi-Wan fiddled awkwardly with his robe, needle held tightly between index and thumb as he sat outside his tent in lotus position.

He was going to mend a hole in his robe but had gotten… distracted if he was honest.

The clones were distracting, despite trying to modulate their thoughts a tad for the Jedi sake, it was difficult for most to ignore them when their thoughts flashed so loudly sometimes.

Especially for him.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure why, but everything about them made his very soul seemingly sit up and take notice. Hell, even Jango Fett had produced that reaction, so maybe it was something to do with Jango, as the original template?

But so far Obi-Wan just hadn’t had time to figure it out and being around his former master made it hard too.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved Anakin but uh… Anakin could be a tad overprotective. And if he learned that Obi-Wan was attracted to basically the entire GAR and they were seemingly attracted back, then Obi-Wan would never get a moment of privacy while on campaigns.

It was just how Anakin was.

Obi-Wan couldn’t quite blame the other man really.

Anakin took on Obi-Wan on just days before he turned thirteen, his face a scowling storm, muttering something about interfering goblins and old masters before gently leading Obi-Wan away from a transport to Bandomeer.

The masters had sent Obi-Wan away.

Then Knight Skywalker had come for him, finding him on the transport bay, moments before boarding the Monument, offering him an apprenticeship with him.

It had taken… weeks, if not months, before Obi-Wan had felt secure in his position as Anakin’s padawan.

After all, he had been sent away before he turned thirteen, for reasons he at the time didn’t really understand. He had seen passionate and even angry Jedi before, so why was he so much worse?

Anakin had finally told him, years later, that it was Grandmaster Yoda’s fault, that he had intended him for his linage, but through Qui-Gon Jinn.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what to make of that.

He liked his grandmaster well enough, he guessed, but… the idea of being apprentice to a man that disregarded visions so obviously when Obi-Wan’s skills laid in precognition and prophecy…

It didn’t sound like a good match.

Anakin had apparently figured it out, which was why he had come for Obi-Wan on the platform. Supposedly, there had been several Knights and Masters interested in teaching Obi-Wan, who had been discouraged by Yoda since he wanted him for Qui-Gon Jinn.

Learning that had been… difficult.

Anakin knew that and due to that knowledge, had been protective from the get go, keeping his padawan close to him and stressing about every little injury and hurt.

Then Melida/Daan happened.

It was an ancient conflict, it was supposedly easing a bit when Anakin and Obi-Wan were there, mostly to refuel and get a look at the planet.

The war had been going on, only a lull between battles in a conflict that had beeing on for far too long.

Now with a plague added.

With destroyed waterlines, waste and corpses piling, disease had become a plague on the world and in just half an hour, Obi-Wan had become separated from his master after a bomb hit down too close for comfort and Anakin had been unable to land again after evacuation when he realized his padawan wasn’t on the ship, the planet put under quarantine.

Obi-Wan lowkey blamed R2 for Anakin not realizing he was there, if he was honest.

Not that Anakin didn’t try, but under the threat of being shot out of the sky due to the plague to avoid spreading it, there wasn’t much even an ace pilot like Anakin could do.

The fourteen year old still spent over a month on a plague and war infested world, fighting with the Young, who wanted the war to end.

It felt like the right thing… but everything had gone so horribly wrong so fast, just when peace seemed to be in sight.

Anakin hadn’t let his padawan out of his sight for weeks after that, growling at anyone that made a comment about Obi-Wan fighting in a war.

‘But it came in use, didn’t it?’ Obi-Wan thought a tad cynically, peering at his master and the captain again, only to look away quickly when he found amber eyes looking at him in return, his cheeks burning.

He felt hungry again and felt the same hunger reflected back at him.

‘Why… no one else reacts to them like I do… why are they making me so hungry…’ Obi-Wan swallowed thickly and glanced up through his lashes, breathing a tad out in relief that Rex was no longer looking at him. ‘I need to figure this out.’

For Lupinecopper, can we see them all getting to the temple? Especially a Maul POV chapter as he starts to take in how totally different his life is going to be?

Staring at the package on the bed as if it was a snake that could bite him, Maul warily glanced around the room that was supposedly his.

Or so alpha said.

Obi-Wan, as he insisted. Maul couldn’t quite do that though, it wasn’t in his nature or his instincts, when any moment he expected the other shoe to drop.

Because that was what all this felt like, a grand production of carrot and stick, or well, meat in Maul’s instance. He could eat vegetables like any zabrak but that didn’t mean he had to enjoy it, he was a damn carnivore.

Not to mention the wolf inside of him.

But so far, outside of a few angry looks by Jedi in the corridors and whispered mean words, no one had done anything, least of all his alpha or the pack he had been pulled into. The old Jedi even made him tea from Dathomir, an import the man had claimed with a small laugh as he poured cups for all of them from a pot.

Maul had of course waited until the two other had drank first before daring to drink too, he wasn’t about to be poisoned but…

Nothing happened. The tea was safe.

He had a room, he was fed, he trained with his alpha and the pack Jedi in a salle, stayed in the quarters of his alpha and kept himself entertained.

Weeks after being beaten to submission and nothing had yet to happen, Maul expecting an assassin in the night from Sidious or for another Jedi outside of the pack to attack him. But there had been nothing.

Of course, that didn’t mean that most were happy he was there.

The Jedi council had looked like they were ready to jail him the moment they met him on Naboo and the rest of the Jedi temple was far from kind to him. But no one had harmed him, so compared to Sidious, Maul was living better than ever with regular food, no punishments and even the ability to come and go around the temple should he wish.

So why was Maul so leery about the package sitting so innocently on his bed?

It was clearly from his alpha, Maul could smell that, Kenobi’s scent was all over it and fresh, meaning it would have been picked up today.

Gray wrapping paper, tied of with some kind of string in a similar gray shade, resting on his nicely made bed.

Finally forcing himself forward, Maul tugged on the string gingerly until it came undone so he could push the paper aside, even as his mind kept going through what in the world was inside the package.

It wasn’t big, nor was it heavy, it didn’t press the sheets in with its weight but it had mass to it, so what in th-

Maul froze, staring at the contents.


Black leggings, some black socks, black underwear, shirts and tunics. The tunics and shirts came in black but also a deep red and one lovely midnight blue one.

Unable to resist, Maul reached out and ran his fingertips along the blue one, his breath catching slightly as he felt the silky fabric under his finger tips. But more than that, Maul noticed a glint of gold on the blue.

Embroidered onto the collar, one on each side, was a golden profile of a wolf head.

The blue tunic one was made of silk, of fine quality and make and Maul stared at it for a long moment of sheer confusion and stifled fear, only moving when he heard his door open, turning his head quickly to look.

Obi-Wan stood there, peering at him in concern but not stepping inside. “Are you alright Maul? I felt some conflicting emotions,” His eyes fell to Maul’s hands and perked up a bit. “Oh, I see you found the clothes.” He stated a tad more cheerfully.

Maul mouth felt dry but he forced himself to speech still. “What is… this?” He questioned slowly, keeping his voice low as he avoided his alpha’s eyes, not wanting to challenge the man when he already felt unbalanced.

Obi-Wan cocked his head in return. “Well, you didn’t have clothes, you’ve been wearing the same things since Naboo. I went to the quartermaster and picked up some clothes in your size. Just some though, in case they weren’t to your liking, so you had something to wear until we could buy more,” He explained before frowning. “I… are they not to your liking?” Obi-Wan asked, his voice sounding worried, shoulders hunching slightly.

Maul stood there, feeling lost.

Sidious had rarely extended the curtsy of fetching him anything, once Maul had gotten old enough, Sidious had simply handed him credits to buy what he needed or sent his droids.

Yet his new alpha, this Jedi, the ancient enemies of Sith, had gone out of his way to pick out clothes for Maul. The toiletries had been sorted the first day but clothes…

These were his clothes now.

Swallowing slightly, Maul turned his head back, his fingers still on the blue tunic. “No… no I like them…” He stated quietly, hunching slightly at the warmth and happiness lighting up the Force behind him.

Yet he didn’t retract his statement.

He really did like his new tunic.

I sent this before but had a bad internet connection at the time so IDK if it went through. In Kyber Tears, do Obi-Wan’s parents see the footage? do they contact the Jedi because that’s their baby that was taken from them? Really, I’m surprised the Jedi hadn’t tried finding them somehow to see if they approved of him being in the temple or if they wanted him back, to see if they had lost him unwillingly, or if they had sold him.

his forehead slightly, Obi-Wan glanced at the darkened window of the
council chamber, inwardly sighing tiredly as he noted how dark it had

had all the hours gone?

discussing Mr Augustine’s
actions, exploring the laws and what we can do,
sending subpoenas and evidence around to Senate, the reporters boss
and the judicial so
we can get the ball rolling,
that’s where. Least
it’s wrapping up now, Anakin has called twice to hear where I was
and checking that we had food and drink up here.’
He thought tiredly as he glanced further up to the dark skyline,
staring at the blackness where no star shone.

longed for the stars and he could spot along his nose the glow of his
own freckle stars shining in response to his wish.

quite the same as watching a black sky full of stars, like a dark
carpet dotted with the most beautiful of gems in the entire galaxy.

The voice broke through his reverie and he turned his head, looking
towards Adi instead as his fellow master smiled softly at him.

wryly in return, ignoring how her eyes flickered over the path of
stars in his face, Obi-Wan leaned back in his chair to rest his elbow
on the arm lean and his head on hand. “Yes Adi, can I help you with
something?” He murmured, his voice offering some amusement.

lack of an honorific meant this was not official but personal and at
least that meant that she too agreed the tedious discussion was over.

smile turned sadder. “The Stewjon government finally granted access
to their medcenter’s DNA files, due to… well you know.” She
shifted a bit.

breath caught in his throat at the implication.

years now the Stewjon had been denying them access, denying them the
occasion to compare Obi-Wan’s blood sample to their population in
an effort to find Obi-Wan’s family, if he had any.

Jedi searching for answers wasn’t enough for them to open up their
servers they said, to violate their citizens rights…

Obi-Wan had been denied answers for all those decades.


had so many questions, so many things he wished to know.

he really been sold, was he abandoned, did his parents value monetary
value over their own flesh and blood or had he truly been stolen from
a family that loved him?

the questions finally within reach of being answered?

he once been loved simply for existing?

He whispered, his voice sounding strange even to himself.

council chamber was so oddly silent. Were
his words echoing?

smile turned sadder, the tholothians expression all Obi-Wan needed as
his heart grew cold and heavy.

sorry Obi-Wan,” She murmured. “They were dead. Your parents died
about two weeks after you turned one. The report of their death said
it was a skirmish and your parents were well armed, no one knows if…”
Adi trailed off, watching him closely.

closed his eyes then slowly shifted forward until he could drop his
elbows on his knees and his head into his hands.

were no answers for him.

his parents sold him there was no evidence, a deal could go wrong
after all, maybe they changed their minds or maybe they were
attacked… but how had the pirates found out Obi-Wan could cry

they saw me… or maybe my parents told them… maybe my parents
wanted me or maybe they sold me… there is no one left to answer
that question, that died with them.’ Obi-Wan swallowed thickly.

jerked a bit in shock when he felt a touch to his knee, not having
heard anything and when he raised his head, he meet Yoda’s dark

old troll looked contemplative but also sad. “Life a happy
beginning you did not have, but survived you did,” He croaked out,
one gnarled hand resting on Obi-Wan’s knee and the other on his
cane. “Survive to come to us you did. Joy you bring Obi-Wan,
happiness you deserve. A family here you have.” Yoda patted at his
knee lightly.

his mouth, uncertain what to say, Obi-Wan was saved from answering
when another pair of hands found his shoulders and he turned his head
to see Plo standing at his side, the two oldest members of the
council coming to their youngest in his time of need.

life started in a cage,” Plo murmured, his hands resting on
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and therefore he felt the flinch Obi-Wan tried
to contain.“But that does not define you Obi-Wan, your life of
darkness has
a life of light and love.” He squeezed gently.

up, Obi-Wan felt something thick in his throat and this time, when a
warm, caramel colored hand rested on his cheek, he wasn’t surprised
as he turned his head to meet Depa’s gentle gaze. “Your life has
changed Obi-Wan and though there are no answers for your past, there
are still days in the sun for you future, for your family here in the
Order at your side, revered equal and loving friend.” She stated

large drops started to roll down his glowing face and Obi-Wan’s
hands moved automatically to catch them as Plo spoke once more, each
council members Force aura pressing against Obi-Wan’s with warmth,
affection and care as they affirmed without words that they agreed.
“And we are proud
to call you our friend Obi-Wan. You, who walked out of the darkness
of a cage and into the light of peace and love, you who has seen the
worst of the galaxy and yet still remain unbent and unbroken.” Plo
paused and then leaned down, whispering. “Qui-Gon would have been
of you.”

Obi-Wan felt something in his chest settle, something tight and hot
loosening up as he stared at those he called fellow council members
and Jedi, the words sounding in his mind like a mantra.

in his
palms, two soft pink kyber tears rested, resonating with love,
devotion and warmth as
they twinkled with their own unique light.