How does Obi-Wan feel about the word carved on his arm in Fallen for You? Is he ashamed of it? Does he cover it up, or does he leave it out for people to see?

Plucking at his sleeve as he sat down on his squashed couch, Obi-Wan
uncertainly glanced around at the other masters with a bit of

it wasn’t unusual that he got visitors these days.

his and Anakin’s torture and then return, Obi-Wan had been getting
friendly visits from people checking in on him once he was ready for
visitors and they had time. But this didn’t feel like a friendly
visit and more like a matter of concern.

with the way Mace face was carefully blank but he kept tapping at his
knee with his index finger, a nervous tick and Depa kept switching
between uncertainly smiling or staring into the cup of tea Obi-Wan
had made.

more than that, it was Plo that told Obi-Wan that something was up.

way the kel dor had sat down beside him on the couch, the careful way
his hands were resting in his lap and the way his eyes were focused
on Obi-Wan.

knew his fellow council members enough to read their body language,
or lack of it in Plo’s case and he could read many things from all
three of them.

that screamed of discomfort and unease.

was Anakin’s confidant, the person he went to speak to and was
getting help from to try and ease his own Fallen state.

If Plo
was here, carefully blank and put together, that meant that it was
something Obi-Wan needed to know and a sinking stone in Obi-Wan’s
stomach told him he wouldn’t like the information.

And it
would relate to Anakin.

would offer you something if I could Plo but I haven’t restocked
the tea you usually drink.” He tried for a lighter tone, picking up
his own cup while focusing on the man.

raised one of his hands, his mask quirking around the mouth, proving
he was smiling. “That is alright Obi-Wan, while tea would have been
nice, dorel tea is rare and hard to get if you are not a Kel Dor.”
He murmured calmly.

hard, he’s right in that.’ Obi-Wan sipped at his red tea. Dorel
tea was sold only by Kel Dor vendors since they could only be grown
on the homeworld of the Kel Dor’s, due to the dorin gas richness of
it. That also meant that if you were not a Kel Dor yourself, you got
an additional tax as it was originally only reserved for Kel Dors.

sense, it was the preferred tea for them after all.

that they couldn’t drink other teas but still.

I’m sorry to say that this is not a social visit.” Plo continued,
confirming Obi-Wan’s dread that this was not just a friendly thing.

forward, Obi-Wan placed his tea on the glass table before focusing
fully on Plo instead of the two other master’s sitting on the
squishy leather recliners. “I suspected but… what is going on
Plo?” Obi-Wan questioned quietly, lacing his hands on his lap and
ignoring the way Depa had clearly seen the compression sleeve he wore
on his right arm.

It had
been Anakin’s suggestion, having noticed how uneasy Obi-Wan was at
times and kept picking at his sleeve over the letter scars.

he had a cream to reduce the scars, that would take time and so
Anakin had bought a wrist to elbow compression sleeve in black,
stitching a blue Jedi symbol onto it on his own. It was wonky but…
the intent behind it had touched Obi-Wan, given him relief, a

helped his confidence.

let out a deep breath, bringing Obi-Wan’s mind away from the
sleeve. “You are aware that Anakin has handed me his comm and
lightsaber, you were there after all, since he was going to isolate
himself for meditation and did not want distractions.” Plo stated

nodding, Obi-Wan felt a brow raise in curiosity only for his stomach
to turn to ice at Plo’s next words.

the last five days the Chancellor has called no less than eighty
times and sent over five hundred messages since I came in possession
of Anakin’s comm,” The kel dor master leveled a long stare at the
human on the couch with him. “Obi-Wan, this is a worrying pattern
and I need to ask you if you know how long this communication has
been going on?”

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only for nothing to come out, eyes wide and
his entire being feeling nauseous.

his ear, the black wing he shared with Anakin burned with the racing
pulse of his heart.

You’re killing me with iseelight. Can we please get the quiobi reunion we deserve? Or possibly a painful one where they both trip over their own tongues and it ends badly (not forever, just like a more drama stakeraising thing)

awkwardly twisted in his lap as he wished for tea, Obi-Wan kept his
head down even as his sightless eyes were useless in this situation.

instinctual cues were hard to forget for a body working on muscle
memory in response to Obi-Wan’s anxiety, fear and nervousness as he
continued twisting the hem of his shirt tunic, picking at loose

hadn’t expected company, thought people would give him space the
first two weeks, and Quinlan did not count as a fellow Shadow who had
the social norm understanding of a rancor in a livestock pen.

hadn’t thought Qui-Gon would come sniffing on the third day as
Obi-Wan was still getting his new quarters ready for himself,
freshening everything, getting things settled into cupboards and
shelves and making sure his couch and bed was comfortable.

make a home out of his quarters now that he was back in the temple.

so he had put on a threadbare, short sleeved tunic that stopped at
his elbows as he worked around the room in only that and his
leggings, bare feet padding silently around the room with his sonar
ears settled on his bedside table.

didn’t need the extra sensory tool in his own quarters after all
and it could be tiring to use it too much.

he had been taken off-guard by Qui-Gon.

alpha had suddenly been at his door and Obi-Wan hadn’t thought it
over before opening the door to let the man in, his heart pounding
with fearful hope in his chest.

he couldn’t help but remember all the scars covering his arms and
his feet.

how he only had three toes on each foot, remember how he was blind
and broken and Qui-Gon could see the scars covering from his fingers
and up to his elbows with more hiding under the clothes that Qui-Gon
could not see.

beside the glowing
with the Force
alpha had never felt as terrifying and awkward as in this moment and
Obi-Wan included the first day he became Qui-Gon’s padawan and the
day he entered heat for the very first time, a flushed and panting
mess stuck in a cruise ships quarter with Qui-Gon’s hand on his
forehead as his master tried to coax him through a meditation to calm
down and keep him from overheating.

was cooling on his skin and cloth and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t bring
himself to excuse himself to go fresh up, his tongue felt like it had
been welded to the bottom of his mouth, his jaw locked.

jumped a bit when a large, warm hand touched his wrist, Qui-Gon
letting out a low noise Obi-Wan couldn’t decipher at the reaction.
“Oh Obi-Wan…” He rumbled, his brogue deep.

a bit, Obi-Wan let the other pull his hands apart to pull the
arm to him, blunt fingertips slowly exploring the scarred and ruined
skin, Obi-Wan’s fingers twitching slightly at the touch of those
warm fingers on his upper arm.

the first time Obi-Wan wondered the color of his scars.

they pale white?

they pink?

were they dark brown, vividly obvious on his own pale skin to not
leave him a chance to hide the ugly scars left on him by the scum of
the galaxy.

had lost his sight before most of the scars on his body appeared and
therefore he did not know how most of them looked in terms of color,
only how they felt and the size and form.

was the alpha thinking, sitting beside this scarred, blind and almost
broken omega, the omega that maybe couldn’t carry kits because of
all the injuries.

wouldn’t know that until after he had the healer examination
scheduled in four days and didn’t know what to say if Qui-Gon
should ask in that moment. Obi-Wan’s heart was beating so hard it
was amazing it wasn’t beating out of his chest and blood was
roaring through his ears making it hard to hear anything.

still Qui-Gon’s fingertips were slowly exploring the skin up to the
elbow and back down before turning the arm to examine the inner side
of it.

see the viroblade scars, burn scars, manacle scars, puckering
infected wounds that hadn’t been attended to until much later.

telling the horror of missions gone wrong.

Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon finally breathed out, his voice heavy and Obi-Wan
could almost imagine the slump of the others shoulders. “What
happened to you?” He whined softly.

was no disgust in the others voice but the pity…

was unbearable and Obi-Wan felt himself crumble under the words as
tears filled his blind, glazed eyes as his fingers twitched. ‘How
could any alpha want something as broken as me?’ The knight thought
with despair as his heart broke.

Are you up for writing more of Noanswers? Qui-Gon finally finds out that Obi-Wan consented to be tortured on his mission and that’s why he has mandatory mind healer sessions and is temple locked. He’s horrified that Obi-Wan values himself so little and is determined to fix it any way he can.

Dropping his cup on
the floor, Qui-Gon stared at the other man with bile crawling up the
back of his throat and a ringing in his ears. “You…” He rasped
out, fighting for words.

Flinching a bit,
Obi-Wan stirred a bit of honey into his tea as it was a bit more
bitter than he preferred for himself.

Swallowing heavily
and feeling like he had razors in his throat, Qui-Gon leaned forward
until he could rest his elbows on his knees and peer at Obi-Wan’s
face over the caff table. Obi-Wan continued to avoid his eyes like a
nervous animal, his shoulders pulled up beneath his ears. “Obi-Wan…
what could possess you to do such a thing?” Qui-Gon pleaded quietly
from his former padawan.

When he had invited
Obi-Wan for tea and scones, Qui-Gon had not thought that he’d find
the reason why Obi-Wan had been injured and been all but ordered mind
healers by the Council but now, sitting across from each other on
each their two seat couches, Obi-Wan had quietly admitted to him the
true reason as many speculations had roamed the rumor mill, each one
as ludicrous as each other.

None of them
touched the true reason.

Obi-Wan willingly
allowing himself to be tortured for the sake of a planet’s peace.

Jedi were suppose
to be about duty and peace but they were not meant to be martyrs of

Standing slowly so
not to startle Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon moved around the table with his foot
brushing against the forgotten cup and carefully he settled down
beside his boy to take the cup from the shaking pale hands. “Obi-Wan,
what has been done to you?” Qui-Gon finally managed to whisper out
in a choked, horrid voice that even he himself couldn’t recognize
as his own as Obi-Wan finally looked up at him.

Oh he looked like a
boy again, just twelve or fourteen and utterly lost as he stared at
Qui-Gon with his mouth slightly open and eyes glassy. “I served the
Republic?” His words sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Jedi are suppose to serve, to bring peace and justice.” He
added, swallowing heavily with a raw note to his voice.

Cupping the others
face, Qui-Gon stroked his cheek. “But we are not pain martyrs. Yes
we serve, yes we bleed and we die. But what you did Obi-Wan was
nothing less than surrendering to barbaric measure to a mob that
wanted nothing but pain. At the cost of your body and soul. Oh my
sweet padawan.” Qui-Gon swallowed hard.

Agonizingly slow,
Obi-Wan leaned forward until his head was pressing against Qui-Gon’s
collarbone, the taller man wrapping his arms tightly around him as
Obi-Wan shuffled closer to him for comfort he desperately needed but
didn’t know how to ask for.

“I didn’t know
what to do.” Obi-Wan said haltingly. “There was too many of them.
And the rituals and traditions… I couldn’t let them torture the
Queen, the look in their eyes…” Obi-Wan shuddered and Qui-Gon

“Did any of them
touch you intimately?” He questioned gravely.

Letting out a
humorless laugh, Obi-Wan shook his head against the collarbone,
feeling Qui-Gon relax once again. “Thank the Force no, they weren’t
interested in male it seems but… I was so scared, I thought…”
He let out a quiet little sobbing noise, starting to shake against
the other male.

Letting go of any
thoughts of Obi-Wan being an adult or the code of attachment, Qui-Gon
seized the redhead and brought him into his lap, wrapping his bigger
body around Obi-Wan as best he could as he started rocking him,
whispering nonsensical soothing words into the red hair tickling his
nose as Obi-Wan continued to breath heavily into his chest with a few
sobs here and there as he shook in Qui-Gon’s arms.

“My poor Obi-Wan.
Little padawan. I’m here. I’m always here.” Qui-Gon clenched
the knight tightly to him, pressing his big nose into the hair while
clenching his fingertips into the others sides. “I’m right here
for you.”

Are you up for writing more of Noanswers? Qui-Gon finally finds out that Obi-Wan consented to be tortured on his mission and that’s why he has mandatory mind healer sessions and is temple locked. He’s horrified that Obi-Wan values himself so little and is determined to fix it any way he can.

Dropping his cup on
the floor, Qui-Gon stared at the other man with bile crawling up the
back of his throat and a ringing in his ears. “You…” He rasped
out, fighting for words.

Flinching a bit,
Obi-Wan stirred a bit of honey into his tea as it was a bit more
bitter than he preferred for himself.

Swallowing heavily
and feeling like he had razors in his throat, Qui-Gon leaned forward
until he could rest his elbows on his knees and peer at Obi-Wan’s
face over the caff table. Obi-Wan continued to avoid his eyes like a
nervous animal, his shoulders pulled up beneath his ears. “Obi-Wan…
what could possess you to do such a thing?” Qui-Gon pleaded quietly
from his former padawan.

When he had invited
Obi-Wan for tea and scones, Qui-Gon had not thought that he’d find
the reason why Obi-Wan had been injured and been all but ordered mind
healers by the Council but now, sitting across from each other on
each their two seat couches, Obi-Wan had quietly admitted to him the
true reason as many speculations had roamed the rumor mill, each one
as ludicrous as each other.

None of them
touched the true reason.

Obi-Wan willingly
allowing himself to be tortured for the sake of a planet’s peace.

Jedi were suppose
to be about duty and peace but they were not meant to be martyrs of

Standing slowly so
not to startle Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon moved around the table with his foot
brushing against the forgotten cup and carefully he settled down
beside his boy to take the cup from the shaking pale hands. “Obi-Wan,
what has been done to you?” Qui-Gon finally managed to whisper out
in a choked, horrid voice that even he himself couldn’t recognize
as his own as Obi-Wan finally looked up at him.

Oh he looked like a
boy again, just twelve or fourteen and utterly lost as he stared at
Qui-Gon with his mouth slightly open and eyes glassy. “I served the
Republic?” His words sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Jedi are suppose to serve, to bring peace and justice.” He
added, swallowing heavily with a raw note to his voice.

Cupping the others
face, Qui-Gon stroked his cheek. “But we are not pain martyrs. Yes
we serve, yes we bleed and we die. But what you did Obi-Wan was
nothing less than surrendering to barbaric measure to a mob that
wanted nothing but pain. At the cost of your body and soul. Oh my
sweet padawan.” Qui-Gon swallowed hard.

Agonizingly slow,
Obi-Wan leaned forward until his head was pressing against Qui-Gon’s
collarbone, the taller man wrapping his arms tightly around him as
Obi-Wan shuffled closer to him for comfort he desperately needed but
didn’t know how to ask for.

“I didn’t know
what to do.” Obi-Wan said haltingly. “There was too many of them.
And the rituals and traditions… I couldn’t let them torture the
Queen, the look in their eyes…” Obi-Wan shuddered and Qui-Gon

“Did any of them
touch you intimately?” He questioned gravely.

Letting out a
humorless laugh, Obi-Wan shook his head against the collarbone,
feeling Qui-Gon relax once again. “Thank the Force no, they weren’t
interested in male it seems but… I was so scared, I thought…”
He let out a quiet little sobbing noise, starting to shake against
the other male.

Letting go of any
thoughts of Obi-Wan being an adult or the code of attachment, Qui-Gon
seized the redhead and brought him into his lap, wrapping his bigger
body around Obi-Wan as best he could as he started rocking him,
whispering nonsensical soothing words into the red hair tickling his
nose as Obi-Wan continued to breath heavily into his chest with a few
sobs here and there as he shook in Qui-Gon’s arms.

“My poor Obi-Wan.
Little padawan. I’m here. I’m always here.” Qui-Gon clenched
the knight tightly to him, pressing his big nose into the hair while
clenching his fingertips into the others sides. “I’m right here
for you.”

More smole Obi? Perhaps Cody discovering the scars left underneath Obi’s feet after that whipping he suffered?

It was much too hot to keep a blanket on and most opted to just sleep
in their clothes on the newest planet they were on. This included
those who were in the medical tent because of the hot humid weather
though both General’s had contracted some kind of airborne illness
that seemed to target Force sensitive, leaving both with high fevers,
sore throat, aching limbs and a heavy tiredness which made it easier
for them to be stripped down.

This also left Obi-Wan’s feet exposed to those who looked as the
Jedi had been stripped of all but his leggings and a medical shirt
for Kix and Helix to have an easier time.

Staring at the soles of the others feet, Cody felt…

Actually he wasn’t sure what he felt.

It was a complicated mix of raw murderous rage, protective love,
nauseating fear and tender worry curdling words in his stomach,
making him shake with emotions and eventually Cody couldn’t help

He removed his glove and reached out, gently running his knuckles
over the thick pink scars covering the bottom of Obi-Wan’s feet,
from the heel and up to the balls though one or two of his toes also
had a pinking.

They seemed faintly swollen and they were warm to touch, warmer then
the rest of Obi-Wan’s foot and Cody switched to the other to check
on it too.

The same thick pink scars.

They must hurt every day Cody suspected, walking around on them,
putting his weight on the scars all day, everyday until they turned
sore and then pained. Sitting down must be relief for his Jedi and
Cody felt his heart throb painfully.

“Slavers.” A wrecked voice offered to his surprise and Cody
turned quickly, looking at General Skywalker who was slowly sitting
up in his bed as Kix looked him over, sweat dripping down his chest
as he wore only leggings. “Before the war when I was still his
padawan we got captured… Obi-Wan kicked up a fuss so they’d leave
me alone and they decided to punish him by whipping the soles of his
feet the sleemos, with a hard wooden cane.” The blond grunted then
hissed a bit as Kix prodded at an aching elbow.

He took a deep breath and peered at Cody again. “They bleed so
bad…I had to carry him until we could find a medic to take care of
them.” Skywalker looked away, letting Kix check his vocal cords for
damage as he was so hoarse as Cody got to mull over the words.


Slavers had whipped his little Jedi’s soles.

He could almost see it for him, a young knight with his padawan, at
the mercy of slavers and Force would Obi-Wan had been the catch of a

His petite stature, copper hair and beautifully shaped cupid lips
with dimples when he smiled. Could imagine Obi-Wan’s utter frantic
worry for his padawan as it was clear how much Obi-Wan adored the
blond even if he tried to hide it and how he’d kick up a fuss to
make sure that it was him and not the teenager they focused on.

He felt nausea rise in his throat as he imagined the hardened skin of
Obi-Wan’s soles breaking and bleeding all over, could imagine
bloody foot steps and wet gasps of pain and while Obi-Wan was no
delicate flower, he was as much flesh and bone and human as everyone
else in the galaxy and could break just like everyone else.

Glancing over to Skywalker and Kix, Cody took a decision and started
to unclip his armor, settling it on an empty bed before crawling into
bed with his little Jedi and tucked the other under his chin as he
settled protectively around the fever stricken Jedi.

He almost expected someone to comment but to his relief, no one did.

Skywalker just shrugged and drank some water before curling back down
in the bed with a low grunt from his aches, going back asleep while
Kix went back to talking to Helix about potential medicine that could
be given to their General’s.

Cody remained awake, curled around his little Jedi who after a few
moments turned into his chest and made a small noise of relief. ‘My
poor little kitten.’ The trooper rumbled, settling his hand at the
small of the others back while rubbing lightly.

More smole Obi? Perhaps Cody discovering the scars left underneath Obi’s feet after that whipping he suffered?

It was much too hot to keep a blanket on and most opted to just sleep
in their clothes on the newest planet they were on. This included
those who were in the medical tent because of the hot humid weather
though both General’s had contracted some kind of airborne illness
that seemed to target Force sensitive, leaving both with high fevers,
sore throat, aching limbs and a heavy tiredness which made it easier
for them to be stripped down.

This also left Obi-Wan’s feet exposed to those who looked as the
Jedi had been stripped of all but his leggings and a medical shirt
for Kix and Helix to have an easier time.

Staring at the soles of the others feet, Cody felt…

Actually he wasn’t sure what he felt.

It was a complicated mix of raw murderous rage, protective love,
nauseating fear and tender worry curdling words in his stomach,
making him shake with emotions and eventually Cody couldn’t help

He removed his glove and reached out, gently running his knuckles
over the thick pink scars covering the bottom of Obi-Wan’s feet,
from the heel and up to the balls though one or two of his toes also
had a pinking.

They seemed faintly swollen and they were warm to touch, warmer then
the rest of Obi-Wan’s foot and Cody switched to the other to check
on it too.

The same thick pink scars.

They must hurt every day Cody suspected, walking around on them,
putting his weight on the scars all day, everyday until they turned
sore and then pained. Sitting down must be relief for his Jedi and
Cody felt his heart throb painfully.

“Slavers.” A wrecked voice offered to his surprise and Cody
turned quickly, looking at General Skywalker who was slowly sitting
up in his bed as Kix looked him over, sweat dripping down his chest
as he wore only leggings. “Before the war when I was still his
padawan we got captured… Obi-Wan kicked up a fuss so they’d leave
me alone and they decided to punish him by whipping the soles of his
feet the sleemos, with a hard wooden cane.” The blond grunted then
hissed a bit as Kix prodded at an aching elbow.

He took a deep breath and peered at Cody again. “They bleed so
bad…I had to carry him until we could find a medic to take care of
them.” Skywalker looked away, letting Kix check his vocal cords for
damage as he was so hoarse as Cody got to mull over the words.


Slavers had whipped his little Jedi’s soles.

He could almost see it for him, a young knight with his padawan, at
the mercy of slavers and Force would Obi-Wan had been the catch of a

His petite stature, copper hair and beautifully shaped cupid lips
with dimples when he smiled. Could imagine Obi-Wan’s utter frantic
worry for his padawan as it was clear how much Obi-Wan adored the
blond even if he tried to hide it and how he’d kick up a fuss to
make sure that it was him and not the teenager they focused on.

He felt nausea rise in his throat as he imagined the hardened skin of
Obi-Wan’s soles breaking and bleeding all over, could imagine
bloody foot steps and wet gasps of pain and while Obi-Wan was no
delicate flower, he was as much flesh and bone and human as everyone
else in the galaxy and could break just like everyone else.

Glancing over to Skywalker and Kix, Cody took a decision and started
to unclip his armor, settling it on an empty bed before crawling into
bed with his little Jedi and tucked the other under his chin as he
settled protectively around the fever stricken Jedi.

He almost expected someone to comment but to his relief, no one did.

Skywalker just shrugged and drank some water before curling back down
in the bed with a low grunt from his aches, going back asleep while
Kix went back to talking to Helix about potential medicine that could
be given to their General’s.

Cody remained awake, curled around his little Jedi who after a few
moments turned into his chest and made a small noise of relief. ‘My
poor little kitten.’ The trooper rumbled, settling his hand at the
small of the others back while rubbing lightly.

What happens when Vaderkin finds Obi-Wan being held and tortured by Rebel forces?

The only noises filling the air is the mechanical breath of Vader’s
mask and Obi-Wan’s labored ones, every other noise having been
silenced after the battle and even the rattle of the dying had

Behind the mask, Vader slowly takes in the stump of Obi-Wan’s right
leg, the stump of the left elbow and reaching out to tip the others
head up, he takes in the missing right eye and Force…even the
eyelid is gone to leave behind an empty red hole.

This is torture.

Obi-Wan has been tortured by the Rebel’s, his body covered in cuts
and bruises, his tunic wearing as much blood as dirt.

He looks deeper, Obi-Wan is missing nails on his remaining hand, he’s
filled with a Force inhabiting drug to prevent him from being able to
fight to his full ability. Using his thumb, he pulls the bottom lip
down and finds there are several teeth missing in the bottom row,
leaving what looks almost like infected gums behind.

When he had gotten a lead on his old master at a minor Rebel base on
Dantooine, he never expected this. He had expected…

He had expected Obi-Wan teaching some hotshot young Force sensitive

Or leading the Rebellion with his quiet wisdom and guidance.

He hadn’t expected to find a man tortured within the inch of his
life, held up by chains wrapped around his body. He carefully let go
of the others head, letting the chin rest on the chest once again of
the unconscious pain as he slowly reached out with his own Force to
make sure he remained unconscious and in as little pain as possible.

And then he turned to the Rebel General his men was keeping on his
knees in the cell. “Why?” He questioned, his breath hissing out
of the mask.

The General didn’t answer, gritted his teeth and Vader growled,
reaching out with his hand and squeezing.

The Rebel gasped, shuddered and squirmed in the firm grip of Vader’s
Stormtroopers until he could once again breath.

“I ask only once more. Why?” Vader hissed.

“He trained you.” The General gasped out, his throat red from the
abuse, his cuffed arms jerking behind his back. “He trained you. He
must know your weaknesses, any of them.” He coughed. “If he just
told us, this wouldn’t have happened. He refused. We needed any
advantage we could get against you.”

Vader blinked behind the mask and then slowly looked back at the
bloodied and shaggy haired redhead who was just so skinny thanks to
deprivation. He raised his hand and gently picked up his chin again,
staring at the bloodied features of a man who had practically raised

And then he reached out behind him with his free hand without
removing his eyes from Obi-Wan, clenching his hand.

There was a snap, like someone breaking a glowrod for light and then
a thump as the General’s lifeless body hit the ground.

“Commander Appo.” Vader spoke.

“Yes sir?” The Commander stood at attention.

“Comm the Fist and inform them we’re bringing a patient along
with our prisoners. Inform them that the patient is to be treated
with the out most care and I would be severely displeased if he is
treated with anything other then respect. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes Lord Vader, as you command.” Appo turned, issuing orders to
his men to treat this traitor with the out most care.

What happens when Vaderkin finds Obi-Wan being held and tortured by Rebel forces?

The only noises filling the air is the mechanical breath of Vader’s
mask and Obi-Wan’s labored ones, every other noise having been
silenced after the battle and even the rattle of the dying had

Behind the mask, Vader slowly takes in the stump of Obi-Wan’s right
leg, the stump of the left elbow and reaching out to tip the others
head up, he takes in the missing right eye and Force…even the
eyelid is gone to leave behind an empty red hole.

This is torture.

Obi-Wan has been tortured by the Rebel’s, his body covered in cuts
and bruises, his tunic wearing as much blood as dirt.

He looks deeper, Obi-Wan is missing nails on his remaining hand, he’s
filled with a Force inhabiting drug to prevent him from being able to
fight to his full ability. Using his thumb, he pulls the bottom lip
down and finds there are several teeth missing in the bottom row,
leaving what looks almost like infected gums behind.

When he had gotten a lead on his old master at a minor Rebel base on
Dantooine, he never expected this. He had expected…

He had expected Obi-Wan teaching some hotshot young Force sensitive

Or leading the Rebellion with his quiet wisdom and guidance.

He hadn’t expected to find a man tortured within the inch of his
life, held up by chains wrapped around his body. He carefully let go
of the others head, letting the chin rest on the chest once again of
the unconscious pain as he slowly reached out with his own Force to
make sure he remained unconscious and in as little pain as possible.

And then he turned to the Rebel General his men was keeping on his
knees in the cell. “Why?” He questioned, his breath hissing out
of the mask.

The General didn’t answer, gritted his teeth and Vader growled,
reaching out with his hand and squeezing.

The Rebel gasped, shuddered and squirmed in the firm grip of Vader’s
Stormtroopers until he could once again breath.

“I ask only once more. Why?” Vader hissed.

“He trained you.” The General gasped out, his throat red from the
abuse, his cuffed arms jerking behind his back. “He trained you. He
must know your weaknesses, any of them.” He coughed. “If he just
told us, this wouldn’t have happened. He refused. We needed any
advantage we could get against you.”

Vader blinked behind the mask and then slowly looked back at the
bloodied and shaggy haired redhead who was just so skinny thanks to
deprivation. He raised his hand and gently picked up his chin again,
staring at the bloodied features of a man who had practically raised

And then he reached out behind him with his free hand without
removing his eyes from Obi-Wan, clenching his hand.

There was a snap, like someone breaking a glowrod for light and then
a thump as the General’s lifeless body hit the ground.

“Commander Appo.” Vader spoke.

“Yes sir?” The Commander stood at attention.

“Comm the Fist and inform them we’re bringing a patient along
with our prisoners. Inform them that the patient is to be treated
with the out most care and I would be severely displeased if he is
treated with anything other then respect. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes Lord Vader, as you command.” Appo turned, issuing orders to
his men to treat this traitor with the out most care.

Stopping at the steps of the Jedi
temple, the hooded figure looked up at it before sighing and starting
to climb up, making a slow but determined pace. The sentinels were
most likely already aware of him but it still surprised Obi-Wan to
find himself meet at the door by Plo Koon and Depa Billaba, the
latter having her hand resting on her saber.

“Ser Kenobi.” Plo greeted calmly.

Obi-Wan hummed then pushed back his
hood with his left hand, exposing the stump of his right at the elbow
with the sun shining down on the burn scars covering his left hand
and the entire left side of his face. “I hear the Jedi order has
been looking for me.” He offered in response to Depa’s eyes
widening in surprise. “So here I am.”


Peering at Yoda and only Yoda, Obi-Wan
tried to ignore the shocked gaze of Jinn from his seat on the

‘Yeah, I’m not so pretty anymore.’
He thought humorlessly, his clothes worn and dirtied from his escape
from Ventress and Ya-Dooku not to mention his new battle marks.

“New marks you seem to carry
Obi-Wan.” Yoda finally greeted.

“Yan…” Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
on the name, something vile coming up the back of his throat. “Count
Dooku that is does not carry betrayal lightly.” He smirked emptily.
“And Asajj Ventress has never liked me, she took quite a bit of
pleasure out of taking my arm…I destroyed her sabers in return

Yoda gave a low hum at that and glanced
to his side, most likely meeting the eyes of another council member
before he looked back at Obi-Wan.

And then he raised his hand to him.

Obi-Wan stared.

He remembered that gesture, he had been
three the first time he’d seen it. The raised hand that lightly
beacon him to come closer.

Haltingly he took first one step then
two and before he knew it, he was in front of the old beings chair,
falling down on his knees in front of him.

And just like when he was three, Yoda
gently pressed his thumb to the middle of his forehead while the
claws of the other two rested on Obi-Wan’s temple.

It felt like home and Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut as he allowed his shields to fall down one by one for
Yoda’s searching probe.

“For the darkness you’ve been in,
light you are.” Yoda hummed.

“…For all he is lost now…Yan
trained me as a Jedi.” The redhead whispered. “I don’t know why
he didn’t bring me back to the temple when he found me…but he
kept me and trained me and by the time I knew he was faltering from
the Order… I needed him to survive.” He swallowed heavily.

Yoda gave another hum, stroking lightly
at Obi-Wan’s temple.

Breathing out shakily, Obi-Wan came to
a decision. “I surrender myself to the mercy of the Jedi Order.
Whatever information I may have that could help, I willingly give up.
I only ask for leniency from the Republic in whatever sentence they
deem appropriate.” He murmured, looking at Yoda and only Yoda.

The old goblin meet his eyes for a long

“Then stay here you shall, in the
Order’s care you are now.” The clawed hand moved from his
forehead to brush against the burns covering the left of his face.
“And cared for you shall be.”

Stopping at the steps of the Jedi
temple, the hooded figure looked up at it before sighing and starting
to climb up, making a slow but determined pace. The sentinels were
most likely already aware of him but it still surprised Obi-Wan to
find himself meet at the door by Plo Koon and Depa Billaba, the
latter having her hand resting on her saber.

“Ser Kenobi.” Plo greeted calmly.

Obi-Wan hummed then pushed back his
hood with his left hand, exposing the stump of his right at the elbow
with the sun shining down on the burn scars covering his left hand
and the entire left side of his face. “I hear the Jedi order has
been looking for me.” He offered in response to Depa’s eyes
widening in surprise. “So here I am.”


Peering at Yoda and only Yoda, Obi-Wan
tried to ignore the shocked gaze of Jinn from his seat on the

‘Yeah, I’m not so pretty anymore.’
He thought humorlessly, his clothes worn and dirtied from his escape
from Ventress and Ya-Dooku not to mention his new battle marks.

“New marks you seem to carry
Obi-Wan.” Yoda finally greeted.

“Yan…” Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
on the name, something vile coming up the back of his throat. “Count
Dooku that is does not carry betrayal lightly.” He smirked emptily.
“And Asajj Ventress has never liked me, she took quite a bit of
pleasure out of taking my arm…I destroyed her sabers in return

Yoda gave a low hum at that and glanced
to his side, most likely meeting the eyes of another council member
before he looked back at Obi-Wan.

And then he raised his hand to him.

Obi-Wan stared.

He remembered that gesture, he had been
three the first time he’d seen it. The raised hand that lightly
beacon him to come closer.

Haltingly he took first one step then
two and before he knew it, he was in front of the old beings chair,
falling down on his knees in front of him.

And just like when he was three, Yoda
gently pressed his thumb to the middle of his forehead while the
claws of the other two rested on Obi-Wan’s temple.

It felt like home and Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut as he allowed his shields to fall down one by one for
Yoda’s searching probe.

“For the darkness you’ve been in,
light you are.” Yoda hummed.

“…For all he is lost now…Yan
trained me as a Jedi.” The redhead whispered. “I don’t know why
he didn’t bring me back to the temple when he found me…but he
kept me and trained me and by the time I knew he was faltering from
the Order… I needed him to survive.” He swallowed heavily.

Yoda gave another hum, stroking lightly
at Obi-Wan’s temple.

Breathing out shakily, Obi-Wan came to
a decision. “I surrender myself to the mercy of the Jedi Order.
Whatever information I may have that could help, I willingly give up.
I only ask for leniency from the Republic in whatever sentence they
deem appropriate.” He murmured, looking at Yoda and only Yoda.

The old goblin meet his eyes for a long

“Then stay here you shall, in the
Order’s care you are now.” The clawed hand moved from his
forehead to brush against the burns covering the left of his face.
“And cared for you shall be.”