Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

In safehere how to Obi’s friends react? Yoda mentioned they were worried… Thanks Moddy! You’re the best!

Bant was going to
lose her mind from worry, she just knew she was going to if no one
told her what had happened to Obi-Wan soon!

It had been four
days and no one could or would tell her, Garen or Reeft where Obi-Wan
was and no one could find Knight Shkma either!

She was sure that
they weren’t on a mission. Garen was worried too but tried to
assure both her and Reeft that Obi-Wan was most certainly okay and
more then likely with his master. He didn’t look or sound like he
believed it himself though.

“Initiate Eerin?”
She jerked to at the question, looking up at a tall, human master
with brown long hair and a crooked nose. She knew who this was! It
was Master Jinn!

“Y-Yes master
Jinn?” She eeped softly.

“You’ve been
asking for Obi-Wan, yes?” Jinn was smiling kindly at her and Bant
nodded. “The council have given me permission to bring you and
whoever you think of his friends should meet him to him.” He
watched her.

Bant blinked her
large eyes at him before nodding. “I-I’ll get Garen and Reeft.
They would want to see him!” When he nodded, Bant quickly scuttled
to gather the other two, grabbing them by the hands and dragging them
away from their home work and to the master while the two complained
until Bant mentioned Obi-Wan.

With that they shut
up, both turning eager.

Master Jinn
surveyed them carefully before looking around and then nodding for
them to follow. For a while it looked like they were heading to the
sleeping quarters but then the master veered off to a hall reserved
for the council members.

Exchanging troubled
glances, the three friends followed quickly through the hall.

What was Obi-Wan
doing in the living quarters of the council members?

Finally the human
stopped outside a door and turned to them. “I have to warn all
three of you, your friend is not doing so well right now. It has come
forth that his Olliander Shkma has hurt him and he will face trial
with Obi-Wan’s guardianship currently transferred to Master Yoda
temporarily until a new master can be found. Please be careful around
him, he is still healing.” He warned them.

Bant covered her
mouth with wide eyes while Garen’s mouth dropped open in shock.

Reeft just covered
his face with his hands, as if all his worst suspicions had been
proven right and he despised that he actually had been right.

In this situation,
no one wanted to be right.

Glancing over the
three to make sure they understood the seriousness of the situation,
Jinn finally nodded and opened the door for them, letting them into
what they realized by the size of the furniture was Master Yoda’s

And on the couch,
Obi-Wan was sitting in a thin shift, yellowed bruises lining his
skinny arms all the way up to his thin shoulders where his tank top
covered the rest as he fiddled with a pad. When the door opened, he
looked up before perking up in glee when he saw his friends, dropping
the pad and stumbling quickly off the couch to rush towards them,
catching Bant in a hug.

He didn’t say a
thing, only hugged her tightly and relaxed into the hug all three
gave him in return, his friends wrapping around him protectively.

For a few moments,
none of them said anything until Bant pulled back and cupped her best
friends cheeks, staring at him. “…Are you going to be okay?”

Obi-Wan gave a
small shrug and a meek smile to all three as they waited on the
answer. “I don’t know…” He answered quietly and honestly
before slowly tugging all three further into the quarters to sit on
the couch.

Quietly, the Jedi
master slipped out to let the young ones talk in peace.

In safehere how to Obi’s friends react? Yoda mentioned they were worried… Thanks Moddy! You’re the best!

Bant was going to
lose her mind from worry, she just knew she was going to if no one
told her what had happened to Obi-Wan soon!

It had been four
days and no one could or would tell her, Garen or Reeft where Obi-Wan
was and no one could find Knight Shkma either!

She was sure that
they weren’t on a mission. Garen was worried too but tried to
assure both her and Reeft that Obi-Wan was most certainly okay and
more then likely with his master. He didn’t look or sound like he
believed it himself though.

“Initiate Eerin?”
She jerked to at the question, looking up at a tall, human master
with brown long hair and a crooked nose. She knew who this was! It
was Master Jinn!

“Y-Yes master
Jinn?” She eeped softly.

“You’ve been
asking for Obi-Wan, yes?” Jinn was smiling kindly at her and Bant
nodded. “The council have given me permission to bring you and
whoever you think of his friends should meet him to him.” He
watched her.

Bant blinked her
large eyes at him before nodding. “I-I’ll get Garen and Reeft.
They would want to see him!” When he nodded, Bant quickly scuttled
to gather the other two, grabbing them by the hands and dragging them
away from their home work and to the master while the two complained
until Bant mentioned Obi-Wan.

With that they shut
up, both turning eager.

Master Jinn
surveyed them carefully before looking around and then nodding for
them to follow. For a while it looked like they were heading to the
sleeping quarters but then the master veered off to a hall reserved
for the council members.

Exchanging troubled
glances, the three friends followed quickly through the hall.

What was Obi-Wan
doing in the living quarters of the council members?

Finally the human
stopped outside a door and turned to them. “I have to warn all
three of you, your friend is not doing so well right now. It has come
forth that his Olliander Shkma has hurt him and he will face trial
with Obi-Wan’s guardianship currently transferred to Master Yoda
temporarily until a new master can be found. Please be careful around
him, he is still healing.” He warned them.

Bant covered her
mouth with wide eyes while Garen’s mouth dropped open in shock.

Reeft just covered
his face with his hands, as if all his worst suspicions had been
proven right and he despised that he actually had been right.

In this situation,
no one wanted to be right.

Glancing over the
three to make sure they understood the seriousness of the situation,
Jinn finally nodded and opened the door for them, letting them into
what they realized by the size of the furniture was Master Yoda’s

And on the couch,
Obi-Wan was sitting in a thin shift, yellowed bruises lining his
skinny arms all the way up to his thin shoulders where his tank top
covered the rest as he fiddled with a pad. When the door opened, he
looked up before perking up in glee when he saw his friends, dropping
the pad and stumbling quickly off the couch to rush towards them,
catching Bant in a hug.

He didn’t say a
thing, only hugged her tightly and relaxed into the hug all three
gave him in return, his friends wrapping around him protectively.

For a few moments,
none of them said anything until Bant pulled back and cupped her best
friends cheeks, staring at him. “…Are you going to be okay?”

Obi-Wan gave a
small shrug and a meek smile to all three as they waited on the
answer. “I don’t know…” He answered quietly and honestly
before slowly tugging all three further into the quarters to sit on
the couch.

Quietly, the Jedi
master slipped out to let the young ones talk in peace.

pillow fights. Obi with his friends because they never have any fun.

Moaning into the table, Garen let it remain there as the other three
stared at their fellow padawan.

“…Umm… Garen what are you doing?” Bant finally elected to
ask, leaning her elbows on the table to get closer to the other.

“I’m trying to let my brain rest because this navigational
homework is killing me.” Said padawan moaned.

Snorting, Obi-Wan picked up his pad and waved it at Garen despite the
other having his head down and being unable to see it. “You’re
the one who wants to be a pilot, you really need good grades in this
class to be it.” He dryly pointed out as he had several times
before, usually before the tests.

Sitting up Garen threw his hands up, almost hitting Reeft in the head
if the dressellian hadn’t quickly dodged away with a yelp. “I
know but its still MIND numbing. I know I need it but shit man, its
so many numbers.”

Shaking his head in amusement, Obi-Wan leaned an elbow on the table
and his head on his hand. “When you invited us over for study time,
I didn’t think you’d spend half the time moaning about having to
learn everything you know. I figured you might spend just a little
time doing that.” He teased.

Garen glared. “As if you aren’t bored.” He huffed.

“Oh of course, but like I said, we need this if we wanna be active
field agents. And you want to be a pilot.” Obi-Wan laughed at his
huffy friend.

Reeft meanwhile was eyeing one of the pillows they weren’t using to
sit on and then eyed Garen speculatively.

He caught Bant’s eyes and flickered his eyes back to the pillows
and then to her to see if she caught on to his trail of thought as
Garen and Obi-Wan were too busy sniping at each other, the level of
sass and bile rapidly rising in the room as they continued sniping.

An unholy glee lit her eyes and she gave a slow nod, both reaching
for a pillow each.

On a silent signal they attacked the closest target.

The soft pillows hit Obi-Wan and Garen straight in the face which
sent both humans sprawling onto their backs on the floor with loud,
surprised squeaks that they both later insisted on being yelps.

“That’s what you two get for jabbing at each others and not doing
your homework.” Bant leered down at them.

Garen pushed himself up on his elbows and Obi-Wan used one hand, the
two sending each other looks over the table.

“…We declare war!” And with that the two humans snagged a
pillow each too and the battle was on, pillows being thrown at each
other with loud laughter joining the fray as the four padawans
battled out for supremacy.

Just as Garen exploded a pillow against Bant’s back, the door slid
open. “I swear they were just going to do homewo-Garen!” Master
Clee stood there, eyes wide and her hands on her hips as she stared
at the feathers slowly falling around the four padawans.

Behind her Qui-Gon stood, brows high and an amused smile twitching
its way onto his lips as he stared at his padawan with feathers in
his hair. “Homework you said?”

Reeft, Bant and Obi-Wan dropped their pillows.

“They started it!” Garen yelped.

“…You are in trouble young man and you are all cleaning this up,
do you hear me?” The female Jedi master said.

“Yes Master Rhara.” They said in chorus, all contrite.

Though Obi-Wan couldn’t help a small grin when Qui-Gon had to hide
his laugh with a cough instead, his master’s lips twitching with
his amusement still.

pillow fights. Obi with his friends because they never have any fun.

Moaning into the table, Garen let it remain there as the other three
stared at their fellow padawan.

“…Umm… Garen what are you doing?” Bant finally elected to
ask, leaning her elbows on the table to get closer to the other.

“I’m trying to let my brain rest because this navigational
homework is killing me.” Said padawan moaned.

Snorting, Obi-Wan picked up his pad and waved it at Garen despite the
other having his head down and being unable to see it. “You’re
the one who wants to be a pilot, you really need good grades in this
class to be it.” He dryly pointed out as he had several times
before, usually before the tests.

Sitting up Garen threw his hands up, almost hitting Reeft in the head
if the dressellian hadn’t quickly dodged away with a yelp. “I
know but its still MIND numbing. I know I need it but shit man, its
so many numbers.”

Shaking his head in amusement, Obi-Wan leaned an elbow on the table
and his head on his hand. “When you invited us over for study time,
I didn’t think you’d spend half the time moaning about having to
learn everything you know. I figured you might spend just a little
time doing that.” He teased.

Garen glared. “As if you aren’t bored.” He huffed.

“Oh of course, but like I said, we need this if we wanna be active
field agents. And you want to be a pilot.” Obi-Wan laughed at his
huffy friend.

Reeft meanwhile was eyeing one of the pillows they weren’t using to
sit on and then eyed Garen speculatively.

He caught Bant’s eyes and flickered his eyes back to the pillows
and then to her to see if she caught on to his trail of thought as
Garen and Obi-Wan were too busy sniping at each other, the level of
sass and bile rapidly rising in the room as they continued sniping.

An unholy glee lit her eyes and she gave a slow nod, both reaching
for a pillow each.

On a silent signal they attacked the closest target.

The soft pillows hit Obi-Wan and Garen straight in the face which
sent both humans sprawling onto their backs on the floor with loud,
surprised squeaks that they both later insisted on being yelps.

“That’s what you two get for jabbing at each others and not doing
your homework.” Bant leered down at them.

Garen pushed himself up on his elbows and Obi-Wan used one hand, the
two sending each other looks over the table.

“…We declare war!” And with that the two humans snagged a
pillow each too and the battle was on, pillows being thrown at each
other with loud laughter joining the fray as the four padawans
battled out for supremacy.

Just as Garen exploded a pillow against Bant’s back, the door slid
open. “I swear they were just going to do homewo-Garen!” Master
Clee stood there, eyes wide and her hands on her hips as she stared
at the feathers slowly falling around the four padawans.

Behind her Qui-Gon stood, brows high and an amused smile twitching
its way onto his lips as he stared at his padawan with feathers in
his hair. “Homework you said?”

Reeft, Bant and Obi-Wan dropped their pillows.

“They started it!” Garen yelped.

“…You are in trouble young man and you are all cleaning this up,
do you hear me?” The female Jedi master said.

“Yes Master Rhara.” They said in chorus, all contrite.

Though Obi-Wan couldn’t help a small grin when Qui-Gon had to hide
his laugh with a cough instead, his master’s lips twitching with
his amusement still.

In your agricorps au whats going to happen when Obi Wan gets to coruscant? and how is he going to feel about being in the temple again? how will his old masters, friends, react to seeing him again after so long?

Hand resting on
the mans temple, Qui-Gon took a deep breath of relief as his Force
suggestion seemed to have taken hold. ‘He’s going to need mind
healers.’ He thought sadly.

It was to much to
hope that the bombing had left no other mark then physical but the
nightmare Obi-Wan had was an obvious sign that no, there were
traumas, deep seated in Obi-Wan’s mind that would need careful
tending to.

“Sir?” He
looked up, smiling at Cody’s worried face.

“He’s fine, a
nightmare. Most likely a response to…well everything.”

“…He has PTSD
you think?”

“More then
likely, he’s at least traumatized.” Qui-Gon sighed. “Hopefully
the healers will help him, he’s going to need…well, he’s going
to need it.”

The commander


“Two hours sir.
He can rest for at least an hour more.”

“Good, he’ll
need it.”

Qui-Gon waited
until Cody left before sliding his hand from the temple and over the
redheads cheek with slow care, taking in the freckles this close with
a small smile now that the bacta had treated the burns, the Force
feeling warm around him and Obi-Wan’s breath calm.

Guilt curled a bit
in his stomach, this was the man he had rejected as his padawan but
he was…impressive in his own rights. Had become a master of his own
profession clearly and his Force presence felt…soothing.

Anakin had been
right about that.

‘Why do you look
like you belong here? On my bunk? With me? Force I can’t change the
past but…I wish I could have kept you with me…’ He caressed the
little mole beneath Obi-Wan’s eye before pressing his hand over the
thick braid of copper hair. He felt like he could stay for hours to
watch the other sleep.

‘…I’m being
creepy old pervert.’ He thought grumpily before he got up, ready to
let Obi-Wan rest in peace on the Jedi Master’s bunk.


“You know, its
been well over a twenty years since last time I was at the temple.”
Obi-Wan hummed, looking around as he followed Qui-Gon up the steps.

“Oh?” Qui-Gon
smiled at him, looking at the younger man.

“Yes, I came
back once with Master Iula, my trainer because there had been a crop
malfunction. I had to explain to the council the expected yield since
I was going to take over the post for Master Iula when she retired.”
He thought back, musing a bit. “I think I saw you at the time, from

Qui-Gon blinked at
that before smiling. “Then I must have been blind, I did not
noticed anything. I must admit I was…healing at the time.”

“I know.”
Obi-Wan looked at him, green eyes full of understanding. “I made my
peace with the past. I don’t blame you, you were not the only
master or knight that overlooked me, just the last.” He smiled.
“And I made a life at Agricore. This…this is a lot of changes for
me in one go.” He sighed a bit.

Qui-Gon watched
the other before resting his hand on his shoulder. “If you wish,
you could meditate with me? I’d be honor to help you process some
of the changes and upheavals your life has taken.”

“I would like
that Master Jinn.” Obi-Wan smiled.

will do. Something tells me we will be seeing each other more.” He

“Only if you do
me the favor of calling me Obi-Wan.” The redhead returned, grinning
when he got a nod of agreement and a squeeze at the shoulder.

Both stopped and looked behind them at the call of the agricore
members name, Obi-Wan giving a large smile when a dressellian knight
made his way quickly across the halls floor towards them.

“Reeft, its been
to long.” He held out his hands only to laugh when the dressellian
moved closer and picked him up of off the floor in a bear hug before
settling him down again, hands resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

“Too long you
say, its been…Force holo calls are not the same my friend.” Reeft
offered in turn, smiling at the human before turning serious. “I
heard about what happened, we all wondered…well its good to know
someone lived.” He squeezed the other shoulders.

“It was…quick.
I managed.” Obi-Wan settled, his smile turning strained. “Are any
of the others on Coruscant?”

“Garen is out
flying still. So is Vos but Bant is here, in the temple. She works in
the healer wing a lot right now. She’d love to hear from you and
see you especially.”

Obi-Wan hummed
before smiling warmly. “Dinner perhaps. We can all have dinner

“That sounds
wonderful.” Reeft smiled.

Loath to interrupt
but knowing he had to, Qui-Gon cleared his throat, smiling when the
knight focused on him. “Apologies, I’d love to leave you to your
conversation but we have council meeting.”

“Oh!” Reeft
gave Qui-Gon a quick bow and smiled sheepishly at Obi-Wan. “I’ll
see you later then.”

“Later Reeft.”

The two continued
undisturbed towards the lift.

“You have
friends in the temple?” Qui-Gon smiled.

“I have friends
all over the galaxy.” Obi-Wan laughed quietly. “I just…kept
touch with the ones I left behind, that’s all.” He looked up at
the other. “I’m glad some of us managed to follow their dreams.”
He smiled.

The sun caught in
Obi-Wan’s copper hair and his eyes sparkled warmly with the soft
smile set in a copper beard, Qui-Gon could almost see the dimples
through it. Force…he was beautiful.

“I’m glad you
have friends who care.” Qui-Gon murmured.

He was also
impressed with how well together Obi-Wan held himself in front of the
Council, answering their questions calmly despite the deep probing he
was subjected too. He hope that the calm would last when they meet
with the Senate representative too, because Qui-Gon sure as kark
wasn’t about to let Obi-Wan go alone, politicians were sharks, if
they scented blood in the water…

Well, he didn’t
want the other to be upset more then needed.

Just as they were
about to leave, Obi-Wan giving a temporary knight quarters, Yoda
spoke up. “Good to see you again it is Obi-Wan, happy you seem.”
The old master offered, ears twitching lightly as Obi-Wan turned and
gave a soft smile to the troll.

“I am. You
shouldn’t worry so much you old troll, I am happy.” His tone was
teasing and Yoda gave a quiet chuckle.


In your agricorps au whats going to happen when Obi Wan gets to coruscant? and how is he going to feel about being in the temple again? how will his old masters, friends, react to seeing him again after so long?

Hand resting on
the mans temple, Qui-Gon took a deep breath of relief as his Force
suggestion seemed to have taken hold. ‘He’s going to need mind
healers.’ He thought sadly.

It was to much to
hope that the bombing had left no other mark then physical but the
nightmare Obi-Wan had was an obvious sign that no, there were
traumas, deep seated in Obi-Wan’s mind that would need careful
tending to.

“Sir?” He
looked up, smiling at Cody’s worried face.

“He’s fine, a
nightmare. Most likely a response to…well everything.”

“…He has PTSD
you think?”

“More then
likely, he’s at least traumatized.” Qui-Gon sighed. “Hopefully
the healers will help him, he’s going to need…well, he’s going
to need it.”

The commander


“Two hours sir.
He can rest for at least an hour more.”

“Good, he’ll
need it.”

Qui-Gon waited
until Cody left before sliding his hand from the temple and over the
redheads cheek with slow care, taking in the freckles this close with
a small smile now that the bacta had treated the burns, the Force
feeling warm around him and Obi-Wan’s breath calm.

Guilt curled a bit
in his stomach, this was the man he had rejected as his padawan but
he was…impressive in his own rights. Had become a master of his own
profession clearly and his Force presence felt…soothing.

Anakin had been
right about that.

‘Why do you look
like you belong here? On my bunk? With me? Force I can’t change the
past but…I wish I could have kept you with me…’ He caressed the
little mole beneath Obi-Wan’s eye before pressing his hand over the
thick braid of copper hair. He felt like he could stay for hours to
watch the other sleep.

‘…I’m being
creepy old pervert.’ He thought grumpily before he got up, ready to
let Obi-Wan rest in peace on the Jedi Master’s bunk.


“You know, its
been well over a twenty years since last time I was at the temple.”
Obi-Wan hummed, looking around as he followed Qui-Gon up the steps.

“Oh?” Qui-Gon
smiled at him, looking at the younger man.

“Yes, I came
back once with Master Iula, my trainer because there had been a crop
malfunction. I had to explain to the council the expected yield since
I was going to take over the post for Master Iula when she retired.”
He thought back, musing a bit. “I think I saw you at the time, from

Qui-Gon blinked at
that before smiling. “Then I must have been blind, I did not
noticed anything. I must admit I was…healing at the time.”

“I know.”
Obi-Wan looked at him, green eyes full of understanding. “I made my
peace with the past. I don’t blame you, you were not the only
master or knight that overlooked me, just the last.” He smiled.
“And I made a life at Agricore. This…this is a lot of changes for
me in one go.” He sighed a bit.

Qui-Gon watched
the other before resting his hand on his shoulder. “If you wish,
you could meditate with me? I’d be honor to help you process some
of the changes and upheavals your life has taken.”

“I would like
that Master Jinn.” Obi-Wan smiled.

will do. Something tells me we will be seeing each other more.” He

“Only if you do
me the favor of calling me Obi-Wan.” The redhead returned, grinning
when he got a nod of agreement and a squeeze at the shoulder.

Both stopped and looked behind them at the call of the agricore
members name, Obi-Wan giving a large smile when a dressellian knight
made his way quickly across the halls floor towards them.

“Reeft, its been
to long.” He held out his hands only to laugh when the dressellian
moved closer and picked him up of off the floor in a bear hug before
settling him down again, hands resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

“Too long you
say, its been…Force holo calls are not the same my friend.” Reeft
offered in turn, smiling at the human before turning serious. “I
heard about what happened, we all wondered…well its good to know
someone lived.” He squeezed the other shoulders.

“It was…quick.
I managed.” Obi-Wan settled, his smile turning strained. “Are any
of the others on Coruscant?”

“Garen is out
flying still. So is Vos but Bant is here, in the temple. She works in
the healer wing a lot right now. She’d love to hear from you and
see you especially.”

Obi-Wan hummed
before smiling warmly. “Dinner perhaps. We can all have dinner

“That sounds
wonderful.” Reeft smiled.

Loath to interrupt
but knowing he had to, Qui-Gon cleared his throat, smiling when the
knight focused on him. “Apologies, I’d love to leave you to your
conversation but we have council meeting.”

“Oh!” Reeft
gave Qui-Gon a quick bow and smiled sheepishly at Obi-Wan. “I’ll
see you later then.”

“Later Reeft.”

The two continued
undisturbed towards the lift.

“You have
friends in the temple?” Qui-Gon smiled.

“I have friends
all over the galaxy.” Obi-Wan laughed quietly. “I just…kept
touch with the ones I left behind, that’s all.” He looked up at
the other. “I’m glad some of us managed to follow their dreams.”
He smiled.

The sun caught in
Obi-Wan’s copper hair and his eyes sparkled warmly with the soft
smile set in a copper beard, Qui-Gon could almost see the dimples
through it. Force…he was beautiful.

“I’m glad you
have friends who care.” Qui-Gon murmured.

He was also
impressed with how well together Obi-Wan held himself in front of the
Council, answering their questions calmly despite the deep probing he
was subjected too. He hope that the calm would last when they meet
with the Senate representative too, because Qui-Gon sure as kark
wasn’t about to let Obi-Wan go alone, politicians were sharks, if
they scented blood in the water…

Well, he didn’t
want the other to be upset more then needed.

Just as they were
about to leave, Obi-Wan giving a temporary knight quarters, Yoda
spoke up. “Good to see you again it is Obi-Wan, happy you seem.”
The old master offered, ears twitching lightly as Obi-Wan turned and
gave a soft smile to the troll.

“I am. You
shouldn’t worry so much you old troll, I am happy.” His tone was
teasing and Yoda gave a quiet chuckle.


In the Al’Verde verse, how do Bant and Obi-Wan’s other old friends react to him and his new role? What do they think of his relationships with his clones, Jango’s clones and/or Jango himself? Are they concerned about his mercenary work in the past or how prepared he is for galactic war? Thank you and keep up the great work!

Organa.” Obi-Wan took the mans hand, squeezing it firmly but
carefully. “Thank you for agreeing to sponsor me.”

“No, thank you
for all you’re doing for the Republic.” Bail returned, smiling
warmly at the man. “I’m only sorry you had to be dragged in front
of the Senate for this.” He breathed out.

worried, I understand but if they think I’m relinquishing the
command I’ve had for so many years, they are even more bonkers then
I thought.” Al’verde snorted. “Like honestly, what do they
think will come from this?” He questioned, looking at Bail.

“I’m honestly
not sure, to add even more confusion, it was the Kaminoan’s who
pulled this for the Senate.” Bail rubbed his hands together then
blinked when the copper haired man beside him snorted in amusement.

“I see.”
Obi-Wan smirked, looking amused now.

Bail eyed the man
in copper armor curiously, wondering what he had realized.

When no answer
came, he decided to investigate. “May I ask what you see?”

“Since you’re
sponsoring me on the Alderaan platform, yes.” Obi-Wan chuckled a
bit. “The Kaminoan’s dislike the level of…respect I gather from
the vod’s and my own clones. They are also very unhappy with the
level of control I have in the production. See…” Obi-Wan licked
his lips. “The Kaminos have a tendency to…’cull’ bad
batches…bad individuals…” His smile looked thin.

“…I see.”
Bail whispered. “And you stopped them.”

“Yes. I arranged
other duties for the ones considered ‘bad’. Help to improve life
quality. I also had them stop the rapid aging of the clones once they
were out of the tubes which they considered wasted resources and
forbid them from installing the inorganic control chips that were
suppose to control the vod’s tempers.” Obi-Wan snorted.
“Basically slavery. I gave them more freedom. The Kaminos do not
see it that way. The vod’s and my clones are their…products.”
His lips twisted in a small snarl.

“And this is
them trying to wrestle the control from you again, to…better their
‘product’.” Bail felt a sense of disgust.

“Yes.” Obi-Wan
smirked. “They won’t get it.”


“…Look at
him.” Bant whispered, staring at the viewscreen with awe in her
eyes. “He’s talking to them like unruly children, no fear at

Garent dropped
down on the couch beside her, unable to take his own eyes off the
screen with a grin on his face. “I knew he had it in him, just look
at him go. He’s tearing them apart!” He laughed.

Reeft gave a soft
smile and leaned on the couch

In the light of
the Senate, the bronze paint glittered of Obi-Wan’s armor, his hair
styled back in a bun and his beard well groomed as he laid into each
and every single concern the Senate presented to him while verbally
ripping apart his opposition.

Some senators even
showed visible blushes and fewer and fewer were arguing with him
about his apparent control of the army of the Republic.

“Reports says
the vod’s prefer to respond to him above the general they have.”
Reeft murmured. “That they trust his word on the Jedi they are
assigned to and that anyone given to a command that shows no concern
for their lives report to him to get reassigned and the leader in
charge does not get a new command, by Obi-Wan’s order.”

“Damn, he has a
lot of power then.” Bant blinked.

“You can see why
the Senate is so concerned, they don’t know Obi-Wan.” Garen
hummed. “But he’s concerned for them, they are living men af-”

“The clones are
living men, not toys for the Senate to put to death.” Obi-Wan’s
voice rang out, strong and steady. “Had it not been for the droid
army, which we are everyday destroy more of and take out the
factories off, they would not be needed on the battle field. I hope
for the conscience of every Senator here that they can hear the
screams of the vods who die in battle.” Obi-Wan pulled a holo
projector of his belt.

“You see the
newsreels from battle field and the propaganda. Now see the truth.”
He clicked it on and the camera zoomed in on the images floating.

Troopers running
into the blaster fire with Jedi, troopers screaming in pain as bombs
took out their legs from under them or dead on the ground. Kenobi
troopers sending tanks flying and distracting the primary attention
from the droids for the sake of their brothers in arms,

“…These are
the men you send to their death. These are the men I have sworn to
protect.” Obi-Wan called out into the cold silence of the Senate.
“Men who fight, bleed and DIE.”

He put the holo to
his utility belt. “You may think I am a threat and perhaps I am,
but if I am a threat, then its for the sake of life. Remove me from
command at the peril of your own souls.”

Garen gave a
breathy laugh. “Oh my kriff…balls the size of fripping moons.”
He wheezed out.

“Get the public
on his side, the Senate can not move against him, not like this. If
they remove him now…”  Reeft whispered.

“The one who
removes him would destroy their reputation now.” Bant whispered.
“He’s shown the human side of the troopers. It might take more
but he’s doing it. I bet you that there will be more footage of the
clones come future, and not just the war reels.”

“Doesn’t hurt
that he’s handsome, he appeals to people. Straight backed,
handsome, copper hair and a soothing voice that speaks to people.”
Garen sat back in the couch. “…Who would have thought little Obi
would turn out like this.”

“Obi-Wan always
had potential. I’m so glad to see he turned out alright.” The mon
calmari whispered. “…He’s on Coruscant now, perhaps we can meet

“Its worth a
shot, I’d like to see my old friend.”

“Hear hear.”

In the Al’Verde verse, how do Bant and Obi-Wan’s other old friends react to him and his new role? What do they think of his relationships with his clones, Jango’s clones and/or Jango himself? Are they concerned about his mercenary work in the past or how prepared he is for galactic war? Thank you and keep up the great work!

Organa.” Obi-Wan took the mans hand, squeezing it firmly but
carefully. “Thank you for agreeing to sponsor me.”

“No, thank you
for all you’re doing for the Republic.” Bail returned, smiling
warmly at the man. “I’m only sorry you had to be dragged in front
of the Senate for this.” He breathed out.

worried, I understand but if they think I’m relinquishing the
command I’ve had for so many years, they are even more bonkers then
I thought.” Al’verde snorted. “Like honestly, what do they
think will come from this?” He questioned, looking at Bail.

“I’m honestly
not sure, to add even more confusion, it was the Kaminoan’s who
pulled this for the Senate.” Bail rubbed his hands together then
blinked when the copper haired man beside him snorted in amusement.

“I see.”
Obi-Wan smirked, looking amused now.

Bail eyed the man
in copper armor curiously, wondering what he had realized.

When no answer
came, he decided to investigate. “May I ask what you see?”

“Since you’re
sponsoring me on the Alderaan platform, yes.” Obi-Wan chuckled a
bit. “The Kaminoan’s dislike the level of…respect I gather from
the vod’s and my own clones. They are also very unhappy with the
level of control I have in the production. See…” Obi-Wan licked
his lips. “The Kaminos have a tendency to…’cull’ bad
batches…bad individuals…” His smile looked thin.

“…I see.”
Bail whispered. “And you stopped them.”

“Yes. I arranged
other duties for the ones considered ‘bad’. Help to improve life
quality. I also had them stop the rapid aging of the clones once they
were out of the tubes which they considered wasted resources and
forbid them from installing the inorganic control chips that were
suppose to control the vod’s tempers.” Obi-Wan snorted.
“Basically slavery. I gave them more freedom. The Kaminos do not
see it that way. The vod’s and my clones are their…products.”
His lips twisted in a small snarl.

“And this is
them trying to wrestle the control from you again, to…better their
‘product’.” Bail felt a sense of disgust.

“Yes.” Obi-Wan
smirked. “They won’t get it.”


“…Look at
him.” Bant whispered, staring at the viewscreen with awe in her
eyes. “He’s talking to them like unruly children, no fear at

Garent dropped
down on the couch beside her, unable to take his own eyes off the
screen with a grin on his face. “I knew he had it in him, just look
at him go. He’s tearing them apart!” He laughed.

Reeft gave a soft
smile and leaned on the couch

In the light of
the Senate, the bronze paint glittered of Obi-Wan’s armor, his hair
styled back in a bun and his beard well groomed as he laid into each
and every single concern the Senate presented to him while verbally
ripping apart his opposition.

Some senators even
showed visible blushes and fewer and fewer were arguing with him
about his apparent control of the army of the Republic.

“Reports says
the vod’s prefer to respond to him above the general they have.”
Reeft murmured. “That they trust his word on the Jedi they are
assigned to and that anyone given to a command that shows no concern
for their lives report to him to get reassigned and the leader in
charge does not get a new command, by Obi-Wan’s order.”

“Damn, he has a
lot of power then.” Bant blinked.

“You can see why
the Senate is so concerned, they don’t know Obi-Wan.” Garen
hummed. “But he’s concerned for them, they are living men af-”

“The clones are
living men, not toys for the Senate to put to death.” Obi-Wan’s
voice rang out, strong and steady. “Had it not been for the droid
army, which we are everyday destroy more of and take out the
factories off, they would not be needed on the battle field. I hope
for the conscience of every Senator here that they can hear the
screams of the vods who die in battle.” Obi-Wan pulled a holo
projector of his belt.

“You see the
newsreels from battle field and the propaganda. Now see the truth.”
He clicked it on and the camera zoomed in on the images floating.

Troopers running
into the blaster fire with Jedi, troopers screaming in pain as bombs
took out their legs from under them or dead on the ground. Kenobi
troopers sending tanks flying and distracting the primary attention
from the droids for the sake of their brothers in arms,

“…These are
the men you send to their death. These are the men I have sworn to
protect.” Obi-Wan called out into the cold silence of the Senate.
“Men who fight, bleed and DIE.”

He put the holo to
his utility belt. “You may think I am a threat and perhaps I am,
but if I am a threat, then its for the sake of life. Remove me from
command at the peril of your own souls.”

Garen gave a
breathy laugh. “Oh my kriff…balls the size of fripping moons.”
He wheezed out.

“Get the public
on his side, the Senate can not move against him, not like this. If
they remove him now…”  Reeft whispered.

“The one who
removes him would destroy their reputation now.” Bant whispered.
“He’s shown the human side of the troopers. It might take more
but he’s doing it. I bet you that there will be more footage of the
clones come future, and not just the war reels.”

“Doesn’t hurt
that he’s handsome, he appeals to people. Straight backed,
handsome, copper hair and a soothing voice that speaks to people.”
Garen sat back in the couch. “…Who would have thought little Obi
would turn out like this.”

“Obi-Wan always
had potential. I’m so glad to see he turned out alright.” The mon
calmari whispered. “…He’s on Coruscant now, perhaps we can meet

“Its worth a
shot, I’d like to see my old friend.”

“Hear hear.”