Oh damn! I really need to know if Din is gonna be fine in sweet princess 0.0 boba will be by his side during the recovery, right?

Waking slowly, Din kept his breathing soft and his mind steady as his body started feeding him input of what was going on. It was a technique he had developed while hunting. Panicking helped no one, least of all oneself if you were alone in a volatile situation. Therefore, Din had forced his mind to cope with the situation, so he could later, when he was safe, scream and cry about it.

His body ached but it was a dull thudding ache along with muscle stiffness and the smell of sickly sweetness hung in the air, the kind that came from overripe fruits, lingered in his nose with an undercurrent of sterile chemicals only used one place.

A medical facility.

That meant Din was safe, or at the very least somewhere that didn’t wish him harm.

There was a squeeze of his right hand and Din felt his entire being relax with the certainty of safety, because he recognized the scarred, callused hand wrapped around his.

Boba, his Boba.

Opening his sore eyes slowly, noting that his left eye felt sore, Din tilted his head to look, meeting the relieved amber ones of Boba as the man tightened his grasp on Din’s hand. For a long moment, they just stared at each other and then Boba leaned in, pressing their foreheads together as Boba let out a shuddering breath, the lack of armor making it easier for the two to press in close to each other. “Din… Din.” He whispered, voice thick, as if he didn’t know what else to say other than to repeat Din’s name.

Not that Din minded. He liked it when Boba said his name, so few had used his name before and having Boba say it… It brought him warmth.

Squeezing the others hand, Din let out a low, raspy noise. The sound had Boba twitching and then he shifted, holding onto Din’s hand and honestly, Din was grateful. The other leaning away gave Din a moment to glance about.

This was clearly a medbay, the room was sterile but instead of utterly polished white, it had a more snow like color, giving the walls a tint of blue. It was soothing and Din found himself relaxing more at the sight.

There were no windows. The only light was the fixtures above them, but that was understandable if they were back in the palace. Leaving the medbay with windows could let in grains that were the last thing a medic would want. Sand was a contaminant that could get into injuries, samples or medical liquids.Din knew that sand could ruin bacta and lead to infection. Sand-spoiled bacta sealed the sand inside the wound. The body reacted to the foreign contaminant as it was ‘programmed’ to do, attacking newly healing wounds which also house small invaders. Everything could become necrotic far too fast after that.

To the north of the room, Din could spot four doors. Squinting at them, he suspected that one was a fresher and hopefully a shower was in there, unless Boba took Din back to their room. Another door, he suspected, was the office of the medic, though he couldn’t parse out what the last two doors might lead to.

A surgery room?

A medical storage room for equipment?

Maybe a room for cleaning equipment that the medic had set up.

The medic…

Russal, the zabrak, wide red eyes and yellow skin with black tattoos practically absorbing the sun from the window above Din.

The memory was faint and Din swallowed thickly as he tried to push the memory away.

He didn’t want to think about it as he instead looked to the south of the room where there was a third door. This one Din suspected would lead out into the rest of the palace and faintly, Din wondered where in the palace these medical spaces had been set up.

Boba’s hand tightened on his and Din focused back on the other, letting out a happy noise when he saw the cup with a small spout on it. He quickly raised his head from the pillow he was laying on. A small smile crossed Boba’s lips and he set the spout to Din’s cracked lips, carefully pouring in a small amount of water, waiting for Din to swallow and then repeating until the cup was empty.

Shockingly, the water was cold.

Or maybe it just felt cold to Din. Because Din knew that the thin, white sheet with faint pink tinge covering him must be stiff and the mattress beneath him hard, but after the days he had, it all felt lovely to him.

With the thought of the last few days however, Din was reminded of his hand and dropped his head back against the pillow to tilt it, looking at his left hand.

He paused when he saw the pinkish orb locked around his hand as it rested along his side, staring at the gel like substance wrapped around his hand, a hand that had all five fingers with an IV attached through the gel to the top of his hand, leading to a bag hanging on a pole.

Confused, Din turned his head to Boba, eyes as wide as he could get them at the moment, full of questions. “Russal attached your fingers,” Boba stated, seeing what had Din so confused. “He said that your fingers might not be as functional as before, though physical therapy would help you recover somewhat.” He continued more quietly.

Nodding slowly with understanding, letting his mind mull over that information, Din slowly looked back to his hand. From what he could see, his hand looked undamaged, he couldn’t even see a scar through the gel where he knew they had been severed.

“…Can you move them?” Boba queried quietly, his grip tight on Din’s other hand.

Licking his still chapped lips, Din brow furrowed as he focused on his hand, thumb, index and middle finger easily pulling in towards his palm. The ring finger followed, slower but still moved by Din’s muscles.

The pinkie finger however he could tell was barely responding to Din’s decision to make a fist, was simply pulling along due to the tendons in his hands. That had been the first finger to go and it made sense that it was worse off.

Resting his fingertips against his palm, Din let out a shaky breath, feeling his hand throb inside the gel orb before he slowly straightened his fingers out once more. He couldn’t quite straighten his pinkie however and Din sighed deeply as he looked to Boba.

The other looked thrilled, having watched closely. “That’s… that’s better than Russal suspected. He stated that you might not be able to move either.” He breathed out heavily and looking closely, Din saw how tired the other man.

“…Have you slept at all?” He whispered shakily, grunting when Boba grimaced heavily.

Tugging at the others hand, Din gave him a pleading look. “Din… love…” Boba weakly protested, glancing to what Din had suspected was the office.

Clearly the other was thinking he had to inform the medic that Din was awake.

“Please… we can… can deal with everything in the morning,” Din pleaded, tugging again. When Boba wavered, Din spoke again. “I just want you to hold me… make me feel safe.” He wished his voice didn’t sound as broken.

Instantly Boba’s scarred face softened and he shifted, reaching down.  If he was honest, it took Din an embarrassingly long moment to realize the other was removing his boots. But finally, finally Boba crawled onto the narrow medical bed, carefully shifting Din around until they were curled up on their sides and into each other, Din’s head settled under Boba’s chin and against his cloth covered chest and his healing hand suited onto Boba’s hip for support.

The warmth of the others body was a godsend and Din sniffled quietly as Boba’s hands slowly rubbed his back.

Boba didn’t smell good, the scent of souring sweat hung on him, but Din couldn’t bring himself to care a lick about it. He was sure he didn’t smell any better after all those days in captivity, unless someone had given him a sponge bath.

And by the feel of his own hair as Boba’s hand came up to stroke it for a few moments, Din highly doubted that.

He must be so gross, but he was still so tired and he didn’t want to move from Boba’s body or grasp. “You’re safe, you’re here. I have you, I have you Din. I have you love, my sweetheart. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” Boba whispered, his voice a tad frantic, as if he was assuring himself as much as Din.

But Boba was right.

He was safe, he was home and in Boba’s arms and that was all he had wanted those lonely days abducted by those that wanted to force Boba to give them things.

“I know…” Din agreed in a quiet rasp, nuzzling slowly. “I’m in your arms after all, my Boba, my buir’ika.” He smiled shakily, Boba’s arms tightening around his body at the words.


I need more Escapismstitched!! Some Ani caring for his Obi (Possibly romantic??)

It takes the medics two full hours before they let anyone see Obi-Wan again, the privacy screen pulled around the bed as they work despite how twitchy that made Anakin but he knew better than to interfere with any form for healing personnel.

They could become rather petty and hard to deal with if you interfered.

Though honestly, their focus should be on Obi-Wan anyhow, so yes, twitchy as he was and pacing the medbay, Anakin knew better than trying to get around the screen just to watch them work.

All the while, the empty stare of Obi-Wan’s eyes lingered in his mind and Anakin could feel his nausea rise every time he remembered them, the eyes and the injuries.

He knew that there was no way the stitching injuries would ever fully fade, there would be scars left behind for sure and Anakin wasn’t sure what kind of impact that would have on his master.

Obi-Wan had never dissociated this badly before.

But he had also never been so utterly alone either.

Even on Rattatak, when Ventress had taken him, Obi-Wan had Alpha-17 and for as much as she tortured him and hated him, Ventress didn’t leave Obi-Wan alone for more than a few hours at a time, the two sniping and violently bantering with each other.

But that cell…

No, Obi-Wan had been alone there with his pain and his suffering.

Maybe he had shut down in an attempt to avoid answering any questions, maybe the pain had become too great to bear or maybe… maybe it was the loneliness.

His master might try to deny it but even he had limits and isolation would eventually tear anyone down, especially coupled with being Force deprived and shoved into a room with no light and no sound from the outside.

Finally however, Kix and Helix pull the privacy screen away, allowing Anakin to see his master.

Obi-Wan looked much better, his pallor was still ghastly but they had cleaned his beard for the blood, the stitches were removed and bacta had clearly done its job to heal the injuries, leaving small, blotchy scars behind around his mouth and while the medical shirt and the blanket covered the rest of the former injuries, Anakin knew those were treated too.

They had also taken the liberty to cut some of the worst of the tangles of Obi-Wan’s hair out and the Force forsaken tube was gone.

Anakin suspected it had been used to feed Obi-Wan, with his lips being sewed shut, there wouldn’t be many ways for him to eat and for all that he was thin, it was clear he had been given kind of nourishment.

Since he hadn’t been hooked up to any needles, it was safe to assume it wasn’t given intravenously.

Hanging from a pole beside the bed, an IV bag slowly pumped fluids into Obi-Wan into his left hand, though Anakin noticed that both of Obi-Wan’s hands had been bandaged up to his wrists.

“His hands…” He murmured, glancing questionably at the two medics, unsure if he really wanted to know.

Kix and Helix traded glances before the former stepped forward, more used to dealing with Anakin. “Quite a few bones in his hands and fingers were broken or sprained sir. Or muscles were torn. We thought it be safer to wrap them fully to avoid further injury since we don’t have a bone knitter here.” Kix stated quietly, glancing quickly to the left when a few medical instruments started shaking.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Anakin forced himself to calm down before nodding. “I see, is… is it alright if I hold him?” Kix frowned slightly and looked to Helix. “Its to help him come back, if he feels safe…” Anakin trailed off before shrugging.

Looking more thoughtful now, Helix and Kix started trading hand signals.

Anakin still hadn’t learned most of the troopers hand signals and he knew that there was a language in sign that the troopers didn’t share with anyone but clones.

Finally though, Helix gave a nod. “If you think that would help him come back from where he sent his mind, sure. But you have to be careful sir, he is… not well, and while we have done the best we can without a bacta tank, he is still in a mediocre condition we’d say.” He sighed deeply, clearly not happy about not having Obi-Wan in a bacta tank.

Nodding, Anakin rubbed his chin before turning on his heel to the surprise of the medics. “I’m gonna go collect a few things I think will help, give me ten and I’ll work on Obi-Wan’s mental state.” Anakin stated quietly, a list of items cropping up in his head.

He wasn’t sure his plan would work but… hopefully, Anakin knew what would bring Obi-Wan back to his own head.

Hi! I absolutely love love love your writing!! You are an incredible author. Your updates are the highlight of my week. I absolutely love Secret We Carry, and I was wondering what’ll happen next? What if the ship got attacked and a still injured Obi-Wan has to leave the med bay for whatever reason, and the troops see how bad off Obi-Wan is. 😱 That would likely be rather emotionally devastating for multiple people. 1/2

Shuffling his feet into his slippers, ignoring Helix amused look at the tooka heads on them, Obi-Wan glanced around the medbay as he got up.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Cody sitting with a pad on the other bed, Helix organizing some supplies, both glancing at him when they thought he wouldn’t realize, the powered down med droids in the corner for when Helix needed help in the medbay for several people, an abandoned tray that had housed Obi-Wan’s and Cody’s lunch only minutes ago…

Nothing out of the usual.

And yet Obi-Wan couldn’t help an uneasy stirring low in his stomach.

Nervously scratching at his collarbone, disturbing his shirt, Obi-Wan looked to Cody. “Is Anakin coming today?” He questioned quietly, his hands itching to grab for his lightsaber. It had been stationed on Obi-Wan’s nightstand for his comfort sake, fully in view.

It was reassuring just to see it and Helix had obviously realized that after the first two days and had Cody fetch for him from Obi-Wan’s quarters.

Lowering his pad, Cody shook his head. “I don’t think so sir, from what Captain Rex told me, the engine issue seemed to be pretty massive. The engineers would of course get it working again but we all know how good General Skywalker is with machines.” The trooper stated evenly.

‘That’s almost an understatement.’ Obi-Wan smiled wryly.

He was proud of Anakin’s skills, had always been as machines almost came to Anakin as naturally as breathing did.

‘I should mention to him that the next time I see him…’ He mused to himself as he carefully started stretching, working a few of the minor katas to get his body back to normal. Obi-Wan had tried to praise Obi-Wan but sometimes he felt like a failure as a master, not giving Anakin enough.

It was a thing Obi-Wan often wondered if many first time master’s felt.

Quinlan had often been a wreck with him about Aayla honestly, often questioning if he did enough, was enough, could do enough, was a good master to her.

Not that Obi-Wan had the… best examples.

He loved Qui-Gon, but even he could admit that Qui-Gon should not have been a master to anyone at the time, he should have been with the mind healers and gotten himself healthy. Qui-Gon had healed… but the expense of Obi-Wan.

Yoda had used a teen to heal his lineage member and that was something Obi-Wan would never forget, a little voice that often told him that Yoda was imperfect and as his lineage member and fellow council member, Obi-Wan could and should question him if something seemed suspect in his decisions.

Of course, Obi-Wan didn’t like reminding Yoda, especially in council meetings. The look on the old man’s face when he said it…

Well, council meetings tended to end rather soon after Obi-Wan pulled that card.

How long it would work against the man to make Yoda think more carefully about his decisions Obi-Wan wasn’t sure but for now it still did.

‘Maybe it will continue to work until the hurt I carry heals?’ He paused, frowning slightly, missing Cody’s concerned stare. ‘If he’s waiting for that, then he’s going to have to wait for a very long time. What Qui-Gon did to me… I think I might carry the scars of his behavior towards me forever, until I go into the Force embrace. As much as I loved him, its impossible to ignore the behaviors his actions towards me instilled.’ Obi-Wan forced himself to move again, working slowly through the katas with deep breaths.

Only for the Force to blare through his head like a warning siren, Obi-Wan instinctively summoning his saber to his hand before giving a shocked cry as the ship rocked, sending Obi-Wan toppling onto his bed.

Helix and Cody were not as lucky, being sent to the floor in their own surprise as alarms rocked the ship.

Jerking to his feet, Obi-Wan ran for the door with Cody and Helix hot on his tail, the medic shouting for Obi-Wan to stop.

“I’m sorry Helix but I need to be a General now, not a patient!” Obi-Wan called back over his shoulder, rushing for the bridge, several troopers rushing past him to their own stations, only the shiny’s pausing in shock at seeing their General in his current dress.

Cody swore loudly. “He’s right Helix! Return to the medbay, there’s sure to be some injuries after that.” The commander roared over the alarms, Helix shouting a loud curse before clearly turning and heading back as Obi-Wan and Cody ran for the elevator.

Punching in the emergency code, Obi-Wan took a deep breath while enforcing himself with the Force, knowing he would need it as the elevator took of at breakneck speed to the bridge, Cody at his side practically vibrating in place.

They were being attacked, no more time for being a patient with lives on the line.

No more time for Obi-Wan to be pathetic.

#lightthroughthe cracks- Obi gets cuddles from his padawan. Sidious tries to get in contact with Ani.

Settled against one of the many trees of the halls garden, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath of relief, enjoying the air and the sight of the lazy river.

The clear signs of his health improving was a joy, the fact that he could visit the gardens, even just the healer attached one, without someone escorting him meaning that soon, soon he would be able to leave the halls.

It wouldn’t take long now, as long as Obi-Wan didn’t experience yet another set-back.

And being in the gardens meant another place for him and Anakin to meet up, the redhead perking up as he heard the telltale sounds of feet on grass rushing towards him, shifting to look to the entrance as Anakin came barreling towards him. “Padawan!” He beamed, not bothering to get up and instead simply opening his arms to the boy.

Anakin threw himself at Obi-Wan, squeaking happily when Obi-Wan caught him without toppling over. “Obi!” He beamed, hugging tightly before sitting back on the man’s lap only to grimace when Obi-Wan’s smile instantly dropped at the sight of his face.

“What happened?” Obi-Wan hissed, cupping Anakin’s chin to tilt his face to the left, staring at the bacta patch covering his jaw and some of his neck on the right side. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan’s alarmed voice was low but insistent, worried.

Grimacing again, Anakin reached up and took his master’s hands, Obi-Wan letting out a startled noise when he took in that Anakin’s fingers were bandaged too, blue eyes wide as he stared at the small hands holding his. “So um, please don’t be upset?” He pleaded softly.

Cupping Anakin’s hands with both of his, Obi-Wan resisted the urge to squeeze them in reassurance, unsure if it would hurt the bandaged hands or not. “I would never be upset with you for being hurt.” He stated seriously, the bubbling of the lazy river and the sounds of the insects no longer calming him as it had moments before.

Anakin grimaced once more, clearly not happy with that answer but realizing he wouldn’t get anymore out of his master. “So um, Chancellor Palpatine invited me to the Rotunda, to meet with him-” He stated, only to be interrupted.

“Again?” Obi-Wan questioned, aghast. “Why? I thought you didn’t want to visit him anymore? That he didn’t ask you to visit?” Obi-Wan questioned in bewilderment.

After Obi-Wan had been confined to the halls, the Jedi council had realized the amount of meetings the Chancellor had been requesting and had managed to interfere. Meeting the boy once or twice without a chaperon when the man had levered his power to do so was something the council hadn’t managed to stop.

But after the sixth meeting since Obi-Wan was confined, totaling a number of twenty visits in total, well… it was becoming troublesome and Mace had approached a few of the Senators that were sympathetic to Jedi or at least wanted to protect children.

Meeting with a child without a chaperon looked bad for a man of Palpatine’s powers and Bail Organa had spearheaded the bill that would forbid people holding offices to meet with Jedi minors without a chaperon or an extremely good cause.

Since then, Palpatine had become… sneakier in his attempt to meet Anakin.

“Well, that’s just it, he didn’t just invite me,” Anakin shrugged, nibbling on his bottom lip, only stopping when Obi-Wan reached up and tugged his lip away with his thumb, giving him a scolding look since Anakin had a tendency to make his lip bleed with his nervous tick. “He invited my entire class, for a tour of the Rotunda and so on.”

Blinking slowly, Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped as he stared at Anakin, clearly hoping for the other to go ‘joking!’

But no such luck.

Letting out a strangled noise, Obi-Wan took a deep breath, closing his eyes to calm himself down. “…So your entire class was in the Rotunda… with an adult?” He opened one eye to peek at Anakin, relaxing slightly when the other nodded.

“Master Nu, apparently she is familiar with the Rotunda and keeps up to date with all the Senators and their aids?” Anakin clarified, bemused by someone wanting to keep up with all that boring information, not realizing that Jocasta didn’t do it for fun but for record keeping and ensuring they knew who they’d have to deal with in the Senate.

Nodding simply, Obi-Wan stared at his padawan, flickering his eyes to the bacta patches and bandages before looking the other in the eyes again, silently demanding answers.

Slumping a bit, realizing he wouldn’t be able to distract Obi-Wan, Anakin quietly told him what happened, every sentence causing Obi-Wan’s eyes to burn brighter and brighter before he dragged Anakin into his chest. “You are never seeing him alone again.” Obi-Wan hissed, protectiveness and actual rage washing over Anakin from his master.

And yet he never shed away from him, snuggling into the others chest as he knew Obi-Wan would protect him.

For Candle in the Dark, do the clone troopers have the chips in them as well?! It sounded like they were a surprise to the Sith just like they were for the Jedi in the original world. Will Qui-gon or Anakin look into the mystery surrounding their troopers?

Almost leaning over the others shoulder, Anakin frowned heavily at the x-ray holo of Cody’s head. “Do you see…” He trailed off, inwardly cursing. He really didn’t know enough about biology to tell one dark spot from another.

It all just looked like… well head to him.

He knew what a basic anatomy chart looked like and Cody’s x-ray, taken by Helix by request of Qui-Gon, just looked like any other head Anakin had seen on anatomy lessons.

After Obi-Wan had gone to bed, both Anakin and Qui-Gon had speculated how the hell the troopers could have turned from one moment to the other.

Years fighting should have caused the troopers to at least hesitate or the Jedi should have felt from the start that betrayal would come.

But what if the troopers themselves hadn’t known?

Anakin had been the one to figure it out, his face going from thoughtful to wrathful as realization hit him.

Slave biochips.

Qui-Gon hadn’t thought of it at all but it made sense once Anakin said it, such things could change the mind of a person at a word, use the correct trigger word from the master and boom, they’d kill their own child if that was the order of the chip, a sentient’s personality changed in moments.

Betrayal coming unexpected and unseen from someone that had adored you moments before, an invisible dagger in your back.

Now they had confirmation, both of them staring at Cody’s scan that Helix had sent them, the medic coming through a few days after the initial request.

It helped that Obi-Wan was out too, the Jedi cautiously venturing out into the temple and normally, Qui-Gon and Anakin would be at his side but… this took highest priority.

Sitting back in his chair, Qui-Gon frowned too, squinting his eyes faintly before nodding. “Yes. I see it. There is a chip, but we would have to have it removed and analyzed before we know for sure what it contains,” He looked up at Anakin, crossing his arms over his chest. “We know there are differences between the two dimensions, large ones at times, the biochips here might contain something different, though I doubt it.” Qui-Gon returned to staring at the head.

Letting out a soft curse, Anakin nodded.

There were differences, large divergences like the Jedi order, Palpatine being a senator and Chancellor in Obi-Wan’s world but with those divergences there were also similarities, else Obi-Wan wouldn’t be in their universe but this particular event… it was most likely the same.

The Sith had always been suspicious of the origins of the clone army, even as they took them on and kept them. But this…

No, this was not something they’d end up suspecting.

A few of the less leery Sith had assumed that they had snatched an army away from the Jedi honestly.

Qui-Gon had never been among those, always wondering what else Palpatine had been planning with the troopers.

No wonder the Jedi had let them find Kamino and the army.

‘Planting our would be killers so close to us, making us grow close to them… its almost impressive,’ Qui-Gon stared at the darkened spot on Cody’s scan. ‘Almost Sithly in nature. If I didn’t hate him so much, I’d praise the tactic.’ Qui-Gon pushed from the desk and stood, snorting faintly when Anakin jumped away with a curse.

Qui-Gon had accidentally hit his foot with the plush chair, the blond having stood too close.

Jumping around, holding his foot as he cursed, Anakin gave his master a glare.

“We will have to speak with the council about this,” Anakin’s glare dropped along with his foot at Qui-Gon’s words, his face turning serious. “And speak with Helix and the other medics. This can not stand, its a threat to our troopers and ourselves.” Qui-Gon mused before looking up as the front door of the quarters opened, Obi-Wan stepping inside with Mace following behind him.

Quick as a whip, Anakin turned the holo display off, both Sith figuring that Obi-Wan should not see this.

Not yet, not until they were sure.

Obi-Wan still did not know why the troopers of his world had turned on him. If they ended up being wrong…

Qui-Gon didn’t want to crush Obi-Wan’s hope, that his men, the men Qui-Gon knew Obi-Wan must have adored, hadn’t betrayed him willingly. It would hurt him to know they were being used but… well, hopefully the knowledge would help his PTSD at least.

Smiling, Qui-Gon nodded to Mace. “Welcome back, I see you bought a guest Obi-Wa-” His voice cut of as Obi-Wan outright walked into him and rested his head on Qui-Gon’s chest. Breath stuck in his throat, he slowly lifted his arms on auto pilot, wrapping them around Obi-Wan in a hug.

Cautious, hesitant and terribly traumatized Obi-Wan had willingly gone into his arms, sought comfort without Qui-Gon explicitly offering it.

“…Hello little one.” He whispered, holding on tightly as their bond bloomed with affection.

Obi-Wan let out a soft noise of greeting. “Is it alright? Mace and I were having a discussion and… well I didn’t want to end it.” He stated quietly.

Squeezing lightly, Qui-Gon smiled down at the other. “This is your home as much as mine, you are always welcome to have guests my dear Obi-Wan.” He remarked, ignoring Mace stoic but jealous stare.

Obi-Wan was making progress.

That was all Qui-Gon cared about in that moment as the Jedi cautiously gave a small smile up at him before turning, escaping Qui-Gon’s embrace as he offered Mace tea.

His warmth still lingered in Qui-Gon’s arms, the evidence of a healing step forward making Qui-Gon’s heart thrum with joy.

Oh, oh man. Uh, mypainyourpain is. Wow. How does Obi-Wan react to all this? Weak from his injuries and being told not only that he almost died, but that he’s had soul withering for years without knowing, and that his own master and mentor is his soulmate? That’s quite the load to drop on him all at once… and does the council allow Qui-Gon to continue training him? So many questions!

his eyes slowly, Obi-Wan stared at the dim
ceiling in confusion while
smacking his dry, crusted lips together.

was white.

white of the Halls clearly, he had been here to often for comfort
really, sometimes for observation due to ‘Force’ related reasons
or so both Master and the healers said. But the last memory…

was sure I was going to die… I was bleeding so much and they
couldn’t staunch it…’ Obi-Wan’s slow mind pieced together the
last moments, the healers frantic voice, the whispered conversations
around him…


had resigned himself but clearly they had found a way.

despite feeling so weak, Obi-Wan felt good at the same time.

slightly, Obi-Wan could tell he was clean, redressed and under a warm

to be precise, Obi-Wan could smell the scent of vanilla the blanket
carried after he had rubbed it in with the oil since Qui-Gon had
given him a bottle of the stuff.

was a calming scent and Obi-Wan loved it but what was that doing in
the halls of Healing?

healers generally didn’t allow things like that unless you were a
long term patient.

to move, Obi-Wan paused again.

hand was stuck.

took him what felt like hours to turn his head to look, finding his
master head on the bed and
his hand latched onto Obi-Wan’s.

long have I been sleeping?’ Obi-Wan blinked slowly, staring at his
master’s form as he took in the ruffled hair.

all that Qui-Gon’s tunics never looked properly pressed, he was
meticulous about his hair, always keeping it half bound, always
properly brushed, no knots or snares in it unless they were caught
out without supplies.

right now it looked to be falling out of the half tie he had it in,
ruffled up and a bit greasy.

more than his own state alarmed him and he gave Qui-Gon’s hand a
tug, feeling a bit numb.

muttered, shifting a bit and Obi-Wan gave as harsh a tug as he could.

finally woke him and he lifted his head to squint in the dim room,
staring at Obi-Wan uncomprehendingly for a few seconds, almost
endearingly confused with red lines on his left cheek from where he
had been laying against the bed sheets.

then his eyes widened in surprise, his hand tightening on Obi-Wan’s
as he straightened up all the way. “Obi-Wan.” He breathed out,
standing only to sit on the bed, reaching out with his free hand to
cup Obi-Wan’s cheek. “You’re awake.” He rasped out in

slowly, Obi-Wan croaked then coughed and nodded, nuzzling against the

for the bed table, Qui-Gon pulled a bottle from it with water,
pressing the button of the head piece of the bed with one finger from
the hand holding the bottle.

seemed reluctant to let go of Obi-Wan’s hand.

the bed rose until Obi-Wan was half sitting and Qui-Gon placed the
bottle to his lip, gently tipping it until Obi-Wan could take tiny

bit of water ran down the sides of his mouth but honestly, Obi-Wan
was just grateful for the water.

took it away too early but Obi-Wan knew that was for the best.

too much after what was likely a medical coma wasn’t a good plan.

set the water away and then wiped the wet trails of Obi-Wan’s face,
watching him reverently with a small, relieved smile on his face.
“What happened?” Obi-Wan finally whispered out, moisture in his
mouth allowing him to speak.

question wiped Qui-Gon’s smile out of existence.

master was hesitating and it made Obi-Wan blink, feeling Qui-Gon’s
anxieties through tier bo-wait, their bond… it felt… different?


feel Qui-Gon’s guilt and worry as if it was his own almost.

do you remember Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon murmured quietly finally,

his eyes, leaning into the hand, Obi-Wan mulled over that before
looking back at Qui-Gon. “Warehouse.” He mumbled out, licking his

slowly, Qui-Gon let out a deep breath. “…I jumped the blaster
padawan. We gave away our position to early and when the trandoshan-”

attacked you.” Obi-Wan rasped out, licking his lips again
heavily, the flash image of the woman with the glowing viroblade and
claws flashing in his mind.

Qui-Gon stared at him before nodding, smiling slightly. “And you
jumped in front of me… my brave Obi-Wan.” He murmured, leaning in
and pressing his chapped lips to Obi-Wan’s forehead.


was new.

yet it felt right, familiar…like coming home.

let out a soft noise, closing his eyes in response to it.

had a feeling what came after everything was said and done would lead
to confusion and pain, something had been done to him, Qui-Gon was
guilty and something had happened…

he would enjoy this comfort while it lasted, for as long as it

You’re writing is so good, Moddy! Can we get Clone Wars-era of safetydelayed? Like the medics of the 212th/501st have an apocalyptic rage fest over Obi-Wan’s medical history? Or, when Obi’s old ex-master gets released from prison when his sentence is done, Quinlan has patiently waited years to hunt him down; because you know he would have gotten flashes of memories from Obi-Wan’s possessions.

the gel
to the others face, Obi-Wan smiled softly and worriedly at his
commander as the man cursed quietly at the icing solution the Jedi
was putting to his face, forcing himself to keep still until the pain
turned to blissfulness as the coolness provided his bruised cheek
some relief.

ask what in the world happened to cause you to walk right into the
wing of a fighter but…” Obi-Wan dropped his eyes to the pad on
the ground between them, the former Knight Shakma’s face glaring up
at them from the still lit pad. “I’m rather sure I know why.”
The Jedi sighed deeply.

face instantly transformed from slightly pained and grumpy to a wild
sort of rage that should scare Obi-Wan but he knew it was for
him and not towards him.

taken him years to get around that concept.

had been good to him, helped him recover and communicate along with
mind healer Valentine.

that face in the tabloids had been a shock of course for him, that
the press had somehow managed to get the information of Obi-Wan and
his former master’s past and was actually publishing it… Qui-Gon
had only barely managed to warn Obi-Wan in time during an early comm
call before he saw the news of Coruscant Moons roll into his feed.

that explained why Cody had walked right into the fighter wing and
gone right down on his ass at

that would mean that the rest of the troopers would learn about
Shakma, Anakin
would learn.

he worried about that, the commander finally managed to find the
words he wanted to say. “Where
the kark is that demagolka sir?” Cody growled out, his hands
clenching on his thighs as he sat in front of his Jedi in the sand,
most likely getting it inside his armor.

slightly in reaction, Obi-Wan felt his heart swell a bit at the
insult. The insult for a literal monster in mando’a, someone who
committed atrocities.

you did not want as your friend or even around you.

the gel pack a bit harder to Cody’s face, Obi-Wan let out a deep
air. “…In prison, after the things he did to me, no one trusted
him,” Obi-Wan explained haltingly, very aware that he had two
shadows looming over him even as he kept his eyes on Cody.

wasn’t hard to distinguish the looming shadows as Captain Rex and
Sergeant Slick, each as unique in the Force as a flake of snow.

Cody’s narrowing eyes, Obi-Wan hurried on. “Olliander Shkma is in
for life, he wears a Force suppressing cuff at all times and is
allowed basic amenities and visitation right.” He explained

all?” Cody questioned in outrage, eyes widening up.

deeply, Obi-Wan felt the old scars, especially his back scars, itch
as he dropped his hands with the gel pack to his lap. “We’re not
inhumane, he’s going to stay there for life for what he did and
that’s… enough for me.” He settled on, tone a bit firmer.

crossed Cody’s somewhat red face as he rubbed the side of his face
where he hit the wing. “Enough?” Cody asked more quietly, clearly
even more confused by the phrasing.

locked away from anyone vulnerable,” Obi-Wan explained, fingers
fiddling with the gel pack a bit. “He can never hurt anyone again
inside that prison, he is kept from the Force, he is kept under
observation all day, he can’t even take a piss without someone
being able to see him and he knows he can’t escape because if he
does, he’ll be hunted down like a dog.” Obi-Wan felt bad for the
vindication he had at his delivery.

and Valentine would agree with this line of thinking Obi-Wan knew, as
the victim of continued abuse, Obi-Wan had the right to feel this way
as long as he did not let those emotions consume him.

was a way for him to cope to know that Shakma was under lock and key
with constant supervision so he would never reach Obi-Wan again for
even now, as an adult, the fear lingered beneath his skin at time,
making him wake in a cold sweat.

Cody however approved of that, a blood thirsty grin as if he hoped
the former Jedi would just try to escape, to give the troopers one
shot at him.

Obi-Wan had not told him was that there was one last, extreme
precaution in Olliander Shakma’s case.

man was equipped with a tracker.

The roar cut Obi-Wan’s thoughts off and had him flinching, half
turning on his knee at the panicked and horrified tone of the shout
the whole camp had heard.

Anakin knows now…oh dear.’ Obi-Wan gripped the gel pack so
tightly it popped in his hand, coating his fingers in an
icy blue and sticky solution he felt too numb to really feel.

So what do the firebirds do now that they have their little birds and Palpatine is dead?

and glancing to the door when it opened, Obi-Wan perked up as he saw
his two visitors, having half expected one of the healers instead of
the ones who arrived. “Boba!”
Half rising from his bed, Obi-Wan held his arms open for the young,
scarred boy, hugging him tightly when
he instantly crawled up on the bed for a good hug
as Jango followed in and glanced about, his amber
eyes lingering on the incubator before nodding at Skywalker. Anakin
just nodded back, sitting back in the recliner by the incubator with
a tired smile on his lips.

didn’t like resting without someone around the babies.

in case.

he was a damn worry wart.

Where are the babies?!” Boba gasped while pulling his face from the
others medical tunic, looking around before staring at the incubator
where the twins were resting and then looking at Obi-Wan. “Wait,
you’re still round.” He pouted at the redhead.

out a laugh and wincing a bit at
the pain that gave him,
Obi-Wan grinned at him. “Well that’s one way of putting it,” He
chuckled even as Jango coughed in embarrassment for his blunt son.
“I’m going to remain a bit round around the stomach and might not
get rid of it hatcling, because the babies were in there and grew and
my body might not go back to how it was.” He explained calmly to
the kid, not offended at all as he settled.

knew that he wouldn’t be the same after the kids anyhow, after all,
the stretchmarks over his belly was a clear indication on that and
depending on how he trained, his stomach might remain a bit flabby
but to be fair, Obi-Wan grew two babies inside of him and pushed them
out and honestly, he’d carry those stretchmarks as medals of
triumph honestly.

blinked large brown eyes at him before nodding and shuffling off the
bed, hurrying over to the incubator instead to peer inside.

occurred to Obi-Wan that for all that the Kamino’s did their
cloning, Boba might not have seen a real baby outside of the tanks
before and
now that he was seeing two, twitching and smacking their lips, Boba
was fascinated by them.

it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention up on Jango, smiling at the
bounty hunter. “Glad they let you in, the others weren’t certain
until Anakin and I vouched for you and the security you gave us on
Kamino.” He murmured quietly so
Boba wouldn’t catch on.

smirked wryly. “If I were them, I wouldn’t trust me either. I am
a bounty hunter after all,” He noted calmly before settling down on
a chair by the bed. “Good to see you’re up. The
holo calls weren’t enough to really reassure Boba.” Or him
clearly but Obi-Wan didn’t expect Jango to say that.

back into his pillows, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “Considering it all,
I’m doing pretty good,” Obi-Wan breathed deeply before brushing
his hair back. “I mean, I have nightmares and the healers are
suspecting ptsd but that’s not too shocking.” He shrugged a bit.

his nose, Jango nodded while sitting back, crossing his arms over his
chest. “…But your kids are out and healthy.” He noted, glancing
at the two little bundles, staring at little hands.

up, Obi-Wan smiled. “That they are.
I just need to recover and they need to finish developing and things
can finally go back to normal.” He breathed out heavily, closing
his eyes for a few moments and opening them to meet Jango’s amused
look. “What?”

With two babies?” Jango smirked at him.

his hands, Obi-Wan laughed. “Okay, okay, I know, it won’t be
totally normal but it will be as good. I’ll take all the screaming
and diapers and tantrums compared to what was happening before.” He
settled on, meeting Anakin’s warm eyes as the other was both aware
of Boba and of the conversation Jango and his mate had.

what’s going to happen to the clones now?” Anakin asked.

change in subject caused Jango to pause before sighing. “I don’t
know. They’re all paid for, all finished, the kamino’s
technically can’t do a thing to them because they’re paid for,
they’re ‘products’ as they would say,” He stated slowly as
both Jedi exchanged long looks. “And since technically they are
paid for by a Jedi… they belong to the Jedi order. Or that’s how
they will see it at least. So…” Jango trailed off.

it will need to be brought up with the council and Dooku.” Anakin
finished up, all three adults sighing deeply.

can I get a sibling too?” Boba asked in some excitement, Jango
gaining a taun-taun in headlight look as he stared at his boy before
stammering out a reply that sounded something along the lines of
maybe or flibbidybab.

what it was, it had Obi-Wan breaking out into peels of laughter with
Anakin following a moment later with his own wheeze.

So what do the firebirds do now that they have their little birds and Palpatine is dead?

and glancing to the door when it opened, Obi-Wan perked up as he saw
his two visitors, having half expected one of the healers instead of
the ones who arrived. “Boba!”
Half rising from his bed, Obi-Wan held his arms open for the young,
scarred boy, hugging him tightly when
he instantly crawled up on the bed for a good hug
as Jango followed in and glanced about, his amber
eyes lingering on the incubator before nodding at Skywalker. Anakin
just nodded back, sitting back in the recliner by the incubator with
a tired smile on his lips.

didn’t like resting without someone around the babies.

in case.

he was a damn worry wart.

Where are the babies?!” Boba gasped while pulling his face from the
others medical tunic, looking around before staring at the incubator
where the twins were resting and then looking at Obi-Wan. “Wait,
you’re still round.” He pouted at the redhead.

out a laugh and wincing a bit at
the pain that gave him,
Obi-Wan grinned at him. “Well that’s one way of putting it,” He
chuckled even as Jango coughed in embarrassment for his blunt son.
“I’m going to remain a bit round around the stomach and might not
get rid of it hatcling, because the babies were in there and grew and
my body might not go back to how it was.” He explained calmly to
the kid, not offended at all as he settled.

knew that he wouldn’t be the same after the kids anyhow, after all,
the stretchmarks over his belly was a clear indication on that and
depending on how he trained, his stomach might remain a bit flabby
but to be fair, Obi-Wan grew two babies inside of him and pushed them
out and honestly, he’d carry those stretchmarks as medals of
triumph honestly.

blinked large brown eyes at him before nodding and shuffling off the
bed, hurrying over to the incubator instead to peer inside.

occurred to Obi-Wan that for all that the Kamino’s did their
cloning, Boba might not have seen a real baby outside of the tanks
before and
now that he was seeing two, twitching and smacking their lips, Boba
was fascinated by them.

it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention up on Jango, smiling at the
bounty hunter. “Glad they let you in, the others weren’t certain
until Anakin and I vouched for you and the security you gave us on
Kamino.” He murmured quietly so
Boba wouldn’t catch on.

smirked wryly. “If I were them, I wouldn’t trust me either. I am
a bounty hunter after all,” He noted calmly before settling down on
a chair by the bed. “Good to see you’re up. The
holo calls weren’t enough to really reassure Boba.” Or him
clearly but Obi-Wan didn’t expect Jango to say that.

back into his pillows, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “Considering it all,
I’m doing pretty good,” Obi-Wan breathed deeply before brushing
his hair back. “I mean, I have nightmares and the healers are
suspecting ptsd but that’s not too shocking.” He shrugged a bit.

his nose, Jango nodded while sitting back, crossing his arms over his
chest. “…But your kids are out and healthy.” He noted, glancing
at the two little bundles, staring at little hands.

up, Obi-Wan smiled. “That they are.
I just need to recover and they need to finish developing and things
can finally go back to normal.” He breathed out heavily, closing
his eyes for a few moments and opening them to meet Jango’s amused
look. “What?”

With two babies?” Jango smirked at him.

his hands, Obi-Wan laughed. “Okay, okay, I know, it won’t be
totally normal but it will be as good. I’ll take all the screaming
and diapers and tantrums compared to what was happening before.” He
settled on, meeting Anakin’s warm eyes as the other was both aware
of Boba and of the conversation Jango and his mate had.

what’s going to happen to the clones now?” Anakin asked.

change in subject caused Jango to pause before sighing. “I don’t
know. They’re all paid for, all finished, the kamino’s
technically can’t do a thing to them because they’re paid for,
they’re ‘products’ as they would say,” He stated slowly as
both Jedi exchanged long looks. “And since technically they are
paid for by a Jedi… they belong to the Jedi order. Or that’s how
they will see it at least. So…” Jango trailed off.

it will need to be brought up with the council and Dooku.” Anakin
finished up, all three adults sighing deeply.

can I get a sibling too?” Boba asked in some excitement, Jango
gaining a taun-taun in headlight look as he stared at his boy before
stammering out a reply that sounded something along the lines of
maybe or flibbidybab.

what it was, it had Obi-Wan breaking out into peels of laughter with
Anakin following a moment later with his own wheeze.

Silent Scream: Qui and Obi start their recovery, while the War grinds to a halt due to Palpacreep’s arrest.

slowly to his foot and trying to hold his balance without grabbing
onto anything just yet, Qui-Gon let out a deep cleansing breath and
accepted the crutches from the healer, sending Terza a little smile
before carefully taking a step with them with
his new cybernetic arm.

was still uncertain if he was going to get himself a prosthetic leg
but at this point he was leaning towards a yes because the idea of
being restrained to crutches for the rest of his life was a daunting

seen a few Jedi who had, quietly complaining about the calluses in
their hands, the sore skin while getting used to the crutches but
what struck Qui-Gon the most was the complains about not having his
hands free.

idea that he couldn’t carry around his own tea was not one he liked
and he didn’t want to impose on others to do his work when he had
the option of getting a fake limb. Not everyone had that but he did.

was a little chirping noise and he looked behind himself with
his remaining eye,
giving Obi-Wan a smile as the other sat on the bed with their
stuffies in his lap, the redhead watching him in concern. “I’m
alright Obi-Wan, its just taking me a moment.” He assured the other
while stroking the bond between them.

could actually speak, it was just…

when others were in the room.

it was just Anakin or Ahsoka then Obi-Wan would speak but when others
he did not really know were around he would fall mute and go back to
the little noises he used to have. But at least it meant that Obi-Wan
wasn’t fully mute and he would actually leave Qui-Gon’s line of
sight to go to the fresher so he wasn’t as bad off as when he had
been found or as bad as they had feared it.

if Qui-Gon was to comment, nothing was as bad as they had feared.

some reason there was now a quietness in the war that seemed so at
odds with what it had been and the fact that Palpatine was involved
with the CSI was now undeniable to the Jedi at least though he
understood from Mace that the Senate was also slowly coming to that
realization. ‘A Sith lord at the heart of the Republic, leading us
into a war… one can wonder what the end goal was suppose to be.’
Qui-Gon mused as he stepped around on the crutches.

was quickly feeling the strain however, especially
with his cybernetic arm and
returned to the bed, sitting down heavily before giving Terza a long
look. “The prosthetic, how long would it take for me to get used to
it?” He questioned seriously.

that would come down to you and what kind you choose,” She tucked
her hands in the pockets of her lab coat, Qui-Gon able to spot a
lolly sticking out of one of them. “Some people get used to their
prosthetic very quickly as
you did with your arm
because they pick the cybernetic option, others take months if not
even years to get used to a none cyber one. Knight Skywalker took a
month to get fully
to his own,
which is considered something of a record really so I would actually
advice you to speak to him. Honestly
you are pushing it with your own arm really as you’re not fully
comfortable with it yet.”
She finished up.

Qui-Gon smiled a bit as Obi-Wan tucked into his side, snuggling them
together with a little prompting grunt which had him slide his arm
around Obi-Wan. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to speak with Anakin,”
He agreed, metal
gently stroking the small of Obi-Wan’s back as he bowed a bit to
Terza, watching her leave before turning his gaze on Obi-Wan. “What
do you think?”

hummed before shrugging as he squinted pale eyes at him. “It might
be a good idea to go for a prosthetic
honestly Qui, but you should consider which kind.” He answered
honestly in a quiet voice.

Qui-Gon teased Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, the crutches resting
beside him against the bed.

you pick a normal one, you might never be able to go on a mission
again, prosthetic can make it hard to run or be agile though some
manage but you’re not… young,” Obi-Wan smiled playfully and
Qui-Gon chuckled even as he took that advice on board. “Cybernetic
would guarantee you would return to the mission roster in about a
year at most.” Obi-Wan
finished up with.

blunt fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair and scratching his scalp with
his honestly to long nails, Qui-Gon mused on that.

were people who got very active on their normal prosthetic made of
duraplast but Qui-Gon wasn’t actually sure he could manage that and
even then… did he want to?

this war…

glanced down at his lap and then at Obi-Wan who continued enjoying
the scalp skritches. ‘…I’ll speak with Anakin first before I
make a decision. But for now I just want to enjoy the quietness.’
He mused tiredly as he pulled Obi-Wan to him.