Moody! Can we have a moment in Life is Music, where both Qui-gon and Dooku find Bruck and co bullying Obi-wan and go into super-protective mode.

“Just cause you got picked as a padawan doesn’t mean your hot poodoo now Oafy-Wan.” The contemptuous and angry voice drew both Jedi masters to short, Yan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered looks with each other.

Honestly, meeting up had been a coincident, both had been planning on surprising Obi-Wan, the latter with musical tickets for later in the night and the latter with a celebratory meal outside of the temple.

Obi-Wan had just been doing so well, Qui-Gon had wanted to celebrate the achievements of his boy and Yan had been promising musical ever since meeting Obi-Wan that first time.

It had just seemed natural to go together since they both had the same destination in mind, Obi-Wan’s last class of the day, Force arts.

If Qui-Gon wasn’t wrong, he thought they were currently in the painting time period of said lessons and would be moving on to statues in the next semester.

But that sneering, rude voice drew them both short, both muffling their presence as they slowly drew closer to the hallway and peered around the corner.

It incensed both to see Obi-Wan clearly surrounded by rather upset looking fellow classmates. One in particular looked rather angry and Qui-Gon’s eyes narrowed in remembrance.

This was the white haired one that Obi-Wan had sparred. Something Chun, if his memory wasn’t faulty.

To Qui-Gon’s pride, Obi-Wan himself looked quite calm and was simply holding onto his pad bag with his other hanging relaxed by his side, clearly keeping an eye on all three of the group that had surrounded him, yet also remaining serene about the situation. “My apprenticeship has nothing to do with you Bruck, who my master chooses is his prerogative, not mine and not yours.” He stated quietly.

Apparently reasoning with the other wasn’t the right choice, both Jedi masters feeling the pulse of anger in the Force as the white haired one took a step forward and raised his fist. “You’re not gonna last as a padawan anyhow you musical weirdo, Master Jinn is gonna drop you like a hot tuber when the shine wears off, we all know it.” He growled at Obi-Wan.

Realization hit Qui-Gon heavily.

Obi-Wan was being bullied.

Obi-Wan had made no mention of this at all and clearly from the Obi-Wan’s expression, exasperation tinged with slight anger, this was not the first time.

It brought a wholly new dynamic to the duel Qui-Gon had witnessed in the tournament.

Beside him, Qui-Gon could feel his old master seethe.

Oh, they were still fully muffled in the Force, concealing themselves, but Qui-Gon knew his old master, could read his body language as Yan went taunt and his eyes narrowed, the muscle of his jaw jumping. Yan was getting upset at what he was hearing and seeing.

Not that Qui-Gon was faring much better.

He was also saddened that Obi-Wan hadn’t told him, that he hadn’t trusted Qui-Gon to help him or take care of it. ‘But you didn’t tell Yan about your bullies, did you now… it was nothing to do with trust with you back then. Doubt it has anything to do with trust with Obi-Wan either.’ His mind piped up in a voice suspiciously like Micah’s.

That was true now that Qui-Gon thought back, being teased for his large nose, hands and feet as a child.

Back then it seemed so much like… tattling and burdening his master.

Yan had of course discovered it and dealt with it, talking with Qui-Gon during tea in a soft voice.

Seeing Obi-Wan now, the way his padawan’s face twitched, the way his shoulders slumped slightly… he thought he could understand what Yan must have felt all those years ago.

Which was why he stepped around the corner. “Is that so Initiate Chun.” He stated calmly, watching all four boys jump in shock.

Obi-Wan’s eyes grew wide when he saw Qui-Gon and Yan, the green eyes growing shiny with suppressed tears and shame as he now turned tense.

‘Oh Obi-Wan, its alright…’ Qui-Gon mused sadly, but he would have to deal with that later as he instead crossed his arms over his chest. “And how would you know my mind about my padawan?” He stated calmly.

The white haired boy stared at him, his friends quite clearly inching back since Qui-Gon’s attention was focused on Chun but froze up when Qui-Gon flickered unimpressed eyes at them.

Finally Chun started to stutter, though nothing understandable escaped him.

‘In the end, he’s just a child too…’ Qui-Gon sighed deeply in disappointment, all four teens flinching at the obvious disappointment echoing from the Jedi master. Raising one hand, Qui-Gon waved at Obi-Wan. “Padawan, come along. I came to collect you for a celebratory dinner,” He smiled tenderly at Obi-Wan, watched as his padawan made his way past his main bully with uncertainty flaring in his eyes.

That eased when Qui-Gon settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s hair, gently fluffing the short spikes. “Celebratory?” He whispered, leaning into the hand as his quiet voice sounding all over the silent, brightly hall they were in.

“Indeed,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly. “You’ve been doing so well, I wanted to do something special. So, I’m taking you out to eat at a diner I know.” He grinned at the child, watching surprise then delight spread over his face.

Yan inserted himself, coughing faintly. “I came for much the same reason,” He stated as Obi-Wan looked to him with wide eyes, delight written all over his face. “I finally secured us tickets to the Coruscant Opera house, Qui-Gon has already stated that you have permission to attend later this night with me.” And then, to Qui-Gon’s own surprise, Yan offered his glove covered hand to Obi-Wan.

The teen dithered before reaching out, accepting the hand, smiling shyly. “That… that sounds nice grandmaster.” He whispered, stepping closer to the man.

His hand falling from his padawan’s head, Qui-Gon turned his eyes over to the frozen bullies once more. “…I will be speaking with the crechemaster Initiate Chun. You may now leave.” He stated calmly, turning and instead resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, lightly pushing him to get him to walk as the boy once more froze up at the reminder of his bullies were still there.

Yan started walking too, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to walk with, holding his grandmaster hand as he was.

Leaving behind the three bullies in the hallway as the lineage focused on moving forward.

Hi Moody, In Secretwecarry, what happens once they reach Coruscant? Is Obi-wan forced to be transferred to the Halls of Healing and the Jedi become aware of just how bad off he is? Or does he manage to talk his way out of it for now?

Opening his eyes at the slow rubbing of the inside of his right wrist as someone held it gently, Obi-Wan blinked tiredly up at the ceiling before tilting his head to look at the person holding his hand.

Though he honestly already knew who it was, feeling Helix unique aura, it was the reason he wasn’t automatically panicking at having someone touch him.

The medic was smiling kindly, sitting at Obi-Wan’s bedside once more. The medic had been doing that a lot, from the moment they had departed their camp and returned to the Negotiator, keeping track with Obi-Wan and at this point, the Jedi half suspected that Helix was taking naps just keep a steady schedule with him.

His hair was undone, the curly length hanging around his shoulders and covering the shaven sides of Helix head though Obi-Wan could barely tell in the dim light of the medbay, indicating clearly that it was the scheduled ‘night’ time of the ship. “We’ve reached Coruscant.” The medic whispered, answering an unasked question.

Obi-Wan had requested to know when they reached Coruscant and clearly, despite it being in the middle of the night, Helix had respected that desire.

Glancing about, Obi-Wan squinted up at the IV line before sighing and looking at the other. “Another nutrient bag?” He rasped out resignedly as he took in this one was full compared to the almost empty one he had a few hours ago.

Reaching over to the stand beside him, Helix picked up an icy chip from a cup, feeding it to Obi-Wan. The chip quickly melted due to its small size and the Jedi gratefully swallowed the water, opening his mouth for another as Helix answered. “You’re much too thin General. I know you’re doing your best but… I worry for you sir, the nutrient bag is a precaution for now.” Helix stated quietly as Obi-Wan sucked on the second, bigger ice chip.

The words were gentle and had no trace of scolding or ire and Obi-Wan couldn’t dredge up shame at them, not in the face of the medic’s understanding and genuine care.

“And if you decide to keep the fetus, then you will need the nutrients sir.” Helix continued softly.

Those words felt like an icy bucket however and Obi-Wan glanced down at himself, staring at the bump of his stomach as he was now fully awake with a wash of complicated emotions.

He looked back at Helix when the medic squeezed his wrist though, his fellow redhead still smiling softly when he found Obi-Wan’s eyes back on him. “You don’t have to make a decision yet sir, I’ve told you before and I will tell you again, you have time and no one but you has the right to decide what happens next.” Helix said seriously, going back to slowly rubbing the inside of Obi-Wan’s wrist again.

‘You say that… but I got a feeling a few people would take issue with my decisions anyhow.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly to himself as he shifted and turned his hand, grasping Helix with his own.

The medic allowed it, thumbing over the back of his hand instead in uneven circles as Obi-Wan glanced up at the Iv drip.

The silence was comfortable between the two, Obi-Wan settling and Helix simply bringing comfort in the best way the medic knew, silence and a tender touch.

The silence allowed Obi-Wan to think and slowly he looked away from the Iv drip to Helix, the medic raising a curious brow at the look in his General eyes. “Sir?” He prodded, recognizing that Obi-Wan wasn’t going to speak first.

Licking his lips, Obi-Wan let out a deep sigh. “I don’t… want to be on Coruscant. I don’t want to go to the temple. I just…” Obi-Wan’s bottom lip trembled before he pulled his emotions together again and let out a far deeper, tired sigh than the first one. “I don’t want to be here.” He settled on, peering imploringly up at Helix.

“General, I’m not sure…” Helix hesitated before his face went tight. “We’ll figure something out General. I’ll speak with the Commander… maybe he and General Skywalker can do something.” Helix looked so determined that Obi-Wan only nodded.

Helix had been standing by him every moment since he came back, how could Obi-Wan do anything but believe that the other would at least try.

Hi Moody, 1) I hope you enjoy your break!!!! 2)Can we see what happens next in Secretwecarry? Do Kix and Helix find out Obi-wan is pregnant and using fetus gestation, guesstimate the conception date would be sometime between the week before his «death» and the week he was in prison?

Pacing back and forth by the door where there was the most free space, Anakin glanced to the bed where Obi-Wan was currently settled, Helix checking the Jedi’s eyes with a little light as Kix ran tests to figure out what was wrong with the Jedi master on their terminal.

Not that Anakin really needed them to tell him what was wrong, he already knew.

He’d known from the moment he had tried picking Obi-Wan up from the durasteel floor, rushing to the medbay section of their HQ.

Obi-Wan had starved himself to the point of malnutrition and had promptly collapsed and it wasn’t the first time he’d done it.

Anakin was familiar with this because Obi-Wan had done it at least twice before that he knew, the first time after Nabo and the second time after he and Obi-Wan had a gruesome argument when Anakin was fifteen.

It wasn’t something he did on purpose either.

Obi-Wan, when emotionally compromised, lost his appetite and forgot to eat.

Bant had called it a passive suicide trait of true born Stewjoni’s when she had, with a heavy heart, explained it to a frightened fifteen year old Anakin.

The worst of it was that Obi-Wan couldn’t control the reaction, not really. It was a Stewjon thing, something about their bodies where their psychological stress took over, releasing certain hormones in response to said stress.

It suppressed their appetite, made sleep difficult and made them… reckless for a lack of a better word.

And Anakin cursed himself for forgetting it.

Obi-Wan was usually so much more controlled, disciplined that he managed to control it or rather he had found a routine around the hormones stress and upheavals released, much to the healers pleasure when they weighted him but clearly his current isolation had been getting too much.

His routine included other people though, people that had been shunning him, leaving Obi-Wan on his own, his routines no longer working…

Guilt and raw anger clawed up Anakin’s stomach.

Along with nausea.

He was angry but he never meant for this to happen.

He was just…

How dare Obi-Wan pretend to be dead, Anakin had attended his funeral.

Kark, it was so fucked up!

But his righteous anger didn’t really measure up to the pale man laying on the medbed that had needed the people that cared about him to at least sit and eat with him.

And he was pale, Ahsoka was right on that despite not being human experienced.

His skin seemed papery thin and frightfully pale, his veins too prominent under the skin. He was so gaunt, Anakin could actually sot the jawline and cheekbones through the beard the other had regrown and the dark rings around the others eyes…

It made guilt gnaw at Anakin’s very bones.

Not that anyone else currently in the medbay looked much better.

Cody was standing stiffly at attention by the bed Ahsoka was occupying and the two medics…

Well, less said about their reaction, the better.

Medics were frightening when upset and Anakin was making a note, once more, to try not to piss off either Helix or Kix.

‘Least he doesn’t look as bad off as last time…’ Anakin noted, turning his attention back on the other. Because Obi-Wan’s face looked gaunt but his waist seemed to carry a plush little girdle so, at least there was some fat left on the other, better than nothing and would give them something to work with.

Last time, Obi-Wan had weighted one thirds of his original weight by the time he passed out. Getting him to eat a few good meals would get him back to his required weight.

That was something positive at least, that this time it seemed they had caught Obi-Wan in time before h-Kix let out a noise, his shock blooming into the Force as the medic stared at his terminal and Anakin forced himself to pause.

“Kix?” He murmured, glancing to Obi-Wan and then back to his medic, watching as Ahsoka and Cody nervously turned their attention to the man too.

Helix had simply moved to taking Obi-Wan’s pressure, a frown on his face at whatever he found. Though it was clear he was listening too with the way he had tilted his head.

Kix, still staring at the screen, let out a small oath. “I… I need to run a few more tests sir. Helix, Helix come look at this, tell me I’m not seeing wrong.” Kix stated, nervous.

Frowning thunderously, Anakin opened his mouth to demand answers only to shut it when Ahsoka sent him a pleading look.

Fine, he could wait.

He wasn’t happy about it, but he could wait.

Which was why he watched as Helix and Kix ran not one, but three tests, both staring at each other in shock, though Helix’s was turning towards horror. “Kix this… he weighed ninety nine Ibs, he can’t… this isn’t…” He stammered out, rubbing at his neck tattoo, a nervous tick Anakin would assume.

Those words had Anakin wincing, yeah, that was bad but Helix and Kix reactions seemed a bit disproportionate, Obi-Wan could totally gain weight again, he had done so before!

It seemed however that Cody too had finally had enough. “Alright you two, we’ve waited long enough, what’s wrong with the General to have you two like this?” Cody snapped out, helmet held tightly under his arm.

The two medics exchanged worried looks before Helix gestured for Kix to explain his findings. The other grimaced before sighing and straightening. “While he is underweight and severely malnourished and is likely what caused his collapse, General Kenobi is also pregnant, about two months pregnant if my readings are right.” He stated.

For a moment, no one said anything, simply stared at each other until Anakin felt his legs buckle underneath him.

‘…Oh… so that’s why his stomach is still plush…’ He thought a bit hysterically, a roar in his head blocking out everything else.

Hey Moody! I really love your Floralskin series! I was wondering if you could write about the episode where Obi-wan fakes his death. Does Anakin or Rex or did all the other clones figure it out because Cody isn’t fading like he should if Obi-wan did die? How does Cody react to seeing Obi-wan die on TV but realize that he’s not grayed out?

The bridge of the Resolute was
frozen in disbelief, the lazy glittering of stars around Coruscant
shining in through the viewfront before Cody finally broke the
silence that had descended upon them. “If you had just asked, I
would have told you.” Cody stated, a tad dryly as he stood there,
his flowers bright and colorful as Anakin stared at the commander.

them, the bridge was frozen as they all stared at Commander Cody’s
still vibrant, colorful flowers all over his face and body, creeping
up his neck and all.

Obi-Wan was dead, he had been hit and…

he had seen the flash of tanned neck with blue
on it as Cody had turned around, Anakin had felt his stomach drop
with shock.

any other situation he wouldn’t have ripped the helmet off the
commander, but Obi-Wan was dead.

that meant that Cody should not have color, he should be one of the
Grey, one of the Lost.

he wasn’t lost, his color was still there and yet Obi-Wan was gone.
“What the kark is going on?” Anakin finally choked out, feeling a
hazy darkness entering his line of vision that eased out when Rex
cupped his elbow, offering his unconditional support in a very trying
moment as Ahsoka shifted uncertainly between the humans.

rubbed the back of his neck before sighing. “I was suppose to wait
until we were away from Coruscant but…” He reached into his belt,
pulling out a holo disk that he activated.

his mouth only for it to shut with a click of his teeth, any words
that Anakin might have said went down as Obi-Wan appeared in the

well, standing straight backed in his usual position with his hands
resting behind his back in a nice little parade rest. “It’s
recording?” Obi-Wan questioned, smiling when a hum of affirmation
went off. “Oh good, because we don’t have much time before I need
to leave and this all gets set into motion.” He sighed deeply,
visibly slumping a bit.

the record, I think you should tell him in person and I think this
mission is a terrible idea.” Cody’s voice echoed from somewhere
the microphone had of whatever recording device was used had picked

deeply, scrubbing his hand over his face, Obi-Wan gave a nod. “Noted
Cody…and for the record, also agreed. But I can’t go against the
entire council all at once, it was ten against two and majority won
and unfortunately, I am the best person to take on the undercover
assignment. And I don’t have time to find Anakin and tell him, the council would know I told him if I did, I have to remain on the council to do something good or effect it.” He sighed tiredly.

assignment?’ Anakin blinked, feeling dizzy with sudden suspicion
and rage but also overwhelming relief as he stared at his master, the
man tilting his head up as if he was looking at Anakin in a holo.

if you’re seeing this, the first thing I need to tell you is that I
am not dead and I am
so sorry for any pain or turmoil I have caused,” The older Jedi
sighed deeply and paused while rubbing his face, clearly conflicted.

like he was somehow out of his own body, Anakin stared greedily at
the other man, desperate to take in and understand what in Sithhell
was going on. “Cyare?” Cody’s voice broke in, gentle and soft,
clear worry in his voice as Obi-Wan continued to flounder.

the older Jedi pulled himself together. “…I don’t want to do
this but I don’t have time to inform you in person or warn you and
I am so sorry for that Anakin, I am sorry for the pain I’m about to
inflict on you and I am so sorry for making you go through the pain I
went through at seeing Qui-Gon’s death,” Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily, dropping his hands again to stare up at Anakin. “Please
believe me if there was any other choice, I wouldn’t do this. But
the council has completely overridden me and Plo, our judgments are
considered clouded by our… bonds to the living world and I hope
that one day you can forgive me Anakin. But right now I don’t
expect you to and I hope yo-”

need to go General,” Cody suddenly cut in, his tone curt. “The
alert went off in the hall, General Yoda is on his way.” He growled

face spasmed through several emotions before he cursed vulgarly and
focused back on the camera, Anakin feeling as if the other was
staring into his soul. “Anakin, I’ll explain everything when I
get home, I promise. But please, please
Anakin, trust me. Stay
away from Hardeen…” He tacked on, a knock echoing in the holo
before it wiped out, throwing the bridge into a second of silence
before chaos broke out.

yet Anakin could only remain standing with Rex support, his arms warm
around Anakin as the blond stared at the blinking stars with two very
clear thoughts appearing in his mind.

is still alive.’

my gosh I kicked Obi-Wan in the balls and choked him, he’s wearing
Hardeen’s face!

started to laugh hysterically, to the worry of all the troopers and
in particular his own soulmate.