SecretWeCarry oh POOR Obi!! That was rough on him, and I’m REALLY glad that Anakin got there in enough time to prevent more damage – I could practically SEE him Force-toss Grievous, and that was awesome. And the Troopers were great too, dogpiling Grievous like they did! I’m surprised but grateful that nobody was seriously hurt by him!

Pulling his General away from the furious fight between Skywalker and the cyborg, Cody struggled not to let his Jedi know that he was limping.

Grievous kicks were one hell of a tool and Cody was honestly a bit envious by the clanker even if he’d never admit to that.

Thanks to that, several of the troopers were feeling the effect of said kicks or just feeling the effect of hitting the durasteel floor of the Negotiator when they were shaken off after dog piling the fucker.

Considering Obi-Wan’s personality, Obi-Wan would be sure to blame himself for their injuries despite Grievous being the perpetrator.

Obi-Wan had been proven to blame himself for the actions of others when he was the target they were after before.

He still blamed himself for Maul after all.

Tucking the redhead to his side, Cody glanced to Boil and Waxer, relaxing slightly when the former raised a thumb before quickly signing in hand signals to him.

The two were sore but not too injured, their armor protecting them as intended. ‘Unlike Obi-Wan.’ Cody winced as the redhead coughed then spat blood onto the floor, barely hanging onto Cody for support as the man swayed. “General, we need to get you to a medi-” A trooper hustled over, one of the shiny’s, though Cody couldn’t tell which of them with their helmet on.

But he had a medical backpack in hand.

It would be enough for emergency treatment, until things cooled down and Cody could get the General back to Helix and the medbay for a proper checkup. ‘As long as we can chase the fucking clankers and the big clanker himself of off the ship, though with the raw power Skywalker’s currently throwing at him, he’s bound to turn cockroach soon.’ Cody glanced over to the battle.

Skywalker was a raging bantha bull in a pen at the moment as he kept literally throwing the heavy cyborg off his mechanical feet, not even letting him get close with his many sabers to attack.

Clearly the severe threat to his former master had put the man in snit, not that Cody could blame him as he felt Obi-Wan cling to him for support as the shiny put medicine dispenser to his neck and injected.

Honestly, any sane man would have turned tail and run when they had seen the look on Anakin Skywalker’s face when Obi-Wan buckled to the floor, blood and bile in his beard and on his soft cardigan, his face pallid from his pain and sweaty from exertion as he trembled against on his knees.

Then again, you couldn’t accuse Grievous of being a sane man could you, considering who he regularly went up against and who he served.

Glancing back at his slumped General, Cody took a chance and slowly started to sink down on the durasteel floor with the man, keeping him supported all the way down as the shiny paused long enough for Obi-Wan to be settled before continuing, this time with a bacta spray in hand for the obvious head wound the man had.

“Easy does it General, we got it under control…” Cody whispered, hesitating before reaching out to slowly run his fingers through the blood matted red hair. “We got your back General. Trust us.” Cody whispered, swallowing thickly.

Isolating their General had lead to much of his weakness in the beginning as his biology had released the hormones that suppressed his appetite, not to mention what had occurred while he was undercover as Hardeen.

So if the other had rejected him and told him to buzz off while he was injured, Cody would have understood.

Instead Obi-Wan let out a low whine and pressed closer to Cody. “I always do…” He breathed out, coughing up blood onto Cody’s chestplate and vambrace, keening quietly as the shiny set another injection. “I trust you.” He slurred, only half aware as Cody fought his own tears, protectively wrapped around his General as both trusted the rest of the troopers and Skywalker to send Grievous and his droids packing.

Secret we carry- Wasn’t Obi-Wan originally attacked in the shower? I don’t think he’d have a good reaction to hearing someone enter the room, even if he did ask Anakin to return…

Stepping into the communal showers, Anakin glanced around as the door shut behind him before moving to the bench with Obi-Wan’s clean clothes. It had taken him a bit more than the ten minutes he had promised, mostly because he had meet up with Cody and Helix, the latter looking a bit better than early.

Cody had looked gray though and Anakin had nothing to say.

What could he say?

Nothing he could say would make Cody feel better, those words would have to come from Obi-Wan.

Sleep or rest at least had been good for Helix and he had approved of Obi-Wan wearing his own clothes after all of this, the medic citing that Obi-Wan needed familiarity and comfort and while he couldn’t leave the medbay, the clothes at least were green lit.

There was a quick, snapping lurch in the Force, freezing Anakin in place at the suddenness of it. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan called out, but his voice came of… oddly.

Anakin glanced down the stalls, finding the closed one where he could spot a pale foot peeking out since Obi-Wan was sitting on the chair and surprisingly, he noted that Obi-Wan was using the water shower, not the sonic. “Yeah, its me. I found all your clothes, even the fuzzy pair of socks you got for your birthday from Yoda that one year.” He called back, trying to keep his voice light.

But Obi-Wan’s voice and the momentary panic in the Force…

Relief came in a soothing wave moments later followed by shame and Anakin frowned to himself as he placed the clothes down on the bench.

But he didn’t say anything.

Obi-Wan had been broadcasting quite a bit lately his shields erratic at best but since he was the only one that could feel it on board, Anakin wasn’t going to say anything. Obi-Wan had the right to not be feeling his best right now and Anakin would throw hands with anyone that made an issue of it.

But the fear…

Sitting down, Anakin decided that he was going to keep talking, telling Obi-Wan about the gossip Ahsoka had been feeding him with.

It seemed to work, Obi-Wan didn’t respond beyond the occasional hum or one syllable reply but his Force aura eased out.

It was almost as if… as if knowing who was in the room with him made Obi-Wan feel better.

It hit Anakin with the weight of a shuttle transport and he had to quickly layer his shields around himself to prevent Obi-Wan from feeling his rage and realization.

The one place in a jail where you were vulnerable, the one place where guards weren’t watching all the time with ‘low’ threat prisoners.

The showers.

Swallowing thickly, his mouth pooling with saliva as he resisted the urge to gag, Anakin reminded himself that the perps were still in jail.

And that Anakin could very easily find the information he’d need.

‘Keep calm, Obi-Wan needs you calm. Rage won’t help him. He’ll misunderstand it and think I’m angry at him, not for him.’ Anakin coaxed himself calm, taking several seconds to breath as he wished he brought along the stress ball Ahsoka gave him a few months ago as he grasped at empty air.

“Anakin?” Obi-Wan piped up, shuffling inside the shower stall. “Are you alright? You went quiet?” Obi-Wan inquired uneasily.

“Oh, sorry, I got lost in thought Obi-Wan.” Anakin was so grateful the other couldn’t see his face as somehow Anakin managed to force a nonchalant tone of voice.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum but thankfully didn’t seem to realize something was up or at the very least didn’t ask questions. “Right, you were saying about Kit Fisto?” Obi-Wan prodded lightly.

Huffing slightly, Anakin leaned his elbows on his knees as he squinted at Obi-Wan’s feet from under the shower stall. “Right, okay so apparently, and this is allegedly so I’m not calling him out or anything of that sort of thing, keep it in mind Obi-Wan.” He tacked on teasingly, smiling to himself when Obi-Wan chuckled slightly. He’d do anything to make Obi-Wan laugh right now, even if it was faint and quiet.

Anything to make Obi-Wan feel better.

For secret we carry, how is the rest of the 212th handling the fact that obi wan was raped and is now pregnant? Are they feeling guilty, protective, shocked?

Try as they might, with people as tightly wound as the clones, nothing really remains a secret, not really.

And it doesn’t take long for the news about their Jedi to make the rounds, everyone learning just how badly off Obi-Wan Kenobi is, how much he has suffered. From his own genetics working against him due to their hurt at him doing his duty, a duty them as troopers should have understood to what had happened during said duty.

Soldiers they might be, clones, but they are also human and just like any other human, they make mistakes.

And they have made a huge one with their General and the guilt will gnaw deeply for weeks to come as they realize that at the very least, they could have prevented some of what the other is going through.

It doesn’t help that Skywalker is storming around like a thundercloud with a nervous commander Tano following him everywhere or that commander Cody is staring at blankly. The atmosphere of the base is overall just ruined and no one quite knows how to fix it or bring it up.

Not that war generally made it easy to keep your mood up but still, somehow, this makes everything worse.

“Don’t we need to inform the high council?” Someone had asked and after that the mood had dropped even lower.

Because the idea of having to expose their General in such a manner…

But did they really have any options?

They couldn’t remain in battle with Obi-Wan as he was and therefore they were forced to indeed contact the high council.

What exactly was said, no one really knew, General Skywalker, Commander Cody and Captain Rex tight-lipped about it but they were being told to hold base for General Luminara and Commander Offee coming to take command along with General Koon.

212th and 501st are being recalled to Coruscant, though why the latter was being recalled was rather unclear even if they were grateful.

“General Skywalker argued it,” Rex later admitted to Jesse, a few troopers eavesdropping on the two. “High council listened to him when he spoke this time, about how General Kenobi would need the support of someone he knows and how with the General, their bond has always helped with the leptin resistance. Some kinda Force osik, you know.” He sighed deeply.

It still does nothing to ease the guilt they feel.

Especially as Helix and Kix has barred anyone not Skywalker, Tano, Cody or Rex from the medbay unless its an actual case.

“General Kenobi doesn’t need anyone tripping over their own egos right now,” Helix snapped out, hands on his hips with Kix right behind him, nodding seriously with an icy look in his eyes. “He needs rest and relaxation and to actually eat. He has a major decision to make about his own body and the last thing he needs are anyone feeding him any ideas!” The medic had snapped.

And that was something none of them had considered.

Their General was skinny as a rail, that they knew now.

No fat at all on his body and maybe he had also gotten to the point his body was cannibalizing the muscle tissue too.

It was the baby bump that made him look as if he was… well, normal.

That and his clothes hiding things.

But he wasn’t healthy, far from it. Was it even safe for him to carry a child to term?

It was a question they had to carry along with the knowledge that the baby was the result of a rape.

Something Cody couldn’t forget at all as he sat on a crate, having opted to take first guard on the west side of the camp for the night. “I’m going to knock out Fox.” He mumbled, a cup of cold caff held in his hands.

Rex, who had signed on with Cody when he heard what the other was up to, peered at his vod before sighing and sitting down beside him on the crate. “I don’t think Fox was involved in this at all,” He stated before raising his hands when Cody shot him a glare. “But you might want to have a talk with him, pull up some records… we could get a lead then when we get back to Coruscant.” He stated more seriously.

Cody just sulked, going back to staring at his cold caff as Rex stared up at the starry sky.

How long they remained quiet, neither was sure before Rex slowly asked the question the entire camp was wondering. “Do… Do you think he’s going to keep it?” The captain questioned cautiously, knowing how volatile and protective Cody was of his General, especially now, wrecked with guilt and remorse as he was.

Shrugging faintly, Cody let out a deep breath. “I don’t know. He’s… not well. Physically or mentally. And Helix isn’t letting anyone talk to him about the baby at all, we’re mostly just reporting info to the General.” He whispered.

Rex nodded at that, breathing out heavily. “So its a waiting game…” He settled on, both going quiet once more. Though the silence didn’t last as another thought occurred to Rex. “You might want to be quick if you want to find his rapist and get a shot.” He warned.

Cody blinked, glancing at his vod with a raised brow that reminded Rex quite a lot of the man’s own General.

“When Skywalker learns who it was…” Rex stated, both brows raised and Cody let out an understanding noise before snorting.

“Its just a question of who gets there first. General Skywalker has to appear before the high General’s and has a commander to care for… I don’t.” He murmured, his smile sharp and humorless.

A question of who got there first.

the newest secretwecarry is hurting, moddy. was it a vod??? or was it a criminal???? poor obi didn’t even know about it… also helix is best medic

Clones Obi-Wan had found, were some of the most honorable people he had encountered, they had their own moral code that he couldn’t believe the Kamino’s had instilled into them but they had developed on their own.

And when he had been undercover as Hardeen, Obi-Wan had expected that something could happen to him in jail and the guards looking away, had mentally prepared himself for a hell of a beating he’d have to heal from.

Being cornered in the shower by other inmates, seeing the light of the cam go dark and knowing that no one would becoming for him if he yelled…

Well, their own moral code.

He didn’t think they expected what the other prisoners in the fresher had done though, he got medical attention right afterward and the clone guards that had been stationed outside the fresher had looked surprise to even see him alive before their face had gone stony.

They had escorted him to the medical wing of the prison and… well, treated.

Roughly but still treated.

He hadn’t seen any of those prisoners after either, heard whispers about isolation and futive looks in his direction. Getting one up on Hardeen the Jedi killer, killer of the Negotiator… well, status. Which was why Obi-Wan had stabbed that karkarodon and… pretty much threatened to eat him basically.

He didn’t want to go through another cornering, the reputation of insanity and getting Eval attention helped as no one was crazy enough to go up against the insane phindian after he made it clear that ‘Rako Hardeen’ was in his sight.

The thing though was that Hardeen was from Concord Dawn and males from Concord Dawn were not known for carrying offspring, he had not been screened for that at all.

Hell, he hadn’t even thought about it and he had broken out of the prison three days later, his blood work still in the med wing of the prison, stims in his blood.

And after that…

Well, he’d gone to the healers once he returned but outside of a quick blood sample, Obi-Wan had managed to squirm himself out of anything else with an easy fib slipping his lips, avoiding what had happened in the prison and internally wincing at the slightly judging look the healer had given him for lack of using protection.

He’d just been so exhausted, he didn’t want to have to deal with anything else after being kriffing Hardeen but of course, the backlash of his faked death had come hitting and… well.

Now this.

A baby.

Thankfully, Helix had recognized that Obi-Wan couldn’t handle anymore today and had ushered both Anakin and Cody out, his voice stern but low as he left the bed to physically push both out it seemed like.

When he returned, he had a tray with him, Ahsoka having been on the other side of the door.

Obi-Wan hoped she hadn’t heard them.

“General?” He opened his eyes at the low voice, peering up at Helix tiredly as the man stood there with the tray in hand, a small smile on his face as he sat down on the bedside again. “Think you can eat a little bit? You don’t have to finish it but I’d like it if you tried.” The medic stated softly.

Glancing warily at the tray, Obi-Wan shuffled against the headboard, letting out a low noise when Helix rested the tray on his own lap to fiddle with the bed controls, raising the head area enough for Obi-Wan to almost feel like he was sitting in a reclined position instead of laying.

It gave him a vantage to see what the tray contained.

A small bowl of a lukewarm, thin vegetable soup, a few salty crackers from the sight of it, a cup of tea and diced up fruits in a cup if Obi-Wan’s eyes weren’t seeing wrong.

He didn’t feel hunger but Helix looked so hopeful…

Slowly, he nodded. “I… I think I could eat some.” He whispered, reaching for the spoon only for his hand to tremble, a humiliated flush aching through him at the sight and when he tried with his other, it just hurt due to the IV line with the drip he was still getting.

He dropped his hands back in his lap and nervously glanced at the medic.

Helix however said nothing, simply took the spoon from the bowl and the bowl in his other hand and carefully lifted the bowl and spoon to Obi-Wan’s mouth to avoid dripping, smiling slightly with one stray red curl falling out of his top bun as he offered a spoonful of vegetable soup.

No judgment, no harshness and no turning away, just Helix, who had smiled slightly at him and set his medication when he returned to the Negotiator a small thrum of hurt in him but mostly just relief at having his General back.

Awkwardly, Obi-Wan smiled back before opening his mouth, letting Helix feed him. “Easy does it General, one step at a time.”

There would be no way Obi-Wan could eat the entire tray but… for Helix, maybe he could eat at least half of it.


For secretwecarry, what does Helix think of this? Could we get his POV, him just bring so angry that it got to this point and so protective of his general who is so fragile right now?

The General looks like he’s been slapped, staring at Helix with wide eyes and Helix is grateful that Kix has elected to enter the medbay office, to give the privacy.

General Skywalker was right, Obi-Wan had no idea he was pregnant and the ramification of it was hitting him hard from the sights of it, Helix itching to sedate the man.

But Obi-Wan spiraled too rapidly for him to even move, somehow going even paler, his eyes growing glassy yet his pupils growing huge as his breathing was speeding up before he turned over the side of the bed with no one on and throwing up the meager contents of his stomach, consisting mostly of bile from the sight and smell of it.

Everyone jumped at it but Helix simply cursed and shoved Cody out of the way, waiting for the General to be done before pulling him back and checking on the eyes of the trembling Jedi. “Little gods,” He hissed before grabbing the controls of the bed, raising the back of the bed so Obi-Wan rose a bit up “He’s having a mental breakdown, General Skywalker, can yo-”

The blond reached out before Helix finished his words, putting his hand to Kenobi’s temple. “Relax.” The command was almost enough to put Helix under by proximity, only stubborn will keeping him from succumbing at all as Obi-Wan eyes slipped shut reluctantly, the other dropping back into the pillow with bile hanging onto his lip and chin, shiny and rancid smelling as the puddle beside the bed.

Helix shook himself, cursing quietly as he sat down on the bedside and reached for the flannel on the nightstand beside the bed he had been using to clean Obi-Wan’s face for blood earlier, gently cleaning the bile off the other’s face.

Obi-Wan was still trembling and his pulse was a rapid thrum but other than that, the signs of his shock had diminished. “That’s it General, easy, breath, you’re alright.” Helix coaxed gently, ignoring Cody moving to get a cleaning droid to work on the puddle.

He also ignored Skywalker having moved back to the foot of the bed, hovering like a vulture with wide, blue eyes.

Right now he had a priority patient to get to calm down and assess.

Because frankly, Obi-Wan’s reaction was a lot more troubling with the information Helix as a medic had.

Because Helix was fully aware that when General Kenobi returned to them, his hair shorter than most shiny’s and his face just a scruff of copper, he also came back with antibiotics for syphilis and medications to deal with the side effects the antibiotics would cause him.

He had his suspicions from the get go and as a medic, he would never show anyone out of his medbay.

So he had gone about it as carefully as he could, ensuring that his General got the doses set daily.

And thank all little gods that the antibiotics hadn’t been taken orally, because if it was, then Helix would most likely have to be concerned about Obi-Wan’s stomach lining too even more than he already was.

Old school antibiotics could cause several worrisome side effects his General did not need added on top of all the other stuff.

Setting the flannel away, Helix instead reached up and gently thumbed the General’s temple, his palm cupping half of the others cheek. “General, can you open your eyes for me?” He stated quietly, smiling what he hoped was a kind smile when the General did, staring up at him with glassy eyes. “Good, good. You understand me right?”

Obi-Wan nodded slightly, awareness in his eyes despite how glassy they were.

That was good too, he was worried, he had a nasty little fit and Helix… well, he needed to ask some frank questions. “Good,” He praised again before taking a deep breath as his Jedi continued to peer blearily up at him. “General, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask some very frank questions, they’ll be yes or no but they will be invasive and I apologize but you need to answer me.” He continued, keeping his voice soft and steady.

A bit of wariness entered Obi-Wan’s eyes but he gave another nod and Helix didn’t allow him to look anywhere but at the medic.

No where but at his smiling medic with his hand on his cheek. “Very good General. You haven’t had sex, have you?” Slowly, Obi-Wan shook his head and Helix felt his heart sink. He had so hoped that the answer would be positive, that the General just had an indiscretion. He was only mortal after all, people made mistakes.

The medbay seemed so stifling suddenly, as if it was anticipating Helix next question.

He didn’t want to ask.

He hadn’t even when he saw the prescription and Obi-Wan’s wary eyes.

He had just done his duty as the medic, smiling gently at Obi-Wan and watched the Jedi relax.

Now he had to do more. “But you were raped, weren’t you General?” He asked softly, steady. He ignored General Skywalker little hiccup, the way his mech hand was bending the metal of the foot end rail of the bed.

He ignored the sound of plastoid armor rubbing against plastoid as Cody clenched his hands on his vambraces.

He kept his focus on his General.

The General that was currently hesitating, Obi-Wan staring up at him, the man that would most likely not be telling him any of this had he been at full health and rationality.

Slowly, he nodded and the air felt like it had left the medbay, Obi-Wan so tired looking as his eyes watered. Helix nodded too, stroking his temple slowly with his thumb. “Late in the undercover mission?” He asked.

A small head shake, eyes not moving from Helix.

“…Early in it… the prison?” Helix mouth felt so dry and he started praying that a vode hadn’t… that Obi-Wan hadn’t been violated by a vode.

Another nod and Obi-Wan closed his eyes tightly, shaking still and Helix breathed out.

He wouldn’t get more from the General and for now, he had more than enough news as he murmured softly in mando’a, stroking the others temple as he ignored the other two inhabitants of the medbay.

In to me you belong, I couldn’t help but notice that the ptsd issues happened the moment Vader mentioned “what happens to unmated omegas on Tatooine.” Did something happen to Obi-Wan while he was in heat? Maybe his first heat after he stopped being able to get suppressants, and he didn’t realize it was coming and got caught off guard?

It had been his first week on Tatooine, after handing Luke over to the Lars.

Obi-Wan, having spent all his life ignoring his true designation, had hit his first heat ever and despite it only being a pre-heat as he was now firmly off his medication, it had been enough to draw attention.

The worst of it was that he knew, he knew what could happen to omegas that were without family, pack or mate on Tatooine. It was not a friendly place for single omegas that didn’t have anyone to watch their backs.

Or were owned.

No slaver would be stupid enough to steal another slavers omega slave after all, the laws of the hutts in that regard had always been strict.

Or so Anakin had said.

But thinking about Anakin and all the thinks Obi-Wan knew thanks to him had hurt so much and he was already so dizzy due to the sun and the heat soaking into him along with the pain from loosing everything he had ever known.

And he still hadn’t found a place to call his own, had been mostly cantine diving while trying to scrounge up someone who was either selling property or knew of a property that was abandoned as Obi-Wan did not think he was in a shape to build anything.

He had actually half way been seriously considering just bunking in a cave out in the wastes at that point when he had finally heard about the hut at the edge of the waste that no one was living in and not even the hutts cared to water tax due to its difficult location.

After all, no one wanted to live out there.

He had managed to gather supplies, selling off of the last of the trinkets he had managed to get on the way to Tatooine for peggats and buy supplies for that money when it had happened.

An alpha, tall, clearly not baseline human with how big they were, had grabbed him by the forearm while leering down at him as he pushed Obi-Wan’s hood down to get a good look at him, commenting about how sweetly he smelled in among all the sand, like a flower.

Obi-Wan had tried to get away, tried to tell the man to buzz off in not so many words while also trying not to get any attention by acting out violently or using the Force.

Not that he needed to bother, everyone was already looking away.

The scene too familiar, too normal on Tatooine for anyone to pay him much attention except for a few, sympathetic but relieved omegas.

Sympathetic to his situation but relieved it wasn’t them as they hurried away in the blistering sun.

No alpha or beta cared for this off-worlder omega enough to get into trouble for them and no omega would risk gaining the attention of an aggressive and lusty alpha for a stranger even as their scent turned sickly sweet in an attempt to ward off the unwanted alpha.

Not on Tatooine where omegas were considered second-rate citizens at best and yet coveted at the same time, selling for twice as many baseline alphas or betas. And if they were exotic in any manner, a slave trader could luck out and get set for life as many wanted a status symbol an exotic omega brought.

Like a redheaded omega.

The pheromones of the alpha had been overwhelming, Obi-Wan had never had them directed so viciously at him before as he struggled and tried to get away only to scream in shock as teeth found his mating gland so violently, the large alpha brutally marking him the moment he saw the red hair.

Obi-Wan’s mind grew… fuzzy after that.

He only remembered waking up, days later, trapped under a large, muscled body, covered in slick, hickeys, semen and blood, his mating gland long ago scabbed over.

Weaving a Force suggestion on the snoring alpha, Obi-Wan had weakly managed to squirm out from under him, tears streaming silently down his face as he healed his mating gland with a shaking hand, using the first technique Qui-Gon had taught him once they learned Obi-Wan was an omega.

The technique every omega in particular were taught in the temple.

How to heal a bonding gland and erase an unwanted mating bond from someone that had taken you.

And now he was in front of another, dangerous, violent alpha, regardless if the Sith was purring calmly at him, despite knowing this alpha, Obi-Wan would not, could not trust him. ‘Qui-Gon, help me.’ He cried into the Force, pressing up against the door behind him as Vader continued watching him with those toxic, once so beautiful eyes of his.

Eyes that had belonged to Obi-Wan’s sweet Anakin.

Anakin, who Obi-Wan could trust.

Had always trusted.