Hear me out, FertileWar since Obi is wary about trying to find his answers while Anakin’s around, he contacts his best friend and shadow-in-training Quinlan Vos to research for him. This is something he’s never experienced before (unless the Mandalore mission happened here too? Maybe he experienced flashes of it on Mandalore but the New Mandalorians don’t trigger it) And Quin has heard whispers that he only paid attention to BECAUSE of Obi. And it’s something like a force blessed hunt for a partner and now he’s got to make a choice on what to do

“So you basically want them to rail you against a flat surface, that’s what you’re actually saying.” Quinlan drawled, leaning away with a snigger as a bright red Obi-Wan reached out to try and cover his mouth.

“Shhhh! Not so loud you jerk.” He hissed, looking around the diner wildly.

Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying them any attention with the chatter of people and the sound of dishware being used. It also helped that both Obi-Wan and Quinlan were dressed as ordinary spacers instead of anything potentially interesting. Spacers in this diner were a dime a dozen it looked like as they floated in and out before disappearing back out with their ship into the stars.

Honestly, it was Obi-Wan’s luck that Quinlan needed a layover before he returned to the temple, the two being able to meet up and head into town.

It was some much needed privacy Obi-Wan needed to air what had been going on between him and the troopers and his desperate need for information, something Quinlan could get him since he was going back to the temple.

Obi-Wan on the other hand was not, he was likely stuck out in the mid-rims for at least another two months and he would go crazy if he didn’t have any information before that. Just anything to make sense of his situation.

Obi-Wan had attractions before, hell, he had been attracted to Satine Kryze for one, a few of his classmates and even some random people throughout his missions with his master.

But never like this, not like how he felt physically and almost spiritually drawn to his troopers and they in turn seemed drawn to him equally hungry.

There was something going on and Obi-Wan didn’t know what and that troubled him enough to effect his stress levels even more than what the war simply was doing.

Picking up a few root fries from his plate and dipping them in his shakes, Quinlan face went serious. “Though, I already got a few guesses to why things are going as they are.” He admitted, chewing on his foot.

Pulling his own milkshake closer, Obi-Wan raised his brows at that. “You do?” He questioned a tad doubtfully.

“Look, I’m not saying I know,” Quinlan waved the greasy fries at him before sighing deeply. “But you’re my friend, you have been since we were Initiates and I paid attention when there came any rumors regarding you.” He stated seriously.

Pausing, Obi-Wan set his milkshake down. “Rumors… about me?” He questioned, eyes narrowed in concern.

Glancing around the diner, Quinaln pursed his lips then leaned in, the windows glare glittering on his brown skin. “Look, be very careful about who you tell that you’re from Stewjon, okay?” He whispered. “The rumors might be true and if they are, then being from Stewjon makes you a target for full blooded mandalorians. I heard that there’s a rise of Death Watch in their sector and if they find you…” He grimaced.

Frowning heavily, Obi-Wan blinked. “…You think that’s why I react to them? Because they’re of Jango Fett’s blood?” He whispered.

Quinlan nodded slowly before sitting back, huffing slightly. “Look, I’ll look into it when I get back home, but based on the rumors I heard, apparently it was common for mandalorians to go to Stewjon and hunt themselves a ‘prize’.” He made quotation marks with his fingers at the mention of prize, giving Obi-Wan a meaningful look.

It sent a chill down Obi-Wan’s back, the phrasing not lost on him. “…Why?” He couldn’t help but whisper, feeling tense and uncomfortable.

Swirling his straw in the half drunk milkshake, Quinlan let out a deep breath then shrugged. “Look, I’m not sure this is true, I’ll do the research when I get home but… supposedly it had to do with fertility and the fact that Stewjon had equal warrior spirits to those from Mandalore. But I’m not certain,” Quinlan reminded him. “I’ll figure it out when I get home, alright, send you a message. In the meantime, you need to be careful Obi-Wan.” The shadow operative stated seriously.

Frowning, Obi-Wan nodded, looking down at his half eaten plate of fries and burger, he really didn’t feel all that hungry anymore and the idea that the only reason Cody and the others were looking at him like that was because of genetic was… discouraging.

‘No, no, I’m a Jedi, I can’t… damn it,’ Obi-Wan bit his lip brutally, bowing his head under Quinlan’s watchful eyes as he fought against tears. ‘Damn it all to Sithhells.’

Light through the cracks feels like it’s coming to a close but where have obi-wans friends been in all of this? Or I would love to see more of worried alpha father pretty pleased. Absolutely adore your writing.

Not bothering to look up when the door hissed open as it was most likely either an apprentice healer or a droid coming with his lunch and medication, Obi-Wan continued reading.

It wasn’t visiting hours for Anakin yet, the other was still in lessons and the healers and council members had extended his alone time for Obi-Wan to manage himself for whatever he wanted to do, even leave his rooms to the rest of the temple should he wish, though if he wanted to go to the salle, he would have to be accompanied.

His healers had also approved a wider range of crime novels for his datapad and he had quite eagerly gotten into the Black Tooka, so he’d finish the chapter and then eat and take his medication once he could mark down the end of the chapter.

It was quite the intriguing piece of literary work, he really had to give the author kudos because it was actually set in the Jedi temple, a senatorial aid having been murdered on the steps of Coruscant Jedi temple.

The author must either know a Jedi or have been intimately involved with the temple at some point because they were honestly writing the daily lives of the Jedi quite well.

There were a few details that didn’t quite fit, some oddities of how the Jedi spoke and when the perspective shifted to the Jedi, it seemed like the Jedi masters were omnipotent.

But that could happen with outsiders writing Jedi characters.

The author most likely had quite the experience with a Jedi master to give them that impression.

“I knew that your readings tends to absorb you but I thought you’d at least look up!” A familiar, laughing voice broke into his concentration.

Head snapping up, Obi-Wan blinked at Quinlan grinning at him, the kiffar’s thumbs tucked into his belt and his dreads swept back in a ponytail to keep them back.

With a cry, Obi-Wan dropped his pad to the carpeted floor as he sprung from the armchair, throwing himself at Quinlan to hug the other as tightly as possible. “Quin!” The stewjoni cried out, clinging to the other human as tightly as he could.

Laughing, Quinlan hugged him in return. “Guess you missed me,” He teased lightly before shuddering and hugging Obi-Wan even more tightly somehow. “But then again, I missed you too.” He murmured.

Nuzzling slightly into the other, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath before pulling back, glancing at the door and then at his friend. “I… I thought I wasn’t allowed visitors?” He mumbled.

Snorting, Quinlan pushed him towards the armchair until Obi-Wan sat down, Quinlan sitting on the arm of the chair. “Yeah, Garen, Reeft and Bant aren’t allowed, their shields aren’t thick enough yet. But due to my peculiarities, my shields were already ready, so I could visit the moment I got here.” He grinned, wiggling his gloved fingers at Obi-Wan.

That took Obi-Wan a moment, blinking at the other before his mouth formed a small O.

Quinlan had psychometry, his shields had always needed to be thick and protective in case he touched items related to violence and darkness to deal with the potential backlash.

The only reason Anakin was allowed to visit was the bond he and Obi-Wan had and even then it had to be in company of a council member that could put barriers in if needed. It was why no one else had visited outside of the council and healers.

“But hey, they’re currently learning how to thicken their shields, so they’re on the way too,” Quinlan stated lightly, reaching out to play with Obi-Wan’s shoulder length hair. “Also, dig the hair. Gonna be long enough for me to braid it soon.” The knight chirped happily.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan leaned into the touch of his childhood friend. “You just want to play with my hair.” He stated dryly, a warm glow in the bottom of his stomach.

“Guilty,” Quinlan laughed, still teasing the hair with his hands. “But hey, as for excuses, that’s one of the better ones, right?” Quinlan beamed down at him delightedly.

Laughing, Obi-Wan leaned to the side until he could rest his arms in Quinlan’s lap and his head on his arms, letting the other work his magic.

It felt so nice, the touch of someone that was familiar with him, that knew how to be soothing and supportive. Of course the council and healers were and Anakin was always close to him but it was different with Quinlan.

Quinlan had known him for so long, they’ve been through hardships together and Quinlan was an adult.

It made it easier to lean on him and Obi-Wan let out a soft, relieved noise of comfort. “Yeah… its one of the better ones.” He agreed softly, humming faintly when Quinlan let his fingers stray lightly down the nape of his neck.

And knowing that Bant and the others were working on their shields…

Everyone was waiting on him, everyone was still there for him.

‘Don’t stop fighting. I won’t stop fighting.’ Obi-Wan breathed out heavily, soaking in Quinlan’s warmth and comfort as the other started talking about his latest mission and about Aayla.

Itswith blood: what’s up there? is Obi adjusting?

There are so very many things Obi-Wan Kenobi has to learn about the
modern world and he’s very confused by many of them, confused, but

only in the sense of technical advancement and things he just never
got to learn like how to use the sonic fresher that Qui-Gon had to go
through step by step or teach him how the laundry chute worked.

also concept within the order, the culture of the temple, the people
he was introduced to, the overwhelming amount of Force sensitive
people, the general impression they left, the idea of light being

one leaves a bad taste in his mouth and he’s often gotten into
debates with Qui-Gon about it that basically boiled down to ‘the
council says’ or ‘tradition dictates’ and that leaves an even
worse taste in his mouth to the point he now debates with several of
the more willing council members.

tends to leave Obi-Wan with a headache and them looking thoughtful
and bewildered.

especially confused Yoda as what came from Obi-Wan, came directly
from ancient members of the Je’daii temple, few years before the
first Jedi were formed as Master Viruta could remember the whispers
about a schism a few years before he died.

about the council, thankfully, they have yet to assign them a mission
as Jedi normally go on according to Master Qui-Gon, because Obi-Wan
has a lot to learn about interacting with people still and skills
that one needs in the modern world that Qui-Gon is doing his best to
teach him.

also discovered that Obi-Wan can not read or write modern
galactic basic.

has learned the ancient dialects his ghostly family of Je’daii
members has taught him, all three of them at one point working with
him to teach him the alphabet, words and sentences as they wrote with
coals from the fire that kept Obi-Wan warm and Obi-Wan repeated and
learned what they wrote.

that became yet another thing Obi-Wan had to learn before he could
learn with the other padawans, a good long month of being taught
before he cautiously entered classes, depending on where his
assessment put him they either placed him with the youngest or his
own age mates.

It was
a bit odd sitting in a room with children half his age, trying to
learn galactic law or making sculptures with the Force.

survival classes, dueling, katas and literature now that he knew the
basic was going splendidly for him, though less said about the
writing part of literature and poems the better.

did not like writing poems.

He did
like reading them and had spent a full two minutes just staring at
all the selves when Qui-Gon took him to the archive, eyes wide as he
took in how big it was, filled to the brink with information as
Qui-Gon just watched him in fond amusement before gently pulling him
along out of the doorway so he wasn’t in the way for other Jedi

And he
had even managed to make friends in the older classes!

Vos and Bant Eerin were quickly becoming some of his best friends
despite Obi-Wan being a bit socially challenged due to his prolonged
isolation within the Je’daii temple, sometimes missing certain
social cues, especially with Bant as he wasn’t familiar with the
facial expression of a mon calamari.

He was
learning though and making a new home in the Jedi temple, Master
Patia, Viruta and Martiza visiting as often as they possibly could,
making him feel even more at ease in the temple as his family wasn’t
utterly gone.

everyone is as accepting of his presence at Qui-Gon’s side or in
the order though.

Chun was a bitter and brute fellow padawan as was Obi-Wan’s title
now, his braid tucked behind his ear and hidden in his shoulder
length hair that Qui-Gon had carefully cut and then braided the
little tail that showed he was a padawan.

jealous,” Quinlan had said when Obi-Wan brought the name up as they
settled in to meditate in one of the gardens, popping a green berry
into his mouth that he had snagged from one of the closest bushes.
“He tried to become Jinn’s padawan himself when he was around
twelve but failed and failed badly as Master Jinn wanted nothing
to do with him. He was almost sent away when Knight Krell took him on
and I guess he’s still a jealous little bully twat.” He shrugged
as Obi-Wan watched him in bemusement.

have to look up what bully and twat was later on he decided before.

maybe ask Qui-Gon.

hurt, he likes it when I ask questions.’ Obi-Wan mused to him, half
smiling as he felt Qui-Gon’s excitement enter their bond, the older
man clearly up to something.

now, Obi-Wan decided that the best he could do was to continue
learning and adapt to the world before he decided what his path in
this galaxy was, his eyes fluttering shut as he let himself sink into
the Force with a soft exhale.

So Vos has to be dead meat in Dare Devil Recklessness, right?

down his nose at the padawan with the blankest
in the world, Qui-Gon slowly crossed his arms over his chest as
Quinlan squirmed in discomfort and Master Tholme watched on in

masters ignored that the talking around them had quietest quite a bit
since Qui-Gon came in and went straight for the partner in crime of
one reckless, daredevil imp by the name Kenobi.

Qui-Gon had enough of the silence and clicked his tongue. “Well?
Would you like me to inform your master of what you suggested to my
very impulsive padawan, who is not off the hook and will be facing
his own set of consequences, the padawan you left alone to deal with
his issue without informing any adult?” He questioned acidly.

Tholme and Vos flinched at that.

Qui-Gon was
playing around this time, not even trying to keep a lid on how pissed
off he was and was not in the mood to give privacy for this
particular event.

Qui-Gon was one for scolding in private, for
masters to deal with their
own padawans and
giving them
a warning on not to suggest bullshit to Obi-Wan since he was so
reckless while
Qui-Gon himself dealt with Obi-Wan
but this time…

Quinlan trailed off, glancing nervously at his master and then back
up at Qui-Gon, who arched his eyebrows at the boy as he continued
staring down his hooked nose at him.

the teen continued to shuffle his feet, Qui-Gon let out an impatient
noise, which once more had Quinlan wincing as the older master
clearly had enough
of the young kiffar influencing Obi-Wan to the most random of things.

all, it was Quinlan who was the sole
reason Obi-Wan had once taken an old fashion trolley
on wheels to ride down one of the longest pairs of stairs in the
temple, leading to Obi-Wan breaking his leg.

padawan,” Qui-Gon turned his head to Tholme, eyes narrowed. “Had
the gall to suggest to Obi-Wan that he couldn’t fit a light bulb in
his mouth.” He bit out.

and total silence through the whole sparring salle, everyone
now staring at them.

mouth dropped open slowly, his eyes wide as he stared at Qui-Gon.
“…He put a light bulb in his mouth? Your padawan…”

Qui-Gon answered archly before looking back down at Quinlan, the teen
now staring at his feet. “As young Vos here very well knows, since
he was still there when Obi-Wan was struggling to get it out, unable
to speak. And he left Obi-Wan, without informing an adult, that
Obi-Wan had a karking light bulb stuck in his mouth when you called
for him Master Tholme.” He growled, not unlike a large nexus
protecting its cubs.

there was the lynch pin.

fact that Quinlan had abandoned Obi-Wan to the light bulb stuck in
his mouth.

it took me two hours to come back from my little get together outside
the temple, which means Obi-Wan sat with the bulb in his mouth,
trying to get it out, still unable to talk… and you didn’t tell
about it, padawan Vos.” Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose
and looked to Tholme as the man ran his hand over his face.

he caught the Coruscantian Jedi’s eyes, he raised his eyebrows
expectantly and Tholme raised his hands, sighing as he nodded.
“Right, I’ll give him the usual talk and we’ll be having a long
meditation on when informing an adult is important,” He turned to
Quinlan, his face hardening as he focused both his blind and his
seeing eye on the boy. “And Quinlan, you’re going to be set on
kitchen duty for a week. You should have told me something was
wrong.” He stated seriously.

meekly, a mix of embarrassed and ashamed clearly, Quinlan twisted his
hands together. “Is… is Obi-Wan alright? I didn’t know what to
do and…” He swallowed thickly.

finally easing up on his unhappiness at the genuine regret in the
others voice, Qui-Gon nodded. “Yes, Obi-Wan is alright now. He
wasn’t for a bit but I got the light bulb out… I had to break it
though, it could have gone very wrong if Obi-Wan had swallowed the
glass or bitten down on it, breaking it in his mouth and could have
cut him.” He stated seriously.

like he had warned Obi-Wan of earlier, impressing on both the
seriousness of what they had done.

was a stupid dare, that could have gone really wrong and there was
nothing else to really be said for it.

miserably, Quinlan finally glanced up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t
mean for Obi-Wan to… it got stuck and then… I’m really sorry.”
Quinlan’s shoulders slumped as he returned to looking at his feet.

a bit, Qui-Gon reached out and settled his hand on Quinlan’s
shoulder, feeling the padawan jump a bit as he glanced up quickly
again. “Just please think about what you suggest to Obi-Wan, you
know better than anyone how suggestible he is. Or at the very least,
find an adult if something like this happens, no matter now small.”
He murmured, squeezing the boys shoulder.

quickly nodded in reply, smiling weakly when it was clear Qui-Gon
wasn’t angry anymore.

at Tholme, Qui-Gon got another nod from the man before he separated,
intent on returning to Obi-Wan.

hadn’t been lying when he said Obi-Wan was alright, but he
had managed to lock his jaw and couldn’t open his mouth far.

had gotten some muscle relaxant for the jaw muscles but that was all
they could do for now and Obi-Wan would have to eat softer, mashed
or fluid
until the muscles eased up.

next time they did something this stupid, they’d get an adult at

so Qui-Gon hoped.

So in the one with the hot pants, Quinlan is the reason he had to wear them the first time. Where they friends? I mean, it seems like Quin obviously wanted to take a bite out of Obi, and he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to not shoot his shot. Did Obi go for it? What’s their relationship like now, during the clone wars?

me,” Obi-Wan paused, smirking a bit to himself as he heard that all
too familiar voice behind him before turning around to give Quinlan a
faux serene look. “When I heard you were back in hot pants I
thought it was a karking joke, but you’re actually wearing them.”
Quinlan wandered over, his thumbs hooked into his belt as
he gave the Jedi dressed in red and gold hot pants a leering look.

faintly, Obi-Wan gave a small shrug. “I don’t have any other
clothes, unfortunately. These
are the only ones left that are
though your arrival does herald the coming of my bag happily, so hand
it over Quin.” Obi-Wan didn’t hold out his hand, kept leaning on
the table with his pale legs on display.

smugly watched as Quinlan’s throat bobbed a bit when
he glanced down.
“Kark, seeing you in that get up brings memories back… sure
you’re still saying no?” The kiffar grinned wryly.

his eyes, Obi-Wan chuckled while crossing his arms over his chest,
ignoring the way Quinlan’s eyes fell to his stomach and the others
man’s fingers twitched with want to touch the flexing muscles.

still your loss Obes, I give a mean horizontal tango,” Quinlan
winked before wiggling his hand. “I got your stuff on the ship
though. Not sure what was packed though, you know those laundry
droids but hopefully they got you everything you needed.”

faintly, Obi-Wan straightened and then, unable to resist showing off
a bit, stretched enough for his muscles to ripple.

wave of arousal hit him in
the Force and
Obi-Wan’s mouth was very dry suddenly.

he had forgotten how it felt to be desired.

around Anakin, who at first was too young and then later was very
protective, Obi-Wan had put a lid on any lewd behavior, not willing
to expose a young Anakin to it and later on just finding it a hassle
when Anakin hovered over potential lovers.

to feel it again, to feel desirable…

was very flattering, having the respect of his men simultaneously as
they found him attractive.

could almost make a man conside-nope!

he was not going there.

were his men, sleeping with any of them would be a breach of conduct
and regs, despite the Jedi not really being an army and just agreeing
to lead the troopers to aid the Republic.

they still had to adhere to the rules.


was a regs book of course but did those really include the Jedi
despite them being Generals?

wasn’t sure if he was honest.

Jedi was a self sufficient organization, they had agreed to be
Generals yes but did that force them to follow the regs rule book as
the other commanders and generals that weren’t Jedi?

course it does,’ Obi-Wan sighed inwardly as he followed Quinlan to
the ship to get clothes. ‘The Jedi are not above the law. They
never have been and we will die in this war.’ Obi-Wan looked to his
friend and smiled meekly when Quinlan sent him a concerned glance.

raised a hand and settled it on the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, forcing
him to relax at the comforting grasp.

going to be okay. Just take some deep breaths Obi-Wan.” He murmured
quietly while leading him up the ship ramp.

slightly, Obi-Wan leaned more into the touch. “Yeah… Thanks
Quinlan.” He whispered, his tone indicating for more than the

slightly, the other Jedi shrugged in a ‘course’ manner. “…My
offer is still on the table though, just saying.” Quinlan said
after a few minutes, provoking a laugh from Obi-Wan which had Quinlan
smiling in satisfaction.


at the ramp without blinking, Cody took a deep breath through his

we totally can’t kill General Vos right?” Helix questioned,
tilting his head. “Or even stuff him in a barrel and send him
outside of a waterfall just to distract him?” He tacked on after a
second of the rest of the vode staring at him in surprise. “Oh come
on, you were all thinking it!”

but none of us were going to say it and you’re the medic.”
Killer pointed out, grinning a bit.

response to that was to stick out his tongue much to everyone’s
amusement even as they wanted to roll General Vos out into the local

Prompt: A mission takes Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and anyone else you do or don’t feel like including to question someone at a bdsm dungeon. It’s assumed that the reason Obi is so agitated is because he’s a perfect golden innocent child tm… until someone (or multiple someones) recognize him.

about the club pumping with music and the vibration of the living and
the hazy smell of musky
in the air and atmospheric dimmed light that
all screamed of intimacy,
Obi-Wan tried to hide his nervousness from both his master and

really didn’t want to be at the Glazed Dragon, why their suspect
had run into the bdsm dungeon club he had no idea but they had and
Obi-Wan really wished they had not.

rather he wished that he did not have the companions he currently had
as they looked around the Glazed Dragon at people in various state of
dress, kneeling or sitting and even someone who was engaging in a

were in one of the privacy booths of course but everyone could tell
even if they couldn’t see properly.

wouldn’t matter if they could, if the privacy wasn’t engaged.
Once you entered the Glazed Dragon, you had consented to seeing this
kind of thing because that was in the contract everyone signed before
they entered the second door and just how his master and Quinlan
hadn’t noticed he was not required to sign, Obi-Wan did not know.

how he wished that the perp hadn’t run of into the club, clearly
having a membership that allowed them in and because they were Jedi
and were claiming investigation, all three Jedi were allowed in.

bouncer had only given Qui-Gon and Quinlan some narrow looks before
shrugging and letting them in, neither taking notice of how the
bouncer only gave Obi-Wan friendly nod before the female besalisk
went back to leaning against the wall and watching.

were sending him looks now though, Qui-Gon of exasperation and
Quinlan of amusement as the man threw an arm around him in
companionable affection. “Alright then Obes, I know that you’re
kind of restrained and sorta prudish but you do know that you’re
going to have to open up that mind and accept some practices out
there.” He teased as
a semi nude twi’lek sashayed past them with a leash in her hand,
hooking the ring onto the collar of a burly looking zabrak who she
cooed at.

yelped however as he was shoved off Obi-Wan with the Force by an
irate master, who gave the Jedi knight a slight glare. “Obi-Wan
does not have to do anything he is not comfortable with,” He stated
sternly before hesitating and sighing. “Though Obi-Wan, you do have
to understand and respect the culture and live styles of others.”
He continued a bit more gently.

a bit, Obi-Wan waved his hands. “That’s not it master, I fully
understand and respect a bdsm practice.” He
tried to explain without giving himself away.

was promptly busted when there was a loud squeal and Obi-Wan was
suddenly lifted of his feet by a two meter tall man with long, very
long black hair to his rear tied back, piercing brown eyes and a
beatific smile on his face. “Obi-Wan! Little Imp you didn’t say
you’d be back so soon!” He
cried out happily as he held Obi-Wan up with his arms under the
redhead’s armpits.

deeply, feeling both his master and Quinlan’s eyes on him while
also remembering the last time he saw Karas,
Obi-Wan smiled shyly at the man holding him up, his
large hands under Obi-Wan’s armpits. “Hello Karas sir and I
wasn’t suppose to sir, I’m here on duty.” He explained quickly.

now named Karas face went through several emotions at once, surprise,
disappointment and then last acceptance as he set Obi-Wan down,
nodding. “Oh I see, that explains your companions.” He rumbled,
rubbing his clean chin with a sigh. “That is too bad, I was hoping…
ah well.” He shrugged and smiled.

slightly to the man, Obi-Wan kept the nervous flutters behind a
smile. “Maybe another time, sir.” He offered up, almost purring
when Karas gently patted his head.

that does sound good. But for now I’ll look for another companion.
None as great as you but oh well.” He laughed that booming laugh
before nodding to both Quinlan and Qui-Gon, offering them respect
before wandering further into the club.

Obi-Wan turned around and
smiled meekly at the two wide eyes staring at him, Quinlan even
gaping rather unattractively at Obi-Wan as the kiffar’s muscled
arms hung at his sides. Qui-Gon at least had managed to restrain
himself to simply raising his brows high with wide eyes and crossed
arms over his chest. “I um, I can explain?” He offered up.

that Qui-Gon, with an odd look in his eyes, settled one bushy brow
down and one up. “I imagine I can guess Obi-Wan considering that
interaction.” He stated calmly before tilting his head. “And
since that guess involves being intimately familiar with this place,
I would like to request that you lead the charge to find our suspect,
that good with you padawan?”

horribly and grateful for how the dim light would hide that fact,
Obi-Wan nodded and moved past the two.

he was under no illusion that they would forget about it and that
there would be questions later on, especially Quinlan could be a nosy
bastard and Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon’s burning eyes in his back.

right here and now they were Jedi and they had a smuggler of Force
artifacts to find.

frankly, Obi-Wan was suddenly very relieved that they could both be
professional because the idea of explaining his inclinations in the
Glazed Dragon was not something he was interested in, especially as
they had both gotten a good look at Karas, the tall, barrel chested
man with long hair tied back and the leash on the man’s belt.

he was very happy they were being dutiful because if he had to
explain it now, he would combust with embarrassment.

much for trying to keep a low profile and not letting other Jedi
know.’ He thought mournfully even as he thought he felt a phantom
sensation of a hand in the low of his back, a slight shiver going
through his spine that made him blink and

Hot pants Obiwan would be a 100% a direct result of a lost bet with Quilan Vos. Young 19 year old Obi, would be equal parts blushy and empowered when he sees people walk into walls but horrified when quigon basically swaddles obi in the quiz cloak. Adult obi with 16 Anakin, resigned and desperate not to let Anakin see him as anything less than Professional. Adult obi with troopers, troopers jelly over Vos before they know there’s nothing there, NSFW wink wink

first time he had worn a pair of hotpants was after a lost bet with
Quinlan and he had been cursing the other padawan out in his head as
he somehow managed to wiggle his ass into the formfitting shorts.

were a solid metallic red pair,
with golden trimming around the legs and the waist band and Obi-Wan
swore that they were a size too small to really fit him but he
somehow managed to get into them without oiling himself to do it, his
pale legs and sparse copper hair exposed to the galaxy. And
with a reluctant sigh he also abandoned his tunic to pull on the
matching red tube crop top that exposed his belly and happy trail to

‘It almost makes me wish I had trimmed it or at least shaved it a bit in.’ Obi-Wan sulked as he wandered out into public for the first time in the hotpants.

was also the time Obi-Wan discovered the power of his booty so to say
as he shuffled out of the locker room to glare at Quinlan only to
blink in surprise when he found the dreadlocks sporting man staring
at him with his mouth wide open.

damn, I knew you’d look good Obi but kark me, you look…”
Quinlan finally wheezed out and Obi-Wan blinked more as knight
Billaba walked into the doorway, having been staring at Obi-Wan’s
ass as she passed. “I
could eat
you Obi-Wan, you utter snac.” He grunted finally.

but also strangely pleased~by
the reactions around him, the way other Jedi were staring at his legs
or ass,
Obi-Wan just huffed and cocked his hip, noting how several of
the ones that were
looking at him flustered
or outright seemed to drool at the move.
“Well this was your plan Quin, I’m only wearing in the salle
however, I’m not going to get lunch wearing hotpants because one,
it’s disrespectful and two, what if I spill something into my lap!”
He snarked.

let out a strangled moaning noise but Obi-Wan wasn’t sure because
that moment Qui-Gon, who had entered the salle with master Windu, had
spotted Obi-Wan.

master let out a strangled squeaking noise, like a rodent being
stepped on before suddenly appearing Obi-Wan’s side, his over-sized
robe falling around his padawan’s shoulders. “Obi-Wan! What are
you wearing!?” He questioned in a strangled voice, blue eyes wide
as his large robe hid the his padawan from view.

a smirk, Obi-Wan lifted his hand and pointed at Quinlan, making eyes
wide. “I lost a bet to Quinlan but I had no idea he’d make me
wear these pants Master. I’m sorry.” He made his eyes water ever
so slightly.

choked noise escaped Qui-Gon before the coruscantian born Jedi
rounded on the kiffar Jedi. “Vos!” He roared and seeing the
better part of valor, Quinlan legged it with a loud cry, escaping the
towering Jedi who was chasing after him.

Obi-Wan just watched, tucked into the over-sized robe that smelled of
his master’s warm cologne and the aromatic sapir tea the man so
preferred to drink, the drink long ago having dug it’s claws into
the fabric.

someone cleared their throat however, Obi-Wan remembered that his
master had entered with Mace Windu and quickly bowed to the man as he
peered at him with one brow raised, an amused smirk curling his thin
lips. “Color me impressed padawan Kenobi, but lets hope your master
doesn’t kill Vos for that little stunt.” He drawled.

slightly, Obi-Wan shrugged, hugging the fabric around him. “Eh, Vos
can run pretty fast Master and master Qui-Gon only tends to chase him
for about five minutes or so depending on what stunt he pulls… I’ll
make it ten this time though.” He sniggered slightly, his pale legs
peeking out from the robe.

flushed darkly when he saw Windu’s eyes trail the length of his
legs before the council master firmly dragged his eyes away. “Ah,
good to know padawan Kenobi… but maybe you should go change in the
meantime.” Windu cleared his throat.

his face burning, Obi-Wan quickly fled back to the locker but
couldn’t help the smile growing across his face because fucking
hell, his booty had power apparently and while he wasn’t keeping
this clearly undersized outfit, he was getting some booty shorts of
his own.

never knew when you needed an extra weapon in your arsenal.

He stopped, his grin turning wicked. ‘It will keep Quinlan on his
toe and hopefully keep him from doing too many stunts and alarm
master Qui-Gon enough for him to froth with nerves if I wear this.’
Obi-Wan wiggled joyfully and giggled mischievously to himself as he
moved to pull his tunic and leggings out of his locker.

was a reason he gained the nickname ‘Imp’ from his master after

Ooh Obi gets to be sneaky in ISeeLight, so is he close with Vos and the other Shadows? They’d probably have a lot of great stories to share with each other (if highly redacted). It would be cool if the Shadows and other undercover Jedi tended to be omegas (or betas, if there are any) since they’re supposed to be caring and docile arm candy. Also, I bet Anakin would adopt Obi into his mech hoard if he let him improve the cat ears ;3

you still want me when you come back… if you still want me then
Obi-Wan, come find this old broken alpha and I’ll be yours if
you’re still the omega who wants someone as broken as me for
a mate.’
The words had been whispered so sweetly against his lips, the chest
rumbling beneath his hands as Obi-Wan leaned up against the other
man, standing on his toes.

that had been when Obi-Wan himself was not broken.

he could see and did not wear the robotic cat ears that allowed him
to sense the world along with the Force, giving him a very echo
location like sight, when
his body wasn’t covered in scar like a canvas of the galaxies

was broken from his thought as an arm grabbed around him, Quinlan
letting out a loud, happy laugh as he dropped down on the couch
beside him. “I can’t believe you’re finally back you lucky
dog!” The other omega greeted happily as he tucked a cup into the
blind Jedi’s hand. “I’d ask for stories but I know it’s all
classified just like all Shadow work.” Quinlan chortled.

the man distract him as he had offered when inviting the returned
redhead to his quarters, Obi-Wan chuckled faintly. “As you well
know from being one yourself. How goes life by the way? Heard
anything from any of the others?” Asking curiously, Obi-Wan sniffed
at the cup before taking a sip.

kiffar ale, not the worst of what Quinlan offered people to drink.

you know, pretending to be arm candies, being teases and hitting when
people least expect it.” Quinlan shifted, the air shifting and
Obi-Wan could almost see the hand moving in front of him in a
swishing motion.

softly, Obi-Wan continued sipping slowly as he let the other fill his
head with chatter.

not to think too deeply on his own ruined body and eyes.

not to think of deep blue eyes and a broken nose.

you smell of distress, what’s wrong Obi-Wan?” Quinlan’s happy
voice had sobered up and Obi-Wan shook himself but remained under his
fellow omega’s arm.

with the cup, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it again,
hesitating. “…Am I broken Quin?” He finally asked, trying to
sound questioning but ending up sounding small and sad.

was a long pause before Quinlan suddenly dragged him into his lap and
hugged him tight. “I’m breaking the nose of whoever said that to
you,” The other omega snarled. “No, you are not
broken Obi-Wan. You are still just as capable and just as beautiful
as you’ve always been and to kark with anyone who says that.” The
kiffar growled protectively.

harshly, his mech ears shifting to take in noises both inside and
outside of the quarters, Obi-Wan clenched his hands on the cup. “But
I can’t see and you… you saw the scars on my hands, those aren’t
the only ones.” Obi-Wan offered up shakily. Quinlan had come
barging into his quarters and Obi-Wan may have been able to throw on
clothes quickly but bandaging his own hands in seconds was a lot

Quinlan had touched his hands, had seen
with his psychometry.

his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Quinlan let out a huffing breath.
“You listen to me and you listen well Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are not
broken, you are not chipped and you are not ruined. You are still the
bad mother fucking Jedi we were when we started out and a knight
worth your weight in solid gold and anyone who says anything else
deserves to have their noses and thigh bones broken,” Quinlan
whispered harshly. “And any alpha or omega or null would be lucky
to have your attention.” He settled on, going quiet.

you think Qui-Gon still loves me?” Obi-Wan questioned desperately
and Quinlan let out a noise so wounded and reassuring at the same
time that Obi-Wan couldn’t help but let out a sob and drop the cup
to the floor, burying himself into Quinlan’s shoulder, he’d
apologize and offer to clean it later but right now he needed

does Obi-Wan, of course he does Obi-Wan.”

in reporttosenate, how are the padawans and younglings interacting with more clones than they have ever met and learning they are trying to save them.

nine, ten, eleven-” The counting was loud and clear as children of
all ages from five to eleven ran off around the room, desperately
scrambling for a hiding place while muffling their giggles.

the amused and grateful gaze of the creche masters, the troopers had
taken charge of amusing the children until all the Jedi had arrived
and everything could be settled up and today Commander Snow and his
men had decided to play hide and seek with the children. Snow, Lapra,
Browbeat and Tyr were all gathered in a group with their hands over
their eyes as Snow counted for all four of the troopers.

even more on the bench as he took a small break from the clean up,
Dolan smiled indulgently as he watched one of the older children
scale a beam to hide up in the ceiling scaffolding while a smaller
one crawled under a table with a delighted beam at having found her
hiding space.

to Dolan’s amusement, he noticed one of the mon calamari Initiates
slowly inched her way into the nearby pond and sunk under to hide.

don’t think that was allowed little one.’ Dolan rubbed his clean
shaven chin, grinning before grunting softly as Master Vos sat down
next to him on the bench, the kiffar watching the troopers count with
bemusement in his eyes.

said anything for a long time, only observed as Snow finally stopped
counting and started to search the cleaned and prepared room.

rooms had been on the priority scale apparently Dolan had learned,
the clones explaining with serious and stern faces that younglings
always came first and needed the comfort of clean and safe spaces.

had wholly approved of that, he didn’t mind a slightly drafty or
dirty room if his creche classes were safe and sound in their rooms
and he knew that the rest of the temple was on the agenda to be

don’t really like the clones,” Dolan glanced at Vos, raising a
brow as the man rubbed the yellow streak over his nose. “Don’t
trust them if I’m honest.” He trailed off, watching as Lapra
found the youngling under the table and grabbed them, playfully
tickling and throwing her into the air to the Initiates utter delight
as she hugged the man tightly.

both brows, Dolan settled his hands in his lap. “…The troopers
have been nothing but respectful and kind to the Jedi,” He said
slowly. “Something we have sorely lacked if the stories I’ve
heard from mission active knights are true.” Dolan tilted his head,
his nerf
tail tickling his neck.

a bit, Vos leaned his elbows on his knees, muscles flexing lightly
and most likely unintentionally though Dolan took a moment to admire
them still as the other master generally went around in a sleeveless
outfit. “I… you’re right. I just don’t…” The man pursed
his lips.

watched the other for a long moment, the sound of laughter filling
the room as the troopers searched and found kids, playing with them,
bonding with the children who had come to learn that the troopers
were more than soldiers. “…As I understand it, you should have
nothing to say about them, considering their loyalties have never
been in question nor have they ever conspired with dark siders or
killed Jedi on purpose.” Dolan said as lightly as he could.

still tensed and looked down, staring at his feet.

are they on probation,” The creche master returned to watching the
children. “I am not telling you to like them, one can not be
universally liked. But the very least you can do is respect them.”
Dolan hummed a bit.

Jedi master said nothing, only clenched his hands on his leggings.

Dolan smirked ever so slightly as he watched Tyr walk towards the
middle with two human Initiates clinging to his legs on each side.
“If you were to show your displeasure, I believe our Initiates may
just decide that you need a lesson in basic human decency and decide
a tickling match against a Jedi master is a good idea for the honor
of the troopers.” Dolan chortled out as Browbeat finally managed to
find their calamari Initiate in the pond and was struggling to get
him out without getting wet.

up at that, Vos watched the kids and the troopers before snorting.
“Guess you’re right. So far every trooper I’ve seen interact
with the younglings adore them and the younglings adore them in
return… not enough adult to play with them I guess?” He glanced
at Dolan.

slightly, the creche master glanced about then gestured. “Not many
choose to become creche masters, we make do with those we have but
unfortunately we are not always enough to play when babies need
feeding and younglings need their injuries tended to.” He smiled
gently before humming as he heard a noise. “But if I’m not wrong,
it sounds like a shuttle is coming closer. The council seems to have
arrived.” He grinned warmly.

they were all away from Coruscant to the safety of Eedit.

hoped it would remain that way.

What happens now in CreepyDays now that Xanatos is dead? Does the person who sold out ObiWan get discovered? Love your writing!

forward, Mace raised his brows at the two men standing in front of
him as he took them in.

Vos looked his usual self, a bit on the angry side, his arms crossed
over his chest with his nails digging into his arms, potentially
close to drawing blood and his lips a thin, pale stripe where they
were pressed together.

Skywalker however… he looked lost, he looked like someone had drawn
the carpet out from under his feet and he had hit his back head on
the marble floor hard enough to give himself a concussion only for
his opponent to literally take a shit on his chest afterward. Pale to
the point of sickly even
in the orange sun shining in through their windows,
eyes glazed and distant and his hands hanging limply down by his

did not bode well and Mace wished he wasn’t on antibiotic at that
moment because he could feel that he would need a stiff drink after
the meeting. “You’ve managed to trace the comm calls of Du
Crion?” He questioned calmly, each council member focused on the
two though Shaak’s holo flickered in and out a bit, indicating the
storm on Kamino was particularly strong at the moment.

jumped a bit, looking up and blinking with his blue eyes turning

he turned green and Mace hoped to Force the other wouldn’t throw

however growled deeply, baring his teeth before nodding sharply. “It
took several all nighters but yes, we managed to follow the trail and
actually decode one of the encrypted holo messages.” He paused
there and Mace wanted to wince as the man gritted his teeth.

outright covered up her ears at the horrible noise and Plo tapped his
claws on his chair, leaning back.

the person we do,” Yoda stated, looking between the two Jedi in
front of them. “Someone trusted it is?”

opened his mouth but Skywalker beat him to it. “The Chancellor,”
He whispered, sounding more like a frightened and lost youngling than
the knight he had become. “It was the Chancellor who sold out
Obi-Wan, knew where he’d be and told Du Crion…” He got out, legs trembling.

harshly through his nose, Vos nodded sharply. “And not only that
but their messages also confirms that Sheev Palpatine is working with
the CIS, Du Crion was opening up Telos factories for him to create
more droids for them.” He snapped out.

felt like he had sunk into an alternative universe, suddenly being
desperately grateful that Obi-Wan was on Serenno in the safety of
Count Dooku and far away from Coruscant and more importantly, the

forward, Depa looked between them. “I hate to ask this but the
accusation is sever, please tell me you have proof.” She said

once more, Vos dropped his arms to reach into his belt, pulling out a
portable driver. “Got it here, all messages and holo messages
between them that we could manage to find and decrypt. I
also have copies on several other stations in case it gets lost when
we deliver it to the Senate.” The man said bitterly.

was angry but Mace could understand that.

however just looked sick now, the man loved Obi-Wan as a brother and
to know that a person he trusted had sold him out to his stalker, to
be raped… it was clearly hitting the man hard.

Skywalker,” He murmured, watching as the knight jerked to and
clearly tensed up in defense. “Obi-Wan could use some company up
there on Serenno and I’m sure that the 501st
and the 212th
would be more than happy to guard the airspace around it.” He
murmured quietly, making it seem like he was sending the young knight
to defend Obi-Wan should something go wrong.

truth Mace could see how shaken the young man was and knew he would
need time.

dropping in surprise, the blond blinked at him before nodding slowly.
“I-I guess so and familiar people would be good for Obi-Wan.” He
agreed in a quiet, almost meek tone.

didn’t like it, Skywalker wasn’t suppose to be meek. He was
suppose to be fire, defiance and energy.

of the other council members called Mace out on his little ploy
though and he found relief in that even as they looked at each other.

would need to deal with the Chancellor now but in the middle of a war
it was sure to bring turmoil.

there was the fact that he was working with
the CIS.

highest position of power in the Republic was a traitor.

help them all.