Can we see a continuation of SensationLost? Maybe they can finally go on a mission? Loved the fluff in the last one

Staring at the
grandmaster for long minutes, Anakin finally choked out what was on
his mind since he spotted the man. “Your nails are orange.” He
said with wide eyes.

His statement was
meet with a snigger and Obi-Wan quickly tugging on the boys braid
while Qui-Gon just hid his grin. Yoda wiggled his clawed toes,
peering down at them then at Yaddle. “Notice it I said they would.
Promised me you did that notice no one would if painted all of them
were.” He pouted at her with quivering ears.

Yaddle’s ears
quivered in reply, a small smirk crossing her lips. “Uncertain I
was, told you so I did. But looks better at least it does.” She

Snorting a bit,
Obi-Wan raised his brow at the two councilors as the rest were trying
to hide their sniggers. “May I presume this is about the cracked
claw I heard about in the salle, you tried some sort of nail care
protection and its turned your claws orange?” He guessed.

Grumbling a bit,
Yoda gave a grumpy nod before pointing at Yaddle. “Told me this
would be better, heal a nail not possible, bother to regrow with the
Force… admit I do that better it feels with the polish,” He
peered contemplatively down at it before grumbling again. “But yes,
orange I am.”

Chuckling warmly, Qui-Gon rested his
hand on Anakin’s back as he inclined his head. “As informative
and amusing as this is, maybe we should get on to the mission
parameters and why its necessary for the council to inform us instead
of the standard folder debriefing?” He questioned with a warm

Agreement sounded from the rest of the
council though they were still amused as they launched into the co-op
mission the Jedi had received from the Gallagan government that
wanted to bring down a suspected spice production.

So far it had seemed like just a small
ring but the local police had managed to trace rumors of a much
larger production happening on planet and they needed Jedi help to
find it. Along with people who had been abducted to create said

“Assume they do, that many missing
from the planet among the spice lords workers are,” Yaddle said.
“Free them with minimal causality they hope if Jedi intervention
appears, give you a folder we could not as they feared spies in their
own government would leak Jedi intervention and slice your own

Showing their understanding, all three
bowed for the council before being dismissed.

But as they reached the door, Yaddle
called out again. “Congratulation the Council wish, on your bond
Knight Kenobi.”

Obi-Wan stopped and turned, a small,
sheepish smile on his face before lifting both hands while shrugging.
“I value the ability to use both my hands council members. The
stronger the bond, the stronger I am but don’t worry, I am Jedi
before I am a lover.” He grinned teasingly.

That was meet with some chuckles and
some disapproval but Obi-Wan’s unique physic just like other
Stewjon’s required him to maintain a bond, even the council could
not interfere in that and Obi-Wan turned once more to follow Qui-Gon
and Anakin out while taking the former’s hand to lace their fingers

He was once more strong and ready to
meet the galaxy as he worked at both Anakin’s and Qui-Gon’s side.

In his eyes, his world could not be any
better as Qui-Gon drew him into the older mans side as they entered
the elevator, Anakin happily pressing the button while ogling Yoda’s
painted nails from the open doors until they closed.

Life was great.

Can we see a continuation of SensationLost? Maybe they can finally go on a mission? Loved the fluff in the last one

Staring at the
grandmaster for long minutes, Anakin finally choked out what was on
his mind since he spotted the man. “Your nails are orange.” He
said with wide eyes.

His statement was
meet with a snigger and Obi-Wan quickly tugging on the boys braid
while Qui-Gon just hid his grin. Yoda wiggled his clawed toes,
peering down at them then at Yaddle. “Notice it I said they would.
Promised me you did that notice no one would if painted all of them
were.” He pouted at her with quivering ears.

Yaddle’s ears
quivered in reply, a small smirk crossing her lips. “Uncertain I
was, told you so I did. But looks better at least it does.” She

Snorting a bit,
Obi-Wan raised his brow at the two councilors as the rest were trying
to hide their sniggers. “May I presume this is about the cracked
claw I heard about in the salle, you tried some sort of nail care
protection and its turned your claws orange?” He guessed.

Grumbling a bit,
Yoda gave a grumpy nod before pointing at Yaddle. “Told me this
would be better, heal a nail not possible, bother to regrow with the
Force… admit I do that better it feels with the polish,” He
peered contemplatively down at it before grumbling again. “But yes,
orange I am.”

Chuckling warmly, Qui-Gon rested his
hand on Anakin’s back as he inclined his head. “As informative
and amusing as this is, maybe we should get on to the mission
parameters and why its necessary for the council to inform us instead
of the standard folder debriefing?” He questioned with a warm

Agreement sounded from the rest of the
council though they were still amused as they launched into the co-op
mission the Jedi had received from the Gallagan government that
wanted to bring down a suspected spice production.

So far it had seemed like just a small
ring but the local police had managed to trace rumors of a much
larger production happening on planet and they needed Jedi help to
find it. Along with people who had been abducted to create said

“Assume they do, that many missing
from the planet among the spice lords workers are,” Yaddle said.
“Free them with minimal causality they hope if Jedi intervention
appears, give you a folder we could not as they feared spies in their
own government would leak Jedi intervention and slice your own

Showing their understanding, all three
bowed for the council before being dismissed.

But as they reached the door, Yaddle
called out again. “Congratulation the Council wish, on your bond
Knight Kenobi.”

Obi-Wan stopped and turned, a small,
sheepish smile on his face before lifting both hands while shrugging.
“I value the ability to use both my hands council members. The
stronger the bond, the stronger I am but don’t worry, I am Jedi
before I am a lover.” He grinned teasingly.

That was meet with some chuckles and
some disapproval but Obi-Wan’s unique physic just like other
Stewjon’s required him to maintain a bond, even the council could
not interfere in that and Obi-Wan turned once more to follow Qui-Gon
and Anakin out while taking the former’s hand to lace their fingers

He was once more strong and ready to
meet the galaxy as he worked at both Anakin’s and Qui-Gon’s side.

In his eyes, his world could not be any
better as Qui-Gon drew him into the older mans side as they entered
the elevator, Anakin happily pressing the button while ogling Yoda’s
painted nails from the open doors until they closed.

Life was great.

Oooo! From your tipsy pondering. Maybe something where Obi-Wan either gets captured as an adult padawan and then cat ears and Qui finds him and is like «i know this is awful. But he does look cute». Or Maybe he never went to the temple. He was just found and turned into a lab rat… lab cat, and then as an adult Qui-Gon finds him?


He can feel Obi-Wan, somewhere below his feet but can’t let it on,
not yet.

He’s been looking for his padawan for five long weeks and he
finally has a proper lead and if he messes this up, the slavery
smugglers will disappear and most likely disappear with Obi-Wan

And so he acts like hutts secretary, in need of an able body or two.

Letting it slip that a pretty male would not go adverse.

“Ah, a Jabba character then?”

“In a matter of speaking. More like Ziro in the matter that my sire
does not care about gender. But he is looking for a pretty human male
at this moment.”

The slaver chuckled at that, sitting back while watching Qui-Gon,
taking in the expensive silk and brocade the other was wearing. “He
pays you well your employer, whoever it is.”

Qui-Gon smirked, inwardly feeling bile in the back of his throat. “I
may not quite fall in under the pretty and young, but my employer
still enjoys looking. But do you have what I’m asking for? Young,
pretty and male. I can go somewhere else if you do not have what I
need Mr. Lively.” Qui-Gon made to rise only for the man to wave his

“No, no I think I have exactly what you’re looking for. As long
as your hutt doesn’t mind modifications.”

‘Modifications? Oh Force what has been done to Obi-Wan?’ Qui-Gon
kept his face blank as he tilted his head. “No, I don’t think
he’ll mind modification as long as the being is human, male and
pretty. And young as I mentioned.”

Lively gave a wide smirk and got to his feet. “We got what you


Sitting with Obi-Wan tucked up against his chest, Qui-Gon quietly
watched the officers put away the slavers into transport and gently
interrogate former slaves and captured mid rims people.

People who may need to start anew because their minds had been wiped
or people who had a chance to go back home.

A slight brush beneath his jaw made him look down and he smiled
gently at Obi-Wan’s flushed face. “Just a little longer and we
can go Obi-Wan. I’ll take you back to the temple.” He promised

The soft ears on his head flickered slightly and then Obi-Wan gave a
little nod. “Think the drugs are still wearing off…” He

“More then likely, do you want me to put you under a sleep
suggestion? The officer don’t need more statement for you and the
medic has already looked you over.” Qui-Gon rubbed his back gently
with a broad hand.

“…Please.” Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

Pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s temple, Qui-Gon used their now
unencumbered bond to put his padawan under, sighing quietly as the
teen slumped against him once again. Outside of the painkiller the
medic had given him, all other drugs had been stripped from Obi-Wan’s
system after his rescue, leaving the teen once again able to grasp
the Force.

Stroking the feline ears on top of Obi-Wan’s head provoked a low,
purr like noise from the others chest and Qui-Gon sighed before
reaching down and lifting the limp tail that was now fused to
Obi-Wan’s tail bone.

‘…Oh Obi-Wan…’


“I’m sorry to say that there is nothing we can do.” Healer Che
frowned at them. “They fully removed your human ears and rewired it
to the feline ears they attached to your body, removing several
internal parts to do it. You need those to hear now. As for the
tail…its now integral to your balance padawan Kenobi because the
feline ear channels are different to the human ones. There is
honestly nothing we can do. This is how things are going to be.”
Her frown turned sympathetic. “I’m sorry.”

“…I’m stuck like this?” Obi-Wan whispered, looking between
them with wide eyes, ears pressing down against his skull and hair,
sitting on the examination bed. “Looking like some kind of holosmut
fetish fantasy?”

Qui-Gon placed his hands on the padawan’s shoulder. “I’m not
going to ask how you know that. But you’re not a holosmut fetish Obi-Wan,
you’re a person and I’m going to help you through this.” He
passed his hand gently over the tip of the ears.

Obi-Wan looked up at him, a sense of hopelessness in his gaze. “…I
guess I should be grateful I have all my limbs shouldn’t I?” The
padawan whispered, shoulders slumping a bit while wrapping his tail
around his leg.

A subconscious move of a new limb.

“We’ll get through this Obi-Wan. I promise.” Qui-Gon lifted one
broad hand and gently scratched the teens ears, smiling faintly at
the low purring that escaped him. “I promise.”

Oooo! From your tipsy pondering. Maybe something where Obi-Wan either gets captured as an adult padawan and then cat ears and Qui finds him and is like «i know this is awful. But he does look cute». Or Maybe he never went to the temple. He was just found and turned into a lab rat… lab cat, and then as an adult Qui-Gon finds him?


He can feel Obi-Wan, somewhere below his feet but can’t let it on,
not yet.

He’s been looking for his padawan for five long weeks and he
finally has a proper lead and if he messes this up, the slavery
smugglers will disappear and most likely disappear with Obi-Wan

And so he acts like hutts secretary, in need of an able body or two.

Letting it slip that a pretty male would not go adverse.

“Ah, a Jabba character then?”

“In a matter of speaking. More like Ziro in the matter that my sire
does not care about gender. But he is looking for a pretty human male
at this moment.”

The slaver chuckled at that, sitting back while watching Qui-Gon,
taking in the expensive silk and brocade the other was wearing. “He
pays you well your employer, whoever it is.”

Qui-Gon smirked, inwardly feeling bile in the back of his throat. “I
may not quite fall in under the pretty and young, but my employer
still enjoys looking. But do you have what I’m asking for? Young,
pretty and male. I can go somewhere else if you do not have what I
need Mr. Lively.” Qui-Gon made to rise only for the man to wave his

“No, no I think I have exactly what you’re looking for. As long
as your hutt doesn’t mind modifications.”

‘Modifications? Oh Force what has been done to Obi-Wan?’ Qui-Gon
kept his face blank as he tilted his head. “No, I don’t think
he’ll mind modification as long as the being is human, male and
pretty. And young as I mentioned.”

Lively gave a wide smirk and got to his feet. “We got what you


Sitting with Obi-Wan tucked up against his chest, Qui-Gon quietly
watched the officers put away the slavers into transport and gently
interrogate former slaves and captured mid rims people.

People who may need to start anew because their minds had been wiped
or people who had a chance to go back home.

A slight brush beneath his jaw made him look down and he smiled
gently at Obi-Wan’s flushed face. “Just a little longer and we
can go Obi-Wan. I’ll take you back to the temple.” He promised

The soft ears on his head flickered slightly and then Obi-Wan gave a
little nod. “Think the drugs are still wearing off…” He

“More then likely, do you want me to put you under a sleep
suggestion? The officer don’t need more statement for you and the
medic has already looked you over.” Qui-Gon rubbed his back gently
with a broad hand.

“…Please.” Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

Pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s temple, Qui-Gon used their now
unencumbered bond to put his padawan under, sighing quietly as the
teen slumped against him once again. Outside of the painkiller the
medic had given him, all other drugs had been stripped from Obi-Wan’s
system after his rescue, leaving the teen once again able to grasp
the Force.

Stroking the feline ears on top of Obi-Wan’s head provoked a low,
purr like noise from the others chest and Qui-Gon sighed before
reaching down and lifting the limp tail that was now fused to
Obi-Wan’s tail bone.

‘…Oh Obi-Wan…’


“I’m sorry to say that there is nothing we can do.” Healer Che
frowned at them. “They fully removed your human ears and rewired it
to the feline ears they attached to your body, removing several
internal parts to do it. You need those to hear now. As for the
tail…its now integral to your balance padawan Kenobi because the
feline ear channels are different to the human ones. There is
honestly nothing we can do. This is how things are going to be.”
Her frown turned sympathetic. “I’m sorry.”

“…I’m stuck like this?” Obi-Wan whispered, looking between
them with wide eyes, ears pressing down against his skull and hair,
sitting on the examination bed. “Looking like some kind of holosmut
fetish fantasy?”

Qui-Gon placed his hands on the padawan’s shoulder. “I’m not
going to ask how you know that. But you’re not a holosmut fetish Obi-Wan,
you’re a person and I’m going to help you through this.” He
passed his hand gently over the tip of the ears.

Obi-Wan looked up at him, a sense of hopelessness in his gaze. “…I
guess I should be grateful I have all my limbs shouldn’t I?” The
padawan whispered, shoulders slumping a bit while wrapping his tail
around his leg.

A subconscious move of a new limb.

“We’ll get through this Obi-Wan. I promise.” Qui-Gon lifted one
broad hand and gently scratched the teens ears, smiling faintly at
the low purring that escaped him. “I promise.”


Inktober day 19!

Yesterday, I was so busy I didn’t even have time to sketch a little! Thankfully, that’s not the case today so I’ll upload two drawings to catch up, and since Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan seem to be so popular (and are getting easier to draw – perhaps because I’m drawing them a lot lately xD) here is another sketch of the two.

In a few hours I’ll upload today’s drawing!

A continuation of your sith!quigon please? With him harassing obi wan through their bond? Maybe with Feemor and Xanatos?


The man in question bit his lips and closed his eyes, trying to focus
past the point inside himself, tried to close of the lid he had

You know that doesn’t work. You may as well respond my own’

Obi-Wan rolled his shoulders and glanced around the cell he was being
kept in. For his own safety was what they said.

It didn’t feel like it was for his own safety, it felt like it was
for others comfort, to keep the Jedi bonded to the Sith out of the
loop. Obi-Wan shuddered a bit. At least they hadn’t been cruel enough
to block of his connection to the Force even if there were Sentinels
placed everywhere.

‘My Own, you
best respond now before I do something…rash.’

‘Please stop. I
don’t…I can’t return.’

‘Of course you
can. Don’t tell me you’re happy as you are dear Obi-Wan?’

Obi-Wan huffed a bit then stood slowly from his meditation mat,
moving to the fresher to wash his face. He knew there was something
wrong with him, something inside of him that had fractured when he
had agreed to reignite the bond with Qui-Gon.

Some deeper sense of self that got lost in the others domineering

‘Not really.
You’re still you Obi-Wan. I never wanted to change you my own. Only
have you as the person you are.’

Blasted if Serenus didn’t sound amused.

‘I’m going to
be meeting with mind healers. They’ll help me figure this out.’

jerked and clung to the sink as sudden anger, not his, rushed through

‘They’re going
to try and remove the bond aren’t they? Obi-Wan they can’t and I
won’t let them imp. Don’t you ever think I will let you go willingly.
You belong to me my copper haired imp.’

stop, it hurts…’
breathed harshly as the pain suddenly let up and sunk togheter on the
fresher floor, still holding onto the sink before biting his lips as
a gentle soothing sensation started inside his mind.

that was…unnecessary. I won’t let them take you from me though. You
don’t belong to the Jedi anymore Obi-Wan. I’ll be seeing you soon

Obi-Wan blinked as the bond went silent with those ominous words.


The sith name Darth Serenus belongs to @poplitealqueen. If you enjoy Sith Qui-Gon do please go checkout her things!

Parts of Old Bens life showing through – like being careful of water usage because tatooine, or unconscious shielding cause purges. Idk about sparring, cause on the one hand, illness/age etc, but on the other hand general…

It took Qui-Gon a while to notice. A embarrassingly long time
honestly and it was Quinlan pointing out that Ben should take a warm
shower instead of his usual sonics for his aching bones that finally
clued Qui-Gon in as he took the startled look in Ben’s eyes.

Tatooine was a desert planet.

Ben had lived there for so long.

He waited for the rest to leave before taking Ben’s hands and rubbing
them lightly between his. “Ben, you know that the temple has a
large water reserve? You’re allowed to both shower and bath if you
wish to, no need to ration water for drinking.” He talked softly as
faded green focused on him.


“There’s no water limit here. Else we wouldn’t have fountains. And
aquatic Jedi species.” Qui-Gon smiled, lifting one hand to gently
stroke underneath the wrinkles of one eye. His smile widened a bit
when Ben instantly leaned into the hand, eyes closed as he enjoyed
the touch.

Sweet was the word that popped up in Qui-Gon’s mind as he continued
gently stroking the aged skin, Ben was sweet.


“I’m sorry but it seems the commissary is serving the same tuber
mash and meat chunks again but at least the bread rolls are fresh.”
Qui-Gon sighed as he came back with Obi-Wan to Ben and Quinlan, both
setting down spare trays to the other two.

Quinlan grimaced but pulled his tray to him, peering at the chunks of
meat floating in sauce for a few moments in sulky silence before
shrugging and reaching for the salt.

“I don’t mind. At least its not snake. Spent a whole year only
eating snake once.” Ben murmured as he pulled his own tray to him.
“And scorpions. And some rather nasty worms that grew to about the
length of my arm…” Ben stopped eating and mused on that. “…I
honestly think they caused a slightly hallucinatory reaction.”

Obi-Wan stared at him in horror and looked to Qui-Gon. “Master, I
really don’t want to eat worms.”

Quinlan looked torn between amusement and horror too. “You must
have a stomach made of iron Ben.”

“Lets…just consider ourselves lucky we have this meal? No?”
Qui-Gon shifted a bit closer to Ben as the other man ate peacefully,
dipping his bread roll into the sauce and chewing away with a content


“Are you sure he’s ready for a training session?” Qui-Gon crossed
his arms over his chest, glancing at Vokara who snorted before
sighing. “To be honest, no. But we really have no idea until he has
actually tested his own joints. Sparring saber and a Initiate level
set droid will have to do to figure this out.” She confided in
Qui-Gon as Quinlan continued prowling around the mat with a small
easy smile that hid his worry.

Bant and Obi-Wan and their friends were watching from the benches.

The healer squared her shoulders. “No time like the present you
know to figure these things out. But I do advice he takes a bath
after to soak his muscles and joints.” She gave him a meaningful
look and Qui-Gon nodded, he’d make sure Ben took a bath since the man
sometimes reverted back to saving water.

“Alright then…lets start up the droid then.” He breathed out as
he against his better judgment turned it on. “Ready Ben?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” The man seemed amused by all the
fussing they were doing even if Quinlan was being discreet about his.
And he carefully started blocking the droids moves, the training
saber set on low in case he ended up hurting himself.

“Ah, training he is? Better he has become?” They looked over as
Yoda hobbled in with Shaak Ti behind him, moving to lean on his cane
beside Qui-Gon and Vokara as the togruta nodded happily to them.

“Somewhat, if he can handle Initiate level training I might be able
to up his physical therapy.” The healer huffed, crossing her arms
over his chest.

Shaak spoke up after a few moments. “The droid has a saber too. But
its getting more and more common for blasters to be used, he should
be able to defend himself against a blaster shot if just for our
comfort.” She suggested.

The change was instant the moment the droid fired at Ben.

Feet shifting backwards, hands coming up as he fell into starting
pose of the Soresu, straining muscles screaming out as Ben’s eyes
flashed brightly green as chaotic shields rose with the protective
instincts of a mothering krayt dragon.

But Ben was old, Ben was slower and his body screamed in protest for
his moves even as the first of a set of blast hit his shoulder and
leg and the training saber tumbled from a numbed hand.

And the chaotic shields splintered like a wood for lightning and
through those shields Ben’s memories rose like the cry of something
dark and predatory.

The flash of a bomb as Ben, young and in his prime with a groomed
beard, ran among soldiers dressed in white and orange, his face
covered in blood giving him a gruesome mask as he swiped a shield of
the ground. His shoulder smoking from a fresh blaster wound as he
went crashing into a group of droids with a loud cry, no lightsaber
at his belt.

“That’s it you ugly sons of scrapbolts! Here I am!” He called
with a hoarse voice as fire focused on him.

Ben, brave Ben, who waved his hand behind him at two young padawans.
“GO! I’ll handle this!” Two padawans no more then eleven or
twelve, both sporting armor as they stared with wide frightened eyes.

“Y-Yes Master Kenobi!” They ran, as told, towards the men in
white and orange as Ben kept his eyes on the droids, his teeth
gritted, eyes glittering with fierce protectiveness. Ben who was all
alone against to many droids with to many blasters, to far from his
allies who were helping the padawans into a gunship.

“General Kenobi!” One cried out as Ben caught another blaster
shot in his shoulder again, the armor smoking even as the man
stumbled and bought the shield up.


The image flashed again as suddenly they were thrown out of Ben’s
memories, the man himself swaying on his feet before he sunk to his
knees, taking sharp jagged breaths before suddenly it was like he
wasn’t there anymore.

Qui-Gon stumbled over to him and collapsed beside Ben, touching him
with care as the older man flinched. “Ben. Ben look at me, quickly
now look at me.” He coaxed the other, mentally reaching out to the
all to familiar shields of Ben hiding himself. He ignored the sounds
of someone being sick and continued talking until Ben opened his eyes once
again, faded green looked at him yet past him.

“Ben, you’re safe. Ben you are in the temple. In one of the
salles.” He rubbed the others upper arms while talking soothingly,
trying to hold onto his own thoughts.

“…Temple?” Ben whispered.

“Yes, temple. With me. Can you see me Ben?”

“…Qui-Gon.” Ben whispered then swallowed and leaned forward.
“…Everything hurts…”

“I know, I know. We pushed you to far. How about Quinlan helps you
back to your quarters and makes you tea huh? I can find some of those
fruit pastries you like so much?” He murmured, glancing at Quinlan
who gave a firm nod then knelt down to touch Ben’s arm, smiling
warmly at him when Ben looked at him.

“…Tea sounds good.” Ben nodded and let Quinlan help him up,
supporting himself on the younger man’s arm who guided him past the others
and out of the salle.

Only then did Qui-Gon sit down heavily and rub his face before
staring at Yoda and the others.

Yoda looked like he had aged a year in just those moments. Shaak had
a shaking hand over her mouth while Che was staring at the wall with
her lips pressed together tightly, arms crossed over her chest and
her lekku’s twitching.

He didn’t even dare look towards his padawan for what he might see.

This is what the future had brought Ben.

Their best sent into battles as generals for a war.

Their youngest padawans in armor to battle against droids alongside
men who died for them to keep the padawans safe.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, the image of Ben, of Obi-Wan’s blood covered
face forever seared into the back of his eyelids.

‘No…this will not be the future…’ He opened his eyes to meet
Yoda’s and then Che’s.

This would not be the future of the Jedi, even if they had to tear
themselves from the Republic to prevent it.


She could complain all she wanted but Qui-Gon had seen Asajj’s
interested and greedy look to the little present for her under the

And Maul’s and Savage too.

Obi-Wan had gotten wide eyes when Qui-Gon had told him that Yan was
bringing presents for Lifeday and then had started vibrating all over
the mansion, the lad running himself in circles to make presents for

Qui-Gon had offered to make it simple, give the boy credits and take
him to market so he could find presents.

But Obi-Wan had insisted. His gifts were to come from him and to be
made by hand like he was used to.

He had asked for materials though, colorful papers, glue, glitter,
clay, fabric. What the eight year old had in mind Qui-Gon had no idea
but a quick squeeze of his own had told him it was soft.

Savage had even managed to get a large tree into the house that he
and Obi-Wan together had decorated with Lifeday decorations provided
by the Count himself. A quick conversation with said man had
confirmed that he had to buy them for the occasion and he had gruffly
told Qui-Gon not to let this go to Obi-Wan’s head.

How his little imp had managed to wrap everyone around his finger
Qui-Gon had no idea but it was impressive as everyone slid a present
for Obi-Wan under the tree at some point. Said redhead was busily
running back and forth like a energized beam of sun, switching
between crawling into Yan’s lap and hugging him and then running
around the room and into Qui-Gon’s lap.

“Ouf!” He gave a surprised breath as said ball of sunshine jumped
into Qui-Gon’s lap, beaming up at him with wide eyes. “Obi-Wan…”

“Sorry! Excited! There’s so many presents and look at all the
colors and the food smells really good!” The child bounced on his
knees and Qui-Gon shook his head and shot Maul a glare over the
redhead as he hugged him. “I believe we gave you to much sugar
little imp.”

“You don’t say.” Yan snorted quietly before smiling as Obi-Wan
squirmed out of Qui-Gon’s lap again and ran around the table. Asajj
snorted and poured herself another drink under Qui-Gon’s watchful
gaze, he had already warned both Maul and Asajj what he’d do if they
became actually drunk.

There may be a few things he couldn’t shield Obi-Wan from, but drunk
sith apprentices would be one of them.

Obi-Wan suddenly threw himself at Savage with something in his hands
and climbed the large Zebrak like he was a tree, beaming when he
reached the mans shoulders. “Savage! Help me hang the mistletoe!”

Asajj choked on her drink and spat it out in shock.

Savage grunted before nodding and moving with the child on his
shoulders towards a doorway, a small smirk wounding itself over his
face as Asajj glared at him.

Qui-Gon was tempted to laugh until the mistletoe was hanging and
Obi-Wan promptly pecked Savage on the cheek.

This was going to be a loooong night.