omg i love the idea of stimulation tools for lil adhd obi! can we see some more fluff like this?!💙

Pressing the straw to his padawan’s lips, Qui-Gon chuckled quietly as the boy thirstily drank, eyes wide as they peered up at Qui-Gon as he sucked greedily. “Water first, then I’ll see about getting you a soda, alright?” He murmured fondly, giving Obi-Wan a slightly sterner look when a whine escaped him.

That quieted him down and he focused on clearing the cup of water instead.

Obi-Wan had woken up only half an hour ago, the nurses and medics checking him over before declaring that they wanted the boy to stay overnight before they released him, just in case. In the meantime, Qui-Gon had been encouraged to have Obi-Wan drink and rest and for the trip back to the temple, keep resting and drinking.

Obi-Wan however had an issue drinking water at times, it had to be ice cold before Obi-Wan drank it without fuss generally but right now, Qui-Gon was uncompromising.

A cup of water and then his padawan could have flavored drinks.

Back a the temple, in their own kitchen, they generally had several types of concentrates to create their own flavored drinks, mostly fruit related ones, to ensure Obi-Wan drank something beyond tea as too much caffeine wasn’t great on a growing body.

It was the healers that had suggested the flavored concentrates and frankly, Qui-Gon didn’t mind.

He sometimes indulged in them too but generally stuck to clear water or tea.

Obi-Wan however was different and Qui-Gon had understood that, therefore stocked appropriately, be it the foods Obi-Wan favored on special days or be it the liquids required to ensure his hydration along with the fidget toys to keep him occupied.

Finally the cup was empty and Qui-Gon set it aside, gently running his hand over his padawan’s short hair with a small smile. “Well done Obi-Wan, I know that wasn’t the best but I’m proud of you.” He murmured, knowing how important positive reinforcement was for the other.

Pushing into the touch, Obi-Wan preened slightly, smiling shyly up at him. “Now can I get a soda?” He asked quietly.

Reaching into his robes, pulling out Obi-Wan’s fidget cube and pressing it into his hands, Qui-Gon nodded. “Of course, just give me a few minutes. The drinks machine is down the hall and rather busy, so it will take me a few minutes. Do you have a preference?” He questioned.

Pausing, flickering the button on his fidget cube, Obi-Wan furrowed his brows before looking up, shaking his head. “Not really but something fruity would be best.” The boy stated, curled up in the medbed, looking so much smaller for it.

Nodding, stroking his hand over the short spikes once more, Qui-Gon turned and headed out of the room, breathing deeply.

He was so relieved that despite the injuries he received, Obi-Wan didn’t seem worse for wear. Simply tired, somewhat antsy and a bit bored, as anyone would be in a medical facility.

Qui-Gon was doing his best to filter and block the normal miasma of pain and discomfort echoing in the Force in the medical center and so far, it seemed to be working as Obi-Wan rested properly.

It could also be the painkillers he guessed but many Jedi, Obi-Wan among them, never rested well in medical facilities, the general state of people in search of healing, of people dying and despair often echoing in the Force around them.

Even the Halls in the temple had remains of it, despite the Healers doing their best to purify the Force there.

With Obi-Wan’s sensitivity, coupled with his ADHD, Qui-Gon had worried…

Well, they were getting out of the facility tomorrow and back at the temple, Yan would be waiting for them.

He was actually nervous about that, he wasn’t sure what Yan would say about Obi-Wan once he meet him and it had been such a long time since he himself had seen his old master… but, well, Yan had been briefed about Obi-Wan’s condition.

For all their sakes, Qui-Gon hoped it would go well.

Night time comfort

Grunting in surprise as he had been tethering on the edge of sleep when
his door had opened, Qui-Gon lifted a hand to his eyes to shield from
the light as he squinted at his doorway at the shape standing there
framed in light.

Though honestly there weren’t many people it
could potentially be other than his padawan if Qui-Gon really thought
about it but to be fair, his brain was on the edge of sleep!

The teen stood there, uncertain, his pillow held tightly in his arms and his eyes red rimmed.

Blinking, Qui-Gon pushed himself up on his elbow a bit. “Obi-Wan?” He rumbled, voice thick with the sleep he had almost reached.

boy shuffled. “I-I’m sorry, I just…” He stuttered, tone uncertain and
borderline frightened and Qui-Gon felt his heart break before he

This was not the first time Obi-Wan had showed up in
his doorway at night, the boy had been through civil war, terrible
visions and pain enough for anyone to have nightmares. The boy clearly
had lingering traumas if not outright PTSD after the Melida/Daan affair.

And clearly he expected to be sent away and to deal with his own trauma as he always did.

here padawan,” Qui-Gon instead invited as he lifted his arm to hold the
blanket up. Instantly his padawan quickly scuttled inside and closed
the door behind him before Obi-Wan closed the distance from the door to
the bed and crawled in under Qui-Gon’s arm with his pillow under his
head. He pushed in close as Qui-Gon placed his arm and the blanket
around him. “Nightmare?” Qui-Gon asked quietly as he stroked the baby
soft hairs of the others nape with a gentle hand.

Obi-Wan nodded into the warm and muscled chest of the older Jedi.

glad I decided to wear a sleep tunic to bed tonight.’ He thought to
himself as he continued to slowly rub at hairs and nape before rubbing
down the others back. “Its alright, you can stay here with me.” Qui-Gon
promised quietly.

There was a little sniffle and then Obi-Wan
cuddled as close as his small body allowed him while accepting the
comforts of his master, his little hands tightening into the others
sleep tunic.

When the other didn’t make any noises for close to a
half hour, Qui-Gon started to suspect the other was asleep and settled
his hand on the boys back as he settled to try and go back to sleep.
Honestly it wouldn’t take too much with the warm little teddy curled
into his body.

However just moments before he could, Obi-Wan did
speak up. “I’m sorry master, I’m suppose to take care of myself but I
keep coming here and crawling into your bed.” He hiccuped quietly and
hid his face in Qui-Gon’s chest.

To be fair, Qui-Gon couldn’t see
the other anyhow as he couldn’t see in the dark. Pulling the boy a bit
up he instead pressed a soft kiss to the redhead’s forehead. “Don’t
Obi-Wan. I am here to be your guardian and your teacher, that is the job
of a master and that includes helping you through any eventual issues
you have. As long as you trust me to help you.” Qui-Gon murmured

There was a little sniffle and then a nod. “I trust you.
You’re safe… you’re big and safe.” Obi-Wan whispered so quietly Qui-Gon
almost couldn’t hear him.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed
another kiss to the others forehead. “Then I’ll keep on trying to look
after you, everyday for as long as you stay my padawan.” He promised

There was a soft snuffle and then Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the others chest, holding on. “Thank you…” He whispered.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed his nose to the others hair.

He may not be able to guard Obi-Wan from his nightmares or from the visions the Force sent him… but he could reassure him.

Oh, the kyber little shots one, maybe learn about when Obi-Wan’s freckles started to glow? Because we know they didn’t glow as a child, so I’m really curious.

His padawan is a special child.

Qui-Gon is one of the few people in the temple that is aware just how special Obi-Wan truly is and he will do anything in his power to ensure that no one outside those already aware learn just how unique he is.

Of course, teaching a teenager emotional control wasn’t exactly the easiest, their brains swimming in hormones and impulses but Obi-Wan did his best. Qui-Gon was actually rather proud of how put together his padawan was, he was after all just turning sixteen this year.

For those instances where he couldn’t keep his tears at bay, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan both carried special pouches to store the kyber tears, to hide them from view both visually and in the Force. Accidents happened and Qui-Gon wasn’t about to scold his boy when tears were natural.

Of course, just because he thinks he’s prepared for everything he thinks a Star Child’s biology will throw at him…

Well, a wrench is thrown into all of Qui-Gon’s planning one morning.

It starts out as normal, that’s what’s so mystifying, no warning at all for what is to come.

Its an utterly normal, slightly gray morning, rain falling on Coruscant as Qui-Gon quietly enjoys a cup of tea while waiting for his padawan to wake, letting the boy sleep in a bit.

Its the weekend, so no lessons have been scheduled and Qui-Gon has already decided that Obi-Wan can get the day of, so he has no need to get his padawan out of bed in a hurry and send him of with breakfast and some morning meditation today.

He needs some decompression time, to explore his own interests and maybe see his friends if he wishes.

With his grades, Obi-Wan more than deserved the time off and Qui-Gon has no complaints about the boy’s meditation and saber practice. He’s well within the acceptable range of a normal padawan at his age.

Which is why he gets his own shock when Obi-Wan’s emotions suddenly spills across their bond in a mix of fear and shock, Qui-Gon rising quickly with his cup still in his hand, hot liquid spilling over his hand as a loud squeak suddenly comes from the others bedroom.

Hissing, he quickly set it down on the table, wondering what had woken his padawan so sharply, Qui-Gon’s own heart in his throat as he makes his way towards Obi-Wan’s bedroom quickly.

Before he could reach it though, Obi-Wan’s door slips open, his wide eyed padawan standing with his hanging over his shoulder and his clothes rumpled from sleep.

Not that Qui-Gon notices that.

No, he’s too busy staring at Obi-Wan, his mouth hanging open unattractively as he stares at a collection of stars across Obi-Wan’s face along with the others eyes glowing ever so faintly.

The latter he might not have noticed if he wasn’t so used to Obi-Wan, but he is very familiar with the his padawan’s eyes and he sees the new glow they now carry.

But his face is what has Qui-Gon’s attention most firmly and it takes him a full minute before he recognizes that the ‘stars’ are freckles.

Obi-Wan’s freckles have turned into a pathway of glowing lights, dotting his face. “Oh Force, Obi-Wan, what…” He rasped, stepping closer to cup the others face.

“I don’t know master, I woke up and… they’re on my hands too.” Obi-Wan held his hands up, distressed and shaking, eyes watering slightly with his emotions as his lips quivering with emotions.

Rubbing at one of the freckles on the boy’s cheek with his thumb, Qui-Gon bit his bottom lip. If he was to take a guess, he’d imagine all of Obi-Wan’s freckles had now turned into an array of stars.

He had no doubt that this was related to the others biology, to being a star child. “…We’re going to the healers, go fetch your robe with the large hood. If we go quickly, most of the temple will be asleep still,” He stated slowly. “Quickly now, I’ll comm Vokara Che and have her ready.” Qui-Gon murmured soothingly, trying to ease the others fear.

There were only a few healers allowed to treat Obi-Wan, due to his unique nature and Qui-Gon would admit, he preferred Vokara Che, the younger woman was a stern but good healer.

Stroking the others cheeks with his thumbs to comfort, Qui-Gon gently squeezed to get the others attention. “We’ll deal with this Obi-Wan, trust me.” He murmured a tad sternly.

Thankfully, those words had the intended effect, he could feel Obi-Wan slump slightly into his grasp, nodding. “I do master. I do.” He sniffled slightly, reaching out and hugging his master around the middle.

Breathing out, Qui-Gon ran his hand over the soft bristle of Obi-Wan’s hair.

He wasn’t sure he could help but hopefully, the healers would have an idea. ‘Thank the Force he still trusts me…’ Qui-Gon hugged the boy tightly to him for a few seconds before pushing him back and into his room, summoning his own comms to call, worry and resignation weighing heavily on him.

More sensitivetorejection plzzzz (more fluff teehee)

Bowing his head in thanks to the medic, Qui-Gon watched the woman leave before turning his attention back to his padawan, carefully drawing the other’s left hand into his to have a point of physical contact, the other equipped with an IV line still.

He tried not to wince at the sight of his too small padawan in a large, sterile bed, the other looking far too much like a broken doll than a human at that moment for Qui-Gon’s comfort.

Obi-Wan had unfortunately suffered a few broken ribs due to the debris being blown around, some blood loss and he had a head wound filled with shrapnel, it had caused the medics to shave the left side of Obi-Wan’s head.

It left his poor padawan looking quite odd, copper hair on one side and nothing on the other side.

If it wasn’t for the sickly paleness of his skin and the swollen state of his eyes, one could mistake it for an odd hair cutting accident or a youngling cutting their own hair.

Qui-Gon wasn’t unfamiliar to children cutting their own hair unfortunately.

But coupled with the eyes and his skin, Obi-Wan looked the state of the victim he was.

But he was alive.

Qui-Gon knew that a few people had not survived the trauma of the shop exploding.

From the gossip he heard in the hall, it had been some sort of food place, a gas container had apparently been the cause of this entire disaster.

An accident.

Squeezing his padawan’s hand, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh and looked to the wall with a small frown on his face.

He could imagine why Obi-Wan had stopped, he was quite aware that his padawan was part of the unifying Force. A little glimpse into the future, a little vision slipping past his eyes…

Qui-Gon didn’t like visions and precognition, exactly for the reason Obi-Wan was now laid out in bed and injured.

It didn’t always help and sometimes could be outright damaging.

There would have been next to nothing they could have done about the exploding shop and if they had continued walking, Obi-Wan might not have gotten as hurt as he did.

Normally, he would have told Obi-Wan to focus on the now.


But Obi-Wan wasn’t normal.

His ADHD made what was a gentle guidance seem so much worse, Obi-Wan could take Qui-Gon’s gentle direction to try and focus on the now as a rejection of Obi-Wan’s very nature and that…

That could not come to pass.

Teens that felt rejected felt the need to hide and lie, Qui-Gon could not have that, not with Obi-Wan.

His condition made it imperative that he trusted Qui-Gon, should something go wrong, he must feel that he could at the very least go to Qui-Gon, so they could work out what was going on.

Yoda was skilled with precognition but he was also old and as much as Qui-Gon loved his grandmaster, the prospect of sending Obi-Wan to Yoda, who could be rigid and unbending about his own ways was setting of warning signals in Qui-Gon’s head.

Obi-Wan’s condition meant he needed a gentler hand.

Someone used to being careful but was also aware of precognition enough to teach.

Rubbing Obi-Wan’s hand, Qui-Gon frowned deeply before sighing and glancing at the dimmed sun filtering in through the window. “…Guess I’ll be sending Yan a message.” He mused a tad darkly to himself.

It wasn’t that he didn’t still care for his old master but he and Yan…

Well, they were very different people and the last stages of Qui-Gon’s apprenticeship had been a tad fraught.

But, Yan knew how to be careful, of that Qui-Gon was sure.

A man that while not outright cared for younglings, could cradle them carefully and sooth someone in need of it. And Yan was also part of the unifying Force.

If supplied with the correct information on Obi-Wan’s condition, Yan would potentially be the best choice.

‘If only to stop something like this from happening again.’ Qui-Gon reached up with his free hand and gently stroked Obi-Wan’s pale cheek, smiling sadly down at his padawan.

sorry if this repeats idk if the first one went through lol. can we see some more sensitivetorejecton? how does their mission go? (hopefully fluffy)😃

Coughing harshly as awareness hit Qui-Gon like a ton of painful bricks, the Jedi blinked heavily as the sounds of crying and yelling sounded, his head throbbing as he tried to remember what in the world had happened.

His last memory had been…

“Obi-Wan… Obi-Wan.” He rasped, reaching out through their bond for his padawan as he struggled to sit up, pushing wood and duracrete off himself as he sat up, groaning in pain.

They had been walking down the street among the crowd of beings, their mission done, they were suppose to go home and then Obi-Wan had paused and looked around with confusion.

The boy must have felt something or noticed something with his hyperfocus, something Qui-Gon had not noticed, because a moment later, panic had crossed his face and he had opened his mouth.

It had been too late though.

The world had promptly exploded into a million pieces, wood and duracrete of the shops around them flying and something had hit Qui-Gon hard, sending him into the real of unconsciousness.

Struggling up on his knees, Qui-Gon looked around, barely recognizing the street from before, debris everywhere along with fire.

The shop Obi-Wan had paused in front of was fully gone, a crater left behind where it had once been.

The sight was enough for Qui-Gon to understand the gist of it.

The shop had exploded, whatever it had been and now there were injured and dead people all around the damaged shops.

And Obi-Wan was no where in sight, his padawan was unconscious and Qui-Gon had to find him.

Shaking as he struggled to his feet, Qui-Gon wrapped one arm around his ribs while scanning the area. He knew where he had last seen Obi-Wan, but if the force of the explosion had sent hi-wait, that boot…

Qui-Gon struggled towards what looked like half a wall, a familiar pair of boots sticking out from under it, stumbling over debris as people hurried around him, everyone trying to help and find others.

“Obi-Wan!” He rasped out as loudly as he could, kneeling down at the wall.

With a bit of Force as his ribes were strained already, Qui-Gon managed to push it up and away, finding his padawan laying still and pale beneath it, breathing shallowly with a thin stream of blood coming from his nose.

Cursing quietly, Qui-Gon reached out and started gingerly touching Obi-Wan’s neck, carefully testing it before breathing out in relief as he pulled the boy into a recovery position. ‘At least he hasn’t damaged his neck.’ Qui-Gon thought grimly, pausing when Obi-Wan’s little dice fell out of a damaged belt pouch.

Picking it up, Qui-Gon placed the stimming tool into his own belt pouch, knowing his padawan would want it back once he was conscious.

“Alright, hold on imp, just hold on.” Qui-Gon whispered, doing what he could as he looked around, hoping the medics and local law enforcement would come soon. His large hand rested on Obi-Wan’s forehead as Qui-Gon struggled to breath, his damaged ribs requiring him to take shallow breaths.

‘One hell of an end to a first mission.’ He couldn’t help but muse darkly to himself, blinking blood out of his eyes, likely steaming from a cut up in his hairline.

Obi’s pup still winds up in space, but Qui-Gon doesn’t die in Lupine Copper. However, Obi finds he dislikes the smell of Palpatine in generally, he absolutely hates the man’s smell when he tries to interact with his pup.

Depending on ones point of view, you are either extremely lucky or extremely unlucky to see two werewolves fight for survival or dominance.

After all, werewolves do their best to hide and survive with as good lives as they could and therefore generally ignored each other unless their instincts took over.

Therefore even Qui-Gon is shocked by the noise that escapes Obi-Wan’s throat as his padawan suddenly moves in front of everyone, green eyes locked on the Sith in front of him. But when the Sith full focus turns to Obi-Wan and he answers with the same noise, Qui-Gon knows.

He’s about to witness a Jedi werewolf and a Sith werewolf go up against each other, his saber powering down as he glances to the Nabooan making their way to the elevator.

They are all giving Obi-Wan looks, ranging from shock to contempt to fear and Qui-Gon wants to curse before his full focus is on the two wolves about to fight as bones start creaking and both shift.

And both are turning into the biggest wolves they can become clearly, Obi-Wan’s head raising in a challenging howl as he turns as big as a draft horse.

The Sith, black as night in his wolf form, is slightly bigger but not by much and even then, that would not determined the fight from the start as he echos the howl.

The two sentient in beast forms stares at each other, both panting, tongues rolling from their mouth as their bodies quivers with raging muscles.

Jerking forward, the Sith attacks first, Qui-Gon barely jumping out of the way in time as the black wolf slams into Obi-Wan, the two rolling across the floor in a fit of snarls and vicious paws, both biting at each other.

Obi-Wan tries to go for the throat only to whine in pain as his snout is scratched by vicious claws, blood rolling down him.

And Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon is uncertain what to do.

Had this been a battle of any other kind, he would have interfered in some way.

But… this is a werewolves battle of dominance.

If he interfered, he might be turning the Sith wolf loose on the population should it decide to flee and there aren’t many things that can stop an adult werewolf, their hide blaster repellent as it is coupled with powerful muscles.

No, Qui-Gon was stuck right where he was as an observer, his lightsaber held loosely in his hand as he watched with no small amount of horror as his padawan howled with pain and bleed onto the durasteel floor, unable to help him. This fight was on Obi-Wan, the challenge between two wolves locked in ancient combat.

Once, long ago, Obi-Wan had quietly explained that when werewolves fought, it was generally for dominance or for the right to a mate. That one issued a challenge though Obi-Wan had never felt the need since he had no need to stake a mate or stake dominance.

‘But of course the Sith had to be a werewolf, of karking course Obi-Wan’s instincts would take over now.’ Qui-Gon cursed, following after the two when they Obi-Wan threw the Sith through a durasteel door, the door buckling in from the weight hitting it and Obi-Wan shooting after his enemy.

Everyone now gone from the hanger, no one was there to see Anakin and R2 take off, the boy staying in the ship just like Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had told him to.

They never said he had to stay in the hanger after all…oh, Anakin was so grounded for even longer, he just knew it.

I am intrigued by the concept of lifeinmusic. I was reading the theory about how it’s easier to channel the Force with a violin than on a harmonica since it’s harder with the lungs, and I was wondering if Obi eventually learns how to channel it with his voice? It would be easier then bringing around a violin everywhere he goes. BTW your grandpa Dooku is delightful. Skeevy Sheevy and Plagueis better keep their filthy hands on Obi. Will baby Ani make an appearance earlier then in canon? I hope so!

Letting out a tiny noise of despair, Obi-Wan pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s tunic, the older Jedi soothingly rubbing the boy’s back even as he sent a guilty looking Yan a glare over the boy’s head. “Come now Obi-Wan, the dentist isn’t that bad.” Qui-Gon murmured reassuringly.

Obi-Wan let out a muffled wail against his chest before wincing and digging his hands into Qui-Gon’s chest, the boy smasming a bit with suppressed pain.

Due to his grandmaster’s rather spoiling nature with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had unfortunately developed a tooth ache, as Qui-Gon quite rigorously regulated just how much sweets Obi-Wan ate and ensured the boy brushed at least twice if not three times a day while in the temple.

While out on a mission there were times when they couldn’t of course but Qui-Gon always ensured it while in temple and they had not been on a mission in over three months, since they returned from Utapau.

Which meant that Yan was once more sneaking Obi-Wan sweets when Qui-Gon wasn’t looking.

And frankly, Qui-Gon still might not know if it wasn’t for the fact that Obi-Wan could no longer play his instrument.

Since Obi-Wan rested his cheek on his violin or used his mouth to blow the harmonica, that meant that his mouth was in use with vibrations.

Vibrations that went straight to his jaw bone and his teeth.

And that was how Qui-Gon figured it out when Obi-Wan attempted to play a violin solo for him and Yan, the latest piece Obi-Wan had been learning in his of time to play and would be preforming for a padawan talent show.

They had tried singing to begin with but Obi-Wan’s powers did not extend to his voice, something Qui-Gon was kind of grateful for, because it meant Obi-Wan would have to be extremely careful with his singing and he knew that Obi-Wan enjoyed shower singing actually.

He could be rather loud sometimes.

Honestly, Qui-Gon was looking forward to see everyone react to Obi-Wan’s skills, he had been bragging to both Micah and Tahl for weeks now. But if Obi-Wan wouldn’t let Qui-Gon bring him to the dental droid, then Obi-Wan couldn’t play.

Rubbing slowly, Qui-Gon shifted the teen until he had drawn Obi-Wan into his lap, legs resting on one side of Qui-Gon’s large lap. “Obi-Wan come now, I know its not the most fun thing,” Yan snorted only to hold up his hands in surrender when Qui-Gon shot him a sharp glare. “But you can not play unless you get your tooth fixed.” Qui-Gon tried coaxingly.

Obi-Wan whined, refusing to lift his face from Qui-Gon’s chest, acting more like a frightened five year old than a-aha.

Realization hit Qui-Gon and he ran his hand gently over the boy’s short spikes once more. “Oh Obi-Wan,” He murmured tenderly, feeling the boy pause in surprise as he clung to Qui-Gon. “You have odontophobia, don’t you?” Qui-Gon rumbled quietly. “A fear of dentist.” He clarified when the boy let out a confused noise.

That got a flinch out of Obi-Wan and if he wasn’t as big, Qui-Gon would be shaking with Obi-Wan when the boy started quivering in his lap.

That confirmed it.

Obi-Wan had a phobia of dentist.

Yan rubbed his face and looked to Qui-Gon, as bewildered as Qui-Gon in how to deal with this.

Neither had ever enjoyed going to the dental droids of course but neither of them had ever dealt with a fear of them either, nor had any of their friends had it.

But there were of course a few individuals that would have said fear, even among Jedi. It wasn’t as unnatural as Obi-Wan might think and Qui-Gon continued rubbing the others head and back.

“It is alright Obi-Wan, it is alright padawan,” Qui-Gon murmured, even as his mind swirled over ideas on how to get his little musician to the dentist. “We’ll figure this out.” He promised softly.

Ahhh so pleased that Obi has gotten Quinlan to free Shmi in #lupinecopper! Sounds like Obi and Qui are going to Naboo without Anakin, I hope when they get there Padme isn’t too horrible to Obi and that Qui survives the fight with Maul. I need to see a happy Jedi family of Qui, Obi and Anakin!!! I LOVE your work!!!!!

Frowning slightly to himself as he listened to his master and the captain talk about the return trip to Naboo and what they were going to do, Obi-Wan glanced around while discreetly trying to sniff the air.

For some reason he had an odd feeling in his chest ever since they left Coruscant.

Nothing he could really put his finger on, just something strange echoing in his chest and became stronger the further away from Coruscant they got.

The feeling made him cross his arms over his chest as he mulled over it.

For all that it wasn’t an outright bad feeling, it made him feel wary at the very least, as if he was to be on guard and it made his wolf instincts sit up and take notice.

It was almost as if…

Suddenly Obi-Wan snapped to, eyes narrowed and his sudden jerk had both the captain and his master focusing on him. “Obi-Wan?” The tall Jedi stated curiously.

Baring his teeth as he raised his nose to the air, Obi-Wan took a deep breath, singling out the scents before he started marching through the ship, Qui-Gon following him with an air of concern and curiosity as Obi-Wan let out a contentious, low growling noise.

Generally, Obi-Wan was pretty good at hiding his wolf characteristic until they were in the temple, a place where everyone already knew and no one would expose him to the outside world.

But at the current moment all his canine aspects were on display that were possible in his human form.

And Qui-Gon realized why when Obi-Wan reached in past a protesting astromech to draw a yelping Anakin Skywalker out from the astromech station, the boy dangling like a naughty pup in the padawan’s grasp.

Shaking the boy, Obi-Wan glared down at him, though Qui-Gon noted with relief that the boy looked far from fearful and just looked sheepish instead, tanned cheeks flushed as he peered up with large, blue eyes. “Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-Wan hissed, teeth clenched. “You are suppose to be in the Jedi creche.” He growled out.

Squirming in the grasp, Anakin pouted at him. “But I was suppose to go with!” He protested.

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to snap his mouth shut when Qui-Gon settled a warm, large hand on his shoulder. “Suppose to go with us Anakin?” Qui-Gon rumbled, Obi-Wan shooting the other an offended look even as he tried to calm down, noting the curious and alarmed Nabooean beyond the open door of the astromech room.

Hopefully none of them realized the connection between Obi-Wan’s behavior and a werewolf.

Most people never meet werewolves really, most of them did their best to hide themselves due to predjuces.

Squirming until Obi-Wan set him on his feet, Anakin nodded. “Uhu, something said I had to go too.” The boy stated, pouting still as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Pausing at that explanation, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exchanged uncertain looks.

Something had told the boy to come with, both could tell that Anakin wasn’t lying to them but that would mean the Force had potentially told Anakin to go with them.

And that was… disturbing.

The idea of needing a nine year old in a battle zone was not something Obi-Wan appreciated.

Sighing deeply as Qui-Gon thoughtfully rubbed his beard, Obi-Wan reached out and pulled his pup to him. “…Okay but you’re sticking close to either me or master Qui-Gon, understand Anakin? No wandering off, we’re going into an active battle zone with very bad people.” Obi-Wan stated seriously.

Perking up, clearly relieved he wasn’t being scolded, Anakin nodded seriously as Obi-Wan’s hand came to hold onto the back of the boy’s neck, as if he was holding onto the scruff of a pup.

He deflated at Obi-Wan’s next words. “And you are so grounded when we get back to the temple.”

Repercussion for actions were always a must and Obi-Wan refused to let the boy get away with this as he guided Anakin out of the mech room to the room the Jedi shared instead, sighing deeply as Anakin pouted to himself.

Force save him from impetuous pups.

Oh aw, Qui-Gon is such a sweet and understanding dad to Adhd Obi-Wan. My mom used to rub my back like that too, I loved it as a kid and still honestly do. Could we have more soft fluff?

Sitting up, Qui-Gon ruffled Obi-Wan’s outgrown hair as the other grumbled while wiggling his feet in the air. “I know, but your feet are freezing Obi-Wan, you keep those socks on or I’m going to ground you.” He stated warningly.

Obi-Wan had a habit of walking around bare feet in their quarters and while normally that wasn’t an issue, currently it was one, the winter season of Coruscant and two, their section of the temples heating system was on the fritz.

The mechanics were trying to fix it as fast as possible, especially for the species that relied on heat for their well being but they still hadn’t isolated the cause of the fritz.

That meant that their quarters were colder than normally and while Qui-Gon hadn’t noticed it at first, when Obi-Wan flopped over his lap as he had come to do, Qui-Gon had taken notice of Obi-Wan’s blue toenails.

Which had lead to him summoning a pair of fathier fur socks Qui-Gon had bought soon after learning how sensitive Obi-Wan was to fabrics and materials his body didn’t approve of.

While Obi-Wan could stand fathier fur, he was grouchy now due to having to wear socks and Qui-Gon tweaked one of the others toes for point, listening to the little yelp. “See? They’re too cold. I can feel your cold feet through the socks for Force sake.” He half scolded, his tone tinged more with worry than anything else.

Huffing, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly. “I know. I just really don’t like wearing socks outside of my boots. And that’s because I have to.” He grumbled even as he reached for his pad to start reading and make note for his astronavigational homework.

Chuckling quietly, Qui-Gon rewarded the huffy teen by rubbing his back, smiling slightly as the boy instantly started to relax.

Obi-Wan was a sucker for physical affection unless he was having one of his meltdowns.

It painted the picture that Obi-Wan wasn’t used to receiving so much positive attention and Qui-Gon was doing his best to cure that notion.

Obi-Wan had enough issues going on, the last thing Qui-Gon wanted was for the other to develop touch starvation on top of everything else.

Picking up his pad with his free hand, Qui-Gon went back to reading the study on ADHD that Che had sent him, frowning slightly at the suggestions for stimulation he could get Obi-Wan. Some of them were out already due to the noises they would make, something Jedi couldn’t afford on missions that employed stealth.

But a few of them looked pretty good to him.

‘The popping tool that looks like a pea pod could work,’ Qui-Gon mused. ‘The rolling ring potentially, the tangle thing could also work out, the dice with buttons and dials…’ He tapped at the screen with his thumb to zoom in and not drop his pad.

Some of these things he would simply have to buy and show Obi-Wan, see how he reacted to the stimming tools.

From what Qui-Gon had read, different people reacted differently to the tools, so what worked for others might not work for Obi-Wa- “Bears make plugs out of their poop for hibernation to preserve energy.” He chirped.

Qui-Gon’s brain froze, the man lowering his pad slowly to stare at Obi-Wan’s head. “…What?” He rasped out.

Obi-Wan just shrugged. “Plug out of poop. Makes sense, they sleep for months.” He stated innocently, wiggling.

Blinking heavily as he raised his eye from his padawan, Qui-Gon stared at the darkening window of Coruscant outside. ‘…Thank the Force I put parental locks on all the pads and terminals in our quarters…’ He mused for a long second.

There was no telling what kind of rabbit hole of information Obi-Wan could potentially stumble upon if Qui-Gon had not. ‘…Bear buttplug…’ The deep recesses of Qui-Gon’s mind chimed in and he had to fight the urge to giggle inappropriately.