Sweetheart hungry was great. When they get to the Negotiator, Obi is going to find himself in the middle of a clone cuddle pile. I wonder how they would respond if someone tried to take advantage of Obi, thinking that some of the rumors were true.

Letting out a happy little grumble as he shifted between the mass of warmth and hardness, Obi-Wan let out a bone cracking yawn before reaching down to scratch his stomach as an itch presented itself. As his hand encountered bare skin, his memories returned to him of the last night and he smiled sleepily.

They had finally gotten back to the Negotiator, Cody barking orders left and right with Boil following behind the Commander with Obi-Wan in his arms, Helix hot on their trails with Potion dragging any injured vode with him to the medbay.

The CMO however was focused on the Jedi and since he was the one that had best…ah, control so to speak, of him, the other medics were content to leave Obi-Wan to Helix tender mercy.

Not that Obi-Wan needed much care in regards to medical attention, not this time.

What Obi-Wan had really needed was attention.

Which was why Helix had sent of a message to some of the troopers on ship prior to them docking and by the time the stolen ship finally landed, a break room had been transformed into a cuddle puddle room.

The original furniture was nowhere in sight, meanwhile mattresses from several beds were laid out over the floor along with blankets, pillows and duvets, some Obi-Wan recognized as having been unused due to the fact that they didn’t smell like any of the troopers and only of the standard issue cleaning detergent used on the GAR supplies.

But it was the content of those mattresses that had piped Obi-Wan’s attention as Boil finally set him down onto the soft surface. Troopers either dressed in only boxers or their blacks, those not on duty, all of them happy to see him and happy to help him out of his own clothes.

Helix had of course shooed them away once Obi-Wan was only in his boxers, giving him a general checkup and taken a blood test.

But then Obi-Wan had been released from medical attention with the strict order to eat.

Obi-Wan had been pulled into the middle of the pile the moment he was released, Gregor becoming an octopus as he wrapped himself up around Obi-Wan with a happy noise. Hands, warm and callused, found his skin to gently rub or pet, the sensation of affection and care in the Force almost overwhelming along with the additional skin touches.

Obi-Wan might honestly have become a tad drunk on the touches if he was honest.

Sex of course was very good to fill him up but…

So many years of empty sex had taught Obi-Wan how hollow that kind of feeding was, how the view of the person he slept with effected the way he feed. The affection the troopers held for him, the care and love…

It meant that he didn’t need sex at all really and while Obi-Wan certainly wasn’t asexual, there was relief to not having to work up someone to have sex for him to eat, to make them passionate enough that Obi-Wan wouldn’t go hungry.

Nor to pretend the sex was great when Obi-Wan didn’t get much else out of it, it was why he often had resorted to going with Quinlan before if possible.

Sex was nice but it was better with genuine emotions and Obi-Wan just… well he didn’t really have much sexual desire when the person was unfamiliar.

Bant had once stated to him that it sounded like he was pansexual, that his attraction wasn’t in looks but in personalities and emotions, that he needed a connection to feed of a person properly.


All Obi-Wan knew was that he felt better when it was a person he cared for and who cared for him in return, the sensation of a stranger leaving him strangely cold occasionally and the friendly touches of people like Anakin having a bitter edge to them at times.

But a trooper…a vode…

A warm hand traced down his side, prompting Obi-Wan to open his eyes in the dark of the rec room, blinking sleepily at the ceiling before turning his head to squint in the dark, meeting Waxer’s eyes, the bald clone smiling at him before reaching out to gently tug Obi-Wan against his chest.

Going willingly, he let out a content him as another hand stroked along his spine, a trooper at his back following when Obi-Wan moved.

Boil, of that Obi-Wan was certain and when he felt a soft kiss pressed to a bare shoulder with the telltale tickle of a mustache, he was sure.

The sensation made him smile against Waxer’s brown shoulder.

Clearly, it was still night time schedule on the ship, if Waxer and Boil were with him and stretching out his senses, Obi-Wan could feel the rest of the troopers that had come with him, Gregor somehow having moved to the outskirts without alerting Obi-Wan.

The boys were good at rotating, those who wanted to cuddle with Obi-Wan, got to cuddle and Obi-Wan couldn’t be more thrilled at it, feeding from several people left him sated.

And not just in the hunger of his body way but a hunger of his mind and skin too.

Oh, Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid, for all his incubus nature, he knew he was a tad touch starved.

The lack of friendly touch outside of sex had ensured a slight isolation when Obi-Wan wasn’t sure who to trust with his secrets as an incubus and his uncertainty to who might try to take advantage of his nature.

But the troopers…

Obi-Wan was blessed for having them and he pressed his face to the junction of Waxer’s neck, pressing a soft kiss to it, getting a soft hum in return. Yes, Obi-Wan considered himself blessed by the troopers he had in his life.

All of them gems in their own ways.

‘What would I do without them.’ Obi-Wan mused contently, letting out a soft, sleepy noise of happiness.

Authorsight. Oh no!! Moddy got hurt! I hope she gets better. And I hope Anakin gets his answers, especially since hes now going to have about 50 more.

Adjusting her oxygen mask after eating, Moddy settled back in the bed and looked at Anakin with her off colored eyes, thoughtful and quiet as the padawan squirmed. “…You got questions kiddo?” She tilted her head.

She clearly knew why he had come, though Anakin had insisted she’d eat before he’d badger her. Food was important and the healer said that she had to have food with her medication after all.

Tugging lightly at the hem of his tunic, Anakin licked at his lips. “Sort of… I mean, your powers… where is mom?” He quietly asked.

Moddy hummed then her off colored, blind eye flashed with light.

Just for a second.

But enough that she grunted and enough for the Force to flash, breathing slightly heavier.

Force, what kind of mission had she gone through?

Or was it her chronic disabilities that Obi-Wan had hinted at. Knight Moddy supposedly had a few, both physical and mental ones.

She reached up and rubbed at her eye, breathing out heavily. “Currently on a ship to Naboo apparently, completely safe. She’s working for the captain for the trip to it. Something about child care?” She squinted at Anakin with her good eye.

Fiddling even more with the hem at that, Anakin shrugged a tad awkwardly, suddenly aware of how long ago it was that he saw his mother last. “She… she’s always been good with kids.”

Was she still?

Did Anakin know his mother still?

He still loved her, that much he knew but did he know her?

‘…I’ve forgotten how she smelled… the sound of her voice…’ A part of him told himself that he’d know the sound of her voice and her face the moment he saw it. But a smaller part, quiet and almost cynic, pointed out the years of distance.

Would Anakin really recognize his own mother?

“…Just because you’re not at her side, doesn’t mean you love her less or she loves you less.” Knight Moddy’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin’s head jerked up, the boy realizing his chin had been dipping.

He stared at her, eyes wide.

“You’re projecting,” She stated calmly, shifting carefully on the bed and then grunting in pain. “I still love my parents, despite them giving me over to the Jedi… no, that’s not quite right, I love them because they gave me over, is more like.” She stated a tad thoughtfully, breathing out into the mask.

“…How… how does that work?” Anakin swallowed thickly, frowning at the knight.

What did a Jedi, given over in young age, know about loving parents anyhow?

But considering all the help she had given him, Anakin didn’t call her out on that, simply waited.

Moddy stared at him for a long few moments, her look almost pitying but not quite. Anakin knew what pity was and it wasn’t what Moddy was looking at him with. “…My home planet is nice, beautiful even. But its also very diverse, the humans there…” She looked away, staring at a tiny crack in the wall. “…Some places, worship Force sensitive… but other places would burn them at the stake, be they young or old,” She glanced back at him. “My planet is a bit of both actually. My parents knew there was no way to hide my abilities, even before training, then there were the occasional slavers or bounty hunters… Force sensitive sell for a high amount you know.” She smiled a tad wryly.

Anakin knew the latter of course, it was one of the reason his mother made sure he kept his skills quiet. Made him swear not to do ‘special’ things in front of anyone.

If Watto had seen it… or worse, Gardulla, then Anakin might not have stayed with his mother for as long as he did. So that part he did understand, but the former…

He stared at the other Jedi in no small amount of horror. The idea of family burning you for being able to touch the Force a terrifying thought.

Moddy smiled sadly. “My grandfather on my dad’s side was one of them… had he seen what I could do, learned I was Force sensitive…” She shook her head. “There were Force societies on Norgferar but he was my grandfather, if he had asked to see me…” Moddy rested her hands over her stomach. “…So yes, I love them, for giving me up, for prioritizing my life instead of their own happiness, for being selfless enough to see that my life continued at the cost of their happiness.” She explained quietly, purple and blond hair falling a bit into her face.

As Anakin let that thought echo a bit, Moddy brushed it out of her face.

“Seid, or ‘magic’ users, have always been controversial on my planet. Some places loved them, others hated them,” She continued. “It didn’t change when science arose and explained what the Force was, that it was not quite magic. It just transferred.” The knight shrugged.

Anakin swallowed thickly. “…Your ability, how does it work?” He whispered, his heart heavy. He would have a lot of things to think about come nightfall and talk with Obi-Wan about.

Humming slightly, head tilted, Moddy tapped at the mask covering her nose and mouth. “Well, think of it like this. I open a book, and it has the life of a person inside it. But the book is inside of my mind,” She tapped under her blind, scarred eye. “And only I can see it. While I see it, I can change the things I see of the future and the present, but those changes can have a ripple effect.” She yawned a tad.

‘I bet wrap this up, she’s getting tired.’ Anakin licked his lips thoughtfully. “A ripple effect?” He questioned.

Sliding a tad down in the bed but not lowering the back, Moddy nodded. “Imagine it as a big ring of dominoes, all lined up. However, they aren’t lined evenly, so when you push one over, it doesn’t take the entire ring down. A ripple effect, where one change, the piece you tip, changes what dominoes fall.” She explained, quite clearly struggling to hold her eyes open.

‘Yikes, her medications must be real hard on her systems.’ Anakin shifted to his feet and bowed at the waist to indicate his respect to the woman. “Thank you for your help Knight Moddy.” He stated formally.

Clearly she realized the respect, because she gave him a surprised look before smiling. “…If you need any more answers, you know where to find me. I’ll likely be released in a few days time.” Moddy murmured softly.

Anakin nodded, smiling in return before slipping out. ‘…I should get her some flowers… or chocolate. As a thank you gift.’ He noted before making his way out.

Even Dooku is fooled! 🤣 Heelytrick is hilarious, and were they making more of Obi’s boots heelys, or were they making Anakin heelys? Oh, that would be hilarious!

Handing over the boots to the other man on the squishy couch with him, Anakin grinned widely at his master. “You should be able to glide over carpets now, the wheels are still hidden but I made them more durable,” He noted as Obi-Wan turned his left boot around to take a look at them. “You just have to be careful that the carpet isn’t too big, it might get caught and you could get exposed if you drag it with.” Anakin warned.

Rubbing one of the wheel slightly, Obi-Wan let out a small noise. “They seem bigger and the material is different.” He stated, frowning slightly, glancing at the other.

Nodding, Anakin reached out and tapped the edge of the heel. “They are, I had to exchange the material along with rubbersana due to it being slightly softer and along with the bigger size, it would make it easier to get onto carpets without dragging it with you.” He explained.

After having everything explained to him, Anakin had gotten to work on Obi-Wan’s little prank on the galaxy to make it harder for people to figure out what was going on.

So he had gone to work on the boots, sitting on their couch and working away and hiding them when Ahsoka was around as they were doing their best not to let anyone else know.

Just a little secret for the two of them and Force, did that make Anakin feel warm all over.

Obi-Wan trusting him with his little trick on the galaxy. “That does explain the difference,” Obi-Wan noted, dragging Anakin out of his thoughts. “Now, you said I needed to be careful about carpets? In what way do you mean, ‘too big’?” Obi-Wan settled his boots down on his lap, tilting his head curiously.

“If the edge is too… tall I guess,” Anakin rubbed the back of his neck, sitting back on the couch and lifting his leg up on his knee. “We might have to test what the height limit is but yeah, you just have to ensure you won’t try rolling up onto one you can’t and drag the carpet with you, which would ruin the illusion.” He explained carefully, feeling himself relax into the squishy couch they had since Anakin was a young padawan.

Tapping his fingertips on the leather of his booth, Obi-Wan let out an understanding hum. Then he lifted one boot and got to work pulling it on, Anakin watching with a small smile as Obi-Wan laced it up once he’d pulled it on properly.

His smile dropped when Obi-Wan stopped though, eyebrows raising in question as the man looked at him. “Ah?” He made an inquiring noise.

“Are you sure you don’t want a pair of your own?” Obi-Wan probed quietly, a note of concern in his voice. “We can make you a pair with wheels in too so you can join me.” He tacked on quietly.

Snorting, Anakin tapped his own knee with his fingertips. “Master, as wizard as this is, you pulling a prank on what amounts to the entire civilized galaxy, I’m happy just to be in the know about it.” He sniggered softly, amusement boiling in his mind.

Snorting too, Obi-Wan continued pulling on the second boot. “I guess but if you change your mind…” He let his words trail off, lacing the boot on so he had both on and was ready to test them out.

Sniggers petering out and his expression turning into a fond smile, Anakin nodded. “If I change my mind, which I might later, I know where you are.” He murmured, watching closely as Obi-Wan got up and headed towards the carpet, sliding forward on the wheels Anakin was now aware of.

And now that he was aware of it, he could tell that the other wasn’t simply gliding forward like some ghost from the Force or supernatural, was able to see how Obi-Wan was angling himself to balance and ensure no one would be able to tell what was up.

It was honestly hilarious and Anakin couldn’t wait for what else Obi-Wan would pull on the temple and the galaxy.

‘I can’t wait to see Windu’s face when I start gliding around.’ Anakin grinned at the thought as Obi-Wan’s wheel now easily brought him over the carpet without pulling it with him, ready to put the galaxy through even more mischief.

Jedi are cats is so cute! I like seeing good Anidala. Can we see more clones with their jedi? Any jedi, they’re all awesome!

For all that the troopers love their Jedi and their odd feline
behavior, there are times when they desperately wished they didn’t
have them.

the time Depa Billaba had leapt across a battlefield, her long braids
flowing in the wind as she eagerly descended on a shiny spot on the
ground, reflected off the CIS weapons and it had taken the troopers
five hours to ensure every fucking clanker that saw it was dead
and couldn’t report on it.

Or the
time they had spent half a day looking for commander Tano, only to
find the young togruta curled up on top of a shuttle, sprawled out in
a warm sunny spot. None of them had thought to look up at that

then there was the infamous Vos VS Fisto incident, two passive
aggressive Jedi, the last thing the troopers had ever expected
seeing, taking potshots at each other by slapping each other
every half hour to full hour and making sniping comments.

had been legendary and praise be whoever managed to get that on
camera for the vode to see, because that had been epic and made a lot
of young shiny’s less frightened of the Jedi and more affectionate
by them.

that still didn’t mean they couldn’t wish that they didn’t have
those traits now and again to avoid certain situation.

And in
this moment, Fives desperately wished that his Jedi did not have
feline attributes because Fives needed to use the fresher real badly
or at least the closest bush.

But he
was currently pinned down as he had not one but two Jedi
sleeping on him.

Tano was laying with her head on his thighs, her silka bead braid
rustling slightly against his plastoid armored thigh, her breaths
slow and even. And General Skywalker curled against his side with his
head on Fives shoulder, his arms crossed over his chest with an
occasional mutter escaping him now and again.

He had
been hella proud to begin with when Tano had come wandering, sleepy
and clearly about to enter one of those feline fits the Jedi had. She
had eyed him and the sun he had been sitting in tending to his gun
and then shrugged, coming to sit down and use his thigh as a pillow.

Skywalker had come plopping down beside Fives about five minutes
after the commander, grunting grumpily.

since then they had both been sleeping.

Fives wouldn’t normally mind, however… he had been here for
closing in on four hours!

had been kind enough to both give him water and food, Fives free hand
being able to feed him or pet at the Jedi at times.

food and water meant that after four hours, he really needed to use
the loo.

the Jedi were sleeping on him.

It was
an unspoken rule, just like when animals fell asleep on you, you did
not wake or move the Jedi.

just wasn’t done, they were asleep on you, trusting you and you did
not wake them damn it.

that Echo was making this any easier on Fives honestly, as the other
could read him all to well and was standing there with a cup of caff,
slowly drinking, smiling at Fives before making a sssss noise with
his mouth.

you bastard…” Fives hissed quietly, twitching a bit before taking
a deep breath when the General twitched and let out a soft mutter,
Senator Amidala’s name clear to them.

both ignored that in favor of staring at each other, Fives glaring
and Echo grinning broadly as he continued sipping at his caff.

am going to slowly torture you, spoon your spine out with a rusty
spoon.” Fives threatened, keeping his voice low for the Jedi’s

If he
wasn’t going to wake them by moving, he wasn’t going to wake them
by shouting either.

was a good trooper, he cared for his Jedi and he cared for his vode
and therefore he was going to sit there and take it, even though he
was THIS close to actually pissing his own armor out.

anyone else ever done that?’ Fives couldn’t help but contemplate
with horror, wondering if he was going to be the first trooper to go
down in history as peeing their own blacks and armor out.

could happen right before, during or even after battles of course,
even Captain Rex had admitted to that and there were incidents but no
one had wet themselves due to their General yet!

the first trooper in history to go down as he wets himself with his
Jedi clinging to his sid-Oh Sithspit, they’re going to end up in
the puddle too!’ Fives realized with no small amount of horror,
staring straight forward.

that thought, the ARC trooper started praying.

Life in music, let Obi say yes!! Even if he has to ask Qui-gon questions to make sure he wants him for him, let him say yes! And let Qui-gon get upset on his behalf, visibly upset, with all of the people that have hurt him. Or take him to meet DeX. Just something nice for Obi?

Sitting in the lap of the Jedi master, Obi-Wan stares at Qui-Gon,
feeling oddly detached from himself and the situation.

brain feels floating and far off and his ears are cottoned.

one question shot to the front of his mind as he stared at the Jedi
master in front of him and it broke out from him before he could even
think it over. “Why?” Obi-Wan whispered, his hands still latched
into Qui-Gon’s tunic, face flushed and wet from his tears despite
the man trying to dry them.

man smiled, a tad sadly, raising his hand while grasping a piece of
tunic sleeve to Obi-Wan’s face. “Because you deserve to be a
Jedi,” Qui-Gon stated quietly, gently wiping at Obi-Wan’s face as
more tears rolled down his face despite the sobs having been put on
hold for now. That didn’t mean the tears had stopped. “Because I
would love to see what kind of Jedi you become. Because you shouldn’t
have to be alone in the temple.” The chestnut haired human

deserve?’ Obi-Wan trembled, eyes wide, feeling unbalanced and

No one
had ever said he deserved.

no one but the creche masters and his friends even said he had the

Or at
least until he showed up Bruck in the tournament.

suddenly everyone wanted him.

out side of that, I am offering you an apprenticeship with me because
I have enjoyed spending time with you,” Qui-Gon paused, dropping
the edge of his sleeve to instead uncurl his fingers and cup
Obi-Wan’s cheek. “I enjoy your company Obi-Wan, you’re a
bright, clever youngster and I can already see the Jedi you will
eventually shape to be and the people you will end up helping.” He
smiled at him.

at the man, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily before letting out a sob and
nodding silently, throwing himself back into the older Jedi and
hiding in his chest.

master’s chest.

He had
a master, an actual master like he had been so desperate to get
before until he decided to just throw away the idea of becoming a
Jedi after the tournament.


Now he
had a master.

that had never looked at him and walked away.

that actually believed in him.

that would sit and listen to him.

had come and listened to Obi-Wan for days, ever since finding him in
the garden all alone and miserable.

just someone who had seen the unique thing he had done and wanted the
prestige of having a padawan with a unique ability. A master, just
like Tholme was for Quinlan, that actually wanted Obi-Wan and not his

large warm hand cupped the back of his head with an arm wrapping
around his lower back, a gentle rocking starting. “It’s alright
padawan, it’s going to be alright Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon whispered.
“I’m here. I’ll make sure things are alright.” He continued.

harsh, loud sob caught in Obi-Wan’s throat at that, pressing his
face into Qui-Gon’s chest to muffle the sound even as it hurt his

hadn’t cried like this since he was a young Initiate, before Bruck
and his posse had singled him out and before some of the Creche
master’s had started criticizing him for being overly emotional.

all of them of course.

enough of them that Obi-Wan had started to silence himself, every
time his emotions bubbled up or he had a vision that took his breath
away and made him want to scream.

when potential master’s had looked at him and called him

here was a master, holding him, rocking him, telling him it was
alright to cry.


Life in music, is Qui-gon bothered by how Obi can cry silently? And does he confront Yoda about his meddling? I think it would be interesting to see Qui-gon have that conversation with him.

If there was ever a reason for Qui-Gon to want to shove Yoda into one
of the fountains or yell at that old goblin, it was here, right here
in his arms as he held a silently crying child tightly to him.

no being in the entire galaxy, much less a child, cries silently
without experience telling them that they had to.

tears was a learned mechanism, it was something a person
learned to do when they couldn’t draw attention to themselves
without something harmful happening and Obi-Wan had clearly come to
expect suffering if someone noticed his tears.

Be it
actual harm or humiliation or scolding but he expected something he
associated as bad.

Oh, it
wasn’t only Yoda’s fault, of that Qui-Gon was sure but Yoda had
taken personal interest in this child because of his foresight
ability and yes, Qui-Gon may have dived into Obi-Wan’s personal
folder to learn that but in this moment, a lot more made sense and
yet didn’t.

folder had talked about a brash, somewhat rash and reckless child
that could come off as arrogant with good saber skills and decent
Force ability with several incident marked as scuffles with other
initiates, though Qui-Gon had noted that it was always the same three
names appearing in line with Obi-Wan in those shuffles.

Qui-Gon held in his arms however was a child that had been taught to
cry silently for reasons Qui-Gon dreaded to think of, a sensitive
child that just wanted to be wanted for who he was, a child
that, Force forbid, Qui-Gon suspected was the victim of bullies that
had manipulated the incidents, a child that was powerful and clever
and kind and…

his arms as a thought floated in his mind, Qui-Gon let out a
shuddering breath and rocked the boy. “It’s alright Obi-Wan,
you’re allowed to cry.”

breathless hiccup came from the boy, the first noise in a while.
“Suppose to release my emotions to the Force.” He got out, his
voice thick.

are young and your emotions are complex and overwhelming, everyone’s
emotions is so when one is young,” Qui-Gon slowly ran his hand over
Obi-Wan’s hair, down his neck and over his back, offering physical
comfort as Obi-Wan pressed into his chest. “And that doesn’t mean
to purge it into the Force always but to just feel them so they can
not control you later on. Do not let them fester young Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon insisted quietly.

was a moment, as if the forest around them that had become their
sanctuary together was holding it’s breath.

then Obi-Wan let out a soft, hiccuping sob and started crying even
harder, letting go of his emotions into Qui-Gon’s chest as his
small body trembled.

his shields up around them, Qui-Gon cooed softly and rocked the teen
steadily, shielding both himself and Obi-Wan from any curious
bypassers that had nothing to do with this situation and would only
humiliate Obi-Wan if he knew they had seen and heard him.

his cheek on Obi-Wan’s soft hair, Qui-Gon continued slowly rocking,
remembering the few times his own master had comforted him before Yan
had gone cold as Qui-Gon grew older and developed more radical views.

it, just let it go Obi-Wan, it’s alright.” He murmured quietly,
pressing the boy to him as he let out a deep sigh of concern, a frown
developing on his face before he tucked his robe about both of them.

all alone in the temple. People want the clout for taking him on or
don’t understand him. Or judged him harshly without even talking to
him properly.’ Qui-Gon stared straight forward, the sobbing and
shivering teen in his arms breaking his heart.

had hoped Jedi could be better than this but in the end, they were
only sentient people and had their own emotions and issues and
personalities after all.

when children suffer for them… he’s not going to take any master
that offers it now, except…’ Qui-Gon paused then shifted
slightly, pushing Obi-Wan lightly away to look at red, teary eyes,
gently wiping at the boys cheeks with his sleeve. “…Obi-Wan,
would you be my padawan?” He murmured quietly.

swollen eyes widened in shock as Obi-Wan stared at Qui-Gon, tears
temporarily forgotten even as a few more tears rolled down flushed

Snow white purity: Oh, Obi. It’s not your fault. Dont be so mean to yourself. Anakin is going to have so much work to do once he starts courting Obi-wan.

Staring at the closed door with
frustration, Anakin shook his head slowly and then sighed deeply,
turning back to the pot he had just placed on the stove with a
thunderous frown crossing his face.

since the insectoid mission, Obi-Wan had been acting odd.

first Anakin just assumed the other was feeling a bit humiliated not
only about exposing the fact that he was a virgin to Anakin but also
the fact that he had been very clingy throughout the days as he tried
to cope with the effects the rituals had left on his mind.

at this point Anakin was wondering if he was missing something as
Obi-Wan seemed almost desperate not to spend time alone with Anakin
or avoided his eyes at all times.

had a few heart stopping moments when he thought Obi-Wan had found
him out, that Anakin wanted to press Obi-Wan gently to the bed, that
he had seen Anakin’s lewd thoughts about what he wanted to do to
Obi-Wan, what he wanted to introduce his unexperienced master to.

there was no credence to that, no scolding, no introduction to other
‘active’ Jedi or anything of that nature that Obi-Wan either
wanted Anakin to stop thinking that way or get him to think about
someone else.

even just to uncap his own bottle so to speak and grease his own
wheels with a nice orgasm.

Obi-Wan had gone from comfortably sitting beside Anakin, meditating
quietly together as Anakin needed a bit of help to manage his nova
Force powers to practically fleeing the rooms.

Anakin didn’t know better, he would almost think the other had a

idea alone had jealousy rearing it’s ugly head and Anakin grunted
before pouring the water out of the pan and putting it away, deciding
to just grab some of the leftovers he had brought from the kitchens

had made a big pot of spicy curry with chicken and put out a notice
that any Jedi interested could come by and get a container or two of
leftovers so they wouldn’t have to throw away perfectly edible

even the hot curry mixed in with some kind of white vegetable rice
substitute was tasting like ashes in his mouth when Anakin couldn’t
figure out head or tails of his master’s behavior.

were so much better on the ship before we came home…’ Anakin
stared into the red curry before shivering slightly as the memory of
Obi-Wan curled into his body, the scent of his pleasure in Anakin’s
nose and the little rocks of the redhead’s body.

had been so warm…’ Anakin licked his lips, shifting uncomfortably
when his cock hardened in his underwear, quickly pressing against
constraints of his fabric.

had already wanked several times to the memory, the sound of
Obi-Wan’s little gasping pleasure echoing in his ears as he focused
on the memory, stifling his own noises as he furiously wanked.

he let his own fantasy play out too, let himself imagine Obi-Wan
waking up in his arms, whimpering faintly in need, asking Anakin to
please, please help

in Anakin’s fantasy, he’d lick his palm and slide his hand into
Obi-Wan’s sleep pants and underwear, cupping a plump, hard organ
that stroked with his entire palm, rubbing his thump at the top, nail
dipping into the slit and teasing the gasping Jedi master.

would cling to him, grab at Anakin biceps and curl his blunt nails
into the skin as he muffled desperate little moans, hips jerking uncertainly into the touch.

hard as the little fantasy played out, Anakin let out a curse and
shoved another spoonful of curry into his mouth, adjusting his
uncomfortable cock in his pants as best he could before sulking,
glaring down at his tented pants.

guess it’s another shower for me… least no one complains about me
using water.’ He sighed deeply with a small note of despair before
shoveling in the rest of the food and getting to his feet, rinsing of
the plate and leaving it in the sink.

then his walk of shame to the shower began, tunic and leggings
already being stripped and dropped on the couch as he did.

think I’ll allow for hot water this time and just rub it out,”
Anakin snorted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hot water is good
for tense ‘muscles’.” He sniggered, half amused despite
Obi-Wan’s worrying behavior.

AWOL!Jedi, what happens if some of the troopers get hurt? Like some of the scaffolding falls down, or they get lost in the forest? I bet the jedi would give 110% getting to them, and making sure that they were okay

The only warning any of them had gotten was the sound of creaking and
Obi-Wan had paused, blinking in surprise only to cry out while
throwing himself to the side as the scaffolding beneath his feet gave
way, only his quick reaction leading to him escaping with minor
bruises as his only evidence of injury.

He and his troopers by
extension had been part of the days building crew, the 212th
and the 501st building on the dome of one of the temple’s
spires and if he was to take a guess, this would be the spire for the
Reassignment council as the high council would more than likely be
stationed in the middle tower.

It appeared that the
scaffolding on this tower however was lacking or had taken damage at
some point as it had collapsed under the multitude of workers moving

More would have gotten injured if it wasn’t for several Jedi seeing the collaps happening and abandoning their own tasks to minimize the harm as best they could, running in to keep things afloat or pulling troopers into their own arms as Jedi themselves got out of the danger zones on their own.

Like Obi-Wan, who had managed to jump out of the way and was only bruised.

Which left Obi-Wan sitting now, sitting the medical station that had been one of the earliest set ups they
had built due to the hazard of a new habitat, holding Cody’s hand as the man continued slowly
breathing into the oxygen mask, still not awake from his fall.

Longshot, Rex and Appo
were all in bacta tubes, having suffered the worst of damage with
Boil, Echo and Fives being part of the now long term patients with

All three had suffered
broken ribs, arms and Echo had suffered a shattered pelvis apparently
that was going to be hard on him to recover from.

Obi-Wan knew he shouldn’t
be lingering in the medical station but he just couldn’t bring
himself to leave Cody’s side.

Everyone else had already
woken up once, been at least halfway aware before being drugged again
and either set to bed or entered into the bacta tubes… except for

And it was making
Obi-Wan’s heart thunder in his chest.

He wanted the other to
wake up, he wanted to have Cody laugh at him and make a stupid joke
about how it wouldn’t be the war that killed him but peaceful
building. And then Obi-Wan would scold him about making light about
his own potential death.

But the man wasn’t
waking and it was making Obi-Wan’s heart thunder with worry.

Pressing Cody’s hand to
his cheek, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath as he leaned his
weight more on the bed, resting his elbows on it as he stared at the
other man. ‘Don’t you dare go where I can’t follow Cody… not
when there’s finally this uneasy peace, not when we finally have a
chance to make a life happen without politicians fucking us all
over…’ Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan tried not to let his thoughts go
too dark, to let himself keep hoping.

A hand on his shoulder
made him jump and he lifted his head to blink up at Depa, the woman
standing there with a sympathetic smile on her face before she
gestured to her side, Commander Grey standing with a tray in hands.
“Caleb noted that you wouldn’t have gone to the mess tent,” She
stated softly. “Grey came with me to check on his vode and took
your food with him since I can’t carry that heavy.” She lifted
her right arm that was in sling.

Blinking, licking his dry
lips while suddenly feeling hunger, Obi-Wan carefully tucked the hand
down and accepted the tray from Grey. “What… what happened Depa?”
He blinked, balancing the tray on his lap as he took note of the
cabbage soup along with some kind of bacon. Must be the leftovers
they had from when they wrapped up as he didn’t think they had pigs
just yet and there was also some fluffy bread and some fruit cut up
in a bowl for ‘dessert’.

Sitting on Cody’s
bedside so she could look at him, Depa sighed deeply as she cupped
the sling with her hand. “Got caught under the scaffolding, I’m
lucky this is all I need, considering all the others…” She rested
her eyes on Cody, frowning faintly before shaking her head. “He’ll
be alright Obi-Wan and when he wakes, he’ll want to hear that
you’ve eaten well.” Depa stated sternly, both of them noticing
that Grey had wandered over to Fives, the only other awake person.

Glancing down at the soup,
Obi-Wan gave a small nod, bringing the bowl up to sip directly from
the bowl.

He was actually ravenous
and the taste of food made his stomach gurgle happily as he started
eating slightly faster.

He ignored Depa watching
him with a small, exasperated smile over the rim of it, focusing
instead on eating.

She was right, Cody would
be disappointed if Obi-Wan didn’t take care of himself.

‘Gotta make them trust
me to take care of myself.’ Feeling a bit invigorated, Obi-Wan sat
down the bowl, dipped the bread in the broth and took a big bite.

Fallen for you is great! I like how they are all reaching out to each other. Can we see Palpatine getting shut down everytime he tries to get in contact with Anakin? Because he deserves all the bad things, while Anakin deserves good things

Frowning faintly to himself, Plo stared at the comm in his hand for
several long minutes, his mind lost in thought before he got to his
feet and made his way out of his own quarters with the comm he had
been entrusted held tightly in his grasp.

When Anakin, rubbing the
back of his neck sheepishly with Obi-Wan at his side, had arrived and
quietly asked Plo to take over his comm for a while, Plo had been
endeared by the trust given him.

Now he was annoyed.

Because in the last four
days he had the comm, the chancellor had tried to contact Anakin not
once, not twice but eight times.

Three calls and five
message functions and a this point he was not only annoyed by the
constant interruption to his own life but also alarmed by how much
the chancellor of the Republic took contact with one Jedi knight.

For what purpose the
Chancellor wouldn’t tell Plo and that was enough to send several
red flags up to the top and Plo needed…

A second opinion.

Skywalker had trusted him
to hold his comm, to keep distraction to a minimum while the boy
tried to deal with his own Fallen state and Plo would do his best as
someone trusted to do that.

Pausing in front of the
door, Plo glanced at the name plate before knocking, waiting.

“Caleb, no don-wait! Oh
for… you are cleaning that up padawan.” Came from inside the
quarters and Plo couldn’t help but grin as he heard the familiar
chuckle of Mace Windu mix in with Depa’s exasperated tone.

“Karma sure is a thing
isn’t it Depa?” He stated in a faux innocent voice and Plo could
almost imagine all the younglings faces.

And they were younglings
to him.

Most of the temple outside
of Yoda and a few wookie Jedi were far to young to be anything but. And Yaddle was an age mate.

Finally the door opened, a
frazzled Depa standing to attention before she saw who it was, a
smile crossing her face as one of her braids dropped into her face.
“Master Plo, what an unexpected pleasure, please, come in and
excuse the mess.” She stepped back and he stepped in.

And firmly paused, staring
into the room before slowly turning his head to look at Mace, the man
standing over by the bedroom doors with a wicked grin on his face as
Depa’s young padawan continued trying to remove what looked like
sticky blue gum off the floor, walls and caff table. “What in Force
name…” Plo couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Caleb science
experiment went wrong.” Mace continued to grin wickedly and Plo couldn’t help
but chuckle too, remembering a certain young lady’s own science
experiment going very wrong in Mace old quarters.

If he had heard the rumors right, the
left wall was still red tinted from that experiment. “I see.” He
turned his head to smirk at Depa and laughed outright when she stuck
her tongue out at both older Jedi.

Shaking herself, Depa face
turned from a smirk to a small smile. “Is there anything I can help
you with Master Plo? I’d offer you something but I’m afraid I
don’t have anything safe for kel dors but as it is, you can come in
with boots on since we need to do a hard clean after Caleb’s little
experiment.” The human stated, her young padawan’s clearly
blushing a deep red.

Reminded why he had made
his way to these quarters, Plo humor faded as he lifted the comm,
catching Mace attention. “I’m afraid I’m in need of a second
opinion my friends. Knight Skywalker has given me his comm for the
foreseeable future to limit distraction and I have in turn discovered
something… alarming in my eyes. Sate a potentially foolish man’s
worries.” He murmured.

The two older humans
exchanged looks, Caleb pausing in his cleaning to peek up with wide,
curious eyes.

In the end, three alarmed
council members were the result of Plo’s excursion, all of them
asking the same thing.

Why was the Chancellor
trying so desperately to speak with Knight Skywalker and was this a
common occurrence? And if so, how long had the Chancellor of the
Republic been speaking with the young knight like so.

Had this been going on
since he was a padawan, when he was no more than ten and just a child
that didn’t know better than to listen to an authority figure?

The implication of it were
not… comforting to any of them, even Caleb, squeezing out a rag of
blue water into a bucket, looked uncomfortable.

“Skywalker needs all the
space he can get right now,” Depa murmured, a hand resting on chin
with fingers sprawled against her lips. “But we can try asking
Obi-Wan while Skywalker is in his own therapy with you… this has to
be done cautiously regardless, if we were to discover something…”
She trailed off.

Three masters exchanged
long, uneasy looks.

This was building to be
something that should not been allowed to happen.