Obi-Wan getting the news broken to him in worried alpha father?

Stiffly with practically mechanical movements, Obi-Wan continued dressing himself, tucking his tunic and carefully wrapping the sash as his mind kept repeating the words of the medic.

Potentially unable to bear cubs.

Potentially infertile thanks to injury.

Potentially risk of severe trauma to body if he should become pregnant.

Potential high risk of miscarriage.

The words, he understood them, but they refused to sink in.

Hell, Qui-Gon and Anakin had both been there, holding a hand each as the medic nervously explained to Obi-Wan what the injuries had done to his body.

Thanks to bacta, externally, there were no injuries but his insides…

Obi-Wan had taken damage, his body knew it even if the evidence were gone and he had no idea what to do with the information he now had. He had, occasionally, thought about cubs.

When Anakin laughed or the sun shone over his wavy hair, Obi-Wan had thought about cubs with the same bright laugh or halo like hair, with wide eyes and freckles over their faces.

He had thought about the swell of his belly, of Anakin’s hands resting on it, about the stretchmarks he’d have to carry afterward, about how his body would change and how Anakin might react to it all.

All those thoughts were now scattered.

Because Obi-Wan’s body might not be able to handle even one pup, might not even allow for a pregnancy at all.

And what was worse, his body not conceiving at all or losing the fetus if he did become pregnant.

The door to the medical room opened, interrupting his thoughts and Obi-Wan turned towards it, his neck still too stiff from the crash to turn his head alone.

In the doorway, Qui-Gon stood, smiling sadly with a blue blanket over his arm that Obi-Wan would normally ask where the other had gotten from. “I see you’re almost done dressing.” He stated, a tad unnecessarily but Obi-Wan still nodded in agreement, watching tiredly as his master came over.

The alpha peered down at him, glancing over the items he was wearing, most likely taking stock.

Very few of their things had survived the crash, Obi-Wan’s belt and boots had been destroyed, burned in the crash but his tunic had survived and Anakin had loaned him a pair of pants since the blond alpha’s things had survived.

Qui-Gon on the other hand was still wearing the same outfit as he had crashed in, holes in the tunic exposing it even if the blood had been washed away. The older Jedi had lost everything except what he had on him.

Opening his mouth when the silence started to become unbearable, Obi-Wan let out a startled noise as Qui-Gon wrapped the blue blanket around the omega’s shoulders, carefully tucking it around him until it was fully wrapped around Obi-Wan.

And as the alpha did, Obi-Wan’s breath hitched because from the blanket, the scent of Qui-Gon and Anakin rose, wrapping him in the comfort of those he trusted, his pack.

The blanket itself was warm already and soft, made of some sort of wool that felt comforting against what exposed skin it touched.

The two must have rubbed it against their own skin to soak the scents in and Obi-Wan felt his breath come out in a little keening whine that instantly had Qui-Gon wrapping his arms around him, the other moving his injured arm gingerly, still sore even if he no longer wore the sling.

“I can’t carry you… but you can still be a comfort blanket burrito pup.” Qui-Gon whispered into his ear, holding around him carefully.

Shuddering, Obi-Wan pressed into his master’s warm chest, the scent of his future mate and his master wrapped around him, silently crying, overwhelmed and exhausted.

Moody! Can we have a moment in Life is Music, where both Qui-gon and Dooku find Bruck and co bullying Obi-wan and go into super-protective mode.

“Just cause you got picked as a padawan doesn’t mean your hot poodoo now Oafy-Wan.” The contemptuous and angry voice drew both Jedi masters to short, Yan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered looks with each other.

Honestly, meeting up had been a coincident, both had been planning on surprising Obi-Wan, the latter with musical tickets for later in the night and the latter with a celebratory meal outside of the temple.

Obi-Wan had just been doing so well, Qui-Gon had wanted to celebrate the achievements of his boy and Yan had been promising musical ever since meeting Obi-Wan that first time.

It had just seemed natural to go together since they both had the same destination in mind, Obi-Wan’s last class of the day, Force arts.

If Qui-Gon wasn’t wrong, he thought they were currently in the painting time period of said lessons and would be moving on to statues in the next semester.

But that sneering, rude voice drew them both short, both muffling their presence as they slowly drew closer to the hallway and peered around the corner.

It incensed both to see Obi-Wan clearly surrounded by rather upset looking fellow classmates. One in particular looked rather angry and Qui-Gon’s eyes narrowed in remembrance.

This was the white haired one that Obi-Wan had sparred. Something Chun, if his memory wasn’t faulty.

To Qui-Gon’s pride, Obi-Wan himself looked quite calm and was simply holding onto his pad bag with his other hanging relaxed by his side, clearly keeping an eye on all three of the group that had surrounded him, yet also remaining serene about the situation. “My apprenticeship has nothing to do with you Bruck, who my master chooses is his prerogative, not mine and not yours.” He stated quietly.

Apparently reasoning with the other wasn’t the right choice, both Jedi masters feeling the pulse of anger in the Force as the white haired one took a step forward and raised his fist. “You’re not gonna last as a padawan anyhow you musical weirdo, Master Jinn is gonna drop you like a hot tuber when the shine wears off, we all know it.” He growled at Obi-Wan.

Realization hit Qui-Gon heavily.

Obi-Wan was being bullied.

Obi-Wan had made no mention of this at all and clearly from the Obi-Wan’s expression, exasperation tinged with slight anger, this was not the first time.

It brought a wholly new dynamic to the duel Qui-Gon had witnessed in the tournament.

Beside him, Qui-Gon could feel his old master seethe.

Oh, they were still fully muffled in the Force, concealing themselves, but Qui-Gon knew his old master, could read his body language as Yan went taunt and his eyes narrowed, the muscle of his jaw jumping. Yan was getting upset at what he was hearing and seeing.

Not that Qui-Gon was faring much better.

He was also saddened that Obi-Wan hadn’t told him, that he hadn’t trusted Qui-Gon to help him or take care of it. ‘But you didn’t tell Yan about your bullies, did you now… it was nothing to do with trust with you back then. Doubt it has anything to do with trust with Obi-Wan either.’ His mind piped up in a voice suspiciously like Micah’s.

That was true now that Qui-Gon thought back, being teased for his large nose, hands and feet as a child.

Back then it seemed so much like… tattling and burdening his master.

Yan had of course discovered it and dealt with it, talking with Qui-Gon during tea in a soft voice.

Seeing Obi-Wan now, the way his padawan’s face twitched, the way his shoulders slumped slightly… he thought he could understand what Yan must have felt all those years ago.

Which was why he stepped around the corner. “Is that so Initiate Chun.” He stated calmly, watching all four boys jump in shock.

Obi-Wan’s eyes grew wide when he saw Qui-Gon and Yan, the green eyes growing shiny with suppressed tears and shame as he now turned tense.

‘Oh Obi-Wan, its alright…’ Qui-Gon mused sadly, but he would have to deal with that later as he instead crossed his arms over his chest. “And how would you know my mind about my padawan?” He stated calmly.

The white haired boy stared at him, his friends quite clearly inching back since Qui-Gon’s attention was focused on Chun but froze up when Qui-Gon flickered unimpressed eyes at them.

Finally Chun started to stutter, though nothing understandable escaped him.

‘In the end, he’s just a child too…’ Qui-Gon sighed deeply in disappointment, all four teens flinching at the obvious disappointment echoing from the Jedi master. Raising one hand, Qui-Gon waved at Obi-Wan. “Padawan, come along. I came to collect you for a celebratory dinner,” He smiled tenderly at Obi-Wan, watched as his padawan made his way past his main bully with uncertainty flaring in his eyes.

That eased when Qui-Gon settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s hair, gently fluffing the short spikes. “Celebratory?” He whispered, leaning into the hand as his quiet voice sounding all over the silent, brightly hall they were in.

“Indeed,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly. “You’ve been doing so well, I wanted to do something special. So, I’m taking you out to eat at a diner I know.” He grinned at the child, watching surprise then delight spread over his face.

Yan inserted himself, coughing faintly. “I came for much the same reason,” He stated as Obi-Wan looked to him with wide eyes, delight written all over his face. “I finally secured us tickets to the Coruscant Opera house, Qui-Gon has already stated that you have permission to attend later this night with me.” And then, to Qui-Gon’s own surprise, Yan offered his glove covered hand to Obi-Wan.

The teen dithered before reaching out, accepting the hand, smiling shyly. “That… that sounds nice grandmaster.” He whispered, stepping closer to the man.

His hand falling from his padawan’s head, Qui-Gon turned his eyes over to the frozen bullies once more. “…I will be speaking with the crechemaster Initiate Chun. You may now leave.” He stated calmly, turning and instead resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, lightly pushing him to get him to walk as the boy once more froze up at the reminder of his bullies were still there.

Yan started walking too, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to walk with, holding his grandmaster hand as he was.

Leaving behind the three bullies in the hallway as the lineage focused on moving forward.

What if no one wanted Obi-Wan as a padawan was because he’s a werewolf? Once a month he turn big, growly. And all he wants is some nice bellypetting. Really, a big bundle of fluff once you look past the sharp teeth and claws. Sorry, I just had to share the thought with someone. Think about Qui Gon and Anakin’s reaction to him or the clones. So much potential.

Watching his padawan, Qui-Gon couldn’t help but feel his lips twitch into a small smile, Obi-Wan animatedly speaking with a young human padawan with a yellow strip over his nose and gloves on his hands.

He was smiling widely, showing of his dimples to everyone as he sat on the sidelines of the current duel his class was having.

Obi-Wan wasn’t interested in his fellow classmates duels as much as he was in his friend and was only waiting for his turn and honestly, Qui-Gon couldn’t find it in himself to prod for the other to pay attention through their still shallow bond, not with how wide his smile was or the delight in his eyes.

Coming back to the temple had done wonders for the boy and not for the first time Qui-Gon couldn’t help but wonder if they weren’t too swift with sending the younglings away once they turned thirteen.

Easing their way into leaving would be better.

But apparently ripping the ‘bandage’ so to speak was the favored method of the council of Reassignment. Something Qui-Gon had never been a fan of and had often and loudly protested and argued about with others.

There were others who didn’t find the practice palatable either but change was slow in the Jedi order.

Mentally Qui-Gon sighed only to jerk to a bit when someone tapped at his shoulder.

Turning his head, Qui-Gon raised his brows at the female zygerrian at his side.

Not his favorite species he had to admit, he was quite aware that there were underground slavery rings in the Zygerrian empire that they denied having but it was at this point almost an open secret that just needed proof.

The amount of bribes needed to stay in the Republican and keep it all going Qui-Gon didn’t want think about, it hurt his head to consider the suffering.

Instead of showing any of his thoughts, he inclined his head to the young master.

“Master Jinn, its a pleasure to see you back in the temple.” The lady stated, a slight lisp to her words, her mostly reddish tinted fur gleaming healthily in the light of the dojo.

“Thank you master…” He let the words trail off, making a show of raising his brows further.

He didn’t know her after all and her approach was unexpected to say the least.

“Master Melva,” She inclined her head, ears twitching slightly in what Qui-Gon knew was annoyance. Clearly she expected him to know her. Why, he had no idea but then again, some masters were as arrogant as senators could be. “Mirna Melva.” She tacked on, as if that would clear up everything.

Qui-Gon barely restrained himself from snorting, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed her. Clearly she had approached him for a reason and he was curious, so he’d hear her out.

Her words baffled him however. “You are aware that you have taken an ill fitted padawan, yes?” Melva stated more than questioned, her ears falling when he just stared at her.

Glancing towards Obi-Wan, seeing him wiggle as he gesticulated before then laughing, Qui-Gon shook his head. “My padawan has a temper but that can be dealt with, many great Jedi masters and knights have had tempers in their youth.” He stated, his mind instantly darting to Mace and then to his own master.

Yoda had not been shy in informing Qui-Gon about Yan’s little temper tantrums as he called it.

Qui-Gon however just figured it was all the bug stews, heh.

Melva’s ears went straight, bewilderment crossing her face. “You are not aware he’s a werewolf then?” She stated a tad too loudly and uncomfortable silence spread.

Darting a glance towards his padawan, Qui-Gon found the boy suddenly very interested in his boots, the boy’s knees pulled to his chest as the dark skinned boy with the yellow strip glared at Melva.

Not that Qui-Gon could quite blame him.

Even the duel had stopped, a few to gawk at Melva and some to gawk at Obi-Wan.

Clearly not everyone had known, even among his agemate.

And suddenly Qui-Gon felt incensed. “Are you telling me that because my padawan has a little furry problem once a month, people have rejected him?” He growled out, not unlike the wolf Obi-Wan apparently turned into, turning fully to the zyggerrian.

She stepped back, clearly recognizing that she had crossed a line. “Turning into a feral beast once a month is n-”

“And you know him intimately enough to know that he is a feral beast?” Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes in disgust at the woman, staring down at her from his broken nose. “Obi-Wan carries no scars, no scratches from his condition and the fact that you felt the need to so loudly announce his condition is quite telling in your own prejudices,” He stated coldly. “Obi-Wan, come, we are leaving!” He snapped out as Melva spluttered in outrage.

He heard a shift and then the tapping of fast feet, Obi-Wan suddenly pushing into his side.

And oh did that make so much more sense, a small canine.

Heart melting, Qui-Gon raised his hand to the boy’s head, resting it there as Obi-Wan pushed into the touch. “We’re going to lodge a complaint with the council, padawan, come along.” He stated evenly, his temper easing out once more before he gave Melva the look reserved for slugs under his boots that Yan had taught him.

Pulling his padawan with him, Qui-Gon ignored everyone as Obi-Wan clung to him, sending gentle reassurance through their bond, rubbing lightly with his fingertips at the boy’s scalp. “It will be alright Obi-Wan.” He murmured quietly.

Obi-Wan just gave a low pitched, uncertain whine.

Just a small canine in a large world.

Ogh, I just need more of good master/dad QuiGon in lifeinmusic, pretty please?

Twelve, almost thirteen years old and yet the boy in his arms felt so
much smaller as Qui-Gon carried his new padawan in his arms, his gait
steady and his arms wrapped protectively around Obi-Wan, one under
his rear and the other around his back.

He had
let the boy cry his heart out, as quiet as Obi-Wan was, he had a lot
of tears stuffed into him and it made Qui-Gon wonder who the hell had
taught the child to repress his emotions.

what he knew of the creche masters, they understood children and
healthy development.

his mind was quick to point out that not every creche master were the
same and children could be cruel, even Jedi children.

remembered his own time in the creche quite well enough still, the
bullying for his big nose and feet still lingering at times.

It was
likely that Obi-Wan may have experienced a mix of it and he was a
sensitive child, hiding much of it with a face of as much serenity as
he could manage while the bullying and words of unaware adults made
scars on his mind.

now this sensitive child was his child.

softly into Qui-Gon’s neck with his head resting on the Jedi
master’s shoulder, his body lax and relaxed as Qui-Gon walked past
either outright surprised Jedi gaping at him or those that managed to
show some decorum by just staring with wide eyes.

It had
been a long while since Qui-Gon had taken a padawan, yes, he would
admit that and maybe he had been rather vocal about not getting one…

Obi-Wan was different.

He was
a child that needed someone else, with the temple being less than
kind to him at the moment.

needed someone in his corner, someone that hadn’t looked at him and
rejected him until he showed a special ability.

that put Obi-Wan first and showed him it was alright.

he was alright.

while Qui-Gon had been reluctant…

deserved to have someone.

Qui-Gon would be that someone, he’d do his best and teach this
little padawan that could make music into a weapon and laughed
sweetly at Qui-Gon’s ‘dad’ jokes as it was.

Qui-Gon tracked the man in question down that he was looking for,
inwardly snorting a bit when he noticed that Jocasta and Plo was with
the old troll.

And he
did actually snort when he saw the surprised looks of all three,
pausing in front of them with his boy tucked to his chest. “I’m
taking him as a padawan, send the registration papers my way
masters.” He stated bluntly before any of them could get a word in

tapped his cane on the marble floor, peering up at him with his ears
twitching. “Surprised I am, rejecting all Initiates you have that
showed you we have.” He stated.

Obi-Wan a bit, rubbing at his back when the boy mumbled a bit,
Qui-Gon stared back at Yoda while ignoring the little pack of gossips
that had followed him. “Yes. But you didn’t show me this one. I
meet up with him on my own, in the garden, without your meddling
in our relationship. Fodder for thought I’d say.” He stated in a
slightly clipped tone before humming quietly when Obi-Wan shifted at
the tone.

three masters watched him, Qui-Gon uncaring of them witnessing his
affection for the boy.

Obi-Wan settled and he could focus back on them. “Children don’t
learn to cry silently for no reason. And knights and masters who have
earlier rejected him suddenly became interested. Obi-Wan went to the
gardens to hide. I found him there. So yes, send the registration my
way. I’ll alert the creche masters myself.” He stated evenly.

let out a small hum before nodding. “As you wish Qui-Gon, I will
arrange for it… as young Kenobi is asleep, he shou-”

coming with me,” Qui-Gon cut in bluntly, he had been a thorn in the
council’s side for years, he wasn’t about to stop just cause he
had a padawan. “He’s going to sleep on my couch while I contact
the quartermaster and see about getting a pair room. Now excuse me, I
have a lot to do masters.” Qui-Gon bowed slightly, Obi-Wan held
tightly before he turned, heading down the left hall.

also ignored the group of padawans and initiates that scattered when
he rounded the corner, inwardly snorting at the sight of a fuming
white haired child among the group.

the child Obi-Wan fought at the tournament.

he wouldn’t be an issue for the future. “We’re going to be
alright Obi-Wan…” Qui-Gon whispered quietly, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan nuzzled his face into the Jedi master’s neck with a
soft, tired sigh.

little padawan.

Ogh, I just need more of good master/dad QuiGon in lifeinmusic, pretty please?

Twelve, almost thirteen years old and yet the boy in his arms felt so
much smaller as Qui-Gon carried his new padawan in his arms, his gait
steady and his arms wrapped protectively around Obi-Wan, one under
his rear and the other around his back.

He had
let the boy cry his heart out, as quiet as Obi-Wan was, he had a lot
of tears stuffed into him and it made Qui-Gon wonder who the hell had
taught the child to repress his emotions.

what he knew of the creche masters, they understood children and
healthy development.

his mind was quick to point out that not every creche master were the
same and children could be cruel, even Jedi children.

remembered his own time in the creche quite well enough still, the
bullying for his big nose and feet still lingering at times.

It was
likely that Obi-Wan may have experienced a mix of it and he was a
sensitive child, hiding much of it with a face of as much serenity as
he could manage while the bullying and words of unaware adults made
scars on his mind.

now this sensitive child was his child.

softly into Qui-Gon’s neck with his head resting on the Jedi
master’s shoulder, his body lax and relaxed as Qui-Gon walked past
either outright surprised Jedi gaping at him or those that managed to
show some decorum by just staring with wide eyes.

It had
been a long while since Qui-Gon had taken a padawan, yes, he would
admit that and maybe he had been rather vocal about not getting one…

Obi-Wan was different.

He was
a child that needed someone else, with the temple being less than
kind to him at the moment.

needed someone in his corner, someone that hadn’t looked at him and
rejected him until he showed a special ability.

that put Obi-Wan first and showed him it was alright.

he was alright.

while Qui-Gon had been reluctant…

deserved to have someone.

Qui-Gon would be that someone, he’d do his best and teach this
little padawan that could make music into a weapon and laughed
sweetly at Qui-Gon’s ‘dad’ jokes as it was.

Qui-Gon tracked the man in question down that he was looking for,
inwardly snorting a bit when he noticed that Jocasta and Plo was with
the old troll.

And he
did actually snort when he saw the surprised looks of all three,
pausing in front of them with his boy tucked to his chest. “I’m
taking him as a padawan, send the registration papers my way
masters.” He stated bluntly before any of them could get a word in

tapped his cane on the marble floor, peering up at him with his ears
twitching. “Surprised I am, rejecting all Initiates you have that
showed you we have.” He stated.

Obi-Wan a bit, rubbing at his back when the boy mumbled a bit,
Qui-Gon stared back at Yoda while ignoring the little pack of gossips
that had followed him. “Yes. But you didn’t show me this one. I
meet up with him on my own, in the garden, without your meddling
in our relationship. Fodder for thought I’d say.” He stated in a
slightly clipped tone before humming quietly when Obi-Wan shifted at
the tone.

three masters watched him, Qui-Gon uncaring of them witnessing his
affection for the boy.

Obi-Wan settled and he could focus back on them. “Children don’t
learn to cry silently for no reason. And knights and masters who have
earlier rejected him suddenly became interested. Obi-Wan went to the
gardens to hide. I found him there. So yes, send the registration my
way. I’ll alert the creche masters myself.” He stated evenly.

let out a small hum before nodding. “As you wish Qui-Gon, I will
arrange for it… as young Kenobi is asleep, he shou-”

coming with me,” Qui-Gon cut in bluntly, he had been a thorn in the
council’s side for years, he wasn’t about to stop just cause he
had a padawan. “He’s going to sleep on my couch while I contact
the quartermaster and see about getting a pair room. Now excuse me, I
have a lot to do masters.” Qui-Gon bowed slightly, Obi-Wan held
tightly before he turned, heading down the left hall.

also ignored the group of padawans and initiates that scattered when
he rounded the corner, inwardly snorting at the sight of a fuming
white haired child among the group.

the child Obi-Wan fought at the tournament.

he wouldn’t be an issue for the future. “We’re going to be
alright Obi-Wan…” Qui-Gon whispered quietly, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan nuzzled his face into the Jedi master’s neck with a
soft, tired sigh.

little padawan.

Does Anakin think about Obi during his rut in worried alpha father? Is Qui-Gon extra protective because he doesn’t like knowing that Anakin is in rut in the same temple as his precious omega Padawan?

his master with confusion, Obi-Wan pressed his fingers to his lips as
Qui-Gon, on his knees in front of their door continued pulling a thin
wire between the exit of their quarters to the hallway of the temple,
the old alpha pausing before shaking his head and pulling the wire
loose and then adjusting it a millimeter up, pulling it taunt and
then attaching it to the door frame again, making it into a trip

Qui-Gon sat back on his heels, nodding in satisfaction as he stared
down at the wire.

was when Obi-Wan finally had enough and cleared his throat, Qui-Gon
letting out a loud yelp and turning around so fast he fell on his
arse instead, hands behind himself as he stared up. “Obi-Wan!
You’re awake already.” He rumbled out, blinking at him.

his lips a bit, amused despite himself, Obi-Wan eyed the others sleep
wear with a robe over. “I woke up for some reason, you’re still
in your sleep wear too, so I don’t think you’ve been awake too
long either.” He pointed out, moving over and offering his hands to
his master.

the man accepted his padawan’s hands and groaned as he was pulled
up. “Damn my creaky knees,” He huffed, brushing off his robe
before pausing as he noticed Obi-Wan staring up at him expectantly.
“Ah… the wire, yes?” Qui-Gon cleared his throat, a slight flush
crawling up his neck.

his brow, Obi-Wan glanced towards the wire and then back up at his
master before narrowing his eyes faintly, Obi-Wan let out a
thoughtful hum. “This is because of Anakin, isn’t it?” He
finally questioned tartly.

clearly caught, Qui-Gon raised his hands defensively. “Look, this
is not about you really but ruts? Ruts can make the smartest of alpha’s
into idiots. If he comes here, I want a warning both for you and for
me.” He tried to derail Obi-Wan’s obvious and justified offense.

his eyes into thin slits, Obi-Wan pressed his lips into a taunt line.

and carefully, Qui-Gon settled his hands on Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
“Look… honestly Obi-Wan, I know you can handle anything shoved
your way but… I’d like for both of us to have a warning if he
comes here. Because the last thing I want, so close after your last
one, is for him to trigger a sympathetic heat for you with his rut,”
He murmured quietly, thumbs slowly working in calming circles on
Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “I know how awful your heats are for you,
I’ve been there to care for you both during and after heats after
all, and a second one close to your first one could be outright
dangerous for you…” Qui-Gon explained gently, his worry oozing
through his words.

his eyes down, Obi-Wan frown softened a bit before he let out a small
sigh, nodding as he understood his master’s worry. “Yeah,  I
don’t like it but I get it master. But you’re still making our
tea today.” He huffed quietly before leaning in and hugging Qui-Gon
briefly, snorting as he was pulled into a tighter hug by the older

just gave a fond little chuckle in return, nosing into his hair
before he let go and moved to pull the curtains away from the windows
of their living quarters. “Indeed, but that means I get to choose
the kind of tea.” He shot back, snorting with amusement when
Obi-Wan just shrugged.

like most of your teas and you choose caffeine rich ones for mornings
anyhow.” He hummed, padding to the kitchen to get a start on his

chuckling quietly, Qui-Gon moved to put on the water boiler, clearly
relaxed now despite it all.

It gave Obi-Wan a chance
to think as his master focused on the tea.

He did actually understand
where his master was coming from when he explained himself and he could get behind Qui-Gon coming from a place of concern and care, not only over protectiveness.

Qui-Gon had after all been
there for his heats, sitting with him with an ice pack as the heat
almost fried Obi-Wan’s mind or dehydrated him to the point of
needing IV set up and he was right that a secondary heat on top of
the first one would prove to be dangerous for Obi-Wan.

If the heat and the rut
had lined up on top of each other, it wouldn’t be so bad but a
secondary one…

Obi-Wan paused, staring
down at the alderaanian porridge grains he had poured for himself
with his cheeks burning with color.

The idea of lining his
heat up with Anakin’s rut was… not an unpleasant one he would

‘He’d be a thoughtful
alpha, gentle.’ He mused to himself before moving to fetch milk,
ignoring Qui-Gon’s knowing gaze, raised eyebrow and amusement in
their bond as he allowed himself to explore the thought in the
privacy of his own mind.

Happy New Year Moddy!! In Candleinthedark, do they find out why Obi-Wan is so scared of Anakin? Though to be honest I’d read every piece in this AU no matter what, so I’m on board with whatever you want to write for it!

the end, it’s clear that the hyper vigilance Obi-Wan has been
sporting since he woke up is taking it’s toll and it’s only by
the grace of Anakin having been staring the Jedi down that the
redhead doesn’t fall off the bed when he ends up fainting as the
young Sith shoots
across the floor and catches him by grabbing both ends of the blanket
around him, holding the wrapped up Jedi before
gently lowering him to lay on the bed instead.

over, Che quickly got to work as
Anakin stepped back to give her space,
healer giving
him a fast checkup before grunting loudly and turning to glare at the
council, yellow eyes narrowed dangerously. “Has he eaten at all?”
She snapped out.

his head, Qui-Gon moved over. “He only woke up today, Helix, my
medic, had him set up with a banana
bag since he’s missing nourishment but that’s all since he was in
a coma until today.” He explained
quietly, head held high as he gave her a small glare in response for
the underhanded accusation.

annoyed huff escaped the woman. “That does explain things… as I
stated, he is malnourished, which
is most
likely the coma doing it though
I can’t be sure since he won’t answer questions and forcing him
to do so is counter productive for his mental health and trust.”
She moved around, pulling an IV stand over and quickly getting
Obi-Wan connected to it. Then
she moved to fetch a IV bag that she set up in the stand, adjusting
it to a slow and steady drip.

that mean that he’s going to have difficulties eating?” Anakin
suddenly asked, fighting not to flinch under the sudden, full
attention of the entire Sith council. He was still a young apprentice
in some ways despite becoming a knight and lord a year ago.

pressed her index and pointer finger to Obi-Wan’s neck, a small
frown on her face. “Potentially, it is hard to say until he’s
eaten something, regardless, I suggest easy and bland meals in small
portions to start him off with. Porridge, cut up fruit, light
soups, broths,
egg and that sort of thing,” She turned back to the IV drip, eyeing
it before adjusting it to a slightly faster drip, nodding in
satisfaction before turning, giving them all a long look. “However,
what is to happen to him now?”

The question and
implication behind it had Qui-Gon bristling. “He stays with me,
that’s what.” He snapped out before glaring at the council,
daring them to contradict him.

Yoda’s ears rose and
Mace glared equally hard back at him, the black veins around his eyes
appearing from his overuse of shatterpoint for a second before he
relaxed and letting out a deep breath. “Fine, he stays with you. If
the bonds are a viable sector for this Jedi, yours and Skywalker
would be the deepest.” Mace crossed his arms over his chest.

“Then he is a prisoner
of the Sith temple?” Che injected herself once more, looking
between them.

Pausing, everyone looked
at each other.

Normally, A found Jedi
deserved no quarter.

But this Jedi wasn’t
just a common Jedi.

It was Obi-Wan.

An Obi-Wan from another
universe who was also a Jedi, sure.

But still an Obi-Wan, like
their Obi-Wan, who had wormed his way into everyone’s heart, who
had created a bond to every living Sith in the temple, whose natural
defense mechanism had kicked in when he turned seven and made
everyone part of his ‘clan’ so to speak.

“If we were to put a
Force inhibitor in him, a collar or a drug,” Shaak spoke up slowly,
the togruta rubbing her left lekku slowly while ignoring the way
everyone threw her sharp looks. “We would loose any grounds we
might have potentially gained with him by treating him. He will not
trust us. Our best option is to keep a close eye on him, monitor him
and keep him to Qui-Gon’s side. He will not trust us, he’s
clearly been through a traumatic experience and by the way he refuses
to look at Skywalker, I would hedge a bet that, just as Obi-Wan once
intended to do here, this Obi-Wan did
train his own Skywalker.” She stated, glancing about to see if
anyone would argue.

did, only fell thoughtful themselves.

they agreed, it was clear that Kenobi had an issue with Anakin, he
was the only one he refused to look at even if what everyone else got
was a short glance.

It was

my counterpart hurt him in some way.” Anakin stated, frowning
heavily, staring down at the passed out Jedi before reaching out and
gently stroking red tresses out of Obi-Wan’s face, pausing when the
man flinched at the touch.

faintly, Depa nodded. “It is likely to conclude that. Regardless,
in whatever universe he’s from, it’s clear that Obi-Wan survived
to become far past his twenties, unlike our own. There will be
discrepancies, especially since he is a Jedi but we will have to move
slow. In the meantime,” The council master turned to Qui-Gon,
staring at him. “You are our best bet to keep him here in the
temple, try working on the bond for now, see
if it can be used. If so… tie him to you.” She stated sternly.

Qui-Gon settled down at Obi-Wan’s bedside, curling his hand
possessively around the Jedi’s bare ankle.

didn’t need to be told that.

Obi-Wan belonged to them now, not whatever universe he came from.

he belonged here.

centurylove – So I love where it is at but they are on a battlefield, does Ventress find them? Does Qui-Gon follow through with his willingness to drain any threat to Obi-Wan?

the corpse to the ground, Qui-Gon glared down at the woman in disgust
before spitting at the ground.

dark side always left an aftertaste in the blood, the darker the
person, the more obvious the taste and Qui-Gon himself had never
quite found himself liking it, no quit the opposite, he found it to
be a despicable aftertaste, akin to a sweet treat with a nasty

glanced to the side when Commander Cody cautiously approached with
his blaster in his hands, nodding lightly to the man before glaring
down at the dead woman. “So, who was she?” He questioned in

Ventress, she’s been the Count’s pet assassin from the start of
the war,” The commander answered quickly, carefully kicking at the
boot of the woman before settling and tucking the blaster back on his
belt with a sigh of relief. “And a torn in our sides, she’s
killed a lot of vode and she’s targeted General Kenobi quite often…
as I’m sure you already knew.” Cody glanced at him.

his lips back to expose his fangs, Qui-Gon nodded.

he had heard her ranting from miles away, his advanced hearing being
the only thing that had really allowed him to hear her and the squad
of droids that were lining up for a ‘sneak’ attack.

had left his sons to look after Obi-Wan for now and had instead slid
of into the night, taking only a small team of troopers with him as
didn’t want them to fire on him if he sneaked back.

they were useful, they made it easier to get to the real threat by
taking out the droids so Qui-Gon could focus on taking out the pale
skinned woman.

at Cody once more, Qui-Gon frowned faintly at the complicated set of
emotions in the other man. “…Is something wrong?” He
questioned, his voice rumbling as he pierced the darkness of the
night easily, knowing the other could see him through the night
vision of the helmet.

Cody raised his hand and wobbled it. “Believe me when I say that
I’m glad the witch is dead and gone, she was a real aaray o’r cuun
shab… she murdered so many of my brothers as I said, so many of the
He hesitated then, a few troopers shuffling and pretending they
weren’t listening while taking count of the droid squad.

Qui-Gon encouraged him, literally feeling the but in the air.

Cody slumped a bit. “The General always wanted to help her, he
always said that she could do better, be better.” He confessed
quietly, rubbing his hands together while staring down at them.

at that, Qui-Gon let out a deep breath through his nose as the wind
picked up around them. That actually made sense, Ben had always had a
soft heart, he wanted to help and clearly Obi-Wan had been reborn
with those qualities in him.

was one of the things that both frustrated Qui-Gon and yet made him
love him at the same time, that soft merciful heart.

me guess, she’s hurt him before.” He stated more than asked, his
voice deep and rumbling like rocks tumbling together.

got a round of snorts from all the troopers and a dry, humorless
laugh from Commander Cody. “If you get me drunk enough, ask me
Rattatak and the karking Sith mask.” He stated bitterly before
turning and moving to his men, giving quiet orders to burn
the corpse and bring back the memory chips of the droids to scan for
any useful information potentially.

left Qui-Gon to think.

was old, he had many years to his life, he had been there when the
Jedi came to Coruscant and he had encountered Sith and their
artifacts before.

he could make a guess to what a Sith mask could potentially do.

bubbled beneath his skin at the thought and he had to take a deep
breath through his broken nose while reaching out to Obi-Wan’s
resting signature to calm down.

would have that conversation with Obi-Wan.

he would ask Cody for his side of thing, he would imagine the man
hadn’t allowed the mask onto Obi-Wan willingly, which meant a
rescue effort and he would have information that Obi-Wan would try to

down at the body as Screwball and Killer came over to pick up and
cremate her, Qui-Gon couldn’t find it in himself to regret what he
had done. He would never regret keeping his mate safe from danger,
even if his mate became angry at him for a while.

could grovel for forgiveness and come to an understanding.

like they had compromised and come to an understanding that Obi-Wan
would be staying in the Jedi order until Ahsoka was knighted.

understood not leaving a youngling behind and the young togruta,
hiding her anxiety as she was rather well, needed
the reassurance that her master wouldn’t just up and leave because
he had been turned.

conversation is going to be fun.’ Qui-Gon mused to himself before
turning away as the troopers lit up the corpse, turning away from it
so not to smell it, the wind coming into his face and blowing the
scent away.

was nothing as disgusting as burning flesh.

Worried Alpha Father: oooooh, what happens when Obi goes into full heat? I’d bet a million credits that Anakin has a hard time staying away, especially since it seems Obi and Ani are super compatible.

smells like sugar coated phyllas pears,

the most mouthwatering and succulent of all fruits, the kind that
stills the thirsts and satisfies even the mind as much as the body.

torment to Anakin to just sit
in the quarters the captain had been thankful enough to give to the
Jedi as Qui-Gon lead Obi-Wan away to the heating rooms, the omega
already entering full heat when he was being lead away.

honestly thinks that if it wasn’t for Qui-Gon being the ‘dad’
so to speak, Obi-Wan might have just turned around and maybe tackled

as it was, Obi-Wan had the presence of mind to listen to his master
and Anakin had enough wits with him to stay completely still between
the rest of the alpha’s of the ship in the hallway and not
embarrass himself in front of Qui-Gon Jinn until they were both gone
and Obi-Wan was safe in the heatroom of the ship.

from both Anakin and any other alpha.

a very protective and disapproving Qui-Gon Jinn standing at the door,
prowling the hallway.

wasn’t stupid.

knew the other didn’t approve of him in the slightest.

well, that was wrong.

Jinn approved of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.

was less keen on the idea of Anakin Skywalker, mate of Obi-Wan Kenobi
but considering some of the stories he had heard about the man and
his rather terrifying protective instincts when it came to omegas and
especially his own ‘cub’, that was not shocking.

Jinn was an avid fan of equal rights and even more so, he was a
doting ‘parent’ in a manner of speaking.

make no mistake, Qui-Gon Jinn clearly came away from all scans except
the biological ones that he was Obi-Wan’s father.

he would defend his padawan with every inch of his wit and skills.

was why Anakin had retreated to the room the captain had given them
technically, so he wouldn’t come lurking on the hallway where he
knew Obi-Wan’s faint heat scent would still linger.

he could just… get the man on his side.

knew already that Obi-Wan liked him, that they were compatible.

just needed to get Qui-Gon to like him too, not only as a capable
knight or as a person but as someone worthy of Obi-Wan.

that or Obi-Wan needed to convince Qui-Gon to give him a chance.

too was something but for now, Anakin would just have to suck in his
pride and stay right where he was and try not to give into his urge
to rub one out as Qui-Gon would surely smell it on him.

forgive him for smelling of arousal, or so Anakin thought, less so if
he gave in maybe.

about… think about… think about Yoda in a bikin-oh Force!’
Anakin wished he didn’t have such a vivid imagination as Yoda
creaked into his mind in a golden bikini.


his back against the door once more, Qui-Gon grunted faintly to
himself as the beta dragged his alpha friend away finally, Qui-Gon
having dealt with the latter when he had come sniffing after Obi-Wan.

this was the kind of security heat rooms had, then no wonder most
omegas preferred not to travel on their own.

with decent slicer skills would get it open, could trigger the
emergency override and then, depending on how far into the heat the
omega was or how aware they were throughout their heat, they could
get taken advantage of.

his arms over his chest, Qui-Gon drew his lips into a tight scowl
before sighing mentally. ‘At least Knight Skywalker is respecting
the distance.’ He would have to give the young man that much
compared to some of these alpha jerks.

maybe Qui-Gon would do what Obi-Wan had so quietly asked.

he’d give the reckless alpha a chance.

small one.

only it made Obi-Wan happy.

that Skywalker needed to know why he got the chance or that Qui-Gon
was reluctantly impressed.

for now, Qui-Gon was going to stay exactly where he was and deal with
any snoopers.

I love love love how caring and protective Qui-Gon is in Heated Teen. It’s so wonderful how safe Obi-Wan feels around him. I can just imagine Qui-Gon getting back and Obi-Wan has either nested in his bed or stole his pillows or something and when Qui-Gon is all ??? Obi-Wan just says that it makes him feel safe

in his doorway in utter bemusement with his hand still on the door
frame, Qui-Gon stared at the rather large lump of blankets and
pillows on his bed. Because that had certainly not been there when he
left to go fetch their take-out from the temple front.

considering the lack of answer from Obi-Wan and the lack of said
padawan around the quarters, this mean that the other had made a nest
in Qui-Gon’s bedroom. Glancing towards the takeout on the caff
table, Qui-Gon hesitated before entering his room and moving to the
bed, sitting down on the side of it. “Obi-Wan?” He ventured

other had been jumpy and meek ever since the
even after they
got home and
Qui-Gon had gently fixed up the remains of his braid.

pirate bastard had apparently wrapped her hand around it and held
Obi-Wan in place with
the braided length
and in desperation, Obi-Wan had severed it partly to escape,
his padawan’s ornaments falling to the
floor and passing through the grates.

would have to find new ones, the beads and all but temporarily that
could wait, it was more important that the braid was clean, even cut
and properly braided even if it was missing length to how Obi-Wan was
used to it.

Obi-Wan peeked out from under one of the blankets, peering up at
Qui-Gon quietly.

the back of his fingers over the others cheek, Qui-Gon smiled
lightly. “What are you doing in here? I don’t mind,” He tacked
on hastily, seeing Obi-Wan tense a bit, eyes
flickering nervously.
“But you don’t tend to come in here without asking.” Qui-Gon
explained calmly.

and visions had often driven Obi-Wan to him, if just for some minor
comfort before Obi-Wan felt he was old enough to handle it himself
but even then, Obi-Wan had always paused at the threshold of the room
and waited for an invitation as
a young teen, standing in rumpled sleep clothes with wide eyes.

had Obi-Wan relaxing but also had his cheeks turning a ruddy color as
he shuffled a bit.

Qui-Gon reached out and gently stroked Obi-Wan’s cheek
with the back of his fingers,
taking notice that the omega collar was gone at least in their
quarters much to Qui-Gon’s relief. ‘At least he feels safe with
me.’ A part of him breathed out, the
fact that his kit still trusted him a balm to Qui-Gon senses.

Obi-Wan finally mumbled, leaning into Qui-Gon’s touch.

Qui-Gon paused then smiled, feeling himself soften and warm to the
point he could have collapsed into a happy little puddle despite the
horrible trauma his padawan had gone into. “You mean that my room,
the scent here… is safe to you?” He gently inquired, wanting to
make sure he had the right idea.

wasn’t like he was reading Obi-Wan’s mind and a single word
didn’t really allow for a complex answer.

Obi-Wan nodded then shifted a bit back.

Qui-Gon could even open his mouth, Obi-Wan lifted the edge of the
blanket, looking nervously up at Qui-Gon.

allowing me into his little safety nest…’ Awed and also humbled,
Qui-Gon removed his socks first before crawling in under the blanket
and into Obi-Wan’s little makeshift nest made of Qui-Gon’s own
pillows and blankets along with Obi-Wan’s own.

Obi-Wan curled up to his chest, the blanket coming down and closing
the two into the nest and Qui-Gon reached his arm around his padawan,
slowly stroking his kit’s hair and scratch his scalp slowly.

was never easy to deal with and sometimes all you could do was sit
there and watch as someone you cared about tried to cope but
sometimes you could be incredibly lucky when the person allowed you
close to help you cope.

alright Obi-Wan, I’m here… it’s going to be alright.” Qui-Gon
promised softly, feeling Obi-Wan settle against his chest.

couldn’t promise that Obi-Wan wouldn’t be ambushed or assaulted
again, he couldn’t promise someone wouldn’t try to hurt him again
or even that someone wouldn’t try to break the omega collar to
forcibly bond him.

he could promise to be there for Obi-Wan and that was exactly what
Qui-Gon was going to do as he tucked Obi-Wan under his chin. ‘This
must be how parents feel…’ Qui-Gon smiled sadly to himself, the
realization bittersweet with how he knew he couldn’t protect
Obi-Wan yet at the same time knew he loved his padawan with all of
his large broken heart.

maybe that’s sometimes all you could do.

that was what Qui-Gon would continue to do, to love and be there for