I want to know what’s going on with Dooku in Dangerous Galaxy!

Fixing his clothes first as he was watched by the room, Cody finally nodded to the trooper on the comm terminal, taking a deep breath as he focused on the platform, watching as Count Dooku came into view.

The man looked… calm, at ease, wearing his normal clothes, standing in a relaxed position with sharp eyes focused on Cody. “Ah, Vod’alor Kote. I must commend you on your… revolution. I did not see this coming,” The man smirked at him, seemingly impressed with what he saw. “Neither did I expect you to present an image fit to rule, your last display left a little to be desired.”

Honestly, if it wasn’t for his men, Cody wouldn’t have dressed up but this was good, even if it had taken Cody a while to get dressed as Tracker and Switch had insisted he couldn’t show to the meeting in just armor.

Something about playing the part as Vod’alor and honestly, Cody got it…but he didn’t have to like it.

So, he had waited until the two showed up with an outfit that didn’t make him look like just a common soldier among all his vode or like he was mimicking the Mandalorians. For all that they were based on one, they didn’t want to be Mandalorians, not anymore.

So, Cody had reluctantly dressed in the tight leather pants with matching black boots so polished they shone along with the tight long sleeved shirt. Thankfully though, there was armor to go with it, black greaves with silver designs and a good chestplate with the same black and silver details artistically painted in swirls and geometric designs and to cap it of, a blood red cape with silver fastenings.

It made him look dangerous, his belt containing obvious blasters and viroblades along with the hidden ones filling in that image.

Raising a brow, grateful the others had insisted he dress well, Cody crossed his arms slowly over his chest. “No, I imagine you didn’t… neither did Palpatine.” He drawled, trying to emulate the way he had seen Obi-Wan act when conversing with an enemy that wanted to negotiate.

Because that was what he suspected the other wanted, to negotiate.

Dooku paused, tilting his head before inclining it slowly. “Then you know.” He stated calmly.

“There was a reason we exposed him working with the CIS, we know.” Cody returned a tad dryly.

Honestly, not even half of Palpatine’s crimes had been aired to the public, if they had, there might have been calls for blood in the street for the Senate for not realizing it. And Cody would rather not have people like Bail and Padme in danger for being fooled by a man like Palpatine.

Letting out a low hum, Dooku stared at him, as if indecisive. “…Will the Jedi order’s service to the Senate continue? Will the clones be taking those services?” The man suddenly asked and if Cody had been holding anything at that moment, it would have gotten thrown at him.

As it was, Cody gritted his teeth so hard there was an audible click and he saw Helix wince on the other side of the room.

Dooku however, only cocked his head. “You must understand, I have to ask… there was after all, many reasons for me to leave the order…and not all of them had with disagreements for the future and the state of the order.” He continued, folding his hands in front of him and lacing his fingers.

Cody took a deep breath through his nose before shaking his head hard. “No. Those will not continue and if any of the Senators are discovered to be requesting them… they will be executed.” He stated sharply.

Dooku’s brows rose in surprise and slight disbelief.

“They have been warned. The Jedi council has been told to relay to all of their members to report any Senators that requests their services,” Cody continued darkly. “This has ended and anyone discovered to try and pressure the Jedi… will meet their end.”

Count Dooku gained an odd look, staring at Cody as if he couldn’t quite understand what was going on. “…Shockingly… I believe you, Vod’alor Kote, it is… good to know,” The man said slowly, a tad dazed sounding and Cody mentally sighed as he was reminded that this man was once part of the Jedi order, would have gone through the same thing Obi-Wan had at some point. Hell, Cody had discovered by looking at records that Palpatine himself had requested Dooku many times prior to his departure. “It also makes my job a tad easier.” The Count continued, oblivious to Cody’s knowledge and thoughts.

Rocking on his heels, Cody frowned slightly. “Your job?” He queried, mentally wishing for a large cup of caff, the kind with frothy blue milk in it and caramel syrup that Obi-Wan had given him on late night report work.

“Several leading members of the CIS wishes to speak with the new leadership of the Republic,” Dooku waved a hand. “They see the chance for more… equitable treatment now than before under new leadership.” He explained steadily, as if he moments before hadn’t been indicating the generational long abuse of the entire Jedi order, himself included.

This should surprise Cody but somehow… it didn’t.

Dooku had always been a calculated man in public from what Cody could tell, so that he could shuttle his emotions… well, it made sense.

But the CIS leadership wanting to talk to Cody… now there was a surprise.

Frowning faintly, he nodded slowly. “I see…” In a way, it made sense, new leadership, new chances after all and the CIS wanted equality for the outer and mid rim planets from the start. Unconsciously, Cody’s hand rose to rub his chin, Dooku watching him with curious eyes as the trooper, the leader in front of him, mimicked the gesture of his grandpadawan. If he had watched Dooku instead of thoughtfully staring slightly down, he would have seen the older man’s lips twitch in a faint smile at the gesture.

“I feel it fair to warn you, Vod’alor,” Dooku suddenly interrupted the others thought process, Cody’s head jerking up to look at him. “Not all wish to, they will continue to fight and Grievous… he listens to no one. He wants to maim and he still wants to bring down Jedi.” Count Dooku stated seroiusly.

Okay, that did not surprise him but… “Why are you informing us?” Cody frowned at him.

Holding out his hands as if in surrender, Count Dooku gracefully shrugged. “To show my sincerity with this offer. I am merely the messenger for the other planets that do wish to speak with you. And Grievous is a lose canon… I worry for what he might do to certain… members of my lineage.” The words were uttered steadily in a cold tone, as if unconcerned.

But Cody got it.


Grievous always tried to murder Obi-Wan and the realization hit deep and hard as he stared at Dooku. “…You do realize that if any of the Senators of the CIS were involved wi-”

“If you think I let them live long,” Cody was interrupted, Dooku’s lips twisting. “Then you’re more foolish than even Skywalker.” He drawled arrogantly, cocking his head.

For a moment, Cody wondered how much of that arrogance was a cover, a protection from the old hurts of the past.

Then he discarded the thought and nodded slowly. “I did notice there was some… missing members.” He smirked.

Cody got a smirk in return, Count Dooku shrugging slightly. “…They shouldn’t have touched the Order.” Was all Dooku said. The unsaid ‘they shouldn’t have touched my linage.’ Was in there somewhere.

To that, Cody had nothing to say. The two leaders of each factions continuing to make arrangement for later discussions, involving the leaders of the planets under the CIS that wished to speak.

Would you consider publishing a frank talk on here too? You can take this as a prompt if you want but I’d like to find it on tumblr too, its actually easier for me to get on tumblr than AO3 due to my family.

Setting the systems into autopilot now that their location was set, Boba glanced at Shand in the co-pilot seat, giving her slight head tilt, a signal to make herself scarce.

She gave him a look in return but still got up, heading down the ladder.

With her gone, Boba took a deep but silent breath and turned his chair fully, tilting his back to look up at the still as a statue mando standing behind him, visor locked on the beams of hyperlights outside the cockpit view.

Boba quietly observed him for a moment, mentally cataloging what he could see without the other moving.

Shoulders held high but chin tilted down, arms hanging down his sides but leather covered hands bunched into fists, a slump to his spine…

From the short moments they had interacted, Boba was pretty certain he already had a read on the other man but this could go possibly, horribly wrong. Still, he sat up in his chair, on purpose making more noises than he normally would, just to watch the man twitch, attention drawn away from the view to Boba.

If he wasn’t so used to reading helmets, he wouldn’t have been able to tell the other was looking at him. “You took a few nasty shots back on Tython,” Boba stated, ignoring how the other tensed. “I got a medical case up here. I’m gonna turn this chair around and when I turn back, you’re going to have undressed enough for me to take care of it, ru’suvari?” He tacked on the mando as sternly as he could, watched how the other suddenly grew taunt as a wire threatening to snap.

For a moment, Boba wondered if the other was going to punch him.

Might even have deserved it, Boba was gambling as he kept his face stern, peering up at the beroya.

It worked though, the other went lax, even his hands dropping open as he nodded quietly.

“Jate.” Boba pretended not to see how the other jerked to attention at the mando’a but put it to mind as he turned his chair, staring at the lights streaming outside, waiting.

He heard the soft shifts of the other moving, the clack of his spear being placed to the wall, the light clicks of armor latching being undone and the clear clang of beskar being set down along with soft hisses when the beroya shifted in a way that pained him.

Boba had to clench his hands down on the arms of his chair to avoid turning, taking deep, measured breaths through his nose to keep calm.

As a young man, he hadn’t been soft, hadn’t been kind.


The galaxy had made him a hard man, the death of his father and his stint in prison and later on working for the Imperials and Vader in particular had sealed the deal on that hardness. It was what had allowed him to survive as long as he had.

Even when he had broken out of the prison and wiped the terminal for his record, when he had found the deep voice of Mace Windu on his folder, advocating for Boba, advocating for the child to be sent rehabilitation at a youth facility, advocating for leniency.

It had been denied.

The Jedi had tried to advocate for Boba, only to be denied.

It was such a strange thought and Boba had remembered just standing there, staring at the screen for a long few moments before finally wiping every trace of Boba Fett from the Republic’s systems.

Don’t get him wrong, he still hated Mace Windu with a passion that rivaled suns for the death of his father.

But… hearing an enemy, a man that he had earnestly tried to murder even at a young age, plead for leniency for Boba…

It had struck a cord, a cord he carried with him but buried during the age of the Empire. Sympathizing with Jedi only brought danger at the worst and trouble at the best in those days.

After the sarlacc…

The kindness of the tuskens had been what saved Boba, the Black Krayt clan taking him in and caring for him. Apparently surviving a karking sarlacc earned him respect enough for them to help him and later on him being actually willing to learn from them, not just their language but their ways.

Without them, Boba would have died under the suns of Tatooine.

Escaping the sarlacc had been one thing, the acid and the time inside it leaving him weak, his mind broken and rattled and his body wasted, the suns and the heat would have been another matter.

Boba knew he wasn’t the same person regardless, coming out of there.

Compassion and kindness had saved him, had resonated with that old voice that had tried to give Boba leniency.

It resonated now, with this bounty hunter that had given him back his father’s armor. With this man, who had lost his Force sensitive son, who had been ready to fight and defend the armor only to give it back when proof of its ownership had been shown.

And even more so, the other man was a mandalorian.

Something old and almost forgotten by Boba, something associated with his father, shiny beskar so bright and noticeable that Boba had no choice but to remember his buir and the words the man had taught him.

Had the other had blue on his armor with the silver, Boba might have had a small heart attack.

“You can look.” The gravelly, modulated voice came.

Boba turned his chair and couldn’t help the hiss of sympathy that escaped between his teeth as he got a good look, the other having removed his chest piece, pauldrons and cape, his upper kute opened and pulled down, the arms and chest hanging down the back of his arse and legs.

The mandalorian was covered in dark red bruises, the edges already turning purple and some of blaster shots had hit hard enough for there to be bloody edges. They looked vicious and Boba got to his feet, his spurs making a methodical sound on the durasteel as he moved around the other man, quietly cursing himself as he had to stand on his toes to get to the medical pack in the upper cabinet. ‘I’m moving this kark to the bottom.’ He thought with annoyance.

If he was injured himself, reaching for this kark would be a bitch and a half.

He glanced back to the man, finding that the other bounty hunter had turned with him, keeping him in view. Most likely unwilling to give Boba his back just yet.

‘Tough shit, he’s gonna have to at some point.’ Boba snarked internally.

He knew the other had taken a few hits to the back. “Sit. It will make things easier on both of us.” He motioned to the pilot seat, watching as the other sat down gingerly after a moment of hesitation.

Boba didn’t take it personally.

Clearly, this man was used to being hunted, vigilant and untrusting of those around him.

Not a healthy way of living.

Cracking open the case, Boba stationed it on the ledge of the dashboard so he could rifle through it easier as he removed his gloves first.

Then he bought out the cleaning antibacterial wipes, a bacta tube and the bruising cream.

Quietly he set to work, ignoring how the other was pressing back into seat, the tense muscles trembling under his fingers as he worked. ‘Touch starvation…’ Boba mused, even as he tried to ignore it.

What he couldn’t ignore was how slim the other really was under the armor, the cauterized scars he could see, the trim waist…

Hell, whoever called this man for cyare was a lucky shabuir.

A snatched waist like that, coupled with the muscles that proved his profession and proved him as an ambush predator more than a power tank… well, it was something Boba would have pursued doggedly back at Jabba’s palace.

Someone to blow the stress and pressure away with.

Made him curious about what was under the helmet if he was very honest.

But right now, Boba mind was on providing relief for a lost man, a man that hadn’t asked for help.

Maybe the other didn’t expect aid, maybe he was so used to the galaxy turning on him that he didn’t think any would be offered without a price.

It was a depressing thought for someone as honorable as this man and Boba couldn’t help but let his fingers linger on the edge of a pink cauterized scar with rich dark skin around it, wondering mentally about it.

Self punishment or lack of bacta?

As reckless as this man had behaved, flying into the mouth of a damn krayt dragon, letting the shots of blasters hit him…

Boba would guess the latter unfortunately. “…Risking yourself needlessly is a dangerous business,” He stated quietly, feeling the man tense up. “Your foundling needs you, leaving him without anyone if you were to march ahead of him.” He stated intently.

The other said nothing for long minutes as Boba put bacta then bruise cream to injured areas. “…I know…I just…” The other tilted his head back against the pilot chair, looking at the ceiling. It gave Boba the curious view of a long line of throat with dark stubble, the bobbing of an adam’s apple as the other man swallowed.

Boba continued working as the other continued staring at the ceiling. “I won’t tell you to stop. But for the future, when we get him back,” When, not if and Boba could feel the other stare at him at the choice of words, at the coinfidence in them. Boba just couldn’t imagine this man doing anything but succeeding. “You will need to be more careful beroya.” Boba reached for the gauze in the case.

“…Djarin,” He almost dropped the gauze, head snapping back to the other bounty hunter, his own body tense. The other cleared his throat slightly, almost nervous like, his hands tapping at the arms of the seat. “My name, its… Djarin.”

Staring at the other, understanding what he was given as the other was a Child of the Watch, Boba slowly nodded. “Su cuy’gar Djarin, ni cuy’ Fett.” He stated quietly, watching as Djarin slowly relaxed his hands on the arms of the seat.

Carefully, telegraphing his movements, he reached up to take the others shoulder, pulling Djarin forward slowly. “…I’m going to take a look at your back now, check if it needs salve to. Tayli’bac?” Boba stated softly, waiting until he got a small nod.

With that permission, granted easier than he thought possible, Boba moved until he was beside the chair, looking down at the dark expanse of the other’s back, breath catching at the display of muscles.

He was damn lucky the other couldn’t see his face right now.

There were bruises there, not as many or as dark as the ones in the front though.

It seemed Djarin’s chest had taken most of the punishment.

Nodding to himself, Boba moved to in front of him again and bent slightly down, carefully wrapping the gauze around the other bounty hunters chest and the top of his stomach, to prevent the salve and bacta from smearing everywhere.

This also brought him closer to the other, his breath washing over Djarin’s bare shoulder as he worked.

He noted goosebumps rising as he worked, the others hands once more digging into the arms of the chair.

Touch starvation could be a hell of a thing unfortunately.

Boba had to fight the urge to linger, instead straightening and patting the other lightly on the shoulder. “Jate, that should be better. Got some analgesic patch you could use.” He stated quietly.

Djarin slowly got this feet, hesitated then nodded, accepting a patch that he put on himself, Boba watching the other apply it to his upper arm.

Maybe after the child was rescued, maybe something could be done about that touch starvation.


Ru’suvari = Understood

Jate = Good

Buir = Parent

Beroya = Bounty hunter

Cyare = beloved

Shabuir = jerk but stronger, potentially asshole

Su cuy’gar = Hello, literally means *You’re still alive.*

Ni cuy’ Fett = I am Fett

Tayli’bac? = Okay= Understand? (can be very aggressive)

I was wondering about AWOL Jedi and if there will be any AniRex.

Stroking the blond curls slowly, Rex wondered if he had ever felt happier than in this very moment, a sleeping Anakin with his head in Rex lap, still on the couch of the 501st’s break house with everyone having skedaddled… somewhere.

Rex wasn’t sure where.

He just knew that they had promised to look after the twins, enthusiastically telling Anakin that the twins deserved some ‘uncle and auntie’ time before disappearing with the baby bags of items for the kids, leaving Rex and Anakin.

Initially nervous, clearly a tad overwhelmed despite leaving the twins with others before, Anakin had stared at the door they had disappeared at for a while before Rex had gently drawn the other into a conversation about speeders.

Easiest way to distract Anakin Skywalker?

Talk about tech.

Seeing as at the current moment they were having a minor issue of there not being enough speeders, it had been the right choice as Anakin was enthusiastically telling Rex all about the speeders and motors he was currently fixing.

The Jedi council had managed to find the other a job he would like, mechanic, as Anakin didn’t have an interest in rejoining the Jedi order seemingly, Ahsoka certainly did not, she spent her time generally helping out. But maybe Anakin had already joined?

Just not as a Jedi Knight?

Rex wasn’t sure and he hadn’t had time to ask before Anakin had winded down, becoming tired. Noticing, Rex had guided the other to his lap and told him to rest with a quiet voice despite Anakin apologizing.

Babies were demanding, being a single parent, even with so many people willing to babysit and help, was exhausting and Anakin deserved the rest.

Stars, he had missed his General and sitting here, playing with the man’s hair as he slept was soothing.

Seeing him safe, seemingly content and here, with them.

Though it hurt to consider just how lonely the other must have been on Coruscant. But there was nothing Rex could have done about that or about his General.

Honestly, he was rather sure that back then, had they approached Anakin, he would have blown the plan wide open and informed the Senate in a fit of thoughtlessness. He adored his General, loved him but… Anakin could sometimes be too impulsive.

It could be a boon on the battlefield, against droids that adapted to tactics and battles, it kept them from realizing what was going on and giving the GAR the upperhand. But in normal life… well, sometimes not so good.

Now they didn’t have to think of that, now Anakin was here and… single.

Rex flushed at the thought, looking away as he swallowed thickly.

Kark, just because the other was single didn’t mean he had any interest in males and certainly didn’t mean any interest in Rex.

‘Its enough to just be his friend, enough to be there for him, to hear his voice, to know he’s here… I won’t ask for more. I don’t want to loose what we have.’ Rex thought shakily. He could love the other without that kind of relationship.

As long as Anakin and his kids were happy… that was all Rex needed, to see the other blond smile.

The thought had his lips twitching, a slightly wry smile coming to life. ‘When did I get that sappy?’ He couldn’t help but wonder as he looked back down at Anakin, stroking a fingertip gently along the other’s jaw. ‘How are you able to make me turn so sappy?’ Rex thought was exasperated and yet… also fond.

Settling in, Rex simply watched Anakin sleep, content in the moment with what he had and the life he was trying to build.

Highasakite: How is Obi-Wan doing, once he’s no longer high?

Regardless how everyone around him is acting, its unfortunately not the first time someone has drugged him and then undressed him for nefarious purposes. Obi-Wan is unfortunately used to such treatment he must sadly profess to.

Though, thankfully, Anakin has never asked about anyone actually getting too far nor did Cody ask this time.

At least this time they didn’t succeed in actually doing anything to Obi-Wan beyond some bruising and the drugs.

Admittedly, that doesn’t mean he’s fine with what happened but it could always have been worse and once the bruises heals and he’s meditated enough, the memories will fade too. Especially in the wake of the protective feelings rising around him.

Having the men look out for his well being and Anakin Force aura curled into his is doing wonderful for the shivers that occasionally travels down Obi-Wan’s spine.

Still, being stuck in the medbay is the last thing Obi-Wan wants and he would have escaped ages ago if it wasn’t for one thing and only one thing…

Or rather one person.

Anakin is currently holding tightly onto him, Obi-Wan stuck on the others chest with their legs tangled quite heavily and there is no way Obi-Wan can untangle himself from the legs and arms without waking the younger Jedi.

Sulking a tad into the others warm neck, Obi-Wan let out a small sigh and decided to just endure it for now. Eventually Anakin would wake up and Obi-Wan could hopefully make his escape from the medbay before Helix, Potion, Bandaid or any of the other medics managed to shanghai him and keephim in medbay.

Its not that he hates the people in it of course, its just… medbays always linger with the feeling of pain and discomfort and Obi-Wan himself has never been quite good at filtering that out. Even the Halls are bit difficult for him and he never rests well when he’s in any medical facility, not even a Jedi run one.

He can only blame the drugs and Anakin as the reason for why he has actually slept well this time.

Its one of the reasons Anakin impresses him, Anakin, with all his power, is able to filter out the sensation of lingering pain, unease, sickness and the general miasma a medical facility has and Obi-Wan can’t help but wonder if its due to Anakin having gotten used to staying at Obi-Wan’s side when injured.

Its a plausible explanation, Anakin building his shields and resistance as he sat at an injured master’s bedside, doing his homework with Obi-Wan’s help or quietly playing with his latest project as he waited for Obi-Wan to wake from yet another drug induced coma.

Feeling eyes on him, Obi-Wan raised his head enough to find Cody in the bed across from them, the commander watching with intent eyes.

When Obi-Wan meet the amber eyes, Cody quickly scanned him before smiling and relaxing into his bed, clearly relieved to see the other in a sober state.

Quietly, Obi-Wan finger spelled a greeting, smiling in return as he got a finger spelled greeting back. It was clear that no one else was awake in the medbay however and therefore they restrained themselves from talking.

Obi-Wan could however feel the others eyes on him still, Cody’s emotions having gone almost soft and warm in the Force, directed at him and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hide in Anakin’s shoulder at the feelings, unable to distinguish them with Cody’s shields and yet still feeling warm at them.

The care his men and Anakin had for him ever since discovering the truth of his heritage and what it could mean for him… well, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel awed and honored at the protection and concern extended to him.

He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it all… but he would forever be grateful.

For DangerousGalaxy, how do the meeting with the Council go? And do Cody and Obi-wan get a chanse to talk about, well, them?

Feeling himself flush as the entire council stood and bowed to him, Cody cleared his throat a tad nervously and lifted his hands. “Please, you don’t have to…” He trailed of, uncertain how to word himself only to relax when the Jedi exchanged quick looks and sat down in their chairs.

“Thank you for agreeing to see us, Vod’alor Kote, we understand your time must be… limited and that you were injured in the coup and therefore recovering.” Master Windu started, watching Cody with clear, brown eyes.

He looked rested.

They all did, slightly concerned but actually rested, the dark circles around the eyes many of them had sported easing with General Koon looking so relaxed in his holo from the ship above Coruscant. If Cody was to take a guess, Wolffe and the boys were taking good care of their buir.

Not that Cody was surprised really, Wolffe had practically been foaming around the mouth for a month now, after finding out how Plo had been hurt by Senators and Cody was willing to bet there were injuries and incidents the other wasn’t aware of… yet.

They would try to dig, so they knew how to help.

“Of course, Obi-Wan said that there were…concerns among the Jedi. I was more than willing to lay those to rest if I can,” Cody raised a hand to his chest, bowing slightly. “And I am in debt to the order for sending a healer my way, my CMO was quite insistent in drilling in that if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be seeing or hearing so well.” He smiled reassuringly.

He got a small, pleased smile from a few of them and Cody had to tell his heart to still at the sight of Obi-Wan’s soft smile at him.

“Right you are, concerned some of our members are,” Yoda finally croaked, sitting up a bit in his chair. Stars, the old man looked his age and yet somehow like the burdens of several lifetimes had been taken of his shoulders today and Cody felt his heart go out to him. “Hoping to lay them to rest we are, with your answers.” He continued, unaware of Cody’s thoughts.

It can’t have been easy for the old man, being unable to protect generation after generation of Jedi, to see his own padawans walk into the Senate, to know the younglings he was teaching might one day be in the Senate at the mercy of a Senator.

If he could lay the fears of the Order to rest, then by the Prime’s bones, Cody would. “Please, ask me anything that concerns you and the Order. I will answer.” He promised quietly, hoping his sincerity reached them despite the shields he knew to keep in place.

Wouldn’t do for Obi-Wan to realize his feelings after all.

Several council members traded glances but Cody kept his eyes on Yoda and Windu, focusing on the latter when he leaned forward.

He was honestly a bit grateful the master of the Order would stand for the talking. Yoda’s way of speaking was sometimes confusing and always headache inducing for Cody. “There has been questions raised about our… service to the Senate, now that you and the vode are in charge.” The man slowly stated and Cody had to fight not to curse or clench his hands. This was the council yes but the last thing he wanted was to scare these people, especially when he took note of Billaba’s robe being pressed in even if he couldn’t spot anything that should be doing it.

He imagined her young padawan, her son, was pressed to her side and listening, being edited out of the holo, likely by her own men.

Cody didn’t want to scare the youngling at all and he could understand that the order was leery and confused.

“Discontinued, any Senator that tries to request any of you are to be denied and reported to either a liason of the vode or directly to me.” He answered swiftly and grimly.

Instantly, several council members eased up, looking at Cody with undisguised hope. “Reported?” Windu continued, his hands clenched between his knees. He looked like a man that didn’t want to dare hope.

“The Senators have been told, in no uncertain terms, that any requests for…” Cody had to clench his teeth together for a moment, his fists gripping so hard they could all hear the plastoid creak before he managed to calm himself. “Personal meetings with any Jedi are to be preformed with at least two vode in the room and any found to be requesting… service, will find themselves put on a closed trial.” He stated darkly.

Actually, most of that was true, except for the closed trial part. Cody had made it clear to anyone with a history of requesting Jedi, that he would have them executed for rape, coercion and for the worst of them, torture.

That’s what Cody saw some of these karking kinks as, torture.

If you had consensual agreed to it, then sure, that was up to you and your lover but the Jedi had never consented to any of this. So yeah, Cody had made that clear.

Several Jedi slumped, Cody pretended not to see Ti desperately wipe at her face or how Fisto’s tentacles were quivering quite obviously as he stared at his own hands in his lap.

He did take the chance to glance at Obi-Wan, finding him smiling at Cody with wet eyes, full of gratitude and relief.

Moreover, looking at Yoda, the man slumped into his chair with his clawed hands pressed to his chest… well, Cody could only imagine the relief the Jedi council were feeling.

So he took a step forward, standing in the middle of the room, making sure he had their attention as he spoke again. “They will never again touch any of you, no one on Coruscant will. The vode won’t allow, I won’t allow it. You will never be subservient to the Senate in such a manner, ever again.” He promised fervently.

Never again, so Cody swore on his own life and the lives of his brothers.


Vod’alor = Brother’s captain (Siblings captain doesn’t roll quite as nicely. That’s the only reason its brothers)

Kote = Glory (many think this is suppose to be Cody’s name, felt appropriate to use here, as a ruler lol)

Buir = Parent

May we have some from Obi-Wan’s side in Fresh and young? pretty please?

Admittedly, when he had tracked down the bounty hunter to Kamino, this was the last Obi-Wan had expected to happen.

Of course, the Force had been odd and distracting, almost buzzing in a way, ever since he landed but even then Obi-Wan couldn’t have expected… this.

Time travel.

Three little souls, though admittedly two of them had been adults when they were pulled back.


Because it was clear, to both Fett and Obi-Wan, that the both young Boba and young Din had been effected by their travel through time in more than just physical, their mentalities had clearly shifted with their bodies, the one being least effected being Grogu.

Oh, of course they still had their memories, some likely horrible, traumatizing and some good ones but clearly their mindsets had been shifted about them, leaving them as precocious children to anyone that did not know better.

They would clearly need a special hand, special protection with what they had gone through, maybe even therapy.

Especially Din, Children of the Watch were… well, if Obi-Wan was to call them anything, it would be a cult. With their religious adherence to the code they had, it turned more towards cult than anything, though it didn’t quite fit at the same time. It was just the closest Obi-Wan came, especially with the adherence that left them as dar’manda if they broke the code.

It was clear that Din had left, either due to having his helmet removed or removing it himself and Boba, as an adult, had been helping the other cope, but now…

Well, as Fett had said, a lifetime of habits didn’t change overnight and a lifetime of being told that you had to keep your helmet on or you were no longer part of the people that raised you, that you were an outcast…

It had clearly left an impact on Din, as he bent his head so the hood slid further into his face as he continued eating, nibbling on the soft bread he had used to mop up some of the sauce of the meal.

Still Obi-Wan wondered how he had managed to get into a situation like this, sitting at the dining table with two time traveling adults become children while the other real adult was of changing diapers.

Because Fett had feed the baby tiingilar.

Even Boba had stared at his father as if he was an idiot, the man having admitted it once Grogu had suddenly farted so hard it seemed his little body had vibrated and then an awful smell had come. The look on the man’s face when Boba had very loudly declared that Jango was in charge of changing the diaper… oh, Obi-Wan wished he could have taken a holo of that.

The look of resigned dread from someone that had changed diapers before and knew what he would potentially find, despite Grogu being a totally different race. This was a man knew that ninety percent of raising a baby was fluids of different types and he had made this diaper worse by giving said baby something his stomach could not handle.

Giving a baby the mandalorian spiced food, bad idea, very bad idea and from the cursing Obi-Wan could pickup and the sound of ample water usage, he would hazard a guess that little Grogu diaper had been more than a little bit liquid.

‘Such is spice to a tiny stomach, this is why you give them tiny amounts of spice, salt and generally stick to neutral flavoring until their stomach’s develop properly.’ Obi-Wan thought with some amusement. At least, despite having liquid poop, Grogu had seemed happy, clapping his hands together while giggling at them all.

Pushing the memory away, Obi-Wan continues eating as he thinks about what the hell to do next.

He’s honestly not sure what to do with the information the two time travelers, Boba more than Din, has given him and Fett.

Does he contact the council?

Would they even listen?

Obi-Wan memory flashes back ten years and an ugly sensation settles in his chest as he remembers how insistent the council had been that they would have felt the Sith if they had returned.

No, he has a feeling they wouldn’t listen. Not even to him, the supposed Sith ‘slayer’, though apparently from what Boba says, Maul isn’t as dead as everyone thinks.

It… disturbs him, the idea of him surviving, of the man that murdered Obi-Wan’s master still alive.

Oh, he and Qui-Gon had issues and there were a chasm those last days but… he had still been Obi-Wan’s master and he had cared about the man, loved his mentor. So the idea of his murderer still surviving somewhere out hi the wide galaxy twisted his heart unpleasantly.

Then there was the clone army, the army that apparently wiped out the Jedi order.

Boba had been confused about that one himself, from what he knew, the clones loved the Jedi and Fett’s face when Boba had said that had been amusing, the way his face had scrunched up in disgusted disbelief.

So it hadn’t made sense to Boba that they’d turn on them. The boy had said, while staring at Obi-Wan, that his men had loved him, that someone named Commander Cody, had been trusted with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber so much he had a hook on his belt for it.

It had implications that Obi-Wan hardly dared to think about.

That Obi-Wan had trusted this commander Cody quite deeply in return.

So if what Boba had said was true, if the troopers had loved their Jedi Generals so much, why had they turned on them?

Furthermore there was still that issue that went a bit over Obi-Wan’s head, Jedi Generals.

The Jedi order wasn’t suppose to be Generals, to lead and army, it was all in the Ruusan Reformation pacts the order had signed with the Senate. If they were mandated to take up arms by the Senate, then yes, it was possible but it still broke the tenants of the pacts and it confused Obi-Wan very much.

There were those that hated or distrusted the Jedi in the Senate, that they would hand an army to the Jedi… it just didn’t make sense. Had Palpatine steamrolled anyone that protested or silenced them in some manner?

‘And there’s that last one that hurts my head.’ Obi-Wan thought wryly.


The Sith Lord himself, Emperor of the Empire…

It just… he believed Boba, of course, but he was still so incredulous.

Moreover, he was scared.

Anakin, due to the man’s manipulations and practically forcing the order’s hands, had been left alone in that man’s care. Had been alone with a Sith lord and Obi-Wan…

His mind flashed to some of Anakin’s arrogance, his misconceptions at times of the Order or people… and his anger, always so much heavier after visit to the Rotunda.

Now it made sense and that terrified him, what plans the Chancellor had for Anakin… and if Obi-Wan could save his padawan.

Force, he was so scared and he had no idea what to do, sitting at the table with two time travelers, eating mandalorian food. He wished there was an easy answer, but none came.

how’s the hunt for luke going in need for touch? i wonder if grogu is having as hard a time without his dad as din is without his kiddo…

Tucking Din’s leg, which had fallen out at some point back under their blanket, Paz reached out and stroked the others hair out of his face, observing the worn lines on his face.

But, well, at least Din was sleeping peacefully.

That bought a smile to Paz lips and he couldn’t resist leaning in to gently press a soft kiss to the apple of Din’s tanned cheek, feeling the scratch of stubble beneath his lips.

He wanted to linger in that moment, the softness, the sight of Din peacefully resting but Boba had called and therefore Paz straightened and put his helmet on, leaving his bond promised behind in their den to meet up with the other alpha.

Hopefully it meant good news, though it had been weeks since the two decided to try to find the Jedi.

Quietly, Paz closed the door behind himself, nodding to a passing guard in the slightly cool hall and made his way down the hall towards the throne room. Since Boba had added him to the scanner, Paz knew it would let him in as Boba also expected him and seeing as it was night time and only trusted people were left in the palace, Paz only worn his helmet, worn out thin sleep pants and a t-shirt that was frankly a tad too small.

Paz made a concentrated effort not to stretch in the thing, flushing a bit when a beta guard in the throne room suddenly perked up with interest, her eyes obviously tracing over the taut material and the bulk of his arms. She kept watching him closely as he crossed to the back of the throne to enter the King’s quarters and he could feel her eyes on him until the door closed behind him.

If Din had seen it, he would have gotten grumpy for sure, no one in the palace was ignorant that Paz and Din were bond promised after all.

Admittedly, it was a tad flattering to get the attention Paz had to admit, in the privacy of his own head. But there was only one person for him and that was Din, no one else measured up to the mighty beroya of the covert.

That he had managed to catch Din’s attention and keep it was not something he was willing to risk.

“Paz, there you are, I was wo-what the hell are you wearing?” Boba paused mid sentence, blinking bemusedly up at Paz from his position on the wing of the L shaped couch, his armor on its stand with Boba dressed in one of his black robes.

“My sleep wear?” Paz returned, equally bemused as he padded over and sat down near the other alpha. “I mean, I was in bed when you called. I’m honestly shocked it didn’t wake Din.” He shrugged a tad.

Boba eyed the hot pink if slightly faded t-shirt Paz was wearing that was clearly a size too small before letting out an amused snort with a head shake. “Well, I… anyhow, I found a lead on Skywalker, though I’m not sure its a valid one. I also sent a message to Organa that I want to speak with her brother.” He explained, looking down at the pad on his lap.

Leaning a bit forward to peer at it, Paz squinted a bit at the tiny letters on the tablet before shaking his head and looking back at Boba’s face. “A lead?” He questioned hopefully, settling a bit against the back of the couch.

Boba glanced at him, snorting at the sight of the t-shirt riding up on his stomach before he scrolled through his pad and brought up a map that he showed Paz.

Squinting at it, Paz let out a noise as he saw a tracked route leading from Coruscant to somewhere out along Outer Rims and he looked to Boba in confusion.

The man tapped his nail on the pad. “This? This is a shipping line from Organa to somewhere else. Medical supplies, freeze dried food along with long storage food, different fabrics, some motor parts for ships and speeders and sometimes other things are on the shipment list. I suspect she’s shipping supplies to her brother and his temple.” He explained to the mandalorian.

A noise of understanding escaped Paz. “That makes sense, I mean, they can’t make everything on one planet, wouldn’t have the resources to do that… could I take a look at the shipment lists?” He questioned.

Scrolling through the pad and bringing up the lists, Boba handed the pad to Paz to look through. “Organa might be willing to give us information or at least send Skywalker a message, if she decides to talk to me. If nothing less, her getting one to her golden brother would at least alert Skywalker to Din’s difficulties.” Boba murmured quietly as Paz read.

“Mmmn, hopefully. I don’t know much about this Skywalker but to take a adiik from an already injured omega…” Paz shook his head, grimacing.

He only looked away from the pad when the other let out a deep sigh. “Look, I’m not gonna defend Skywalker but… he’s not a bad person. Not really. I don’t really get what was going through his or Din’s head back on that cruiser but… there’s more to the story than what we get at least and if he knew the effect it would have on Din, I don’t think he would have done it.” Boba rubbed at his scarred face slowly and tiredly.

After weeks of a despondent Din, Paz wasn’t feeling quite so charitable however and only let out a vague noise of understanding, turning his attention back to the lists. As he did, he started to see a common denominator. “…There’s no fruit on this list.” He said slowly.

He felt Boba shift closer, but continued scrolling, flickering his eyes quickly over the letters.

“No vegetables either.” Paz mumbled, eyes widening with slight realization just as Boba let out a deep hum.

“They’re somewhere green. Green and fertile.” Boba stated with conviction, conviction Paz shared as excitement started to bubble in his chest.

Somewhere green and fertile in the outer rims that they could grow fresh produce.

‘Hold on adi’ika, soon your buir will see you again.’

Adiik = Child

Adi’ika = little one

Buir = parent

Oh, FertileWar is both intriguing and wonderfully amusing! I love how balanced and in control everyone is about the whole thing, at this time (and it does make sense, considering the main players are a grown Jedi Knight, and men raised from the cradle to have the ridged self-discipline of soldiers). It makes, as Obi-Wan noted, seeing the affection THROUGH the biology much easier! How well CAN Anakin read his former Padawan, though? Is he aware of the attractions, after seeing things in person?

There was something going on with his padawan and his men.

Of that Anakin was certain and he didn’t know better, it almost felt like Obi-Wan was… well, for the lack of a better word, crushing on his own men.

All of them.

Now, Anakin wasn’t stupid. His padawan was a young man, young men had urges most of the time unless they were asexual and even they occasionally felt lust. Obi-Wan, he knew was not asexual and had actually caught the other in a tryst or two.

He may also have scared at least one fellow padawan of his padawan out of their quarters by glowering.

Regardless how much Obi-Wan had been angry at the time, Anakin still kept his opinion about padawan Dilero-Dan, at twenty four, him paying that much attention to Obi-Wan at sixteen was not acceptable.

Now though, now Obi-Wan was an adult, if he wanted to shack up with someone, Anakin wasn’t about to stop his padawan, hell, depending on the person, he might even encourage the other. Release was healthy and despite how embarrassed it made both Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin had made sure to have a throughout sex talk with the other.

So, having a crush or two on some of his men wouldn’t have shocked Anakin, they were capable and Anakin, for all that he didn’t like the man himself, could tell that Jango Fett was objectively handsome.

But this wasn’t just one crush or even just a handful of the troopers.

It was all of them and that just…

It boggled Anakin’s mind and that wasn’t the only thing. The other thing was that the troopers themselves also seemed to have their own crush on their General.

It was the 501st that clued him in that something was up honestly, the way they seemed to both want to drift closer to Obi-Wan and yet firmly tried to keep professional. And Anakin had caught Rex quietly dressing down a shiny that had seemed to follow Obi-Wan around for a day.

Something was up and he’d have to ask Obi-Wan about why every clone around them seemed to find themselves attracted to Obi-Wan.

Shockingly, Anakin’s usual protective instincts weren’t surfacing at the thought.

Normally, uncut attention to Obi-Wan had Anakin’s instincts rearing to go and he had often cut of those that had less than stellar intentions with his former padawan, even if Obi-Wan at the time hadn’t realized it.

Maybe some would see it as him being overprotective but… well, Anakin was to teach and guide, that was his job and he wanted the other to be healthy.


The troopers didn’t initiate that feeling, Cody standing so close that his hip brushed against Obi-Wan’s didn’t make Anakin’s skin crawl as they went over the battle prep and strategy. The sight of Cody’s gloved and armored arm bumping against Obi-Wan didn’t make Anakin want to break the commander’s arm.

It was the strangest sensation, Anakin didn’t trust a lot of those that expressed interest in Obi-Wan, outside of a few of the Jedi back at the temple that Obi-Wan had cautiously explored with as a youth.

It made Anakin mull over the reason.

They were men after all, human men and Anakin had always dealt with those with extreme prejudice when it came to his padawan due to his body being slightly different and his gender having been difficult at times, even if Obi-Wan comfortably called himself male now.

That had taken a few years though, before Obi-Wan was certain.

So Anakin had protected him through those years as Obi-Wan figured himself out as his body changed and developed.

So, why wasn’t Anakin reacting to the troopers how he normally reacted?

He should be throwing a fit, throwing Cody as far away from Obi-Wan as he could, barring any of the troopers access to Obi-Wan by contacting the council to alert them to the strangeness of the troopers reaction to Obi-Wan.

True, there were some of the troopers, his own that was, that made his teeth itch if they got too close to Obi-Wan but…

“Master?” Obi-Wan’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin looked up in surprise, finding Obi-Wan, Cody, Rex and lieutenant Waxer looking to him along with Echo and Fives from the recon team.

He winced. “Apologies, could you repeat that? I was deep in thought.” Echo and Fives traded quick looks before the latter reiterated the information he and Echo had found on their scouting mission.

As he did, Anakin couldn’t help but glance at Cody, finding the man intently focused on Fives, eyes never wavering with his helmet beneath his other arm.

Not distracted, not leering, not making a big fuss of it all…

‘Oh,’ Anakin blinked in sudden realization. ‘I trust them. I trust them to remain professional and I trust them not to harm Obi-Wan, I trust them not to take advantage of him or him of them… that’s why.’ Anakin tilted his head, looking at Cody and Obi-Wan, standing so close and yet obviously paying attention to the report.

Anakin Skywalker trusted the 212th with Obi-Wan’s health and comfort.

For Lupinecopper can we see more of maul adjusting to the temple more?

Sitting down gingerly on the dry land, Maul looked around the water garden with quiet awe, unable to keep his attention on the Jedi master in front of him. Not that he was concerned, Obi-Wan wasn’t far away from them, showing Anakin how to swim as the desert child hadn’t learned that particular skill.

However, if anything was to happen, Obi-Wan would come and intervene, of that Maul was sure. Obi-Wan took his job as alpha of their little pack seriously and had already intervened twice when knights had gotten too rowdy with Maul in the hall.

The human had even growled, bared his fangs in human form before informing the knights that if they had an issue, Obi-Wan would be happy to inform the council of the knights trepidation to Maul’s presence among them.

A lot of Jedi had gone silent after that, though quiet hostility and resentment still lingered even if no one did anything too obviously.

The kel dor didn’t feel hostile though, not like many other Jedi were.

He didn’t even seem frightened, though that could be his shields in place.

So Maul could continue to marvel at the water garden from Mon Cala.

Maul had traveled the galaxy on Sidious orders, done many horrific things and many common things but he never just got the chance to… stop.

Sit down and enjoy the scenery.

In the Jedi temple, between following Obi-Wan around, working out, doing chores… there wasn’t much else to do, though Obi-Wan had been encouraging Maul to find a hobby or two to do. But to sit and just enjoy the peace…

It wasn’t something Maul had gotten to do and to do it now, especially in a water garden, rivers, ponds and even waterfalls all around him with little ‘islands’ of dry places to sit. Most of the vegetation was of course underwater, since this was a garden based on Mon Cala fauna but here and there, plants grew up on top of the surfaces.

Large lily pad like flowers, bowl shaped leaves, the floating what looked like kelp, lotuses, something that looked like cattails at the edges of the water and so on and forth.

For all the blue, the splashes of green, pink, white and golden yellow broke the scheme of blue apart, and it was beautiful.

Maul liked it.

“Its very peaceful here, isn’t it.” The kel dor stated.

Maul hummed in agreement, tilting his head to look across the water to watch the two humans for a bit, Obi-Wan carefully hold around Anakin’s midsection, gently instructing him to kick with his legs.

“The flowing water always reminds me that everything is in motion.” The man continued and Maul glanced at him, blinking slightly as he took in that the other was settled with his feet tucked under him instead of sitting in lotus position like Maul was.

‘Won’t his legs grow numb quicker like that?’ He couldn’t help but wonder. “…Is that a reference to me?” Maul questioned a tad tiredly, settling his hands in his lap. Coming to the temple, Maul had realized that one thing the rest of the galaxy had correct… was that the Jedi often spoke in fucking metaphors.

His question had the kel dor chuckling. “You, the future, me, everything my boy,” The Jedi turned his head to look at Obi-Wan and Anakin. “There was a time that many thought Obi-Wan would not become a Jedi due to his nature. Even now there are discrimination towards him, even in the temple. And yet here he is, one of our best, it reminds me that there is always things in motion, that for all the rocks thrown in a river, the water will flow.” He hummed.

Glancing back at the humans, Maul frowned. He hadn’t noticed anyone being obviously ill mannered towards Obi-Wan, but maybe that was just it, as an outsider, Maul just couldn’t see it?

Maybe that was it.

At least this kel dor was friendly. ‘His name is… Plo Koon, right?’ He glanced back at him. He was pretty sure the man was a council master and it was clear he had favorable opinions on Maul’s alpha.

That was good, it was clear that even among Jedi, werewolves weren’t an easy subject. So having someone in power as support could make things easier.

‘…Maybe I’ll tell them about Sidious… or he’ll make it difficult for us all…’ Maul mused quietly, looking at the flows of water around them, his eyes drawn back to the humans when Anakin’s Force aura suddenly spiked with mischievousness as he stood up in a shallow of the water, still up to his waist.

Suddenly the boy jerked, sending a spray of water up at the alpha, Obi-Wan spluttering loudly and Maul felt himself hold his breath, waiting.

Waiting for this to be it.

For Obi-Wan to show his true nature… and then the his alpha laughed, splashing Anakin in return with gentle hand waves.

The sound of Anakin laughing suddenly as he splashed Obi-Wan blotted out the sounds of the waterfalls for a long minute or two and Maul felt his lips reluctantly twitch into a smile as Obi-Wan laughed and played along.

He could feel the kel dor, Koon, watching both him and his humans but couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes of Obi-Wan and Anakin. ‘My… my pack. My little pack.’

Could we see more AWOL Jedi please? Maybe Anakin reconnecting with his men / Rex, and them realizing how lonely / how bad things became on Coruscant. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful stories with us! 💜

Nodding his thanks to Jinx as the vod put down a basket of fruit, Rex turned his eyes to Anakin, frowning slightly at a sudden thought that hit him. “I’m rather surprised that Senator Amidala hasn’t kicked up a bigger fuss about her kids being here.” Rex stated thoughtfully as he watched Anakin finish of the last of his water.

It had been the topic of some late bunk conversations for a few days actually and Rex knew, coming over a few gossip circles, that the Jedi too were a bit bemused by it. Everyone knew Senator Amidala after all, she was a determined and powerful woman, one you didn’t easily dismiss.

Rex had a lot of respect for her, she had always been a voice for good.

His words quieted some of the conversation of the other 501st in the house, his voice carrying enough.

Anakin however didn’t seem to realize, he only let out a bitter snort. “Maybe she would have, if she had a leg to stand on.” He stated wryly, kicking his legs out in front of him and setting his empty glass down on the caff table.

When their former Jedi had come to visit the 501st in their… well, Rex wasn’t sure what to call it but every battalion had their own headquarters or barracks so to speak now. It was generally a house, a few floors depending on how big the battalion was, a place to stretch their legs, talk, do their hobbies and have fun.

Technically a ‘break room’ situation so to speak, only it was a house instead, with rooms dedicated to rest, eating if they wanted and didn’t go to the larger cantinas to eat with other battalions or Jedi, hobby rooms and so on.

Often though, others visited them at the headquarters, trading food stuffs and so on.

It was nice, a place for the battalions to stretch their wings so to say, their own space for… well, whatever they wanted, just like the homes they had.

Anakin was the first Jedi, because he’d always be a Jedi to them, to visit the 501st and Rex couldn’t help a proud kernel in his stomach at the admiring look their Jedi threw around the first break room that meet them, filled with couches, caff table, a few fridges and lots of beanbags.

He had been even more impressed with the selection of drinks and snack foods he had been offered.

Now though, Rex regretted not offering the other something stronger as the blond gave his glass a bitter look. “…What do you mean sir?” Rex ventured carefully.

When the other just mutely stared at the glass, Rex shifted of the couch and moved around the table to sit down with Anakin instead, peering at the other man with a small frown on his face. “…Told you to call me Anakin… quite a few times actually.” He finally sighed, glancing at Rex.

Peering back steadily, Rex reached out slowly at Anakin’s slumped shape, settling his hand on the others shoulder. “Then… what did you mean Anakin?” He prompted carefully.

Settling back against the couch, Anakin tilted his head to peer up at the ceiling. “…When the Jedi left Coruscant…” He started slowly, frowning as if in pain. “I figured out just what was most important to Padme… and it wasn’t me or the kids…” He answered lowly, hands clenched into the fabric of his pants.

Slowly, with careful prompting, Rex got the story out of Anakin.

The days of isolation, of the Senator disappearing to the Senate for so long that not even Anakin saw her for days, of only the staff being around, of Anakin discovering that without the Jedi around, he was isolated to only his wife and the few friends he had managed to make among her fellow Senators.

Even then, that weren’t many, due to how Anakin had no interest for politics for one and due to the difference in life.

Anakin had been a slave and then he was a Jedi and a soldier, his life wasn’t pampered like many Senators. His life had been brutal, steady and hard, which made it difficult for him to connect to people like the soft handed senators with only a few exceptions.

It stunned Rex to the core, to realize that after they left, Anakin had been virtually friendless and he couldn’t help but reach out and pull his Jedi into a hug, clinging to the man, realizing that just like the 501st had missed Anakin… Anakin had missed them just as much.

Long arms wrapped around him in turn, the grip tight, as if Anakin couldn’t get enough of the hug and was terrified Rex was going to pull away.

He wouldn’t and Rex simply pressed his hand to the others back. “Its alright. You’re here now. We’re here. You can’t get rid of us that easily.” He whispered, looking up to find Echo and Jesse standing at their side, their hands joining Rex on Anakin’s back to gently rub, faces drawn in worry.

Their Jedi let out a soft, hiccuping noise and simply buried his head in Rex shoulder, hands fisting the back of his shirt.

“You can’t get rid of us.” Rex repeated quietly into curly blond hairs.