Hello! I love your stories so much and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page! If you are still doing Trauma Breaks All, I’d love to see Obi-wan healing/being comforted by his battalion (cuddle pile!) or whatever you have planned next

Grunting slightly as a wet nose brushed against his face, Cody opened his eyes to a squint to be faced with the black menace Obi-Wan had apparently named Jinn, the dog staring at him in return before laying back down in the same position he had been in last night when they had gone to sleep.

Still staring.

‘I swear, if it wasn’t the General’s, I would have drop kicked that thing ages ago.’ Cody mused to himself as he tightened his grip on Obi-Wan, pulling the man more firmly against his chest.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved animals for the most sake, especially dogs.

But Jinn was uncanny at times, staring people down from the moment Obi-Wan had introduced the dog to him at the temple, sitting silently at Obi-Wan’s side with its head leaned on the Jedi’s leg.

Obi-Wan had explained that it had something to do with his training, the way Jinn was made to adapt to a persons mood, judge them if they needed help and blah blah blah.

Still didn’t make the dog less creepy to Cody.

Even if it did wake him from a nightmare.

Settling his face in Obi-Wan’s hair, Cody pushed away the faint memories of a crying, bloody Obi-Wan in his dream and settled with the warmth of his vode all around him along with his General at his chest.

The man had come late last night, shyly requesting if he could stay over at the 212th assigned bunks.

To stay in the troopers cuddle puddle if they were willing.

It had been such a shy request Cody had almost melted out of his boots while hastily assuring Obi-Wan that he was more than welcome and that the entire 212th would be happy to have him in their cuddle puddle.

Really, he should be thankful to Jinn, he knew the creepy little bugger was the only reason Obi-Wan was comfortable finally leaving the temple. And he was honored that the first place outside of the temple Obi-Wan choose to go was to the barracks, to see the 212th, to get comfort from his battalion.

He had of course been aware that Obi-Wan was leaving the temple, General Skywalker had been quick to inform the entire GAR, the Coruscant Guard in particular, that Obi-Wan was leaving, through some of the less used and almost secret tunnels of the temple that lead into the lower levels of Coruscant to avoid the press still camping on the temple’s doorstep.

It was so that the clone troopers could be on a lookout for the Jedi in case he needed help, if leaving the temple proved to be too much for Obi-Wan and he ended up needing someone to guide him back to the temple or a ride home.

But he hadn’t been aware that it was them Obi-Wan would go to.

It was apparently on the encouragement of the healers, that Obi-Wan try on his own to leave, to go somewhere he was familiar with and felt somewhat safe.

The healers orders were also the only reason Skywalker had remained behind as this was a trial test to see how far Obi-Wan had come in his healing process.

Though when he learned where Obi-Wan had gone, Cody contacting the other Jedi while searching out extra blankets and pillows for their additional member, the blond had gone from tense even in holo form to visibly relaxed, trusting his master into the troopers hands.

So Obi-Wan had stayed the night with them, curled up in the large hall they used for cuddle puddles with mattresses all over the floors and all the blankets and pillows they needed, curled into Cody’s chest with Longshot at his back under a mass of covers, leeching the heat of the people around him with Jinn settled at their heads.

Cuddle puddles were something all troopers cherished, a way to relax and decompress with their vode, to know they were safe and to find comfort in each other. To have their General in their pile…

Well, Cody was beyond thrilled.

Even if he had a nightmare with Obi-Wan in his arms, that familiar nightmare of troopers gunning down their Generals but so much worse with Obi-Wan’s face covered in tears and blood.

Glancing at Jinn, Cody grimaced at the dog. “Thanks.” He muttered.

Tilting his head, Jinn stumpy tail wagged, giving that demented, weird grin french bulldogs seemed to have.

“…You’re still creepy.” He huffed, quieting down as several vode and Obi-Wan shuffled or grunted in response to Cody talking, both dog and human deciding mutually it was quiet time for a while longer.

In the Snails Are Free can we get some cute courting between Anakin and Obi-Wan Please?

“I’m sorry.” Anakin croaked out, peering blearily up at his Obi-Wan as the other set down a glass of water and a bowl of soup on the caff table.

Pausing, clearly startled, Obi-Wan’s three eyes blinked at him for several seconds before the other shook his head. “Now, what in the world are you apologizing for Anakin, for getting sick?” Sinking down on the couch beside the other, Obi-Wan gently had the blond lean against his side, smiling slightly as a few of Anakin’s tentacles wrapped weakly around his waist.

“I was…,” Pausing as a coughing fit overcame him, Anakin whined pitifully as Obi-Wan rubbed his back, his chest aching heavily. “I was suppose to take you out. To Dex. To…” To take him on the date that wasn’t quite a date because neither Obi-Wan or Anakin seemed to be able to say as much.

Even though both of them knew that they were dating at this point.

Waiting until Anakin collapsed against his side, Obi-Wan stroked the slightly sweaty hair out of the way. “Oh Anakin, I don’t blame you for getting sick and we can go on… we can go to Dex at any time. Your health comes first.” He scolded faintly before picking up the soup bowl, carefully pressing it into Anakin’s hands.

Grimacing slightly but raising the bowl to his lips, Anakin sipped slowly.

Thankfully, it was a thin soup, made with chicken and some thin noodles. It also brought back memories of Obi-Wan making the soup when Anakin was sick when he was young or when the weather was cold.

On the latter though, they’d also have bread to go with the soup, soaking it all up, the bread making it all more filling.

“Still…I know you were looking forward to it, so I was I.” Anakin lamented, his throat feeling a tad better for the warm liquid.

Both ignored the shadow of the giant snail’s tail suddenly passing by their balcony, Obi-Wan just gently hugging Anakin to his side. “I was. But as I said, we can go to Dex at any time. It wasn’t deeply necessary for us to go today.” He tugged playfully on a blond curl.

Snorting slightly, realizing that Obi-Wan wouldn’t accept Anakin taking on the blame, Anakin instead focused on slowly finishing of the soup so he could lay back down again.

He was honestly miserable and if he was to take a guess, it meant that while this was a cold, it was also a otherworld cold at the same time.

Just karking great.

Didn’t help that along with the couch, fever and normal body aches, his tentacles also ached and he had developed a purple rash everywhere that itched at times.’

“Besides,” Obi-Wan’s voice had turned soft, prompting Anakin to look at him, finding Obi-Wan watching him with tender eyes. “I don’t mind looking after you.” He murmured quietly, fingers brushing gently over Anakin’s cheek.

Feeling a tad gooey at that, Anakin couldn’t help but grin goofily at his master, his mate, setting down his soup bowl so he could cuddle in closer.

Laughing, Obi-Wan pressed a chaste kiss to Anakin’s cheek, his long hair brushing against Anakin’s neck before the redhead carefully prompted the knight to lay down, his head resting on Obi-Wan’s lap.

Oh, that was real nice as Obi-Wan instantly sliding his fingers into Anakin’s hair, slowly massaging the other scalp as Anakin let out little, happy noises between coughs.

Don’t get him wrong, he still felt terrible…but at least he wasn’t alone.

SeveredStomach: I noticed that Boba was doing most of the heavy lifting at the moment.  I wanna see Paz doing something for Din, either he notices something because he’s known Din longer, or he just happens to catch on first.

Eyeing the stew thoughtfully, Paz looked around the empty kitchen warily for a few seconds before reaching up hesitantly and removing his helmet to set on the counter, quickly sticking the ladle down into the stew, lifting it and pouring sauce and vegetable bits onto his tasting spoon.

He blew on it, reluctantly, knowing better than to stick the hot food into his mouth before finally tasting it, thoughtfully tasting the sauce as he put the spoon down and putting his helmet back on, his tense shoulders relaxing down as the HUD came up.

Even now, despite their covert being destroyed, being without his helmet was… discomforting to Paz and he knew Din felt the same, even if he was getting better about being exposed to Boba and Fennec.

But those two were different.

They were aliit now, allowed, Paz was just… slow. Struggling to adapt and there was no way he’d expose himself to any random asshole coming into the kitchen.

Thankfully none of the three of them blamed him, they were almost horribly understanding to Paz insecurities.

‘Then again, Din likely thinks the same about us and our treatment of him.’ Paz thought dryly, casting his mind back to when the other had fallen asleep against Boba’s knee in the karking throne room.

They had been so worried, Paz only barely managing to wait until the throne room emptied out before he picked up Din and carried him to Boba’s room. Boba still had to be the one to remove the helmet, Paz freezing up at the idea of doing it but…

Well, Din had simply been asleep as a proper check had told them, as confusing as that had been.

A bit of research, Din still sleeping, had given them the answers they needed.

It was that karking dumping thing again, apparently Paz cake had given the other dumping, causing Din to become so tired his body had shut down and he had fallen asleep this time. Fennec had outright printed out the dumping syndrome information for both Boba and Paz to keep an eye on, to know what to look for in the future.

The list wasn’t… pretty.

The list of symptoms were going to be hell on Din for sure if they didn’t regulate his intake. It also depressed Paz a bit to realize that several of the traditional recipes he had learned wouldn’t be so easy to feed Din, seeing as grease, fat and sugar could kick him into dumping syndrome.

It was actually why he was down in the kitchen, revising some of the old recipes, grateful that at least the medication Boba had gotten Din made it possible for the other to eat spices, as most mandalorian cuisine leaned heavily on hot dishes.

It meant that he wouldn’t have to cut that out of the dishes and Din would be able to eat at least partly what he was used to, even if Din generally survived on a diet of shitty rations and dehydrated stuff while on a hunt.

Still, while in the palace, Paz was determined to spoil the other.

Which meant reworking a few of the recipes from the Vizsla clan vast cookbook, a few which Paz suspected had come from other planets if he was honest, seeing as they contained ingredients sometimes only found on one planet and it was not Mandalore.

A sound echoed down the hall of the kitchen, a loud step and Paz tensed before he relaxed, glancing curiously at the door. Someone knew he was there and knew he was liable to pull a blaster on whoever showed up.

So, four possible suspect, the chef Boba hired, seeing as he already pulled a gun on her once for startling him and therefore she had started making deliberate noises in case he was there, Fennec, Boba or Din, as all three knew he was there at the moment.

Unconsciously, his lips twitched into a smile when Din stepped inside in his only his undersuit and helmet, the silver helmet looking about before the other padded over to him. “You’re making inglar?” Din questioned, pleasure in his voice.

Nodding, stirring slowly, Paz added another pinch of salt to the stew. “Yeah, figured you’d appreciate something hardy, since you’re heading out tomorrow.” Paz explained, forcing himself to not tense up when the bounty hunter leaned against his arm. The contact wasn’t unwelcome, just unexpected and he didn’t want Din to pull away.

“That’s kind of you, thank you.” Din hummed out, his vocoder crackling slightly.

He got a small snort and Paz continued stirring slowly. “Seeing how I messed you up yesterday, you deserved something hardy that wouldn’t fuck you up.” He couldn’t help but state wryly, smiling more when Din let out a soft chuckle.

“In all our defenses, we had no idea that would happen.” Din stated in a slightly cheerful tone, as if he hadn’t been upset as all hells the day before when he was informed. Not that he had stated as much but all three of them had gotten good at reading Din’s body language.

Instead of answering, Paz just curled his arm around the other in a one armed hug to his side, trying not to flush at the feeling of Din leaning into his chest. “Well, anyhow,” He cleared his throat, staring into the green tinted stew. “Your hunt tomorrow, wanted you well feed before you ran of into the desert. That’s where you’re going, right?” Tilting his head to glance at Din, Paz let his arm linger around him, seeing that Din wasn’t tense or moving away.

As he was watching him, he got to see Din nod. “Yes, Boba’s target skedaddled into the Jundland wastes, idiocy if I ever heard one. Either the tuskens are gonna get her or the heat will, if I don’t find her.” He snorted slightly.

Letting out a sharp snort of his own as he turned his faze to the pot on the stove, Paz simply nodded, enjoying the warmth of the other’s body. If there was anything Paz had come to learn, it was that Tatooine was hot as hell and that he was lucky to access as much water as he could to keep hydrated, all thanks to Boba. “Well, Boba does want the moron alive, but you know tusken signs, so if needed, you could barter with them.” He stated a tad dryly, breath hitching slightly as a low, warm chuckle came from beside him.

Honestly, if this was a year ago… he couldn’t imagine this.

But by Manda’s glass, he was happy he had it.

Aliit = Clan, family.

I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

JediAreCats: someone tries to take advantage of the Jedi’s instincts, and the clones with them retaliate with brutal force.  Preferably Mace and Ponds, although any other clones and Jedi are fine, too! 😄

Clicking on the video and starting it, this video of the ‘Jedi are cats’ episode opened up with a kel dor standing in what was clearly the landing bay of one of the Venators, a sight most familiar at this point to the fans watching the Jedi and clones shenanigans.

Around him, ships were parked, troopers were working or just milling about and the Jedi simply stood there in front of the camera in the familiar Jedi attire the man in question seemed to prefer.

Settling his claws together in a triangle, Plo Koon watched his men curiously as one was digging through a box and another was filming him. “I’m uncertain what this little experiment is suppose to prove Boost, but as always, I’m quite willing to play along as we’re not busy at the moment, seeing as we are in hyperspace at the moment.” The Jedi stated good naturally, his mask moving in a way that indicated he was smiling.

The audience had long gotten used to several of the Jedi’s facial expression and Plo Koon was one of the easiest ones to read, always coming of as sincere and calm to the people watching.

“Its just something I read about on the holonet sir, a few of the people of the Republic had a question and wondered… well, its just a little experiment, won’t take more than a few minutes really sir.” The clone, Boost,apparently, stated cheerfully.

Several text bubbles, clearly comments on the videos before, popped up on screen, all containing a version of ‘my feline will sit in any square I put down in our home, taped, drawn or otherwise. Do Jedi follow this instinct?’

Finally, Boost found what he was looking for and stepped into view fully, showing that he was a mostly generic looking clone from the looks of things, however, his hair was red and was shaven into blocks, giving him a unique hairstyle.

In the trooper’s hand, a roll of black tape was held as he made his way over and knelt down, his Jedi tilting his head curiously to watch him work. Slowly and steadily, the man laid down tape, making first a meter long stripe and then another and another, moving around the Jedi until the man was standing in a taped of square of black tape on the durasteel floor.

Then Boost stood, grinning slightly as he swung the tape on a finger. “Well then sir, have at. That’s all I’m required to do.” The man stated with a small chuckle.

Plo, bemused, stared at the trooper, looked down… and then started laughing quietly too. “Oh I see, this is the box conundrum, isn’t it?” He stated with a deeply satisfied tone at seemingly having figured it out.

“The… box conundrum, sir?” The clone behind the camera questioned, Boost visibly pouting at his General as the experiment seemed to be a flop.

Plo however, nodded, turning his smile on the man behind the camera. “Indeed Sinker, the younglings back at the temple often do this with the temple tookas. Its to make them sit still long enough to approach them and build bonds,” He gestured down at the taped of area around him. “Felines are naturally curious, they know their territories well and any differences… well, it is a cause for curiosity, to be explored. Many of them will settle into the area to explore it. I imagine the public thought that might be the same for Jedi?” He turned his head to Boost.

The trooper nodded, sighing as he typed something down on a pad before kneeling down to remove the tape. “Yes sir, seeing so many questions about it, we figured we could test it. Its a harmless little thing after all.” He tacked on, grinning a tad.

Laughing, Plo reached out and gently patted Boost on the head. “Indeed,” He stated, ignoring how Boost seemed to still at the touch and lean into it. “It does however not work on us. Or well, that is a lie, some of the younglings in the creche, it will work on them. But as we grow older, we loose that instinct.” Plo stated warmly, stepping out of the square being dismantled, the last view was a softly smiling Boost as he continued cleaning up.

Underneath the video, a ton of comment came up, from the soft awws of seeing Boost reaction, those wanting to defend Boost little smile and then the massive amount going, ‘TEMPLE TOOKAS!? ADSAFDSFDSF!?’

Sufficient to say, there were more questions after that.

omg i love the idea of stimulation tools for lil adhd obi! can we see some more fluff like this?!💙

Pressing the straw to his padawan’s lips, Qui-Gon chuckled quietly as the boy thirstily drank, eyes wide as they peered up at Qui-Gon as he sucked greedily. “Water first, then I’ll see about getting you a soda, alright?” He murmured fondly, giving Obi-Wan a slightly sterner look when a whine escaped him.

That quieted him down and he focused on clearing the cup of water instead.

Obi-Wan had woken up only half an hour ago, the nurses and medics checking him over before declaring that they wanted the boy to stay overnight before they released him, just in case. In the meantime, Qui-Gon had been encouraged to have Obi-Wan drink and rest and for the trip back to the temple, keep resting and drinking.

Obi-Wan however had an issue drinking water at times, it had to be ice cold before Obi-Wan drank it without fuss generally but right now, Qui-Gon was uncompromising.

A cup of water and then his padawan could have flavored drinks.

Back a the temple, in their own kitchen, they generally had several types of concentrates to create their own flavored drinks, mostly fruit related ones, to ensure Obi-Wan drank something beyond tea as too much caffeine wasn’t great on a growing body.

It was the healers that had suggested the flavored concentrates and frankly, Qui-Gon didn’t mind.

He sometimes indulged in them too but generally stuck to clear water or tea.

Obi-Wan however was different and Qui-Gon had understood that, therefore stocked appropriately, be it the foods Obi-Wan favored on special days or be it the liquids required to ensure his hydration along with the fidget toys to keep him occupied.

Finally the cup was empty and Qui-Gon set it aside, gently running his hand over his padawan’s short hair with a small smile. “Well done Obi-Wan, I know that wasn’t the best but I’m proud of you.” He murmured, knowing how important positive reinforcement was for the other.

Pushing into the touch, Obi-Wan preened slightly, smiling shyly up at him. “Now can I get a soda?” He asked quietly.

Reaching into his robes, pulling out Obi-Wan’s fidget cube and pressing it into his hands, Qui-Gon nodded. “Of course, just give me a few minutes. The drinks machine is down the hall and rather busy, so it will take me a few minutes. Do you have a preference?” He questioned.

Pausing, flickering the button on his fidget cube, Obi-Wan furrowed his brows before looking up, shaking his head. “Not really but something fruity would be best.” The boy stated, curled up in the medbed, looking so much smaller for it.

Nodding, stroking his hand over the short spikes once more, Qui-Gon turned and headed out of the room, breathing deeply.

He was so relieved that despite the injuries he received, Obi-Wan didn’t seem worse for wear. Simply tired, somewhat antsy and a bit bored, as anyone would be in a medical facility.

Qui-Gon was doing his best to filter and block the normal miasma of pain and discomfort echoing in the Force in the medical center and so far, it seemed to be working as Obi-Wan rested properly.

It could also be the painkillers he guessed but many Jedi, Obi-Wan among them, never rested well in medical facilities, the general state of people in search of healing, of people dying and despair often echoing in the Force around them.

Even the Halls in the temple had remains of it, despite the Healers doing their best to purify the Force there.

With Obi-Wan’s sensitivity, coupled with his ADHD, Qui-Gon had worried…

Well, they were getting out of the facility tomorrow and back at the temple, Yan would be waiting for them.

He was actually nervous about that, he wasn’t sure what Yan would say about Obi-Wan once he meet him and it had been such a long time since he himself had seen his old master… but, well, Yan had been briefed about Obi-Wan’s condition.

For all their sakes, Qui-Gon hoped it would go well.

so i am 100% just making my way through your aphorisint masterlist right now and valiantly resisting asking for more of like, a million different things?? but if you had any more of Theheelytrick , then that would be… absolutely lovely 👁 it gave me some real good giggles, ngl

Trying not to crack up laughing as people were giving themselves whiplashes as he walked by peacefully, Obi-Wan had to give it to Anakin. He was right that taking a day of from his wheels and walking around instead was making everyone even more confused than before even if the reason the other had suggested it was for Obi-Wan’s ankle to get a rest.

Instead of laughing as he desired, he simply gave people a peaceful smile and nod as he walked by them to the refractory to meet his former padawan and their shared padawan.

Ahsoka gave him a long look as he came towards them, looking like someone had forcibly feed her a lemon with how her lips puckered.

Anakin’s eyes however glittered in obvious joy as he beamed at him. “Obi-Wan! Right on time, we need to eat and then get going.” He stated cheerfully, pulling both of them to the queue behind a staring twi’lek.

The lady jumped a bit when Obi-Wan smiled at her and quickly gave an awkward smile back before turning back around to the front but even as she did, Obi-Wan could read her expression going, ‘what the hell, what the hell, what the HELL!?’.

After weeks and weeks of Obi-Wan gliding everyone, seeing him walk around normally for prolonged minutes was apparently disturbing them now and he wanted to so badly to crack up and fess up to what he was doing.

He was going to soon of course but… honestly, just a bit more.

Just a few more weeks of delightfully fucking around with people until he told them it was just wheels in his damn boots.

Well, not these particular ones.

Since he had karked his ankle up the day before, Anakin had carefully wrapped his ankle for him and dug out an older but low cut pair of boots that belonged to Obi-Wan, the small ankle boots not as tight with the bandage due to their wear and tear.

Thankfully, despite aching a bit as he put his weight on his ankle, it didn’t outright hurt enough for him to be limping around.

Grabbing a tray and lifting a spiced dish onto his tray quickly, Obi-Wan gave a happy noise. “Stewjoni spiced vegetable stew, the new supplies must have come in.” He beamed happily, quickly grabbing another small roll of traditional bread roll, the scored x in the top along with the telling blue tinge informing it was made with the proper grains.

Beside him, Ahsoka made a low noise of realization. “That’s right, your home planet don’t trade much with outsiders, do they?” She peered up at him.

Absently noting that she would soon be able to look him straight in the eyes with how she was growing like a weed, Obi-Wan nodded. “Stewjon is controlled space, they are isolationist by nature. Its a miracle they’re willing to trade with the Jedi temple really but that may be because we have a few members originally from Stewjon,” He stated warmly, grabbing another offering of traditional food. “A few members leave on their own but… yeah, outside of the Senator and her aide and a few scattered restaurants on Coruscant, Stewjoni don’t leave their space.” He hummed, thinking about to the one time he had visited his home planet.

He missed Ahsoka giving him a long, considering look as she swiped a meat forward plate of food. “Do Stewjon have Force organizations of their own?” She ventured, seemingly holding her breath as Anakin gave her a bemused look.

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite a few actually. They’re minor but powerful in their own right but some parents tend to give their children to the Jedi.” Obi-Wan answered absently, missing once more as Ahsoka gave Obi-Wan’s feet a considering look, as if she was trying to connect pieces of out information that weren’t there.

She wasn’t the only one, several Jedi whispering to each other.

Was Stewjon where Obi-Wan’s newfound powers came from?

AFrankTalk: if Boba thought that Din was beat up then, he’s going to be very unhappy when he sees him after saving Grogu.  And need a bigger medical kit.

Landing in the Emperial light cruiser, Boba scowled darkly to himself as he got up and made his way through Slave 1.

Karking Luke Skywalker.

Of course the only Jedi in the known galaxy had come to the cruiser and of course Boba had to get a glimpse of the whelps face. ‘At least it wasn’t karking Han Solo. Not sure I would have held back if it was that karking asshole.’ He thought grumpily at himself as he lowered the ramp, eyeing the remains of the dark troopers laying around.

Bore all the signs of a Jedi having gone ham and Boba had to force himself not to shiver at the sight even as he hoped that the sight of Slave 1 had sent a stab of ghostly fear through the blond.

The Jedi might have been wiped out when he was still young, but he could still remember them and their powers. Even now, he couldn’t help but wonder how the other clones managed to win over them, how the Empire managed to wipe out most of them in just the first few days with the power they had at their disposal.

The thought disappeared however as the elevator opened, Fennec stepping out with a hand on Djarin’s shoulder with the Marshal following behind, the moff on her shoulder and Djarin’s helmet in one hand.

If Fennec hadn’t already commed him and informed him of the child being with Skywalker, he would have been alarmed but as it was…

Boba was already alarmed at the sight of a bared face if down tilted face, Djarin’s hazy eyes still visible as he stumbled along at Fennec’s guidance. “What…” He bit in his questions, simply took Djarin from Fennec and directed Dune to the carbonite chambers as he pulled the other bounty hunter with him.

It was clear he was karked up and Boba knows his ship and equipment better than Fennec, so she would get them out of the light cruiser and away from the damn princess and her Nite owls.

Guiding Djarin to the medbay of Slave 1, Boba furiously kept himself from looking too closely at Djarin’s face.

Not until he had permission.

Djarin and his group of Watch Children were practically religious about the helmets, so why the fuck was the other exposed?

What the hell had happened on the cruiser?

Boba wasn’t even sure he wanted to know as he carefully guided the other onto the medbed, feeling the vibrations of the ship taking of off, Fennec short words over the intercom telling them she was getting them out as Boba pulled a medkit onto the bed beside the man and popped it open for use.

“Djarin, can I look at your face?” Boba growled quietly, squeezing Djarin’s thighs when there wasn’t an answer. “Djarin, you’re clearly hurt but you aren’t wearing your helmet, I swe-”

“Doesn’t matter,” Djarin’s voice was low, raspy and Boba felt his heart break at how lost it sounded. “You can look… the others… saw. I… you can look.” He repeated, voice trailing of.

‘The kark, the kark, the kark…’ Boba swallowed, closed his eyes and then looked up, meeting the hazy brown eyes of the other.

Djarin looked so very lost even as he couldn’t meet Boba’s eyes, either due to the clear concussion he had or because he wasn’t used to it.

So very lost and so very small, his face had blood on it, coating down the side of his neck and into his kute. At the sight Boba felt the air in his lungs freeze even as he was certain there would be more injuries below the beskar andkute. “…What happened?” He whispered, unsure if he meant the look or the injury.

The question had Djarin shoulders hunching, pulling up to his ears. “…I gave Grogu to the Jedi… I… accomplished my task.” Djarinslurred out.

Slowly, carefully Boba reached out to touch his neck, making a questioning noise. The touch had Din’s shoulders slumping though, leaning into it despite the pain it must have brought.

“Fought a dark trooper… it hit my head against the wall. A lot.” Djarinblinked at him before squinting slightly, as if the light was too much.

Three things became very clear to Boba in that moment.

One, Djarin was even more reckless than he had anticipated when he had taken the stormtroopers blasts head on, seeing as he had not informed anyone that he was properly injured and likely not that he had fought one of those karks of robots Boba had seen in the landing bay.

Two, the other was clearly very out of it, having given up his foundling. For all that it had been his tasks for months, it was also clear to Boba that Djarin had more than just cared for a foundling, he had loved the child.

Three, Djarin needed someone to take care of him, because right in this moment, the other was more than just slightly out of it, to the point he wouldn’t even do the basic of caretaking for himself.

This man had carried Boba’s armor out of the desert, had fought a krayt dragon for it, this man had gone to bat for his foundling and when push came to shove, when someone better equipped to train and protect him came along, had done the difficult choice to hand his child over.

So Boba would step in for now, when it was clear Djarin needed someone because this man had been the one to give him his armor back, give his father’s legacy back.

And just maybe, maybe Boba felt a connection to this man and maybe, just maybe he didn’t want to loose it before it had a chance to bloom.

Slowly, carefully, he reached out and slid his fingers through the others matted, sweat and blood slicked hair and drew the others face towards him, settling Djarin’s forehead on Boba’s shoulder.

A low, confused noise escaped Din.

“Shh… I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure you heal.” Boba murmured quietly, Din’s gloved hands coming up to grasp at Boba’s breastplate, holding on as Boba slowly prodded at the back of the others head, feeling the broken and swelling skin.

It made him hiss with worry.

The amount of Force the dark troopers must have been able to exert for that to happen with a karking beskar helmet to protect the skull… kark, thank fuck Skywalker had dealt with them.

Reaching down, Boba quickly pulled out a tub of bacta. “This is going to sting and you’re going to need a water shower later Djarin, but we need to get bacta on that.” He rumbled out, feeling the other shift against him, his forehead coming into contact with Boba’s scarred neck.

“Din.” A soft, slurred whisper came to his ears and Boba paused in uncapping the tub, wondering if he had heard what he thought he heard.

Soft breathing was all he heard and swallowing Boba let out a small, questioning hum for clarification, holding his breath as he waited for Djarin to speak again.

“My name… Din Djarin. Its… its yours to use.” Din continued at the prompting, his breath washing across the scarred skin.

Swallowing thickly, Boba wondered if the other realized he had given Bobahis full name. Instead of doing him the discourtesy of questioning him, Boba set the tub down and raised his hand, cupping the back of Din’s head with his palm. “Vor entye, Din.” He whispered.

Without covert or foundling, Boba couldn’t help but wonder who was going to look out for this lost, doe eyed looking man with shockingly soft features behind the smooth metal of his helm.

The answer came to him as he stroked the others filthy hair. ‘Me. I’m the one that’s going to look after him. And woe be the one that harms him on my watch. I’ll smear them to the ground.’ Boba pressed his nose to the filthy hair, not yet daring to press a kiss to it yet needing to give him some affection before he continued taking care of the injuries of the lost one in his arms.

Vor entye = Thank you

awolJedi is the clone babies going to come out of the pods soon? It sounded like they were soon ready

Sitting up sharply in bed, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the wall for several seconds before throwing the covers of himself and sliding his feet into his slippers, hurrying out of his temporary bedroom by touch alone.

In the darkness, he fumbled for his robe on the hook by the doorway, throwing it on as he made his way through the halls.

On the way, an anxious Anakin appeared from his temporary room, looking just as sleep disheveled as Obi-Wan felt, the blond looking at him with wide eyes as he scratched nervously at his bare stomach.

The other had clearly not thought to throw on a robe like Obi-Wan had but had at least put on slippers and together, the two made their way to the Halls of healing, the insistent tugging of the Force pulling them along.

The Halls, due to the likelihood of injuries being high during the initial construction, had been one of the first places on the schedule to be built of the temple, along with temporary shelters, the creche, kitchens and of course the archives.

The temporary shelters, creche and halls had been the highest priority though and still bore signs of a rush job that Obi-Wan knew that would be worked on better now that things were settling.

But that was not why he and Anakin were in the Halls.

Because they could feel them, a tugging in their very souls and likely something the kaminoans had thought of when they cloned the Jedi.

The children were ready.

The clones of him and Anakin.

And Yoda, as when they arrived, the old man was already there, leaning on his cane as he stared into the Halls with an unfamiliar senior healer at his side and Master Che. When Anakin and he arrived, all three gave them looks of realization before Che started barking more orders. “All three of yours in the same night?” She finally turned back to them, cursing slightly. “This wasn’t going to be easy just with one of you.” She complained, huffing loudly before sighing and gesturing to her side for the unfamiliar healer at her side, causing the yellow zabrak to step forward.

“I’m healer Zora, they and them,” The zabrak smiled at them before lifting a pad to show them the readouts of the clones pods. “I’ve been in charge of the tubes for a while now, researching them and ensuring things proceed as they should. They’re all healthy,” They reassured at Anakin’s face turning slightly alarmed. “We just don’t… we’re not certain what to expect, with the children all being Force sensitive. Cloned Force sensitive are… difficult.” They finished with.

Now that, was an understatement if Obi-Wan knew something.

Scientists, both scrupulous and unscrupulous, had for decades tried to figure out Force sensitivity, simply cloning a Force sensitive didn’t always track and some of the experiments he knew had happened had actually leveled entire research facilities.

Maybe that’s why the Force has them there, maybe the clones know them in some way. Because as the tubes get drained, the babies in them simply squirm and wiggle, cry out with strong lungs that makes Obi-Wan’s breath hitch in return, Anakin shift forward and Yoda straighten from where he’s leaning on his cane.

Carefully, each of the bright little lights are placed into the arm of a waiting padawan healer, carefully cleaned and swaddled and when there aren’t enough, Obi-Wan steps forward and takes one of the babies that has been made of him, blinking down at eyes as green as his own.

“…Hello there, welcome to the galaxy little one.” He whispered, smiling slightly as the child squirmed in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if this baby had darker skin and green eyes, for a moment he wondered how Cody would have felt to be here with him.

Then he put that thought aside, grateful his beard hid the evidence of his blush as he moved to hand the child over to healer Zora for a weighing and measuring, the baby whimpering at the loss of Obi-Wan’s body warmth.

YoungAndFresh:  Boba and Din are going to get antsy and spar, terrifying Jango, because he didn’t teach Boba half of those moves!  And impressing everyone else, because they didn’t think a child Din’s age could pull off that particular throw.  And Obi-Wan is trying to find out why the clones would turn on the jedi.

The training hall was full of troopers today, more than usual, chock full of troopers and even a few of the trainers that seemed to be milling around more than working out and sparring.

But there was a very good reason for that, for one, Jango Fett was in attendance with his son, two, there was a karking Jedi and three… the two impossible children were there.

And he and Boba were sparring.

The moment that missive had hissed through the clone troopers ranks, many had made their way to the training hall in question, a few with recording equipment for those that couldn’t come see, either if they wanted to see the Jedi, the impossible kids or Boba actually fighting.

As far as any of them could remember, Boba had never sparred in public with the rest of them, Jango Fett seemingly preferring to keep his son apart from them and training in a private place.

After all, he was ‘special’ compared to them.

The one that got picked.

The one unaltered.

If there was some resentment and jealousy attached to that… well, they knew better than to voice it.

Still, looking at the two little shapes, the impossible human kid already wearing a helmet and basic cadet armor while Boba had yet to put on his helmet, no one could say they weren’t a tad excited to see what might happen.

“You ready Din’ika?” Boba questioned, cracking his knuckles easily with a grin on his face as he faced down his opponent on the other side. The boy had leaned a training staff against his side and once he was finished cracking his fists, he grabbed it, smirking happily.

He got a head cocked in answer from this ‘Din’ika’, a few of them wondering what the others name was, before the little one raised the staff, the way the other held the staff showing he was familiar with a staff. “You don’t have bulk anymore.” Came a soft, modulated voice.

“And you don’t have the height but I know how to fight you Din.” Boba shot back as he put the cadet helmet on, no longer looking so unique compared to everyone else.

The Prime giving a small sigh as he gently hoisted the other impossible child a tad higher, the little one babbling happily as he watched the other kids while the Jedi tilted his head to watch them.

Ignoring the confusing sentences, clones started quietly making bets between themselves, betting everything from favors, extra rations or whatever they thought would make a good trade.

For a moment, the two kids eyed each, two little predators watching, waiting… and then Boba moved, quick on his feet as he lashed out first, closing the distance and swiping down at the other’s legs with his own.

Din, because that had to be the name of the other boy, jumped, using the staff to as support to swing himself to the side quickly before he as quick as an ocean viper raised the staff to slam it down in a graceful arc.

Equally fast, Boba bought up his staff, blocking the hit but grunted as the force of it had his knees buckling slightly as he adjusted his grip on his staff.

“Must have underestimated the force of it.” CC-2224 whispered as quietly as he could to CC-3636. They had no way of knowing that it wasn’t the force of it Boba had underestimated, but the strength of his own body.

Din hadn’t been joking in reminding Boba he didn’t have the bulk to tank it out as he had before when they sparred and it was showing.

But to those unfamiliar with the boys and the situation, the two still came of impressive as the two lashed out, clearly getting more comfortable the longer they sparred.

While they were both lithe little things, it was clear that while Din seemed to prefer to use his fancy footwork and quick moves to either wear down his opponent or end a fight before it began, Boba used his strength and bulk to take on the other.

Which might have been more effective if the other had more bulk but quite a few of the trainers and the more advanced clones, especially the Nulls and Alphas, could tell that with time, if he trained the right way, Boba could become one hell of a tank fighter, heavy muscles and tight weight would do it.

Especially coupled with a proper armor.

Din on the other hand was speed and grace, where Boba seemed like he thought he could run through boulders and smash helmets with his staff as one particular vicious swing seemed to indicate, Din was more inclined towards endurance, wear down his prey and take them out when their strength waned. He dodged and waved, jabbed out with the staff to hit critical points and created openings to tire Boba out.

Finally though, Boba showed that between the two, he still had the superior strength, so maybe there was something to his tank behavior, when he slammed down his staff so hard in the middle of Din’s own that it broke, leaving Din stumbling back with two halves.

Jango stepped forward, as if to call it of when both threw their weapons as if on mutual agreement to be on even footing and if anyone had watched closely enough, they would have seen the shock bloom in the Prime’s eyes when the younglings started to brawl.

“Huh, would you look at that, didn’t know Bob’ika had it in him.” Alpha-17 whispered, leaning close to Spar, Muzzle nodding on the other side of the clone.

“Vicious little thing.” Muzzle agreed, wincing a tad when Din took a fist to the stomach only to whistle when, outside of bowing slightly in pain with a modulated wheeze, Din didn’t let up and instead pounced forward to drag Boba to the mats.

“Both of them.” Alpha-17 tacked on with slight amusement, mind flashing back to the day before when he had met the two in the hallway, how viciously Boba had been standing in front of the other.

Din had come off as a meek, terrified little thing but now he was anything but, rolling on the mats, grappling with Boba.

Maybe Alpha would offer some training aid to the two, should they take it. Before he wouldn’t have contemplated it but Boba was different now, no longer a scowling but obviously scared thing. The Boba he had seen before wouldn’t have backed down if Alpha talked to him.

Hissing in sympathy as Din suddenly got slammed to the mat and his arm wrenched, Alpha nodded to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Yeah, if he could get the two on hand, he’d ask if they wanted some training aid.