In Dangerous Galaxy, how are the other Jedi reacting now that they’re safe from the Senate? Have their relationships with the clones changed? Have any of them allowed themselves to open up about what they went through, about how they may not have allowed themselves relationships because of what they had to do?

Smiling quietly as she accepted the cup of tea Commander Colt made for her, Shaak nodded her thanks to him as she cradled the cup close, savoring the warmth and scent of the precious liquid. Across the table, Depa accepted her own cup from Colt, smiling softly up at the man and then blowing on the tea, a tad more impatient than Shaak for the heat.

Not that Shaak could blame her, Depa had just arrived and it had been raining as usual.

The wind had a tendency to make things cold.

Curled into his master’s side, Caleb napped quietly, the quiet buzz of troopers all around them sending the young padawan into a deep, secure sleep.

Not that Shaak was any better, if she was honest.

Ever since Vod’alor Kote, since Commander Cody, conquered Coruscant and took over the Republic, a sense of security had finally settled into Shaak’s very bones and soul.

The knowledge that the Senate could no longer use them was… reassuring.

That was the easiest word Shaak could use, reassuring. Her actual emotions couldn’t be put into words, the sensation of overwhelming joy, the painful relief, uncertainty of the future, the knowledge the troopers were there…

So many emotions and mixing and mangling in her chest and filling her with a sensation she just couldn’t explain.

And over all of it, happiness, warmth, the knowledge that they were safe.

Yes, Shaak was more than happy to sit with her fellow council member, enjoy the tea Colt had made for them as Caleb napped on his master, his mother’s, lap.

Not that he knew it.

The jedi did their best to shield their own children from the knowledge.

To know you were the product of a Senator taking advantage of a Jedi, to know you were the product of rape…

Yes, the Jedi did their best to shield the children. So many of the younglings were given fake planets to claim their own.

She knew that Caleb’s history listed him as ‘Coruscantian’ born, young Zatt was listed as coming from Dac instead of the home of Glee Anselm like Kit and she was aware that Cal Kestie was listed as coming from one of Stewjon’s moons, instead of the planet.

Just enough that his biology could be explained but try not to put him to close to Obi-Wan.

There were many other younglings like them.

But generally, only the parents themselves and the healers in question knew. The only reason Shaak was aware of Cal, Caleb and Zett was because of her own closeness to their parents on the Jedi council.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t know.

But one could only spend so much time together before one figured things out.

Cal Kestie especially was easy to see, the way he looked so much like Obi-Wan and how rare redheaded humans apparently were. That relationship was more of an open secret than anything due to the similarity.

Just like the Vod’alor and Obi-Wan’s relationship.

Or well, almost relationship.

Obi-Wan himself had not cottoned on but the rest of the council could see how much the Vod’alor pined for his Jedi, the way he watched him with a softness that… well, frankly Obi-Wan deserved.

They could also tell that there was no chance in hell Kote would do anything, that the clone was terrified of abusing his position of power.

It made Shaak hope that Obi-Wan figured out things sooner rather than later, seeing as he pined for his former Commander too.

In these trying days, Shaak couldn’t help but feel that they all deserved some happiness. Some softness. “Are you returning to Coruscant?” She looked up from her cup, meeting Depa’s eyes at the quiet question.

The other simply looked curious, so Shaak shook her head. “Not… yet at least. I believe I will stay here for as long as the clones are here.” She glanced at Colt, smiling slightly when the commander straightened in attention, his chest puffing out slightly.

After all, they had looked after her, had shielded Shaak.

She should return the favor until the last of the clones were decanted and ready to move out.

The Jedi owed them that much she felt and by the soft, none-judgmental hum she got from Depa, it was clear the other both understood and agreed.

Let the Jedi give back to the troopers, in any way they were willing to accept the aid of Jedi.

jedi are cats. how do jedi feel about water?

With a twitch of his tentacles, Master Fisto looked up in utter bemusement. “Pardon but would you please repeat that Commander Monnk?” The Jedi questioned, his head tentacles writhing slightly in what those familiar with nautolan biology knew meant a mix of amusement and surprise.

A long suffering sigh escaped the clone commander, Monnk as Fisto said, the man still standing in front of his General’s desk in parade rest. As if he wanted to be doing anything but be standing in front of one of his Generals, posing said question but dutifully, he repeated himself. “What do Jedi think about water sir?” He stated drolly.

Large eyes blinked up at Monnk, Fisto clearly amused now as he leaned back in his chair, his pad, likely paperwork for the war, abandoned.

The trooper shrugged with another loud, exasperated sigh. “I’m sorry sir, its the blog. The Jedi are cats blog,” He sighed even louder somehow, sounding as if he was done with everything and grumble when the Jedi threw his head back and laughed.

The trooper holding the camera gave a stifled giggle, the camera view shaking slightly before they managed to still and keep the focus on the Jedi.

“I see, this is in relation to how some felines react to water, hmm?” Fisto finally got out when he stopped laughing so hard his eyes teared up, the man rubbing at his green skin with a wide, sharp toothed grin.

He got a nod from the human standing at his desk.

Leaning his elbow on the desk and his head on his hand, Fisto continued smiling up at the commander. “Of course, individual Jedi have their preferences but Jedi in general delight in water. I guess in some way, we end up being like tigers, tigers enjoy water,” He pointed out before going quiet for a few seconds, his face thoughtful. “Of course, there are some Jedi that do not like water beyond drinking it. We are all individual. After all, I know that Corporal Lacy quite hates getting wet, I’ve heard her little rants.” He stated teasingly, winking lightly.

A snort escaped Commander Monnk, the man saluting. “True enough sir. Apologies for disturbing you. I’ll let you get back to work and go find General Vebb.”

Chuckling, waving of the excuse with what could only be stated as a fond smile, Fisto turned back to the pad, grimacing slightly before focusing.

At that point, one might assume the camera would stop filming, after all, there was only one question, prompted by the holoblog run by the troopers. However, the camera does not cut out.

Instead it keeps filming in the dim tent where Fisto is working.

It becomes clear why after a few moments as Fisto twitches slightly in his seat.


A jerk is the single warning anyone gets before Fisto suddenly disappeared from view, the camera blurring as it followed the shape of the Jedi bouncing out of the tent.

The public gets treated to the Jedi jumping several meters into the air, Fisto climbing the mountain they are camping near with Force assisted jumps and acrobatic leaps.

Anyone familiar with cats already know whats going on.

But to those not, a text box suddenly appeared at the bottom of the video, paired with cute emojis of both Jedi and trooper helmets, explained what was going on with the Jedi sudden rush of activity.

‘Zoomies, also known as FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) attacks, are precisely that, random bursts of high activity and energy. They usually don’t last long and you will know a zoomie episode when you see one. Like felines and some canine breeds, Jedi too can have these attacks after long periods of inactivity or boredom.’

Fisto, bounced from rock to rock as a few trooper watched him, resigned amusement visible everywhere.

Moddy, in AWOLJedi do Cody and Obi-Wan ever talk about their feelings? Or does Rex say something to Anakin about his?

Following behind the taller blond, Rex glanced around the hall, taking in the decorations on the walls of the dormitory hall. These particular halls had decorations along the walls, tiles making a mosaic of patterns that were broken up by doors with plaques containing names of the owners.

There were several containing troopers and they always made Rex smile a bit, glancing at his Jedi’s back before going back to looking around.

“Here we are, Obi-Wan and Cody’s place.” Anakin stopped, smiling happily, setting his hand to the keypad.

“Are you sure we should just barge in?” Rex murmured, hands in his pockets. “What if they’re busy?”

Anakin just laughed at that. “I bet they’re just napping, Obi-Wan stayed up all night with the kids, much like I did.” He grinned warmly over his shoulder, waving Rex concerns away.

‘Honestly, you should be sleeping too.’ Rex thought, rolling his eyes fondly as he stepped in after the other.

Only to crash into his back with a surprised yelp.

Furthermore, his wasn’t the only yelp and Rex quickly poked his head around Anakin to blink into the room, finding… oh karking hell.

“Why Kote! I thought you were playing chicken!” He wolf whistled, laughing at his vod as the other glared at the two, flushed from where he had dragged a blanket around his and Obi-Wan’s lower halves on the couch as he was clearly resting between the Jedi’s legs.

Their clothes had been scattered around the room, a trail towards the couch and Obi-Wan had covered his face, letting out tiny noises that Rex could only call whimpers with his own blush going down his face, his collarbone and down his chest amazingly enough.

“Get out you two!” Cody hissed, his ears bright red as he tugged the blanket more up.

Anakin let out a spluttering noise. “Obi-Wan!” He gasped in outrage and Rex decided to be a good brother for once as he gave Cody a salute and then grabbed his fellow blond to drag him out of the rooms, still laughing.

Thankfully, Anakin didn’t put up much of a fight, let Rex drag him out even as he let out more spluttered, questioning noises.

Getting one last look at his vod and the General before the door shut, Rex couldn’t help but snigger at how red both of them were. Then he tugged his own General after him, keeping a hold of Anakin’s hand. “Well, at least we know where they are.” He stated a tad cheerfully.

Anakin let out an outraged squawk at that. “I walked in on my master kriffing!” He gasped and Rex glanced up at the other, snorting at the sight of a blush climbing high on his cheeks, the tips of his ears red where they stuck out from under his curls.

“I’ve walked in on so many vode at this point that I no longer have any embarrassment out of it, must be refreshing.” He teased gently, smirking slightly as he noticed the rumor mill moving.

By that he meant he could see the knights freeze at the end of the hall as Anakin had been anything but quiet, the first grabbing the second and hurrying right back out.

It would be all over the temple and the vode by the end of the day he bet.

Hearing Anakin go quieter, falling more into step with Rex, he glanced back up at the other and smirked lightly. “You didn’t think your master was an old maid now, did you?” He teased gently.

That got a loud snort out of Anakin, still a bit flushed, as he peered back at Rex. “If you think this is the first time I walked in on my master, you’re dead wrong. I just didn’t expect it here. I knew Cody was chasing his tail.” He grumbled a tad about dense masters.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Rex frowned. “You walked in on h-”
“With Quinlan Vos, on the kitchen table of our first quarters.” Rex looked up at the other flat words, blinking heavily.

“…He could do better.” Quinlan wasn’t a bad sort, but Rex had seen how the others destructive habits feed into Obi-Wan’s own destructive habits. So, yes, he could do better, someone who didn’t feed into the habits.

That gained Rex a loud laugh and a happy nod as they continued towards the hoverlift, knowing better than to head back to Obi-Wan and Cody’s quarters for a long, long while.

Hey Moddy, love your writing! If you’re taking prompts what about clones being LITERALLY made for the Jedi like some sort of force sensitive catnip that Jedi can’t resist? Poor Obi-wan would be even more out of his depth when he arrives on Kamino and the Force hits him in the face with how irresistible the millions of clones are.

Stepping onto Kamino with rain dripping from his hair and robe, Obi-Wan hardly hears the kaminoans talk, speaking about the literal army supposedly made for them.

Not because he’s not trying, no, he really is.

However, the moment steps onto the platform, honestly the moment his ship breaks through the atmosphere really, he feels it.

Feels them.

It feels like some forgotten part of his soul suddenly lights up, like something lost has been returned.

It feels like when he came back to the temple, all those years ago, from Bandomeer, a stubby braid beneath his ear and the knowledge that he was a padawan.

It feels like homecoming.

A homecoming a decade in the making.

The warmth of a hundred hands, waiting to wrap him up in arms. The sensation of a thousand smiles meant for him. The gaze of so many eyes that would never judge. The sensation of sun on his face after days of darkness.

From the open glass hallways of Kamino, he stares out at thousands of identical faces and feels his breath catch as golden orange flares up in small groups or alone, all bright and unique and his as they catch his eyes, like a splash of vivid color in a landscape of white and black.

One of the clones, so close Obi-Wan could almost taste the flavor of his colors, as if prompted by the Force, looks up and Obi-Wan stares into the sunshine-gold determination and sharpness so strong it bursts like lemon on his tongue.

Stares into what slots into his own soul, like a puzzle piece, vital to the picture and yet somehow, impossibly somehow, forgotten by the Jedi and Obi-Wan can hardly breath. ‘Hello, can you see me? Can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here! Don’t go. Don’t leave me again. I don’t want to leave.’ He wants to call out, does call out in the Force but doesn’t know if he gets a reply, can’t tell if the clone sees him in any way as he’s bid to follow by the kaminoans and he can do nothing else.

Can simply follow Lama Su, with great reluctance, tearing his eyes away only to glance back once more and find more orange grouped together, sunshine-goldenin the middle of it all, hands moving, signs Obi-Wan does not know and yet somehow feels he should.

Only the prompting of the kaminoans moves him along, to see the ‘greater’ picture of all the troopers and still he sees orange dots here and there.

In the mass of soldiers, of clones marching along, he sees part of his soul, as golden orange as the first ones he saw but shaded differently to the others and he burns, as he does his duty, follows to speak to Jango Fett.

He knows what he should ask, he knows what he should comment, but the flavor sunshine is still on his tongue, the warmth of hands on his back, of smiles in his eyes.

The words he should ask fades to ash, burned beneath sunshine and instead he asks, his voice feeling small. “How could you make them part of our soul and then keep them away?”

If his voice wavers as he asks, that only for the people in the room to know.

If Fett’s eyes widen in shock, if Taun We’s head tilts in confusion as she blinks her large, luminous eyes and if Boba’s hands laces into his father’s shirt while shining slightly with sunshine, that’s for them to know.


The Jedi.

He’s here, CC-2224 knows it, can feel it.

He can close his eyes and still turn in the same direction the Jedi is, could walk towards him if he wanted to. Can see him behind closed eyelids, the sight of the a rare sunset on Kamino instead of its rainy biology.

It beacons CC-2224 with its warmth, never flickers, only grows stronger, calls out to him with the certainty that they belong.

He’s not the only one.

CT-3402 was sitting with his eyes closed but facing the same direction as the glowing beacon of warmth, smiling faintly and he can spot several other vode, vode he knows are going to follow him to the Jedi, basking in the warmth that’s now so close it feels like it could burn them.

Their Jedi is here.

They’ve waited so long for him, just like everyone else, waited so long just to have him close. Always aware of him at the edges of their world. Always there and yet so far away, moving around and yet never coming closer.

Until now.

He’s here now, his soul welcoming them, singing for them.

Even if he went deaf, CC-2224 feels as if he could hear this song, that this song would always lead him to his Jedi.

He wants to go to him now, put his head in his Jedi’s lap, wrap his arms around his legs and hold on. He knows the other would let him, can almost feel the phantom brush of fingers stroking his short hair, caress the still healing wound on the side of his head that almost got him decommissioned.

CC-2224 has never been happier than now to avoid it, so happy that Prime himself stepped in, arguing that a scar wouldn’t mar the ‘wares’ if he continued his excellent record. He’d never thank the Prime… but he was here now and so was his Jedi, he could be grateful for that.

He could wait, just a bit more, for their Jedi. ‘Ours, ours, ours, ours!

So in Lupinecopper what does Anakin think of all this?? He’s got a new fam or something, a new home, the Jedi temple is ..strange, does he miss his mom? Does Obiwan know about her? What does he think of maul?

The nice thing about Obi-Wan is that when Anakin has a nightmare, Obi-Wan doesn’t care if Anakin wakes him.

Instead, Obi-Wan will either make Anakin a cup of sweetened milk tea or let him curl into bed with the Jedi.

His master.

Anakin still… struggles with that.

It helps that Obi-Wan sat down and explained to him the difference, but only after they had been to the Halls. Obi-Wan had been with him the entire time, Maul hovering just behind them, as the healer took Anakin’s blood sample, measured him, weighted him and set up a meal plan.

She had also scheduled an operation, removing Anakin’s explosive implant.

Anakin’s back had felt itchy for days after that and he had slept in Obi-Wan’s bed more than his own.

Sometimes, they slept out in the living room too, curled up together on a mattress with Maul laying over their legs. The zabrak never said anything about it, simply glared at either Obi-Wan or Anakin if they mentioned it but Anakin noticed the other had difficulties meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes.

When he asked about that, because Obi-Wan encouraged questions, which was wizard, he explained that whoever had been Maul’s pack leader, his alpha, had been harsh to him, had hurt him, so Maul was struggling too.

So Maul had a bad master too.

Like Anakin.

Some of the older slaves and the gladiatorial slaves particularly, were very aggressive, just like Maul.

So Anakin got it, even if he didn’t like it when Maul glared at them angrily or became cold in the Force, as if ice was being shoved down Anakin’s tunic.

Which he was still struggling with too.

It was hard to wrap the clothes and make them look neat but… well… Obi-Wan helped him.

So did Maul.

Obi-Wan had been sleeping in for once and Anakin had lessons and had been scrambling with his tunic and tabards, desperately working with them while ignoring the overnight oats Obi-Wan had made for him with honey and fruits. He just wanted Obi-Wan to sleep properly without being woken for once but if he came into lessons disheveled, that would reflect badly on Obi-Wan!

He knew that his induction to the Order was considered weird and a lot of the Initiates were jealous even if they didn’t say much.

Tru and Siri, friends he made in his class and also padawans, said that taking a padawan that young wasn’t normal and that many younglings were worried about aging out. Anakin didn’t… quite understand that either.

Apparently if they became too old, they couldn’t become Jedi?

He had asked Obi-Wan about it and Obi-Wan had quietly explained that at a certain point, your mind became more difficult to train, to guide and that at that point, becoming a Jedi knight had often lead to issues.

He had also said that there were difficulties with the system, a grimace and a dark look on his face before smiling and gently pulling on Anakin’s stubby braid, promising him a dessert if he did his chores properly.

He’d kind of forgotten about it after that.

He was still learning a lot about the Jedi and the things they could and could not do but first he had to learn the basic, like the stupid tunic, tabard and sash wrap!

He’d been wrinkling it rather badly but then… Maul had knelt down and taken the tunic and tabards in hands, gently pressing them in and down, pulling the sash and wrapping it as proper was.

Without a word, the zabrak had then ruffled Anakin’s short hair and then made his way to the fridge, pulling out his own food as Anakin whispered a quiet thank you, not wanting to wake Obi-Wan.

He still missed his mom.

But curling into Obi-Wan on those cold days…

Well, Obi-Wan was always warm. Something about the wolf inside of him made him, and Maul, warm as could be and Anakin enjoyed that, the warmth wrapping around him. Because Obi-Wan wraps around him when they’re curled up together.

Wolf or human, always warm.

It makes him miss his mom even more but when he said that to Obi-Wan… he’d smiled and poked him gently on the nose. “To miss someone is natural. That feeling? Its the feeling of love, despite the person not being there, you don’t stop loving them. But you can’t let that love stop you from moving forward.” Then he leaned in and pressed a kiss to Anakin’s forehead, quietly murmuring that a few of his friends were going to Tatooine, winking as he leaned back.

Anakin could take a hint, to not speak about what the other had whispered to him.

His mom would be fine.

She had to be.

Obi-Wan’s friends were going to Tatooine. And if there was anyone beyond his mom and mr Qui-Gon that he fully trusted… it was Obi-Wan.

Warm Obi-Wan, careful Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan, who let him sleep in his bed and made him breakfast and taught him how to write basic.

Anakin loved Obi-Wan.

For youngandfresh, can we maybe see Alpha-17 interacting with Boba and/or Din. Maybe he (or someone else) realizes something’s different and starts piecing things together?

Tilting his helmeted head like a curious bird, Din let out a soft noise. “You weren’t joking when you said they might recognize your face.” He stated quietly as he turned his head to his companion, gently thumbing his shoulder against Boba’s.

Hair pulled back into a stubby ponytail, Boba just hummed quietly, arms crossed over his chest as he continued observing the clones beneath them as they trained.

Pressing closer, Din slid his arm around Boba’s shoulders. “What are you thinking?” He questioned worriedly.

Since coming back to the past, Boba had become even more prone to long silences of contemplation. Before, Din always knew what that meant, it had to do with the ruling of Tatooine or the other was angry at Din for yet another reckless move that they would have to talk about so Din didn’t scare Boba again.

Now however, even looking at Boba’s face with the baby fat in his cheeks, Din wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

So he asks.

He shifts until he’s standing in front of the other in the glass hallway, cups Boba’s cheek with his own soft hand and presses their foreheads together, smiling when Boba instantly closes his eyes and hums in pleasure at the affectionate and familiar touch.

Just for a few moments, he indulges them both with the keldabe kiss, rubbing the others tanned cheek with his thumb. Just as they did in the future, just with baby fat instead of scars and no stubble to speak of.

Oh and of course no beskar.

Din misses his beskar.

“What are you thinking?” He whispered quietly, watching as Boba opened his eyes to peer into his. The visor of the cadet helmets weren’t as black as Din’s old, (or was that new?) helmet, made it easier for people to see hints of his face but at least it brought comfort.

And like this, with Boba looking at his eyes, he found he didn’t mind that it was slightly sheer compared to his beskar helmet.

Arms slowly slid around Din’s waist, holding on as Boba usually did when he was feeling upset and Din let himself be brought closer until they were chest to chest. Physical touch had always been comforting to both of them, once they learned to manage the touch starvation they both had.

Trust had come easily between the two, maybe too easily, the touch starvation had been harder.

“How close my father is to being a dar’manda. How being back here, seeing everything again, reminds me just how far he went, how much he was lost…” Boba trailed of then sighed deeply. “And how much I still love him, regardless of what he’s done.” He settled on tiredly, his young voice sounding much too weary for his young face.

Not that Din couldn’t sympathize.

Seeing all this…

Well, Boba hadn’t been shy about telling Din exactly why Kryze felt so threatened by Boba, why the other insisted that Boba was not a mandalorian.

After all, the grandson of a mand’alor was quite the contestant to the throne and for the saber, one she wouldn’t want. The foundling of a mand’alor, Jango Fett of house Mereel… yes, Boba had the claim to the throne of the glass planet.

Though it wasn’t glass, not yet, was it?

Right now, Mandalore was a thriving planet, at least inside the domes, even if it was under the pacifist rule of Duchess Kryze.

Din didn’t know quite as much about this time period of Mandalore, there had been some basic history taught, of course. But the covert had focused more on the skills of survival, of their language, their culture and of course their foundlings.

History came second hand to that, to survival, to not letting the imps get another chance at wiping them out. Boba however had tried to fill in as best he could on quiet nights when Din’s curiosity got the better of him and Boba was in the mood to explain.

Talking about his father had been a harder subject for Boba, reserved for sober days of remembrance and the little Boba had managed to pierce together of his father’s past before Kamino.

But being here, Din could see why Boba was bringing it up as he looked to the rows and rows of black haired heads, so similar to Boba and yet all so uniform.

The word ‘decommission’ had never been as chilling as when Boba had explained to him, in quiet words, exactly what that meant here on this cursed ocean planet. Foundlings, children, were the most important thing in mandalorian culture… or at least they were suppose to be and Din still couldn’t understand how damaged someone could be to… to just discard clones of themselves, children.

Not when you kept one of them, raised them well and yet let others be put down, who were just the same as the one you kept.

“…I won’t say that he hasn’t lost his way,” He started quietly, feeling Boba’s hands grip the back of his tunic. “But… what’s lost can be found again, we’ll help him. Aliit, right?” Din smiled at Boba, watching the other stare at him before amber eyes softened and Boba nuzzled in like a reticent tooka wanting cuddles.

They might have stayed like that for a while if there wasn’t for a throat suddenly being cleared. The two time travelers separated but stayed close, Boba falling into position in front of Din and Din reaching for the blade he had hidden in his new belt.

Clearly, they didn’t make an impressive view as a rather stocky clone, who reminded Din of adult Boba yet this clone seemed taller, just smirked at them with raised brows. He was familiar, not in the way all clones looked alike but Din felt like he had seen this one before.

“Alpha.” Boba greeted with narrowed, suspicious eyes, Din’s mind flashing back to the clone leading the group they had encountered after Boba taunted Priest.

“Bob’ika, Boba’s friend,” Alpha greeted, crossing his arms over his chest. “Saw you up here, came to invite you two to come spar with us if you’re interested.” He drawled, nodding his head to the left, where a singular group of troopers were sparring in another room.

Noticeably, most of them were looking up at them. Clearly waiting.

The question had Boba letting out a surprised little, huh, before he turned to Din, brows raised questionably to the other. Hesitating, Din mentally calculated the time before nodding. “The Jedi and your buir still has Grogu, he’s not to wake from a nap yet, so I don’t see why not. Training is good?” He stated.

A little snort escaped Boba at that, a fond smile that lacked those distracting scars crossing his lips as he turned back to Alpha and nodded. “Sure, but no funny business. I’ll break your bones if anything weird happens.” He drawled.

A short, barked laugh escaped Alpha and then he was of, moving down the hall with Din and Boba following along quickly.

Making sure to walk at Boba’s side, Din glanced between the two then down to the clones waiting for them. “Boba… who are they?” Din whispered quietly, leaning in to be quiet yet clearly by the way Alpha’s head jerked a bit, he still heard Din. “To you I mean, you… don’t listen to anyone else, I mean, except your buir.” He stated cautiously.

Boba raised his brow before shrugging slightly, finding Din’s hand. “They’re my batch mates. We were decanted together.” He drawled, his voice cracking slightly without an ounce of embarrassment for his hormones.

‘…Oh…’ Din turned his head back to Alpha’s back. ‘…They’re his vode. They’re the one he would have grown with if Jango hadn’t kept him.’

The difference was stark, from Alpha’s power build adult form to Boba’s much younger, smooth faced form and Din squeezed Boba’s hand.

He got a squeeze back, Boba’s eyes focused on Alpha’s back with quiet contemplation.

Aliit = Family

Buir = Dad

Bob’ika = Little Boba

Hi, Moddy! Awol Jedi…how does Cody react to seeing the decanted baby Obi-Wan clones?

Being told they were out and actually seeing them is wholly different and Cody can’t stop staring at the little cribs of sleeping babies.

He’s seen it before and yet somehow he feels like he’s never seen it at the same time.

He’s seen vode decanted before, has actually helped when one tube had an emergency fault and the shiny came out earlier than it should have but still ‘viable’ as the longnecks had said. He never found out what happened to that particular vode, if they survived, if they grew up, if they became another trooper.

But somehow… somehow its different, when the little heads contain fuzzy red hairs.

Somehow, seeing their tiny little hands are different when its Obi-Wan’s clones and Cody doesn’t know why.

Just that it is.

Five little heads, four pairs of green eyes with the last one having blue eyes and Cody can’t stop staring at them, his hand pressed to the glass keeping the rest of the temple from the little cadets.

The Jedi had set up this place for the troopers decanted vode to begin with, something about keeping the babies safe from the environment and immunity.

The troopers didn’t have the heart to tell their Jedi that they had stronger immunity from the get go, engineered by the longnecks and had been more flattered by the amount of care the Jedi were showing their youngest.

Now there’s little clone Jedi in there too and Cody knows he’s not the only one that’s come by to see the little Skywalker, Kenobi and Yoda clones.

He knows the others will come to see the Secura clones once they come too, knows the entire 327th will come to see them along with curious Jedi and other curious vode.

But Cody had been shyly invited.

Obi-Wan had arrived at their quarters, startling a barely awake Cody as he had thought the man still asleep in the temp quarters he had to move into for a week. Obi-Wan’s room had a leak spring into it, so it had required some repairs to ensure it was still a viable living space, the sealant needed time to harden without someone walking over it.

Two days after the first leak, Cody and the guest bedroom had also sprung leaks, informing the repair team that it was under the entire floor in that section and they had gotten to work with Cody too now relegated to a temporary bedroom.

Thankfully, their living quarter and kitchen was fine, the water line went under their bedrooms and the neighboring quarters, but Master Windu had been unfortunate enough that it was his entire quarters instead of just the bedrooms.

Cody had thought he’d be nice, since Obi-Wan had yet to wake up and arrive, usually the first of the two, had started on breakfast for the two and was halfway into the pancake batter thinking Obi-Wan was asleep.

Instead of sleeping though, Obi-Wan had apparently been awake all night and looked it too when he suddenly slammed into the quarters, frazzled and disheveled but before Cody could make more than a concerned noise, Obi-Wan had grabbed Cody’s hand and pulled him along, eyes wide.

“The babies are decanted.”

The sentence had Cody silenced and following, suddenly nervous and eager and now fully awake for sure, despite not having his caff.

That was it, he’d been there ever since.

It might have been a minute, an hour, a karking day but Cody couldn’t bring himself from moving, could simply stand there, staring at the little heads. Only when a warm hand wraps around the one hanging limp at his side does Cody manage to force his eyes away, turning his head to meet Obi-Wan’s hesitant, shy smile.

Without words, he laces their fingers and holds on tightly, wondering if all the hints he had carefully been dropping had finally gotten through, wondering if Obi-Wan had finally realized that Cody had been following all those little courting traditions Jedi seemed to have.

He didn’t ask, instead he simply squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand with his, watching as Obi-Wan shifted closer, leaned his head on Cody’s shoulder and went back to watching the little redheads.

Slowly, Cody turned his head back, wondering… well… what if one of those little redhead’s had amber eyes… would that be so bad?

‘…No, I don’t think that would be so bad,’ He thought airily, feeling like he could take on Grievous alone if the bastard cyborg suddenly rose from the dead again. ‘Not bad at all.’

The image, in FreshAndYoung, of little Boba and Din deciding, simultaneously, to ditch their weapons and go all-out is HILARIOUS! And a bit adorable, no lie. Poor Jango, having to witness it with no real measure of forewarning – being TOLD someone is from the future, and SEEING them act on things they shouldn’t know, are two very different things. And writing it from a generally-Clone perspective was delightful, also, since it gave us a bit of insight into THOSE wonderful characters, too! Yay!

Quietly accepting the glass from the other man, Obi-Wan eyed Fett for a few long minutes as the bounty hunter sipped his whiskey, the rain pounding down against the outside filling in the silence that otherwise filled the space between them.

Ever since the sparring, the man had been rather quiet and he knew young Boba had noticed it, hugging his father tightly around the waist before going to bed with the other two time travelers, young Din keeping the cadet helmet, though thankfully taking it of in the bedroom from what Obi-Wan could tell.

Never comfortable to sleep in a helmet after all, even if you could do it.

Not that Obi-Wan could blame the bounty hunter for his quiet.

Knowing his son was from the future and really, truly realizing that his son wasn’t the same person as he had been the day before or the years before that, that the child you had been raising somehow had become a stranger almost in just one night… must be harrowing.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how he himself would react if Anakin suddenly changed his behavior in such a way, hoped he would manage it but unless it was you in the situation, you couldn’t be sure of your reaction.

Simply sipping the burning liquid slowly, Obi-Wan kept his awareness on Jango, watching him from the corner of his eyes as the man leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, staring into his glass.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan settled down on the couch as Jango helped the kids get ready for bed, this wasn’t quite what he thought the Force was prodding him there for.

But it made sense.

Jango Fett was important in the grand scheme of everything here, he had knowledge, he was dear to Boba Fett and had some measure of control of not only the trainers of the clones but also the kaminoans.

So his connection to everything was important, his bond to his son was important.

It was clear that at this point, Jango was struggling not to drown so to speak and since Obi-Wan was the only other person in the know, he was the one Jango was going to go to. The one to help him swim up.

“…Is this normal?” Obi-Wan let out a questioning hum at the grunted question. “This… this Force osik, time travel, do jetii do this osik all the time or something?” He sneered before taking a big gulp of alcohol, head slumping down a bit again.

Considering that, swirling the amber liquid before taking a sip, Obi-Wan shook his head. “Outside of a few esoteric texts, this is the first time I’ve actually heard of it as a genuine thing. The very first time I’ve experienced it for sure.” He stated wryly, though, now that he knew time travel was real, he couldn’t help but wonder about the multiple dimension theory, for ever decision a new universe.

Was there worlds where this had not happened and yet happened, creating different timelines?

Was everything somehow true at the same time and yet a lie?

Oh, the philosophical conundrum was making his head hurt.

It was a curious thought, if everything was true in some way, was anything really a lie?

Fett let out a deep sigh, though if it was relief or simply expressing his frustration, Obi-Wan was uncertain as he turned his head to watch him, Jango staring into his glass, as if he could find the answers at the bottom of it. “…A month ago, Boba would have crawled into my bed if he had a nightmare,” He murmured. “Now… now I’m not sure what he would do if he had one. If he’s had one at all. The way he fought… the way he talks and moves now…” Jango slowly shook his head.

Peering at him, wondering how it must feel if the person you loved with all your heart suddenly changed, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “Has he really changed though?” He prodded carefully.

Lifting his head, Fett gave him a gimlet stare.

Obi-Wan simply raised his brow in turn. “Really, has he?” At the prolonged silence, Obi-Wan shrugged. “You know your son best. Yes, you did not teach him how to fight as he did earlier today, clearly. However, you’ve been around that boy since he was an infant, you’ve watched his first steps, his first words, you know him best. So tell me, has young Boba really changed or is it just that he has additional traits you don’t recognize?” He prodded gently.

Jango paused at that, staring at Obi-Wan before tilting his head back, though this time he stared at the window being pounded by rain. Slowly the man started to frown, lips twitching faintly as he mouthed words to himself.

Obi-Wan let him think, savored the whiskey instead as he sat back on the couch and peered at a faint smudge on the roof, wondering what in the world had caused the stain in the sterile being of Kamino.

The Kaminoans certainly had a preference for… sterility.


Of course, Obi-Wan knew that they didn’t see the world as most humanoids did, but… still, this was a living area but there was a distinct lack of color, of shades… of differences.

Just sharp edges, clean cuts and an alarming amount of white or off white colors.

Almost made him think he was in a medical facility at times, even when he was in places aimed to live in or train in and not just the labs.

“Brownies.” Obi-Wan blinked, turning his head to Jango.

The man was staring at the spot too, his lips faintly twitched into a wistful but fond smile. “Pardon?” Obi-Wan tilted his head curiously.

“Brownies, Boba wanted to make brownies,” He nodded with his chin towards the smudge on the ceiling. “I don’t know how, but somehow we… um, we messed up. The brownies batter sorta… exploded?” He colored slightly, taking a quick sip.

Brows raising sharply, Obi-Wan quickly looked up at the ceiling and then towards the kitchen.

Then he turned his head back at Jango, eyes wide. “…How in Force na-”

Jango just shrugged, still smiling despite the pink dusting his ears and cheeks. “…You’re right. Its still Boba in there.” He whispered, staring at the ancient smudge that had once been brownies batter once upon a time.

In Dangerous Galaxy, does Cody and Obi ever get to relax in those floating gardens that were outside his office?

There aren’t many times Cody has felt greedy.

Living a life as a clone and military man, there just aren’t a lot of chances to feel greedy without disrupting the chain of command and supply lines and the times he has felt greedy are… vivid.

The time Ponds had burst into their room on Kamino, wild eyed with a large box of ice cream, given to him by one of the trainers that favored him. That time he had felt greedy for keeping it between himself and the rest of his vode in the room, telling no one about the ice cream.

The time a sneaky looking Rex had dragged Cody of for a night of drinking with his own General and Obi-Wan.

That time Senator Organa had gifted Cody with a bottle of fine whiskey from his planet, he still actually had half of it hidden in the bottom of his locker, the bottle covered by a broken helmet.

The incident that left the 212th stranded for a full week on a remote jungle planet, the only danger being the predators around them as they all frolicked in a damn lake and forgot about the war just for a while, Obi-Wan laughing as he joined in on some water fun.

That one time the scouting party had come over a whole orchard of wild apples and they had raided the entire orchard to bring back to the 212th a sweet treat for everyone, Longshot sneakily producing sugar from somewhere and the General had handed over cinnamon from his tea stock with a wink. They had baked the apples and… well, Cody had felt really greedy after eating two of those baked apples because his General had, smilingly, given over his portion with another wink.

Then there was that time his General, sick as could be, fevered and shaky, had curled up in the same bed as Cody to keep warm, his form warm and comforting for all that he was sick.

But today…

Today Cody feels greedy.

Because today he’s in one of the floating gardens, completely cleared for civilians with only a few vode around. And Obi-Wan.

Just them.

On a karking picnic cloth, a basket between them full of foods Cody has never tasted but the besalisk at the diner Obi-Wan enjoyed had piled on him when he had come into the diner.

Of course, the moment he entered, even in incognito as he wore a shiny armor, the entire diner had frozen as Cody along with Boil and Waxer for inconspicuous guards, approached the owner.

Somehow, Dex had realized in under a minute that it was Vod’alor Kote under the blank bucket and had instantly started plying him with Obi-Wan’s favorites and asking for a few of Cody’s preferences to pile in a few he thought Cody would like.

Maybe it was Boil and Waxer that clued him in, maybe it was Cody asking for General Kenobi’s favorites to cheer him up or hell, maybe the besalisk was Force sensitive?

Who knew, not Cody.

But he was grateful for the amount of food and the variation, delighting in trying different dishes and watching Obi-Wan dig in, laughing happily as he sat with Cody on the blue and white patterned cloth on the green grass.

There was even an illusion of privacy from his vode due to the bushes and trees around them, and Cody knew that Obi-Wan most likely felt them all around them but having them out of sight seemed to relax the Jedi too.

He looked… happy.

It made Cody happy.

And so did the little ice cream tart thingy that had been in a temperature proof container. It had only started melting slightly in the edges and it tasted delicious.

Or as Obi-Wan said, simply sublime while licking blue creamy niceness of his spoon.

“Will the GAR demobilize the natborn officers?” Obi-Wan curious voice cut through the calm, Cody choking slightly on a piece of tart before swallowing thickly, turning his head to look at the Jedi.

He meet the eyes of a slightly concerned Obi-Wan, the concern ebbing away when Cody looked fine to turn into a slight smile instead. “I… we really haven’t gotten that far honestly.” Cody cleared his throat, rubbing slightly at it. Kark, he hated coughing, always left his throat sore and his chest feeling like someone had inserted a tube to drain fluids and yes, he had that done once when the whole of 212th came down with some kind of karked CIS virus.

Nodding, as if he already suspected the answer, Obi-Wan ran his spoon through the tart on his plate and ate chewed slowly, enjoying his treat. “Understandable, but you should consider keeping some of them that aren’t as… antagonistic towards the vode, some of them made for good military leaders… if they can be trusted that is.” He tacked on thoughtfully.

Putting the thought into his memory back, Cody grimaced slightly. “Honestly General, I’d rather not think about work right now. I just want to enjoy the gardens,” He sighed deeply, looking around. “First time I’ve been to one of these you know.” Cody added a tad wistfully.

There was a pause then warmth pressed up against his side, Cody turning his head to find Obi-Wan having shifted close enough to press their shoulders together. The redhead was smiling slightly. “Then we won’t talk about work, though, I have to ask, do you intend to keep the mandate that has Jedi as Generals?” He tilted his head.

He didn’t look judging or angry, just curious even as Cody instantly shook his head, eyes wide. “Of course not, why would you think that Gene-oh…” He smiled a tad sheepishly.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled warmly. “Then I think you should just call me Obi-Wan, Vod’alor.” He stated fondly, gently.

“…Only if you call me Cody,” Cody shot back. “At least in private.” He tacked on when Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest.

Mulling on that, finishing of the last of his tart, Obi-Wan nodded, his eyes creasing with his smile. “Cody.” He agreed and stars, Cody wished the sound of his name in the Jedi’s mouth didn’t sound so natural, his heart throbbing hard as he focused on his own tart piece before it could melt away.

So in the Snails are Free, does Ani get to take Obi on that date?

Its not that they don’t notice of course.

Skywalker’s smile is just sometimes a tad too wide, has too many teeth. His hair seems to live on its own, as if there’s something there they can’t see that’s more. His eyes seem like they’re voids sometimes, too deep and yet not empty and his body sometimes seems too small for him, as if there’s something larger than life lingering just behind him.

Kenobi isn’t any better, not really.

The larger feeling isn’t there, not with him but his eyes… his eyes just sometimes seem to look too deeply, seem just a tad too large and too knowing at times and his smile too has grown, as if there’s too many teeth that have been sharpened in his mouth.

Jedi have always known there is more to them than to many others.

Have always known that Force sensitive are set slightly apart by the nature of what they are able to do and the things they can reach for, that they are something… more.

But the truth of it has never been narrowed down, not fully.

But Skywalker…

Skywalker has always seemed a tad different and his master started to follow him into the difference not that long ago.

As if they could see the things that the Force had hid before and if the truth is that Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one then… maybe that’s why.

Maybe the Force has decided to show Skywalker, his eyes sometimes lingering in places there is nothing, eyes on the ground where there seemingly isn’t anything and yet Jedi do not step in those spots, even before Skywalker’s eyes focused there.

It makes sense that the first to follow him would be his own master, Kenobi’s own eyes rapidly following the same spots at times.

Even in the council chamber, Kenobi’s eyes will flicker to the windows, as if something has moved, his eyes deeper than space itself as it tracks the path of something invisible for a few seconds before he focuses back on the meeting. Pretending he saw nothing, pretending the other council members aren’t watching him.

Both Skywalker and Kenobi are pretending.

Yet they are observing.

They watch, not simply these invisible things but also their fellow Jedi.

Seem to be waiting.

Waiting for what?

Its a good question.

Not even Yoda, the few times someone can prompt him to answer, has an answer to that.

So everyone waits and everyone observes, takes in the slightly too wrong look of Kenobi and Skywalker, takes in the feeling being observed and notes when their bodies seem to automatically avoid certain places.

As if their feet know to avoid stepping on something but their eyes can not see it.

“Obi-Wan! Come on! You know it took me weeks to get this reservation! And we’re shipping out tomorrow for that… that thing! The Naboo thing!” Skywalker groaned loudly, arms crossed over his chest as he stands at the doors of the south entrance.

Sighing, Kenobi bowed apologetic to Master Koon, the kel dor simply chuckling and waving him of as he’s not offended. Turning Kenobi makes his way to Skywalker, a small smile growing as Skywalker suddenly seems to smile wider and more ferociously than any human should be able to, both pausing in front of the doors as if they are waiting for something to pass, like a shadow over their face where nothing exists to create it. “I swear Anakin, I know I taught you patience as my padawan, Do you need a refresher?” The redhead scolded softly, stepping out with Skywalker, whose hair looks like its living.

“Oh come on master, I leave the patience to you.” The other winked, bringing his former master out into the sun of Coruscant.