i’m in love with obi-wan in lupinecopper! could we maybe see him and dooku again?

Blinking up at the brightly lit, white ceiling as he laid flat on a crisp bed that was certainly not his own, Obi-Wan wondered what in the world had happened to him, because he recognized the moment he woke where he was.

He was in the Halls of healing.

He could smell the sweet scent of bacta along with disinfection and sterile soaps that the Halls used to keep clean and below those scents were the scent of disease and blood.

Last thing Obi-Wan remembered, he had been in the salle with his class and…

Did he have an accident?

Before he could think anymore on it, a deep voice spoke up, starling Obi-Wan into sitting up hurriedly on his elbows. “You had an allergic reaction padawan Kenobi.” It was a salt and pepper haired man, sitting in chair beside the bed, one leg raised with the ankle resting on his knee and a brow raised at Obi-Wan.

He was very dignified looking, his outfit black with gray tabards instead of the normal beige and browns and Obi-Wan could tell that the fabric was finer than standard.

This was clearly a master but not one Obi-Wan recognized, even though he was familiar.

‘Wait, allergic reaction?’ Obi-Wan mind fumbled on the words.

“Indeed,” The man drawled, smirking faintly at Obi-Wan’s surprised face. “You’re mind is unguarded.” He tacked on.

Flushing darkly, Obi-Wan brought up his shields as he realized he must be broadcasting.

He got a nod of approval. “Well done, your shields aren’t sloppy and you brought them up carefully. Qui-Gon must be proud of you.” The man stated calmly, resting his hands on his thigh.

“You… know my master?” Obi-Wan tried not to be pleased at the compliment but honestly, not many tried to compliment him and it was nice to hear. “Wait, no, allergic reaction?” Obi-Wan backtracked.

Chuckling faintly, the man nodded. “First of, let me introduce myself. I am Yan Dooku, I was in the salle when you had your reaction and offered to take you to the halls for master Drallig.” Master Dooku explained with a small smile.

Blinking, Obi-Wan shuffled until he was sitting up against the headboard.

An allergic reaction, Force, he hoped his face wasn’t puffy and red though clearly the healers had dealt with it but what could have… he didn’t remember eating anything that should have caused a reaction.

Frowning thoughtfully, Obi-Wan tried to remembe- “Chocolate!” He gasped, eyes wide.

Dooku raised one brow. “Pardon me?” He questioned curiously.

‘Well, I must look like a loon.’ Obi-Wan thought, flushing with embarrassment. “I-I apologize for yelling but I remembered what I ate. A friend of mine gave me a chocolate he had been saving for me.” He stammered out.

Normally, normal chocolate would cause a small stomach ache for Obi-Wan, but the closer to full moon, the worse his reaction would become and the healers had warned both him and Qui-Gon that as Obi-Wan got older, his reaction might become worse.

Dooku stroked his chin, frowning faintly. “I see, yes that does make sense, seeing as you are partly canine. You wouldn’t be able to break down the methylxanthines that are present in normal baseline human chocolate.” He speculated thoughtfully.

Honestly, that went a bit over Obi-Wan’s head and he mostly just felt even more embarrassed as he twisted his hands in the hem of his tunic.

Brown eyes focused on him, unexpected warmth in them that had Obi-Wan pausing as he blinked. “Has your master thought about switching you to canine safe chocolate? A friend of mine is a defel and she buys chocolate in bulk that is safe for her.” He explained calmly.

If Obi-Wan thought about it, the thought hadn’t hit either him or Qui-Gon really, too occupied with worrying about Obi-Wan’s health and in Obi-Wan’s case, honestly sulking about the prospect of not getting to enjoy chocolate.

But that was something to think about, chocolate wasn’t safe for him to consume anymore but he liked the taste so if he could eat chocolate intended for canine species. Deep in thought, Obi-Wan missed the fond, soft smile on master Dooku’s face as he observed Obi-Wan in turn, only looking up when the door opened and Qui-Gon suddenly flew through. “Padawan!”

Qui-Gon’s voice worried voice bounced over the walls as he threw himself at Obi-Wan and wrapped him up in a hug, Obi-Wan squeaking as he was rocked, Qui-Gon hurriedly explaining that Micah had commed him and that Obi-Wan had been throwing up and convulsing in the salle in front of everyone and that Qui-Gon had been so worried.

Squeaking, Obi-Wan turned bright red as he noticed master Dooku watching them with an amused smile on his face, Obi-Wan burying his face in his master’s shoulder to try and stifle some of his chagrin at Qui-Gon fussing over him.

Qui-Gon only stopped when Dooku cleared his throat, letting go and turning around with a surprised noise. “Yan! What a surprise, what are you doing here?” He questioned in with a smile on his lips.

Oh yeah, Master Dooku clearly knew Obi-Wan’s master.

“I brought young padawan Kenobi here, I offered to take him for master Drallig.” Dooku stated calmly, standing and brushing invisible dust off himself.

Beaming slightly, Qui-Gon turned back to his padawan as Obi-Wan blinked curiously at them. “Obi-Wan, this is Yan Dooku. My former master and your grand master.” He explained warmly.

‘…Oh Force, please let me pass out again.’ Obi-Wan first thought was, mortification making him turn red as this was not how he wanted to meet his grand master.

Could he make a good first impression just once, he lamented as he peered up at the smiling Jedi master with large eyes. “Pleasure to meet you grandmaster.” He bowed as best he could sitting on the bed, whispering meekly, jumping in surprise when a large, warm hand rested on his head, ruffling short spikes.

“Oh no young Kenobi, the pleasure is all mine.” Yan stated, voice warm as the two stared at each other, Obi-Wan blinking up at his grandmaster and Yan simply smiling at him without any prejudice for what Obi-Wan was.

Unable to help himself, Obi-Wan felt a small ray of hope as he shyly smiled back, Qui-Gon beaming at both of them.