JediAreCats: someone tries to take advantage of the Jedi’s instincts, and the clones with them retaliate with brutal force.  Preferably Mace and Ponds, although any other clones and Jedi are fine, too! 😄

Clicking on the video and starting it, this video of the ‘Jedi are cats’ episode opened up with a kel dor standing in what was clearly the landing bay of one of the Venators, a sight most familiar at this point to the fans watching the Jedi and clones shenanigans.

Around him, ships were parked, troopers were working or just milling about and the Jedi simply stood there in front of the camera in the familiar Jedi attire the man in question seemed to prefer.

Settling his claws together in a triangle, Plo Koon watched his men curiously as one was digging through a box and another was filming him. “I’m uncertain what this little experiment is suppose to prove Boost, but as always, I’m quite willing to play along as we’re not busy at the moment, seeing as we are in hyperspace at the moment.” The Jedi stated good naturally, his mask moving in a way that indicated he was smiling.

The audience had long gotten used to several of the Jedi’s facial expression and Plo Koon was one of the easiest ones to read, always coming of as sincere and calm to the people watching.

“Its just something I read about on the holonet sir, a few of the people of the Republic had a question and wondered… well, its just a little experiment, won’t take more than a few minutes really sir.” The clone, Boost,apparently, stated cheerfully.

Several text bubbles, clearly comments on the videos before, popped up on screen, all containing a version of ‘my feline will sit in any square I put down in our home, taped, drawn or otherwise. Do Jedi follow this instinct?’

Finally, Boost found what he was looking for and stepped into view fully, showing that he was a mostly generic looking clone from the looks of things, however, his hair was red and was shaven into blocks, giving him a unique hairstyle.

In the trooper’s hand, a roll of black tape was held as he made his way over and knelt down, his Jedi tilting his head curiously to watch him work. Slowly and steadily, the man laid down tape, making first a meter long stripe and then another and another, moving around the Jedi until the man was standing in a taped of square of black tape on the durasteel floor.

Then Boost stood, grinning slightly as he swung the tape on a finger. “Well then sir, have at. That’s all I’m required to do.” The man stated with a small chuckle.

Plo, bemused, stared at the trooper, looked down… and then started laughing quietly too. “Oh I see, this is the box conundrum, isn’t it?” He stated with a deeply satisfied tone at seemingly having figured it out.

“The… box conundrum, sir?” The clone behind the camera questioned, Boost visibly pouting at his General as the experiment seemed to be a flop.

Plo however, nodded, turning his smile on the man behind the camera. “Indeed Sinker, the younglings back at the temple often do this with the temple tookas. Its to make them sit still long enough to approach them and build bonds,” He gestured down at the taped of area around him. “Felines are naturally curious, they know their territories well and any differences… well, it is a cause for curiosity, to be explored. Many of them will settle into the area to explore it. I imagine the public thought that might be the same for Jedi?” He turned his head to Boost.

The trooper nodded, sighing as he typed something down on a pad before kneeling down to remove the tape. “Yes sir, seeing so many questions about it, we figured we could test it. Its a harmless little thing after all.” He tacked on, grinning a tad.

Laughing, Plo reached out and gently patted Boost on the head. “Indeed,” He stated, ignoring how Boost seemed to still at the touch and lean into it. “It does however not work on us. Or well, that is a lie, some of the younglings in the creche, it will work on them. But as we grow older, we loose that instinct.” Plo stated warmly, stepping out of the square being dismantled, the last view was a softly smiling Boost as he continued cleaning up.

Underneath the video, a ton of comment came up, from the soft awws of seeing Boost reaction, those wanting to defend Boost little smile and then the massive amount going, ‘TEMPLE TOOKAS!? ADSAFDSFDSF!?’

Sufficient to say, there were more questions after that.

For Lupinecopper can we see more of maul adjusting to the temple more?

Sitting down gingerly on the dry land, Maul looked around the water garden with quiet awe, unable to keep his attention on the Jedi master in front of him. Not that he was concerned, Obi-Wan wasn’t far away from them, showing Anakin how to swim as the desert child hadn’t learned that particular skill.

However, if anything was to happen, Obi-Wan would come and intervene, of that Maul was sure. Obi-Wan took his job as alpha of their little pack seriously and had already intervened twice when knights had gotten too rowdy with Maul in the hall.

The human had even growled, bared his fangs in human form before informing the knights that if they had an issue, Obi-Wan would be happy to inform the council of the knights trepidation to Maul’s presence among them.

A lot of Jedi had gone silent after that, though quiet hostility and resentment still lingered even if no one did anything too obviously.

The kel dor didn’t feel hostile though, not like many other Jedi were.

He didn’t even seem frightened, though that could be his shields in place.

So Maul could continue to marvel at the water garden from Mon Cala.

Maul had traveled the galaxy on Sidious orders, done many horrific things and many common things but he never just got the chance to… stop.

Sit down and enjoy the scenery.

In the Jedi temple, between following Obi-Wan around, working out, doing chores… there wasn’t much else to do, though Obi-Wan had been encouraging Maul to find a hobby or two to do. But to sit and just enjoy the peace…

It wasn’t something Maul had gotten to do and to do it now, especially in a water garden, rivers, ponds and even waterfalls all around him with little ‘islands’ of dry places to sit. Most of the vegetation was of course underwater, since this was a garden based on Mon Cala fauna but here and there, plants grew up on top of the surfaces.

Large lily pad like flowers, bowl shaped leaves, the floating what looked like kelp, lotuses, something that looked like cattails at the edges of the water and so on and forth.

For all the blue, the splashes of green, pink, white and golden yellow broke the scheme of blue apart, and it was beautiful.

Maul liked it.

“Its very peaceful here, isn’t it.” The kel dor stated.

Maul hummed in agreement, tilting his head to look across the water to watch the two humans for a bit, Obi-Wan carefully hold around Anakin’s midsection, gently instructing him to kick with his legs.

“The flowing water always reminds me that everything is in motion.” The man continued and Maul glanced at him, blinking slightly as he took in that the other was settled with his feet tucked under him instead of sitting in lotus position like Maul was.

‘Won’t his legs grow numb quicker like that?’ He couldn’t help but wonder. “…Is that a reference to me?” Maul questioned a tad tiredly, settling his hands in his lap. Coming to the temple, Maul had realized that one thing the rest of the galaxy had correct… was that the Jedi often spoke in fucking metaphors.

His question had the kel dor chuckling. “You, the future, me, everything my boy,” The Jedi turned his head to look at Obi-Wan and Anakin. “There was a time that many thought Obi-Wan would not become a Jedi due to his nature. Even now there are discrimination towards him, even in the temple. And yet here he is, one of our best, it reminds me that there is always things in motion, that for all the rocks thrown in a river, the water will flow.” He hummed.

Glancing back at the humans, Maul frowned. He hadn’t noticed anyone being obviously ill mannered towards Obi-Wan, but maybe that was just it, as an outsider, Maul just couldn’t see it?

Maybe that was it.

At least this kel dor was friendly. ‘His name is… Plo Koon, right?’ He glanced back at him. He was pretty sure the man was a council master and it was clear he had favorable opinions on Maul’s alpha.

That was good, it was clear that even among Jedi, werewolves weren’t an easy subject. So having someone in power as support could make things easier.

‘…Maybe I’ll tell them about Sidious… or he’ll make it difficult for us all…’ Maul mused quietly, looking at the flows of water around them, his eyes drawn back to the humans when Anakin’s Force aura suddenly spiked with mischievousness as he stood up in a shallow of the water, still up to his waist.

Suddenly the boy jerked, sending a spray of water up at the alpha, Obi-Wan spluttering loudly and Maul felt himself hold his breath, waiting.

Waiting for this to be it.

For Obi-Wan to show his true nature… and then the his alpha laughed, splashing Anakin in return with gentle hand waves.

The sound of Anakin laughing suddenly as he splashed Obi-Wan blotted out the sounds of the waterfalls for a long minute or two and Maul felt his lips reluctantly twitch into a smile as Obi-Wan laughed and played along.

He could feel the kel dor, Koon, watching both him and his humans but couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes of Obi-Wan and Anakin. ‘My… my pack. My little pack.’

For Dangerous Galaxy, could we possibly get some POV from a few of the farther flung Jedi and Clones? Once the coup is complete? Like Depa and Grey and Caleb, and Aayla and Bly? Just like, the full realization that the senates control of both the Jedi and the Clones is DONE. (Depa will never have to see her Caleb walk to his own assault, like Made had to watch her,,, the sheer grief and relief that kind of revelation will have,,,)

Arm wrapped around her padawan and son, Depa hardly blinked as she watched Commander Cody, as the Vod’alor of the Republic, spoke to the Republic and the Separatist, reaffirming that the GAR was now in control of not only the Senate but the Republic as a whole and that they now answered to them.

Not only that, the Vod’alor was also showing the proof of the Senate’s corruption, of Palpatine’s manipulating both sides of the war, of rampart embezzling of credits, of deals made in the shadows…

But nothing about what the Jedi had been going through at the hands of the Senate and Depa couldn’t help but feel tears building at the corners of her eyes, filled with relief as she clung to Caleb.

She’d never have to send Caleb to the Senate.

The realization hit her heavily, sent her stomach flipping as the realization sunk in with surety that the troopers now had the power to protect them from the abuse Jedi had gone through for centuries. She would never have to sit up in their quarters, waiting on her padawan, her son, her boy, to come back.  Never have to watch his back as he left for a Senator’s pleasure only to come back maimed and depressed.

Depa would never have to patch Caleb up like Mace had to do for her after suffering abuse at senators hands.

The realization had her pulling Caleb tighter to him as he stared at the holo of Vod’alor Cody, listening intently, knowing that things had changed, feeling Depa’s relief.

A warm blanket dropped around the two of them and Depa flinched, finally dragging her eyes away from Cody to look up at her own Commander Grey smiling humorlessly but comfortingly down at her.

They must have known.

Staring back up at Grey, Depa blinked slowly before smiling back in return, relief in her heart as she held her padawan to her side, feeling Caleb slowly cuddle into his side. She knew the war wasn’t done, there would still be battles but…

There was hope now, hope that Depa had never considered before, hope she knew no Jedi that remained in the order had considered.

As the report finished and then looped, Depa let her chin rest on top of Caleb’s head, wondering… what came next?


Plo had known what was going to happen on Coruscant.

His boys, his sons, couldn’t keep a secret from him, as much as they tried after all and he knew that several other Jedi must have caught on too. Obi-Wan at the very least must have known, seeing who had taken over the reigns and was now technically Chancellor, even if Commander Cody sported the title Vod’alor.

But Wolffe and the others couldn’t keep a secret from Plo.

It was why he had quietly agreed when the boys had requested they remain in the airspace above Coruscant for a few days, not making a fuss.

Ever since Wolffe and the boys learned that his arm had been broken by a Senator, by no means the worst injury he had received really, he had known that something was up. The way the boys had burned with rage…

Oh, Plo knew that the former Senator in question’s days were numbered.

He should regret that.

He should have stopped the coup of the Senate.

He didn’t.

Instead he was just so tired, so weary that when Wolffe, gruffly but with concern had suggested he go rest for a while, he had taken his commander on the offer with a smile and a gentle shoulder pat as he saw a bright red orange spot bloom on the surface of Coruscant.

Ignoring it, knowing it was fire and likely the troopers on Coruscant doing, Plo bid his boys a good watch and told them to get their own rest when it was time before quietly making his way to his quarters to remove his mask and googles.

His boys and their vode would take care of things and Plo couldn’t be prouder of them.

Couldn’t be prouder of these traumatized and yet compassionate boys he had the honor of getting to know, the honor of caring for him in return. Who, when they learned about what was happening to the Jedi, had turned around and decided enough was enough.

Would they have done so for themselves?

Plo wasn’t sure, he hoped they would, but he also knew how far the Kaminoans had gone to ensure obedience and therefore he was left in the dark if they would have.

So he was thankful, even if it was for the Jedi, that the troopers had ripped themselves free.

He couldn’t be prouder of them and resolved himself to tell them tomorrow, to make sure they knew just how much Plo thought of them…and how grateful he was.

Plo knew he wouldn’t be the only Jedi grateful, though he wondered how long it would take for many to realize just how free they now were. The thought was almost alarming as Plo changed into his sleeping clothes and crawled into his narrow ship bunk, exhausted to the bone and yet relief in his mind.

His dreams were, for the first time in many months, free of nightmares.

No visit to the Senate in his dreams, no dreams of his boys getting gunned down, no sight of trembling padawans first visit to the Senate or limping knights.

Just a deep, dreamless sleep with his covers wrapped around him and the Force lulling him to sleep in its safe embrace with quiet whispers, the signatures of his sons wrapped around him all over his flag ship, the Mercy. He would never again loose his boys the Force whispered in his sleep, as he had lost them on the Triumphant before when his sons had called themselves expendable, the sensation of the war ebbing in his dreamless sleep.

He wouldn’t remember it in the morning, but a sense of utter peace filled Plo for the first time in years as he looked forward to the future.

Its been a hot minute, but for Jedi are Cats (something like that) do the clones have their own version of YouTube to put their videos of their generals being funny?

To the delight of the entire galaxy, the GAR clones had started their own holopage for their Jedi General’s shenanigans.

With weekly donations, it was running smoothly, updated by several battalions daily to make it worth the credits. Most of the donations were used to the upkeep of the page of course but some of it went into the GAR.

There had been quite a few thank you on the page from each battalion, investing in better caff or tea or treats.

It was rather adorable and had racked up a tad more donations, just to see them enjoy themselves and share with their Jedi.

Then there were the delightful videos themselves, all of them arranged Jedi by Jedi, so one could find their favorite Jedi. There was also the option to cross search for certain feline behavior, just so the viewer could find their favorite hilarity.


The angle of the camera was shaky and low, alerting the viewer to the fact that it was a helmet camera once more and that it was suited on the trooper’s hip. Finally though, the shaky angle became clear and allowed the viewer to see…

Plo Koon, curled up in an ammo crate, looking for all the world like there was nowhere else the kel dor would want to be with a blanket beneath himself. The man looked to be half asleep from what they could tell with the googles and breathing mask and he was actually purring faintly.

“…General, what in the world are you doing?” A gruff voice questioned.

The Jedi shifted inside the crate, lifting his head slightly from his own head to look up before huffing a tad in amusement. “Ah, Wolffe, I’m merely taking a nap.” The Jedi stated cheerfully.

“…In an ammo crate?” The same voice repeated, sounding merely resigned instead of incredulous.

Considering that the entire galaxy was now aware of the Jedi’s feline traits, no one was shocked by it at all and most were giggling at how adorable the kel dor was behaving.

“Indeed, its comfortable and safe. Would you like to join me?” Brows creased and cheeks shifted in a clear smile.

“…Thank you for the offer sir, but no thank you. Please enjoy your nap.” Came a low, drawn out sigh.


“Doooooon’t.” A blond trooper, Captain Rex, stated seriously, eyes narrowed in the video as he stood in front of his General at the mess table. This video was taken from a distance in a command room, clearly by another trooper watching the exchange of their General and their Captain.

Seated at said table, Anakin Skywalker sat, staring up at his captain with wide, mock innocent eyes, the back of his mech hand placed against a cup.

What was in the cup was hard to tell, but what was clear, was that this was a cup shoving behavior of a feline.

Or a Force sensitive being.

The stare-off continued, the General slowly moving the cup another inch and the captain growling deeply. “General… I swear…” He raised a finger at the other man. “Don’t you dare… I brought you that so you could hydrate…” The captain wagged it.

The human in front of him watched the finger wag, tilted his head, as if debating his option and then gave a grin so wide it looked loopy before he sent the cup flying into the air.



Another shot, this time in what looked like a camp on some planet or moon, General Kenobi practically strutting across the camp towards his Commander with a wide smile on his lips. “Cody!” He called out.

The man in question, Commander Cody as his scar made him very unique among his peer, lifted his head from the pad he was looking over, the man sitting outside at a rickety table. “General?” The man greeted with a small smile, blinking when the man placed something on the table. “General, what is this?” He questioned curiously, setting his pad aside to pickup a leaf, the tips of it colored a light blue like a sky, while the bottom turned almost black.

Chuckling, General Kenobi rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck, his ears turning a tad red. “Its a Yuran tree leaf, they’re unique for their blue, gradient color and this in particular was beautiful. I wanted you to have it.” He informed him with a wry twist of his lips.

It was rather funny, to see all the feline behavior the Jedi had and more, it was adorable.

How odd, they went from being mysterious to adorable beings.

How is Ani doing in Light Through the Cracks

The last few weeks have been rather odd in Anakin’s opinion.

Not bad… just very odd.

Though he did miss Obi-Wan quite a lot, it was still interesting to learn from the council masters as they cycled through, each of them updating him to Obi-Wan’s condition before either taking him to spar or do katas or they were helping him and going through his homework, explaining concept that Anakin didn’t quite understand.

And they meditated too, depending on the master, it was either moving meditation or they would attempt to find a way for Anakin to do meditation while still.

It was a challenge but… well, Master Plo at the very least took it as a challenge, a good natured smile somehow apparent even with his mask on as he gave Anakin a head pat.

It was nice.


But Anakin still wanted Obi-Wan back, especially when he went back to their lonely quarters and none of the masters could stay overnight.

Most of the nights, one of them slept on the couch and were generally awake already by the time Anakin got up, breakfast ready on the table with the single tea Obi-Wan had managed to find that Anakin too enjoyed.

Some days however, they couldn’t and Anakin would wake up alone and have to go to one of the refectory for breakfast.

It made him miss Obi-Wan even more and made him prod at the shielded bond in his head, wishing it was open so he could feel the other at least.

Generally when he did that, either Master Depa, Mace or Yaddle would show up to sit with him, spend some time with him unless he had to go to his lessons.

They knew he was prodding at the bond for sure and while it was nice that they cared… Anakin still wanted Obi-Wan.

Which was why he jumped on the opportunity to see his master when Plo offered, almost running to the Halls.

It was the first time he got to see the semi permanent healing ward with the lounge and rec room, the treatment rooms, the lined up dorms for the patient in one hall and the attached gardens to ensure they exercised and got more than just the recycled air of the rooms.

It was nice.

Made Anakin feel a bit better about where Obi-Wan was.

He’d never admit it but Anakin had worried that Obi-Wan was locked up in some dark, dreary room, unable to leave, unable to get fresh air or exercise in a small space that would just make him feel even worse.

But he wasn’t.

Obi-Wan’s room wasn’t all that big no but it wasn’t small either, it wasn’t brightly lit but enough to clearly see the bare but soft blue walls of the room and carpeted floor, his bed looked okay too, Anakin liked them softer but it was fit for Obi-Wan and there was a fresher attached with a bath Anakin could spy through the door.

It was a decent room, one made for healing.

It had a desk, a chair, bed, nightstand, lamps and a fresher connected and Obi-Wan could leave the room and go into the garden or the recreational room.

He wasn’t locked up or forced to do anything but try to focus on his healing and Anakin…

Anakin wanted to cry with relief.

Which was what he did, crying into Obi-Wan’s chest as they hugged, Obi-Wan’s grip so tight it almost hurt but Anakin didn’t want him to ease his grip at all.

Not when he was finally seeing the other man.

And he was doing better.

No longer did Obi-Wan have dark bags under his eyes, nor were they bloodshot, his skin didn’t look too taunt on his bones nor was it too pale and his hands were warm as he held onto Anakin.

Finally, finally Anakin could assuage his own worries.

Obi-Wan was healing and he’d come back.

He’d be Anakin’s teacher once more… he just needed time to heal.

Hi Moody, hope you’re doing alright with lock down and everything. What’s going on in light through the cracks? How’s Obi-Wan progressing and please tell me that someone has realised/prevented palatine from interacting with anakin or something?


Head snapping up from the text he had been reading, Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in surprise as his padawan was standing in the doorway one moment and the next moment he was on his feet, Anakin crashing into his him.

The two tumbled back onto the bed, Anakin’s arm wrapped tightly around his waist and Obi-Wan’s wrapped around the small body as he hefted him up to hold on.

He barely noticed Plo entering and closing the door, simply held onto his boy.

His padawan.

Force he had missed his padawan so much, he hadn’t realized just how much he missed him.

Shuddering, Obi-Wan nuzzled into the short spikes of the others hair, ignoring how the pad was now trapped beneath his body as he focused on the feel, scent and sensation in the Force of Anakin, of his padawan in his arms.

‘I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry…’ Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut, feeling how his eyes were watering as he clung to the blond in his arms.

He failed when Anakin let out a small hiccuping sob, starting to cry into the others hair as he levered Anakin up until the boy was resting his face in the crook of Obi-Wan’s neck, feeling the wet, warm tears soaking into his neck.

It opened up his own waterworks as he cried. “Its okay Anakin, its okay padawan, I’m here, I’m here Anakin.” He choked out, rocking the boy slowly as he held him, feeling the small fists holding onto Obi-Wan’s soft tunic.

He could feel Plo, monitoring the two and yet he couldn’t bring himself to care.

“I missed you so much Obi-Wan.” Anakin hiccuped into his skin.

Rubbing the others spine in uneven circles, Obi-Wan gave a wet laugh. “I missed you too kiddo. I didn’t know how much I missed you but oh, did I ever miss you.” He confessed. A burst of joy echoed in the Force, Obi-Wan unable to feel it in their bond and yet he could feel it in the Force.

That was enough and Obi-Wan pushed back from him enough to give him a watery smile, gently drying Anakin’s face with his hands.

Anakin gave his own giant smile back, despite crying. “You look better. You’re not as pale or gaunt.” He sniffled, snot beneath his nose.

Huffing faintly, drying Anakin’s face tenderly, Obi-Wan gave a small shrug. “The council has been looking after me as best they can. And… and I’m trying.” He added.

Trying for his friends, trying for Anakin.

Trying to better, trying to recover.

And having Anakin here in front of him, in his Force muted room, the literal sun Anakin was…

Looking away from Anakin for a bit, Obi-Wan nodded to Plo. “Thank you…” He stated quietly.

Nodding, Plo settled down in the armchair of the room, his mask echoing slightly as he took a deep breath. “Of course, your recovery is coming along well and you’ve been having a good period. Anakin visiting would only be good for you.” The kel dor smiled at the two humans.

It was good for Anakin too Obi-Wan would guess.

Smiling back, the redhead turned back to Anakin, stroking his flushed, tanned cheek. “How about you tell me what you’ve been up to, what you’re learning?” He encouraged quietly, settling in with the boy on his lap to hear.

He wanted to know everything.

And Anakin wanted to tell him everything.

By the time Anakin had run out of things to tell him, three hours, evening meal had come and four bottles of water had been consumed, the two eating together for the first time in weeks.

It was only once Anakin’s eyes were starting to droop that Plo softly stated it was time to leave, Anakin clinging to Obi-Wan.

“Could…” Obi-Wan hesitated, Plo pausing to listen. “Could I walk Anakin to where he is sleeping?” He finally whispered, staring up at the man with Anakin in his arms still, holding around him.

Plo stroked his chin, slowly, clearly eyeing Obi-Wan.

It would be the first time in two months that Obi-Wan had left the Halls.

So far he had only been in his room, the treatment room of the healers and the garden attached to the Halls where patients were encouraged to go for fresh air and meditation.

“…As long as you are wearing your muffling armband and are escorted back, I see no issue with that.” Plo finally decided, chuckling faintly as Obi-Wan stood with Anakin in his arms, intent on carrying the boy.

Just a few more minutes with Anakin.

Obi-Wan didn’t care if he had to walk naked back and forth, the muffling band and company to keep an eye on him were the easiest of terms to accept.

Hi Maddy! I love your writing, you are one of my favourite fanfic writers! I was wonder if we could please have more shutmedown? Maybe some interactions between plo and Anakin. I love them as a master Padawan pair.

Bouncing out of the classroom while raising his hands high over his head, Anakin beamed at his master. “I passed!” He crooned out gleefully before crossing the few short steps and right into Plo’s arms, the kel dor chuckling lightly as he hugged his padawan.

“Well done Anakin, I knew you could do it.” The man praised quietly, playfully pulling on the others braid before making a sweeping motion for the other to follow him.

‘Yeah, you were the only one.’ Anakin mentally noted, following Plo. Anakin wasn’t stupid, he knew that due to his ADHD, he had issues sitting still for long periods of time, especially when it came to things that didn’t interest him.

And while Anakin excelled in lightsaber, katas, mechanics, advanced math and even languages due to his interest and natural affinity in the latter, more theoretical subjects like deep meditation, spirit trials and the study of theological Force aspects.

And he also struggled with lessons like cultural norms of the galaxy.

He had been about eighty percent certain he was going to fail the stupid semester and have to retake it with a younger class, just like Fenarra had to with them.

The teacher too had been pretty certain, dropping clues on the things Anakin would have to restudy for the next semester.

But Obi-Wan had sat down with him after hearing from Plo that Anakin was failing, and quietly spoken with him, giving him tips and studying with Anakin.

It had been… nice.

Having someone on his own level, that understood that Anakin needed to move at times and also was helpful instead of annoyed.

A study partner to work with instead of Plo coming to work with him.

Not everyone of his fellow classmates understood his ADHD needs after all.

“Count Dooku and Obi-Wan are waiting on us,” Plo announced, his hand still resting on Anakin’s shoulder, breaking through the line of thought and he chuckled when Anakin looked up at him in surprise. “They wanted to celebrate your achievement. Obi-Wan, just like I, believed you’d pass and convinced Yan too make a reservation.” The man smiled softly behind his mask.

‘…Make that two people who believed in me then…’ Anakin flushed slightly, smiling at his feet as he followed Plo to the elevator. Then he blinked heavily. “Wait, are we going out? I thought Obi-Wan wasn’t allowed to go outside of the temple due to the threat to his life?’ He questioned curiously, the implication not lost on him that it sounded like they were going for a meal somewhere.

Humming faintly, Plo inclined his head to the two knights in the elevator before focusing on Anakin. “Yes, this is true and normally they would not. However, the council has agreed that as former Jedi, they are both allowed to retain their sabers on Coruscant with the temple taking responsibility for their usage. And with two additional Jedi going as their ‘guards’,” Here Plo made air qoutes, causing Anakin’s lips to twitch into a small smile. “Their security is assured. Not that we are going too far from the temple, I’m not sure where Yan has made reservation but knowing that man, it would be somewhere fancy.”

‘I hope they got kel dor paste then.’ Anakin noted, a bit amused before turning eager.

He couldn’t wait to see Obi-Wan if he was honest.

He owed it to him that he passed.

Well, technically he owed it to both Plo and Obi-Wan, but having someone to study with had been a game changer.

Especially since Obi-Wan never got frustrated with him and instead just quietly engaged Anakin in whatever activity or behavior he needed to remain focused on the large wads of text he had to go through.

Honestly, sometimes Anakin felt like Obi-Wan was a heaven sent to him during these times.

It almost made him wonder, guiltily so, what having the man as a master would have been like.

Not that he’d ever trade out Master Plo, but you couldn’t help but wonder about the what-ifs sometimes.

‘…I think he works as a friend better though,’ Anakin thought to himself, stepping out with his master into the entrance hall, beaming brightly as he saw the black form of Dooku with Obi-Wan at his side, the other dressed in white and silver, clearly visible even from a distance. ‘My friend.’

Oh my god I was so pleased to see an update to Lightthroughcracks, because I also have been looking through your archive and it was one of my favorites! Can we please see more of that?

The smell of dorin gas and tea was rather soothing Obi-Wan had to admit, as was the darkness with his face in Plo’s neck.

Now, dorin gas was kinda poisonus to humans but Obi-Wan couldn’t directly find it in himself to care at this moment as Plo’s steady gait swayed him, the council master taking him… somewhere. Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure where, not willing to lift his head.

He was just so exhausted and the rocking gait was lulling him even more.

It wasn’t directly sending him to sleep but it was making him drowsy for sure.

He could hear people, quiet voices, the scant sound of whispers.


Obi-Wan still couldn’t find it in himself to care.

And then he heard Master Che, alerting him to the fact that he was in the Halls of Healing.

Okay, now he cared.

He let out a low noise, shifting but Plo only quietly shushed him, adjusting his hold on Obi-Wan as he continued walking. “It is alright Obi-Wan, trust me.” The council master murmured quietly, his warm voice steady and soothing.

“I don’t like the Halls.” Obi-Wan choked out into the others robe.

“I know,” Plo chuckled faintly. “Unfortunately, you need it. Trust me.” He repeated.

Reluctantly stilling, the block between himself and Anakin reminding him that they wouldn’t give his padawan back until this was resolved, Obi-Wan dredged up a silver of resentment.

But mostly he just felt ashamed.

Ashamed for being weak, ashamed for leaning on Anakin and more than likely harming the boy.

Force, what if he had done proper damage to him for life?

Obi-Wan stifled a hiccup into Plo’s chest, too tired to really cry again as his eyes burned.

Plo pauses for a moment, there is a murmur of voices but Obi-Wan can’t get himself to focus on them beyond the fact that one is feminine and the other male.

The voices stop and then Plo moves again, his gait still steady and calm, the sound of a door opening and the smell of sterility giving way to… incense?

The scent was slightly sweet, alerting Obi-Wan to the fact as it managed to press its way through Plo’s scent.

Before he could puzzle it out however, he was set down and Obi-Wan let out a tired, questioning sound before huffing in surprise as he was carefully encouraging him to let go.

The room was surprisingly dark was the thing Obi-Wan noted, the room mimicking wood like walls and floor, as Plo slowly, steadily pressed him back and down until Obi-Wan rested on his back on a soft surface, a pillow behind his head.

A bed Obi-Wan’s mind supplied as he took in the almost candle like light of the rooms.

Plo gently stroked his temple, smiling at him before raising his head. “Now then, Healer Turma, if you please?” The kel dor murmured, a human with dark hair and slanted eyes stepping into Obi-Wan’s side, the man smiling emphatically at Obi-Wan.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan tense, having someone seen him like this, regardless of the entire council already had, made him feel ill.

The man didn’t seem to notice though, only bowed his head. “Greetings Knight Kenobi, I am going to give you an examination on the councils request. Please try to remain relaxed.” The unfamiliar man stated.

It left Obi-Wan tensing up, though the healer didn’t call him out on it as he instead just reached out and rested his hand on Obi-Wan’s temple, slipping past Obi-Wan’s shoddy shields now that he could no longer lean on Anakin.

His hand was warm, his hand smelled of hand lotion, a flower Obi-Wan was faintly familiar with as Qui-Gon used to grow them in their quarters.

The thought of his master send a spike of pain through Obi-Wan.

The man went from smiling to frowning fast, Obi-Wan wincing as he felt the probing touch and he almost pulled away when Healer Turma finally reached the fading master and apprentice bond.

He would have if Plo hadn’t taken that moment to grasp his hand, his clawed thumb stroking over Obi-Wan’s knuckles in a soothing motion.

If Obi-Wan had bothered to look around or stretch his Force senses, he would have noticed that Master Mace, Adi and Yoda were in the room too, due to the severity of Obi-Wan’s decline and his expertly managing to hide it.

“Oh dear,” Turma murmured, his frown growing even darker before he caught Obi-Wan’s eyes. “I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep yourself this stable Knight Kenobi, but your head is day six of a nine days hurricane. Any longer and permanent damage would have been in your future.” He stated worriedly.

Beyond exhausted, Obi-Wan just blinked slowly at the man.

A smile lit up on Turma’s face. “However, there is help here for those who seek it. We can help you Knight Kenobi.” He stated quietly.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes, wishing the day was over.

Could it please be over?

I don’t know if you’re still going with light through the cracks as you’ve only done a single post but I’ve rediscovered it when going back through all your awesome stories and I would love to know what happens next as my subpar imagination isn’t doing it justice. It’s the one when young anakin goes to Depa about obi-was having cracks in his mind and using their bond to keep doing, it ended with Depa dragging anakin off to explain this to others. Please how does everyone react? Does obi get help

Resisting the urge to shuffle his feet nervously in the artificially
lit room, Obi-Wan blearily peered at the council, hoping his eyes
weren’t bloodshot.

suspected that they were but if asked, he’d claim a few bad nights
with visions… hopefully that would be enough for the council.

And it
wouldn’t strictly be a lie, he did have trouble sleeping, despite
gaining some succor from his training bond with Anakin.

of Anakin…

boy was nowhere to be found and Obi-Wan could feel his worry and
anxiety spiking even as he tried not to react to much to the
evaluating stares of the council at all sides. He could still feel
his padawan of course, but it was slightly muted, as if Anakin was in
range of a blocker.

wanted to go find his padawan but first he had to deal with whatever
the council wanted.

Force, he hoped that didn’t mean a mission already.

Master Depa cleared her throat and sat forward. “Knight Kenobi, are
you aware of why you’ve been summoned?” She questioned, her voice
steady… and gentle.

As if
Obi-Wan was a spooked animal, the kind of voice Qui-Gon had used with
injured animals he wanted to care for.

voice sent an unexpected stab through Obi-Wan, his mind aching and
his insides twisting with pain.

But he
didn’t voice that, instead inclining his head. “I’m not certain
masters, as far as I’m aware, I’m not to be sent on any missions
just yet.” Obi-Wan stated, the unvoiced, ‘I have a padawan, I
can’t leave yet.’ lingering obviously in his voice.

members of the council exchanged looks and Obi-Wan had to swallow
another spike of nerves.

this about Anakin maybe?

the council decided to change their mind?

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he could handle if they took Anakin away from

knew it was bad to lean on the bond so much for the support he needed
but the abrupt death of Qui-Gon had not given him any chance to sever
their bond properly.

what had happened was that their bond had been ripped apart,
not just breaking Obi-Wan’s shields but tearing at his soul and it
was a miracle in itself that Obi-Wan was sane, especially after
touching the dark side only moments after the bond between master and
padawan had started to shred.

mind was literally inflamed, infected in a manner, and the only balm
so far was Anakin, the boy like cool ice to his mind and Anakin
seemed to understand.

gave Obi-Wan bit of relief to try and work on the shredded bond and
to try and cauterize the edges of it so to speak.

Kenobi, please lower your shields.” Master Windu suddenly stated.

to stop himself, Obi-Wan jerked back half a step before gathering
himself, staring at the master of the order in shock before quickly
shaking his head. “Masters, I’m not sure what this is about but
that is an inva-”

Yoda’s old voice broke in, green eyes focusing on the old troll as
he stared sadly at him, ears twitching slowly as the cane rested over
his lap. “Know we do, healthy you are not. Your bond, ruined it is.
Strength from your padawan you should not get.” The old troll

panic climbing up his throat, Obi-Wan opened and closed his mouth
before shaking his head more weakly. “Masters, I’m dealing, I
promise it’s not so bad tha-” Master Plo stood smoothly from his
seat and approached Obi-Wan.

for every step the kel dor took, the human backed away until his back
hit the door of the council chamber, his shoulders shaking heavily.

realized his actions were unreasonable, that the council didn’t
want to hurt him.

his mind was buzzing with how disappointed they would be that he
couldn’t manage to deal with his broken bond. He was a Knight for
Force sake, the Sith Slayer! He should be able to handle such a thin-
a gentle hand cupped his cheek, claw tipped fingers gently stroking
at his temple.

Obi-Wan stared wide eyed at Plo, the other man smiling sadly. “It
is alright young Obi-Wan. You can lower your shields, we won’t let
your pain drown you, nor will we judge you for carrying pain.” He

his hands grasping at the smooth, cool door behind him, Obi-Wan
licked at his dry lips. “I- I can’t…” He wheezed.

can,” Plo assured, still stroking at his temple with his thumb. “I
know you can Obi-Wan. A Jedi is not to be attached, but we are not
emotionless and Qui-Gon was your master. You are allowed to grieve
Obi-Wan.” The council master murmured in that soft, even tone, ever
so slightly coaxing.

To his
mortification, Obi-Wan could feel tears building in his already
bloodshot eyes and before he knew it, a harsh hiccup escaped his
throat, his shields crashing down around him as he reached out for

found himself welcomed, the arms moving to hold Obi-Wan up against
Plo’s chest again. “That’s my boy, there you go Obi-Wan, you’re
doing good my boy. Just let it go.” Plo murmured, Obi-Wan
helplessly crying into the others chest, the scent of dorin gas and
tea mixing on the other man’s robe.

up in his release, Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a fight as Plo
gently, but firmly inserted a block between him and Anakin, making a
door where there before was a light switch.

you will heal Obi-Wan Kenobi and the first step of your healing is to
grieve.” Plo stated quietly, holding Obi-Wan up as his knees
buckled under him.

How does Obi-Wan feel about the word carved on his arm in Fallen for You? Is he ashamed of it? Does he cover it up, or does he leave it out for people to see?

Plucking at his sleeve as he sat down on his squashed couch, Obi-Wan
uncertainly glanced around at the other masters with a bit of

it wasn’t unusual that he got visitors these days.

his and Anakin’s torture and then return, Obi-Wan had been getting
friendly visits from people checking in on him once he was ready for
visitors and they had time. But this didn’t feel like a friendly
visit and more like a matter of concern.

with the way Mace face was carefully blank but he kept tapping at his
knee with his index finger, a nervous tick and Depa kept switching
between uncertainly smiling or staring into the cup of tea Obi-Wan
had made.

more than that, it was Plo that told Obi-Wan that something was up.

way the kel dor had sat down beside him on the couch, the careful way
his hands were resting in his lap and the way his eyes were focused
on Obi-Wan.

knew his fellow council members enough to read their body language,
or lack of it in Plo’s case and he could read many things from all
three of them.

that screamed of discomfort and unease.

was Anakin’s confidant, the person he went to speak to and was
getting help from to try and ease his own Fallen state.

If Plo
was here, carefully blank and put together, that meant that it was
something Obi-Wan needed to know and a sinking stone in Obi-Wan’s
stomach told him he wouldn’t like the information.

And it
would relate to Anakin.

would offer you something if I could Plo but I haven’t restocked
the tea you usually drink.” He tried for a lighter tone, picking up
his own cup while focusing on the man.

raised one of his hands, his mask quirking around the mouth, proving
he was smiling. “That is alright Obi-Wan, while tea would have been
nice, dorel tea is rare and hard to get if you are not a Kel Dor.”
He murmured calmly.

hard, he’s right in that.’ Obi-Wan sipped at his red tea. Dorel
tea was sold only by Kel Dor vendors since they could only be grown
on the homeworld of the Kel Dor’s, due to the dorin gas richness of
it. That also meant that if you were not a Kel Dor yourself, you got
an additional tax as it was originally only reserved for Kel Dors.

sense, it was the preferred tea for them after all.

that they couldn’t drink other teas but still.

I’m sorry to say that this is not a social visit.” Plo continued,
confirming Obi-Wan’s dread that this was not just a friendly thing.

forward, Obi-Wan placed his tea on the glass table before focusing
fully on Plo instead of the two other master’s sitting on the
squishy leather recliners. “I suspected but… what is going on
Plo?” Obi-Wan questioned quietly, lacing his hands on his lap and
ignoring the way Depa had clearly seen the compression sleeve he wore
on his right arm.

It had
been Anakin’s suggestion, having noticed how uneasy Obi-Wan was at
times and kept picking at his sleeve over the letter scars.

he had a cream to reduce the scars, that would take time and so
Anakin had bought a wrist to elbow compression sleeve in black,
stitching a blue Jedi symbol onto it on his own. It was wonky but…
the intent behind it had touched Obi-Wan, given him relief, a

helped his confidence.

let out a deep breath, bringing Obi-Wan’s mind away from the
sleeve. “You are aware that Anakin has handed me his comm and
lightsaber, you were there after all, since he was going to isolate
himself for meditation and did not want distractions.” Plo stated

nodding, Obi-Wan felt a brow raise in curiosity only for his stomach
to turn to ice at Plo’s next words.

the last five days the Chancellor has called no less than eighty
times and sent over five hundred messages since I came in possession
of Anakin’s comm,” The kel dor master leveled a long stare at the
human on the couch with him. “Obi-Wan, this is a worrying pattern
and I need to ask you if you know how long this communication has
been going on?”

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only for nothing to come out, eyes wide and
his entire being feeling nauseous.

his ear, the black wing he shared with Anakin burned with the racing
pulse of his heart.