I love your Sightlessbird series! There isn’t enough master!ani padawan!obi fics around! any chance for another installment??

Pulling his padawan’s boots of off his feet, Anakin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him sleeping so deeply that he didn’t even twitch. The kid had been shacking up with whatever trooper caught his fancy from the 501st for the last few days, sparring and getting into competitions to the point he almost fell asleep in his food.

And when they were busy, he went for any trooper that was of duty.

To be frank, Anakin was rather certain that Obi-Wan had charmed at least half the ‘adult’ clones and was friends with the ‘child’ clones, all of them finding common ground, with the war, being raised able to fight, with high expectations.

It was amazing almost, but Obi-Wan hadn’t been having a single nightmare or vision since he arrived on Kamino, generally too tired out for either as he extended the Force to ‘see’ or to further his skills when he was meditating or sparring with Anakin.

Seeing how Obi-Wan had been withdrawn and having nightmares prior due to the murder attempt, Anakin was almost ready to get down on his knees and kiss the ground the troopers walked on.


But for now, he settled on carefully getting Obi-Wan out of the most restraining or uncomfortable of his clothes.

Boots, socks, belt, sash, hair tie and outer tunic, leaving the boy in his leggings and sleeveless turtleneck.

Still no twitch came, despite Anakin touching, lifting and tugging lightly to get him undressed enough to be comfortable.

That done, he settled the blankets over the boy, stroking his hair gently out of his face. “…Sleep well padawan, dream of chocolate tarts and cups of tea.” He teased gently before getting onto his feet and turning the lights off with a wave, stepping out into the apartment the longnecks had given him and Obi-Wan.

Pausing at the name he had used for the kaminoans, Anakin wryly pulled at his own curls. ‘I’ve been spending too much time with the troopers.’ He thought amusedly before grunting and quickly silencing his comms when they started chirping.

Behind him, the door still open, he could hear Obi-Wan shift slightly before settling again, Anakin quickly reaching into their bond and sending a soothing, calmness down it, pressing Obi-Wan back down into a deep sleep.

It worked and Anakin closed the door tightly, breathing out and checking who the hell was calling him.

‘…Padme.’ Anakin stared at the number then sighed deeply, rubbing at his face with his mech hand as the comms continued vibrating in his flesh hand.

Since last seeing her in the Rotunda, Padme had upped her calling and at this point, Anakin was getting real tired of the constant calls if he was honest, even as he understood why.

After all, they were married still.

He still loved her.

Things were just so… damn difficult.

Finally, Anakin let out a deep sigh and answered his comm instead of dismissing as he had the last several weeks. “…Hello Padme.” He murmured as she flickered into view, settling down on the couch as her blue shape peered back at him, wearing what was clearly Senate robes, her hair down.

She must have come from the Senate not long ago, having pulled her hair out of a do but not removed her dress.

“Hello Anakin…” She stared at him, eyes flickering over his face almost desperately.

‘She missed me.’ Anakin swallowed thickly.

He had missed her too.

But he had realized things while he was away from his wife, things he… wasn’t sure how to feel about. Things that were impacting the already falling apart marriage to the woman he loved.

Anakin wasn’t sure, but there was a heaviness in his chest as the two stared at each other, a realization he wondered if Padme already knew.

‘We never should have married that young…’

“I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.”“Where did you hear that?”“Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.Sightless Bird

The last place he wanted to be in this moment was in the karking Rotunda and the only reason he had left Obi-Wan’s side at all was because Rex had promised to sit with him. So here Anakin was, marching through the Rotunda, his cloak billowing up around him dramatically.

If Qui-Gon could see him at that moment, he would have rolled his eyes and fondly called him a drama prince.

Or maybe he would have been stomping along with Anakin.

The other had been calling daily until the comm signal had become too unstable, hearing about what health Obi-Wan was in.

All because he had been directly summoned by the War Commission to speak about the last campaign he had been out on with Obi-Wan. Something about someone having caught Obi-Wan on holocam, running around with the bomb over his head.

‘Not like they cared before that there were padawan’s out there.’ He thought grouchily.

A part of him knew that it was Obi-Wan’s disability that made them suddenly interested, a blind Jedi running around doing impossible feats.

‘If even one of them calls my padawan ‘broken’, I swear, I will ram my mechano han-’

“Knight Skywalker!” A familiar and unwanted voice called out and Anakin grit his teeth as he came to a still, turning around slowly to face his own wife with a bow. “Senator Amidala.” He murmured, noting with some surprise that Commander Fox and another Coruscant Guard was following her.

Force, she was beautiful, wearing a golden dress with white details, no jewelry on her but her hair set up in a beautiful crowning braid.

Yet he wished she hadn’t intercepted him, for all her beauty.

Lately their conversations had been too strained, too much happening with Ahsoka and the war and a part of Anakin recognized that their relationship hadn’t been healthy even before that. That they strained to talk, to be honest, to give each other what they needed.

With a new padawan…

Well, Obi-Wan was his priority, like Ahsoka should have been from the moment she was his padawan.

It was putting a large strain on their relationship, Padme recognizing that Anakin no longer trusted her, no longer talked to her and Anakin recognizing that she hadn’t done so from the start.

Padme smiled at him, a bit nervous but still as pretty as an angel. Anakin’s heart gave a complicated throb as he peered back at her, tucking his hands into his robe sleeves to hide how they were shaking.

“Apologies for interrupting you Knight Skywalker but I…” She hesitated then took a deep breath, her face turning sad. “I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.” Padme stated softly, biting at her lips.

Startling, his eyes widening slightly before his lips pursed, Anakin couldn’t help but glare at his wife. “Where did you hear that?” He asked harshly.

It took her by surprise clearly, the slight woman jerking to as she stared up at him. “Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.

Obi-Wan’s condition was not a widespread rumor, that he was sick, sure, but not how badly of he had been or that it had almost claimed his life.

That the healers had managed to save him had been a little miracle on its own when they had identified the poison as one with very few cures, a snake from Korriban of all places.

Yet no one had known how severe it was outside of the Order or the troopers, the information having been put on ice to be able to trace it to the potential culprits.

For the Chancellor to know how severe it was, for him to be able to claim that Obi-Wan wouldn’t make it with such certainty spoke of knowing what poison his little padawan was slipped…

Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.

There was no other way the other could be so sure of Obi-Wan’s death and the Chancellor could have no idea that there was a poison expert in the Halls of Healing, one who had been on duty when Obi-Wan was brought in.

He couldn’t have known that Kix would have been able to keep Obi-Wan stable just long enough to get him to the temple.

Couldn’t have known that Obi-Wan’s body would fight the poison when put into a medical coma.

Didn’t know that Obi-Wan would survive.

The Chancellor was involved in the poisoning of a Jedi padawan, Anakin’s padawan.

A lightbulb popped overhead, sparking as Anakin fought to control his rage, Padme clearly reading his face as she frowned in worry and reached out to him.

Anakin stepped back. “My padawan… is in a coma. Thank you for your concern Senator Amidala.” He bit out, desperate not to give out anymore information, not where there were ears that could hear, not when Obi-Wan had barely survived.

Not when the Chancellor could try again if he knew Obi-Wan was still weak.

He turned on his heel and left Padme behind with Fox, fuming as he headed down the a side hall he knew was a shortcut, several bulbs popping overhead as he fought with his own wrath and concern.

Oh no is padme one of those senators in dangerous galaxy??

Staring, Cody wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing.

This was one of the last things he had been expecting when he had entered the lounging room behind Senator Amidala’s office, the space where she entertained guests and made less official negotiations possible.

Or well, he knew WHAT but the why was kinda escaping him.

Anakin however perked up when the captain and the commander stepped in, waving his gloved mech hand at them since his other was resting on the table beside him, his fingernails glittery blue as he sat reclined back in an upholstered chair. “Rex, Cody! Hey, you’re here.”

In front of him, in a similar chair that had obviously been dragged closer, Padme Amidala sat with the Jedi’s feet in her lap, completely focused on painting the nails on the left foot, the other already finished.

Those too were also covered in glittery blue nail polish.

She gave an absent greeting, clearly wanting to focus on doing her job correctly.

“What’s going on here?” Rex managed to get out, voice strained and Cody could just feel the way the other was tempted to go for the blaster.

Technically, she was touching the Jedi.

But this seemed…


And Anakin Skywalker looked happy, so this wasn’t some kind of feminization kink or humiliation thing, not with how content he looked and Cody had seen both Obi-Wan and Anakin with painted nails before actually.

“Nail painting?” Anakin glanced at the preoccupied senator then back at them. “Padme tries to make sure that when I’m on Coruscant, no one else can request me. Bail tries to do the same for Obi-Wan. But we were kinda bore-”

Senator Amidala let out a huge snort. “You were bored, I was doing my paperwork.” She sniffed delicately before straightening, smiling happily as she picked up the polish bottle from the table and screwed the brush in.

Anakin rolled his eyes. “Okay, so I was bored. I forgot to bring my tech this time. Excuuuuse me.” He pouted at her.

‘They’re friends.’ The realization hit Cody like a hammer and he felt something deflate inside him.

Relief maybe.

Because for the first time since this entire thing started, they have allies, allies with power that can keep the Jedi safe.

Or at least do SOMETHING.

Finally, the Senator finishes up and pats Anakin’s foot, smiling at him before turning her eyes to Rex and Cody. “Please, take a seat. I apologize for not offering sooner but I was never really good at painting nails and I need to focus when I do it.” She sighed slightly.

Grabbing chairs, the two troopers did as told, settling down as Padme lifted a piece of white machinery from the table. Turning it on, it lit up in blue and she held it over the nails she had just painted.

If Cody was to take a guess, it was something to make the nail polish dry quicker likely.

Rex was still vibrating a bit, most likely the leftover rage and adrenaline more than anything and clearly Anakin realized it by the way he sent the captain a concerned look.

Thankfully though, he said nothing as Amidala instead started talking. “Bail and I, along with a few of the more agreeable senators have been trying to get rid of the…” She trailed off, her eyes twitching a bit before she sighed deeply. “The servitude the Jedi order has to the Senate. Unfortunately the Senate moves slowly and quite a few are very unwilling to give up on it.” Amidala stated bitterly, staring down at Anakin’s feet on her lap, tilting the machine in her hand lightly to turn the light.

Cody and Rex exchanged glances as Anakin made his focus his own finger nails, studying how they glittered in the light.

But his ears were red, a sign of his humiliation.

“Is…is there anything we can do?” Cody finally questioned.

That got him a wry smile along with something steely in Amidala’s expression, her eyes darting to Anakin before back to Cody. “Well, unless you have power in the Senate or storm it, I don’t think so.” She stated in a light tone.

Cody felt his breath catch a bit.

She knew.

Or at the very least she suspected.

And would work with the clones since she gotten Anakin to invite them here to this private moment.

That was… a surprise, Padme Amidala’s ideals for peace and justice were strong.

But what was happening to the Jedi order, to the clones and to many of the outer and middle core planets were injustice. Injustice that the Senate did not move to aid or fix. “I see… you help the Jedi then?” He glanced at Anakin too.

Perking up at that, Anakin nodded. “Padme tries to take our slots as best she can. She can’t always help or even help everyone, neither can Senator Organa. But they try, they and a few others.” He grinned happily.

‘Can’t always help.’ The word stuck with Cody and he could spot the Senator hand curving almost protectively around the bump of Anakin’s ankle, as if she could shield the bigger man from the threat other Senators posed.

Can’t always meant that some had asked for Anakin.

Looking at the Senator, Cody waited until she lifted her eyes to meet his. Only then did he give a vicious smile, watching how her eyes widened in surprise before she matched it.

The Troopers had an ally with teeth.

Hi! In AwolJedi, how does Obi-Wan’s talk with Padme go? Is she angry at Anakin and wants the twins back? Does Cody rescue Obi-Wan from the conversation with Padme, or does Cody maybe get dragged into the conversation with them?

‘How in the Force name did I end up here?’

The sentence kept repeating in his head as he sipped slowly at his tea, feeling Padme stare at him. The office had been cleared out by everyone but one of her handmaidens, the lady standing by the door and a blocker had been activated on her desk.

She didn’t want anyone to hear what was being discussed.

“Obi-Wan, could you please make Anakin see sense?” Padme suddenly questioned, her hands resting on the desk.

That made Obi-Wan pause, the cup slowly lowering to stare at the woman in question. Had she just…

Seeing that she had his attention, Padme leaned forward. “Please, I don’t want a media circus about us, I just want him and the kids to come home but he won’t listen to me.” She murmured quietly, eyes large and slightly glistening.

In any other case, Obi-Wan might have let a cooler head prevail, he might have kept to the side and tried to negotiate a solution to such a conundrum.

But in this one, he was personally invested.

And Padme seemed to have no idea just how personally invested he was as he placed his cup down on the table stationed with the chairs.

Did she really think that he and Anakin hadn’t spoken?

Where in the galaxy did she think he had gone and he quickly had to review his memories, to check if Anakin had mentioned to her in any of the instances he had been in person for where he and the kids were.

He had assumed he would have told her…

But maybe paranoia had kicked in.

And maybe the troopers had requested Anakin not to say anything?

So far, just like Ilum, Vercopa coordinates were a secret, to keep the Jedi and the troopers there safe just as they kept Ilum’s crystals safe. No off-worlders were bought to the world and all trade happened on a moon a few clicks away.

Knight Ina and her padawan, masters Morana, Firava and Nurdina was actually stationed there, they was delighted. A real people persons, being rechanged by being around people… extroverts Obi-Wan believed he had heard someone call it.

Shaking his head slowly, Obi-Wan watched him before sighing deeply. “Senator Amidala, who do you think advised Anakin when he made his decision to leave?” Obi-Wan questioned, brow raised as she paused in surprise. Clearly it hadn’t occurred to her that Obi-Wan and Anakin had been in touch before Anakin wanted to come to Vercopa.

“You…” She trailed off, brown eyes widening in realization.

Standing, pushing the chair he had been occupying back, Obi-Wan peered down at her as she stared speechlessly back. “Anakin has been my number one priority since the invasion of Naboo, and while I many a time have failed him, I no longer carry any loyalty to the Republic and Senate as a whole,” He stated calmly as she fumbled to stand too, her stare turning into a glare. “He is still my number one priority, his happiness matters to me, which is why I never interfered in your relationship before… but you no longer make him happy. So I will give him all the tools I have to aid him in his time of need. He is my brother, in all but blood and I will fight for him.” He said firmly, the two staring at each other.

“You…” Padme breathed out, looking at a loss for words.

Settling his hands into his sleeves, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath while bowing slightly. “I. You can not deny that Anakin had all the rights in the world to leave. If you wish to make everything a media circus and excruciating, that is up to you but Anakin is allowed to leave and is within his right to doubt your ability to take care of children, considering your behavior.” He stepped back.

Padme’s eyes grew watery. “They’re my children too.” She bit out.

Nodding, Obi-Wan stared at her. “Yes, they are,” She looked surprised by his concession. “But you also left them alone, it took you a while to notice they were gone. You may do as you wish Senator Amidala, you and Anakin can find a solution. I hope you can find one that is fine for you both.” Obi-Wan settled on before turning, heading for the door.

He was so tired of Coruscant.

I really love AWOL Jedi!! I could totally see Padme being more interested in her job/work than Anakin and the twins. Could we see the next part please? The Jedi in the Senate and maybe Padme trying to talk to them about Anakin and the twins?

Letting out a heavy breath, Obi-Wan rubbed his temples as they stepped out of the platform and into the hallway.

“That could have gone worse,” Depa stated tiredly behind him, everyone pausing to stare at her. She snorted at them. “It could have gone better too, but considering they’ve yet to try and jail us…” She trailed off, brows raised at them.

Sighing, rubbing his forehead with an obvious vein ticking at his forehead, Mace nodded slowly. “True, I frankly expected them to try that the moment we disembarked.” He stated wryly as they started moving once more.

Oppo gave an agreeing snort as they moved out into the hall, silently agreeing not to speak too loudly as the senators around them came from their pods.

A mix of glares and furtive stares were leveled upon them, not that they had expected anything else and never before had Obi-Wan been as happy to know that the troopers were on their side.

Should something happen, the Coruscant guard would aid them get away.

As it was, the plan was if the Senate called for their arrest and it became unavoidable, Commander Fox would take them in only for the Jedi to ‘escape’ from custody, to avoid bringing down the displeasure of the Senate on the CG.

After all, the Jedi were known for being wily.

Normally, at this point, Jedi would mingle with the high and mighty but this time they weren’t negotiating for others but themselves, so they stuck together, quietly trying to gather some energy from each other before once more into the breach they went.

Honestly, after so long, Obi-Wan had forgotten how unreasonable politicians could be when they were upset and thankfully the Jedi weren’t really out after anything, though if they could establish some trade routes with some planets, that wouldn’t be the worst.

But for now, they could finally breath even as they kept aware of the senators and their aids around them, the vigilant sensation never quite fading as they were in ‘enemy’ territory so to speak.

Mace and Depa quietly spoke with each other, both making plans for food to be bought to them with the clear intention of asking the others what they wanted.

However that plan was a bust as Plo suddenly got very interested in his claw decoration, fixing it with care. “On your left Obi-Wan.” The older master murmured quietly, as if Obi-Wan couldn’t sense the determined person marching towards him in the Force, a slight warning echoing around them.

Shifting slightly, enough so he could glance, Obi-Wan almost groaned as he took in the sight of Padme Amidala, wearing a beautiful gradient dress from light sky blue at the top of the heart neckline to the blackest midnight at the ankles of the flaring skirt. She wore no jewelry and only a light layer of makeup, but her hair was set up in several braids with decorations inserted into it that Obi-Wan suspected held shield tech just as the Queen of Naboo’s headdresses had.

All in all, she made a beautiful and dignified vision.

And a determined one as she made her way to the Jedi delegation with her entourage scrambling after her. “Master Kenobi!” She snapped out, watching him closely as Obi-Wan turned and gave her a light bow.

“Senator Amidala.” He greeted steadily, watching her closely as whispers hissed through the crowds at her approach.

After all, everyone knew that she had married a former Jedi.

It made Obi-Wan wonder if anyone knew Anakin was angling for a divorce or that she no longer was in the possession of her children.

They hadn’t been long enough on Coruscant or talked with anyone familiar enough to learn what rumors were circling.

Force, did Obi-Wan wish he had the chance to speak with Dex, Dex knew every rumor that echoed through Coruscant, be it the high society or the underground, the diner owner was well connected.

“Would you be amendable to a discussion?” Padme ventured, chin tilted stubbornly and oh, Obi-Wan recognized that position. It was one of someone that wouldn’t give up until they got what they wanted. “A private one?” She tacked on as her handmaiden and Jar Jar finally caught up to her.

It was the last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do, he knew what she wanted to speak about but still he inclined his head. “Of course, but later. We are after all still in session.” He stated, watching her conflicted expression before she nodded too.

‘Hopefully, Cody and the others will be done before that time comes…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hope, watching her march away once more.

Hi Moddy! Just wanted to say I love your writing! There are so many fics that I love reading and AwolJedi is one of them. I have a question about it though. We know that the Jedi younglings are on Vercopa but what about the Clone Cadets and all the other baby clones. Are they still stuck on Kamino? Does the Senate try to do something horrible as a way to punish the clones and the Jedi? Does master Ti get the little clones off Kamino?! Do the Jedi go and get them!? What happens to them?

Letting out a shuddering breath as he typed in the comm numbers, Anakin gave Obi-Wan a nervous smile as his old master gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “If you can’t do it yet, that’s alright Anakin. You don’t have to do this today.” He murmured gently.

Always the caretaker, always nurturing.

How had Anakin missed it for so long?

“I have to deal with it eventually,” He stated instead of considering that question, smiling meekly. “And there’s no time like the present as they say.” Anakin murmured, licking his lips nervously.

Obi-Wan gave him a long stare before breathing out and nodding, squeezing his hand another time before stepping back to sit down on one of the chairs in the comm room they had taken up.

Not that there was a long line for the comm rooms anyhow, it was the middle of the night anyhow and Anakin would frankly rather be in bed. ‘Thank the Force Rex promised to take care of the twins if they needed anything.’ Anakin couldn’t help but think. He loved his babies but he needed sleep sometimes and if he got to bed only to be woken in an hour…

Hitting connect, Anakin settled in to wait for Padme to take the call.

It took two rings before Padme took the message, the young senator appearing in one of her many grand dresses, sitting on something while staring at Anakin as the former husband stared back at her.

Or well, Anakin had sent in the divorce papers, he was still waiting on her to agree to them.

And yet, she said nothing, simply stared at him with large eyes.

The silence was painful and Anakin cleared his throat. “Um, hi… hi Padme.” He stated softly, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck, wishing he was anywhere but here in this moment. He’d rather be in bed or even blowing up another bird on accident.

“…Hello Anakin.” She whispered, sounding tired but he caught an edge to her voice.

She was angry.

Well, so was he, even if he was mostly tired, he was also angry.

Finally, Padme spoke after another prolonged silence. “How could you have?” She pursed her lips and even in holo he could see that her eyes were shining.

So that’s how she wanted to take it.

Narrowing his eyes while shifting, crossing his arms over his chest, Anakin glared right back at her. “How could you ignore our kids? How long did it take for you to figure out we were gone?” He snapped out, gritting his teeth when she glanced away temporarily, as if shameful.

Too long then and she didn’t want to admit it.

No wonder she hadn’t called the court on him.

She totally could, he knew that. But if she did that, she would not only drag her own and his name through the mud but also Naboo and if there was one thing Padme Amidala did not want to do, it was to loose the position she had so rightfully gained.

She would always fight for Naboo, she had been their most popular queen, a queen the people wanted to keep even when she was too old.

Anakin felt exhaustion suddenly sweep through him and he let out a loud, tired sigh as he ran his flesh fingers through his hair, glancing down at his feet. “I’m not sure what you want me to say Padme. I still love you, but its clear that your priorities lay differently,” He stated bluntly, ignoring how he could see Obi-Wan wince from the corner of his eyes. “Your people first, those you can help second…and your family last. Me and the kids, last.” He stared at her.

“That’s not true!” Padme stood abruptly from her seat, her voice loud. “You and the twins aren’t la-”

“Yeah?” Anakin cut in, his tone biting. “Then why did the handmaidens have to step in for you? Why didn’t I see you more than maybe an hour a week? Why didn’t the twins get to see you for more than an hour a week?” He glared at her. “Why did it take you what must beyond far beyond that night to notice that we were gone?”

Padme opened her mouth but didn’t seem to know how to respond, twisting her hands together in front of her.

Absently, still staring at Padme, Anakin noted Cody stepping into the room, hurrying over to Obi-Wan and leaning in to whisper something, his voice far too low for him to hear. He also noticed that Obi-Wan was nodding in agreement to whatever the commander was saying.

Cody left as quickly as he arrived. “I could drag you to court.” Padme suddenly said, swallowing thickly.

Staring at her in return for a long minute, Anakin took a deep breath. “…Fine. If that’s what you want to, do it.” He tilted his head slowly, snorting when her eyes went wide with shock.

Honestly, he went to war, she had too, did she think he’d fold for a threat like that?

“Anakin, please, lets just talk about this like adults… you don’t have to do this or divorce me to get me to listen.” She stated softly, her voice and eyes besceeching.

“Parents love and care for their children,” Anakin bit back, though mostly he was just tired. “A babysitter isn’t suppose to be there all the time. If you don’t get why I left, then just drag me to court already but until you’re ready to talk properly about an arrangement because I’ve already taken my choices.” He reached out, ignoring that Padme was calling for him as he terminated the call, leaning on the holo display with a deep sigh.

Obi-Wan came over, resting his hand on Anakin’s back, rubbing lightly. “…Lets go to bed. It’s late and we’ll need the rest for tomorrow.” Obi-Wan stated softly, carefully grasping his former padawan’s elbow to pull him along and away from the comm system.

ok WOW. i am in LOVE with AWOL jedi. can we see some twins-obi wan bonding time, and like padme trying to comm anakin and obi wan getting SUPER protective like “no you hurt him you dont get to talk” lol

Raising a brow at the startled looking woman, Obi-Wan wondered if Padme really thought that she’d be talking to Anakin this soon now that the blond had finally returned home.

The travel had taken a long while and time zones were an actual thing.

The poor boy, the boy Obi-Wan had trained, was currently curled up in a pile of troopers, Rex and the other 501st basically sucking him into their midst and settling down while Boil and Waxer took care of Leia and Luke’s needs.

Poor Anakin had looked exhausted, his very being screaming exhaustion into the Force and Obi-Wan’s heart had just crumbled.

So, in a move of mercy, he had swiped Anakin’s comm link during a hug and kept it on himself on impulse.

Or maybe a Force guided prod since not even half an hour after Anakin had fallen asleep, his comm had started vibrating on Obi-Wan’s belt, Obi-Wan having turned it to silence when he knew Anakin wasn’t watching him.

“Hello Senator Amidala.” He finally greeted, his brow still raised as he settled into his chair, Cody right behind it as the commander was never far from his side these days.

And if he was right, Helix wasn’t far either.

The entire 212th were paranoid about Obi-Wan’s health due to his lowered immune system and he often had tails around the camp. Not that he genuinely minded, he enjoyed spending his time with his troopers and if he really needed peace and quiet, they would leave.

Cody had left him alone before when Obi-Wan had asked.

He didn’t want to be alone now though, as Padme clearly worked through her shock and straightened. “Master Kenobi, I… I was expecting Anakin, is he there?” She stated, clearly trying to look composed.

But Obi-Wan could see the fists her hands were curling into and the tenseness of her body. Padme Amidala was far from as composed as she was pretending to be and it would be over Obi-Wan’s cold body that he let her talk to his former padawan right now. “He’s resting,” Obi-Wan slipped his right leg over his left knee. “He and the children, the trip home,” He noted with some interest that Padme flinched at the word home. “Was exhausting on all of them.” Obi-Wan cocked his head, closely observing the senator.

“I… see.” Padme was biting at her lips, her image flickering on the comm due to the distance, Vercopa still working on their comm systems.

She was angry.

Obi-Wan might not know Padme as well as Anakin, but he still knew her and part of being able to negotiate was being able to read the body language of people. Padme was angry. “I could take a message for him?” He stated, feeling Cody’s hand coming to rest on his back in a supportive motion.

Through the Force, he could feel his commander pushing positive reinforcement and warmth in his direction.

It was more than enough to have Obi-Wan relax, feeling confidant in covering for Anakin to have Cody there and at his back.

Cody always had his back and Obi-Wan felt that if it came between Anakin or Cody… he wasn’t sure which one he would choose.

Finally she seemed to shake herself, straightening with a harsh nod. “Yes, please give him a message that I need to speak to him at earliest opportunity.” Padme stated, tucking her hands into her sleeves.

Obi-Wan hummed, inclining his head. “Our schedules are a bit different than Coruscant, it might take some time but I’ll give him your message,” He stated quietly, inclining his head when Padme ended the call. The moment it was over, Cody’s hand slowly slid onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder, holding on tightly. “…We delay for as long as possible, if Anakin ask about his comm… tell him we’re looking for it.” He murmured, tightening his hand until the comm popped in his grip.

He could feel Cody’s surprise at the destruction of the comm before the other squeezed his shoulder. “Of course Obi-Wan.” He stated quietly, understanding.

The vode would always understand protecting ones brother, even the stupid ones.

You totally made me cry with that last post in AwolJedi! But it’s good that Anakin, Ahsoka, and the twins are home with their family now. Anakin’s got a lot to do to mend relationships, but he can do it! I would like to see what happens in Coruscant when Padme finally realizes her husband and kids are gone. Does her staff hide it from her? Do they try to give Anakin the time to get away? Are they compassionate? Does Padme even admit that her family is missing but she never noticed?

The children are gone.

Anakin is gone.

They have been gone for a full day before Padme cottoned on that something wasn’t right and had gone looking for them.

She just thought…

Well, Anakin had started avoiding her lately and had even stopped sleeping in their bed, sulking around the apartment and Sabe, Ariva and Natalia all reported that he wanted nothing to do with them despite Padme leaving them behind to help with the twins.

No, Anakin had apparently growled at them to stay away and taken care of the twins himself.

Padme just…

She already had a fight on her hand with the Senate, she hadn’t wanted a fight at home too.

But maybe she should have fought, maybe she wouldn’t be sitting on the couch then, all alone with a pad in her hand containing Anakin’s message for her.

He had left it behind in the babies room, brightly lit and blinking so it would be the first thing Padme saw in the otherwise dark room.

He had just needed time she told herself, time to adjust, time to settle down, time to stop sulking while she did her work as the Senator of her people. It was her duty after all!

It seemed she had however miscalculated.

Because Anakin was gone and he had taken their children with him.

What did it say about her as a mother that it took her a little over a day, almost one and a half, to see that the kids were gone, that something was completely, almost obscenely, wrong.

It makes her…

Well, Padme’s emotions could be a thing of pain but right now self loathing and anger is very prevalent as she sits in the dark with the pad where Anakin has written his last words before leaving their apartment.

Seemingly forever.

Or that was the impression at least.

If she was anymore foolish, she might wave it off, think that Anakin just needed a good long sulk and then he’d return, chipper and smiling if a bit tense until they could sooth things over.

But Padme Amidala is not that foolish.

She knows Anakin Skywalker, for all that he can make rushed decisions, he’s not made this one impulsively.

No, this action Anakin has deliberated over. This action has been thought over for days if not weeks and over that time, it has only made him more certain that leaving Padme and taking the children were the right choice.

Lifting the pad once more, Padme stared bleakly at the words despite the light of the pad hurting her already sore eyes more.

‘Dear Padme,

I’m sorry to say that by the time you see this, I’ll be gone. Maybe very far depending on how fast you come looking for us but at this point, I find myself rather sure it will take you at least half a day before you notice anything.

I hope it only takes you half a day.

That you have more care for the twins at least that you came to see them sleep and see that they are alright.

If it took longer…

I don’t know. I don’t want to know if you really took anymore time to see to them.

If its not obvious by now, I’m gone for good and so are the twins. Obi-Wan has sent a ship for me that will take me to wherever the Jedi are now and no, they haven’t told me where. I don’t need to know where I’m going to know I’m going somewhere safe. I’m going home finally, after all, Obi-Wan is there.

My comm codes are still the same, should you wish to contest my claim to the kids, but I wonder if you will. I wonder what kind of standing that would leave your family name in considering why I left and why I took the kids with me.

I won’t be taking the kids forever, we’ll come visit but primary custody… that’s mine now Padme. I can’t trust you not to hand the twins over to the handmaidens or someone else to raise.

WERE their parents Padme, not the handmaidens, as nice as they are.

We can figure out some kind of visitation right once you’re ready to talk.


Staring at the words, Padme couldn’t help but stare at the bottom.

At one point, Anakin would have written ‘with all my love’, even in the midst of the war when they couldn’t let people know.

But here… here he had left it off.

Left Padme off.

Alone in what had once been their apartment.

Alone in the dark.

She’d never felt so alone before… because this time, she knew he wasn’t coming back.

Oh, crap! Now that Obi-Wan’s been separated from Anakin in Khybertears does Palpacreep try to nab him?

Stepping into the office, Anakin resisted the urge to flee right back out the door and it was only half because he didn’t like leaving Obi-Wan alone.

The other half was because he was wholly and fully uncomfortable with Padme as he stood in front of her desk, sliding his hands into his sleeves and grasping his own elbows in a tight clenching move.

It was an action Obi-Wan had taught him, quietly telling him that it made it seem like Anakin was more approachable but also more confidant than he really was as it wasn’t quite crossing his arms defensively over his chest but instead leaving it open while puffing his chest out seemingly confidant.

Of course, that made Anakin think about the amount of times Obi-Wan did the exact same pose but he had long known that Obi-Wan hid his emotions very well.

“Please leave us.” Padme murmured softly to her handmaidens, sending both them and the security detail to the outer part of the office where the secretary was.

The door closed behind them and Padme sat down on her chair, peering up at Anakin with her large, beautiful doe brown eyes.

Force was she ever beautiful.

‘And yet… love is not always enough.’ Anakin reminded himself.

“Will you… please sit?” Padme started cautiously, gesturing to the chairs.

Tilting his head, Anakin let out a low noise. “I think I prefer to stand Senator Amidala.” He returned, his heart aching when she flinched at the address.

“Anakin.” She started, her tone pleading but seemingly lacked how to continue.

Anakin didn’t know how to continue either.

Several seconds went by in awkward silence before Anakin finally let out a deep sigh and dropped his hands, sitting down reluctantly as he stared at Padme, resting his elbows on his knees. “What do you want me to say Padme? That I’m sorry I walked out? That I’m sorry I’m siding with family?” He questioned harshly.

It hurt to see her flinch. “I just… you know you can talk with me Anakin, I’m your wife.” Padme pleaded softly, cupping her hands together on the desk while staring at them.

Pursing his lips, Anakin stared at her. “…What’s the Delegation of 2,000?” He questioned, narrowing his eyes when she practically jumped in her seat. “You don’t tell me everything either, considering how vital Obi-Wan’s secret was not only to his health but also his safety, you question why I would keep his?” He snorted.

They could both hear the word Anakin wasn’t saying.


Anakin looked away at the window, watching the glowing orange sunset of Coruscant, the sight of pollution on the lower edge of the sky, watching her from the corner of his eyes.

Neither said anything for long minutes, Anakin could feel Padme struggling in the Force, a mix of guilt and frustration echoing in her aura. “Not that it really matters.” He muttered bitterly.

Her head snapped up from staring at her hands, staring at him. “What? What do you mean Anakin? What doesn’t matter?” She whispered, her voice on the edge of fear.

Anakin snorted deeply, turning his head to look skeptically at her. “Padme, we married under fake names. You know damn well that in the eyes of the law, that makes our marriage invalid. We had a marriage ceremony for us, not for law. I can walk out of here with no one knowing… it will just be word against word.” He murmured.

She stared at him, pale and aghast. “You can’t be implying… Anakin, I’m your wife!” She stood up.

Peering up at her sadly, Anakin nodded. “You were my wife. I still love you. But sometimes love isn’t enough… you made me realize just how much you are making me lie, Obi-Wan has always been honest with me and yet I’m lying to him everyday since I married you.” He murmured.

“I’ve been lying too! For you!” Padme’s voice was rising.

Anakin swallowed harshly, pushing down his own anger. She was hurting, it was understandable. “And yet you don’t want me to keep secrets, you don’t seem to understand that some things are not for you, a partnership isn’t about owning each other.” And Force, the irony of Anakin saying those words weren’t lost on him.

But Anakin had learned from Obi-Wan, from the quiet way he rested his head on Anakin’s shoulder, the tired tears that transformed into gems and the feel of a warm blanket wrapping around his own shoulders from troopers caring for them.

Standing, watching the speechless woman in front of him, his heart feeling like it was bleeding, Anakin slowly shook his head. “Your first love is and has always been your people. I love you Padme, but I know who you’ll choose. We romantized each other… it’s time to stop before the price we pay becomes even greater than a few lies to those who love us.” He whispered.

Padme didn’t seem to know what to say, her eyes filling with tears and Anakin had to fight his own, blinking away the moisture as he bowed to the Senator.

Carefully, he turned and made his way to the door.

“Anakin…” She called to him, her voice broken and quiet.

Pausing at the door, his hand hovering over the opening pad, Anakin swallowed harshly. “…Goodbye Padme. I’ll always love you.” He whispered before stepping out, feeling like his soul was leaving him as he heard a soft sob from behind.

Yet he did not turn as he made his way out of the Naboo offices of the Rotunda.

In Jedi are cats does Padme finally realize where anakin’s mannerisms and habits come from due to the viral videos? So she gets a laser pointer to mess with him

Pressing her hand to her mouth,
watching the latest ‘Jedi are cats’ upload from the UsTube, Padme
couldn’t help but glance at her husband as he absently continued
fixing R2, switching between working and scolding the astromech.

the bugger was being rude.

that Padme could tell, she didn’t really understand binary like
Anakin did, all those whistles and trills.

that the astromech’s seemingly crude way of speaking was on the
forefront of her thoughts really as she was more focused on watching
her husband sit in the sunny spot from one of the large windows, his
golden hair twined with the rays of the warm sun.

lot of Anakin’s behavior Padme had honestly put down to either just
being a Jedi or being a former slave, regardless how much she didn’t
like thinking about the thousands of lives being used and abused and
how slow the Senate was to do anything about it.

they were to do anything at all, being like the heads of a hydra and
moving so slow if they moved at all.

as they were already in one war, going against the hutts seemed
unlikely and it hurt Padme to realize how justice died before it ever
passed their lips, dying on the steps of bureaucracy.

depressing thoughts were shaken away however as Padme now had more

wasn’t Jedi

was Force related.

Padme was feeling… mischievous, watching her husband sitting on the
floor with the sun in his hair and his frame relaxed, one of the few
times he was at home and they could spend time together with her on
one of the plush couches.

around, making sure the handmaidens were out of the way even if they
were ready to be called, Padme very quietly shifted until she could
grab the little laser pointer Bail had granted her to use for board
pointing in meetings.

bit superfluous but it was a practical thing when the eyes of some
Senator’s were clearly not working and they didn’t ‘read’ the
entire board in meetings.

right now it was going to be used for a very different purpose as
Padme clicked the red dot on and settled it on the floor near Anakin,
waiting in suspense.

did not react.

be, it’s not a living thing and it’s just light on the floor, he
might not see it…’ Padme mused after about a minute of Anakin
just muttering to himself as he worked on R2, clearly consumed in his

Padme moved the dot, making it move more into the shadow of the
curtain where it was more visible, slowly twirling it in little

if she wasn’t so familiar with Anakin, she might not have noticed
when his words trailed off and only R2’s indignant trills were
filling the room, might not have noticed how his shoulders tensed.

had noticed the spot and Padme took the chance to slowly move it
towards the curtain, wondering if Anakin would actually chase the

barely had a warning, Anakin’s body wiggling a bit on his position
on the floor as the dot reached the blue curtain base and then Anakin

blur of black and golden curls, a low chittering noise escaping him
as he climbed the damn
curtain to get to the dot only to drop down on all four when Padme
squeaked and let her hand fall, the dot tracing the floor instead
with Anakin chasing it.

got a glimpse of his face at that moment, the blown wide, excited
pupils and she had to restrain the urge to giggle inappropriately at
her husband.

then Anakin paused and gave her the most indignant look she had ever
had the pleasure of getting from him, his cheeks turning a fire
engine red as he stared at her, still on all fours on the floor.
“Padme!” He whined out only for the sound to to come more like a
mewling noise and that was the last straw, Padme dropping the laser
pen outright as she let the giggles consume her, collapsing back on
the couch as her husband pouted at him.

could get used to having a very feline husband she would admit.