I miss Padawan of Dooku. We never saw what happened with Xanatos, did he go after Obi Wan again? I bet Dooku went full on papa bear on him if that’s the case

Hands clinging
tightly to the cup in his grip, Obi-Wan stared into the blue liquid
for a long moment as steam rose from it. “…This isn’t tea.”
He whispered.

“Its milk.” Yan
agreed. “With some Devaron honey from the temple of Eedit.” He
watched Obi-Wan still mutely stare into the cup for a long moment.
Drink Obi-Wan.” He implored. “Qui-Gon would not want
you to starve yourself.” Yan went for dirty tactics but he knew
that invoking Obi-Wan’s linage brothers name would work.

Obi-Wan spasmed at
the name but slowly lifted the cup to his lips and took a small sip,
letting the almost nauseatingly sweet liquid glide over his tongue
and down his throat. He shivered a bit but warmth bloomed inside from
the honey. “…You gave me this when Du Crion tried to kill me that
last time.” He mused quietly into the cup.

Yan nodded, raising
a hand slowly to rest on the others back. “He should never have
tried for you again. I made my position in regards to you very clear
to him.” Yan noted quietly and a bit fiercely. “Not my fault that
he ignored the warnings. I just dealt with the situation and put him
in his place, six feet under.” Yan said with grim satisfaction.

A weak laugh
escaped Obi-Wan’s lips, barely a puff of air before his face
twisted into a grimace, dropping the cup to the expensive carpet of
Yan’s quarters as he dropped his face into his hands instead, a sob
escaping him.

Swallowing thickly,
Yan curled his arm around the others shoulders to pull Obi-Wan into
him, let him hide as he had when the redhead had been just a teen.
“That’s it, just let it out Obi-Wan. Just let it out.” He

“It wasn’t
wasn’t suppose to be like this!” Obi-Wan cried into his chest,
hands fisting the expensive material of Yan’s dark tunic. “He
wasn’t suppose to run ahead!” Obi-Wan hiccuped hard.

“Sometimes you
can’t control how some people think Obi-Wan.” Yan crooned
quietly, cupping Obi-Wan more tightly to him.

“But Qui-Gon-”
Obi-Wan choked on his words.

“Qui-Gone is
gone.” Yan returned heavily, feeling the other shake in his arms
and against his chest. “But you are still here.” He settled his
nose into the others hair and rubbed along the others spine slowly.
“And its hard, its terrible and it hurts and whatever Yoda says you
shall ignore because grief is natural to the human process of being
alive and so is pain. Because we loved Qui-Gon… and now we have to
feel the loss of a person we both cared for.” Yan swallowed.

Obi-Wan’s tears
soaked into the dark fabric as he spasmed and coughed hard before he
just let Yan carry his weight. “I miss him.” He confessed.

“And so too do I
Obi-Wan.” Yan confessed heavily before he shifted so he could tilt
Obi-Wan’s head up, pressing their forehead’s together. “But we
still have each other. You and I are still here and as long as we
remember him, he’s never truly gone.” Yan whispered.

Obi-Wan stared at
him with red rimmed eyes and a runny noise, once more looking
thirteen to Yan and in need of shelter.

Unable to resist,
he brought the other back to his chest, hug tight. “We’re still
here.” He whispered, letting the other sob against his chest.
“Still here, we don’t have to say goodbye just yet child.” Yan
and Obi-Wan clung to each other, taking comfort in the beating hearts
of each other.

I miss Padawan of Dooku. We never saw what happened with Xanatos, did he go after Obi Wan again? I bet Dooku went full on papa bear on him if that’s the case

Hands clinging
tightly to the cup in his grip, Obi-Wan stared into the blue liquid
for a long moment as steam rose from it. “…This isn’t tea.”
He whispered.

“Its milk.” Yan
agreed. “With some Devaron honey from the temple of Eedit.” He
watched Obi-Wan still mutely stare into the cup for a long moment.
Drink Obi-Wan.” He implored. “Qui-Gon would not want
you to starve yourself.” Yan went for dirty tactics but he knew
that invoking Obi-Wan’s linage brothers name would work.

Obi-Wan spasmed at
the name but slowly lifted the cup to his lips and took a small sip,
letting the almost nauseatingly sweet liquid glide over his tongue
and down his throat. He shivered a bit but warmth bloomed inside from
the honey. “…You gave me this when Du Crion tried to kill me that
last time.” He mused quietly into the cup.

Yan nodded, raising
a hand slowly to rest on the others back. “He should never have
tried for you again. I made my position in regards to you very clear
to him.” Yan noted quietly and a bit fiercely. “Not my fault that
he ignored the warnings. I just dealt with the situation and put him
in his place, six feet under.” Yan said with grim satisfaction.

A weak laugh
escaped Obi-Wan’s lips, barely a puff of air before his face
twisted into a grimace, dropping the cup to the expensive carpet of
Yan’s quarters as he dropped his face into his hands instead, a sob
escaping him.

Swallowing thickly,
Yan curled his arm around the others shoulders to pull Obi-Wan into
him, let him hide as he had when the redhead had been just a teen.
“That’s it, just let it out Obi-Wan. Just let it out.” He

“It wasn’t
wasn’t suppose to be like this!” Obi-Wan cried into his chest,
hands fisting the expensive material of Yan’s dark tunic. “He
wasn’t suppose to run ahead!” Obi-Wan hiccuped hard.

“Sometimes you
can’t control how some people think Obi-Wan.” Yan crooned
quietly, cupping Obi-Wan more tightly to him.

“But Qui-Gon-”
Obi-Wan choked on his words.

“Qui-Gone is
gone.” Yan returned heavily, feeling the other shake in his arms
and against his chest. “But you are still here.” He settled his
nose into the others hair and rubbed along the others spine slowly.
“And its hard, its terrible and it hurts and whatever Yoda says you
shall ignore because grief is natural to the human process of being
alive and so is pain. Because we loved Qui-Gon… and now we have to
feel the loss of a person we both cared for.” Yan swallowed.

Obi-Wan’s tears
soaked into the dark fabric as he spasmed and coughed hard before he
just let Yan carry his weight. “I miss him.” He confessed.

“And so too do I
Obi-Wan.” Yan confessed heavily before he shifted so he could tilt
Obi-Wan’s head up, pressing their forehead’s together. “But we
still have each other. You and I are still here and as long as we
remember him, he’s never truly gone.” Yan whispered.

Obi-Wan stared at
him with red rimmed eyes and a runny noise, once more looking
thirteen to Yan and in need of shelter.

Unable to resist,
he brought the other back to his chest, hug tight. “We’re still
here.” He whispered, letting the other sob against his chest.
“Still here, we don’t have to say goodbye just yet child.” Yan
and Obi-Wan clung to each other, taking comfort in the beating hearts
of each other.

PadawanofDooku – We left of as Qui-Gon was confronting the Council. What happened? How does Dooku respond to his older Padawan’s idiocy? How does Naboo go? Who goes there?

Carefully keying
himself in, Mace took a deep breath while letting his emotions go
into the Force as he crossed the threshold of the assigned quarter of
the Naboo palace, making his way towards the room where misery was
rolling of a person as the wind outside made the curtains of the open
window flutter softly as Mace easily identified who was in such
misery and grief.


Mace felt his own
anguish at the fact that Qui-Gon was lost, that he had returned to
the Force and there was no way they could…

It hurt.

Regardless what
Yoda said about not mourning those who had left them, it hurt so much
to lose an old friend that way.

Yan had gone to the
morgue, looking lost the entire way as he went to see his fallen
former padawan but only after Mace had told him to go while he went
to Obi-Wan.

Slowly stepping
into the bedroom, Mace observed the redhead laying in foster position
on the bed with all curtains drawn for to let no light come in.

“…I couldn’t
get to him in time.” Obi-Wan whispered. “The sith… kicked me in
the hip, I think he broke something and I couldn’t… run.” His
breath stuttered a bit before he curled in tighter around himself.

Crossing the floor,
Mace sat down on the bedside and rested his hand on the others back.
For a moment he just held it there as he stared at the wall before he
started to rub slowly along the others spine as Obi-Wan struggled
against his grief.

Mace finally rumbled. “Sometimes we can try our best… and yet we
fail even those we love.” He settled on quietly. “And we are left
with the grief and the guilt.” He murmured, sighing when the other
flinched a bit. “In those moments, its important to remember what
the person who has left us would have wanted. And I know that Qui-Gon
would never have blamed you.” He finished.

That got a choked
little sob out of Obi-Wan.

Mace continued
rubbing slowly. “Have you been looked over by the medics?” The
master questioned, sighing quietly in relief to himself when Obi-Wan
nodded. “Good. Do you want me to stay?” He asked again.

Once again Obi-Wan
nodded and Mace stayed, hand on Obi-Wan’s back as he offered what
comfort he could to the younger man.

He remained by
Obi-Wan’s side at the pyre as Qui-Gon’s body was consumed by
flames, Yan flanking him on the other side with a hand on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. Hidden by their robes, Obi-Wan clings to Mace hand too for
support as the Korun keeps his free hand on young Skywalker’s
shoulder, holding the boy to his side.

Qui-Gon had been
lost, there were no one else to train the boy but…

But the man had
believed so strongly in Anakin that Mace couldn’t just…

And then there was
Obi-Wan, he couldn’t let it all fall apart like this and so he took
Anakin Skywalker as his padawan as he remained by Obi-Wan’s side.

Mace would not let
the future anger he could sense in Anakin consume him, or let the
grief bubbling in Obi-Wan destroy him.

Call it selfish if
you wanted to, but Mace, beneath the cold exterior of his stern stoic
face, cared too much to allow Obi-Wan to be destroyed or for what
Qui-Gon believed in to be snuffed out completely. So he would do this
one last thing for Qui-Gon.

PadawanofDooku – We left of as Qui-Gon was confronting the Council. What happened? How does Dooku respond to his older Padawan’s idiocy? How does Naboo go? Who goes there?

Carefully keying
himself in, Mace took a deep breath while letting his emotions go
into the Force as he crossed the threshold of the assigned quarter of
the Naboo palace, making his way towards the room where misery was
rolling of a person as the wind outside made the curtains of the open
window flutter softly as Mace easily identified who was in such
misery and grief.


Mace felt his own
anguish at the fact that Qui-Gon was lost, that he had returned to
the Force and there was no way they could…

It hurt.

Regardless what
Yoda said about not mourning those who had left them, it hurt so much
to lose an old friend that way.

Yan had gone to the
morgue, looking lost the entire way as he went to see his fallen
former padawan but only after Mace had told him to go while he went
to Obi-Wan.

Slowly stepping
into the bedroom, Mace observed the redhead laying in foster position
on the bed with all curtains drawn for to let no light come in.

“…I couldn’t
get to him in time.” Obi-Wan whispered. “The sith… kicked me in
the hip, I think he broke something and I couldn’t… run.” His
breath stuttered a bit before he curled in tighter around himself.

Crossing the floor,
Mace sat down on the bedside and rested his hand on the others back.
For a moment he just held it there as he stared at the wall before he
started to rub slowly along the others spine as Obi-Wan struggled
against his grief.

Mace finally rumbled. “Sometimes we can try our best… and yet we
fail even those we love.” He settled on quietly. “And we are left
with the grief and the guilt.” He murmured, sighing when the other
flinched a bit. “In those moments, its important to remember what
the person who has left us would have wanted. And I know that Qui-Gon
would never have blamed you.” He finished.

That got a choked
little sob out of Obi-Wan.

Mace continued
rubbing slowly. “Have you been looked over by the medics?” The
master questioned, sighing quietly in relief to himself when Obi-Wan
nodded. “Good. Do you want me to stay?” He asked again.

Once again Obi-Wan
nodded and Mace stayed, hand on Obi-Wan’s back as he offered what
comfort he could to the younger man.

He remained by
Obi-Wan’s side at the pyre as Qui-Gon’s body was consumed by
flames, Yan flanking him on the other side with a hand on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. Hidden by their robes, Obi-Wan clings to Mace hand too for
support as the Korun keeps his free hand on young Skywalker’s
shoulder, holding the boy to his side.

Qui-Gon had been
lost, there were no one else to train the boy but…

But the man had
believed so strongly in Anakin that Mace couldn’t just…

And then there was
Obi-Wan, he couldn’t let it all fall apart like this and so he took
Anakin Skywalker as his padawan as he remained by Obi-Wan’s side.

Mace would not let
the future anger he could sense in Anakin consume him, or let the
grief bubbling in Obi-Wan destroy him.

Call it selfish if
you wanted to, but Mace, beneath the cold exterior of his stern stoic
face, cared too much to allow Obi-Wan to be destroyed or for what
Qui-Gon believed in to be snuffed out completely. So he would do this
one last thing for Qui-Gon.

Hi, I love your writing so much! In the Obi-Wan is Dooku’s padawan ‘verse what happens during Naboo? Or Melida/Daan? How do they find Anakin? Thanks for answering!

“You are a terrible influence my
padawan.” Dooku squeezed the others shoulder as he lead Obi-Wan off
Melida/Daan even as the boy threw him a wide smile with his arm in a
sling. “A terrible terrible influence.”

“We stopped a war.” Obi-Wan offered
cheerfully in return as he limped beside his master.

“That we did. Now you get to explain
to the council exactly how and why and you get to do the report.”

“But Master!”

“Fair is fair Obi-Wan, you are the
one who wanted to stay.”

“You let me though.”

“Of course I did. Compassion is a
tool of the Jedi and though your actions were less then desirable, it
was the compassionate thing to do.” Yan smiled down at the other
before sighing. “I do wish you weren’t so injured though.”

“Its alright.” Obi-Wan turned his
head enough to give Cerasi a wave of goodbye, a small smile on his
lips as the ramp raised behind them and the ship took of. “I like
this outcome. It feels like the better one.”

Yan hummed before sighing and picking
up the teen. “Indeed, lets get you to the medbay. I’m sure I can
fix you up…mostly.”

Obi-Wan sniggered a bit. “You’re
just worried about the healers scolding you again.” He teased

Yan rolled his eyes, holding the other
to him a bit tighter. He’d never admit it but watching Obi-Wan move
between volleys of blaster bolts and barely avoid explosions had been
one of the more stressing moments of his life. Not even Qui-Gon
bringing a damn poisonous reptile to their room and promptly loosing
it had scared more years out of him.


“Qui-Gon no.” Obi-Wan placed his
hands on his hips and glared at his linage brother, a sharp frown on
his face that startled the man in question.

“What?” He blinked.

“I said no. You don’t put something
like that on a nine year old. Choosen one? Prophecy? Just no. He’s
a boy of the age of nine that you’ve taken from his mother. And yes
it still counts as taken from him. I’ve been speaking to Anakin and
I’m not happy with you and I will be telling Master what you did.”
The soon to be knight said firmly.

“What exactly did Anakin tell you?!”
Qui-Gon yelped. Manly yelp, yes of course manly.

“You won him in a pod race you had
him compete in, as an added bonus with a hyperdrive, you had him
separated from his mother and still haven’t had the decency to ask
someone else to go get her which would eliminate some of his fears.
You told him you weren’t there to save slaves and didn’t explain
to him the reasons Jedi can’t involve themselves openly against the
Hutts and believe me, Anakin would understand, he understands that
Hutts are dangerous.”

The two stared at each other.

“…Summed up like that I sound

“You do. And you are not to old to go
over Yan’s lap you know. We will never be to old for that. Or to be
stuck in a corner.”

“He ca-”

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow. “No?”

“…Oh fine. But he needs to be

“Hidebound Councilors will not be
convinced by a Chosen one argument. Convince them with how strong he
is. Convince them with the trained darksider you encountered.”
Obi-Wan reached up and rested his hands on his brother padawans
shoulders. “Don’t put that kind of pressure on a nine year old
Qui-Gon. Whatever you think about his future, live in that saying
that you’re so fond of, live in the moment and see the boy who
needs a hand to hold.”

Qui-Gon stared at him before giving a
breathy sort of laughter that made him lean forward and bump his
forehead against the others carefully. “When did you get so wise

Sniggering a bit, Obi-Wan settled as
two large hands mimicked his grip on Qui-Gon’s shoulders on his
own. “By being around you and Yan, someone had to be smart in
response to you brother padawan.” He winked.

“Are you calling our master-”

“Force no. Someone had to be the dumb
counterpart to his smartness too.” Obi-Wan laughed warmly.

“…How goes things with Mace?”

“Carefully. I’m not jumping into a
relationship with a councilor, least of all the Master of the Order.
I told him I wanted to become a knight before I engaged in anything
serious.”  Obi-Wan hummed, enjoying the closeness of the other and
the warm hands on his shoulders.

“I see, good plan honestly. I was
surprised when he told you of his interest if I’m honest. You were
eighteen and a padawan after all.”

“I think he wanted to start courting
me so I knew he wasn’t just interested in sex.” He mumbled while
closing his eyes, letting his and Qui-Gon’s Force signatures meld
together. It was a certain kind of intimacy that he enjoyed because
of Qui-Gon’s connection to the living Force. He said as much.

“Yes you are do generally leave
yourself to the Unifying Force.” The other chuckled before shifting
a hand to stroke over the others short hair. “Yan tells me you
still refuse to grow your hair out.”

“For now. Once I’m a knight I am
certainly growing it out. Now please, remember what I said, don’t
put pressure on Anakin with a prophecy. He’s already different
enough that others will point it out if he joins us. Don’t let
there be more.”

Qui-Gon rumbled and squeezed the others
shoulders as they rested their foreheads together still. “Of course
Obi-Wan, you don’t have to drill it into me anymore.”

“You sure? You’ve very stubborn you
old gundark.”

“…I think Yan’s the gundark.”


Hi, I love your writing so much! In the Obi-Wan is Dooku’s padawan ‘verse what happens during Naboo? Or Melida/Daan? How do they find Anakin? Thanks for answering!

“You are a terrible influence my
padawan.” Dooku squeezed the others shoulder as he lead Obi-Wan off
Melida/Daan even as the boy threw him a wide smile with his arm in a
sling. “A terrible terrible influence.”

“We stopped a war.” Obi-Wan offered
cheerfully in return as he limped beside his master.

“That we did. Now you get to explain
to the council exactly how and why and you get to do the report.”

“But Master!”

“Fair is fair Obi-Wan, you are the
one who wanted to stay.”

“You let me though.”

“Of course I did. Compassion is a
tool of the Jedi and though your actions were less then desirable, it
was the compassionate thing to do.” Yan smiled down at the other
before sighing. “I do wish you weren’t so injured though.”

“Its alright.” Obi-Wan turned his
head enough to give Cerasi a wave of goodbye, a small smile on his
lips as the ramp raised behind them and the ship took of. “I like
this outcome. It feels like the better one.”

Yan hummed before sighing and picking
up the teen. “Indeed, lets get you to the medbay. I’m sure I can
fix you up…mostly.”

Obi-Wan sniggered a bit. “You’re
just worried about the healers scolding you again.” He teased

Yan rolled his eyes, holding the other
to him a bit tighter. He’d never admit it but watching Obi-Wan move
between volleys of blaster bolts and barely avoid explosions had been
one of the more stressing moments of his life. Not even Qui-Gon
bringing a damn poisonous reptile to their room and promptly loosing
it had scared more years out of him.


“Qui-Gon no.” Obi-Wan placed his
hands on his hips and glared at his linage brother, a sharp frown on
his face that startled the man in question.

“What?” He blinked.

“I said no. You don’t put something
like that on a nine year old. Choosen one? Prophecy? Just no. He’s
a boy of the age of nine that you’ve taken from his mother. And yes
it still counts as taken from him. I’ve been speaking to Anakin and
I’m not happy with you and I will be telling Master what you did.”
The soon to be knight said firmly.

“What exactly did Anakin tell you?!”
Qui-Gon yelped. Manly yelp, yes of course manly.

“You won him in a pod race you had
him compete in, as an added bonus with a hyperdrive, you had him
separated from his mother and still haven’t had the decency to ask
someone else to go get her which would eliminate some of his fears.
You told him you weren’t there to save slaves and didn’t explain
to him the reasons Jedi can’t involve themselves openly against the
Hutts and believe me, Anakin would understand, he understands that
Hutts are dangerous.”

The two stared at each other.

“…Summed up like that I sound

“You do. And you are not to old to go
over Yan’s lap you know. We will never be to old for that. Or to be
stuck in a corner.”

“He ca-”

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow. “No?”

“…Oh fine. But he needs to be

“Hidebound Councilors will not be
convinced by a Chosen one argument. Convince them with how strong he
is. Convince them with the trained darksider you encountered.”
Obi-Wan reached up and rested his hands on his brother padawans
shoulders. “Don’t put that kind of pressure on a nine year old
Qui-Gon. Whatever you think about his future, live in that saying
that you’re so fond of, live in the moment and see the boy who
needs a hand to hold.”

Qui-Gon stared at him before giving a
breathy sort of laughter that made him lean forward and bump his
forehead against the others carefully. “When did you get so wise

Sniggering a bit, Obi-Wan settled as
two large hands mimicked his grip on Qui-Gon’s shoulders on his
own. “By being around you and Yan, someone had to be smart in
response to you brother padawan.” He winked.

“Are you calling our master-”

“Force no. Someone had to be the dumb
counterpart to his smartness too.” Obi-Wan laughed warmly.

“…How goes things with Mace?”

“Carefully. I’m not jumping into a
relationship with a councilor, least of all the Master of the Order.
I told him I wanted to become a knight before I engaged in anything
serious.”  Obi-Wan hummed, enjoying the closeness of the other and
the warm hands on his shoulders.

“I see, good plan honestly. I was
surprised when he told you of his interest if I’m honest. You were
eighteen and a padawan after all.”

“I think he wanted to start courting
me so I knew he wasn’t just interested in sex.” He mumbled while
closing his eyes, letting his and Qui-Gon’s Force signatures meld
together. It was a certain kind of intimacy that he enjoyed because
of Qui-Gon’s connection to the living Force. He said as much.

“Yes you are do generally leave
yourself to the Unifying Force.” The other chuckled before shifting
a hand to stroke over the others short hair. “Yan tells me you
still refuse to grow your hair out.”

“For now. Once I’m a knight I am
certainly growing it out. Now please, remember what I said, don’t
put pressure on Anakin with a prophecy. He’s already different
enough that others will point it out if he joins us. Don’t let
there be more.”

Qui-Gon rumbled and squeezed the others
shoulders as they rested their foreheads together still. “Of course
Obi-Wan, you don’t have to drill it into me anymore.”

“You sure? You’ve very stubborn you
old gundark.”

“…I think Yan’s the gundark.”


Obi/Mace but in the padawanofdooku verse. Just, Dooku giving Mace the shovel talk like ‘if you think about breaking my padawans heart that council seat will not protect you’ is such a hilarious image

“Master Dooku, I was…looking for
Ob-Padawan Kenobi.” Mace cleared his throat, keeping his face stoic
even as he was sweating on the inside.

Any other time and Yan might have been
impressed as he slowly laced his arms behind his back while staring
impassively at the Council member in front of him. “Obi-Wan has
gone with Qui-Gon to learn Ataru since Qui-Gon is more experience
with the form then I am.” He slowly tilted his head while looking
at the darker man in front of him.

“I see, I’ll come back la-”

“I know what you’re doing.” Yan
tipped his chin a bit up, surveying Mace as if he was a particularly
interesting bug of some kind.

Honestly at this point Mace did feel
like a bug. The kind Yoda put in his stew.

“What I am doing?”

Yan took a step towards him and Mace
barely resisted the urge to step back.

“You’re trying to court my
padawan.” The Master offered quietly, raising one furry eyebrow at
Mace. “And I am here to tell you that what Obi-Wan does with
his…personal interests is his but-” Sharp pale blue eyes seemed
to bore through Mace. “I will tell you right here and right now, if
you hurt that boy, there will be no force in the Galaxy or this order
that can save you from me. Have I made myself clear?”

“Crystal.” The Korun offered
blandly, resisting the urge to cower in front of the man.

Yan raised both brows then snorted
before turning and closing the quarters doors after him.

Mace let himself slump and pressed a
hand to his chest as he let out a wheeze. “Force above.”

“Well, it went better then I thought
it would.” Depa offered cheerfully from where she had been hiding
behind one of the pillars.

“Shut up, I didn’t expect him to be
there or to confront me.” Mace wheezed again. “I think my heart

“At least you got the green light,
kind of, on courting Obi-Wan?” She laughed while moving to him,
patting her former master on the shoulder.

“…Yes, now I just have to get by

Depa tilted her head at that then
looked at him. “You know, between Master Dooku and Master Jinn, I’d
go with the latter at least.”

“The latter likes to flaunt broken
rules at the council. The former may just destroy me. Internally.”

“Oh no, Yan Dooku is more liable to
getting you reduced from Master of the Order to Knight Windu stuck on
an ice planet on a less civilized wild space planet.” She laughed.

“Your company is so refreshing Depa.”
Mace grunted. “Just wait until you take a padawan…I will watch
and be amused.”


“No, no while you can practice it
just fine, you’re made of tight movements that are a better fit to
Soresu just like Yan said.” Qui-Gon sighed and rubbed his neck,
working the crick out of it.

“But I can utilize Ataru just fine,
yes?” The eighteen year in front of him questioned with a quirked
brow that made him look like Yan.

Qui-Con chuckled. “Oh yes, master it
too and make it work for you. But Soresu would be a better form for
you, you would embrace its principles much better.”

Obi-Wan just hummed and stretched
slowly, feeling his back pop before he dropped down on his ass and
grinned up at the other as he sluched, laughing when Qui-Gon joined
him. “If Master saw us…”

“He’d have your hide and scold me
for joining you. Undignified he’d say.” Qui-Gon smirked and
ruffled the others short sweaty spikes.

“Exactly.” The redhead smirked
before dropping on his back, sighing contently. “Its good to be
back in the temple for a while.”

“I’m glad you two are back. How
long though?”

“Master wasn’t sure. But it sounded
like he wanted to hang around for at least a little while, so at
least for the month.” The younger man hummed, stretching his feet.

Force, when had Obi-Wan gone from that
awkward teenager to this confidant looking young man, no longer
gangly and coltish as he tried to navigate his hormones and growing
body. It made Qui-Gon grin a bit at the memories.

“…You’re thinking evil things.”

“Not really, thinking about how
awkward you used to be.” Qui-Gon teased. “And spotty.”

“Gah, a year of unclean skin. I swear
master scrubbed my face under a tap until they figured out I had a
skin problem because of the hormones.”

“Spotty and acne ridden as you were.”
Qui-Gon continued to tease his linage brother.

“…I will hit you.”

“A Jedi strives to be calm.”

“This Jedi will hit you if you
continue your line of teasing.”

The other held up his hands in
surrender, chuckling faintly as they settled to enjoy some downtime.

But Force had Obi-Wan grown up…and
Qui-Gon knew he wasn’t the only one who noticed.

He hesitated a bit, wondering how to
bring it up with the other.



“…This is more awkward then I
thought it would be.”

“If its about relationships then I
already had Yan Dooku explain the birds and the bees to me. It can’t
get more awkward then that when he went into detail about male and
female anatomy.” Obi-Wan settled his arms under his head.

“You knew what I wanted to speak to
you about.” The older man accused.

“Kind of. Master’s already warned
me, and you’re about as protective as he is so I figured it was
coming.” He hummed up at Qui-Gon.

“Of course you did.” The master
sighed before reaching out. “Alright, Mace Windu is interested in
you. There, I said it.”

“Mace Windu?” Obi-Wan sat up in
surprise, blinking before turning speculative. “Huh, I mean I did
notice him hanging around more and engaging me in conversations…”
He mused.

“…You don’t sound perturbed.”
Qui-Gon raised his brow.

“I’m not. I’m used to getting hit
on by powerful people thanks to Master. Monarchs, empresses, tsars,
ambassadorial staff, senators…Mace Windu is…not that scary.”
Obi-Wan rubbed his chin slowly before smirking slightly to himself.
“He’s honestly a rather good catch, nice on the eyes, skilled…”

“You’re considering it.” Qui-Gon
felt his jaw drop a bit.

“I’m not scared of him. He’s
handsome. He’s to professional to let a failed relationship go out
over our carriers. So I don’t see how a few dates would harm either
of us.”

“…Well, good luck then.”

Obi/Mace but in the padawanofdooku verse. Just, Dooku giving Mace the shovel talk like ‘if you think about breaking my padawans heart that council seat will not protect you’ is such a hilarious image

“Master Dooku, I was…looking for
Ob-Padawan Kenobi.” Mace cleared his throat, keeping his face stoic
even as he was sweating on the inside.

Any other time and Yan might have been
impressed as he slowly laced his arms behind his back while staring
impassively at the Council member in front of him. “Obi-Wan has
gone with Qui-Gon to learn Ataru since Qui-Gon is more experience
with the form then I am.” He slowly tilted his head while looking
at the darker man in front of him.

“I see, I’ll come back la-”

“I know what you’re doing.” Yan
tipped his chin a bit up, surveying Mace as if he was a particularly
interesting bug of some kind.

Honestly at this point Mace did feel
like a bug. The kind Yoda put in his stew.

“What I am doing?”

Yan took a step towards him and Mace
barely resisted the urge to step back.

“You’re trying to court my
padawan.” The Master offered quietly, raising one furry eyebrow at
Mace. “And I am here to tell you that what Obi-Wan does with
his…personal interests is his but-” Sharp pale blue eyes seemed
to bore through Mace. “I will tell you right here and right now, if
you hurt that boy, there will be no force in the Galaxy or this order
that can save you from me. Have I made myself clear?”

“Crystal.” The Korun offered
blandly, resisting the urge to cower in front of the man.

Yan raised both brows then snorted
before turning and closing the quarters doors after him.

Mace let himself slump and pressed a
hand to his chest as he let out a wheeze. “Force above.”

“Well, it went better then I thought
it would.” Depa offered cheerfully from where she had been hiding
behind one of the pillars.

“Shut up, I didn’t expect him to be
there or to confront me.” Mace wheezed again. “I think my heart

“At least you got the green light,
kind of, on courting Obi-Wan?” She laughed while moving to him,
patting her former master on the shoulder.

“…Yes, now I just have to get by

Depa tilted her head at that then
looked at him. “You know, between Master Dooku and Master Jinn, I’d
go with the latter at least.”

“The latter likes to flaunt broken
rules at the council. The former may just destroy me. Internally.”

“Oh no, Yan Dooku is more liable to
getting you reduced from Master of the Order to Knight Windu stuck on
an ice planet on a less civilized wild space planet.” She laughed.

“Your company is so refreshing Depa.”
Mace grunted. “Just wait until you take a padawan…I will watch
and be amused.”


“No, no while you can practice it
just fine, you’re made of tight movements that are a better fit to
Soresu just like Yan said.” Qui-Gon sighed and rubbed his neck,
working the crick out of it.

“But I can utilize Ataru just fine,
yes?” The eighteen year in front of him questioned with a quirked
brow that made him look like Yan.

Qui-Con chuckled. “Oh yes, master it
too and make it work for you. But Soresu would be a better form for
you, you would embrace its principles much better.”

Obi-Wan just hummed and stretched
slowly, feeling his back pop before he dropped down on his ass and
grinned up at the other as he sluched, laughing when Qui-Gon joined
him. “If Master saw us…”

“He’d have your hide and scold me
for joining you. Undignified he’d say.” Qui-Gon smirked and
ruffled the others short sweaty spikes.

“Exactly.” The redhead smirked
before dropping on his back, sighing contently. “Its good to be
back in the temple for a while.”

“I’m glad you two are back. How
long though?”

“Master wasn’t sure. But it sounded
like he wanted to hang around for at least a little while, so at
least for the month.” The younger man hummed, stretching his feet.

Force, when had Obi-Wan gone from that
awkward teenager to this confidant looking young man, no longer
gangly and coltish as he tried to navigate his hormones and growing
body. It made Qui-Gon grin a bit at the memories.

“…You’re thinking evil things.”

“Not really, thinking about how
awkward you used to be.” Qui-Gon teased. “And spotty.”

“Gah, a year of unclean skin. I swear
master scrubbed my face under a tap until they figured out I had a
skin problem because of the hormones.”

“Spotty and acne ridden as you were.”
Qui-Gon continued to tease his linage brother.

“…I will hit you.”

“A Jedi strives to be calm.”

“This Jedi will hit you if you
continue your line of teasing.”

The other held up his hands in
surrender, chuckling faintly as they settled to enjoy some downtime.

But Force had Obi-Wan grown up…and
Qui-Gon knew he wasn’t the only one who noticed.

He hesitated a bit, wondering how to
bring it up with the other.



“…This is more awkward then I
thought it would be.”

“If its about relationships then I
already had Yan Dooku explain the birds and the bees to me. It can’t
get more awkward then that when he went into detail about male and
female anatomy.” Obi-Wan settled his arms under his head.

“You knew what I wanted to speak to
you about.” The older man accused.

“Kind of. Master’s already warned
me, and you’re about as protective as he is so I figured it was
coming.” He hummed up at Qui-Gon.

“Of course you did.” The master
sighed before reaching out. “Alright, Mace Windu is interested in
you. There, I said it.”

“Mace Windu?” Obi-Wan sat up in
surprise, blinking before turning speculative. “Huh, I mean I did
notice him hanging around more and engaging me in conversations…”
He mused.

“…You don’t sound perturbed.”
Qui-Gon raised his brow.

“I’m not. I’m used to getting hit
on by powerful people thanks to Master. Monarchs, empresses, tsars,
ambassadorial staff, senators…Mace Windu is…not that scary.”
Obi-Wan rubbed his chin slowly before smirking slightly to himself.
“He’s honestly a rather good catch, nice on the eyes, skilled…”

“You’re considering it.” Qui-Gon
felt his jaw drop a bit.

“I’m not scared of him. He’s
handsome. He’s to professional to let a failed relationship go out
over our carriers. So I don’t see how a few dates would harm either
of us.”

“…Well, good luck then.”

Argh I really love your last padawan of dooku AU! Can we please have more?! What is going on with Qui-Gon, is he getting jealous? Thank you!

He had expected Yan but instead he had
found padawan Kenobi sitting on the couch when he had stepped into
his former master’s quarters. Or well he had at least hoped to find
the other man first.

As it was he only found the teen,
sitting peacefully on the couch with a datapad on his lap.

The copper head looked up quickly
before settling his pad on the table and giving Qui-Gon a bow.
“Master Jinn, I was not aware we were getting guests today.”
He offered politely, his face inquisitive as he peered at Qui-Gon.

“Ah, I was just hoping to catch
your master if I’m honest. I’ll leave.” Qui-Gon forced a small

“You’re welcome to stay though.
Master should be back in half an hour or so, he just wanted a talk
with Master Syfo Dyas.” Obi-Wan tilted his head. “I can
make tea if you wish.”

Hesitating only briefly, Qui-Gon
nodded. “Very well, that does sound amendable.” He walked
to the couch and sat down, the room descending into an awkward kind
of silence as Obi-Wan started making tea in the tiny kitchenette.

“Sapir or black jana?” The
youngster questioned as water boiled.

“Sapir please, I never could
understand how Yan drank jana…” The master shook his head.

There was an agreeing grunt from the
kitchen and a small giggle and Qui-Gon felt his lips reluctantly
twitch in return.

Being this close to Obi-Wan for a
longer period of time, he could now see the faint scarring the other
sported in the face still though only prolonged scrutiny would make
anyone notice them.

The tea was perfectly brewed and
perfectly served by the other and Qui-Gon watched him over the cup.

“…You don’t carry any ill will
towards me, do you.” He stated as he read the others body
language and Obi-Wan blinked at him over his own cup before smiling.

“Not at all. Master Yoda should
not have pushed you. And I’m happy to have you as a linage brother.
If you’re happy to have me that is.” The boy confessed a bit
shyly and it made Qui-Gon a bit relieved to see that Yan hadn’t
trained that out of him yet, it gave Obi-Wan his own personality even
when he was confidant in public.

“Mind? I’m honestly a bit jealous
of you little linage brother. Yan sounds very proud of you.”
Qui-Gon chuckled.

“I think he is. But I work hard
for it.” Obi-Wan fiddled with the cup a bit before taking a new
sip. “He likes that I work hard.”

That got a nod out of Qui-Gon. “He
was always appreciative of a person who could work hard. Respect and
discipline doesn’t hurt either.” He offered in some amusement
and Obi-Wan grinned at him, nodding slowly.

“…Obi-Wan, if your master allows
it, would you like to learn about the Living Force?”


“You have to admit, its strange to
see.” Qui-Gon offered quietly.

Yan shrugged and continued to run his
hand over the short copper strands, Obi-Wan’s head in his lap as
the teenager slept peacefully with a blanket over him, cutesy of the
padawans master. “I know, but Obi-Wan has a…effect on people. You
must have noticed it by now, teaching him about the Living Force.”

The other shrugged and sipped his tea,
not wanting to admit to how the Force practically sang around
Obi-Wan, drew attention without the teen being aware of it.

Yan looked down at the sleeping teen.
“Being around him makes me feel…light. There’s a promise in his
future that tells me he’s going to be great but at the same time
makes me worry because I can sense great loneliness at the same time.
As if the world could tip on its head for him by the choices we can’t
yet see that will be made.” He rested his hand on the soft hair,
fingertip resting on the neck to feel the pulse.

“You’re worried.” The long haired
man realized.

“Very. Torture would not break
Obi-Wan. But loneliness? Loneliness may.” Yan sighed. “He’s a
very emotional boy despite hiding it well. I had to train him well to
keep his emotions off his sleeve as it wouldn’t do him good meeting
with politicians.”

“You always were a stern taskmaster.”

The two shared short smiles over
memories that had long ago gone from bitter to amusing tales.

“You were a very argumentative
padawan. But a good one. Not perfect, but I was not a perfect master
either.” He chuckled.

“…Low my heart, I think Padawan
Obi-Wan is making you soft to admit that to me.” Qui-Gon laughed,
sitting back in surprise. Then he hesitated. “I…wanted to ask
about when you found him though…was…did he…” He breathed out
and looked at the older master. “I rejected him and he got caught,
was he badly hurt?”

Yan glanced down at Obi-Wan, fingers
caressing a faint scar on the others cheek as he thought back.


The door swung open but the next moment
Yan had to dodge as chain was flung at him. Then a shape jumped over
his head and rushed down the hall.

Had he been a bit slower, Yan would
never have caught them but as it was his arms clamped around a narrow
waist as he lifted a…a boy?

He blinked down in surprise at a shock
of copper hair as the body in his arms flailed to escape.

“NO! LET ME GO!” Rocks floated of
the ground and Yan cursed before tightening his grip.

“Easy lad! I’m a Jedi, I won’t
hurt you but calm down!” He said sharply and breathed out when the
dirty child in his arms went lax.

“J-Jedi?” There was a hopeful note
in the boys voice before wide green eyes looked up at him, sporting a
black eye with bruises and cuts covering his face.

‘He’s wearing Initiate clothes…’
Yan blinked back before gently settling the boy on his feet. “I’m
Master Yan Dooku…you…” He knelt down and reached out, ignoring
the flinch as he rested two fingers on the cheek, gently sealing a
cut. “And who are you little one?”

“Obi-Wan Kenobi Master, former order


“He was dirty and tired.” Yan
stared down at the sleep slackened face. “He could barely see out
of the bruised eye and he had broken arm. He was woozy from blood
loss and dehydration yet he…managed to escape his own bonds, threw
a chain at my head and jumped over my head. I imagine had I been
slower or he healthy, he could have gotten out on his own.” He
chuckled. “He was impressive.”

“Oh…I…I should have…taken him
on.” Qui-Gon sat back, rubbing his face with the hand not holding
his cup.

“I’m glad you didn’t. It means I
got to take him.” Yan shrugged. “And Obi-Wan says he’s happy.
He says he grew from the experience and…well, I’m glad to have

“…You always were a bit ambitious.”
Qui-Gon laughed weakly into his hands. “Raising the best padawan
you could included.”

“I already raised a great one. I’m
just raising another one now.” He smirked at the long haired man.

Argh I really love your last padawan of dooku AU! Can we please have more?! What is going on with Qui-Gon, is he getting jealous? Thank you!

He had expected Yan but instead he had
found padawan Kenobi sitting on the couch when he had stepped into
his former master’s quarters. Or well he had at least hoped to find
the other man first.

As it was he only found the teen,
sitting peacefully on the couch with a datapad on his lap.

The copper head looked up quickly
before settling his pad on the table and giving Qui-Gon a bow.
“Master Jinn, I was not aware we were getting guests today.”
He offered politely, his face inquisitive as he peered at Qui-Gon.

“Ah, I was just hoping to catch
your master if I’m honest. I’ll leave.” Qui-Gon forced a small

“You’re welcome to stay though.
Master should be back in half an hour or so, he just wanted a talk
with Master Syfo Dyas.” Obi-Wan tilted his head. “I can
make tea if you wish.”

Hesitating only briefly, Qui-Gon
nodded. “Very well, that does sound amendable.” He walked
to the couch and sat down, the room descending into an awkward kind
of silence as Obi-Wan started making tea in the tiny kitchenette.

“Sapir or black jana?” The
youngster questioned as water boiled.

“Sapir please, I never could
understand how Yan drank jana…” The master shook his head.

There was an agreeing grunt from the
kitchen and a small giggle and Qui-Gon felt his lips reluctantly
twitch in return.

Being this close to Obi-Wan for a
longer period of time, he could now see the faint scarring the other
sported in the face still though only prolonged scrutiny would make
anyone notice them.

The tea was perfectly brewed and
perfectly served by the other and Qui-Gon watched him over the cup.

“…You don’t carry any ill will
towards me, do you.” He stated as he read the others body
language and Obi-Wan blinked at him over his own cup before smiling.

“Not at all. Master Yoda should
not have pushed you. And I’m happy to have you as a linage brother.
If you’re happy to have me that is.” The boy confessed a bit
shyly and it made Qui-Gon a bit relieved to see that Yan hadn’t
trained that out of him yet, it gave Obi-Wan his own personality even
when he was confidant in public.

“Mind? I’m honestly a bit jealous
of you little linage brother. Yan sounds very proud of you.”
Qui-Gon chuckled.

“I think he is. But I work hard
for it.” Obi-Wan fiddled with the cup a bit before taking a new
sip. “He likes that I work hard.”

That got a nod out of Qui-Gon. “He
was always appreciative of a person who could work hard. Respect and
discipline doesn’t hurt either.” He offered in some amusement
and Obi-Wan grinned at him, nodding slowly.

“…Obi-Wan, if your master allows
it, would you like to learn about the Living Force?”


“You have to admit, its strange to
see.” Qui-Gon offered quietly.

Yan shrugged and continued to run his
hand over the short copper strands, Obi-Wan’s head in his lap as
the teenager slept peacefully with a blanket over him, cutesy of the
padawans master. “I know, but Obi-Wan has a…effect on people. You
must have noticed it by now, teaching him about the Living Force.”

The other shrugged and sipped his tea,
not wanting to admit to how the Force practically sang around
Obi-Wan, drew attention without the teen being aware of it.

Yan looked down at the sleeping teen.
“Being around him makes me feel…light. There’s a promise in his
future that tells me he’s going to be great but at the same time
makes me worry because I can sense great loneliness at the same time.
As if the world could tip on its head for him by the choices we can’t
yet see that will be made.” He rested his hand on the soft hair,
fingertip resting on the neck to feel the pulse.

“You’re worried.” The long haired
man realized.

“Very. Torture would not break
Obi-Wan. But loneliness? Loneliness may.” Yan sighed. “He’s a
very emotional boy despite hiding it well. I had to train him well to
keep his emotions off his sleeve as it wouldn’t do him good meeting
with politicians.”

“You always were a stern taskmaster.”

The two shared short smiles over
memories that had long ago gone from bitter to amusing tales.

“You were a very argumentative
padawan. But a good one. Not perfect, but I was not a perfect master
either.” He chuckled.

“…Low my heart, I think Padawan
Obi-Wan is making you soft to admit that to me.” Qui-Gon laughed,
sitting back in surprise. Then he hesitated. “I…wanted to ask
about when you found him though…was…did he…” He breathed out
and looked at the older master. “I rejected him and he got caught,
was he badly hurt?”

Yan glanced down at Obi-Wan, fingers
caressing a faint scar on the others cheek as he thought back.


The door swung open but the next moment
Yan had to dodge as chain was flung at him. Then a shape jumped over
his head and rushed down the hall.

Had he been a bit slower, Yan would
never have caught them but as it was his arms clamped around a narrow
waist as he lifted a…a boy?

He blinked down in surprise at a shock
of copper hair as the body in his arms flailed to escape.

“NO! LET ME GO!” Rocks floated of
the ground and Yan cursed before tightening his grip.

“Easy lad! I’m a Jedi, I won’t
hurt you but calm down!” He said sharply and breathed out when the
dirty child in his arms went lax.

“J-Jedi?” There was a hopeful note
in the boys voice before wide green eyes looked up at him, sporting a
black eye with bruises and cuts covering his face.

‘He’s wearing Initiate clothes…’
Yan blinked back before gently settling the boy on his feet. “I’m
Master Yan Dooku…you…” He knelt down and reached out, ignoring
the flinch as he rested two fingers on the cheek, gently sealing a
cut. “And who are you little one?”

“Obi-Wan Kenobi Master, former order


“He was dirty and tired.” Yan
stared down at the sleep slackened face. “He could barely see out
of the bruised eye and he had broken arm. He was woozy from blood
loss and dehydration yet he…managed to escape his own bonds, threw
a chain at my head and jumped over my head. I imagine had I been
slower or he healthy, he could have gotten out on his own.” He
chuckled. “He was impressive.”

“Oh…I…I should have…taken him
on.” Qui-Gon sat back, rubbing his face with the hand not holding
his cup.

“I’m glad you didn’t. It means I
got to take him.” Yan shrugged. “And Obi-Wan says he’s happy.
He says he grew from the experience and…well, I’m glad to have

“…You always were a bit ambitious.”
Qui-Gon laughed weakly into his hands. “Raising the best padawan
you could included.”

“I already raised a great one. I’m
just raising another one now.” He smirked at the long haired man.