It looks like Our Collar Your Neck is wrapping up. Did Tup and Obiwan have a chance to talk what happened? I’m sure it would be a bit traumatic on both ends for different reasons. Anything they are working through?

Stroking Tup’s hair, Obi-Wan smiled softly as the trooper continued
to sob into his lap like a babe in a mother’s embrace.

Cody had said that Tup wanted to see him, Obi-Wan was ashamed to
admit that his first reaction had been to hold his own neck.

move had saddened Cody, caused him to pamper the Jedi and coddle him the entire day.

saddened Obi-Wan too, he didn’t want to have trauma attached to
him, the troopers weren’t the cause of what had happened, only the
tools the Sith had tried to use against the Jedi.

But he
still had traumas attached to the incident with Tup, as his reaction
clearly indicated.


He had
caught Boil and Waxer whispering to each other about how the trooper
was apparently walking around like a beaten dog.

the fact that he had choked Obi-Wan was hitting the trooper hard.

didn’t want to know what would have happened had Tup actually
managed to kill him, it seemed like the physiological impact would
have been even more severe.

after taking a few days to meditate, to calm down and ready himself,
Obi-Wan requested Cody to bring Tup to the temple.

wasn’t like the Jedi were doing much in this moment anyhow.

war had gone into an odd sort of standstill with radio silence from
Dooku for some reason, everyone was waiting with baited breath for the next move.

the CIS worlds were complaining, according to the radio chatter GAR
was picking up but they weren’t moving forward.

It was
very odd, this silence didn’t make sense.

the council had their suspicion but they could not prove anything.

was dead and cremated, they could not check their theory and
considering it all, it was best to let dead dogs lay.

they went around blaming the now deceased and actually liked
Chancellor of being the mastermind…

it would not end well for the Jedi, that’s for sure.

yes, let sleeping dogs lay as they kept an eye on the CIS and the
war, keeping guard in case the war picked up once more once Dooku
summoned himself and decided what to do, be it letting loose Grievous
or doing something else.

was in the air, the Senate still had not managed to vote a new
chancellor in and the Jedi and clones were just doing their duty as
best they could with things having gone into standstill.

So for
a long haired redheaded Jedi, there really wasn’t much to do but
recover from the Force coma the council had been in.

this was part of his recovery.

wailing into his leggings like a child as he clung to Obi-Wan’s
calves, his hands buried in Tup’s hair, the topknot undone to allow
Obi-Wan to work the others scalp and sooth him. “You’re alright
Tup, I promise, you’re alright. I don’t blame you. You’re
alright.” He crooned softly, biting his lip at the harsh sob that
escaped Tup at that.

out, Obi-Wan dragged the trooper up, armor and all, until he had the
man in his lap, hugging him as tightly as he could while pressing
Tup’s face to his neck, the man tense before collapsing into
Obi-Wan’s body. “Tup, sweet Tup. I promise, it’s alright.” He
whispered, working to get the others armor off so he could hug him.

armor was great for protection most of the time but right now it was
simply a barrier that kept Obi-Wan from properly soothing Tup.

hands dug into Obi-Wan’s shoulders as he hugged the Jedi in return,
Tup’s blunt nails digging into the flesh in a slightly painful way
but Obi-Wan didn’t care.

offer the other a blowjob, since he was still recovering and wasn’t
quite ready for sex, but he didn’t think that would help Tup at all
and might honestly trigger a panic attack in the other.

Tup had lost control thanks to the chip in his mind the last time,
Obi-Wan understood.

he held Tup tightly, setting the armor aside on the couch until the
upper part was gone and he could properly cling to Tup, rub his back
and press kisses to his temple.

shook heavily, still sobbing like a child and wetting Obi-Wan’s
tunic with snot and tears. He didn’t care at all, tunics could be
washed, Tup’s comfort was paramount in this moment to Obi-Wan.

he ran his hands over the others back and waist, reaching up to cup
the others head once more to press him into his neck. “Tup, I’m
here. I’m not leaving. You didn’t harm me that badly. My collar
is back on. See? It’s there, my neck healed.” He whispered

shifted a bit, enough to most likely see the collar before pressing
several kisses to it, his hands easing up on the pressure. “Y-you
are?” He hiccuped out, pressing another kiss to the white and
orange collar.

am, Cody has been pampering me too,” Obi-Wan whispered, tracing
Tup’s spine. “I’m okay. I’ve healed Tup. It’s alright.
You’re alright. I have you Tup.” He stated softly, feeling more
than anything as Tup seemed to ease up, his body less tense.

and comfortable in Obi-Wan’s arms as he needfully continued to
press affectionate kisses to the Jedi’s pale throat. “Our Jedi,
our lovely, beautiful, wonderfully alive Jedi.” Tup rasped out, his
voice thick from the tears even as he continued pressing kisses
between each word before stilling, his hands shifting to cup the back
of Obi-Wan’s head, treading through the long hair laying loose down
the back of the couch.

alright Tup. We’re still alive, we are still alive.” Obi-Wan
murmured, smiling as Tup pressed his lips to Obi-Wan’s pulse point,
feeling the beat of his heart as his hands slid to the front of the
Jedi’s chest.

the beat of his heart.

Could you please continue our collar, your neck. I would really like to see what happens after the group meditation. What happened to palpatine and the jedi handling the amount of darkness they found. I love the different ways you find to end the war. Thank you

morning came slow and cold for everyone as they woke for work,
everyone still in a state of shock after the happening of the last
few days as news broke out over Coruscant that not only was the
entire Jedi council in a minor coma but the Chancellor had a heart
attack and passed away in his office, awaiting
medical aid.

speculated, the clone guards on Coruscant patrolled
even more heavily than before with their vode from the 212th
and 501st
joining them to ensure order was kept as the Senate argued among
themselves in utter shock.

one by one, everyone agreed that the stress of the war had finally
gotten to the chancellor, sitting for as long as he had in a
stressful position and then tack on the extra years with war, Valorum
heavily supporting the stress part of such a job to anyone who would

Valorum disgraceful dismissal with a vote of no confidence had
tarnished his name, people still listened to him on that part at
least, agreeing that the stress must have gotten to the sixty year
old man.

were less certain about what was going on with the Jedi, not that
many people dared to speculate too loudly in case a clone trooper was

had become abundantly clear that the troopers were upset and worried,
quick to latch onto the defensive about their Jedi.

though, one by one, each Jedi councilor started to surface from their
Force induced coma, each
one as confused as a tumbled puffer pig and as stiff as a durasteel
wall sheet, all of them requiring a surface massage to get their
muscles to function again as
they were informed what was going on with Coruscant.

last to surface was Obi-Wan, the man coming back in short moments and
instances before he was fully awake and briefed by Anakin and a
healer as
the rest of his brethren when
they woke up, Obi-Wan holding Anakin’s hand tightly when the fate
of his friend was informed to the older man.

might not personally have liked Palpatine, he rarely liked any
politican, but he was Anakin’s friend and so he would mourn the man
for Anakin at least.

Senate was still in uproar, trying to decide who to take over for
Palpatine, with Mas Amedda loudly proclaiming that as Vice Chair, he
was capable of being a temporary holder for the Chancellor role.

was much dispute about that, not as many trusted Mas Amedda as they
had trusted Palpatine and it was showing in how little of the Senate
was willing to leave the power in the man’s hand and continued to
debate over who were candidates for the Chancellor chair.

didn’t see much of that as he slowly made his way to his quarters,
his arm around Cody’s shoulder as he was helped along, the healer
recommending that he walk with aid to try and get his body to
normal state again, releasing him from the Hall’s tender care after
lending him a robe to cover the Hall gown and slippers for decency

wasn’t the only one, Mace was apparently still stiff and had daily
oil massages, much to Ponds delight apparently, or so Cody said with
a wicked little grin when he showed up in his uniform to help Obi-Wan
to his quarters, Anakin glancing amusedly at them before making
himself scarce with a snigger.

was not a good sign, something told Obi-Wan that the other knew…
but surely that was a mistake, Obi-Wan had been discreet!

was sure that he had managed to keep it from Anakin.

was more discreet than he and Padme were at least!

hand tightened on his hip, prompting Obi-Wan from his thoughts as
they moved from the elevator and into the hallway. “Easy
cy-sir, easy, one step at a time.” Cody murmured, Obi-Wan shooting
a short smile up at him as he fought against the urge to blush,
knowing that Cody had wanted to call him ‘cyare’.

course Commander, maybe since you’re already here, you’d like to
have a cup of tea?” Obi-Wan murmured, leaning more heavily into the
others side to press their sides together, feeling Cody’s hand grip
his hip in turn.

was enough to make him want to grin wickedly, even as he hid it
behind a serene expression, giving two knights an even nod as they
greeted him with relief, obviously having the entire Jedi council out
of commission being a worry for the temple.

would rather like that, General,” Cody stated, loudly enough to be
heard before lowering his voice, barely whispering next to Obi-Wan’s
ear. “And then I’ll help you out of your Hall gown so I can give
you your own oil massage, I gotta have something nice to show the
rest of the 212th
so they know you’re alright, Tal Sarad.” He murmured heatedly,
Obi-Wan shivering in anticipation.

being stiff and sore, he was getting his mouth around Cody’s cock
before he left if it was the last thing he did that day, knowing that
the council wouldn’t summon him for the purging incident until at
least tomorrow.

he knew that there would be discussion about the darkness they had
found, but right now Obi-Wan was going to get down and dirty with his
commander as the man’s eyes sparked possessively, eyes lingering on
the white collar wrapped around Obi-Wan’s neck.

Ourcollar: I feel like the Jedi all rolling their Force power and concentration into one point is kinda a bad idea? I hope not but I kinda have a feeling it will.

you ever gone swimming and been overwhelmed by a wave?

been swimming outwards or even standing in the water to your chest
and suddenly a wave crashes into you that brings you tumbling about
in the water, disorienting you and shocking you awake at the same
time as
it closes around you?

was the best way to explain what happened with the Force as the Jedi
used Cody as the
catalyst for deactivating each and every biochip in the troopers all
over the galaxy, the wave of the Force rising and cresting out from
Coruscant to do what the meditating temple asked of it.

that was honestly suppose to be it.

the council, who were directing the flow of the Force, noticed
something else in the immense ocean of the Force with
the power of so many Jedi and so much light shining out.

that was
suddenly exposed by the massive amount of light,
spread like oil in water over
Coruscant with cold lines even hooked into the temple somehow,
dark side of the Force
taking over, gathering and breaking out into a malevolent storm
instead of the placid if overwhelming wave it had been when the Jedi
were just wanting to ensure the clones free will.

wasn’t even a conscious

was just the Force gathered in such strength when they turned their
attention on that darkness and suddenly it all just exploded outward
so much power on one singular point.

to them, as
a certain Sith grasped at his chest and fell tho the floor of his
each council member gave a cry as blood burst from their nose and
thanks to the massive Force eruption.
Cody however got an eyeful of all of it, the clone trooper rising in
worry to catch his own general as each of the Jedi in the chamber
fell to the floor, curling in on themselves as
they quickly lost consciousness.

kark, oh kark!” Cody hissed, Obi-Wan tucked to his chest as the
redhead struggled for consciousness and he was not the only one.
“Kark what happened!” He snapped out while wiping at his own lip
where blood had started oozing minutes before.

desperately reached for Obi-Wan’s comm and called General
Skywalker, hearing a sluggish voice that turned alarmed when the
commander explained why he was the one calling.

alright stay with them Commander, I’… e chu ta! I’m bringing
healers and sentinels!” Anakin hung up without waiting on a
response, leaving Cody with a room of passed out and bleeding Jedi
and his lover tucked up against Cody’s chest.

his eyes to the others face, Cody ran a finger along a bare and cold cheek.
“Kark love, what have you done now?” He whispered worriedly.
“Fool ner jet’ika, if you put yourself in danger…’ Cody
trailed off before sighing and just burying his face in the others
long hair, hands trembling in helplessness.

was one of the things he hated with the Force.

own inability to use and understand.

would have been such a weapon but more than that, it would allow him
to understand Obi-Wan so much more, would allow him to understand
what was happening at this moment because for all he knew, their
jet’ika and all the high generals might be dying right for his

you dare leave us.’ The commander thought, brushing the simple but
elegant collar they had made for him, the gem resting beautifully in
the hollow of Obi-Wan’s throat. ‘Not
now, not when we have you so close to healthy and happy, not when the
war might actually have a conclusion with us surviving… don’t you
dare Obi-Wan.’ Cody pressed his lips to Obi-Wan’s temple, rocking
slightly with emotion.

should be helping the rest of the council, should be checking on them
and their health though he could hear that they were all breathing
and a quick visual confirmed that they were. But Cody couldn’t
bring himself to leave Obi-Wan’s side, the shallow breath and pallor of the skin scaring the battle hardened Commander.

his lover’s side was not possible, not when he felt so shaken and sore himself, his
head frankly pounding just as General Yoda had warned him of.

he may not even be able to get to his feet if he tried so he remained
where he was until Skywalker and a team of masked and white clothed
sentinels arrived with the healers rushing to the fallen council

then did Cody reluctantly let go of Obi-Wan, let Anakin help him up
on shaking feet so a toydarian healer could aid the commander because
apparently Cody was going into shock?

about that.’ Cody mused tiredly before closing his eyes, falling
prey to a Force suggestion as Skywalker continued propping him up
until he could be laid down on one of the hover stretchers as the
council members had been moments before.

so… can i get more plot with our porn for #ourcollaryourneck cause i really wanna see this meditation circle you mentioned… and then maybe some making out ;)

the other to press him into the elevator wall, Obi-Wan sighed happily
into Cody’s mouth as the other carefully ran his hands along his
side and under the tunic to gently tease at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

Yoda had said they needed a trooper as focus, Obi-Wan had been quick
to mention that Cody would be available as the 212th
was off duty and it was not unusual for the commander to arrive in
the temple.

that was true for most troopers really, outside of the 212th,
the rest were on some kind of duty, some working with the Coruscant
guards at Commander Fox’s request or doing maintenance on their
ship, armors or weapon.

had looked particularly sour for a few seconds before he managed to
regain serenity when Yoda agreed for Obi-Wan to call Cody and go wait
for him in the south entrance hall while
the others arranged for the entire temple to start meditating and
join in, preparing for the cleansing ritual though the council hadn’t
informed everyone what they were doing.

that everyone had to join in and the fact that they were ending a
threat with the joining of many Jedi’s power.

had to dodge Anakin’s worried messages in that hour and he felt
rather guilty about it but to be fair, he couldn’t really inform
the other fully of the situation without permission from the council…
he had however sent back a message that the meditation had to do with
the biochips, giving his former padawan that much.

that left Anakin to start his meditation as Obi-Wan greeted his
commander… and apparently Obi-Wan had a thing for his lovers in
uniform because while the armors had a basic reaction, he had a
visceral reaction to the man in his officer fatigues, all sharp
looking in gray with his rank decorations on his chest, hat sitting
perfectly on his head.

had looked like a snack

and shoulder brushes could not make up for the real thing as having
his lovers close and it was a blessing when the elevator finally
closed to take the direct route up the tower to the council chamber.

allowed Cody and Obi-Wan a few moments to reacquaint themselves with
each other.

Cody much to Obi-Wan’s joy had not wasted a moment in backing the
Jedi into the wall to press their bodies flush against each other,
both curling into each others heat.

Sarad, cuun Tal Sarad,” Cody murmured hotly against his lips, the
possessive lit in his voice and Force aura making Obi-Wan shiver with
suppressed pleasure. He shouldn’t be so pleased at it but he was.
These men who chose him and him alone. “I missed you.” Cody
hummed, kissing down Obi-Wan’s bare cheek and over his neck,
keeping the kisses purposely light so not to leave any marks.

would be hard to explain how Obi-Wan gained those in the hour he was
gone from the council chamber to call and wait on Cody after all.

happily, Obi-Wan cupped the back of the others head and rubbed his
fingers against Cody’s scalp. “I missed you too, all of you. It’s
lonely in the temple.” He whined softly, arching his neck as Cody’s
lips lingered on the collar that had once more been reinstated to it
rightful place.

I know. Next time I’ll just come with you to the temple.” Cody
huffed, fingers lingering on a hickey on Obi-Wan’s hip.

before they could get even more flustered they felt the elevator slow
down and Obi-Wan whined loudly and pouted at his lover as the other
pulled back with a regretful sigh.

froze however when predatory amber eyes focused back on the slightly
disheveled Jedi still against the wall. “When we’re done, I’m
pinning you to your quarters bed and ravishing you until you look
like a four credit alley whore Tal Sarad, you’ll feel it for days.”
He swore quietly, tone of voice having Obi-Wan trembling in his boots
in anticipation as Cody licked his lips.

heavily, straightening up on wobbly legs while trying to fix his
tunic and hair as best he could, the braid luckily staying mostly
whole. “That… yes that sounds good.” He stammered, flushing
darkly as he saw Cody’s darkly smug expression.

does like leaving me stammering and speechless.’ Obi-Wan breathed
heavily, trying to calm down and flush the arousal from his system.

he hoped the rest of the council just thought it was from the brisk
walk to the elevator.

not Mace.’ Obi-Wan amended.

other councilor would most likely guess what had most likely been
going on but he wouldn’t say anything so that was fine.

as anticipated, Mace had a knowing look on his face as Obi-Wan
rejoined the circle of councilors.

warmly at Cody, Yoda nodded. “Welcome Commander, informed you of
the situation Master Kenobi has?”

into parade rest, Cody nodded firmly. “Yes Generals, General Kenobi
has fully informed me of what is going to happen and why, however he
has not told me what is going to happen?” He tilted his head.

forward, Depa smiled softly at Cody. “To be fair, this is not
something we have done before, with a living being as a focus point.
What we need you to do is simply… sit here and be that focus point,
so we can reach your brothers throughout the galaxy to find and
deactivate the biochips.” She informed quietly.

his head, Cody pursed his lips then nodded with understanding. “Ah,
that makes sense… Jedi mumbo jumbo.” He relaxed slowly and
Obi-Wan inwardly winced.

he hadn’t informed the other enough to be at ease when he entered
the council chamber and for that Obi-Wan felt guilty.

harm should come to you,” Plo raised his claws. “At best you may
feel some fatigue but at worst you will get a headache considering
where the biochip is located. Are you still prepared for this task?”
The man murmured, always concerned with the troopers health in his

one to shy from a challenge and knowing that this was for the benefit
of all his brothers and the safety of his Tal Sarad, Cody nodded and
then shifted out of parade rest, settling down with his legs in lotus
position. “I’m ready to start if you all are generals.” He
stated calmly.

looks, the council members got up and moved to the middle, Yoda
settling his clawed hand on Cody’s shoulder with the rest giving
their focus to Yoda to direct. “Then begin we shall… believe in
the Force we must, in it we put our fates.”

dices of fates were rolled.

For ourcollaryourneck, how does the counsel react to the chips inside the clones and do they want to know how Tup could get close enough to Obi-Wan to try and strangle him? I imagine Obi-Wan turning red and trying to change the subject of muttering something about trusting the troopers.

the knowing look on Mace’s
face as he stood in front of the council with the sun shining rather
warmly in on them on the cold winter day of Coruscant, Obi-Wan
finished up his somewhat edited report on how Tup managed to strangle

all, the Jedi trusted the troopers and allowed them close so Tup
getting close enough to put his hands to his throat wasn’t exactly
a shocking thing and the chips they had found in the troopers brains
explained why the Force didn’t twig in on it as it wasn’t done
with malice.

that damn knowing look on the master of the order’s face was a bit
annoying and to his ever lasting displeasure, he could feel a blush
crawling up his neck, cheeks and ears that he was doing his best to
ignore even as Mace started to smirk and he noticed Shaak raising a
questioning brow as she too took notice of it.

no one called him out on it as they were now more concerned with the
biochips that had been discovered in them.

was dangerous and they needed to deal with them.

for the troopers rights as sentient creatures and their freedom but
also because of the dangers they posed.

clearly exposed the potential danger they were and even then they
were morally reprehensible, something only slavers and slave owners

question is,” Ka-Adi murmured, leaning forward while stapling his
fingers together. “How do we deal with these biochips, we can’t
put the entire army into surgery, it would be too inefficient and
time consuming to be logical.” The man frowned in worry.

a broken arm, Eeth’s holo leaned forward a bit with a thoughtful
frown. “They are biochips yes? That means there is an electrical
signal, maybe a modified EMP pulse could do it?” He looked around
for support.

that take out other electronic around?” Depa injected with a deeper
frown than Eeth’s.

a bit with her lekku’s twitching, Shaak tapped her chin. “Actually,
that could work, it would be a danger of course, a risk to other
electronic but if we could find the frequency these biochips works
on, we could aim an EMP pulse to shut the chips down and leave the
organic whole. Once the electronic components of the biochips is
deactivated, it would be useless and no longer a danger.” She

loudly, a move that hurt his still sore throat, Obi-Wan frowned at
everyone. “That is a great suggestion but how would that impact the
troopers? Would it put them in danger to have the chips deactivated?”
He questioned, worried for his lovers and he could see the same worry
reflected in Mace eyes even if his face was bland.

Plo tapped his claws on his armrests.
“I believe that would be no danger. I remember Master Micah Giiett
dealt with several slavery rings by deactivating such chips to free
slaves and as I remember the reports, the chips shriveled up and
posed no danger, becoming harmless mass, like a benign tumor.” He
looked around, checking if anyone else remembered the occasion.

a bit, Yoda’s ears quivered. “Remember I do, young Giiett was set
in an impossible situation with slavers willing to throw the slaves
at him to fight. A solution he provided by dismantling the biochips
with the Force.” He reminisce with a fond little smile at the
deceased Jedi master.

remembered Micah, he had been a good friend of Qui-Gon and his heart
panged at the memory, longing to be in the arms of his troopers for

right now, he needed to deal with this, to help them, help everyone.

Micah used the Force to deactivated them, proving that it is possible
and not harmful,” Obi-Wan mused on that information even as he took
in the fact that the biochips acted like benign tumors afterward.
“They might need to be removed with time but it would provide a
solution for the moment at least, to prevent more attacks and to
ensure the freedom will of our troopers.” He cocked his head a bit,
stroking his beard slowly with thumb and index finger.

that it all descended into the technical realm of slicing, technology
and healing, mostly Eeth, Obi-Wan, Mace and Shaak providing
information and suggestions to how to work a modified EMP signal that
could turn those damn chips off without harming the troopers foremost
and the technology around secondly.

Evan and surprisingly Yarael
piped in with information and suggestion.

meanwhile meditated quietly, eyes closed and ears twitching.

then the old troll cut in through the discussions. “A meditation
circle we could do, deactivate the chips we together could do with a
cleansing ritual.” Yoda murmured.

all of them stared at Yoda.

Mace started slowly. “The amount of power and focus we would need…”
He stopped.

one ear high, Yoda cracked an eye open to peer at them. “A temple
of Jedi we have, the chosen one we have,” He stated in a
serious tone. “Bring a trusted trooper we should, use them as the
focus, spread the effect with the temple meditating together for a
cleansing ritual, spread the effect through the galaxy we can.” He
settled on before closing his eyes.

wide eyed stares, everyone wondered if that could actually work.

bloomed in Obi-Wan’s chest, gently caressing the collar he had
wrapped around his wrist for comfort.

hi moddy; I’m reading our collar your neck and I have a question. The clones call Obi-wan Tal Sarad. But I haven’t read what that means. What DOES it mean? Is it a cut nick name or something much more personal? Just a question. Thanks for the addicting fics.

curled up into Helix with his head resting on the man’s chest was
proving to be a comforting experience as the medics capable hands
were slowly rubbing up and down his back, staying away from Obi-Wan’s
nape. Clone’s ran a few degrees hotter than Obi-Wan himself did and
it was just extremely comforting really as he laid and soaked it in
after the experience he had, still feeling Tup’s phantom hands
around his neck, throttling him as Fives desperately tried to pull
his vod away when he realized the situation had gone to osik and
knock Tup out.

to mention getting them into some decency with at least a little bit
of clothes and getting Obi-Wan and Tup to any of the medics for help
as he had a coughing and wheezing Jedi and a knocked out homicidal
brother on his hands.

back to Coruscant to inform the council about the situation with the
biochips and Tup’s attack was proving to be a bit stressing however
with everyone fussing over him, so Obi-Wan had sought refugee in the
sterile medbay
where Helix had quickly gone from surprised to understanding, smiling
softly as he pulled his fellow redhead towards
bed to cuddle, armor settled aside on
a chair as he curled up.

warm and loving place without any stress or questions, Helix
pleasant choice in soap smell in his nose as he laid as close to the
man as humanly possible.

you feel Tal Sarad?” Helix murmured, his chest rumbling beneath
Obi-Wan’s ear.

a bit so he could look at the other, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly.
“Better, a bit sore but alright,” He sighed as he peered up at
the other, playing with the front of Helix uniform. “You know, I
never asked where that name came from, why Blood flower?” He
blinked at the medic.

was clearly a subject changer and by the look on Helix face, he knew
it. But he still obliged Obi-Wan as he teased the long strands of
hair that were laying loose all around Obi-Wan. “Well, your hair
was the basis of the Tal and you’re beautiful like a Sarad. So our
Tal Sarad, our blood flower. Beautiful and unique,” Helix explained
before chuckling when Obi-Wan flushed and hid in his chest. “Plus
every time we call you beautiful or pretty you blush so deeply,
you’re so kriffing cute, I could just spend hours looking at you.”
Helix murmured fondly as he slid his hand under Obi-Wan’s cheek to
pull him from hiding in the chest and pull him up to kiss.

faintly into the kiss, Obi-Wan pushed up into Helix before pulling
away, flush still in his cheek sand a small grin on his face. “You’re
too kind to me. I swear you guys always know how to make my heart
beat.” He huffed happily before shifting when the door to the
medbay slid open to admit Cody.

commander glanced around before zeroing in on them and smirking when
he saw how snuggled up they were. “So this is where you’re hiding
sweetheart, I was wondering but it is good to see you relaxing for
once.” He noted as he walked over, settling on the edge of the bed
to tease Obi-Wan’s long hair and start braiding, beads being pulled
out from one of his belt pouches to be braided in.

up at him, Obi-Wan shrugged. “It’s always quiet in the medbay and
Helix has soft hands.” Obi-Wan tilted his head a bit to allow Cody
easier access.

Helix wiggled his fingers at them. “Hand lotion does miracles on
the skin, plus I’m trained as a medic foremost, soldier secondary
which means that I’ve avoided certain calluses and rough skin.”
The man teased his commander and lover.

a bit, Obi-Wan smiled at the medic, rubbing his fingertips on the
others chest.

still need to come to the bridge soon and make an appearance at
least,” Cody
hummed as he continued braiding steadily. “Which is why I’m
making you presentable though I’m not sure I have enough beads, hey
Helix do you hav-oh thank you.” Cody smirked as the medic instantly
picked out his belt from the armor pile and handed it over.

into Helix chest as Cody dug out the beads from Helix belt pouch and
continued braiding and the medic continued rubbing along Obi-Wan’s
spine, Obi-Wan sighed happily.

were going to become really complicated and things had gone to

Obi-Wan still had his lovers, gentle hands and soft touches.

he adored them.

perfect men. ‘We need to get those biochips out of them, we need to
get this war over and get them safe from the Senate and anyone who
would abuse them, get them the freedom they deserved from the get
go.’ He nuzzled slowly against the chest but stopped when that
caused him to pull on the hair Cody was braiding.

keep still Tal Sarad, I don’t want to pull out any of your
beautiful hair after all cyare, that would be a travesty.” Cody
grunted as he continued working while Helix playfully tweaked
Obi-Wan’s nose.

a bit, Obi-Wan sniggered softly. “It’s just hair, I can grow it
out again like I did the first time you know.” He pointed out,
feeling at ease and comfortable for the first time since Tup’s
fingers and hands had gone around his neck to squeeze the air from
his lungs.

helpless with his troopers was safe, he was safe
with them.

tied off the last braid and leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to
Obi-Wan’s lips before shifting off the bed and offering his hands
to him. “Come along General, duty calls and there are lovers to
assure.” He smirked teasingly when Obi-Wan pouted.

let him stay, I was getting so comfortable having him all to myself.”
Helix sniggered quietly, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan before
outright barking loudly with laughter as Cody wrapped his own arms
around Obi-Wan and lifted him from the bed bridal style, smirking in
return at the medic.

our pretty flower is coming with me, the others are making such a
fuss so its time to reassure them now that Obi-Wan is calm.” Cody
turned and headed for the door with a wiggling Obi-Wan.

in, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the others neck. “But I was so
waaaarm.” He couldn’t help but complain, pouting at his lover as
he was carried.

worry, we’ll keep you warm any time you want lover.”

words had Obi-Wan blushing softly in pleasure, smiling softly as he
settled his head on Cody’s shoulder.

blushed even harder as his men called out in joyful relief when they
saw him, all smiles and joy.

Ourcollaryourneck, aw fuck, did Tup try to strangle Obi-Wan? is that what happened?

dropping into his stomach as he frozen holding the flap
of the med tent open,
Anakin stared at his old master as the man gingerly rubbed at his
throat, his
long hair laying disheveled down his back instead of its normally
rather elegant styles.

bruised, swollen throat that at the moment lacked his choker, the
bruises distinctly hand shaped.

collar.’ Desperately Anakin threw his eyes around, relaxing a bit
when he saw it was wrapped around the others wrist instead.

meant that he hadn’t removed it, wasn’t out of his relationship
with his men but had removed it from his injured neck and that was
important to Anakin, to know that the other hadn’t been abandoned
or had abandoned his men.

in and letting the flap fall shut behind him, Anakin smiled
concernedly at Obi-Wan as he turned at the noise, the man smiling
meekly in return. “What happened?” He asked as he came over,
glancing at Fives and Tup, taking in the medical gauze on their

tried to strangle me,” Obi-Wan rasped out without
adding in how Tup got close enough to get the upper hand on Obi-Wan
in such a manner,
swallowing harshly
and rubbing his ointment
covered throat
some more even as Anakin startled in shock, eyes widening. “Helix
and Kix found this.” Obi-Wan continued, steamrolling over the
denial resting on Anakin’s lips as he held up a glass tube to show
the other.

Anakin stared in puzzlement at the little pink and red thing in the
glass. It almost looked like…

widening sharply, Anakin jerkily looked between the glass and the
troopers. “Why the kark
do the they have control chips in their heads?” He snapped out,
eyes widening and nostrils flaring with anger.

a tray beside Kix, a few medical instrument vibrated before Anakin
got himself under control.

not just them sir,” Helix injected, holding out a pad to Anakin to
see a scan of a head with a little area highlighted. “This is mine,
I too have a control chip and
I imagine if we check everyone’s head with a scan, we all have
stated grimly.

his teeth, looking between the pad, the little sample glass and the
troopers, Anakin swallowed heavily. “…Okay, what does that have
to do with anything?” He finally asked, his voice cold with his

Tup tried to strangle me,” Obi-Wan rasped, reminding Anakin why he
had come in the first time as he flinched in response to actually
hearing that Obi-Wan had been strangled.
“He kept saying that good soldiers follow orders.” He raised the
chip again, swallowing and Anakin could spot Helix nervously
twitching as if he wanted to reach for his Jedi.

stepped forward to relieve Obi-Wan of speaking as the Jedi coughed
and Helix sprang into action of collecting a glass of water. “The
chip we removed from Tup is degraded,” Kix explained. “There
seems to be deep lodged orders into the chip and… well… one of
them is to kill the Jedi apparently. I had to slice through several
barriers on Kamino’s drivers to find that along with other
classified orders, there is an order called sixty six in the clone
manual.” The man explained seriously, amber eyes tinged with both
concern and rage.

at the medic, Anakin tilted his head. “Order what now?” He asked
slowly, a feeling in his stomach telling him he wouldn’t like Kix’s


existed top secret orders that declared all Jedi traitors to be
executed at
high wired into every clone thanks
to the chips that could override their decision and personality.
Anakin had seen control chips in use before.


were used to make sure a person obeyed.

need to inform the council,” He spoke without thinking, mind
working far to fast for Anakin to really think of the further
implications of how dangerous the troopers were to them but also how
dangerous the Chancellor was.

Obi-Wan set his now empty plastoid cup aside. “Yes. There were
other orders too… Anakin, the Chancellor must know of these
orders,” He managed to get out, his voice still husky but not as
painful sounding. “Anakin has he ever indicated…” He trailed
off, gnawing nervously on his bottom lip.

eyes widening a bit, Anakin mind tried to accept the fact that the
Chancellor must
know. And suddenly so many conversations about the Jedi and their
inability to give away their power, to love freely came into sharp

negative those conversations were in retrospect.

how false.’ A horrified voice pointed out to him as he caught
Obi-Wan hand seeking out Helix in a discreet way of searching for
comfort from the trooper without Anakin noticing.

may not be a thing he understood but he didn’t have
to understand to know Obi-Wan was happy and
to see that everyone were consenting adults!

didn’t understand asexuality either but knew that Garen Muln, one
of Obi-Wan’s agemates was and seemed as
as could
be and Quinlan Vos was an utter slut and happy with that!

Obi-Wan wasn’t the only one
happy in such a relationship,
he had seen
Windu with a similar choker even if he didn’t really want to think
about the implication because Windu and sex
was something he really didn’t want to imagine, especially that
kind of sex.

need to speak with the council Obi-Wan.” He settled on whispering,
his tone deep as Obi-Wan closed his eyes in despair as they both took
in the fact that the Chancellor, a man that Anakin trusted with so
wanted the Jedi Order dead badly enough to create secret orders
placed into men
the Jedi trusted with their very being.

took that moment to outright grasp Obi-Wan’s hand and press their
shoulders together, uncaring of Anakin watching them as they had much
bigger problems now than
who was fucking who.

OurCollarYourNeck: So Mace knows, Mace is going to tell Depa, has Anakin actually figured it out yet or does he still think it’s just Rex and tries to give him the shovel talk, only to be confused when Rex points out the 212th would kill him if he did anything to Their Jetii? Does Anakin find out that Mace knows? Anakin still has some traumatizing info to find in this AU lol Thanks for all the great stories!

Lol you know, if there is porn you want, you gotta add that to it, I mean its suppose to be kinky but this is all just really fluff XD. Now, on to Ao3!

OurCollarYourNeck: So Mace knows, Mace is going to tell Depa, has Anakin actually figured it out yet or does he still think it’s just Rex and tries to give him the shovel talk, only to be confused when Rex points out the 212th would kill him if he did anything to Their Jetii? Does Anakin find out that Mace knows? Anakin still has some traumatizing info to find in this AU lol Thanks for all the great stories!

Lol you know, if there is porn you want, you gotta add that to it, I mean its suppose to be kinky but this is all just really fluff XD. Now, on to Ao3!