I just kinda want a Obi and Qui moment, just a padawan and master moment, please?

play a game.

game is called, ‘how long can an underage Jedi hold their breath.’

Force is a powerful ally to those who can master it’s currants but
even masters can’t hold their breath forever, that’s
just impossible for a human body and the longest Qui-Gon is aware of
a human managing to hold off on breathing is four karking hours, and
that was when the person was fully aware of what they were going to
do, prepared for it and allowed to use the Force.

average human however
in a good physical condition, when
for it, can hold their breath for a maximum of four minutes.

exhausted but physically fit Jedi padawan, who has jumped into a lake
with his master and
therefore only had tops three minutes warning…

glanced towards his padawan, watching Obi-Wan sit on the lake floor
with his legs tucked under himself, his braid floating up along his
head as
he tried to meditate through his need for air.

facts are playing in Qui-Gon’s mind, how long Obi-Wan can
physically hold his breath, how long a human body without the Force
can do it, how long until someone gets carbon poisoning…

his head, Qui-Gon stared above them to the top of the lake, narrowing
his eyes before growling unheard into the water when he saw the
flicker of speeders above them.

back at Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon is concerned
to notice the alarming
redness of the others face
through the cold

is a physically exhausted Force capable Jedi, he is able to hold his
breath for a maximum
of an hour when at peak condition.

is not at peak condition.

is tired from running and fighting, he
had a minimum of time to prepare for their jump into their makeshift

reduces the time limit, by Qui-Gon’s calculations, it means that
Obi-Wan has around half an hour and they have already been under
water for twenty minutes now, speeders of the guards overhead
whizzing past, still searching for the Jedi.

Obi-Wan can’t hold his breath for much longer, he’s going to
fucking drown if they don’t… I need a solution, I need a blasted
solution!’ Qui-Gon looked around, scanning the bottom of the lake
before narrowing his eyes, reaching out and grasping Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes and looked up at him, his face full of
confusion before following when Qui-Gon gestured. The red faced and
sluggish boy followed Qui-Gon slowly, his braid hanging behind him
just like Qui-Gon’s hair did through the water and Qui-Gon felt
another thread of panic in his stomach as he continued pulling the
boy after him, using the Force to remain on the bottom of the lake
floor the entire way over to the reeds he had spotted.

too slow, he’s too sithspit slow, oh great Force, please tell me
this works.’ His mind gibbered with his panic as they finally
reached the reeds.

looked up, eyeing the top of the lake to see if he could spot any
speeders before letting go of Obi-Wan and cutting one of the reads
with his saber, tucking it onto his belt as he grabbed the reed
and put it to his mouth, blowing hard.

to his eternal relief, he felt it empty out before he could suck in a
lungful of air.

quickly stopped it with the Force, preventing any water from entering
before dragging Obi-Wan closer and putting it to the boy’s mouth,

uncomprehending eyes looked at him for a moment, the lack of air
going to Obi-Wan’s head clearly before some recognition entered his
eyes and he grasped the reed, putting it into his mouth and sucking.

Qui-Gon’s eternal relief, some of the redness faded from Obi-Wan’s
face as he continued to gulp air.

his chance, Qui-Gon cut another reed for himself, some tension
bleeding from him.

wasn’t easy being a master sometimes, but thank Force for small

really wasn’t ready for a heart attack just yet.

How about some Vader angst?

as he might, he can’t deny it forever.

how deep he tries to bury it, Vader can not ever really forget that
he was once Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker, regardless how weak he was, loved people with all
of his heart.

that’s why he spares the child with bright copper hair and green
eyes, the large eyes and the fright twisting the Force of someone who
so like him.

so Vader leaves a survivor.

when the Inquisitors dares to question him, he just impatiently
clicks his tongue and growls at them, shoving both of the impertinent
fools up against the durasteel wall with a wave of the Force, “If
no survivors exist, then the stories of what happens will not spread,
only rumors. The child however will spread the news of what I did.”
He had dropped them and stomped away after that, his robe flaring
like black wings around him, ignoring the whispering behind him and
the stench of fear in the Force.

had always been good at scaring people.

had made good use
of his ability to frighten and cower people into submission.

not even Sidious can imagine the truth.

Vader didn’t leave that child alive because of any grandiose plan.

he left him alive because for one minute, for one long minute, he had
looked at that child and seen Obi-Wan.

green eyes had been replaced with half squinted ones, the frightened
twist of the lips had been replaced with a wry grin and copper hair
groomed impeccably as easy quips passed lips framed with a copper

sight should have made him angry, it should have made him snap the
child’s neck.

yet all he had felt at that moment was a wealth of pity and fear.

he had wanted Obi-Wan back in that moment.

that will never happen, will it.’ Vader let the door of his cabin

he crossed the room, the sound of his boots on the durasteel as he
finally let go, his aching lungs taking in as deep a breath as he
could as Vader moved around the meditation pod to the back of it
where a chest was stashed.

was a pretty thing he guessed, if he could see anything other than
red through the lenses. He knew it was suppose to be durasteel silver
and black, with the reader pad on the top and an ornate design of the
Open Circle.

yellow and red, do you remember?’ A soft voice whispered suddenly
in the back of his mind and for once Vader didn’t snarl at it to
silence and the dragon in his chest didn’t interrupt.

gentle click of a lock when Vader pushed his glove covered mech hand
to the reader and the sliding of the Force on the internal, delicate
physical lock and it opened seamlessly to him as always to reveal
it’s contents.

silver and black lightsaber hilt, a copper length of braided hair with little colored bands and beads and
a brown robe carefully folded.


could a dead man haunt his mind so deeply?

up the robe, Vader studied it as he had done a thousand times before.

count and fabric, homespun and rough from Tatooine, spun
from bantha fur from Tatooine.

where else would Vader never
look, where the ghost of Shmi Skywalker kept him at bay.

single moment of hesitation and then Vader unclipped his cape to fall
on the ground, replacing it with the robe though he did not slide his
hands through the sleeves, only rested them on his shoulders before
picking up the braid and opening his meditation pod, stepping in with
the braid and the robe.

only place he could breath without aid was in here, once the pod
closed as the air filled with misting bacta allowing him to remove
his helmet to breath
without assistance as his burned lungs ached and burned with pain any
other time except inside the meditation chamber as his burned face
and sensitive skin came into view with the removal of his helmet.

the braid in his lap for a moment, Vader reached up to unclamp his
helmet, taking a shuddering breath of the medicated air.

coughed, it hurt despite it all and he needed a moment to adjust to
the cooler air stinging down his lungs as the white of the pod hurt
his eyes.

he adapted, slowly, much slower than before he burned.

finally he could place the helmet aside and pick up the little copper

it all, despite everything, Obi-Wan was still part of his thoughts
even now. “Even now that you’re dead, you haunt my mind old man…”
Vader whispered through cracked lips, raising the braid to his lips.
“Even now you’re still with me somehow, you old fool…” He
sighed tiredly.

traitorous thought crossed his mind.

I die… maybe I can be with him again… one day. I’ll see you
again… master.’

Padawan Obi-Wan presenting/going into his first heat in the middle of one of his Padawan classes and being too embarrassed to say anything until somebody notices and asks him if he’s okay

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a sixteen year old padawan.

he was utterly miserable at the current moment as he sat in nav
class, trying to focus on the lesson that Master Shaak had stepped in
to cover for their unlucky master Frigg, the poor lady coming down
with a nasty case of mate separation as Urudo, her omega mate, had
been gone longer than she should be.

issue however Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure of though Qui-Gon had noted
that Obi-Wan looked rather pale and a bit fevered this morning as
Obi-Wan reluctantly nibbled on some toast.

he was coming down with something, he
had to admit he was aching in his muscles so maybe he was coming down
with a cold or something.

then he felt something trickle, a sliding sensation from his arse and
oh no.

this wasn’t happening.

be happening.

felt himself pale and flush at the same time, his hands clenching
into fists on his keyboard as
realization hit him like a shuttle bus.

couldn’t karking be presenting in class
and certainly not as and omega,
he was suppose to turn into a beta!

was what the healers had theorized and projected, that Obi-Wan’s
very slow and late presentation meant that his body just didn’t
have the hormones necessary to become either an omega or an alpha and
all examinations up until this point, embarrassing as they had been,
hadn’t shown the developments in either directions.

it was undeniable.

was producing a minor amount of slick, as only omegas did. The first
time heat, the one that wasn’t suppose to attract any alphas though
occasionally did, the one to inform the omega of what they were and
that it was time to prepare and take precautions.

Obi-Wan was in class,
he was presenting in class,
in front of everyone and he couldn’t bring himself to call for
Master Shaak, couldn’t bring himself to do anything except sit
there in mortification and shame.

Obi-Wan wasn’t suppose to present like this.

Kenobi?” A warm, gentle hand rested on his shoulder and Obi-Wan had
to resist the urge to bite it because his instincts were telling him
to run with that touch and he looked up at master Shaak with wide
eyes, trembling faintly. “Are you alright?” She murmured, her
brows furrowed slightly and her lekkus twitching faintly.

words brought everyone else attention on him, everyone staring at him
curiously and suddenly Obi-Wan regretted sitting in the back off the

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to shut it, his teeth clicking, when
master’s Shaak’s eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh dear, that…
padawan Kenobi, I’ll call your master to escort you back to your
quarters.” She stated sternly, reaching for her comm.

heavily, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to argue only to shut up when she
held up her hand.

is standard procedure padawan Kenobi, omegas first presentation are
not to wander the halls alone in case any alpha’s get… ideas.”
Shaak assured even as Obi-Wan took notice of the other padawans
whispering behind their hands to each other, their eyes wide and some
were starting to discreetly sniff at the air.

scent wouldn’t have reached them yet, this was Obi-Wan’s first
time, he wasn’t in the thrall of it yet and this was only the
warning scent to send omegas to their nest and find their mates if
they already had them.

even Jedi alphas sometimes got… ideas as Shaak hinted at.

so Obi-Wan waited, sinking down in his chair with his face burning as
Shaak had called for Master Qui-Gon, their bond flashing with alarm
when the man got informed and that just made Obi-Wan burn even more.

didn’t get any better when the man literally ran into the room,
wild eyes scanning the room before landing on Obi-Wan. Without
stopping to listen to master Shaak, Qui-Gon crossed the room in four
long strides and threw his robe around Obi-Wan, swaddling him in the
protective alpha scent before lifting his padawan up and grabbing the
bag with the holopads to rest on his shoulder. “Thank you master
Shaak, your message has been received and I shall inform the healers.
Thank you and may the Force be with you.” Qui-Gon said briskly,
already heading out the door with the wrapped up Obi-Wan in his arms.

man didn’t pause, walking at a near run pace to get Obi-Wan away
from the classroom and with a quiet whine, Obi-Wan wrapped his arms
around his master’s neck to press his face into his shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry.” He whispered against the skin, suppressing the
desire to sob. He wasn’t a child regardless how shocked and upset
he was.

Qui-Gon’s tone softened, his arms squeezing Obi-Wan carefully.
“It’s alright padawan, it’s going to be alright kiddo. We’ll
get you to our quarters and have you bundled away in your room.”
The man promised, the deep rumble of his voice soothing despite
Obi-Wan’s distress.

to his mentor, Obi-Wan let himself cry quiet tears, knowing Qui-Gon
would do nothing to embarrass him at this moment, the alpha oozing
protectiveness for his cub.

So, I’ve noticed there’s a lot of ‘Obi doesn’t eat because reasons’ clone wars era prompts, and while I love the hurt/comfort that comes with that, what about a switch? Obi-Wan was on the run for a year with Satine, living hand to mouth, no idea where his next meal was coming from, he knows what it is to have his body fail because he has no reserves left to burn, there’s too much counting on him for him to be less than full strength. But a rumour spreads anyway ‘Obi-wan forgets to eat or sleep’

in bemusement as his plate was being piled up on, Obi-Wan twirled his
fork into the food and stuffed it into his mouth. “You know, I
wonder where that rumor came from.” He offered in an airy tone,
enjoying the chatter of the troopers around him even as Boil
‘discreetly’ aimed another spoonful of carrots onto Obi-Wan’s

a bit, Anakin took a big bite out of his own bread. “Honestly? I
have no idea but you do complain a lot about the rations so maybe
people have been making assumptions?” He mused.

a bit, ignoring as Fives puffed the plate of bread closer to them and
‘accidentally’ tipped one of them onto Obi-Wan’s plate, the man
took another bite. “Well yes, it’s awful, bland but I’m still

again, Anakin grabbed the mug and poured some more water for both of
them. “That’s ration food for you, should have grabbed some spice
packets when you were back in the temple.” He smirked smugly and
ate his own well seasoned food.

his fork at the other Jedi, Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes and once more
ignored Longshot this time forking some more meat onto Obi-Wan’s
plate. “That doesn’t explain the healers also being in on this at
the temple. I eat
and I sleep, so where in the world the rumor that Obi-Wan Kenobi does
not eat or sleep properly comes from I have no idea.” He grumbled,
a bit offended.

was a grown adult after all, he could very much take care of himself
thank you.

to be fair, he did have a conversation with his troopers about it and
at this point it was frankly more a habit for them than anything.

Obi-Wan didn’t mind too terribly as long as he managed to eat the
entire plate.

they never managed to overfill the plate, Obi-Wan would always finish
the food.

his nose thoughtfully, fork in his mouth, Anakin let out a
considering hum before swallowing. “Maybe Quinlan? Sounds like the
kind of thing Vos would do.”

two paused at that, staring at each other for a long moment before
both snorted.

right, it does. I may have to hit him for that.” Obi-Wan grumbled.

you won’t.” Anakin sniggered, perking up while glancing over
Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

the other a deadpanned stare, Obi-Wan raised his brow. “Anakin…
Yoda wrapped me up in a blanket up in the council chamber and told me
to take a nap. Yoda,
used the Force, and wrapped me up in a blanket, tucked me up in my
chair and told me to take a karking nap while they discussed battle
strategies and the latest Senate report.” The master Jedi stressed

Anakin stared at him before sniggering heavily and shaking his head.

his head, Obi-Wan jumped a bit when there was a click and then smiled
at the small plate of sugar cake that was settled at his elbow,
looking up at his commander. “Why thank you Cody, that looks
scrumptious.” Obi-Wan declared jovially.

Cody just smiled in return and moved to sit with captain Rex, a small
skip in his step and his Force aura oozing of pride.

back at his still karking laughing former padawan, Obi-Wan decided to
abandon the rest of his dinner for now and just savor his sugar cake.

deserved it and if Quinlan was really the one who spread the rumor
about his terrible self care habits he would be hitting him,
childhood friend or not.

I know u don’t do the sequel series. But can u pls do a reaction of ghost Obi of Ben Solo’s fall? Does he just lose it and go all «ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! MY LIFE IS A LITERAL TrAinWrecK AND I STILL KEPT MY SHIT IN THE LIGHT! I DID NOT GO THROUGH /HELL/ AND BACK ON KEEPING THIS HOT MESS OF A FAMILY TOGETHER 2 SEE aNoThER FALL OF SKYWALKER!» while every1 else that’s a ghost just stare wide eyed at the notoriously calm Jedi just lose his shit. Or is it reversed? Obi’s calm while every1 else despairs?

a low tisking noise, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest as they
all continued staring at the screen, most of the Jedi in absolute
stunned disbelief and the rest staring at Anakin as if it was his
fault, the blond sitting with his head in his hands.

about those younglings huh,” Obi-Wan suddenly said, Anakin’s head
coming up so fast they could hear his neck snap as
he stared at his former master. Said man just continued staring at
the screen. “Could have been some great Jedi knights huh? Luke was
doing pretty well… I mean sure, hovering over his nephew in a
murdery fit wasn’t so smart but still…” Obi-Wan stroked his
beard, shifting between his clone wars self and his old Ben self.

warily at Qui-Gon, who lifted his hands and waved them wildly, Anakin
swallowed. “T-To be fair, I had nothing to do wi-”

will finish what you started grandfather.” They all froze at Ben’s
sentence except for Obi-Wan who continued stroking his chin slowly,
standing beside the couch Anakin and Qui-Gon had picked out to watch
the train wreck that was apparently Kylo Ren, or as they all knew, Ben Solo and those genes were not doing so well mixing with the Skywalker genes apparently.

you’re killing me here and I’m already dead!’ Anakin thought
with despair as he glanced back up at Obi-Wan quickly and then
returned to looking at what was honestly a burning
train wreck covered with screaming hutts.

to look away.

then there was Luke,
oh his poor son, that look of despair and his hand on R2 and wait,
what was Luke doing?

he looked up at Obi-Wan. “…This is your influence.” He pointed
at the tv, hearing the rest of the room hold their breath.

yes, fleeing with a baby to give them to your remaining family and
also look over him is the same as running away to become a hermit on
an old island, of course. I can see how this is all my fault once
more.” Obi-Wan said in a cheerful tone, all Old Ben at that moment.

Anakin rubbed his own upper arms, this time looking to Windu for aid.

man just raised his brows, wiggled his fingers at him and then
stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth while deadpanned staring
Anakin in the eyes.

mean, it’s not like I had to keep him safe for the years on
Tatooine while the Skywalker chaos roamed around him, making him run
out to try and keep water from Jabba the hutt as a kid,” Obi-Wan
continued. “With
Owen deciding it was my fault that Skywalker’s were murdered and
firmly keeping me away from Luke, the sole reason I was even on
Tatooine. Yes, I can see how this is all my fault.”

his head down, Anakin winced as Qui-Gon gave him a wide eyed look
that clearly asked how the blond managed to turn out that stupid and
Anakin just shrugged in return. From his point of view, blaming
Obi-Wan for hermit behavior was completely understandable!

also a bit wrong since Obi-Wan did have a point.

wasn’t done either, still talking. “One
family, fucking up the entire galaxy for the rest of us,” Obi-Wan
looked down at Anakin finally, his eyes narrowed. “Why thank you
so much for letting us clean up after you… at least Leia has some
of the Organa sensibleness even if she fucks up too.” He sighed

sniggered. “Her messes aren’t as big as the male ones, I’ll
give you that Obi-Wan.”

entire being shifted to General Kenobi as he gave Qui-Gon a death
glare. “Don’t think you’re off the hook mr ‘train the boy
while I die’.” Obi-Wan grunted before sighing, shaking his head
and heading to a door that materialized, sliding in and
locking the door after him, clearly intending for privacy.

looks, everyone jumped when there was a loud scream. “WHY IS IT
Obi-Wan roared through the door.

Anakin ducked down and decided that he best show up as padawan Ani
for a few weeks… maybe years he figured with dread as his grandson
joined up with the Sith.

boy, Obi-Wan was not going to be pleased.

Can we get a scene where Obi-wan and Qui-Gon are having a good day? Nothing too stressful, just a really good day for the both of them while Obi-wan is still a padawan? Like maybe a day at a beach or something?

slightly, Obi-Wan rolled onto his back and tilted his head enough to
look towards where his master was picking a citrus fruit of some kind
from the orchard. Considering the farmer looked quite content as the
Jedi picked fruit from his tree, Qui-Gon had either paid or charmed
the man though maybe one or two fruits weren’t a damage to the

looked pretty well to do, so maybe gifting the Jedi who had aided
their planet wasn’t something that concerned her.

in the grass, Obi-Wan watched as Qui-Gon turned and came back to him,
smiling slightly up at his master as the man chuckled down at him and
sat down, settling the small armful of fist sized red fruits into his
lap. “Mistress Ziula was kind enough to give us some of her yrada
citrus when she spotted us waiting for the shuttle to the city, I’m
quite sure you’ll like them considering they are sweet.” The
older Jedi teased gently.

shyly, Obi-Wan sat up and rubbed his eyes a bit. His sweet tooth
wasn’t something he cared to hide with his master and so he nodded
while eyeing the ruby red fruits in the man’s lap. “I saw some of
these earlier but those looked… yellow?” He noted with interest.

Qui-Gon picked up one to show Obi-Wan how to peel it, picking at the
top until it loosened before easily peeling down. “Well there are
different kinds but if they are of the same kind as I have here, they
would have been unripe,” He explained. “See, as most fruits,
these go through a color change. Green, yellowish and then to a
darkened orange or red as these I have here.” Qui-Gon handed over
the peeled fruit to Obi-Wan before picking up another for himself.

imagine the tropical weather of the planet makes it easy to grow
citruses here, at least on this half of the planet.’ Obi-Wan mused
as he twisted the citrus to get halves sections and then pull the
boats from each other.

a normal orange almost.

had oranges before after all but these were clearly a bit different
even if they looked quite a lot
alike a normal orange.

a boat into his mouth, Obi-Wan chewed thoughtfully before letting out
a happy noise at the sweet, fresh flavor that spread in his mouth. If
he was to explain the flavor, it would be somewhere between and
orange and a strawberry actually and he flushed a bit when he noted
his master watching him in amusement.

faintly, Qui-Gon continued peeling his own and smiled when Obi-Wan
settled his head on the master’s shoulder, both of them relaxing as
there was still hours for the scheduled shuttle bus to come.

Obi-Wan let out a small shiver when a breeze rolled past, the man
lifted his robe a bit around his padawan’s shoulders and then
popped a boat into his own mouth of the fruit, both of them watching
the sun shine warmly down on them in the humid day.

on the last piece of his own, Obi-Wan rubbed his cheek on the others
shoulder, taking in the comfort of a secure person in his space, he
could even hear the slight whistle of Qui-Gon’s nose like this when
the man breathed out. “We don’t get days to relax like this often
do we.” He murmured quietly.

not,” Qui-Gon rumbled, stroking his beard before smiling at
Obi-Wan, tilting his head enough for their eyes to meet. “That’s
why one enjoys it while one can. And eat more fruit.” He plopped a
new red citrus into Obi-Wan’s hand, his shoulder shaking as he
laughed quietly when the other just rolled his eyes and peacefully
started peeling a new fruit for himself.

it while one can… yeah, sounds like a good policy.’ Obi-Wan mused
as the scent of citrus peel filled the air and birds chirped all
around them.

Obi-Wan getting stuck in a vent and needing to be lubed out?

Cody wasn’t unaware how his General was shaped, even outside of
armor, he was a bit
broader than the rest of them, the clones, General Skywalker and
especially Commander Tano.

as there was a low curse behind him, Cody hadn’t quite considered
how that would turn out as he turned to the vent opening they had all
come out off.

but Obi-Wan that was, who had his hands on the sides of the vent and
was working on pushing himself.

Cody ventured worriedly, taking a step back towards the vent and
bringing the rest of the groups attention back to the Jedi.

man stopped pulling, seemed to chew on the inside of his cheek before
huffing out a low breath. “…It
seems that I am stuck inside the vent,” Obi-Wan said as primly as
he could, even as redness was climbing his ears. “Most likely
because I am… voluptuous?” He
tacked on, likely intended as a statement but ended as a question.

at their general, Cody opened and closed his mouth a few times before
Skywalker suddenly made his way through the crowd with a wide grin to
stare at Obi-Wan. “Are you telling us that you’re STUCK in the
vent because of your hips? Because you’re so curvy?”

was a long pause before Obi-Wan let out a long suffering sigh and
nodded. “Yes Anakin, I’m stuck because I’m wide in the hips.
Are you happy now?” He huffed then did something very close to
pouting with his fellow Jedi started to cackle.

Obi-Wan turned his attention on Cody and gave him a tight smile.
“Commander, you wouldn’t happen to have blaster oil on you?” He
glanced around. “Any of you?” He tacked on hopefully.

his pouches,
Cody found nothing but
very different kind of lube but
Longshot did, coming forward with a bit of confusion in his posture.

be fair, Cody was confused too.

the bottle, Obi-Wan dripped some on his fingertips and rubbed it
between his fingertips before nodding and smiling up at Longshot.
“I’ll replace this.” Was all he said before squirming until he
was laying on his back on the floor out of the vent, something that
must have been painful by the way he was grimacing at time.

he started to add oil around the opening and himself with the little
drip nozzle of the oil.

is lubricating himself! That’s what he’s doing, so he can slip
out.’ Cody quietly knelt down, ready to offer his hands as
Skywalker seemed to finally be done laughing as he wiped his eyes,
Tano looking bemused between the two older Jedi as she crossed her
arms over her chest and cocked her head.

believe… that should do it. If you would kindly help me Cody?”
Obi-Wan looked at Cody hopefully and lit up when Cody instantly
handed over his hands, grasping the other to pull.


slipped out but what the Jedi nor the clone had counted on was the
fact that Obi-Wan’s leggings, belt and underwear were pulled down a
fair distance to expose quite a bit of skin. Almost the Jedi’s cock

it was really exposing however was the bite marks and suction marks
covering Obi-Wan’s hips, not even hidden slightly by the
red lines of the vent and the blaster oil. And the top of what was
hand prints, the fingers defined against the pale freckled skin.

that was what finally wiped the grin off Skywalker’s face as Tano
went a rather interesting shade of red on her orange skin as she
covered up her face with her hands only to peek through her fingers.

instantly got to his feet and pulled his leggings up, clearing his
throat as he fixed his belt and removed his lightsaber from his boot
where he had stashed it in clear anticipation of the vent perhaps
being smaller than him. “Well! That was an experience one can say
but lets not dally, we have work.” The man chirped, as if he wasn’t
aware he was being gawked at or the vibrating troopers around him.

picked up the blaster oil and neatly handed the remains to Longshot
before heading through the group, intent on finding their objective,
the CIS general.

finally seemed to shake Skywalker as he let out a choked noise and
rushed after the General. “Hold up Obi-Wan! Your hips! What
th-where did you-who has…” The man was spluttering and Obi-Wan
was answering very vaguely.

followed, tucking his hands into his belt even as he felt the rest of
his vode staring at him while smiling smugly inside his helmet.

knew exactly how those marks came to be.

How about some soft QuiObi with them lounging in bed for once. No hurry, no fuss just…fluff. Pretty please?

his eyes slowly with the morning sun warming his back is it shone in
the window of their rented hotel room, Qui-Gon felt his lips twitch
into a smile as he woke up looking right at his lover, Obi-Wan
letting out little puff with a little snoring noise with each rise
and fall of his chest.

had gone to bed after a long night yesterday, trying to find clues
and both had abandoned their tunics and leggings to curl up in their
underwear, having seen each other in much worse states. It was of
notice that Obi-Wan had managed to fold his clothes on a chair at
least while Qui-Gon had just thrown it around.

course he’d show a level of decorum even when he’s exhausted,’
Qui-Gon smiled fondly to himself as he stared at Obi-Wan’s relaxed
face. ‘Typical of you sweetheart.’ He mentally shook his head at
Obi-Wan’s little personality quirks even as he was charmed by them
this morning.

looked beautiful Qui-Gon noted, the sun not yet reached his face
which allowed him to sleep peacefully, his hair and beard
delightfully disheveled to give him that youngish look that never
failed to charm Qui-Gon and he could feel his heart throb
affectionately in his chest with
the sheet barely covering up to their shoulders which allowed the
older Jedi to spot the beauty marks on the others pale shoulders
along with old pink scars that were slowly fading in color as they
grew in age.

Qui-Gon noted the appearance of any
freckles and lines in the other face, slowly reaching up to tuck the
others hair out of his face for
a good view yet
not disturb the younger man’s sleep as he took in the new freckle
close to his upper lip on the left and one amusedly enough on his
forehead making a constellation of the Tooka.

was faint of course, most of Obi-Wan’s freckles could only be seen
if you were right up in his face like Qui-Gon was at that moment.

awake, Qui-Gon took notice of how their legs were twined together,
their lower halves utterly connected and he carefully shifted closer
to tuck his hand around Obi-Wan’s waist to bring him closer.

deserved all the rest he could get and Qui-Gon was not going to
disturb him until absolutely necessary.

he would lay here beside his love and watch him sleep, watch the
sleep softened features of his knight, the stern lines that grew
apparent in missions that were softened up and slightly open mouth of
the soft pink lips, the cupid bow of Obi-Wan’s mouth and the little
upturn to the others nose.

things Qui-Gon had seen before many a time and yet they never failed
to endear themselves to him once more as if it was the first time he
saw them.

to the others bare skin, Qui-Gon
felt that old starburst shaped scar near the middle of the others
back that had come from an exploding blaster someone had shoved in
the others back when he had still been a padawan.

of the times Qui-Gon had come close to loosing him before they even
became knight and former master.

that was an old memory and this was a new time, allowing Qui-Gon to
spend time with his soft, sleeping love.

can feel you staring at me.” Obi-Wan breathed out without opening
his eyes, his lips curling into a soft smile.

his fingers slowly over the scar, knowing how tender it was still,
Qui-Gon hummed. “I like watching you, you’re beautiful when
you’re relaxed.” He murmured huskily, his voice still caught with
sleep as he took in Obi-Wan’s cheeks coloring bashfully.

He whispered, green eyes opening to a sliver to peer at him.

turning into a soft smirk, Qui-Gon leaned in and nuzzled their noses
together in a bunny kiss as it was called. “Good morning my dear
knight.” He greeted quietly, tugging Obi-Wan closer to him now that
he was awake.

softly, Obi-Wan
slid his hand up into Qui-Gon’s hair and cupped the back of his
hand, getting a languid kiss that tasted of stale morning breath and
yet neither minded too heavily as they remained curled up in bed
together until their stomach growled in need for food.

Anakin goes missing in the wake of a battle after the Hardeen mission with no one able to contact him only to appear after a full day, unharmed but covered in mud while sheepishly admitting he fell down in a pit and ended up in a cave system where he couldn’t get a signal out. Que everyones reaction!

sheepishly while rubbing at the back of his neck, Anakin shrugged
even as crusted mud fell off his clothes at every move he made. “So
yeah, after the explosion I kinda fell into the mud hole that went
straight down into the cave systems below. I think there’s metal
all around here because I couldn’t get a clear signal.” He

was almost a bit offended to see Rex shake his head while rubbing his
face as Echo and Fives traded credits and Commander Cody patted his
captain vod on the back with a smirk on his face. “And you say I
got it worse with Kenobi.” The commander teased quietly, obviously
not intending to be heard.

just continued to cling to his muddy mech arm, staring up at him with
narrowed eyes. “You’re a menace Skyguy, I really thought you were
hurt, we kept looking everywhere and we couldn’t find hide nor hair
of you and I actually…” Her breath hitched for a moment and she
pressed her forehead into his shoulder, shaking for a moment.

Anakin reached his other hand out to rub her monterales instead in
assurance that he was still alive and was fine if mud covered and in
desperate need of a shower and something more to eat than just the
ration bar he had on him when he went down the mud hole.

he felt eyes on him and quickly looked up, meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes.

staring at him, face utterly devoid of emotions, his eyes almost
glassy looking even as Ashoka continued clinging
to Anakin
to his arm.
It was still so odd to see the other, his hair still growing in and
the scruffy beard coming
in since they shaved him all over for that karking shitstorm that had
been the Hardeen undercover mission.

a moment Anakin felt very cold despite the warm sun burning down over
them and the very gentle breeze barely stirring his mud crusted hair.

Obi-Wan jerked forward and Anakin tensing himself in preparation for
a lecture on his reckless behavior.


wasn’t what Obi-Wan did.

closed the distance in four large steps with
Ahsoka suddenly jumping out of the way as if she sensed the
grandmaster’s approach without even looking. Obi-Wan
threw his arms around Anakin, dragged
the other to him and buried
Anakin’s face into his shoulder by dragging him down with a hand
cupping the back of the blond head. Anakin’s nose was awkwardly
smashed into the others shoulder but he was too stunned to move as he
felt Obi-Wan shudder, his nose pressing into Anakin’s hair.

smelled of Obi-Wan’s body wash, mild detergent and tea as Anakin
twinged in on Obi-Wan’s low voice muttering but it was the that
took Anakin off guard.
“You’re alright… of course you’re alright… you
had to be alright…”
The other whispered, a quiver breaking his voice as his blunt
fingernails dug into Anakin’s scalp.

yet the sting didn’t quite register to Anakin.

Obi-Wan was clinging to him so tightly, his voice breaking and even a
Force blind fool could have seen the fear in the others behavior with
how tightly Obi-Wan’s arms held onto Anakin.

was not Force blind even if he had shut down his bond to Obi-Wan to
give himself a break from
the other man after that mess that had brought him to question what
kind of friendship he had with his old master only for this to
happen, for Obi-Wan to cling to him as if his life depended on it.

who didn’t have an open tie to Anakin at
the moment,
who had been respecting the others need for distance… Obi-Wan, who
from the moment the explosion went of, must have thought that Anakin
had been caught in it when
the other didn’t appear again, unknowing of the cave system below
as they couldn’t hail Anakin’s comm even.

petty part of Anakin was crooning at Obi-Wan getting to taste his own
medicine for what he had done to Anakin but the other part, the part
that generally won out worried about the break in the others voice
and the shaking of the others body and the tiny hitches of breath
against his neck.

his hands from his sides, Anakin slid them around around the other
slowly, letting out a low noise deep in his chest as he held the
others trembling body. “Yeah…
I’m alright Obi-Wan.” He murmured, remaining still despite all
the dried mud he must be getting on the other.

Obi-Wan didn’t care in his need for reassurance then
Anakin was more than happy to stay right there with his arms around
the other Jedi.

Prompt: what if one of the younglings made Obi-Wan and Anakin plushies of one another? Would Anakin adore his Obi-Wan plushie and would he keep it as Darth Vader?

as she stepped off the ramp and into the warm sun and soft grass,
Ahsoka raised an amused brow at the sight of her master and
grandmaster laying on sun chairs outside with a DIY umbrella that the
troopers must have cobbled together, bandages covering them and with
strange orange spots on their visible strange pale skin.

were so weird but at least the troopers had a darker color that
reminded Ahsoka more of her own. ‘Is that racist?’ She wondered
curiously as she made her way towards Anakin, smiling when the man
waved at her in greeting. ‘I mean the galaxy comes in every color

face down on the chair, Obi-Wan didn’t notice Ahsoka approaching,
his Force aura clearly oozing of sleepiness and a drowsy sort of out
of it she associated with medication while Anakin ad least was
sitting up and was focused on her.

his metal cup aside and lowering the pad he had been reading from,
Anakin grinned at her in welcome. “Hey, welcome to the quarantine
zone. How was the temple and your exam Snips?” He questioned
teasingly, his pad going into pause mode.

Ahsoka opened her mouth to answer only to pause when Obi-Wan grunted
and squirmed in the chair.

don’t touch the bats.” The General moaned into his chair.

the blond beside him reading from his pad lifted his flesh hand and
patted the man’s hair. “Of course Obi-Wan, I won’t touch the
bats,” He stated, letting his hand linger in the mess of copper red
to rub at the others scalp. “He
has a fever.” Anakin clarified to a confused Ahsoka who was trying
to make sense of the words and behavior.

mind that there weren’t any bats around them, the fevered General
was clearly remembering something
his padawan had done long ago and Skywalker was playing along to keep
the other as soothed as possible, most likely keeping Kix and Helix
warning in mind.

maybe,’ Ahsoka glanced towards the mouth of a cave not that far
from camp that seemed to go into the mountain range. ‘There are
bats in there and Skyguy got curious about them.’ She mused before
chuckling. “Temple was fine, exam was stupid but I think I aced
it.” She settled on while waving at Echo and Hardcase when they
rushed by with happy calls of ‘welcome back commander!’ before
continuing on their tasks.

was making his way over with Cody and Kix making up the rear of the

sagely, Anakin smiled up at her. “Sounds like standard…oh and
don’t go into the cave Ahsoka, there are infectious bats in there
and they bite,” He grimaced, poking at a bandage sitting below his
scar. “Aggressive as all kark too.” The Jedi knight sighed

the troopers are fine because they have armor and actually use their
helmet compared to my lineage idiots.’ Ahsoka thought in fond
exasperation, greeting commander, captain and medic when they reached

his hand from Obi-Wan’s head, Anakin focused on him as Kix had him
sit up, examining some of the spots on his face and pulling up his
tunic to look at the ones on his skin. Sleepily, Obi-Wan properly
greeted Ahsoka. “It is good to see you again young one.” He
yawned and smacked his lips together.

Ahsoka bowed, hearing a little jangle from the bag that had her
jolting in surprise as she remembered what she got from the creche.
“Oh! The younglings made something for you two!” She knelt down,
dropping her bag on the grassy ground as she dug around.

could feel Anakin and Obi-Wan watching curiously along with the
troopers only for both of them to let out laughs of disbelief as two
plushies were pulled of her bag.

was clothed in black Jedi outfit that had clearly been dyed with
curled blond hair and an awkwardly sewed on red ‘scar’ with blue
button eyes.

other was beige Jedi clothed with green button eyes and red hair, the
same hair carefully tacked onto the face of the plushie.

as she handed the plushie of Obi-Wan to Anakin and the plushie of
Anakin to Obi-Wan, Ahsoka winked. “The older kids came for me right
before I was about to leave and said that I should give them to you
two. They apparently worked really hard on them.” She stood,
beaming happily at them as both Jedi examined the soft toys in
interest as they in turn were being looked over by the medic.

gently running over cloth and ‘hair’, Anakin gently tugging on
the beard while glancing over at his own look alike with Obi-Wan
gently poking at the ‘scar’ of the plushie with a soft smile.

loudly in surprise, Anakin held up one of plushie Obi-Wan’s arm.
“Look, the open
circle armada mark.” He laughed.

in and firmly getting scolded by Kix for moving, Obi-Wan stared and
checked Anakin’s little plushie, finding the open
circle armada mark on it too with a soft, fond laugh. “Oh my, I
will have to drop by the creche next time we’re home. This was very
kind of them.” He grinned happily.

time however, I expect presents for being gone instead of being the
one to bring it.” Ahsoka teased them as Anakin outright snuggled
his little Obi with a wide smirk.

just giant kids.’ She thought lovingly, watching Obi-Wan discreetly
hug his Anakin doll with a small smile, knowing very well that
neither would be putting those into a drawer to collect dust.