Helix being taken care of by Obi-Wan for once?

Groaning faintly at a touch to his forehead, Helix forced his eyes open despite how his head was throbbing to squint at the person touching him, letting out a low noise when he saw the General.

From what he could tell with his throbbing head, he was in one of the standard tents of the GAR and blissfully, it was dark in the room as his sore eyes took in the sight of his fellow redhead.

Dark and thankfully warm as Helix felt like all the warmth in his own body had been dragged out of his body and his core replaced with a block of ice.

Even his General’s normally cold hand felt warm to him, the calluses catching slightly against his own skin.

Sluggishly, his mind reminded him that he should say or do something since the General was there.

However before he could do much more than twitch, the Jedi placed his other hand on Helix shoulder, anticipating the action clearly. “Shhh, no, stay down Helix. You got severe cold from that unfortunate dip you and Waxer got into the lake.” Obi-Wan stated softly but even the softness of the others voice was like a scalpel being stuck into his head and Helix let out a low whine of pain, the medic closing his eyes.

The hand on his face however was lovely, gently stroking Helix hair, temple and forehead slowly, causing Helix to open his eyes again to look at the General.

Obi-Wan smiled at him. “Sawbone is taking care of the medtent while you’re sick, so don’t worry about there not being anyone to care for the injured.” Obi-Wan murmured, keeping one hand on Helix as he reached for something out of Helix view.

It half occurred to Helix that he must be in the General’s tent.

That caused him to shift, he couldn’t get his General sick!

But his body was aching for too much for him to really make much movement.

Was Waxer the same way?

Was hard to imagine the sunshine man doing anything but bouncing around with a grin on his fa-there was a straw against Helix’s lips and he automatically started sucking, a sweet, cool liquid spreading over his tongue.

Oh, oh that was lovely and Helix let out a low moan around the straw.

Obi-Wan smiled at him, holding the cup with the straw that was against his lips. “There we go, just drink. Sawbone said you’d need a lot of fluids to fight the cold.” The Jedi murmured.

Helix just continued drinking, his mind finally latching onto the oddity of the situation.

Why was the General of the 212th looking after the medic?

Not that Helix minded!

Honestly, if he was in a better condition, he’d feel flattered by the undivided attention being paid to him by the General frankly but as it was, he was just tired, achy and wanted a long nap and a cuddle from someone.

Preferably someone that smelled nice…

‘General smells nice.’ He noted dazedly, blinking up at him as the liquid finally ran out, the cup empty.

Obi-Wan set the cup aside and then reached down, pulling the blankets up around Helix and while that was nice, it removed the man’s hand from Helix forehead, something the medic mourned. “There we go. We’ll try some more fluids later, maybe broth. You’ll need some salt in your system too after all.” He stated warmly, smiling down at Helix.

‘Pretty smile.’ Helix thought to himself, wanting to reach up and pet the others fuzzy face.

He even managed to move his hands around a bit but gave up when that made everything feel ten times worse.

Why did his head hurt because he moved his hands!?

Giving up, still wondering why the General was taking care of him, Helix closed his eyes while sighing deeply, letting out a soft noise as he heard the tent flaps shift.

“How is he?” A low, familiar voice murmured. Cody, Helix’s mind supplied.

“Awake enough to drink on his own. I don’t think he even noticed the IV drip.” Obi-Wan stated to Helix confusion.

Oh, whatever, Helix was tired, his General was there and so was his vod.

So he was going to sleep, the comforting, low murmur of their voices washing over him.

Hello!!!! I really love your short stores and was wondering if you could do an Obi-wan and Qui-gon store. Just one where Obi-wan is sleep-deprived and Qui-gon tries a bunch of different ways to help Obi-wan sleep. Ending with a bunch of cuddles and hugs because I love the Father!Qui and Son!Obi bonds :D

Eyeing his young padawan thoughtfully, Qui-Gon felt a dark frown cross his face.

Lately, Obi-Wan had been unable to sleep, a mix of anxieties and the Force sending visions and while Obi-Wan had come far in managing his visions… this time it was too much.

And it was starting to show.

The boy had taken to falling asleep in his lessons now and then, having to be prompted awake and thankfully his teachers were understanding about it when Qui-Gon explained the reasons for it.

But it was still not something that should be happening and in the beginning, Qui-Gon had increased their shared meditation, hoping that by meditating with him, Obi-Wan would be soothed by Qui-Gon’s natural inclination towards the living Force.

And it had helped!

In the beginning at least.

But then the visions had come back with a vengeance by not simply making sleep harder for Obi-Wan to obtain but impossible, leaving the boy an insomniac several times a week.

So Qui-Gon, to his own horror and despair, had cut back on the amount of tea they were allowed and also cut them off drinking it after seven pm.

Obi-Wan hadn’t done much more than whine a bit, since his master was suffering caffeine and tea withdrawal with him since they both preferred sapir and instead sulked at the table as he drank juice instead.

It hadn’t helped, it wasn’t the caffeine, though they had managed to find a herbal blend that was suppose to encourage sleep.

Qui-Gon had the best sleep in years if he was honest but considering how much Obi-Wan was suffering, he wasn’t about to admit that.

His next step, and that one Obi-Wan had really complained about, was to cut back on Obi-Wan’s sugar intake. The boy had been scandalized when Qui-Gon forbid the normal cookies he had with their late tea.

And Qui-Gon had suffered quite the pouting and doe eyed looks for that decision, made even worse by the fact that it didn’t help.

Obi-Wan had even gone through noise canceling headphones and white noise machine without any result, the boy saying that the headphones had just made his thoughts even louder in the silence and the vision more vibrant. And the white noise machine had apparently been confusing for his mind, his brain constantly reminding him that the noises, all the noises, were wrong for Coruscant.

Qui-Gon had by now gone through almost every trick in the book to aid someone sleep, even going so far as asking the healers for a natural sleeping aid for baseline humans, giving Obi-Wan a low level dose melatonin pill an hour before bed.

Not even that had helped Obi-Wan and by this point Qui-Gon was almost willing to ask for the proper sleeping medication the healers had locked up among medical cabinets.

Because the lack of sleep was getting to the boy.

Obi-Wan had gone from a vibrant, happy teen, flushed with excitement and youth as he eagerly tackled whatever life threw at him to… this.

The Obi-Wan who was slumped over his homework, his movements sluggish as his skin had gone a parchment like pale color, even his freckles seemed like they had lost color!

And his eyes were constantly glazed, as if his focus were far away despite the boy being present along with the dark bags under his eyes making him seem like Qui-Gon had hit him during sparring and bruised him.

The lack of sleep was kicking into other aspects of Obi-Wan’s health too, the boy’s appetite decreasing more and more by the day.

If this carried on…

Qui-Gon would have no choice but to have the healers put Obi-Wan on sleeping pills.

But he had one last trick, one last attempt and if that didn’t work…

“Obi-Wan,” He called out, waiting for the sluggish boy to look up and blink at him. “Come here padawan.”  Qui-Gon patted the couch beside him, pulling the weighted blanket off the back of the couch that he had gone to the quartermaster for earlier that day.

It was a sign of how tired he was when Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a token fight on leaving his homework behind. He simply got to his feet and shuffled over, sitting down heavily.

He let out a soft noise as Qui-Gon manhandled him, shifting them both around until they were both laying on the couch, Qui-Gon half sitting against the arm of the couch with Obi-Wan laying between his legs, half propped up against Qui-Gon’s chest.

That done, Qui-Gon spread the weighed blanket around them, tucking it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders until the boy was covered up properly. “Master, what are…” Obi-Wan mumbled, blinking blearily into the folds of Qui-Gon’s tunic.

“You’re going to sleep, that’s what padawan and I’m going to make sure that you do indeed sleep.” Qui-Gon rumbled, keeping his voice soft and low as he settled one hand on Obi-Wan’s blanket covered back and the other in the boy’s hair.

Slowly he rubbed in uneven circles as he cuddled the boy to him, feeling Obi-Wan confused, bleary Force aura turn to focus on the touches instead of how tired he must be.

As if in molasses, Obi-Wan focus started to drift, becoming heavy against Qui-Gon’s large, warm body as the man continued taking slow and steady breaths through his nose. He knew the boy was more than likely listening to his heart and was doing a concentrated effort on his heart rate remaining steady.

And to his delight, Obi-Wan did fall asleep against him.

Now the trick was going to be keeping him asleep and Qui-Gon settled in for what was going to be a long and potentially uncomfortable night. ‘But… for others we do make certain sacrifices.’ He glanced down, smiling slightly at his sleeping padawan.

Is it possible to get a cuddle pile with Obi-Wan and the 212th???

Blinking tiredly into his own arms, Obi-Wan tried to remember just how he ended up in his current position, laying on his stomach in one of the rec rooms of the negotiator, a mattress under him cushioning any hardness or coldness from the durasteel floor.

Actually, there were several mattresses around him too, the rec room had been cleared for everything on the floor to make space for the mattresses and Obi-Wan didn’t want to know where they came from.

And on those mattresses?

Troopers, every time he lifted his head from his arms and glanced about, he saw troopers peering sleepily back at him when they felt gazes on them. Then they’d smile at him and go back to their own rest, tucked in close with others.

If Obi-Wan thought hard enough about it, he was pretty certain it was Helix that had dragged him along to the rec room and gone ‘humans thrive on touch, so get in, come on, get in General. Medic’s order.’ if he was remember right.

And he wasn’t quite sure.

But these were the facts he knew, that one, he was in a cleared out rec room with mattresses covering the floor.

Two, there were troopers all around him, cuddling up against him and on him.

And three, this was a regular occurrence for the vode, especially after hard battles.

They’d give each other a pat down, ensure they were healthy or at least healed and then curl in together for comfort and Obi-Wan apparently needed this too in the eyes of his troopers.

Which was why he was covered in troopers.

They had been hesitant when he appeared, wary about touching anything sore or bruised since Obi-Wan had a tendency to avoid the medbay for minor things since he could use the Force for it.

Not that anyone approved but it wasn’t like they could stop him and he did go to Helix for major thing, he couldn’t will away a broken rib or a lacerated back. But for bruises and soreness, Obi-Wan just needed to meditate and flush himself with the Force.

Or well, that was what he told Helix at least. There was a very good reason Obi-Wan had bacta bandages and bruise cream stationed under his bed in his quarters.

Helix didn’t believe him of course but couldn’t call him out on his bullshit either heh, the medic watching him with narrowed eyes every time Obi-Wan said he’d go into a healing trance for the bruises.

However, once everyone had become assured that they wouldn’t cause additional pain or discomfort by touching Obi-Wan, the Jedi had become fair game.

Quickly trooper settled in around him, curling up towards his sides like warm furnaces, Longshot going as far as using the back of Obi-Wan’s left thigh as a pillow, grumbling to himself when Boil and Waxer took over his stomach in turn as their own pillow.

Obi-Wan had just blinked owlishly for a bit until the sense of ease and comfort in the Force made him smile, the way the troopers comfortably settled around him as if he had always belonged right there among the vode.

And when Cody had come to join them, finally handing over command to someone else of the bridge… well Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel like he actually did belong. ‘…It reminds me of the creche piles,’ Obi-Wan closed his eyes, letting out a soft noise as Cody’s shoulder bumped against his as the other settled down next to him. ‘No blankets, just the warmth of everyone else… comfort, closeness, together…’ His thoughts turning slow from sleep, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile sleepily as Cody cautiously wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

Comfort and warmth, soft breaths all around the room with the occasional snores in a dimmed room.

‘I could get used to this…’

I know it’s your favorite, so how about some QuiObi Moddy? maybe some Obi being naughty or something?

Now, you could be forgiven for thinking that Obi-Wan was a proper
padawan in all manners, being a detached and serene Jedi.

would be utterly wrong of course but so was life, many people wore
masks and with time Obi-Wan had become quite the actor he had not
been as a preteen in front of many a master that thought him

To be
fair, not all of Obi-Wan’s serenity was feigned but he had his

honestly, some of his masks was developed because his master was the
most rule breaking Jedi the order had seen in a long time and as a
response, Obi-Wan had gone in utterly the opposite direction.


could often be seen biting back comments or laughs when someone
stated as much, since Qui-Gon was quite aware of the off colored
jokes and surprisingly un-Jedi like choices Obi-Wan sometimes made.

Not to
mention that he often called Obi-Wan for his Imp for a very good

So it
was no shock that Obi-Wan would develop the most inappropriate of
crushes too, that he certainly did not mention to anyone even if
Quinlan figured it out.

bastard had spent a good ten minutes laughing and then patted him
consolingly on the back as Obi-Wan sulked at him.

that did not change that Obi-Wan curled up on his bed and cuddled his
master’s robe to his face, the scent of the others body and soaps
in his nose. He just couldn’t help it, Qui-Gon smelled so kriffing
good, better than any dishes Obi-Wan had gotten at the most luxurious
of banquets held by nobles or senators and more enticing than the
perfumes of the highest opulence.

there would never be anything more enticing than his master’s scent
and so Obi-Wan had… borrowed, his master’s robe for a small
duration, curling up in bed in only his shorts to nuzzle the rough
fabric against his face and skin.

smelled of sweet herb, the kind Qui-Gon denied he smoked in pipes and
of sapir and the musky smell of his soaps.

other had gone uniform in his body wash, shampoo and conditioner so
there wasn’t contradictory scents and mixed with the two potent
items as the tea and the tobacco, it made it into a unique scent.

is karking herb a good scent? What kind of fancy ass herb are you
smoking when I’m not looking master?’ Obi-Wan whined into the
fabric, nuzzling into the area where robe and hood meet, where the
scent was thickets along with the smell of body sweat.


his eyes shut, Obi-Wan drew the robe around himself, treating it like
a blanket as he surrounded himself with his master’s scent.

could almost feel the phantom sensation of his master’s hands on
his body with the smell around him.

phantom sensation of hands wrapping around his waist and holding him
still and he shivered heavily on his bed.

up on his own bed in the dark, his fantasy swirling around in his
head with the scent of his master in his nose, Obi-Wan missed the
sound of the quarters front door opening and the sounds of boots
being dropped.

No, he
was far into his thoughts and nuzzling at the robe, biting at his
bottom lip only to squeak and sit up hurriedly in shock, the robe
falling around his waist as he sat blinking in the light with his
bedroom door open.

stood framed in the light, blinking back at him before a slow,
predatory smile crossed his leonine face. “Well… now I know where
my robes have been disappearing to.” He murmured, his voice a deep,
purr like noise that sent shivers through Obi-Wan’s body,
goosebumps breaking out on naturally pale skin.

thick, Obi-Wan bit his lip hard as Qui-Gon stepped through the door
and into his bedroom, blue eyes focused unnervingly on him.

Obi-Wan would have it no other way as his master prowled towards him.

Maybe some hurt and comfort with Ani and Obi?

Ignoring the fluttering black tunic and tabard hanging over the bush
beside him as he pressed the gauze pad to the others side, Obi-Wan
glanced up when Anakin hissed with pain. “Sorry, I wish I could
give you some painkillers but…” They both glanced at the medkit
resting beside Obi-Wan, only half full and clearly lacking in
anything that looked like pills or injections.

the normal analgesic patch was gone.

his former master a shaky smile, Anakin breathed out laughingly,
grateful for the rather solid log he was sitting on with the tree
behind providing some support as he was feeling rather jelly like in
his bones. “So, care to guess, addict or just one of the padawans
trying to make moonshine again?” He got out in as joking a tone as
he could.

time however, Obi-Wan didn’t banter as normally, only focused back
on the injury Anakin sustained, the sunset sending the fading light
sparkling through his hair and brightening the gold in all the

guess I scared him this time…’ Anakin frowned, glancing up in the
sky where he could still see the explosion from the ship they had
taken the escape pod from, the sight of it dark and terrible in the
sky as they both knew that several troopers hadn’t made it to the
escape pods.

could only hope that most of the 501st had made it out, as
selfishly as that was to wish but Anakin liked his men, knew them
personally, made an effort to know their names and their faces,
regardless how alike they were, he still made an effort and he knew
that Obi-Wan did the same too.

he knew the 212th almost as well as the 501st,
because they were Obi-Wan’s men and he worked with them so much.

there would always be casualties, as awful as that sounded, that was
the truth of battle, always casualties.

in ambush and Anakin couldn’t help but grit his teeth as he watched
another explosion take out another part of the ship, sectioning the
tail end from the main part of the ship. Able to see it but not hear
it or do anything for whoever might be trapped on board.

And he
didn’t doubt some were trapped on board.

only the dept of space as their grave and ceremony, cold and empty.

the mass cremations used for the troopers were better than that,
because at least then you could salvage the helmets, write their
names down… make a memorial out of one of the few things the
troopers could call their own without question as they customized the
armor and it was never reused for others.

wearing another troopers armor without permission was an affront,
even civilians knew that.

so reckless…” Obi-Wan whispered out suddenly, Anakin’s head
snapping to look down as the older man head bent low as he continued
carefully reaching around to bandage the gauze to Anakin’s chest.
“You just had to stay behind, to ensure more people got away, to
wait for me…” He breathed out shakily.

really scared him this time huh?’ Anakin stared at the red
hair fluttering in the wind, swallowing a bit before hissing loudly
when Obi-Wan tightened the bandages to ensure pressure to the wound,
the older man apologizing quickly before continuing working.

hard, Anakin hesitated before slowly reaching out and placing his
hand on Obi-Wan’s head. “I’m… I’m sorry Obi-Wan.” He
stammered out, biting in the rest he wanted to say.

he loved Obi-Wan.

couldn’t say that, regardless how true it was, he’d always love
his old master but he worried about a scolding about attachment.

And he
couldn’t promise he’d never do something like this again.

he would, he would always try to save Obi-Wan.

there was a Skywalker, there would be Kenobi and visa versa and that
would mean rescuing the other.

had Obi-Wan glancing up, his face softening a bit before he tied off
the bandage. “Just… look after yourself more Anakin, please? My
old heart couldn’t take it if I lost you now, not to mention the
others that are waiting for you to come home.” He chuckled weakly.

Anakin nodded a bit. “Yeah, you’re right, Ahsoka might get lonely
if I leave now.” He laughed, winking slightly as Obi-Wan rolled his
eyes and reached for Anakin’s tunic to help him into it. ‘And
Padme, my beloved angel…’ He let his thoughts float a bit before
grunting as the sash tightened a bit on his wound, Obi-Wan murmuring
a quick apology.

would never be pleasant and there were sacrifices… but at that
moment, Anakin found that as long as he could have his old master at
his side like this, he wouldn’t the mind moments like of pain, despite how
tired he was.

Can you please write something fluffy where Ahsoka is sick so Anakin takes care of her? Maybe even obi wan as well? Love your stuff!!

Of all the things Anakin hadn’t expected after that stupid mission
to Tatooine with Jabba the hutt’s son, it was for both Obi-Wan and
Ahsoka to fall sick.

there were a lot of airborne diseases on Tatooine actually, caught in
the sand corns and transported around by the wind that shifted the
sand and made the dunes sing. And Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had not
experienced dune flu.

in his childhood as a slave on Tatooine, had experienced it and
developed immunization to it afterward, him breathing in the virus in
the air and in the sand as it was whipped up by wind did nothing to
him except make him slightly more temperamental and a bit feverish.

and Obi-Wan however went down hard.

had bone rattling chills, high fevers, muscle aches, fatigue,
vomiting and runny noses and both were miserable.

could only praise whoever made the troopers armor for making sure the
helmets had filters that took care of anything of it, the idea of
both the 212th and 501st coming down with it
was horrifying as there weren’t that many medics.

since there weren’t really any way to treat dune flu, only treat
the symptoms and use things like anti-nausea, painkillers and fever

Anakin was quite happy to take care of both Jedi, making sure they
took the medications the medics gave them before he settled into the
tent with the two.

that left them on the floor on two mattresses pushed together with
several blankets and pillows to provide comfort and warmth with the
two curled up into Anakin, his arms wrapped around both his master
and padawan as he gently stroked Ahsoka’s monteral and his master’s
hair, uncaring of the fevered sweat coating his glove and skin.

in a while, one or both of them would shift and cough harshly into
the provided tissues from the tissue box before making something
between a whine and a hoarse whimper from chest and throat pain from
the way their muscles were contracting.

flu was not a pleasant thing for sure and Anakin pressed his lips to
Ahsoka’s monteral with a dark frown as he felt the heat from her
skin. “You two sure you aren’t hungry yet?” He murmured
quietly, leery of any potential headaches as the wind whipped in a
quiet howl outside the tent.

he had tried to convince them to eat some vegetable broth he had made
only for Obi-Wan to outright refuse while looking green and Ahsoka to
vomit it up moments after swallowing. If it wasn’t for that, Anakin
would insist they eat but it was better not to risk it if it would
just come as fast as it came down.

wetly, Obi-Wan shook his head mutely, one of the few times Anakin had
actually seen him silent.

didn’t like it at all, he had once hoped to find Obi-Wan quiet but
now that he had him quiet, he really didn’t like it.

thanks.” Ahsoka mumbled, pressing her head into Anakin’s
shoulder, her breathing thick and raspy.

a kiss to her monteral, Anakin gave a slow nod and just pulled them
more into him, feeling them both shuffle for the warmth for a second
before settling again. “That’s alright, just tell me if you two
need anything.” He murmured tenderly before settling back against
the tent wall behind him, grateful the troopers had the foresight to
put the tent against the rock outcropping to use as an insulating

at the words, Obi-Wan let out a quiet noise, lifting his sweaty face
from Anakin’s chest to look at him with fever shiny eyes. “Wata?”
He croaked out more than he spoke but despite how mangled the word
was, Anakin still understood.

he summoned Obi-Wan’s water bottle and used the Force to hold it to
Obi-Wan’s lips, the master not even making a grimace at the display
of frivolous Force use. He just quietly drank two small sips and then
settled back into Anakin’s chest.

alright… I’m here.” Anakin whispered, holding onto two of the
most important people in his life.

Free pass to the Author! What do you want to prompt?

Obi-Wan was no longer surprised when Maul and Savage ambushed them,
at this point it was almost becoming routine, if dangerous routine.

still didn’t prepare him for what was coming out of Maul’s awful

your precious Jedi even know?
Does your precious padawan?” Maul hissed, loudly enough to attract
attention from others as Obi-Wan and he remained saber locked.

narrowed his eyes a bit in confusion, resisting the urge to try and
pull Maul’s legs out from under him. “Former padawan.” He
drawled out, trying to keep the upper hand while checking his own

wouldn’t work so well, half metal as he was.

chuckled darkly before jumping away, shifting, prowling, yellowing
eyes locked on Obi-Wan but flickering ever so slightly in Anakin’s
direction as the man was trying to deal with Savage.

was basically the immovable object meet the unstoppable force, quite
the entertaining show Obi-Wan was sure.

he could pay attention that way.

why Savage wasn’t just bowling them over like last time…

they know what kind of hypocrite you are?” Maul hissed, his
sibilant tones echoing
a bit through the hallway. “Do
they know that when you tried to kill me you touched darkness?”
He sneered at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan could feel the stunned shock from behind him, could feel
Anakin mental shout through their bond but Maul was there, in front
of them. Savage was there, they couldn’t deal with this now.

jumped Maul’s attempt to sweep his legs out then bore down on the
man with his saber before twirling to the side and following with a
parry when Maul tried to swing at him.

they know,” Maul continued, snarling, a note of breathlessness in
his voice. “How you screamed as I gutted
your master? How you cried out before snarling back at me? How you
came at me with all the violent emotions of someone looking for

inside Obi-Wan shuttered, the memories of his master on the ground,
the pain in the Force, the nauseating smell of burning flesh and his
own heart rendering cry of pain.

no one had known what Obi-Wan had done.

had feared that if the council had known about those seconds of
weakness, of Obi-Wan allowing the dark to take a foothold in his soul
and being, that they would have further cause to really deny him the
chance to train Anakin.

fulfill his promise to Qui-Gon.

so, despite them watching the recordings from Naboo, he had not
mentioned what he had done in the beginning before defeating Maul and
they could not sense it through the recording.


had priority and any stain on his soul and being…

Obi-Wan would carry it.

would shield it well and purge it with time.

he never told a single living soul about it.

even Anakin.


down heavily in the co-pilot seat, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the

him, piloting the ship, he could sense Anakin, the only sounds being
the engines of the shuttle they had ‘borrowed’ to make their
escape. Considering they were both black and blue from Savage, it had
been the best idea to make a retreat with those odds.

was a bantha in a glass shop and
they were the glass unfortunately, bruised and aching but still
together on this ship.

it was so silent.

deeply, Obi-Wan turned his head to look at Anakin, watching him for a
few long moments. The other was wound tight like a rubber ball, as if
any second a rubber band would snap and leave sores on a child’s
hand and Obi-Wan knew the other must be thinking about what Maul had

Qui-Gon died,” He murmured, seeing Anakin’s hands go tense and
his body still. “I shattered, I was angry at him, he had dismissed
me in front of the council, all for a shiny new padawan and
regardless how much I care for you Anakin, all I could see back then
was the fact that I wasn’t enough and
then Maul dared to take him away from me, it turned all that anger
into guilt and fear and pain.”
Obi-Wan stated quietly, calmly.

the other Jedi looked towards him, a frown on his face before

weak smile crossed Obi-Wan’s lips. Talking about Qui-Gon still
hurt, especially to talk about his death. “Ask Anakin, I won’t
deny you answers now that you know.” He murmured.

the chair a bit so he could face Obi-Wan, Anakin took a few seconds
to collect his thoughts. “…No one knows, why doesn’t anyone
know? Why didn’t you say anything?” He questioned slowly, visibly
confused but also a bit lost.

his hands in his lap, Obi-Wan sighed tiredly. “Because any darkness
on me were dismissed as Maul back then and no one was looking too
deeply at me as I had just lost my master. And I couldn’t tell
them, if they knew just how close I came to falling-” Anakin jerked
in shock, eyes snapping to Obi-Wan’s face with wide eyes. “Of how
I touched the darkness that dwells in all, they would have denied me
you to train. They were reluctant but if they knew… they would have
done everything to stop me training you.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply,
resisting the urge to rub his own hands nervously.

stared at him, speechless before nodding, turning back to the

wouldn’t be the last he heard of this from his former padawan.

that much Obi-Wan knew.

maybe that made for more trust.

this was a good thing.

could simply hope as he too turned back to the controls, watching as
Anakin engaged hyperspace, stars blurring past them in bright lines
of light.

I like to imagine that when Obi-Wan meditates really hard he just kind of blocks out everything in order to focus. So he’ll just be meditating outside his tent (he likes being outside) and it’ll start raining on him and he won’t notice and the troopers will have to shake him out of it because he’s getting completely soaked like the dumb cute idiot he is and he needs to go inside and dry off before he gets pneumonia or something.

his head to peer up at the sky, Cody narrowed his eyes thoughtfully
before tilting his head to look at Boil. “What do you think?” He
questioned quietly, tapping his right fingers on his left gauntlet.

his head, Boil stared for a long moment before pulling his helmet off
and tucking it under his arm, lifting his hand to shield his eyes and
squint them at the sky. “Looks clear but this planet has been odd
from the moment we arrived honestly sir, I wouldn’t trust it.” He
settled on.

deeply, Cody scrubbed his face before turning to the rows of tents
with a deeper frown on his face. “And the di’kut is still
out…” He grumbled faintly as Waxer returned with the scouting
party, the speeders coming in with the normal sounds of the motors.

a bit, Boil crossed his arms over his chest, sliding up beside the
commander. “Well, we still haven’t quite tamed our jetiis di’kuts
now, have we?” He murmured teasingly, wiggling his mustache.

quietly too, Cody couldn’t help but grin wryly.

their Jedi idiots, he blamed Rex for that, the man had complained
loudly about General Skywalker and the 212th
and 501st
were quite happy to pick up on that as Obi-Wan wasn’t much better
than his padawan.

that Rex wrong.’ Cody admitted to himself, finally breaking from
Boil to move towards the General, still sitting in the same kneeling
position with his legs tucked beneath himself, rear resting on his
heels and his hands on his thighs.

breath was slow and steady, the cool breeze lightly ruffling his

man was ticking in on four hours of meditation now and to be fair to
the General, he had warned everyone that he was going to do some deep
meditation since they weren’t suppose to move for another three

meditation however meant that the General wouldn’t be ‘aware’
for at least another full twelve, he wouldn’t move, wouldn’t eat
or drink for a full day practically.

also meant that it it started to karking rain or snow, the man
wouldn’t move to
get away for it or get to cover.

down at the relaxed General, Cody glanced up at the sky again before
sighing and waving for Gus.

paused in his conversation with one of the shiny’s, his helmet
visibly dropping a bit, which indicated he was looking down before he
lifted his thumb up in understanding without Cody comming him via the
helmet headsets.

a bit, Cody went back to peering down at his General, taking in the
way the others face for the first time in weeks looked properly

the dark bags under his eyes were still there and his body still
carried the gauntness the vod had started to notice even when the man
was in full armor, but there was something that finally eased in the
others face and his body was no longer tensed.

despite it all, Cody wasn’t about to complain overly much about the
not being aware thing when he was in deep meditation.

he could get the General to take a good eight hour sleep and some
good food in the time they had too.

was worth a shot at least.

down a bit, he smiled at the closed eyes and steady rising and
falling chest, taking in how Obi-Wan’s fingers twitched against his
thighs. “…What did you Jedi do without us, huh?” He teased
softly, knowing the other could hear him even if he wouldn’t
respond as that required him to resurface.

smile grew into a grin when he took notice of Obi-Wan’s lips

as Gus came over with the tent canopy, Cody happily set about getting
his General covered up before the suspected rain could come, making
sure the other wouldn’t get wet and then potentially sick.

what did the Jedi do before they had the troopers.

Can I request a prompt, where Obi-wan discovers he has a terminal disease and tries to hide it from others. Cue Obi-wan hump, and a healthy dose of angst and miscommunication -probably shouldn’t call that healthy though XD.


“…So that’s it then?” Obi-Wan stared at his hands and didn’t
dare look at Che.

“Yes. I’m sorry Master Kenobi. If we caught it a few years
before…” She let out a frustrated breath.

“But what about bacta?” He swallowed. “Couldn’t that…”

“Its been repairing the tissue the sickness has ruined. But it
can’t distinguish your healthy cells and the illness sick ones, it
considers both healthy because technically they aren’t destroyed
like the surrounding structure.” She reached out slowly and took
his hands.

Obi-Wan squeezed down on them, letting out a sharp breath through his
nose. “…So there’s nothing.”

“No. Had it been discovered two years, perhaps even a year before,
you could have undergone chemo and surgery but now? No, its to far
gone, to far advanced.” She offered quietly.

“I didn’t even feel sick…” He whispered.

“That would be the bacta and your natural resistance coming to
terms.” Healer Che murmured.

“…Now I’m thinking about all the signs I ignored.” Obi-Wan
gave a breathless little laugh, wry and painful sounding. “Back
pain, exhaustion, heartburn, weight loss and lack of appetite. It was
so…easy to explain away with the war.” He swallowed, feeling
nauseous as he thought of how things always hurt extra when he leaned
over. “Even the dryness of the mouth…” He was always thirsty,
he drank more then he ate the last few years.

He took a shuddering breath, his emotions sprawling.

Che squeezed his hands. “Master Kenobi…Obi-Wan…I’m so sorry.”

“…How…how long do I have left?”

“With the current prognosis…anything between two to five months.”


‘Two to five months…two to five months… pancreatic cancer…to
far gone for treatment…’ Obi-Wan wrapped his robe more tightly
around himself, feeling colder then the ice on Hoth. He had managed
to swear the healer to silence, citing patient privileges and privacy
and war morale. It still felt like lying but with the news…

He was going to die.

He had two to five months and then he was going to die.

He froze in the middle of the hall before forcing himself to continue
moving towards his quarters, less someone become curious why Master
Kenobi was not moving.

Force blessedly, no one stopped him, perhaps sensing his mood and no
other Council members were meet in the hall.

He reached his rooms and stepped in, closing his eyes in gratefulness
that Anakin was of somewhere. Obi-Wan couldn’t actually bring
himself to remember where as his mind muzzily reminded him to remove
his boots and hang up his robe.

The moment he bent, pain flickered his back and he straightened
slowly as he remembered that this was not a passing pain, this was a
symptom of his sickness. “…I’m going to die.” He said
outloud, the words actually spoken outloud hitting him like a gong.
Obi-Wan pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down until
he was sitting against it, staring at the ceiling of the darkened

“…I’m going to die…” He curled up and cried against his own
legs, each sob tearing from him like a lash of a whip. He would not
get to grow old, Anakin would be his only padawan, Ahsoka his only
grandpadawan. He would not get to see Anakin raised to master. He
would not get to see the end of the war unless it came om swifter
wings then anyone could anticipate.

He was going to die and leave everyone behind.

He wasn’t ready to die.


He was even more reckless on the battlefield.

His safety was no longer a priority. He had no need to preserve
something that was going to snuff out if he could bring the Republic
another victory.

Obi-Wan pretended not to see the worried gazes in his back or the way
Anakin would linger everytime a battle ended, blue eyes searching him
out and looking him over as if he could divine some sort of answer to
Obi-Wan’s behavior.

He had seen Cody run ragged across camp in an attempt to find
something Obi-Wan could eat. He had started accepting the ration bars
if only to appease the man, quietly slipping them back when no one
was looking. No use in wasting rations that wouldn’t be eaten.

Occasionally he had a good day, occasionally he’d manage to eat,
his appetite and pain allowing him to chew and consume something.

He had started to bolster himself thicker clothes so his gauntness
wouldn’t be noticed. Yet…yet he could feel the difference.

Obi-Wan was so tired. His hands would shake at random intervals and
Obi-Wan had more then once noticed a trooper watching them with small
frowns, pretending they hadn’t when they saw Obi-Wan’s eyes on
them but fully reporting it to Cody when they thought the Jedi’s
back was to them enough.

There wasn’t any use though.

Obi-Wan was slowing down.

His exhaustion was becoming more and more apparent. Was this how
death was going to catch him, to ill to fight, to exhausted to
remain, deprive him of all his functions?

Just wasting away, freezing cold in his own bunk?

He’d rather have Qui-Gon’s death. Quick and efficient, a
warrior’s death, cut down.

Or shot down by a blaster.

But he was still the Negotiator, he still had to shoulder on. He had
just a little more fight in him.

And then he had no more.

They were called back to Coruscant and Obi-Wan could feel every step
a painful move as they headed together to the Council chambers, his
shields barely keeping back everything. He felt dizzy and his back
ached despite his straitlaced position.

He could barely hear the rest of the Council through the buzz in his
ears but managed to react when needed. Obi-Wan was so tired and when
it was time to leave the council chamber…he fell.

He stood up, swaying for a few seconds as Anakin called his name
faintly and far away and then the ground came rushing up to meet him.

Obi-Wan never learned if he hit the floor or if someone caught him
because blissed darkness embraced him instead, sending him into


He woke to the ceiling of the Halls, resting in a bed with the
sterile smell of medical around him. His hands were hooked up to
several machines and resting on his sunken in stomach. As he became
more and more aware, Obi-Wan became aware of the pain originating
inside of him where the tumor rested.


“Obi-Wan?” A rough voice whispered and Obi-Wan tilted his head to
look at a scruffy blond at his bedside. He must have been out for a
few days if Anakin’s face meant anything.


The two stared at each other before the others face twisted and he
slowly reached, taking his hand. “I know…Obi-Wan why didn’t you
tell me?”

“…I don’t know…Anakin…I’m scared.” He whispered,
clinging to the hand holding his, pain leaking out past his shields.
“Anakin I don’t want to die. I’m not ready.”

“Oh Obi-Wan.” Anakin sat up on the bedside and pulled the other
up and against his chest, holding him tightly as the copper haired
Jedi started to quietly cry, his entire, to thin body shaking. As he
cried, the pain in his body was slipping past his shields.

“Shit…Obi-Wan, can you release any of that pain?”

“I’ve tried for weeks…no…” He whispered.

“Okay…I’m calling for the healer, alright? they’ll have
something for you.” Obi-Wan felt the knight shift and use the call
button but didn’t move from him. A dying man deserved a respite.

He closed his eyes though, tucking into Anakin’s chest.
“Does…everyone know now?”

Anakin hesitated even as the healer entered the room. “Yes. Oh,
Healer Che.”

“Yes. I see master Kenobi is awa-”

“He can’t release the pain into the Force. Could you…”

“If I do this, his body might start shutting down once the pain
isn’t there to remind him he’s alive. This might be the last few
hours Master K…Obi-Wan, this might be your last few hours.” She
moved around but Obi-Wan couldn’t lift his head from Anakin’s

“Okay.” He whispered. “Anakin can…help me. Help me say
goodbye?” He glanced slowly up at the blond. The other took a
shuddering breath before nodding. “Want me to call for Ahsoka?”

Obi-Wan winced a bit as Che gave him a hyposhot before nodding. “And
Mace and Yoda? And Depa…and I’d like to say goodbye to
Cody…and…and perhaps leave a last message to…to whoever cares?”

“Of course Master.” Anakin held his hand tightly, enclosed in his
as the pain slowly faded.


Obi-Wan was…confused, that was the best word for it.

He was sitting somewhere very dark and he tugged worriedly on his

“Oh padawan…” Obi-Wan looked up in surprise and then blinked up
at Qui-Gon’s sad face before the man reached down and pulled him
up. “It wasn’t suppose to go this way.”

“I don’t understand Master.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon wrapped his robe around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and the
younger man leaned into him. “It doesn’t matter anymore, come
along with me now.”

Qui-Gon slowly brought him through the darkness, Obi-Wan safe beneath
the other mans robe. “Where are we going Master?”

“Does it matter padawan? You’ll be with me.”

“Oh…that sounds nice.”