I don’t know if you take prompts but you’re an amazing writer! If it’s possible, could I ask for a rexwalker short where theyre cuddling in bed?!? Just some sweet fluff :):):)

Shuffling slightly as he woke, Anakin paused as he felt a heavy arm over his waist along with sweaty, thick legs between his own.

For a long moment, his head aching, Anakin struggled to remember what the hell had happened last night… and then he relaxed, grunting slightly with relief.

Rex, it was Rex in his bed, Rex, who had gone with him out bar hopping, Rex, who had his arm around Anakin’s waist, Rex who was pressed against Anakin’s body in an uncomfortable sweaty sensation and yet Anakin couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the man.

Because it was so rare they got to share a bed without having to hurry to get up and get to work.

They were finally on Coruscant, having a small amount of rest, Obi-Wan having managed to talk the council into giving Anakin and the 501stan entire week on Coruscant by taking over the system Anakin was suppose to clean up.

Force, was Anakin grateful to Obi-Wan for that.

Ahsoka finally got a full week at the temple, got to work on some of her homework, got to feel normal and Anakin’s men got to decompress and spend time with his brothers.

And Anakin?

Anakin got to spend time with Rex, his captain happily following him out into the slums to Anakin’s favorite little bar hops that never cared who he brought as long as the tabs were paid.

Oh, Anakin had noticed a few of the patrons staring at Rex but no one had approached them, all of them aware who Anakin was and aware that the owner of the cantina was fond of him.

The nightclub later on didn’t care at all, the half shadows making everyone anonymity in the throng of the crowds and the beat of music.

It had been fun, a drunken, relaxing moment, wrapped up with Rex for once, letting go of being a war General and a Jedi to spend time with the person Anakin cared the most for outside of his family.

Because Rex wasn’t… well he was family of course but he was something…more.

Curiously though, Anakin didn’t quite remember how they managed to return to the temple after their fun and he rather hoped they hadn’t made a fool of themselves in front of the sentinels and the nocturnal Jedi but knowing himself, he’d likely make a scene anyhow that Rex had dragged him from to Anakin’s quarters and bed.

“I can feel you thinking,” Rex suddenly grumbled, his hand suddenly tightening around Anakin’s stomach to pull him more tightly to his chest, the sensation almost disgusting with the amount of sweat trapped between them. “Stop it, its too early.” He huffed into Anakin’s neck, the stubble of his face rubbing the skin.

Shuffling slightly, Anakin grumbled and moved until he could face the other, finding Rex squinting slightly at him, a furrow between his brows.

Likely a hangover too from the looks of it and Anakin couldn’t help but smile fondly as he reached up to gently thumb the others temple. “Headache?” He whispered, letting the quietness of the morning linger.

He got a grunt in response but Rex frown eased when Anakin lightly brought the Force to aid. Now, healing Force wasn’t Anakin’s best trait but he could ease out a small headache and heal some injuries.

Force knew he had enough time to practice that with master ‘I am not invincible but I will use myself as bait.’ Kenobi.

Headache mostly gone, Rex pushed forward until his face was buried in Anakin’s collarbone, sighing contently as he rewrapped his arm around the Jedi’s waist, hand finding the small of his back to pet.

Deciding he might as well deal with most of his own headache, Anakin reluctantly settled in to meditate it away, settling as Rex continued absently petting.

Honestly, it was sweaty, their skin were uncomfortably sticking to each other and Anakin could faintly smell the sourness of Rex breath along with a slight undertone of stale alcohol.

Yet he didn’t find it in himself to move away, feeling content despite it all as he lingered in Rex arms.

They could take a shower later.

How often did they get to just linger in bed.

Together, the two went back to sleep, curled into each other with sweaty, sticky skin and the promise of a quiet day in Anakin’s quarters.

What about cute Codywan sickfic (either one sick is great)?

“…My legs hurt.”

The raspy voice had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open to blearily peer at Cody, the commander blinking slowly back at him with glazed eyes. “…Muscle aches, normal with… with the flu.” Obi-Wan rasped out.

The entire 212th, or well, two thirds of it, was down with the flu.

Most of them had bunked up together, to make it easier for those that were well to help those that were unwell. Obi-Wan and Cody had taken the chance to bunk up in the General’s tent.

Killer had come by after about half a day and rigged a heater in the room, allowing them to turn the space warm as they laid the mattresses out on the floor with blankets and pillows.

Bunking together was wonderful, especially since they had a valid reason for it that even Anakin couldn’t deny, the other Jedi having been full of puppy eyes when Obi-Wan told both him and the rest of the 501st to stay far away.

They were just too contagious and would be for a full week, it was why they had isolated themselves.

So for now, it would only be the 212th and their General, camping behind friendly lines and recovering.

It was nice to be curled up with his lover.

But they were still both miserable, despite sharing the same bed.

Sweaty and gross too.

Obi-Wan at least felt sweaty and gross, but despite it all, he pulled Cody closer to him with an arm around the others waist, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Another hour and we can take a new round of medication beloved one.” He murmured promisingly.

A small, almost amused smirk crossed Cody’s lips at that, pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s lower back. “Betcha Helix gets here before you take yours and injects you again.” He teased in a raspy voice.

Obi-Wan just grimaced and opted not to comment.

Regardless how much he tried to convince the troopers that the Force would aid him, they all just gave him the ‘right, bullshit’ look. Or in Cody’s case, outright called him out on it with varying expressions on his face depending on the circumstances.

Like the time he rolled his eyes then groaned loudly after Obi-Wan broke his leg kicking a command droid head off.

Apparently half the 212th heard the snap of his leg over the battlefield and poor Lamb had almost thrown up at the sound in his own bucket.

There was a little tap against his forehead of another forehead meeting his and Obi-Wan let out a small noise, blinking at Cody. “Where did you go?” Cody murmured, smiling vaguely. “Your eyes got all vacant there for a second.” He explained quietly, thumb rubbing at the small of Obi-Wan’s back.

Obi-Wan snorted then shrugged. “That time I broke my leg.” He admitted as he gently groped at his beloved’s blacks.

Cody grimaced instantly, giving a full body shudder. “That was fucking horrible. Almost as bad as when Ponds fell on his head, the wet smack.” He gagged a slight before pressing in under Obi-Wan’s chin.

Humming slightly, Obi-Wan simply held the other. “Let’s just try to get some more rest… this is all awful enough as it is without rest.” He mumbled, trying to slow down his breathing.

Grunting slightly, Cody nodded into his chest. “Rest would be good.” He muttered.


Jerking the boy away from the hive quickly by wrapping him up in one arm
to shield him with his own body, Yan sent the hive and the wasps it
contained flying into the lake with a strong Force shove before more
harm could be done though the thing had already done more than enough
harm in his eyes as he turned his eyes to Obi-Wan.

The young padawan’s eyes were tightly closed and his jaw gritted as he held his left cheek, tears clinging to his eyelashes.

He’d been stung.

course he had been stung and Qui-Gon was still with the native clan
leaders trying to negotiate for information about the terrorists who had
marched through with the explosives stolen from the warehouses of the
Empress army.

Which left Yan with Obi-Wan.

“Let me see,” He rumbled out, closing his hand around the boy’s wrist to carefully tug it away.

managed to stifle a tiny sob and obeyed but it was clear he was in
severe pain, his cheek already swelling heavily and turning a bright red
as Yan stared at it. Swallowing down the curse that wanted to escape
him, Yan touched the swelling area gently with his fingertips to check
if the stinger was still in, murmuring in apology when Obi-Wan flinched
at the touch. “Are you allergic to wasp sting Obi-Wan? To any insects at
all?” He questioned hurriedly.

Breath hitching, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to answer but ended up letting out a sob instead before shaking his head as answer.

Well that was something.

He wasn’t allergic but to be stung in the face by such large insects…

Obi-Wan up into his arms, Yan marched towards the camp they had set up
only hours earlier. “Its going alright Obi-Wan, I’ll make sure you’re
going to be alright.” Yan murmured soothingly as he knew better than to

If he panicked, Obi-Wan would panic.

Remaining calm was the only thing for it and it would make it easier to treat Obi-Wan.

boy clenched his hands into Yan’s chest, bunching the tunic as he
continued fighting against the pain with fat tears rolling down his

But he doesn’t make a noise as Yan finally sets him down
outside the tent and brings out the medkit. Yan’s not sure that’s such a
good thing, for a young teenager to decide to just bare the pain
without any noise.

‘At least he’s letting himself cry… or maybe
he just can’t stop.’ Yan wondered as the tears continued rolling down
flushed cheeks as the boy watched Yan ruffle through the medkit, his
hands fisted into the hem of his tunic to avoid touching his swelling,
red cheek.

Finding the correct tube of medical cream along with a container of analgesic patches, Yan turned back to Obi-Wan.

meet pained green eyes, softening at the sight as it reminded him so
much of Qui-Gon when the boy had sprained his wrist when he was still a
young padawan instead of the knight of today. “This is cooling bacta
cream that will prevent infection and heal up the sting site,” Yan
murmured, keeping his tone low and even before holding up the patch.
“And this will take care of most of the pain. I’m going to put the patch
on your neck but you’re going to need to let me touch your cheek to put
on the cream.” He finished up and waited until Obi-Wan gave a hiccuping
nod. “Good boy.” He praised, shifting closer on his knees.

secured on the pale neck, Yan got a dollop of cream on his fingers
before tilting Obi-Wan’s head with a grasp on the padawan’s clefted chin
with his clean hand.

At the touch, Obi-Wan once more flinched, a
direct sob escaping him as Yan rumbled out soothing nonsense while
slowly dabbing the cream to the sting site while Obi-Wan flinched in his
grasp but didn’t outright try to escape.

Finally done, Yan wiped
his hand on the grass and pulled Obi-Wan to his chest, Yan ran his
clean fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair. “That’s a boy, you did so good
Obi-Wan and its going to get better now, I promise,” He murmured.
Obi-Wan sniffled heavily, hands still clenched in his tunic hem but he
wasn’t gritting his teeth anymore as he pressed his unstung, wet from
tears cheek to Yan’s chest, his body begging to be held for comfort that
Yan was not about to deny him. “Now, I need you to tell me if it
doesn’t get better alright, if you feel nauseous or in more pain then I
need to take you to a medic. You will tell me if you become worse,
right?” Yan needed some reassurance of his own.

There was a loud swallowing noise before Obi-Wan nodded into the warm chest.

good. For now just try to relax. Try meditating if you can but its
alright if you can’t.” Yan held around the boy, stroking his hair

His poor grandpadawan, such poor luck.

Mech siblings

Standing frozen in the bedroom doorway, Obi-Wan stared at the other two
inhabitants of the quarters as they were each hiding behind a squishy
couch, giggling like younglings on a sugar rush with bowls in their

But that wasn’t what had frozen Obi-Wan, oh no he was used
to Ahsoka and Anakin acting like five year olds at times and honestly he
didn’t mind it as laughter was good for the soul and the system,
especially in this war.

No what had taken Obi-Wan totally of
guard was the sight of magnets stuck to Anakin and Ahsoka’s right mech
arms, Anakin’s leather glove on the caff table.

As he watched,
the two popped up from each their couch and threw magnets from their
bowls at the other, their demented giggling turning into delighted
squeals as they hit each other, Ahsoka managing to score what looked
like the fifth hit on Anakin’s arm and Anakin missing Ahsoka fully with
the magnet hitting somewhere behind the togruta as she ducked back down
behind the couch.

Lips twitching, Obi-Wan settled against the bedroom doorway to watch the little battle.

It was nice to see them like this.

After Ahsoka lost her arm on Onderon she had sunken into a slight depression as she wasn’t as able as she used to be.

Or so she felt.

then they had managed to come home and the council had formally
acknowledged that the loss of his arm was now the trial of flesh for
Ahsoka and Anakin had quietly taken her to the Halls where Ahsoka had
gotten the choice to be outfitted with a neural patchwork on her stump
so she could have a prosthetic as her master had.

Two days later
Anakin had personally built her an arm, making sure it functioned better
than anything they could buy, tuning it carefully and making sure the
sleek silver arm would be easy for Ahsoka to care for.

Ahsoka was
still uncertain about perhaps getting a dermal covering but for now it
was bare, showing off Anakin’s clear skill of machine and metalwork.

Ahsoka had started her recovery, learning to use her new arm and it was still ongoing but…

at them now you wouldn’t know that and Obi-Wan felt his lips twitches
turn into a soft, tender smile as the two continued to pelt each other
with magnets, all of them shaped like colorful fruits.

going down Skyguy!” Ahsoka cried out, popping out with a handful of
magnets in her flesh hand and her fangs flashing with her wide grin.

first Snips!” Anakin didn’t pop up over the back of the couch but from
the side, the magnets not coming from his hand but coming zooming like
little projectiles from the bowl directly.

Squeaking, Ahsoka held up her bowl to catch them. “Ah! Cheating! We agreed no Force use!” She yelped.

is fair in love and war!” Anakin cackled evilly before crying out in
shock when Ahsoka jumped over the couch to come for him. “Hey!”

and war!” Ahsoka cried out as her battle call before tackling her
master, the human’s bowl flying and raining down its magnets all around
the apartment as Ahsoka  turned her own bowl on Anakin and dumped the
content on him.

Most of the magnets fell off him when Anakin bucked his padawan off him but quite a few remained stuck to his arm too.

Before everything could escolate as Anakin tried to snatch magnets off the floor to throw, Obi-Wan cleared his throat.

younger Jedi froze and turned to him, turning sheepish in the face of
his amusement. “I see you two managed to entertain yourself while I
napped.” He drawled out dryly.

To that they only laughed sheepishly, apologized and then started to clean up.

Obi-Wan shook his head and straightened. “I’ll make some tea and hot
chocolate for us.” He said, hiding his joy over both of their happiness
as he instead padded to the kitchenette and ignored their wide grins and
the metal high five that had magnets falling to the floor.

Padawans at our heart

Rubbing the back of his padawan’s hand with his mech fingers as he sat
up against the cave wall, Anakin pressed the heel of his palm to her
breastbone to feel the rise and fall of her chest as she took her
labored breaths.

Every breath was a struggle, the togruta having
eaten something her body had not tolerated but there was nothing to do
for it, the two Jedi sitting in a shallow cave as the lightning storm
raged outside.

It had caught them on their return which had left
them unable to return to camp where Kix would have antihistamines or
something for Ahsoka.

So that left them in their current
situation, Ahsoka sitting between Anakin’s legs with her back to his
chest as the human steadily kept her lungs and throat from closing up
with the Force every second hour.

But healing was not a skill Anakin really had and he was trying his best just to keep his padawan alive.

we get back to camp, I’m having Kix run a full blood test on her to
check for allergies. What the kark did she eat that she reacted this
badly to?’ Anakin wondered with some desperation. Ahsoka had not been
able to answer him what it could potentially be as she had eaten several
unique things on the planet and hadn’t understood she was having an
allergic reaction to start with as togrutas bodies were hardened and it
had tried to fight the reaction.

By the time she realized what it
was, several hours had gone by and Anakin was left without anything to
aid his padawan properly with.

“I’m sorry.” Ahsoka suddenly rasped.

her, Anakin pulled her closer to his body, feeling how cold she was.
“Don’t talk Ahsoka, preserve your strength and just keep breathing,” He
murmured in return, feeling her panic rise once more as she struggled to
breath. “You need to keep breathing as calmly as you can or you’ll make
yourself worse Snips.” He murmured in a weakly scolding tone.

Ahsoka whined a bit at that but gave a weak nod and pressed back into her master with a soft, pained noise.

Slowly she went back to her half drowsing state.

up with the hand not on Ahsoka’s chest to open her airways, Anakin
tilted her chin up so she would have an easier time breathing as he
considered something, anything really, to sooth her panic that he could
still feel in a low level burning through the bond in her.

After a
few moments he started to sing just like his mother had used to do when
Anakin woke with nightmares, stroking her monteral with the leather
covered hand as Obi-Wan had used to do with him as a padawan.

going to be alright Snips, I’m right here, I’m not going to leave you
alone or leave you behind.” Anakin swore quietly as the lightning storm
raged outside, the thunder rolling over them with booms echoing in their
small cave.

He heard her swallow heavily, a wheeze escaping her
as she squeezed her hand on his thigh. “Know… got me. You… got me.” She
managed to wheeze out and beneath the panic and the fear in Ahsoka,
Anakin sensed the utter trust she had in Anakin’s ability to keep her
safe and ensure she would come out to see the light of day once more.

karking Force, please make me worthy of that trust.’ He thought shakily
as he held his padawan as tightly as he dared while once more opening
Ahsoka’s airways as her breaths started to whistle in her lungs. “I got
you, I’m here for you. I promise Ahsoka.” Anakin whispered before
pressing a kiss  to her montrale.

She squeezed his knee once more in response with a cough escaping her.

‘Get her to Kix. First thing the storm ends, get her to camp and to Kix…’

Night time comfort

Grunting in surprise as he had been tethering on the edge of sleep when
his door had opened, Qui-Gon lifted a hand to his eyes to shield from
the light as he squinted at his doorway at the shape standing there
framed in light.

Though honestly there weren’t many people it
could potentially be other than his padawan if Qui-Gon really thought
about it but to be fair, his brain was on the edge of sleep!

The teen stood there, uncertain, his pillow held tightly in his arms and his eyes red rimmed.

Blinking, Qui-Gon pushed himself up on his elbow a bit. “Obi-Wan?” He rumbled, voice thick with the sleep he had almost reached.

boy shuffled. “I-I’m sorry, I just…” He stuttered, tone uncertain and
borderline frightened and Qui-Gon felt his heart break before he

This was not the first time Obi-Wan had showed up in
his doorway at night, the boy had been through civil war, terrible
visions and pain enough for anyone to have nightmares. The boy clearly
had lingering traumas if not outright PTSD after the Melida/Daan affair.

And clearly he expected to be sent away and to deal with his own trauma as he always did.

here padawan,” Qui-Gon instead invited as he lifted his arm to hold the
blanket up. Instantly his padawan quickly scuttled inside and closed
the door behind him before Obi-Wan closed the distance from the door to
the bed and crawled in under Qui-Gon’s arm with his pillow under his
head. He pushed in close as Qui-Gon placed his arm and the blanket
around him. “Nightmare?” Qui-Gon asked quietly as he stroked the baby
soft hairs of the others nape with a gentle hand.

Obi-Wan nodded into the warm and muscled chest of the older Jedi.

glad I decided to wear a sleep tunic to bed tonight.’ He thought to
himself as he continued to slowly rub at hairs and nape before rubbing
down the others back. “Its alright, you can stay here with me.” Qui-Gon
promised quietly.

There was a little sniffle and then Obi-Wan
cuddled as close as his small body allowed him while accepting the
comforts of his master, his little hands tightening into the others
sleep tunic.

When the other didn’t make any noises for close to a
half hour, Qui-Gon started to suspect the other was asleep and settled
his hand on the boys back as he settled to try and go back to sleep.
Honestly it wouldn’t take too much with the warm little teddy curled
into his body.

However just moments before he could, Obi-Wan did
speak up. “I’m sorry master, I’m suppose to take care of myself but I
keep coming here and crawling into your bed.” He hiccuped quietly and
hid his face in Qui-Gon’s chest.

To be fair, Qui-Gon couldn’t see
the other anyhow as he couldn’t see in the dark. Pulling the boy a bit
up he instead pressed a soft kiss to the redhead’s forehead. “Don’t
Obi-Wan. I am here to be your guardian and your teacher, that is the job
of a master and that includes helping you through any eventual issues
you have. As long as you trust me to help you.” Qui-Gon murmured

There was a little sniffle and then a nod. “I trust you.
You’re safe… you’re big and safe.” Obi-Wan whispered so quietly Qui-Gon
almost couldn’t hear him.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed
another kiss to the others forehead. “Then I’ll keep on trying to look
after you, everyday for as long as you stay my padawan.” He promised

There was a soft snuffle and then Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the others chest, holding on. “Thank you…” He whispered.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed his nose to the others hair.

He may not be able to guard Obi-Wan from his nightmares or from the visions the Force sent him… but he could reassure him.

The initation of a prank war, Anakin started it but Obi-Wan brings out the big guns.

Admittedly, Obi-Wan had gotten the idea from a holonet video.

Holotube actually.

Now, normally he’d never, ever consider doing what he was about to do.

However, Anakin had started this little prank war by sharing Obi-Wan’s drunk singing and sobbing after Quinlan had convinced the redhead to come out drinking, Obi-Wan sporting only his shorts for some reason he could no longer remember.

Or well, that was the official story that Anakin got to hear, Obi-Wan might have indulged in a tiny bit of weed too but shhh, that was not for Anakin to know.

So when Cody, a tad uncomfortable and rubbing the back of his neck, told Obi-Wan that sex ed wasn’t so prevalent taught on Kamino by the longnecks and had quietly requested that Obi-Wan give a basic lesson for both the 212th and the 501st, particularly for the older generations since the youngers were being taught by more concerned members…

Well, Obi-Wan had seen an opportunity and he had taken it.

Of course, hearing about the sex ed, Anakin had come slinking like a great hound, anticipating some humiliation on his old master and Ahsoka had tagged along, pretending like she was just bored.

Obi-Wan could tell she was curious though, his heart went out to her.

She missed a lot of lessons due to the war, being out of the temple. They tried to not let her miss too much but some things took priority and a sex ed lesson might have been pushed back.

Thankfully, this wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had run sex ed lessons, despite what Anakin seemed to think, therefore he wasn’t getting the hilarity he had hoped.

Clapping his hands together, Obi-Wan gave all of them a benign smile. “Now, we’ve gone over male and female intercourse, male on male, female on female, lube and protections,” He chuckled softly as there were a few scattered, nervous laughs. “There is one more thing though, the STD’s.”

Obi-Wan picked up his little controller, gesturing to the board behind him and he noticed a bored Anakin leaning back against the wall, a good view of everything with Ahsoka beside him and troopers lining the chairs and tables in front of him.


Clicking the button, Obi-Wan fought not to cackle as Anakin choked on his own spit in shock.

Because on the diagram display was a well drawn image of Anakin, a tad cartoony of course as Obi-Wan had literally given Anakin what looked like a clown nose for glands on his cock. “Now, if you will direct your attention here,” He gestured to around the groin area of the image, ignoring how there were a loud choking noise from the back and choked coughs and laughs. “These are genitalia warts-” He didn’t get any further when Anakin seemed to collect himself.

“OBI-WAN!” He roared in outrage, making his way forward.

“Anakin, I’m having a lesson here!” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smirk at him, as Anakin closed in on him. “I mean, its not like its a video of you singing a bawdy song and then sobbing about why snakes lack legs.” He drawled, watching Anakin freeze between Killer and Longshot.

The blue eyed blond stared at him in shock. “I-Is this revenge!?” He squeaked.

“Now, now Anakin, a Jedi does not seek revenge,” Obi-Wan smirk grew. “And I am after all the poster boy of Jedi as you like to say… now, as you all can see, this is genitalia worts, they can be very uncomfortable but are a curable STD to contract.” He continued.

From his peripherals, he noted Anakin slinking back to a giggling Ahsoka, his grandpadawan covering her mouth with her lekkus twitching heavily.

Around the room, the troopers were still struggling not to laugh, just as when Anakin shared the image of an almost undressed, siging and crying Obi-Wan.

Ah, vindication was sweet… but he also expected Anakin to retaliate and soon by the look in the others eyes.

Still, totally worth it.

A wholesome fic of Codywan relaxing, them having a day off from the war

Handing over the cups to the other man, Obi-Wan gingerly crawled into the bed behind Cody, settling against the headboard and tucking the pillows around until he was comfortable.

Once done, he took the cups from the other and chuckled as the commander leaned back until his back was against Obi-Wan’s chest, letting out a soft grunt as he pulled the duvet up around them until both commander and general was comfortable. “Okay, give me my hot chocolate.” Cody murmured, voice low to not break the softness that had descended on the rooms of Obi-Wan’s quarters.

With Anakin out and about with a certain Senator and Ahsoka bunking in the padawan dorms and having fessed up, with her lekku’s and cheeks flushing, that she was going with Barris somewhere, they were guaranteed peace and calm.

They sought to make the most of it.

Therefore they had first taken a long water shower together, their bodies warm as they scrubbed each others hair, exchanging lazy kisses and gentle brushes of fingers, taking the time to just… feel each other.

It was soft and warm and something they couldn’t get always, going slow and steady.

Afterwards they had pulled the tv into the bedroom, Cody setting it up so they could watch it from the bed as Obi-Wan went to the kitchen, finding a plate of puff pastries with cream fill in the fridge and making two steaming cups of dark chocolate for them.

In Obi-Wan’s cup, there were a few miniature marshmallows floating about, slowly melting in the heat as he held tie cup tightly, savoring the smell and warmth.

Cody’s meanwhile had a touch of chili in it, heating the drink just right as Cody had a taste for spice like many clones.

There was a very good reason why moonshine and hot sauce were two of the most traded items in the GAR after all along with sweeteners for caff or tea.

The plate of pastries, set on a plate on the night table, combined with the hot chocolate and the warmth of being wrapped up in each other was everything either could want for on the cold Coruscant day.

Being alone, clean, satisfied and also wearing soft worn pj’s, Cody’s loaned from Obi-Wan, made everything even better as the two settled on the movie they had picked out prior to the shower and settling down in bed.

It wasn’t a good one, a silly romcom but the importance wasn’t the movie really but that they were together, curled up together as they watched curiously.

Sipping the coca slowly, Cody let out a relieved hum when he didn’t burn his tongue, smiling when Obi-Wan’s free arm wrapped around his chest to rest over Cody’s heart. “Clingy.” He murmured teasingly.

“Only when its you.” Obi-Wan answered quietly, pressing a soft kiss to Cody’s temple.

The admittance had Cody smiling, the smile growing even wider when Obi-Wan dropped his lips to a dark mark on the commander’s neck.

Soft, warm and cuddled together.

Cody could unfortunately get used to this, as rare as it was in the war. ‘Savor the memory Cody. The war will hold for another day.’ He promised himself as he soaked up the comfort of his Jedi.

Just for this night, it was them, a stupid movie and warm chocolate.

I love your works! If you’re taking asks, could you write some Rexwalker, maybe after Salukemi or that Jedi Crash episode?

The hero with no fear is one giant sham.

Really, Anakin has no idea who came up with that name for him and he’d like to have a talk with the person, just a little talk… in a dark room with no video surveillance.

Obi-Wan’s nickname of the Negotiator fits much better, Obi-Wan can negotiate his way out of an execution and get the crown jewels of a planet!

But Anakin has fears, many.

And most of them centers around the people he cares for, loves.

He fears Ahsoka not becoming a knight as she wants to be.

He fears Obi-Wan shunning him.

He fears having either comm him with tears in their eyes as they finally have a breakdown because of this hellish war.

He fears losing the respect he has managed to get from the council if not their trust.

He fears becoming an outcast among the Jedi.

And most of all… he fears loosing the people he loves.

Which is why Anakin is in the barracks at this moment with his heart in his throat, tearing past troopers as he has one goal in mind.

Finding Rex.

Because Rex had been shot.

His Rex, Rex who had cupped Anakin’s face and pulled him down into a kiss, Rex who laughed into their kisses and rubbed their noses together on cold nights. Rex, who would practically purr when Anakin rubbed his fingers through the short scruff of his blond hair.

Rex, who Anakin knew he loved, which was why he shot into the medbay with his eyes searching around until they landed on his lover.

The shorter man was standing in front of Kix, a little slumped and sans his armor, his skin tinged with a grayish color compared to the healthy tan.

But alive.

Beautifully, wonderfully alive and there, right in front of Anakin as both troopers turned at the sound of the door.

Rex face lit up with a smile the moment he saw Anakin, opening his mouth to greet him and Anakin couldn’t have stopped himself if so the entire council was in the room.

He jumped forward and wrapped his captain in a hug, pressing a desperate kiss to the others lips as he pretty much lifted Rex off his feet, the captain letting out a squeak that he knew the other would deny later.

Beside, vode kept each others secret, Anakin was Rex secret.

This wouldn’t spread and Anakin only pulled back when Rex hit on the back of his shoulders, the captain now flushed instead of gray as he smiled up at Anakin. “I’m glad to see you too,” He chuckled breathlessly. “But please be a bit more careful.” He added on.

Wincing, setting the other down, Anakin glanced worriedly between an exasperated Kix and an amused Rex. “I-I’m sorry.” He stammered even as he kept his hands on Rex waist, desperate to keep in touch with his lover.

Rex just reached up and patted him fondly on the cheek, callused hand warm and gentle. “Its alright cyare, just… a bit sore. Kix got me back in shape and I can even leave the medbay but I need some rest.” The man murmured, eyes softening as Anakin leaned into the touch.

Glancing to Kix for confirmation, Anakin felt his shoulders relax at the medics steady nod. “…My quarters got a good bed and heating system.” Anakin murmured, tugging the other gently with him, chest aching at the soft, exasperated look he got.

‘The hero with no fear, yeah right,’ Anakin leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to Rex brow before grasping his hand and pulling him along. ‘More like the hero with a million fears… but they’re worth it.’ He noted to himself, Rex squeezing his hand as they made their way into the hallways.

Most of the 501st knew anyway, neither bothering to hide on their way to Anakin’s quarters.

‘This is worth the fear,’ Anakin glanced at Rex, feeling warm at the sleepy, trusting smile he got from the captain. ‘Rex’s worth the fear. And deserving of all my love.’

Cuddling? Just… some folks like Obi-Wan (with the 212th) or Cody (with other commanders) cuddling and relaxing and getting to take a break for a bit? Or maybe Mace and his lineage, they’re all so overworked and I think they deserve a good cuddle session. Thanks for all of your awesome stories!

Opening his eyes lazily to peer up at an amused Depa, Mace simply tightened his hold on Caleb as he sunk deeper into the beanbag, just silently staring back at his old padawan.

Caleb, bless his heart, continued sleeping, nuzzling into his grandmaster’s chest as the master of the order tugged the blankets provided by Ponds more around the sleeping boy. The war had been tearing on all of them and Mace had…

Well, he worried.

Caleb was so young and he knew, from dealing with Obi-Wan, how youth and war did not mix properly.

He had seen Obi-Wan Kenobi returning from Melida/Daan.

He had been a knight at the time but he had seen how the boy had come back skittish, gaunt with a light missing in his eyes and even as he physically bounced back, something in the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn had clearly changed and not for the best.

So yes, sue him, he worried and therefore he was going to have a grand ol’ snuggle time with his padawan’s padawan.

Especially since his worried men, in combination with the 212th, had provided not only blankets but also beanbags for them to rest, settling them under a tree to provide some shade from the suns shining down on them, the air smelling comfortingly of fresh forest with the day being decently warm and the blanket providing the rest they needed.

Actually, speaking of the 212th…

Glancing to his side, Mace found Obi-Wan, just like Caleb, was deeply asleep, curled up in the beanbag as he rested on his commander’s chest, the clone commander rubbing his fingers slowly through the others red hair as he peered at the sky.

“…So, are there more beanbags and blankets?” Depa finally whispered to avoid waking either Obi-Wan or Caleb, glancing around and visibly pouting when she didn’t see any in sight.

Grumbling faintly, Mace glanced around too before catching the lieutenant with the shaved head from 212th eyes.

The man blinked before looking at Depa, beaming brightly in realization before he scuttled off quickly.

Mace raised his hand from Caleb briefly, giving the other the thumb up. “No but in a few moments there will be. Not sure where the troopers got these from but I’m grateful.” He rumbled quietly, dropping his hand back to pet Caleb’s fluffy hair instead of simply resting on him.

It was moments like this he delighted that Depa hadn’t made Caleb get the traditional padawan haircut or that the boy himself hadn’t insisted.

Fluffy hair that was nice to pet, fluffy little padawan.

He was really fond of his grandpadawan he would admit, Caleb was curious and driven and it hurt Mace heart to see the boy in war.

But there was nothing he could do about that instead of trudging on wards, trying to end the war with the Senate breathing down their necks and Jedi dying in the name of the Senate.

Mace had to send that bitter feeling into the air as the lieutenant from the 212th came over with the beanbags and blankets for Depa.

He felt more and more that they were fighting less for justice and the Republic and more for the karking politicians.

It was why he treasured moments like this, cuddling Caleb with his fellow Jedi resting around him, Obi-Wan’s fuzzy sleep aura warm and Depa settling down with them with her own calm easing his heart.

Priceless moments.