Needfortouch: Din does go rescue baby Yoda, right? Does Paz leave with him in this?

He has a kid.

Sitting in the pilot seat, staring at the green, cooing thing, Din isn’t sure what to make of himself.

Hadn’t he so long ago sworn that he’d never be swayed by his own instincts, that he wouldn’t be that kind of omega?

The ones media liked to portray, the omega with wide hips and a child on it with an alpha coming home from work to scent them?

Not that there was anything wrong with that way of life.

It just…

It wasn’t Din.

Din was not that kind of omega.

Din walked a lonesome road, flew among the stars, kept to himself and tried to hide his designation to avoid complications. Hell, the few times he had flown his old gang, he had always dismantled his nest and hid it.

He didn’t want to bother with them figuring it out.

But here he was, a child on his lap and a covet he had left behind to fend of the Imperial remains of a Moff, his instincts having screamed too loudly when he saw the hover pram in the trash.

The moment he had seen it, his mind had switched off and his instincts had kicked in.

Just hours earlier he had been in Paz Vizla’s lap, giving into said instincts.

Maybe they had been closer to the surface from, maybe it had been his own guilt, maybe Din was trying to give himself excuses, maybe it was a combination of all three.

But the end result was the same.

A child in his lap on the Razor Crest, his covet left behind and a bounty on his head more than likely, along with the kid.

And he didn’t even know what species it was or what his name was.

Dropping his head back, Din’s helmet made a thumping noise as he exhaled loudly, the kid staring back up at him while chewing on his hand. “…I’m not quite sure what to do now.” Din admitted quietly.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Din had given into his instincts and his covet was paying the price, while Din fled.

Like a coward.

He twitched and the kid gave a low, worried coo at him, Din closing his eyes before letting out a shaking breath. His scent must be sour again, Din wasn’t sure what to do about that.

There was nothing in his life to tell him how to deal with this.

Maybe if Din had reached out a little more to the rest of his pack, maybe if he had spoken to the Armorer, after all, as an omega and alor, she would know more, know better, maybe some way for Din to deal, so many maybe’s and nothing to do about them as he carefully lifted the kid and put him back in the pram.

Instead he forced himself to inhale and exhale steadily, forcing calm into his veins as he repeated the action four more times.

Least he felt calmer as he turned back to the kid, tilting his head slightly. “Don’t suppose you have any answers kid?” He questioned tiredly, only to get a soft coo and the kid chewing on his hand again.

Din blinked, turning back to the controls to put the Razor Crest into autopilot.

Then he stood and picked up the child. “I imagine they didn’t feed you properly in that lab,” He mused out loud, wondering when was the last time he had spoken this much to someone. “If you’re willing to choke down some rations, I got some food at least.” He moved out into the galley, heading to the small, very small, kitchen it had.

It would be at least something for the kid to eat… if he ate rations.

Honestly, Din wasn’t sure what this kid even ate and for a panicked little moment, he wondered if the kid was so young that he drank milk. Then his mind kicked in and reminded him that the little one had eaten a live frog for Manda’s sake.

It was very unlikely that the kids proximity would push Din’s body into producing milk.

He let out a shaken breath of relief, the kid squeaking up at him, as if questioning what was wrong now.

“Alright kid, lets see how you do with bland rations.” Din bounced him absently a bit, his brain pausing on the move before he just forced himself to get the ration bars out. ‘Just… roll with it Din, just roll with it.’

Din needs some cuddles. Poor lonesome Din ;A;

Well, this was a situation Din had never expected.

How he had ended up in an alcove with Paz Vizla of all people, pressed up against him with only their helmets and flightsuits on, he wasn’t sure.

And he didn’t want to know as he pressed his helmet plating to the man’s shoulder, curled up in the large lap.

The damn alpha had come out of nowhere, scruffing Din when he had been about to go take a warm shower and try and dispel the uncertainty lingering in his veins with… well anything.

Hell, he had been tempted to get some spotchka, drink himself silly.

Maybe he’d be able to forget the look on the kids face then as he was lead away by the scientist.


His stomach curdled with unease once more at the memory and he squirmed only for Vizla’s hand to suddenly return to the back of Din’s neck, thumb once more pressing on his scent gland.

Instantly, his muscles turned soft again, Din letting out a low, garbled whine of contentment.

Since his father passed, no one had done this to him and Paz was being so respectful, his hands never going too low or trying to find skin.

No, the alpha kept his hands on fabric and kept them out of any intimate zones and while the removal of the gloves had almost gotten Din out of his skin at first, he had relaxed as Paz did something to him that no one else had in years.

Well, except that one time a bounty figured it out and had tried to take advantage of Din, but he’d driven his blade into the fuckers guts for trying, his instincts screaming at him with an unfamiliar alpha touching him.

Paz however was not an unfamiliar alpha.

For all the agitation and the almost fight, Paz was as familiar as the Armorer, a part of the pack, something that had been there since Din was rescued from the droids when his mother and father died, since his buir took him in, since he went into training.

Always steady and always there.

And safe in this moment.

Din was not a small man.

He knew he was lanky and he had muscles to match but compared to the alpha, whose lap he was sitting in, Din actually felt small.

Especially with that hand holding the back of his neck, scruffing him to release hormones and the other hand rubbing up and down Din’s back.

Through their kutes, Din could feel how warm the other was and for a wild moment, he almost wished to take his helmet off to press his cheek to the others chest.

The sensations were almost enough to put Din to sleep.

His rest had not been good, not since he gave up the child to the Imp. His instincts had been clawing and screaming at him, for giving up a child to someone that would hurt him for sure.

But in Paz lap, curled up into the alpha with the slow, gentle touches that had him tensing in the start…

It was different, his body was relaxing and his mind was filling with static.

Eyes blurry he peered at the blue cuirass resting beside them, Paz having removed all his armor to do this. He wondered how many had seen Paz out of his armor like this or at the very least, how many had been curled up into the man without the armor.

Not many Din suspected.

It felt nice to be one of the few, even if he knew that it was because he was an omega and the covet was on edge due to the revelation. No one would of course stop him from being a bounty hunter, but it was harder to let go of an omega alone into the galaxy he knew, when they were so few.

Every member, beta, alpha or omega, hurt them and they could ill afford to loose even one.

But an omega was guaranteed to carry, to give more than one youngling to the covet, loosing someone that could give more members were always worse.

Din remembered someone crudely once putting it as ‘you only need one bull among the cows for calves to be born.’ and while crude, the analog was right.

And Din…

He had wanted, lonely heats with only himself and his pathetic nest in the Razor Crest, he’d imagine sometimes even as he tried not to.

They’d let him go, as he always did, but they’d try to entice him back quicker, to help him find someone to bond to, be it platonic or romantic.

Din got it, he really did, omegas like him weren’t made for lonesomeness, not really, his mind craved the closeness of another person, someone to hold and cuddle as he forced himself forward. But the covet had needed him more.

“Are you still awake, beroya?” Paz rumbled, voice low but soft, cutting through Din’s thoughts.

Closing his eyes, Din just gave a sleepy noise, whining slightly when Paz hand on his spine paused.

There was a quiet chuckle, Paz shifting slightly against the wall as his hand went back to the steady rub.

Just for a little while, Din would let himself have what he craved, some pack contact.

And then he’d do his duty.

This was the way.

need for touch, well fuck me. I need to know what comes after. Does anyone give Din some tlc? Or SOMETHING?

It could blamed on the day, the entire week, the revelation or something else but for whatever reason, Din is distracted as he comes out of his room, sans armor except for his helmet as he steps into hallway.

Sporting simply his helmet and his suit, not even his cape, makes him look so much smaller for all his lean muscles.

His durasteel cuirass, vambrace, pauldron, cuisse and greaves left behind for some reason, maybe the other is going for a shower, maybe for once he’s letting himself be vulnerable, maybe it needs to be polished and repaired.

Paz doesn’t know.

Doesn’t really care.

It makes what he does next easier as he swipes out of the shadows and catches the smaller man, lifting Din clean off his feet as he traps the other against the wall. But he ensures his arm is between the others back and the wall, his hand cupping Din’s helmet.

He’s not here to harm him but talking with Din isn’t easy on a good day.

Djarin is not having good days lately and Paz is not here for a fight.

Its why his hand shifts the moment he has Din captured, feeling the others legs come up, likely to knock into his stomach as his hands grab onto Paz pauldrons.

But Paz hands closes around the back of the others neck before that, scruffing the other as he gripped.

His breath catches when instantly Din hands fall lax and his feet drop. Din is stupidly strong and its a bit heady to have caught him off guard and capturing him like this despite Paz not angling for a fight.

“Vizla…” Din still manages to growl, despite the scuffing, despite his body going lax and his muscles responding to the release of endorphins the scruffing does. It says something about the trust Din at least has in the pack, brings Paz some relief.

Because Paz admits now what he didn’t want to admit the other day.

He’s worried.

Worried about Djarin, about Din.

He has been for years now, even as a beta, separating from the pack isn’t easy and he knows that bounty hunting work isn’t easy on the heart or the mind.

After this, he knows that the wires of the others head has been crossed.

The fact that the other isn’t fighting him, just dangles between Paz and the wall clues him in too, Din’s toes barely scruffing the floor.

He’s not sure but this close, Din should be able to smell Paz as much as Paz can smell Din and he can’t help but wonder when the last time someone touched the other kindly. It is why Paz eases the his grip lightly, thumbing carefully over where he thinks the scent gland is.

Din lets out a low noise, the vocoder scrambling it so Paz can’t tell if its good or bad, but he continues. “Ni ceta.” He whispers quietly.

He feels more than he sees Din stiffen.

Clearly the other knows for what but not the why.

Paz can’t explain, not really, everything had just boiled over for him.

He was so tired of hiding, so tired of fearing the Empire, even the remains. And Din working with them when Paz was so worried about the other hit all the wrong spots.

Mixed in with his recent rut, Paz will admit that he took it all the wrong way and let his aggression speak where his concern should have.

But Paz has never been a subtle man, it is not his way, not the way of the Vizla.

Loud and proud, that’s the Vizla clan and yet here they are, hiding in a sewer.

But to take it out on a packmate… it was too far.

And even worse, revealing Din to the rest of the pack.

Exposing an omega, when they were so few now, was a thing of shame and had there been any aruetii around to smell him, to know, Paz would have…

Well, he’s grateful there were none.

Just as he’s grateful now as he presses a bit closer to the others neck, the smell coming in from under the helmet.

Omega, still stressed, still sour, but not hurt, the other had put bacta on it.

Good. “Ni ceta.” He simply repeated again, easing his grip slowly so he could set Din on his feet, bending his back to keep his arm between the other and the wall.

Din clung to his cuirass, wobbly footed from the scruffing but not pulling away. “…Ni lini’bar gar baatir.” He finally hissed and yet his body remained pliant, his usually graveled tone slurred.

Paz simply thumbed gently at the hidden gland. ‘Of course you do, even if you won’t admit it. If not mine then someone else, anyone. Child, parent or bondmate.’ He thought sadly. Din’s behavior made so much more sense now. Din was so used to no one worrying or caring properly that he felt wrong footed by it.

Slowly, Paz shifted his head from the others neck to gently clink their foreheads together, hearing Din’s breath hitch. “Ni ceta.” Paz repeated once more, more than willing to grovel for Din’s forgiveness, standing in the hallway with the omega hidden by his own larger bulk.


Ni ceta = Formal apology, ‘I kneel’ literally

Ni lini’bar gar baatir = I don’t need your concern. I had to fudge this one a bit, since mando’a doesn’t have a word for ‘don’t. Linibar means need and I put in a ‘ to stimulate the other sentences that had don’t in them.

aruetii = outsider or traitor pretty much

y got any plans for pazdin?

The potential for a fight always gets Mandalorian’s geared up.

Everyone of them tense, hard wired for the fight, witnessing or taking sides even with the Armorer defusing the situation as Din pulls his blade away, his moves smooth.

The taller alpha gave one last snarl before doing the same.

But then Paz Vizla froze, visor focused on Djarin as he remained sitting at the Armorer’s table.

The knife had nicked the skin of the smaller man in the almost fight.

A thin roll of blood was on Vizla’s knife, rolling lightly over the metal in the dim light, more likely hidden beneath their beroya helmet and kute.

But that wasn’t what had frozen Vizla, a knife wound was to be expected with where he put the blade, no, it is the scent reaching slowly but steadily through the compound had reached him first.

Inside his armor and his kute, Djarin had been as good as scentless, most likely coupled with scent blockers their hunter had collected when out of the Covert. A good thing when one was a bounty hunter, those who realized approved of the decision, though no one in the covert had, though others outside it had.

Greef Karga was very careful with which bounties he gave one of his best and if he was honest, favorite bounty hunters.

Those who didn’t made assumption about Djarin.


But with the release of blood came the release of scent, barely caught through the filters of their helmets but there.


Not just any kind of omega either.

No, a highly fertile one as strong as the scent was even through helmet filters, tinged with distress, uncertainty present in their scent and sharp, sour, hurt.

This was the last thing that had been expected, Mandalorian’s weren’t stupid about designations but having their sole beroya turn out to be an omega…

It rattled bones when they were so few already.

Anything could happen out there. And omegas thrived on contact, it was why most of the omegas of the tribe made more than one bond, to continue on the human contact they needed.

Hell, even the Armorer, solitary by nature of her personality and her role as a leader, had two bonded mates even if she had no children, not even foundlings.

Others had bonded family packs, siblings or parents and not just mates, giving them the contact they needed.

Djarin had been the sole beroya of the clan since his father died, always going, always leaving and not bonding to anyone in that manner.

Had been alone on the Razor Crest since, with no one to hold, no one to touch, no one to look after them when their heat hit.

He simply settled into the pack every time he returned, part of it but not bonded to anyone closely.

“A surprise this is,” The Armorer finally said, resting her hands on the table, quite clearly staring though what she was thinking, no one knew. But there was a question in that voice. “You… presented late.” It wasn’t a question now.

The beroya still nodded in answer, his own hands settled on the table too, away from his weapons. “Buir let me choose, said I should tell whenever I was ready. Then he died.” Djarin’s dark T-visors stares straight at the Armorer. “The Covert needed me.”

That answered everything and yet nothing.

A late presenting, after he got into his armor.

Potential genetic, stress from his life or just a random quirk of Djarin’s, waiting until he was far past swearing the resol’nare, waiting until he was stuck in his armor and away from the Covert with only his buir around.

A buir that took in him, gave him his name, who respected his son enough to let him decide.

A buir, who had been killed on their hunt.

A young but capable beroya, their only one, well aware that he was their only beroya after the Purge and the death of his father, their means to many credits and information, though others went up for shorter trips than Djarin himself.

A new one would take longer to train, maybe longer than they really could afford, their foundlings needing what Djarin could provide via credits, which bought them food, medicine, comforts and all the things a foundling would need.

And so Djarin said nothing and simply made due with what he had.

Who knew how many wires that had crossed in the omegas brain, starved for touch, starved for bonds and starved for contact.

And too late to do anything about right now as Din simply left the beskar to the Armorer and went to find his space, deftly avoiding anyone as he covered the bloodied cut on his neck with a gloved hand.

Mersong – Aww, poor bby echo. Who did that to him? (I’m assuming humans but you never know). Fives is probably super protective over him!

Looking to the other with a disturbed gaze, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but swish his tail nervously. “You mean to tell me the humans surface thing did that to him?” He questioned, utterly disturbed.

He had seen what the humans nets and the lines hanging down could do if accidentally caught in them but to think poor Echo had been caught by the odd ship things?

Anakin grimaced but nodded, glancing at Obi-Wan and puffing a bit up in pride unconsciously.

If they weren’t speaking about something so seriously, Obi-Wan might preen, having his mate to be like the seaweed bed he was currently weaving together for their mating for their little mating den was nice.

But as it was, they were talking about serious things and he swallowed thickly to himself. “Echo got too curious, he and Fives,” Anakin murmured quietly, filling the kelp bags he had made with the shells he had been collecting for them. Still alive, as it was foolish to eat a dead clam but gathered into the little cave Anakin would be blocking off come a day or two. “But Echo got too close, got caught in the water streams it left behind and it pulled him up and he couldn’t swim out of it so he got pulled up against the wood and the weird things that stick into the water…” Anakin grimaced heavily, not able to finish the words.

They had thought they’d loose Echo those days.

Echo had bleed so heavily, he had been so ghostly pale and his tail had been twisted so badly that Jango had outright stated that Echo’s bones might have been ruined inside of him.

Fives hadn’t left the others side since then, sticking to his side and Anakin couldn’t blame him.

Fives and Echo had a mating bond more than a friend or family bond and even now, Anakin would be in stitches himself if Obi-Wan…

No, best not to think about that.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan settled back against the cave wall, long tendrils of seaweed floating up as he wasn’t actively working.

Since they were in a cave though, they didn’t move, the water currents not currently directing inside it, so Obi-Wan could sit for a few moments and just consider it. “…I hate humans.” He finally settled on, shaking his head.

Obi-Wan let out a small grunt of agreement before swimming over, pecking Obi-Wan on the lips. “Same. All they do is harm us,” He whispered, stroking Obi-Wan’s face with gentle hands, smiling when the other pressed into his touch. “But they aren’t here. Only me and you are.” He stated tenderly.

That got him a soft hum of joy, Obi-Wan nuzzling softly at his hands before outright letting go of the temporary bed he was making for their comfort. Reaching up, he pulled Anakin down and kissed his mate on the lips, rubbing his thumbs tenderly over the others cheeks.

It was meant to be a brief kiss.

Anakin didn’t let it be, pressing his mate into the rock as he slid his arms around the plush cold water mer, rubbing gently at the soft belly and sides with a soft hum against the others mouth, closing his eyes as he enjoyed it.

Jango had once stated, when Anakin asked, that he too once had the blubber but coming out to the tropics meant that he hadn’t needed it.

The water here were much warmer after all, so Obi-Wan, with his body acclimating to his new environment, would eventually loose the delightful soft blubber that Anakin honestly adored. He kind of wanted to bite it, just to see how it feel.

But one, that was kind of rude and two, Anakin just knew that Obi-Wan would take revenge.

It might be worth it though.

But at that moment though, kissing the other mer was more alluring to Anakin as he continued running his hands over the others skin and scales, delighting in the reciprocation from his omega, his Obi-Wan.

‘Maybe if I feed him enough, he can remain nice and plush.’ Anakin’s fins quivered happily at the absent thought as he nipped gently at Obi-Wan’s bottom lip, pulling back to smile at the tussled and now pouty looking Obi-Wan from the kiss swollen lips.

MerSong- obi-wan and anakin have some alone time? thank you moddy ♥

Fluttering beside the other mer, Anakin couldn’t resist reaching out to run his fingertips along the others back, smiling when all Obi-Wan did was shiver slightly at his touch and give him an amused glance in turn.

It also made Anakin grimace a bit, now that he had Obi-Wan’s attention. “I’m sorry about being set to work like this.” He stated mournfully.

Jango, the unmerciful bastard he was, had set both Anakin and Obi-Wan to work the next day, sending both mers to work on the kelp beds to gather what was grown enough and to ensure the rest was growing as intended and also send any vermin away.

Well, not unmerciful, it was Jango’s duty as head of their pod to ensure the entire pod was both safe and feed properly.

From the hunting parties to the searchers to the growers, everyone circling through the tasks… well, everyone but Echo, Echo’s duties was kept to growing and searching due to how damaged his tail was and if Anakin could get his hands on the humans that harmed him…

“I don’t mind. Jango was kind enough to send us together, so at least we get some alone time.” Obi-Wan stated warmly, flickering his tail over Anakin’s flukes, the motion ghostly light.

Perking up, Anakin looked back to the cave, noting how far away it was.

One of the others could of course see them, the others had good eyesight but among the kelp, he and Obi-Wan could get some privacy time and he was right, they were technically alone, able to speak intimately.

Taking advantage of that, Anakin swam closer to his mate to be, nosing right up against him as Obi-Wan showed no sign of being coy and swimming away. “Do you want pups?” He questioned quietly, catching the omega to hold him close. “We never talked about it, I won’t force you to carry any but… if you’re interested?” He peered hopefully at Obi-Wan.

And relaxed when Obi-Wan flickered his tail to gently wrap around Anakin’s, their tails flexible enough for an easy hold as he smiled at Anakin. “I do. I want as many pups as my body can handle. Though I’m not as young as you.” He stated at tad shyly.

Huffing, Anakin leaned in and nuzzled at Obi-Wan’s collarbone and neck, sniffing lightly. “Don’t care. Any pups you give me is enough for me. And you smell so ripe and ready, fertile as only an omega in their prime can be.” He whispered, his voice dropping to a deeper pitch.

Ocean sands, Obi-Wan smelled so good.

Anakin would have to find a good place for their bonding and mating, a good place away from the others.

Right now they were friendly but when Obi-Wan went into heat, it be a fight for potential mating rights.

And none of Anakin’s and soon to be Obi-Wan’s podmates were actually interested in Obi-Wan that way, much to Anakin’s relief.

Rex and Cody had found a friend and equal in hunting. Echo and Fives had found someone they could talk with and share comfort, Jango and old friend and Boba?

Boba had found someone that was happy to spoil him, cuddle him like the youngest he was.

And with Obi-Wan, Boba didn’t seem to mind being coddled just a bit.

But when Obi-Wan’s heat scent released, the situation would be different.

The scent would draw on ancient instincts, instincts all mers had and Anakin would rather not fight his friends and found family if he could help it if their instincts proved to be too overpowering initially.

Anakin would find a good cave for them, fill it with food for them and keep Obi-Wan happy and breed, bond him to Anakin. “I’ll treat you well, fill you up with pups, as many as you want.” Anakin promised, purring against Obi-Wan’s neck and chirping when Obi-Wan gave a delighted little shudder when Anakin’s hand ran over his stomach and down his scales, feeling the patch of scales hotter than the rest where Obi-Wan’s breeding opening and cock was hidden.

Female omegas didn’t have that organ but Anakin knew, from touching his own, that it could be a lot of fun and wondered how Obi-Wan would react to it being touched, wondering if Obi-Wan would get a knot or if that was simply an alpha feature.

He had never mated with anyone else, Anakin not having any interest for teenage fumbles as he knew the others sometimes had with bypassing alphas or omegas, so he was relatively experienced in this area.

He couldn’t wait to explore Obi-Wan when his heat hit.

can we have more of the A/B/O Jangobi? I just want to see them happy with their baby!

Smiling goofily as he rested his head on Obi-Wan’s belly, Jango couldn’t believe how his life had turned out like this.

Laying on the couch in the Jedi temple, between his mate’s legs, his head resting on the clearly pup swollen belly with Obi-Wan fingers scratching and massaging Jango’s scalp as the Jedi watched his silly little musical show with several pillows behind his back as he was more reclined than laying flat.

Or well, not silly really, but not Jango’s thing at least.

No, Jango’s thing was more feeling how big and warm his mate was, the sensation of his pup beneath his cheek as they moved, Obi-Wan’s sweet scent wrapped around them and the affection that seemed to just linger in the air somehow.

He never expected his life to go this way.

He had thought it be him and Boba, that was all there would be of his pack, a clan of two and no more.

And now he had an intimate pack consisting of Obi-Wan, Boba, Anakin and Rex as the others mate and external pack consisting of a thousand of vode and Jedi, the entire temple becoming a place of safety and warmth.

A proper Clan.

And getting to know the Jedi culture was also something he had come shockingly to appreciate actually.

If the Mandalorians of old had known what Jango knew now… well, he knew quite a few that would have been chasing down Jedi for courtship instead of battle for sure with the parallels that could be drawn between true Mandalorians and Jedi.

Both swore oaths to live by, both would protect their adiik with their lives, took in foundlings that became kin just as fiercely as any born to them, both protected their own people and both were people that could be marginalized by the rest of the galaxy, people as often turning on true Mandalorians as they did on Jedi.

To know that so much of the old hate was made on prejudice… it was strange to think and Jango wondered what Jaster would have said to all of it if he had survived Montross betrayal.

‘…He’d have been fucking thrilled and harassed the scholars in the temple,’ Jango thought some amusement tinged with sadness.

The years had taken the bitterness and anger, had dulled it so only the fond memories remained, but the sadness would always be there.

He’d always miss his adoptive dad, just as he missed his biological parents, just as he missed Arla and often wondered what kind of aunt she’d have been for Boba.

A gentle hand ran over his cheek, catching his attention as he shifted to peer up at Obi-Wan, the other staring down at him with a questioning, saddened gaze. “Your scent shifted, what were you thinking of?” He asked quietly.

Rubbing his cheek down against the belly, Jango let out a deep sigh. “I was just… contemplating how my father and sister would have reacted to all of this. That’s… all.” He rumbled out.

Obi-Wan’s eyes turned sad before he smiled comfortingly down at Jango, running his hand through his mate hair once more, purring quietly.

Jango couldn’t change the past.

The past would forever be stained in blood, pain and betrayal of the worst kind but he had the future in front of him. He wouldn’t soil the future by letting the past taint it, missing and mourning his past family was fine.

But he had a future family to think of.

And new pups that would come.

Catching Obi-Wan’s free hand, Jango brought it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the knuckles, rubbing the pale hand slowly as he held onto it, letting his mate comfort him along with the soothing feel of the pup beneath his cheek.

This was all he needed, Jango Fett had everything he had ever wanted.

A mate and his adiik, all safe and sound.

And he would fight tooth and nail to ensure it would remain that way.

Sweet honey: a lot of things are going to down and everyone is happy! How does Padma handle finding out that Anakin is bonded to someone else? How would she react? Is she happy for him or does this possibly change something for her? P.S. love your writings they are all amazing!!

Trying not to show how twitchy he was, Anakin shifted closer to Rex as they followed Obi-Wan and Jango through the Senate, the redhead more familiar despite Anakin having visited often.

But Anakin had always gone straight to the Chancellor, that was the path he was familiar with.

Obi-Wan was now officially a Senate liaison, having been taken off active duty due to his pregnancy and because of that, he would now be showing up in the Rotunda more often than not. Thankfully, today he was only here to observe the Senate meeting.

Jango, in full armor, was going with him because he was a protective bastard and as his mate, had full right to follow Obi-Wan anywhere in the Senate.

He acted very much like a bodyguard, scowling at everyone that looked at Obi-Wan the wrong way or too long, his helmet thumping on his thigh as it hung from his belt, clearly wanting everyone to see his face.

Jango was nothing if not a fastidious mate.  

But so was Rex, who was sensing Anakin’s discomfort at being in the Rotunda.

After the failed heat, the two had cuddled together for a long time before Rex had quietly asked what Anakin wanted to do now that his heat was over.

That of course, had been very simple for Anakin now that his body didn’t hurt at the slightest touch to his most sensitive areas, which oddly enough included his armpits that had kept itching and burning for some odd reason.

He wanted to get bonded.

Rex had balked a bit, eyes wide as he clenched his arms around Anakin, panicked about the pain it would cause.

Bonding with an omega in heat was preferred due to the pain bonding could cause, both from biting through the gland and the bond slotting into place.

But why Rex thought that Anakin would be more sensitive to that than he himself, Anakin had no idea.

Rex didn’t have those omega prejudices many worlds had from old so it had surprised and honestly offended Anakin.

Until Rex had explained nervously that only a few hours ago, Anakin was crying if Rex so much as brushed against his bonding gland and that the last thing the alpha wanted after seeing that, was to cause more pain and discomfort.

It mollified Anakin, slightly.

And he had managed to talk Rex into it once he assured the other that he wasn’t as sensitive anymore.

It still had hurt like a bugger, something Rex had agreed with after Anakin returned the favor but Force, a mating bond was like nothing Anakin had suspected and yet everything at the same time.

Of course, that also meant that everyone was now able to smell Rex and Anakin on each other and knew they were now mates and coming to the Rotunda meant Senators… Senators like Padme Amidala, who had been staring at him from one of the higher floors for what felt like hours.

Even from a distance he could feel her shock and hurt, though he wasn’t sure why, she was the one that had distanced herself first when it was clear he was an omega.

And he knew that somewhere in this building, the Chancellor lurked, like a snake waiting to strike.

It was strange to think that once, that man had been a friend but once Anakin’s status had come out…

He would never forget the desire in the old man’s eyes and the slimy feeling it gave down his back.

A hand wrapped around his, forcing Anakin’s attention to the here and now as he glanced to his side, Rex peering up at him with a small frown that turned into a smile when Anakin squeezed his hand in return.

It didn’t matter now.

Anakin was bonded, neither Padme or the Chancellor mattered to him anymore, at least not in a mating situation.

Because Anakin was spoken for by a man he knew would always do his best by Anakin.

He hoped he could do his best by Rex too.

In sweethoney. What happens during Anakin’s heat.

Shuddering heavily, Anakin let out a small whimper as Rex touched his hip. “Noooo.” He whined, wincing when Rex hands instantly shot off him, feeling guilty but his skin felt too much.

He had thought his heat would be nice, to share it with Rex but it seemed that his heat was not going to be one of the pleasant ones this time.

He was so sensitive that even his own shirt felt uncomfortable rubbing against his chest, his nipples actually hurting at the brush and he didn’t want to talk about his genitalia at all and how his boxers felt to his skin!

Yet at the same time he was horny and it was an awful feeling to be horny, upset and sensitive at the same time and he wanted to throw up a bit too if he was honest and all he really wanted was for Rex to hold him and yet at the same time he knew that if Rex touched him it would make him cry out again.

“Love?” Rex whispered worriedly, voice gruff as the alpha was being effected by the hormones.

And Force, having Rex call him that made him want to melt even as he felt too sensitive for anything. Shivering, Anakin shifted himself away from Rex chest to look up at him, sweating heavily inside the nest he had invited Rex into.

Worried amber meet his, Rex hands hovering as if he wanted to touch but was unsure how to.

Shaking his head, Anakin let out a small whimper. “Its not a good heat. Bad heat. My skin… it feels too much.” He shuddered.

Rex eyes narrowed with realization, his eyes streaking over the other. “Okay, okay love. Tell me what to do, tell me how to touch you that won’t hurt you?” He whispered, tone assertive and yet vaguely pleading.

It almost made Anakin start sobbing, how considerate the alpha, his alpha, was. There were many alphas, subpar as Jango would call them, that wouldn’t care and would just roll an omega onto their stomach and take their pleasure.

Rex, just like Jango, was a good alpha.

And he cared. “Don’t…” Anakin licked his lips, breath hitching a bit his inside spasmed. “Don’t touch my hips, or my bonding gland…and try not to brush my upper chest area or the nipples?” He ventured finally, shivering a bit as Rex hand finally came down to slowly rub through Anakin’s sweat soaked hair.

“Okay. I can do that.” Rex agreed softly and Anakin realized, that while the other still smelled of pheromones and lust, he didn’t smell as strongly of it.

Rex focus had shifted, his body simply reacting to the pheromones Anakin was giving out but his focus was on Anakin’s comfort.

Only Anakin’s comfort.

He felt tears well up in his eyes at that before he whimpered and pressed closer, Rex petting the back of his nape a bit and then moving his hand back up in his hair.

“Can I touch your back, or would that make things worse?” Rex whispered, never once assuming he knew better or trying to control Anakin.

“Just… try not to go too low.” Anakin swallowed, feeling miserable as he had wanted a nice heat with Rex.

Bonding with him on the table and all.

But if Rex as much as brushed his bonding gland now, Anakin knew he’d scream.

A warm, steady hand slowly rubbed along his spine, the pressure increasing when Anakin arched into it but stopping at about waists level before going up again, repeating the action slowly and steadily.

Never too low, Rex other hand in his hair, providing comfort as Anakin clung to his alpha as best he can.

He had been sure before he let Rex into the room to share his heat.

Now he knew beyond doubt or question.

Rex was the man he would mate and marry and as long as Rex too wanted it, he’d give the man as many pups in the future as they could handle. Hell, fill the creche for all Anakin cared, he was fertile, he could give as many pups as possible and love them all with Rex.

His mate.