any chance on an update in needfortouch? how’s din doing?

If Boba was asked, he’d wonder if Skywalker’s nose worked or if he was just heartless because he couldn’t understand how the Jedi had accepted the pup when Din came back smelling like that.

Like pain, grief and sour loss that seemed to be sending Dune into a tizzy as Din swayed towards the ramp and a waiting Boba.

It hadn’t escaped Boba that the Nite owl alpha at Kryze side was wearing her helmet and staying far back even as Kryze followed, the redhead’s face taunt even she tried to get the man to fight her there and then for the darksaber.

At least one of them had respect enough not to hassle Din right in that moment, even if her leader was trying to get a fight out of the man.

It made Boba’s lips pull into a snarl at the sight as he stepped down to grasp the taller man by the shoulder.

Boba didn’t put up with that shit and had pulled Din into the bowels of Slave 1, Dune and Kryze snarling at each other on the ramp with Shand quickly slipping up to the cockpit to get them ready to leave, recognizing that Boba would deal with the bounty hunter.

Boba focused on the broken omega, his hand resting on his shoulder as he pushed and pulled the man along slowly and steadily until he had Din in his quarters.

Din barely twitched at entering the alpha’s territory, one he had made clear to everyone to not enter.

But Din…

Boba couldn’t leave him just in the cargo hold in the makeshift beds right now, not with the grief practically wafting off him.

He could feel every instinct he had suppressed for years come roaring to life, telling him to protect and kill for the omega, telling him that his new packmate was in danger.

There was nothing he could do though, the danger was already past and done and now Din had to cope.

Which was why Boba carefully unlaced and undid the others armor, his concern rising when he didn’t even get a token protest, simply Din swaying on his feet.

“Easy…” He rumbled, setting Din’s helmet on his own armor stand for now, noting that it would need polishing as he set the darksaber on a weapon hook and the beskar spear to the wall.

Taking the helmet from the other man, he noted with even more concern that the back of it was slightly dented in, wondering what kind of force could do that kind of damage and quickly he grasped the other by the chin to look at his eyes.

It didn’t look like the other had a concussion, his pupils weren’t large or unfocused.

He simply looked… lost, standing in his kute in front of Boba, blinking down at him.

Boba still checked on the back of the others head, running his fingers through sweat stiff hair with gentle fingers. There was a tell tale sign of a bump back there but not much else thankfully, so, with his armor now on the stand, Boba guided Din to the bed and Boba’s den.

He carefully had the man settle down on the edge and then knelt, ignoring his aching knees as he did, undoing the others boots and pulling them off, grimacing internally as he noted the other wasn’t wearing socks and a quick check confirmed to him that Din had blisters on the heels of his feet. ‘Di’kut.’ He thought sadly, wondering if that was aimed at himself or at Din.

Not that he blamed the other too much, having lost everything on his ship outside of what he was wearing, a gear shift ball and a beskar spear.

“Why?” The soft, raspy voice made Boba look up, meeting those large, lost eyes.

Reaching up slowly, trying not to spook the other, Boba cupped Din’s cheek, watching how the others eyelids fluttered slightly at the touch. “…We could be pack,” Boba rumbled quietly, watching the others eyes focus on him again. “But regardless, right now, you’re hurting and I won’t leave you to hurt without doing something to sooth it, until you’re sound of mind.” He stated quietly.

Din simply stared at him before quietly hunching over and wrapping his arms around himself, shaking with silent tears.

Slowly, Boba encouraged the other down and into his den, let Din turn around towards the wall and curl up around one of the large pillows he had invested for his den.

Boba knew that the main bedroom of Slave 1 was a luxury for a ship and in that moment, he was grateful that he had invested in making a proper den in it as he let the omega cry, his potential packmate seeking comfort and safety of Boba’s nest.

He felt the ship vibrate, Fennec finally getting them out and away from the cruiser but didn’t move, remained kneeling by the bed as he instead settled his hand on Din’s head, stroking the man’s temple with his thumb. “That’s it… just let it out… just let it out.” Boba whispered quietly, sitting with the other as Din let himself cry for all the losses he had.

Di’kut =idiot

Drink too much, Din needs more spoiling!

The first time Din had purred for them, it had been a pitiful thing.

Low, scratchy and broken, just like the man himself.

Din had of course tried to purr for Boba, when it was just him and the King of Tatooine, but the noise never quite emerged and only came out as a rusty low vibration in his chest more than anything. It had still been too close to the time he had given up Grogu to Skywalker and Boba had never blamed Din for it.

Not when Din hadn’t purred for anyone in literal years as Din had been alone and abusing his suppressants for years.

And the omega had literally gone through losing his covert, his pack, his home, ship with his nest and his adi’ik in less than half a year, Boba would actually be more worried if Din had managed to purr properly after that so soon.

Especially after the last one.

Separation from your kit was never an easy thing and then there was the major injury that Din himself had not alerted them to.

Oh no, that they had hear that through Cara Dune.

Nice woman but dank farrik if both Paz and Boba hadn’t been upset to hear about it, especially when Dune had slowly informed them both that Din had almost died, would have if it wasn’t for the droid. Informed them about the dark, clotty blood that had come out from under the helmet and the amount of bacta the man had been required to go through after for his head injury.

The fact that Din hadn’t come away from that with lasting impact, especially the stunt with the whipcord and the tie-fighter was a miracle.

A miracle that he didn’t have a lasting brain injury or that the power when he had been jerked around by the tie-fighter hadn’t done something to his back.

Though the last one Paz wasn’t sure about and had mentioned to Boba that he didn’t think that Din had his back issues before but couldn’t be sure, as their relationship prior to the covert distruction had been antagonistic at best from time to time.

And neither had yet had the courage to ask, only provide succor when Din’s back locked up and he avoided bending or doing anything to strain his back more than he already was.

Like today.

Pressing a soft kiss to Din’s shoulder after setting the quick working pain relieve, Boba set the hypo aside and spooned their omega. “Easy, just let the painkiller work as we wait for the patch to set in.” He rumbled quietly, Din whining quietly.

The smell of their omega in pain had Boba’s teeth on edge and he pressed closer to the other, feeling the analgesic patch on the others lower back rubbing against his own bare stomach as he spooned Din. Carefully he tucked his arm around his omega and rubbed at Din’s stomach slowly, hoping he was bringing the other a mediocre of relief and comfort.

“When is Paz coming back?” Din rasped out, shifting a pillow between his legs as he had been advised by their medic, Russal. The zabrak had informed them that a pillow between the leg made the spine go into a neutral position while also easing the strain in the back, something Boba had not been aware of and happily taken on board for himself too when his own back made a bitch feast.

“Any moment now, you know he needs to get the ice from kitchen.” Boba murmured reassuringly. Paz would most likely be running but it was still a good ten minutes to the kitchen and back and the minutes it would take Paz to fill a icebag.

Obviously those minutes were too long for Din, even as the painkiller started taking the edge of, Boba hoping that the patch would kick in soon too. But finally, Paz stepped in, removing his helmet and setting it up on the helmet shelf, his soft sleep pants carrying grains of sand. Paz however didn’t seem to noticed and was crawling into their mixed den and nest, crooning comfortingly at Din as Boba inwardly winced as he sat up in bed.

They’d have to clean the bed again but he wasn’t about to say that right now, right now they had a mate to care for.

Carefully Boba and Paz shifted the other until he was laying on his stomach between them and Paz smoothed a chilled hand down along the others spine. “Alright Din, I’m going to place this on your lower back, you ready?” He questioned, warning the other so he wouldn’t contract his muscles too much.

The big alpha was sporting a dark frown and Boba knew why, Din’s lower back muscles being hot to the touch and Boba knew they’d have to convince Din to see Russal about it at some point, especially if their omega decided he wanted kits.

Whimpering faintly, Din nodded into the pillow in his arms. “Please. I know it will feel bet-eep!” He gasped as the icepack made contact, shuddering heavily as he fought his own muscles, goosebumps raising on the dark skin of the naked man.

Slowly however, he started to relax against the silky green and blue sheets and pillows of their nest, breathing in through his nose and out of his mouth. Over his head, Boba and Paz traded worried glances, carefully laying down around Din to stroke and pet at him.

Sometimes, spoiling their omega boiled down to the care they could provide to him, Din soaking up the comfort like a dry sponge thrown into water.

Boba would never get tired of that even as he wished Din wasn’t in pain, spoiling Din with silky sheets as Paz had found in the market or by loving care never failed to make him feel warm inside. “Once the analgesic patch is working,” He stated in a low, tender voice, Din letting out a low nosie to indicate he was listening. “I’m giving you a massage, a long one.” He promised.

Both Paz and Boba smiled at the sweet little whimper of approval that got, Paz rubbing slowly at Din’s wild, soft hair and Boba rubbing slowly at their omegas nape, gently scruffing him from time to time.

Drink too many: how will they spoil Din? What will they be getting for him? I really wanna know what happens next! Your stories are great!

Looking around the stalls, Paz contemplated just how many weapon stalls there were.

It was a bit funny, it hadn’t started that way.

When the houses and marketplace had started popping up, the majority of it all had been food related, a cobbler that also worked as cordwainer, a medical stall, jewelry stall, two that had sweets and baked goods and one weapon one.

Now there were so much more, at least five that Paz could count just by turning his head around and he knew that a few of the other stalls also carried weapons, the medical and jewelry he knew also had blades that could be turned into weapons.

The reason for the growth?


Din still had the darksaber and Boba Fett’s name had a legend to it.

To hear that the man had taken over Jabba the hutt’s palace, had taken over as King, drew curiosity. And to know there was a potential Mand’alor that had won the darksaber in battle… well, it was a focal point.

It drew mandalorians, hopeful ones, to see if Din Djarin was a worthy Mand’alor, to see if maybe this one could galvanize and gather their scattered people, take back their planets and old territories and send the remaining Imps packing.

The New Republic had yet to reach that far out.

Paz wasn’t sure what Din wanted to do about it honestly, he knew that Din had never wanted the saber when he had taken it off the moff, had even offered it to Kryze.

She had refused.

At least there was some honor to the woman, not that Paz thought he’d ever like her, he was all to aware of the past of the Death Watch, of where Pre Vizla had taken it. His father, a relative of Pre Vizla, had bitterly told Paz about what had happened, how Pre Vizla had been involved in the scheme that got Satine Kryze killed.

Which had lead to the civil war of Mandalore, the internal conflict making them easy pickings for the Empire.

Paz had suspected that his father was a brother of Pre Vizla, with how much he knew, but his father had never admitted to it, the shame in the hunched shoulders of his father obvious as Paz mother gently kneaded his shoulders with her large hands, crooning softly at her omega.

And that always kept Paz from asking.

He knew the history of Pre Vizla and that was enough.

Frankly, Bo-Katan Kryze made Paz teeth ache, from what Din had told him, it didn’t sound like the woman had changed much from those days.

She seemed to be a good leader for a smaller group, a battle experienced alor Paz had parsed out from the story but the idea of her ruling an entire planet, a planet of warriors that easily stepped on each others feet and lead to fights…

No, Kryze behavior made Paz think that the other alpha would not make a good Mand’alor. A Mand’alor was meant to unite and a ruler was meant to rule wisely.

That didn’t mean rulers didn’t make mistakes of course but Kryze’s mistakes…

They had come with a civil war and if Paz was honest, it had always bugged him the way his father had spoken about Bo-Katan turning on her sister and joining a group that would have happily murdered the Duchess.

He knew the clans of old did that but to join a group that would have murdered a pacifist in cold blood… it didn’t stick right with Paz, it felt too close to murdering someone weaponless.

His father had laughed when Paz had stated that, muttering something about, ‘yeah right, weaponless… Satine Kryze would have bit off the heads of people if she could.’ but Paz wasn’t sure and didn’t quite understand what his father meant.

Satine Kryze had been a pacifist, right?

Shaking himself a bit from the thoughts, Paz looked around one more time, taking in how there were now several hot food stalls, even more sweets stalls, clothes ones, amenities like soaps and oils, weapons and so many others as people made their homes around the palace.

Hell, there was even a cantina starting up, a shipyard and an inn for offworlders to rent rooms.

The market and surrounding town had really grown and the growth of it made Paz feel oddly proud.

The shift of a familiar scent brought Paz out of his head and he focused to his side as he watched Din, smiling goofily to himself as the man ran his bare hands slowly over the royal blue nesting blanket he had found at the stand they had stopped at.

The orange tipped gloves had been stashed in his belt and Paz could tell by the way Din reverently ran his hands over the fabric that he really liked it.

He’d never buy it for himself.

“You have more like this one?” Paz questioned the nikto manning the stall, the woman smiling slightly at him as she nodded. Din had stilled beside him, his helmet tilted to look up at Paz, his scent changing to an embarrassed one when he realized Paz had caught onto his like for the fabric.

“Yes sir, I have three in the same shade and length as these, but I have to warn you, that its dramassian shimmersilk, its very expensive.” She stated, rubbing her hands together a bit nervously as she eyed the two mandalorians.

Paz could feel his brows raise in surprise inside his helmet, ignoring her nerves. He knew why she was nervous, just last week Boba had to shut down two mandalorians that got into a scuffle with the marketplace, trying to intimidate the owners into paying protection fees.

Boba would have nothing of that on his planet and Paz had been ashamed of the two mandalorians trying to rig it all.

But honestly, this was a surprise even if his helmet hid his reaction. Dramassian shimmersilk was extremely soft and smooth and Dramassia had only recently started exporting it again, now that the Empire could no longer tax them to hell and back.

That also made it an expensive thing to buy and sell.

But Din’s reverent touch made sense now.

The silk would make for gorgeous nesting material, soft and gentle against skin, especially during pre-heat and heat when his skin was already sensitive and he was uncomfortable.

Pulling out the credit chip Boba had given him, Paz waved his hand. “We’ll take all if them, what’s your price?” He rumbled at the beta, pausing when a hand wrapped around his wrist.

He tilted his head to Din, visor meeting visor. “Paz, no. I have enough blankets. The palace has so many.” Din weakly protested. Paz could imagine the flush on those dark cheeks and Din’s shifty eyes from the tone alone.

Smirking slightly, Paz leaned down enough to tap their foreheads together, feeling Din still at the public affection, chaste as it was. “But you like these ones. So you’ll have these riduur,” He rumbled, tone gently coaxing as he shifted enough to fully face Din, wrapping his arm around the others waist to squeeze him closer with a click of their armors. “You can’t stop me, I’ll buy them anyhow and take them with me home. They’ll be mine then.” He singsonged teasingly to his omega.

Din let out a low noise before sighing deeply, realizing that Paz would not be stopped. “…Fine, but um, you’ll let me do something nice for you later then.” He grumbled, as if he was driving a hard bargain, his omega reaching up to gently rub his wrist glands against Paz neck

Crooning happily at the action, Paz gave the others trim waist another squeeze. “Deal, I’d love a shoulder rub later at home.” He rumbled, straightening slowly as Din visibly perked up at his words. A warm glow settled low in Paz chest at the sight, the alpha turning back to the stall owner to haggle for the soft fabrics.

Boba would be ever so pleased with this buy in for Din, Paz just knew it.

Can’t wait for Din to meet Boba in need for touch! Also, I really hope Paz will catch up soon

To be honest, Boba had the mandalorian clocked the moment he saw him, zipping over the dunes on his speeder and the few interactions he had seen before the man had left Tatooine.

He had known even before he was close enough to smell the other man or speak to him that this was an omega. It was all in the way the other behaved around the child, the way he kept him safe and yes, the creed of the mandalorians made children the most important thing.

But not everyone acted with younglings like an omega on instincts.

It was in the way the man kept scenting the child as best he could with what little skin he had exposed, in the way he cradled him close and Boba had seen others like the mandalorian before.

Omegas with pups had a certain way about them.

His own father had been the same and Jango was always fresh in Boba’s mind, even as he had lost the memory of his father’s voice and the way he smelled with the years.

But the way he behaved, the way he cradled Boba close to his chest and pressed his scent to Boba’s skin… no, that was something Boba would never forget.

It was one of the things that had made Boba hate his own alpha designation in his younger years when he finally presented, wanting to claw himself out of his skin as he wished for that connection to his father.

But he had been an unaltered clone, his designation, just like his personality, had formed on its own and sometimes he wondered if his buir would have been proud to see his son an alpha or just not really cared one way or another.

The clones had all been without secondary genders, except for the alphas and the nulls, the earliest of the clones where the Kamino’s had still been working on the DNA sequences. So maybe Boba should just be grateful he had a designation.

He had seen the issues the clones went through without having one, the way humans reacted to them, the way they seemed to be considered less. Some of them had even reacted that way to Boba when they saw his face, until they realized he wasn’t just a clone with a fake scent but a true alpha, ready to kark them up.

Boba had his designation and he had his life and he had made peace with many things in his life.

But what he couldn’t make peace with was the scent of distressed omega, the alpha in him sitting up and taking notice even as he tried to keep his distance.

He had a duty to help the man find his foundling for returning the armor, seeing how Djarin had lost everything, Boba might be the best one that could help him.

At least in the ship department and Boba was a capable man, his scar and stint in the sarlacc had done nothing to ruin his skills if they had turned rusty inside it. Training and muscle memory had fixed that however once he was out, hunting for his armor.

And Boba owed him a debt, one Djarin could trust, that Boba wouldn’t suddenly turn on him like the rest of the galaxy could.

Being in Slave 1, the scent was hard to escape and even Fennec was starting to show discomfort at it, the beta often glancing towards the hold where Djarin had holed up, manically checking, dismantling, cleaning and setting together his weapons again.

Finally, Boba let out a deep sigh and stood from the controls, giving Fennec a nod to take the controls before making his way to the doors. He could hear the woman’s relief as she switched seats.

Clearly she thought he’d deal with it and Boba intended to.

But if he was successful, that was something else.

Djarin is sitting on an ammo crate in the hold, a blaster in hand, simply cradling the weapon as if he realizes he can’t do more with it but can’t bring himself to put it down, as if he wishes he was cradling something else with how gentle his gloved hands are. Even without the scent, Boba would have been able to tell that this was a miserable man.

The bounty hunter sits slumped, his head bent down and he doesn’t even twitch when Boba steps in.

If it wasn’t for the way he was breathing, Boba could have been forgiven for thinking the man asleep.

Slowly, so not to set the other of, Boba makes his way over and sits down beside him, looking at the hands cradling the blaster. “…We’ll get him back to you,” He murmured quietly, watching the armor jerk a bit. “My debt to you isn’t over until your pup is with you.” Boba promised softly, carefully releasing some of his scent.

It could go either way, doing it but the mando slowly tilted his head towards Boba and he could hear  the other take a breath, pause then breath even deeper, twitching slightly on the crate.

If Boba was to take a guess, he’d imagine the omega wanted to press closer.

But Boba was a stranger, an unfamiliar alpha, to shift closer now was simply instincts and not caution and logical thoughts speaking.

But seeing as how his scent was helping, Boba released more of it, the distressed omega scent lessening slowly.

Sighing, Boba reached up and removed his helmet, ignoring how the mando twitched. Those who followed the Watch Creed was always a bit iffy about exposed faces. Never got it himself and Boba knew of enough mando that removed their helmets.

It was the loss of armor that was the real sanction for becoming dar’manda, not showing your face.

But to each their own and since the scent of distressed omega didn’t grow, Boba set his helmet down beside his feet, focusing on Djarin again. “…Think about your child scent.” He murmured quietly.

A quiet whine escaped the bounty hunter.

Slowly, Boba reached out and settled his hand on the others vembrace. “Think about the way you’ll hold him when you get him back,” He pushed gently. “Think about what you’ll say to him,” Djarin let out another whimper, dropping his forehead to Boba’s pauldron. “Think about what you’ll do to that demagolka that took him… and draw strength from all of it.” A small but sharp growl escaped the vocoder of the other.

Boba wasn’t sure if he had really helped the feisty, distressed omega but the scent of distressed omega had lessened, replaced by Boba’s own pheromones and the scent of angry omega.

The sharp kind of scent.

The kind of scent that made mandalorian alphas sit up and take notice as it was the kind of omega they wanted. The kind of scent that warned everyone to be on their best behavior or they would get fucked up.

Moff Gideon better have an army on his cruiser when they caught up with him and the child Boba thought with satisfaction, because he had a storm coming.

A storm in the form of a very pissed of, very protective omega. “Jate, we’ll get him back.” Boba promised, squeezing the others forearm gently.

mersong. i need more of obi-wan and anakin moddy, pretty please ?

Obi-Wan’s heat had arrived.

They had all known it was coming and Anakin had been sleeping tightly bundled into Obi-Wan, their tail lightly curled into each other for days to be able to both smell and see the change when it came.

The day it came, Anakin had growled warningly to the rest of the pod, the few that were awake as Obi-Wan’s bioluminescent flashed softly of the walls of the cave. J

ango had just snorted at them and gestured to the opening. “Get out of here and take care of each other. We really don’t need you going all feral Anakin.” He stated wryly as Obi-Wan sat up with a sleepy noise, likely reacting to Anakin’s growl.

Shaking himself to get out of his instincts, Anakin grabbed Obi-Wan’s seaweed bag and pulled the sleepy omega with him to the cave they had prepped, crooning softly at the sleepy, pre-heat confused noises Obi-Wan was making.

Not that Obi-Wan’s morning confusion was unusual.

Obi-Wan wasn’t really a morning person and Anakin found it adorable how grouchy Obi-Wan was until he ate something in the morning and woke up some.

They didn’t have time for that right now.

Despite how adorably grouchy Obi-Wan was being as he made low, grumpy noises as Anakin pulled him over the sands to the cave, pushing the other in first. “Here, eat a bit of crab.” He stated coaxingly, pushing one of the crabs caught last night into his hands from the seaweed bag of crabs.

He had removed the claws of it, leaving the crab alive for now but unable to escape or hurt Obi-Wan and the other mer perked up up at the food in his hand.

He instantly went to work cracking the smaller legs to suck on them first and then cracking open the body.

It made Anakin smile as he quickly swam out, reluctant but knowing they needed fish for a few days. He and Obi-Wan had gathered some food already, live clams and other shells, crabs, lots of kelp, even seal meat, Obi-Wan having been delighted over the kill as they shared half the meat between the cave and the rest of the pod.

But Anakin wanted more, a few fish to go with it, cod and salmon but he hadn’t dared to hunt them. Due to their size, they would start rotting quicker and while the meat could handle a few days, wrapped up as it was in sections, the fish would start rotting after just a few days.

Therefore Anakin hadn’t dared to hunt any fish just yet, uncertain which day Obi-Wan’s heat would hit, the last thing he wanted was spoiled food that smelled in the cave when they were bonding for the first time.

He had a few more hours before he would need to pull the rock to cover the opening and he knew that the others would respect staying away from the cave.

Hell, he noticed Rex stationed a good few throws away, the other blond waving lightly when he saw Anakin leaving the cave but staying put. Jango must have put him up to it, just in case and Anakin felt his anxieties at leaving Obi-Wan behind in the cave.

Being away from the cave for the first mating when both Anakin and Obi-Wan were unclaimed was reasonable but there were rogue mers around, as Obi-Wan himself proved by swimming through their area.

The last thing he wanted was for someone to come over Obi-Wan in his current state, especially if Obi-Wan tipped into his heat quicker than they expected.

Obi-Wan had seemed sure it would take him at least half a day from his pre-heat to a full heat but Jango had warned them both not to take that for certain as Obi-Wan’s body was now in warmer waters from before.

That could change his reaction to make his pre-heat longer or shorter for all they knew.

‘He knows how to protect himself, I just need to be quick, gather in the fish and return to him before his heat hits,’ Anakin reminded himself sternly, glancing back once before darting off into the kelp forest to hunt. ‘Just be quick.’

Is Din going stop taking suppressant in need for touch? I mean, I can’t imagine its healthy for him and it wouldn’t make it easy to create a family dynamic as far as I understand the abo stuff

Sometimes, just sometimes if he was very, very honest with both himself and the kid, Din would think about trying to find other mandalorians.

From his covert.

Finding out if they had joined another covert or maybe made a new one if enough of them had survived. The Armorer had confirmed that some of them had escaped and he knew the none-combatant, the few elderly and the foundlings they had at the very least escaped.

Though calling them noncombatant wasn’t quite right.

After all, no mandalorian, with or without a weapon, could be called harmless.

There were just some that weren’t front line fighters and would be ushered to safety before others.

There was no shame in it.

Warriors past their prime that had lived a long life of fighting and children yet to become soldiers or swear their resol’nare.

Yet still able to to defend themselves.

And Din, despite all the days he had flown off of and out into the galaxy, wanted to find them, settle his own foundling into the care of the pack, maybe eat a proper meal that he didn’t have to buy…

Oh, Din was a horrible cook, he was more than willing to admit that and therefore set aside credits to buy food the kid could eat out with, proper food with proper nourishment, like the bone broth.

It had a lot of minerals and vitamins, something Din figured the kid needed considering he ate a whole frog.

Rehydrated rations were a maker-sent blessing, since Din’s diet could be… solitary.

Considering he somehow managed to set fire to the Razor Crest little kitchen last time he tried to make something proper, it was better that way.

His cupboards prior to the child was mostly full of rehydrated bread pouches, cups of noodles and ration bars. Oh and a dish of salted blue butter, if you used warm water, you got warm bread and Din enjoyed the melted salty butter taste it got when it was warm.

But all of that made him think of the covert, made him think of the kitchen in the covert, about the mix of betas, alphas and omegas that made meals everyday for the entire covert to come and eat if they wanted.

Never a morsel wasted, leftovers always used and always enjoyed, food eaten later if they didn’t show up during the actual dinner time.

And if he in particular thought of Paz Vizla, settled in front of one of the stoves with a large pot of tiingilar, the alpha laughing as he added beer and spices to the dish along with soft bread to dip into the sauce and get every little bit of delicious spot of sauce.

It was good food.

Full of warmth and filling and Din always made sure to grab a full bowl of it once he was sure Paz was out of view due to how conflict filled their relationship was, not wanting to bloat the alpha’s head.

That thought lead him to a dark alcove, armors off with thick arms wrapped around Din, a low alpha rumbling in his ear as Din let himself rest.

So far, Din had meet several alphas, hell, he had even started weaning himself off his suppressors and only wore the scent removers when his anxiety got the better of him.

Oh the look on Xi’an and Ranzar’s faces had been precious, Din had laughed himself to tear about it for days after.

But none of those alphas measured up to Paz.

And maybe, in those secret little wishes, his fantasy hoped that Paz was alright, that the alpha was… waiting on him.

“I think I got my head screwed on wrong,” He sighed, looking at the kid as he paused in eating a cookie. “…Where in the world did you get that?” The kid of course just cooed at him before giggling.

Bemused, Din watched him before shaking his head slowly.

Well, this was the same kid that ate a live frog, so at this point he was sure that an old cookie wouldn’t harm him, because Din seriously could not remember buying in any cookies in a long while.

Or maybe the kid stole it in their last planet hop.

Sounded like him, little mischievous womp rat.

The thought was fond however and Din released his belt to stand, moving over to pick the kid up and settle him on his hip. “So, lets go see about this Jedi that Kryze talked about, huh?” He bounced him a bit, lips twitching into a smile when the kid instantly cooed and giggled.

The dip in the ocean hadn’t been too good for Din but at least he wasn’t feeling as under the weather and having the kid like this… well it helped.

Having weaned himself off his suppressors, his instincts were helping out too and he lifted him up to his neck, feeling an ear brush his neck before there was a noise and the kid made happy little cooing noises.

This close, the kid could smell Din like no one else had, the lack of suppressors, no scent wipers and the closeness to the slight opening in his kute not keeping the smell as wrapped up as Din used to.

Rubbing the kids back, Din wondered…

Would Paz like his scent?

He had been virtually scentless or upset when they were together last, no clear read on him due to that. But Paz had tried to scent him as best he could with his wrists pressing gently to the few exposed areas Din had, leaving his own scent on Din even if Din had no scent.

But now he was without chemical altering in his systems, he’d soon be fully done weaning himself and with the little gaps in his kute…

That was if Paz was even alive, Din hadn’t seen his helmet in the pile but…

He tightened his grip on the kid.

No, he had no other choice but to think that Paz was alright, he was a Vizla.

And a big shabuir like him would fight to survive and to protect.

The kid tapped his clawed hand on Din’s pauldron, cooing more worriedly now and Din let out a shuddering breath. “Its alright pup, I’m just… thinking. Just thinking.” Din whispered, smiling sadly when he felt the little one stroke gently between the nooks of his pauldron and cuirass.

For a moment, he was tempted to pull off his helmet, to press a kiss to the little one’s head.

He settled for a gentle ear stroke, humming quietly as the kid settled and went back to eating what was left of the cookie, the two cuddled up into each other for just a few precious moments.

Neither thought about the fact that maybe in a few days, Din might have to give up on the child or the pain that would come with separation.

No, for just a few moments, the galaxy didn’t exist, only they and the Razor Crest did.

(Sorry, I’ll have to come back to HoarderSeer: I remember loving it when I read it, but can’t recall what happened right now, haha) DrinkTooMany is awesome so far! I love how protective both Boba and Paz are; they revolve around Din, and it shows. More than that, I love how he lets them! And Din’s rage at the poisoner was just delightful – I really DO hope he gets the chance to put that miserable idiot on his ass! That would be awesome!

The first thing every member of the court noticed when they arrived was that the silver mando was sitting on the arm of Fett’s throne, elbows resting on his thighs and leg thrown between the sprawl of Fett’s thighs. The omega’s hands hang limply between his knees and his body is seemingly relaxed even as his visor tracks every being entering the room in a short moment before dismissing them just as quickly.

Fett carefully kneads at the leg between his while big blue is standing beside the omega, one hand resting at the small of his back in a lightly rubbing motion and whatever the omega had been doing before to suppress his scent, it is no longer in effect.

The scent of unhappy omega is ripe in the air.

Not the bitter or overly sweet scent of an upset or sick one but sharper somehow, focused in a way that leaves several alphas sitting up and taking notice as their nose and even teeth somehow ache in reaction to the scent.

But the mando’s alphas somehow seem at ease with it.

Even seem to enjoy it by the sight of Paz leaning in to gently nuzzle his helmet to the others, a low murmur coming from the vocoder.

Djarin snorts, doesn’t look away from the doorway, as if he’s waiting for something but he does respond in a similar low tone. Whatever he says, has Fett chuckling faintly as he runs his hand up to squeeze the others knee for a moment then back to knead the calf once more.

The scent changes a bit, a measure of pleased omega.

And then it sharpens again as there is a shout down the hall, the sound of a shuffle with all three now focused on the doorway as Shand bodily throws the alpha noble into the throne room.

The man looks a far sight of from the man that arrived arrogant and thinking he was better than anyone in the throne room. For one his clothes and hair is now a mess, messy from being slept in and having no opportunity to groom himself and he’s also bleeding from his nose, dripping onto the front of his silk vest.

He rolls on the throne floor, coming to a stop in front of the dais as Shand prowls after with a proud smirk on her lips as she takes up her spot on the other side of the throne, secure in the knowledge that her personally trained guards will hold the noble right where he is should he try to flee.

Smartly, the man does not and doesn’t even try to rise but that could be the pressure of two alphas and an omega so sharply focused on him.

For a moment, no one speaks, the music is dead silent in the halls of Fett palace.

“He give you any problem?” Fett finally drawled, all three visors focused on the quivering noble on the floor but clearly speaking to Shand.

“Tried to rush at me when I opened the cell,” Shand snarked, smirking a bit as she cracked the knuckles of her hand with the other. “So I punched him.”

A low snigger from the big blue alpha, a vicious sound even through the vocoder. “Said it before, gonna say it again, your my kind of beta Shand.” He growled happily.

She gave a mocking bow in return before reaching down and pulling up a bottle of spotchka from behind the throne, likely stashed by Shand herself.

There was a shuffle, the New Republican noble was getting to his feet, holding his hands up in a surrendering motion. “M-My lords, I am sure I have gravely insulted you all bu-” Whatever else he was going to say, to try and justify himself to get out of the punishment he was sure to gain, no one would learn.

Because in that moment, Djarin burst into motion from where he had practically been vibrating on the arm of the throne. He lunged forward, his booted feet hitting the dais with a smooth jump bringing him to the floor, his left fist cocked back in swift, smooth movements that even trained warriors might have difficultly avoiding.

An unfit core alpha from a noble family that thought exercise beneath him?

No chance, the mandalorian hit true and hard.

The wet thump echoed in the room along with the loud crack, a telling noise of something breaking at the hit as the alpha hit the ground. Djarin had held nothing back and downed the alpha with that power punch, growling happily as the alpha cried out and cradled his nose, rolling on the floor in pain.

Both alphas behind him were watching closely, the court able to scent the arousal they had for the violent display of what was clearly a feral omega.

The noble wheezed looking up at Djarin as he held his hands over his face as he got up on his knees. “Ma ‘ose! Ma ‘ose! Yo ‘itch!” He cried out with tears in his eyes.

And idiocy showing once more as both Fett and Paz growled deeply at the insult to the omega, the low level arousal they had been letting out disappearing in the face of their rage.

Djarin just snorted before putting his foot to the man’s shoulder and pushing, sending him onto his back.

The alpha wheezed but before he could move, Djarin stepped after him and raised his foot, placing it purposefully on the alpha’s groin.

A loud, frightened if garbled whine escaped the man’s throat, most likely an involuntary reaction to the threat to his privates and just as involuntary, several alphas covered their own groins or shifted in discomfort.

The silence was almost stifling as Djarin stood there, a trembling alpha beneath his foot. “If you had drugged me on purpose,” He stated slowly, vocoder doing nothing to hide the dark tone of his voice. “I would have castrated you here and now in front of everyone.” Djarin growled deeply.

The alpha whimpered loudly, the hand not covering his face spasming on the floor, as if undecided if he should attempt to shove the others foot off of him.

“Luckily for you, you didn’t target me on purpose,” Djarin continued, his voice easing up. Maybe a mercy extending everyone thought confusedly until the next words came. “But you tried to drug my mate and I am not one to be trifled with when it comes to family.” With that, Djarin ground the heel of his foot down against the alpha’s dick and balls, simply kicking the man’s hands away when the noble tried to grab his ankle, screaming and crying.

No mercy from the violent omega, that was for sure as he continued slowly torturing the man in front of an entire court and his alphas.

Both simply watched, quiet and attentive and Shand was simply sampling her booze, eyes lidded as she relaxed though occasionally she winced at the pitch the New Republican managed to get.

Finally, when the man was out of air and panting instead of screaming, Djarin lifted his foot and stepped back, snorting deeply as he made his way back to the dais, stepping into the waiting arms of the big blue mandalorian.

The man greeted his mate with a low, proud croon, the only noise outside of the panting of the alpha on the floor. The two rubbed the forehead of their helmets together before Paz was handing the omega to Fett, the man instantly tucking the armored man into himself and there was no way that could be comfortable.

Two armored men in a stone throne, but they seemed to make it work as they watched big blue stepped down from the dais and made his way to the noble, lifting him by the front of his expensive clothes until they were visor to eye level, the noble eyes wild as he shakily clutched onto the cuirass of the armor.

For a second, the alpha just stood there, easily holding the other up off his feet, showing the strength his stature indicated. Then Paz chuckled darkly, sending a shiver of dread down everyone but three people’s backs. “I’m going to flay you alive and leave you for the scavengers of the desert,” He lightly shook the man, chuckling even more when he whimpered in fright. “Boba has already said I can do what I want. And I suffer no threat to my mates without repercussion.” That said, he started walking, dragging the weakly struggling man with him.

Djarin made a motion to follow the alpha dragging their prey out only for Fett to croon at him, pulling him back into his lap. “Let Paz have his fun sweetheart. You already had yours and I do so hate being alone.” Fett playfully, heard by the entire court despite the lowness of his voice

Both Shand and Djarin snorted, the noise crackly through the vocoder of the mandalorian before he huffed and nodded, settled into his mate.

A few of the more sadistically inclined people of the court followed after, eager to see spilled blood as when Paz stated he was going to flay the man, it had not sounded like an exaggeration.

Fett simply waved his hand and got the court started properly for the day, not even pausing when they heard screaming from outside.

But if he smelled satisfied with his arm possessively wrapped around the waist of his beskar dressed enforcer and mate…

Well, a warning had thoroughly been sent.

Don’t mess with Fett’s mates and don’t mess with Fett.

Because a hefty toll would be paid when either of the alphas or the omega extracted the payment from fools.

Hey! :) I love your story «Drink to many» and I really wanna know what happens next. ^^» Boba and Paz take good care of Din, right? And what happens to the Dickhead, that slipped something in the drink? Thank you so much for your writing! You are amazing! :)

One of the things that he would never ever get tired of since coming to Tatooine and taking over the palace would be the fresher of the King’s suite. It was practically decadent, since it had a karking marble tub sunken into the floor with a slight rim to avoid any potential sand coming into it.

It was honestly more of a small pool than a tub in Din’s eyes, it easily held five or seven people, though maybe it had been intended for the worm that once owned the palace.

If so, the size made sense.

Boba had a few edits done of course, adding a shower in one corner of the fresher for quicker washes but the tub was nice for lazy days, especially after he had a few workers put in some steps that they could sit on and lean back against the rim.

Boba liked to have either Din or Paz sit down in the tub while he sat up on the rim with his feet in the water, washing the hair of whichever he had in between his legs. And Din and Paz enjoyed rubbing oils into Boba’s scarred skin to soften the skin and ease some of the pain Boba carried in the more sensitive of the scars.

Paz had turned on the taps so it had a head start on filling up while he cleaned up Din’s face and helped him drink, so by the time they came in, the tub was as good as filled for their needs, the steam rising slightly off the water.

Boba had been quick to add some oils to the water, the scent refreshing and woodsy, though Din couldn’t quite put a label to the scent outside of ‘woodsy’.

Didn’t matter, it smelt nice and would leave Din feeling clean as his alphas were clearly in a protective frame of mind with how close they kept.

Both alphas attention were turned on Din and it might have been overwhelming if Din wasn’t one, so used to it and two, so out of it.

Paz had been required to get into the tub and help Din in with Boba’s help, his legs not wanting to hold him properly and while a shower might have been easier, the bath would help with the sore muscles as much as the cleaning.

Clinging to his bigger alpha, Din let out a soft whine of humiliation as he pressed into the others neck.

He hated feeling like he was helpless.

He wasn’t and both his alphas knew it, but his muscles were practically jelly on him and all his instincts were crooning for his alphas.

Paz arms tightened around him, the man purring at him quietly as he pulled back to sit down on one of the bath steps, bringing water up to Din’s shoulders and his own chest. “Easy mesh’la. There’s no shame in needing us.” Paz promised as Boba joined them with a small splash, the shorter man moving until he was standing in front of Paz and Din on the lower step.

A callused hand settled on the small of his back, rubbing slowly. “Paz is right sweetheart, no one expects you to be fine after being drugged,” Boba murmured tenderly, prompting Din to look up from Paz neck. “Let your buir’ika and alpha take care of you, how about that princess?” He tacked on with a small smile.

The smile did nothing to hide the worry in Boba’s eyes but… well, it was nice and Din felt himself settle a bit more at it, nodding slightly. Paz shifted him instantly, pushing and pulling Din easily until he was leaning back against Paz chest, head settled to his shoulder and warm lips gently seeking out Din’s neck.

“That’s our boy,” Boba rumbled, grabbing the bar soap they kept and quickly scrubbing it between his hands until he had a good lather. “Just let us get you back on your feet and then you can kill the shabuir.” He chuckled lowly, smirking when Din grunted in agreement.

It turned into a low moan of comfort when Boba’s hands got to work in his hair first.

Paz ran a hand between Din’s legs underwater in the meantime, cleaning away dried slick with water and honestly, it felt fantastic.

Maybe if he was in better shape, he might perk up at the touch but at the moment he was just grateful Paz thought about the stupid slick between his legs. “Can you… oh.” Din closed his eyes as Boba skritched at his scalp with blunt nails.

“Hmm, what was that princess?” Boba questioned quietly, pausing when Din just mewled.

Grunting, Din shifted. “Paz, can you get the rest of the slick. Its so gross.” He huffed and felt Paz hum softly against his neck as Boba got back to work on Din’s hair when he knew it wasn’t him Din was talking to.

“Of course Din’ika. Anything you want.” He chuckled warmly, his hand reaching in between Din’s legs to carefully clean between his cheeks too. Valiantly, Din’s cock twitched, more a reaction to the sensation than any real desire.

Thankfully Paz finished up quickly, being effective and almost clinical in his cleaning. Most likely he realized that the last thing Din wanted was for his body to produce more slick after the last night. “There we go, better kar’ta?” Paz questioned softly into his neck, humming contently when Din let out an agreeable little purr. “Good. Like buir’ika said, we’ll get you back on your feet so you can rain holy terror down on people.” He chortled quietly and Din couldn’t help but snigger with him.

He liked it when his alphas let him go feral on his own.

Maybe he wasn’t the most traditional of omegas but hey, he didn’t have to be, not when both Boba and Paz enjoyed him just like he was.

“Bet you Din makes him cry,” Boba suddenly said, a sly smirk in his voice as he pulled his hands out of Din’s hair. “Aw, don’t cry sweetheart, I’m just gonna rinse your hair out, so keep your eyes closed.” He crooned when Din whined.

“Not crying.” He huffed, closing his eyes tightly when he heard the telltale sound of the water bowl they kept splashing into the water.

Warm water ran through his hair and over his face, Boba rinsing out of his hair three times before humming in satisfaction.

“You’re on. Though considering you’re the one paying for the scopes anyhow, I don’t see how its a win for you.” Paz stated with some bemusement that Din echoed with his own soft noise.

Boba just sniggered before humming. “Reminds me, I got a new credit chip for you two to use and no, you don’t get to have it Din. You just gave everything away last time, which is cute but its for you two to get yourself something nice.” Boba snorted deeply, Din opening his eyes to huff at the alpha.

Boba just smirked and leaned in, kissing him chastely but sweetly on the lips.

“Sweet, I noticed they set up a bakery at the market stalls. We can use some of it there.” Paz stated with some excitement, squeezing Din gently.

Well, baked goods didn’t sound so bad.

And maybe some new blankets and pillows for his nest he mused out loud.

Din missed his two mates exchanging a pleased look over his head.

They’d spoil their omega yet.

Will you be writing a new omegaverse Paz/Din? Or perhaps Boba/Din? Or could we get more of the one you’ve already started, the touch-starved one? (Also, spite is one of the best motivators xD) Thank you for your lovely stories! 💙🥰

Waking slowly, Din felt disturbingly uncomfortable.

Somehow he was both wet and yet dried out at the same time, his head pounding slightly while feeling both too hot and yet too cold at the same time.

And for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what had happened.

Slowly he forced himself to open his eyes to the dimness of the room, letting out a low noise as he felt how crusted they were, feeling gross at how it practically felt like eye boogers were falling every time he blinked.

But he could tell that this was their room, their safe place where his nest and his alphas dens were made and by the feel of the room and the light, it seemed to be approaching midday, the heat of the room underground not unbearable but not pleasant either.

The longer he was awake he also realized eyes weren’t the only thing crusted, his thighs and legs felt disgusting.

Far better was the sensation of his mates pressed around him, warm skin pressed to his own.

Paz had taken up at his back, face pressed to Din’s neck and his arm under Din’s head.

It had to be so numb Din dazedly thought, blinking to try and get the crust out of his eyes without moving.

Boba had taken up the front, the smaller alpha pressed to Din’s chest, arms around the trim waist with his forehead to Din’s collarbone, knees pressed to his omega’s own. It was a position Boba tended to take, admitting once that he enjoyed being able to listen to Din’s heartbeat until he fell asleep.

Not that Din minded having Boba tucked under his chin, it was a nice feeling, having his scarred buir’ika trusting him so and his inner omega purred at being able to provide comfort for his higher alpha.

But for the life of him, Din doesn’t remember why he’s so wrung out at the moment.

Or why both of his alphas are wrapped so tightly around him.

Boba hasn’t held onto his hips this possessively since he put his teeth into Din’s mating gland and Paz is sleeping with his nose practically pressed to his scent gland, as if he needs the scent to reassure himself somehow.

Despite how awful he feels, Din can tell he hasn’t been in a heat.

At least not a normal one, though with a noise of disgust, he realizes why he feels wet as he feels the mostly dry slick between his cheeks and thighs.

And tellingly, his hips don’t have that delicious friction ache that comes from mating with his virile mates.

But his heat was so far of still, Paz rut was suppose to come first, Boba having been teasing the bigger alpha about it each time it was mentioned while Paz pouted and clung to Di-the drink.

Din shot up at the memory to the surprised, raspy cries of the other two, the memory of the awkwardly sweet drink he had grabbed from Boba’s throne yet had still drunk because once he had grabbed it, he didn’t want to be ungrateful spinning in his head.

His head instantly spun at being upright though and he gave a keen as his head throbbed with pain, feeling hands wrap around him and pull him back down, soft crooning and purring soothing at him with tender hands petting.

It didn’t make the pain or the soreness of his body go away but it did encourage him to open his eyes again, wondering when he had closed them. Blinking up at Paz and Boba’s worried faces, Din let out a piteously low whine.

“Get water Paz,” Boba ordered quietly, recognizing that Din’s head must be killing him as he cupped their omega’s cheek, rubbing gently with his thumb at a high cheekbone. “Are you okay with both of us leaving the bed princess? I’ll get you some painkillers if you are.” He tacked on softly as Paz did as told, the rustle of the beaded curtain of the fresher jangling softly.

While he would rather not be alone, even for a minute, the prospect of a hypo did tempt and he gave a shaking nod, swallowing thickly as he heard the rush of water, indicating that Paz fetching what sounded like ambrosia to Din.

Boba paused long enough to press their foreheads together before disappearing too, leaving Din to stare up at the beige roof of their room, his blue wind chime in his peripheral vision.

Every blink however reminded him of his crusty eyes and slowly he raised a hand to try and remove it.

A large, warm hand wrapped around his wrist before he could though, Din letting out a low noise of discomfort as Paz sat down on the bed with a jug set on the nightstand, a small blue cloth over his arm. “Don’t.” He rumbled before reaching down and lifting Din up via his armpits, settling him against the cool wooden headboard.

It rankled to be treated like an invalid or a child and Din opened his mouth to voice his complaints only to shut it and his eyes when Paz pressed the blue cloth to his face, Din realizing it was a washcloth, a wet one

Carefully Paz set to washing at Din’s eyes and over his face, removing the grime and crust. That too felt almost as lovely as the idea of drinking some cool water and Din let out a relieved whimper as he pressed into the touch.

Paz let out a soft croon in return and washed down his neck and over his shoulder.

By then the cloth had warmed up but it had done its duty and Paz set it aside to grab the water cup on the bedside, filling it with water from the jug, Din watching closely if tiredly the whole time until the cup was set to his lips.

Shaking hands came up to grasp at the cup, though Paz didn’t let go even as Din held onto it while drinking in slow, steady gulps.

Most likely for the best, considering Din’s hands were shaking without holding onto anything.

Boba returned as he was finishing the cup, a hypo in his hand. “Fennec had one ready, she’s dealing with the idiots out there.” He grunted, sitting down on Din’s other side.

Shifting forward a bit, Din made it easier for the alpha to get to his back, letting the man set the hypospray into his left shoulder muscle.

He felt disturbingly vulnerable as he did, though his mates being there and surrounding him did offset the feeling thankfully, Din licking his cracked lips once the cup was lowered and refilled, though Paz didn’t give Din the second cup of water. “What the hell was I slipped?” He rasped out.

Boba, nuzzling gently at his neck, paused. “Something meant for me and therefore an alpha. It was never meant for an omega system.” He rumbled, clearly upset even as Din leaned into the touch.

Snorting faintly, Din opened his mouth, only to let out a low noise when he heard a crack, blinking to Paz.

The big alpha had opened a can of something, raising a brow when he saw Din blinking at him confusion. “Energy drink. You’re going to need the sugar and vitamins it has after what just happened.” He stated seriously, lifting the can to Din’s lips. “Plus, its cold.” He tacked on.

Well, Paz wasn’t wrong and obediently Din started drinking, letting out a low moan at how cold it was, drinking more eagerly despite Paz not tilting the drink too much.

Clearly the other was avoiding the water belly he knew Din would give himself if left to his own devices.

“I need a shower…” He whispered once the can was lowered again, peering at the two.

“Do you think you can stand on your own?” Boba questioned, eyeing him seriously as Din considered that question, the man looking pleased for a second when Din shook his head.

It puzzled Din until he realized that Boba was pleased Din admitted to the help he needed.

‘I’m not that bad.’ He flustered, even as Boba reached out to settle an arm around his waist, Din settling his own over Boba’s shoulder.

Together, the two got Din up on shaking legs, Paz warily watching, hands ready to catch just in case Din’s legs buckled.

Thankfully, they didn’t, though Din felt them tremble as he clung to Boba, eyeing the distance between the bed and the fresher curtains with trepidation.

“Easy mesh’la, we won’t let you fall.” Paz whispered, large, careful hands settling on Din’s shoulders to rub, the anxiety bundling in Din’s stomach easing out as he carefully, with both Paz and Boba’s help, made his way towards the fresher.

“…I get first shot at breaking the shabuir jaw.” He muttered, smiling weakly when both chuckled quietly in dark agreement. ‘Once my legs can carry me that is.’