Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hello moddy, I have ben rereading Slowlyblooming, and I really wish you would be kind and continue it, but I don’t know how. Maybe some more scenes with BBani and fresh omega knight obi, or ani’s reaction to people being interested in obi (his brother), or maybe some clone/obi with ani’s reaction :) I don’t know if it is possible since it is kind of old, but I hope you can <3 <3

Looking around with
a disturbed expression, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself in an
attempt to ward off his sense of unease.

But the room wasn’t
helping at all.

Going down into the
basement of the house in search of clues with his master he had not
expected to find this and Obi-Wan’s face was not helping him feel
any better.

Every spare piece
of wall was covered in images of the missing woman they were looking
for, her smiling or frowning or oblivious face plastered everywhere
except for some shelves and a table with items covering them.

It was clear she
had no idea the images were being taken.

Disturbingly enough
one of them was a clearly used pair of underwear held up in a gravity

“Take a good look
around padawan,” Obi-Wan said, his face tight and his scent sour.
“This is a cowards shrine to possession. Not love, never love.
Never brave enough to approach and speak to her but still demanding
her attention and her space by invading it.” He said tightly while
gesturing to the multitude of images covering the walls and the table
filled with items that could only either belong to her or have been
touched by her.

The young man
swallowed heavily and pressed closer to Obi-Wan’s side, rubbing his
own arms as he pressed into him, trying to provide comfort and hoping
the acrid smell lessened somewhat. “Do you think this guy took him?
The miner who owns this house?” He whispered, surprised at how
hoarse his voice came out.

Pursing his lips,
Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around Anakin’s shoulders. “Maybe but
stalkers are dangerous and unpredictable and he seemed to be utterly
loosing it around the edges now that he can’t fill his obsession to
see her. You saw him, walking around, mumbling to himself while
watching her house.”

Anakin nodded.

That was after all
why they had followed after him when he had gone home and snuck in
when he left because of the miners suspicious behavior. Glancing
about, he swallowed again, “What do we do about all of this?”

“We call the
local law. Stalking is against the law and he is clearly stalking our
missing Senator daughter.” Obi-Wan sighed.

Anakin nodded,
following Obi-Wan as they headed up the stairs, Obi-Wan already
pulling his comm of his belt to indeed contact the local police and
inform them about the issue. A shudder went Anakin’s spine as his
brain superimposed Obi-Wan’s face onto the pictures downstairs and
the makeshift alters, changing the items to belong to Obi-Wan

He wondered if his
master had people like that around, stalkers.

The idea chilled
him to the bond simultaneously as it made his metaphorical hackles

The idea was just
so disturbing and it was still disturbing when they left the house to
the police, the chatter on their comms informing both Obi-Wan and
Anakin that the miner was being taken into custody at work. Anakin
still couldn’t quite get the sour scent of Obi-Wan’s displeasure
out of his nose as he clung to the others hand, telling him that
Obi-Wan was still affected.

He tugged lightly
on his master’s hand, waiting until the other was looking down at
him as busy people passed around them on the street. “How about we
go and eat Master? I see a pancake house over there.” Anakin said

Obi-Wan hesitated,
knowing their mission took priority.

“We know this is
Miss Grona’s local community, she may have gone to the pancake
house and we could maybe pick up a lead there but regardless we do
need fuel to work, food and drink master.” Anakin cajoled as
sweetly as he could.

A reluctant smile
started at the corners of Obi-Wan mouth and before he could stop it,
Obi-Wan was smiling fully, fond and warm down at Anakin as he squeezed his
padawan’s hand before playfully tugging on his braid with his other
hand. “You and your pancakes,” He chuckled. “Oh alright, you
win, we can go get pancakes, get some food into us but we’re going
right back to work after and I will be talking with the waiter or
waitress that serves us if I can.” He said sternly, still smiling.

Anakin just nodded
eagerly, following his master and brother towards the pancake house,
the acrid smell finally gone from the omegas scent.

Only Obi-Wan’s
clean and sweet scent remained.

Hi Moddy! Just for clarification, in Sweethoney, Obi-Wan and Jango did become mates right? Also, I really want to see the Council’s reaction to Obi having a mate. I love your work and keep being awesome!

Watching the
council for a long moment, Obi-Wan finally sighed. “Are you going
to surface from your leggings anytime soon Mace?” He asked dryly as
the Korun kept his head buried in his own thighs.

“No, if I don’t
then I can pretend this all never happened.” Mace said, his tone
somewhat muffled since his face was against his leggings.

To be
fair, he wasn’t the only one exhibiting an unfamiliar trait to deal
with the issue at hand. Oppo Rancisis was hiding in his own
coils, Yaddle had made a tent out of a stolen robe that Obi-Wan
suspected belonged to Plo since he was robeless and Plo himself had
his face buried in his hands.

Most of the others had managed to
restrain themselves to rubbing their faces in some manner while Yoda
was gnawing on his own cane.

“I don’t think being high is going
to help us at all.” He said dryly to said being.

“Silent I think you should be, mated
you are.” Yoda huffed, the old omega, luckily far past his breeding
age, grumpy as all hell.

“Yes can we talk about that?!” Mace
suddenly sat up. “Jango Fett?! Obi-Wan reall-”

“He’s my true mate.” Obi-Wan cut
in, tone bland as he stared at Mace in return. “He’s not just
compatible to me, but he’s my true mate. So yes, Jango Fett,
survivor of Galidraan and only remaining member of True
Mandalorians.” He added the latter sentence a bit icily, more than
ready to remind the council about the monumental cock-up Galiraan had

There was some silence.

Then Mace grunted and leaned back in
his chair, rubbing his hands over his sweaty scalp.


Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at him then
sighed. “Maybe we should all convene once the members of the high
council who are about to go into heat are done? Because Mace, you’re
not going to be able to think in about two hours, believe me.” He
stressed the words.

Sending the other a grumpy glance, Mace
tucked his robe around him. “I can han-”

“No you can’t.” Obi-Wan huffed.
“None of us can. We aren’t prepared to deal with heats and ruts,
we don’t experience them, not really but implants are cracked and
there is nothing for it. You need to get to your own quarters and
curl up in your bed and nest you damn man. That includes all of you
about to go into heat.” He glanced about. “For those about to go
into ruts I’m not quite sure but I imagine isolation is best for
them too.” He shrugged.

Mace grumbled before rubbing his face
with a hand. “…What do I need?”

“Absorption pads, blankets, pillows,
easy food, access to bottled water…” Obi-Wan shrugged. “I
suggest juice also, it made me feel better at least along with some
sweetened dried fruit. We’re not going to be able to hide.” He
glanced about. “We can only adapt. I know Jedi Order is slow to
adapt, I know the Jedi Council prefers to hide or cover… but there
is not hiding now. Not anymore. I have mate, we are exposed as what
we are and the Republic is at war. Now we have to deal and adapt.”
Obi-Wan said seriously.

There was a muted sense, as if standing
on the precipice of the dark and one minor misstep would lead them to

Slowly Yoda lowered his cane to his
lap, staring at it before meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes. “…Right he
is, no more hiding there is. Adjust and adapt we must.” He glanced
about. “Into heat and ruts the members here are going, do as
Obi-Wan says we should. Too old I am luckily, with Obi-Wan I shall go
to deal with the media and the senate.” He settled on.

There was some discomforted mutterings
before the rest agreed.

It still took Mace five minutes before
he managed to get up and shuffle past, the scent of heat on his skin
and as if that was a signal, everyone else started to file out too
until only Yoda and Obi-Wan was left.

The two stared at each other. “…Worried
I am Obi-Wan. Disaster this may be.”

“Or it may save us.” Obi-Wan argued
softly before approaching the others chair, kneeling down to offer
him his back. “Maybe this is what we needed.” He added quietly as
Yoda climbed onto his back.

Yoda settled his chin on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “Hope right you are right, worry for the future I do.”
He sighed deeply.

Hi Moddy! Just for clarification, in Sweethoney, Obi-Wan and Jango did become mates right? Also, I really want to see the Council’s reaction to Obi having a mate. I love your work and keep being awesome!

Watching the
council for a long moment, Obi-Wan finally sighed. “Are you going
to surface from your leggings anytime soon Mace?” He asked dryly as
the Korun kept his head buried in his own thighs.

“No, if I don’t
then I can pretend this all never happened.” Mace said, his tone
somewhat muffled since his face was against his leggings.

To be
fair, he wasn’t the only one exhibiting an unfamiliar trait to deal
with the issue at hand. Oppo Rancisis was hiding in his own
coils, Yaddle had made a tent out of a stolen robe that Obi-Wan
suspected belonged to Plo since he was robeless and Plo himself had
his face buried in his hands.

Most of the others had managed to
restrain themselves to rubbing their faces in some manner while Yoda
was gnawing on his own cane.

“I don’t think being high is going
to help us at all.” He said dryly to said being.

“Silent I think you should be, mated
you are.” Yoda huffed, the old omega, luckily far past his breeding
age, grumpy as all hell.

“Yes can we talk about that?!” Mace
suddenly sat up. “Jango Fett?! Obi-Wan reall-”

“He’s my true mate.” Obi-Wan cut
in, tone bland as he stared at Mace in return. “He’s not just
compatible to me, but he’s my true mate. So yes, Jango Fett,
survivor of Galidraan and only remaining member of True
Mandalorians.” He added the latter sentence a bit icily, more than
ready to remind the council about the monumental cock-up Galiraan had

There was some silence.

Then Mace grunted and leaned back in
his chair, rubbing his hands over his sweaty scalp.


Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at him then
sighed. “Maybe we should all convene once the members of the high
council who are about to go into heat are done? Because Mace, you’re
not going to be able to think in about two hours, believe me.” He
stressed the words.

Sending the other a grumpy glance, Mace
tucked his robe around him. “I can han-”

“No you can’t.” Obi-Wan huffed.
“None of us can. We aren’t prepared to deal with heats and ruts,
we don’t experience them, not really but implants are cracked and
there is nothing for it. You need to get to your own quarters and
curl up in your bed and nest you damn man. That includes all of you
about to go into heat.” He glanced about. “For those about to go
into ruts I’m not quite sure but I imagine isolation is best for
them too.” He shrugged.

Mace grumbled before rubbing his face
with a hand. “…What do I need?”

“Absorption pads, blankets, pillows,
easy food, access to bottled water…” Obi-Wan shrugged. “I
suggest juice also, it made me feel better at least along with some
sweetened dried fruit. We’re not going to be able to hide.” He
glanced about. “We can only adapt. I know Jedi Order is slow to
adapt, I know the Jedi Council prefers to hide or cover… but there
is not hiding now. Not anymore. I have mate, we are exposed as what
we are and the Republic is at war. Now we have to deal and adapt.”
Obi-Wan said seriously.

There was a muted sense, as if standing
on the precipice of the dark and one minor misstep would lead them to

Slowly Yoda lowered his cane to his
lap, staring at it before meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes. “…Right he
is, no more hiding there is. Adjust and adapt we must.” He glanced
about. “Into heat and ruts the members here are going, do as
Obi-Wan says we should. Too old I am luckily, with Obi-Wan I shall go
to deal with the media and the senate.” He settled on.

There was some discomforted mutterings
before the rest agreed.

It still took Mace five minutes before
he managed to get up and shuffle past, the scent of heat on his skin
and as if that was a signal, everyone else started to file out too
until only Yoda and Obi-Wan was left.

The two stared at each other. “…Worried
I am Obi-Wan. Disaster this may be.”

“Or it may save us.” Obi-Wan argued
softly before approaching the others chair, kneeling down to offer
him his back. “Maybe this is what we needed.” He added quietly as
Yoda climbed onto his back.

Yoda settled his chin on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “Hope right you are right, worry for the future I do.”
He sighed deeply.

Hey Moddy, hope all is good! I’d like to humbly request some more SweetHoney? I’m soo curious as to what the the Council have to say about all this and I’d also love to see some Obi-Wan and Anakin interaction??

Sighing loudly, Obi-Wan shook his head,
gave a little mutter before closing his eyes. “Anakin, please stop
scratching your balls in public. Its impolite.”

There was a scattering of sniggering, a
few of the troopers unable to help themselves though Obi-Wan noted
with some satisfaction that none of them were turning their head to
look at the young omega but continued their work as they focused on
piloting the shuttle to Coruscant and the landing process.

Anakin however had lifted his hands
away as if burned, giving Obi-Wan a wide eyed look of betrayal as he
stared at him. “I wasn’t scr-” He started in an insulted,
spluttering tone that shut up when Obi-Wan gave him a long look, the
blond shuffling a bit. “The clothes are too small, I was adjusting
myself, not scratching outright…” He mumbled out, clearly sulking
as Obi-Wan raised a surprised brow.

“Your clothes are to small?” He
asked, brows furrowing after his surprise.

Coloring, his padawan rubbed the back
of his neck. “I…” He squirmed and Obi-Wan’s brow furrowed
more as he glanced about before moving closer to his one armed
padawan, gently taking him by the elbow.

“Padawan?” He whispered.

Flustered, Anakin leaned down and in so
he could whisper only for Obi-Wan to hear. “I had a minor heat
flash. I think I’m going into heat without the implant but since I
never done it except the first time, I’m not sure.” He explained.

Frowning at that, Obi-Wan nodded.

“Completely soaked and there’s no
detergent strong enough on this ship to hide it.” Anakin confessed,
glancing about warily.

Squeezing the elbow in his grasp
gently, Obi-Wan nodded in understanding. With this many unknown
alphas around, Anakin wasn’t comfortable walking around with the
scent of slick on him, at least not his own. “We’ll be at the
temple in less than an hour, go straight to the healers and I’ll
stop by our quarters to fetch you a fresh set of clothes before I
appear before the Jedi Council. I know that at least Master Windu is
two hours behind us in travel so I will have time to get you anything
you’d need…and Anakin, request suppressors from the healers.
There’s no hiding what’s going on with us, not anymore.”
Obi-Wan added as he knew there were already rumors all over Coruscant
thanks to the Sentinels and Jedi who had to stay behind.

“Considering you’re mated and
pretty much everyone is going to smell it, I know.” Anakin said
seriously before licking his lips. “He seems like a strong mate? If
that’s helpful?” He added quietly.

Reluctantly Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
into a small smile before he glanced to the viewscreen where he could
distantly spot Slave 1 flying alongside them, Jango and Boba opting
to pilot their own ship though Obi-Wan had needed to convince the man
to let him go with his padawan.

Jango had reluctantly allowed it but
finally, after speaking with the captain of the troopers in charge of
this particular ship, he had quite willingly gone to his own after
getting a kiss from Obi-Wan, soft and lingering.

Most likely extracting a promise to
look out for the two injured omegas as neither Obi-Wan or Anakin were
fully healed. None of the injured Jedi were really but they had to
get back to Coruscant, to deal with the fallout of everything…

And the public’s shock over the

Obi-Wan knew there was bound to be
curiosity over the fact that Jedi actually were both omegas and
alphas, that they had hidden it away though Mace had already
explained that there was a prepared press release once everyone was
back to the temple, to explain that the Jedi had always felt that
they were better able to help when no one made assumption based on
secondary genders and therefor in the very infancy of the early Jedi
Order, the implants had been created and through the many decades

He hoped they could deal with the

There was bound to be some.

Hopefully the fallout could be turned
positive, their curiosity used to try and gain sympathy for all these
alphas and omegas sacrificing parts of themselves in the safety of
the galaxy… hmm he might say that to the Council, get them to spin
the story in a sacrificial. The galaxy loved a sordid sacrifice story
for the great good of others when the hero or heroine sacrificed to

And alphas had always had a hind brain
reaction to injured and suffering omegas that they couldn’t get
around most of the time as they had all experienced with the clones
arriving and going pretty much feral in their need to protect the

Gently he squeezed Anakin’s elbow
again. “How do you feel? I saw how Amidala… how she recoiled from
you.” He whispered.

Anakin looked away, face tight before
it went lax and he sighed deeply. “I think she considered it a
betrayal that I hadn’t even mentioned… I don’t…” He slumped
a bit and let Obi-Wan drag him down via a hand to the back of the
neck, letting his forehead rest on his omega master’s shoulder.
“She was upset at me. I hope she’s willing to talk to me once she
calms down…” Anakin mumbled.

Not saying anything, Obi-Wan rubbed his
scalp gently.

Honestly, it wasn’t like he, the
mated omega, could really protest.

He just hoped that Anakin gave his
heart to someone who would listen to him, be that Senator Amidala or
someone else.

“I really want a hot bath right about
now.” Anakin confessed softly and Obi-Wan made a soft, soothing
noise as close to a purr as he could get, Anakin melting slowly
against him as he soaked in the comfort offered.

Hey Moddy, hope all is good! I’d like to humbly request some more SweetHoney? I’m soo curious as to what the the Council have to say about all this and I’d also love to see some Obi-Wan and Anakin interaction??

Sighing loudly, Obi-Wan shook his head,
gave a little mutter before closing his eyes. “Anakin, please stop
scratching your balls in public. Its impolite.”

There was a scattering of sniggering, a
few of the troopers unable to help themselves though Obi-Wan noted
with some satisfaction that none of them were turning their head to
look at the young omega but continued their work as they focused on
piloting the shuttle to Coruscant and the landing process.

Anakin however had lifted his hands
away as if burned, giving Obi-Wan a wide eyed look of betrayal as he
stared at him. “I wasn’t scr-” He started in an insulted,
spluttering tone that shut up when Obi-Wan gave him a long look, the
blond shuffling a bit. “The clothes are too small, I was adjusting
myself, not scratching outright…” He mumbled out, clearly sulking
as Obi-Wan raised a surprised brow.

“Your clothes are to small?” He
asked, brows furrowing after his surprise.

Coloring, his padawan rubbed the back
of his neck. “I…” He squirmed and Obi-Wan’s brow furrowed
more as he glanced about before moving closer to his one armed
padawan, gently taking him by the elbow.

“Padawan?” He whispered.

Flustered, Anakin leaned down and in so
he could whisper only for Obi-Wan to hear. “I had a minor heat
flash. I think I’m going into heat without the implant but since I
never done it except the first time, I’m not sure.” He explained.

Frowning at that, Obi-Wan nodded.

“Completely soaked and there’s no
detergent strong enough on this ship to hide it.” Anakin confessed,
glancing about warily.

Squeezing the elbow in his grasp
gently, Obi-Wan nodded in understanding. With this many unknown
alphas around, Anakin wasn’t comfortable walking around with the
scent of slick on him, at least not his own. “We’ll be at the
temple in less than an hour, go straight to the healers and I’ll
stop by our quarters to fetch you a fresh set of clothes before I
appear before the Jedi Council. I know that at least Master Windu is
two hours behind us in travel so I will have time to get you anything
you’d need…and Anakin, request suppressors from the healers.
There’s no hiding what’s going on with us, not anymore.”
Obi-Wan added as he knew there were already rumors all over Coruscant
thanks to the Sentinels and Jedi who had to stay behind.

“Considering you’re mated and
pretty much everyone is going to smell it, I know.” Anakin said
seriously before licking his lips. “He seems like a strong mate? If
that’s helpful?” He added quietly.

Reluctantly Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
into a small smile before he glanced to the viewscreen where he could
distantly spot Slave 1 flying alongside them, Jango and Boba opting
to pilot their own ship though Obi-Wan had needed to convince the man
to let him go with his padawan.

Jango had reluctantly allowed it but
finally, after speaking with the captain of the troopers in charge of
this particular ship, he had quite willingly gone to his own after
getting a kiss from Obi-Wan, soft and lingering.

Most likely extracting a promise to
look out for the two injured omegas as neither Obi-Wan or Anakin were
fully healed. None of the injured Jedi were really but they had to
get back to Coruscant, to deal with the fallout of everything…

And the public’s shock over the

Obi-Wan knew there was bound to be
curiosity over the fact that Jedi actually were both omegas and
alphas, that they had hidden it away though Mace had already
explained that there was a prepared press release once everyone was
back to the temple, to explain that the Jedi had always felt that
they were better able to help when no one made assumption based on
secondary genders and therefor in the very infancy of the early Jedi
Order, the implants had been created and through the many decades

He hoped they could deal with the

There was bound to be some.

Hopefully the fallout could be turned
positive, their curiosity used to try and gain sympathy for all these
alphas and omegas sacrificing parts of themselves in the safety of
the galaxy… hmm he might say that to the Council, get them to spin
the story in a sacrificial. The galaxy loved a sordid sacrifice story
for the great good of others when the hero or heroine sacrificed to

And alphas had always had a hind brain
reaction to injured and suffering omegas that they couldn’t get
around most of the time as they had all experienced with the clones
arriving and going pretty much feral in their need to protect the

Gently he squeezed Anakin’s elbow
again. “How do you feel? I saw how Amidala… how she recoiled from
you.” He whispered.

Anakin looked away, face tight before
it went lax and he sighed deeply. “I think she considered it a
betrayal that I hadn’t even mentioned… I don’t…” He slumped
a bit and let Obi-Wan drag him down via a hand to the back of the
neck, letting his forehead rest on his omega master’s shoulder.
“She was upset at me. I hope she’s willing to talk to me once she
calms down…” Anakin mumbled.

Not saying anything, Obi-Wan rubbed his
scalp gently.

Honestly, it wasn’t like he, the
mated omega, could really protest.

He just hoped that Anakin gave his
heart to someone who would listen to him, be that Senator Amidala or
someone else.

“I really want a hot bath right about
now.” Anakin confessed softly and Obi-Wan made a soft, soothing
noise as close to a purr as he could get, Anakin melting slowly
against him as he soaked in the comfort offered.

What happens in See Me when Anakin finds out what happened that triggered Obi-Wan’s heat

Pressing his hand
gently to Obi-Wan’s back as he raised himself up on an elbow in
bed, Anakin smiled when the other lifted his head up from the pillows
to look at him, the messy omega blinking sleepily at him. “How do
you feel?” He questioned softly, rubbing slowly along the dip of
the others back with his fingertips.

He could see
goosebumps rising on Obi-Wan’s skin in reaction.

Letting out a soft
hum, Obi-Wan stretched slowly, muscles flexing beneath freckled pale
skin before he twisted onto his side to reach out tug the other down
into a brief kiss. “Better.” He settled on after he pulled back,
voice a bit hoarse from his heat. “A lot better now that the heat
has passed and you were there to sooth me through it.” He chuckled
faintly before sighing and pushing himself up on his hands to sit,
winching a bit. “Oh dear, I think we need to change the sheets.”
He muttered, wiggling a bit.

Snorting a bit,
Anakin wrapped his arm around the omega. “I pretty much figured
that when I offered my own quarters for you to nest. How about you go
off to the sonic right now and I’ll strip the sheets and go to the
kitchen to get something started hey?” He smiled gently.

Running his fingers
through Anakin’s hair to comb the wild curls down a bit, Obi-Wan
gave him a fond smile before nodding and slowly inching off the bed
and pushing to his feet, squeaking a bit as something leaked on his
thigh that had him rather quickly limping off to the fresher.

Feeling a small
sizzle of arousal at the sight of his nude mate, Anakin took a deep
breath and carefully pushed the image away before getting up to do as
he said, stripping the soiled sheets from the last few days so they
could be sent to laundry.

Then he pulled on
some clothes and went to the kitchen.

It took him a
minute to figure out what to make but since Obi-Wan was coming out of
a heat, he’d appreciate something light on the stomach so he
settled in to make a plain omelet, some toast and peel some oranges
as he knew Obi-Wan liked the fruit.

By the time he’d
finished the peeling, Obi-Wan was finished with his shower and was
limping into the kitchen, wearing one of Anakin’s t-shirts and

Valiantly, Anakin’s
body tried to respond but sweet Force, it was right after a damn

So thankfully his
penis stayed inert because he wasn’t actually sure he’d handle
the sensitivity right now as Obi-Wan came closer and took a plate of
omelet, pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “Thank you Ani,
this looks lovely.” He said quietly.

Just smiling at
that, Anakin watched the other eat slowly as he too filled his
stomach with both of them standing with their hips resting against
the kitchen benches.

He let him eat
first before he asked the question that had been burning him since
Obi-Wan hit his heat. “What happened? Can you tell me?” Anakin
questioned softly.

Letting out a low
noise, Obi-Wan stared at the half eaten orange in his hand, plate on
the bench now. “I… found out who sent out the information about
the omegas when I was in the Senate.” He murmured quietly, licking
his lips. “And it gave me a grave shock because of how high up the
Senate this person is.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “And that makes me
highly worried about the future of our lives…”

Gawking at the
other man for a long moment, Anakin finally shook himself out of his
shock. “I… I see.” He rasped out, wrapping his arm around the
other. “Well that sucks.”

Sighing deeply once
more for what felt like the eight time, Obi-Wan nodded while tucking
himself into the blond. “Yes, oh…”

What happens in See Me when Anakin finds out what happened that triggered Obi-Wan’s heat

Pressing his hand
gently to Obi-Wan’s back as he raised himself up on an elbow in
bed, Anakin smiled when the other lifted his head up from the pillows
to look at him, the messy omega blinking sleepily at him. “How do
you feel?” He questioned softly, rubbing slowly along the dip of
the others back with his fingertips.

He could see
goosebumps rising on Obi-Wan’s skin in reaction.

Letting out a soft
hum, Obi-Wan stretched slowly, muscles flexing beneath freckled pale
skin before he twisted onto his side to reach out tug the other down
into a brief kiss. “Better.” He settled on after he pulled back,
voice a bit hoarse from his heat. “A lot better now that the heat
has passed and you were there to sooth me through it.” He chuckled
faintly before sighing and pushing himself up on his hands to sit,
winching a bit. “Oh dear, I think we need to change the sheets.”
He muttered, wiggling a bit.

Snorting a bit,
Anakin wrapped his arm around the omega. “I pretty much figured
that when I offered my own quarters for you to nest. How about you go
off to the sonic right now and I’ll strip the sheets and go to the
kitchen to get something started hey?” He smiled gently.

Running his fingers
through Anakin’s hair to comb the wild curls down a bit, Obi-Wan
gave him a fond smile before nodding and slowly inching off the bed
and pushing to his feet, squeaking a bit as something leaked on his
thigh that had him rather quickly limping off to the fresher.

Feeling a small
sizzle of arousal at the sight of his nude mate, Anakin took a deep
breath and carefully pushed the image away before getting up to do as
he said, stripping the soiled sheets from the last few days so they
could be sent to laundry.

Then he pulled on
some clothes and went to the kitchen.

It took him a
minute to figure out what to make but since Obi-Wan was coming out of
a heat, he’d appreciate something light on the stomach so he
settled in to make a plain omelet, some toast and peel some oranges
as he knew Obi-Wan liked the fruit.

By the time he’d
finished the peeling, Obi-Wan was finished with his shower and was
limping into the kitchen, wearing one of Anakin’s t-shirts and

Valiantly, Anakin’s
body tried to respond but sweet Force, it was right after a damn

So thankfully his
penis stayed inert because he wasn’t actually sure he’d handle
the sensitivity right now as Obi-Wan came closer and took a plate of
omelet, pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “Thank you Ani,
this looks lovely.” He said quietly.

Just smiling at
that, Anakin watched the other eat slowly as he too filled his
stomach with both of them standing with their hips resting against
the kitchen benches.

He let him eat
first before he asked the question that had been burning him since
Obi-Wan hit his heat. “What happened? Can you tell me?” Anakin
questioned softly.

Letting out a low
noise, Obi-Wan stared at the half eaten orange in his hand, plate on
the bench now. “I… found out who sent out the information about
the omegas when I was in the Senate.” He murmured quietly, licking
his lips. “And it gave me a grave shock because of how high up the
Senate this person is.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “And that makes me
highly worried about the future of our lives…”

Gawking at the
other man for a long moment, Anakin finally shook himself out of his
shock. “I… I see.” He rasped out, wrapping his arm around the
other. “Well that sucks.”

Sighing deeply once
more for what felt like the eight time, Obi-Wan nodded while tucking
himself into the blond. “Yes, oh…”

In Unbounded Misery, is Obi-Wan going to let Qui-Gon or anyone ( one of his friends maybe) help him now that he is back at the temple

Walking slowly
towards the quartermaster’s office with Qui-Gon and Anakin
following quietly behind him, Obi-Wan let out a silent breath. Ever
since they came back, Qui-Gon often showed up to help Obi-Wan in any
manner he could, everything from helping him get food into his
cupboard and fridge to cleaning things.

And Anakin too was
catching onto this behavior, helping Obi-Wan clean out the cupboards
on floor level where Obi-Wan had difficulty getting to now with his
larger stomach which the teen had the easiest time even with his
growing stature.

Getting down on his
knees or crouching down could hurt something awful lot now though for
Obi-Wan and somewhere in the back of his mind he was cursing
evolution for its decision in giving them giant ass stomachs.

Why couldn’t they
be like avians and just lay eggs?

Obi-Wan would
happily sit on an egg for a few months if he could avoid this giant
ass stomach!

And the need for
new clothes.

“Ah! Obi-Wan!
I’ve been waiting for you.” Quartermaster Lipetto smiled warmly
at him when he entered the front office of the large storage area for
quartermasters, turning to yell down the rows of clothes and items at
one of the droids in the back. “Buti! Bring up Knight Kenobi’s
items. Now!” She turned back, shaking out her fur. “I wasn’t
sure when you’d arrive so I had it set away into the shelves until
you came so no one would trip over it.”

Smiling a bit as he
moved over to her assigned cubicle slot with the other quartermasters
busy with other Jedi, Obi-Wan nodded. “Apologies, I’ve been kind
of busy…” He trailed off as she waved a large hand.

“Oh no, no, I
know you’ve been busy with medical appointments and all, I didn’t
think you’d be able to come along before late evening time.” She
laughed, nodding to Qui-Gon and Anakin as they entered. “Master
Jinn, padawan Skywalker.” She greeted before smiling at Obi-Wan
once more. “I’m glad to see you brought help, the crate is a bit
heavy and in your current condition you shouldn’t be carrying it
around for a longer period of time.” Lipetto said softly.

Giving her a
strained smile, Obi-Wan nodded before stepping back as she opened her
cubicle door so Buti could step out with the crate.

It didn’t look
too heavy, being about knee height but Qui-Gon gave a deep grunt when
he lifted it from the droids arms so Obi-Wan knew it had to have some

“Everything I
need is in it than?” He questioned while accepting a pad from

“Oh yes, but read
through this to see that the list is complete and then write off on
it.” She nodded.

Scanning through
it, Obi-Wan let out a little hum as he saw the list of tunics,
leggings, slippers and so on.

He frowned when he
reached the end. “Where are the boots?” He questioned in

Lipetto gave him a
look. “I did see that on the list but you can’t be serious
Obi-Wan. Your ankles will be swollen for several months to come,
wearing boots will not be a-”

“I want boots.”
Obi-Wan said firmly, the Knight and Quartermaster staring at each

Finally she sighed
and nodded. “I’ll see if I can find some soft leather ankle boots
for you. With very little heel.” She resigned.

Knowing that was
the best he could get, Obi-Wan nodded before writing off on the
order. “Thank you.” Obi-Wan said quietly, feeling contrite since
he knew they were only trying to look after him but…

It was still his
life, the baby growing in him shouldn’t change everything.

He had to make so
many adjustment because of this, let him at least have something…
if only for the sake of his pride.

Letting out a
little meep and a flinch when Anakin touched his elbow, Obi-Wan
looked down at the blond in surprise as he smiled up at Obi-Wan.

“We should go
back to your quarter, get your stuff set away and make some lunch.”
The blond explained, still holding onto Obi-Wan’s arm.

“Oh, right.
Master Qui-Gon can’t stand there holding the crate… yes, lets
go.” He nodded, letting Anakin slowly guide him out and therefor
not seeing Qui-Gon give Lipetto a significant look that had the
quartermaster sighing in relief at the Jedi master obvious intent on
talking to Obi-Wan about the boots.

With that over, he
followed his former and current padawan out.

In Unbounded Misery, is Obi-Wan going to let Qui-Gon or anyone ( one of his friends maybe) help him now that he is back at the temple

Walking slowly
towards the quartermaster’s office with Qui-Gon and Anakin
following quietly behind him, Obi-Wan let out a silent breath. Ever
since they came back, Qui-Gon often showed up to help Obi-Wan in any
manner he could, everything from helping him get food into his
cupboard and fridge to cleaning things.

And Anakin too was
catching onto this behavior, helping Obi-Wan clean out the cupboards
on floor level where Obi-Wan had difficulty getting to now with his
larger stomach which the teen had the easiest time even with his
growing stature.

Getting down on his
knees or crouching down could hurt something awful lot now though for
Obi-Wan and somewhere in the back of his mind he was cursing
evolution for its decision in giving them giant ass stomachs.

Why couldn’t they
be like avians and just lay eggs?

Obi-Wan would
happily sit on an egg for a few months if he could avoid this giant
ass stomach!

And the need for
new clothes.

“Ah! Obi-Wan!
I’ve been waiting for you.” Quartermaster Lipetto smiled warmly
at him when he entered the front office of the large storage area for
quartermasters, turning to yell down the rows of clothes and items at
one of the droids in the back. “Buti! Bring up Knight Kenobi’s
items. Now!” She turned back, shaking out her fur. “I wasn’t
sure when you’d arrive so I had it set away into the shelves until
you came so no one would trip over it.”

Smiling a bit as he
moved over to her assigned cubicle slot with the other quartermasters
busy with other Jedi, Obi-Wan nodded. “Apologies, I’ve been kind
of busy…” He trailed off as she waved a large hand.

“Oh no, no, I
know you’ve been busy with medical appointments and all, I didn’t
think you’d be able to come along before late evening time.” She
laughed, nodding to Qui-Gon and Anakin as they entered. “Master
Jinn, padawan Skywalker.” She greeted before smiling at Obi-Wan
once more. “I’m glad to see you brought help, the crate is a bit
heavy and in your current condition you shouldn’t be carrying it
around for a longer period of time.” Lipetto said softly.

Giving her a
strained smile, Obi-Wan nodded before stepping back as she opened her
cubicle door so Buti could step out with the crate.

It didn’t look
too heavy, being about knee height but Qui-Gon gave a deep grunt when
he lifted it from the droids arms so Obi-Wan knew it had to have some

“Everything I
need is in it than?” He questioned while accepting a pad from

“Oh yes, but read
through this to see that the list is complete and then write off on
it.” She nodded.

Scanning through
it, Obi-Wan let out a little hum as he saw the list of tunics,
leggings, slippers and so on.

He frowned when he
reached the end. “Where are the boots?” He questioned in

Lipetto gave him a
look. “I did see that on the list but you can’t be serious
Obi-Wan. Your ankles will be swollen for several months to come,
wearing boots will not be a-”

“I want boots.”
Obi-Wan said firmly, the Knight and Quartermaster staring at each

Finally she sighed
and nodded. “I’ll see if I can find some soft leather ankle boots
for you. With very little heel.” She resigned.

Knowing that was
the best he could get, Obi-Wan nodded before writing off on the
order. “Thank you.” Obi-Wan said quietly, feeling contrite since
he knew they were only trying to look after him but…

It was still his
life, the baby growing in him shouldn’t change everything.

He had to make so
many adjustment because of this, let him at least have something…
if only for the sake of his pride.

Letting out a
little meep and a flinch when Anakin touched his elbow, Obi-Wan
looked down at the blond in surprise as he smiled up at Obi-Wan.

“We should go
back to your quarter, get your stuff set away and make some lunch.”
The blond explained, still holding onto Obi-Wan’s arm.

“Oh, right.
Master Qui-Gon can’t stand there holding the crate… yes, lets
go.” He nodded, letting Anakin slowly guide him out and therefor
not seeing Qui-Gon give Lipetto a significant look that had the
quartermaster sighing in relief at the Jedi master obvious intent on
talking to Obi-Wan about the boots.

With that over, he
followed his former and current padawan out.