
“FINALLY finished this!!

Mando!Wolffe gifting a Kar’ta Beskar (Iron Heart) to a recovering Master Plo!! In this Mando/semi-happy AU, Plo survived the crash, and was later saved by Wolffe! He’s recovering with Wolffe’s new clan, and his ad didn’t want him to feel left out with the loss of the Jedi.

He’s a good ad’ika, isn’t he? 🥺💕💖”

Close-ups below!:


First post of June, and now for some non-mando art!! I missed these kids so much??

In case it’s unreadable, Ahsoka poshly says, “One wishes to acquaint your facial features with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.”

Ahsoka got left with a very angry Obi once and she’s learned well how to insult like a posh person 😂🤣 I wonder who got Obi THAT mad though??

Still loving this lil robes redesign for her, tempted to also give her the skirt from the concept art…. 👀💕💖

By the way!! If you happen to like my art and comics, feel free to toss a coffee my way!! No pressure though!! 💖


“He’s rude for a clone.” – Anakin Skywalker on Alpha-17

He’s DONE @simping-for-fives . He is FINISHED. He is STRONK. Had a lot of fun working with this less defined muscle type, muted training room lighting, and with the special (and hard to find refs for) Alpha-ARC armor!!

So here’s the man!! Alpha-17, or just Alpha! Here’s here to kick some shebs and look GREAT doing it!!


“Day 9: Ori’vod – Older sibling

I just really feel so sad over the fact that Boba didn’t get to form brotherly relationships with clones, at least, not when he was older. And then when he lost his father and was sent away to an orphanage, he had no one for so long?? I wonder what would happen if he met an old face again, an annoying ori’vod who couldn’t be happier to see his khi’vod following his father’s footsteps…

And even sadder, what would’ve happened if he’d gotten to have those brothers, and have that family…. 🥺😭”

Also may have gone on a ramble that turned into a small blurb fanfic about this? 👀😈 If anyone wants to read it, just let me know and I can compile it all together, maybe fix some grammar before I show it, too. 😂


“Day 17: Chaaj’miit – Broadcast/message

Fennec doing her job and Boba’s bored without his fellow Blaster Buddy. 🤣 Had a ton of fun with this, as much as my brain hated me trying to get work done that day??

Hope y’all like it, and have a wonderful weekend!! 🙌🏻💕💖”

Also!! Incorrect Quote found via the Incorrect Quote Generator!!


“Days 6 & 7: Aay’han and Partaylir – "Mourning and Joy at once” and Remember.

But just!! Sad thoughts about how it must be such an achievement for Boba to have become a powerful ruler?? Of what used to be Jabba’s? All to have to realize that his father would never know that all his training, and his teaching, had led his son to this??

But his father is there, just a plane away from his ad’ika, always proud.

I have many sad thoughts about Boba and Jango ;;-;; (also yes that’s his blue shirt from AoTC)


Some memes after my last few arts!!

“Day 10: Ba’buir – Grandparent

HEYO. MEMES! Haunted!Din based off an idea from @keldabekush !! The idea that the darksaber is haunted by past Mand’alors?? Which I LOVE.

So Din gets to enjoy meeting Boba’s Ba’buir, Jaster Mereel!!

Also please find my second joke funny 🤣 I ran so hard with the quote and the Mando’a addition 😂 (if no one gets it I’ll spill, dw)”


REALIZED I HADN’T POSTED IT HERE??? Rex winning over lil Ahsoka for Prank Help via Pocky!!

Running a DTIYS on my IG and wanted to make it available here too!! To quote that post for ease/clarity:

“To make sure I see your art and that you get counted towards the prizes, make sure to tag me on the post, and use the hashtag #OllosModernDTIYS !!

This is an art challenge for y’all!! No need to recreate this art, but instead I want to see what YOU can create! Take your Star Wars OCs or your favorite Canon Characters, and draw them as how you think they’d be in a Modern, human, world!! Do Twileks have braids? How do you translate Zabrak horns? Does Plo have sunglasses or fancy old glasses?

There will also be prizes for the selected winning artists!!

1st place: Flat Color Portrait or Torso Lineart

2nd place: Colored Sketch Portrait

3rd place: Sketch Torso

Thank y’all so SO much for all the love you’ve shown me and my work, and I’m extremely excited to see where we go from here!

The deadline for all final entries is the end April 18th!! (Midnight Pacific time)”

(also God bless Pexels yet again 😔👌🏻💕💖)


Finally finished and BOY am I proud of this?? @brekkie-e gave me the STUNNING idea of baby Soka being a She-ra fan and I LOVED it?? So she gets to be sparkly and wear She-ra?? Also pimply Ani and his emo band shirt 😂🤣💕💖

Additionally God bless the Pexels site and Curtis Adams for the free background that saved my ass??