Moddy in old and sweet do Anakin and Obi-Wan talk? How does the council react to everything? Does Anakin make his new lightsaber(s?)? Thank you for all your writing your awesome.

you gave him the crystal.”

deep voice echoed through
the mostly empty quarters of the Kenobi and Skywalker Duo, each of
them gone off somewhere else with Ahsoka having gone to find Barris
Ben simply
had shooed them all of with the assurance that he could handle a few
hours alone and would go find someone if he proved to get touch
starved or lonesome.

continued stirring his tea slowly and steadily, the man no more
perturbed by the echoing of an invisible voice than he would be by
bird song. “I did.” Ben hummed softly, glancing up when Qui-Gon
shimmered into view.

that wise?” The man frowned slightly at Ben.

was the moment Ben quietly cursed his addled state as he had
apparently spilled quite a bit of information to his old master.
Information no one but Ben should have.

that would have Anakin watched with hawk eyes at all times.

further send him into the grasp of Palpatine or darkness at the very

a small sip of his tea, Ben mused quietly on it before sighing and
looking up at Qui-Gon. “The potential for darkness is not the same
as always falling for it. And Anakin is not the same Anakin who once
knelt for a Sith master. I have done the Jedi no harm by giving
Anakin, the chosen one as you once said, one of the most powerful
crystals to ever exist.” He stated calmly.

troubled, Qui-Gon looked away, Ben settling back in his seat to sip
his tea slowly as his old master considered the words and Ben’s
genuine belief in them.

had just settled in, having arrived back on Coruscant had been a blessing
for his old joints, the healers had fussed him away once the
council was done with him, though he knew that wasn’t the last of
the interrogation now that Ben was finally conscious.

healers had taken time to question him, ask him outright about things
Ben before had been confused about and then gotten a mental gauge on

was now as capable as any aging Jedi master, though he still needed
tending to with his aching joints and worn down body, the man
confessing to years on Tatooine having done him no favors. So far the
healers were speculating options to help Ben overcome some of his
issues, though others were clearly permanent.

they could be soothed ever so slightly.

through medication and others through treatment and some TLC for
an old man, who had spent a long time without enough water to
properly wash at times.

Marna had been quite insistent that Ben should regularly take warm
baths for his joints and arthritics sake.

a new tea had been added on the agenda for him to drink once a day,
once more for his joints issues but also his digestive system.

has started working on the crystals,” Qui-Gon’s voice cut through
Ben’s thought and the white haired man peeked up through his
eyelashes at the troubled master in front of him. “It’s shaping
up to be quite the weapon as he’s letting the Force guide him,
along with the materials.”

contemplated that, peering into the half drunk cup for a moment,
swirling the tea that reminded him so much of the muddy water he had
picked the crystal up from when he had been rummaging
for supplies and answers in the desert.

his head a bit, Ben asked a question without words as he stared up at
his old master in his ghostly shape.

his eyes, Qui-Gon looked like he was sending a prayer of forgiveness
of to somewhere before he opened his mouth. “He’s still very much
a slave to his emotions Ben. What if…” He trailed off.

down, Ben stared at the contents of his cup before raising it and
swallowing the last with one painful gulp and then setting his cup
aside on the coffee table. “Then it will happen and it was the will
of the Force as much as Sidious manipulations. Regardless, I will be
here, watching, waiting… praying,” He looked up at Qui-Gon, the
man staring back at him with a pained grimace on his face. “And I
will fall here. Still praying.” Ben smiled at him.

down on his knees, Qui-Gon settled his hands on Ben’s thighs,
staring at him with imploring eyes, opening his mouth
no noise escaped him. Shuddering Qui-Gon closed his eyes and then
slowly lowered his head until it was resting in Ben’s lap, the
ghostly blue shape shuddering against Ben as he struggled against the
tide of emotions in his chest.

Ben raised a hand and settled it on the back of Qui-Gon’s head,
slowly stroking the long, ghostly hair, gently stirring the locks and
pressing them down as he turned his head to look at the window,
smiling faintly at
the sight of blue sky and the sun.
“My… what a lovely day it is.” He hummed softly, letting
Qui-Gon sob in his lap like a lost child, Ben’s
hand gently carding through blue hair that he could touch.

hi Moddy, for whenever you want/feel like it, would you consider continuing Old and Sweet ? Will Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talk ? I have a feeling that now, Ben’s humour will get him in trouble somehow lol. What will they do about the Chancelor ? Thank you, :)

on the medbed, Obi-Wan stared at the empty air before slowly raising
his brows. “…Well? Are you going to show yourself or do I have to
go fetch Ben since he seems to be able to see you?” He questioned
quietly, his tone tight and his hands clenching on the fabric below

waking up and getting a checkup by Helix, Obi-Wan had quietly
requested privacy to speak to Qui-Gon, Ben’s eyes too sad and too
knowing before he nodded and gave the invisible Qui-Gon a warning to
show his blasted blue eyes before he took Anakin and Helix with him
under the pretense of getting snacks.

had snorted deeply and claimed she was going to nap, giving Anakin a
dark glare before glancing at Ben and back, clearly giving the blond
the full responsibilities of her master’s care before heading off
down the opposite hall for the bunks.

had gone willingly, giving his general a nervous but supportive look
before skedaddling off somewhere, locking down the medbay after him
for privacy.

air in front of him shifted and there he was, blue and brilliant and
just the same as he always had in tunic and robes been if see through
and all blue instead of just his eyes.

Obi-Wan’s eyes dropped to his stomach, staring where the saber had
punctured, cutting through the man’s stomach, kidney and spleen,
severing nerves and cutting through arteries.

gaze turned blurry.

blue hand slid under his chin, Obi-Wan could feel the faint
vibrations but nothing but that as he looked up at the prompting,
meeting Qui-Gon’s saddened eyes as tears slowly slipped down his
own cheeks to fade into his beard.

Obi-Wan,” He breathed out, cupping the redhead’s cheeks with his
hands so the same vibrating feeling settled there. “Little one, I’m
so sorry.” Qui-Gon murmured sadly, his lips twisting down.

Obi-Wan whispered. “If you’ve been there all along, why didn’t
you… I was so alone.” Obi-Wan hiccuped a bit, fighting for
composure still and clinging to the last shreds of it.

said nothing for a few seconds before sighing deeply as he ran his
thumbs over Obi-Wan’s cheekbones. “I wanted to Obi-Wan, believe
me, in the start when I entered the cosmic Force I wanted to but…
this is very difficult. I can’t hold my form for long and I still
struggle,” He explained quietly in that deep brogue Obi-Wan
remembered soothing his nightmares. “By the time I managed to
figure out how to manifest my form for others to see, you had come so
far and so much time had gone by that I felt like I’d do more harm
than good by appearing in front of you.” Qui-Gon explained himself
as he stepped closer to Obi-Wan, the redhead able to feel the slight
vibrations of the others robe touching his knees.

coughing and feeling like that early pathetic Initiate as the man
continued trying to sooth his tears without physically being able to
interact, Obi-Wan shook his head. “I would have welcomed it,
anything. Any sign that you were there, that I was doing good, that
you were proud of me…” He whispered in a shaken tone.

little Imp, I am so sorry, I’ve always been proud of you.”
Qui-Gon whispered out in a thick, broken tone before wrapping his
arms around Obi-Wan in as good a hug he could manage in his ghostly

the last of his composure, Obi-Wan let out a loud sob while gripping
the bed as hard as he could, knowing
that if he tried to grab the other man he would just go through him.
“You left me, how dare you leave me. You stupid jerk, you promised
you’d never leave so brutally.” Obi-Wan rasped out through his
tears, eyes clenching shut hard as he felt Qui-Gon’s hands pass
over him almost desperately, the vibrating shifting around.

right, I’m the worst Obi-Wan. I am so sorry. I have nothing more to
say than that I’m sorry and I am so proud of the man you are, of
the Jedi you became. You’ve come so far my Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon
continued to whisper in that broken tone.


his tea, Ben hummed softly. “I do hope you understand that it’s
nothing against you that Obi-Wan wanted some privacy?” He said
lightly, peering at Anakin over the rim of the cup as the younger man
sat opposite him in the mess, the two Jedi having captured a table
for themselves.

eyes peered at him in surprise before Anakin smiled sadly. “Yeah,
no I know that. He wanted privacy to confro-”

wanted privacy to cry.” Ben corrected gently, tilting his head

open, Anakin stared at Ben for a few long moments before shifting,
almost shooting to his feet when Ben put his wrinkled hand on
Anakin’s hand, stopping him. “…Why?” Anakin questioned

how to answer, Ben swirled the tea in his cup, a small frown on his
face before breathing out. “Obi-Wan has never been good with his
emotions, connected to them yes but sharing them, no,” He stated
slowly, frowning lightly as he tried to answer the other as best he
could. “Bullying makes one defensive and our creche days… were
not kind.” He settled on haltingly.

stared at him, blue eyes widening in surprise and sudden

slightly, Ben sat down his cup and picked up Anakin’s hand in his,
pressing it between both of his cup warmed wrinkled ones. “He
needed to confront Qui-Gon without holding himself back, sometimes
healing can only start once you admit to being hurt.” He offered up
kindly and smiled softly.

Anakin nodded slowly, feeling as if Ben was trying to tell him
something but uncertain of what.

that hurt can only be acknowledged once you start communicating,”
Ben settled on, squeezing Anakin’s hand gently before picking up
his cup again. “Obi-Wan will speak to you soon enough about it but
for now, he needs to deal with the emotions he has about Qui-Gon’s
death and the abandonment it felt like.” He stated calmly.

the words, Anakin nibbled on his bottom lip, feeling for the bond
they had yet to dismantle from his apprenticeship before deciding to
leave it alone.

had wanted privacy and Anakin would respect that and offer comfort
once the other was ready.

for now he’d stay by Ben’s side.

“You still owe him an apology Qui-Gon. Your poor padawan has believed for years that he was the reason you died and that he wasn’t good enough of a master for Anakin. Time for you to start fixing things instead of making other people fix them for you.” Old and Sweet

is the oddest thing to sit in a one sided conversation, knowing that
another person is there and yet not being able to see anyone or know
there’s a communication device as Ben continues snapping at the now
invisible Qui-Gon.

still owe him an apology Qui-Gon. Your poor padawan has believed for
years that he was the reason you died and that he wasn’t good
enough of a master for Anakin. Time for you to start fixing things
instead of making other people fix them for you.” Ben
huffed loudly.

winced, twiddling his thumbs as he tried not to listen even as he
tucked away the information that Obi-Wan felt that he wasn’t enough
he looked down at Obi-Wan knocked out on the medbed between them.

had barely managed to catch the other in time from hitting the ground
but Obi-Wan had yet to wake from the shock, Anakin coming with them
and leaving Rex and Ahsoka in charge of the Resolute as he went with
Ben and the passed out Obi-Wan to the Negotiator.

and shaking his head, Ben finally turned to Anakin and smiled a bit.
“I apologize for trapping you in a rather… uncomfortable spot.”
He murmured gently.

the corner where she was sitting on a stool, Asajj snorted loudly and
continued painting her nails lazily.

enough Anakin didn’t feel the urge to strangle her, only stick his
tongue out at the woman as he shrugged. “It’s alright Ben, it’s
been one of those… weird days.” He settled on.

faintly, Ben tilted his head while he watched Anakin before reaching
into his belt. “You know, I have a gift for you.” He said in a
thoughtful tone and pulling out a wooden box with carvings on.

his head, Anakin looked in confusion between the box and Ben’s

the box up, Ben hummed lightly before popping the lid and Anakin had
to hold his breath as
Asajj dropped her nail polish with a curse.
In the wooden box laid two pieces of purple crystals, gently glowing
but it was the feeling
they gave off that really caught the attention of

only way Anakin could put it into words was power.

sandstorm or a hurricane, unstoppable.

Ben started, gently tapping the open lid with his thumb. “Are
crystals from an oasis pool on Tatooine. For thousands and thousands
of years, they have laid at the bottom of
its water
and gathered sunlight and moonlight through every sandstorm the
desert has sent past it, becoming Force sensitive in their own right,
the fury and the might of Tatooine seeping into them.”
He explained as they watched them

stared at the crystals before jerking when Ben lifted his hand with
the Force and gently tipped the wooden box, the crystals landing in
his flesh hand. It felt like electricity went of inside him even as
physically no mark showed on him.

can think of no one better than a son of Tatooine to wield them.”
Ben smiled softly at him as
he gently closed Anakin’s hands around the stones.

heavily, feeling as if he was locked in a sandstorm, Anakin looked up
with wide eyes. “B-Ben, I-”

his thin, crooked fingers around Anakin’s hand, Ben dropped the box
into his lap. “Use that fury and might Anakin, use it to protect
those who are the most vulnerable, use it to protect those who can’t
protect themselves… remember that the Jedi fell in my world because
they could not defend themselves against what was coming… we need
you, the knight that you are and the man that you could be.” He
said seriously in a broken tone.


told Anakin all he needed as he stared at the crystals in his hand.

knew about that bloody night on Tatooine and what Anakin had done in
a fit of fury that darkened his soul and stained it to this very day
and yet Ben had handed him some of the most powerful kyber crystals
Anakin had ever come into contact with just words of caution and

for the man he thought Anakin could be.

that Anakin could protect the order because something was coming,
they knew something was coming but they hadn’t been able to protect
themselves against it.

eyes dropped to Obi-Wan, laying pale and small looking in the bed
before rising to Ben’s wrinkled old face and the feel of the slight
tremors in his hand.

Anakin didn’t protect, this would become Obi-Wan, alone, damaged,
hurt and yet so kind and wise.

no I won’t let him be alone, I won’t let Obi-Wan become Ben. I
love you Ben but I can’t let Obi-Wan become you.’ Anakin
tightened his grasp on the crystals and nodded. “I’ll put them to
use when we get to the temple, I think need better materials for
these than the ones I have.” He whispered reverently.

got a soft smile out of Ben before he dropped his hands to his lap.

to thank the other, Anakin got cut off as Obi-Wan exhaled and shifted
on the bed, slowly waking up with a confused look on his face.

Hi Moddy, I’m reading through your storys right now and just finished Old And Sweet (again). And I would like some more. What about Ben who talks to Qui-Gons ghost? Or teaches the others how to do it? Could be rather funny or angsty I imagine.

a cup down by Ahsoka’s side, Obi-Wan glanced worriedly over at Ben
as the man continued to scowl
lightly at
the empty space beside him with his arms crossed over his chest,
sitting on one of the crates they hadn’t loaded up yet to return to

still looking at air?” Anakin questioned as he stopped by his
former master’s side, frowning worriedly too at Ben.

the last hour or so, Ben had been looking rather put
at the air beside him except for that moment where Asajj went over
with a cup of tea, then he had looked rather amused for about a few
minutes before going back to pretty much pouting while sipping his
tea and staring up at the air.

Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “Maybe we should have the healers take a
look at him when we get home, he may have dementia that was hidden
underneath the Force addling and if that is the case, he needs
treatment.” Obi-Wan murmured quietly while internally panicking a
bit because if that was true then he’d
have dementia in the future.

he was on five different new medications thanks to Ben and his blood
pressure medication had been upped in strength and he just didn’t
want to consider what else they’d like to do to him with what they
saw coming in Ben.

he is an older man…” Ahsoka pointed out absently while going over
her study information.

barely sixty Ahsoka, humans age like hell yes but thanks to medical
improvement we manage better and I am a Stewjoni,” Obi-Wan murmured
dryly. “Ben is only seven years older than  Mace
He pointed out when she opened her mouth.

of them paused at that thought.

wasn’t all that older than Mace Windu and yet looked like he was
Yoda some days.

exposure and dehydration?” Anakin scratched his chin.

grief.” Ahsoka tacked on after a moment.

Obi-Wan nodded slowly. “That would make up for the skin and joints
I imagine but the medical stuff…” He sighed deeply then focused
back on Ben as the man shifted a bit.

you going to continue being an asshole?” Ben suddenly asked the air
beside him, frowning up at nothing. “It will be quite tedious to be
considered to be demented when I’m quite lucid thank you very
much.” He
sniffed and took a sip of his cup only to glare into it and then look
up again. “Also my cup is empty you jerk.” He stood and hobbled
towards where Asajj was standing with the kettle.

looks, Anakin nodded towards Ben while widening his eyes at Obi-Wan.

while crossing his arms, Obi-Wan looked back to Ben.

man was fondly patting Asajj’s cheek. “Thank you my dear, now,
as I was saying Qui-Gon, just pull your ass together.” He sighed
tiredly while turning around to glare slightly up as if he was
looking up at another.

heart clenched as Anakin let out a sharp choking noise, hitting
himself in the chest as he watched with wide eyes.

thought he was talking with Qui-Gon?!

knew that age would make you think people who died weren’t dead
anymore bu-but this is a bit far isn’t it?’ Obi-Wan thought
shakily as he wished he had alcohol in that moment as Anakin’s hand
came down on his shoulder in
support. ‘We
watched him die.
Ben can’t be that far gone… can he? He hasn’t seemed so the
last few days.’ Obi-Wan knew the others were confused though Ahsoka
had a look of faint recognition and understanding to the name.

unless you were there, unless you knew the story firsthand… there
were so many details missing to this story, the nuances lost with
time as Ben took a sip of his tea and tapped his foot on the ground.
“Ben, maybe you should take a rest?” He managed to get out, his
voice shaken.

the old man looked to him, his brows raising and then narrowing, a
look of deep displeasure crossing it as he turned his head and
outright glared as if someone had stolen his tea and underwear.
“Qui-Gon Jinn, so help me, you pull together that Force energy and
show your lousy ass this moment or I swear when I die, I will punt
you through a black hole and wait for you to come out only to repeat
it again.” Ben swore, his voice on the verge of angry and that was
as shocking as what he was saying.

had never been angry in as long as he’d been there, he had been
happy, lost, confused, sad or just gleeful.

he had never been angry and his anger was scorching in the Force and
gave off the same feeling as when you were scolded by someone you
looked up to, as when you knew you had disappointed someone.

air in front of Ben shimmered with blue and Obi-Wan could feel his
stomach dropping in shock.

grip on his shoulder became painful as several troopers jerked their
blasters up from their belts as in front of Ben, the blue shape of
Qui-Gon became apparent as the old and dead
Jedi blinked down at Ben in exasperation. “Ben, this takes quite a
bit of energy I will have you know, I’m not sure how long I can
hold myself visible.” The man rumbled out.

loudly, Ben pointed at Obi-Wan. “Go say sorry to your old padawan
you old grouch, you should have done that years ago.” He snapped
out with narrowed eyes.

world felt frozen to Obi-Wan as blue eyes, just as intensely blue as
when he had been alive, focused on his and a warm smile crossed
Qui-Gon’s face. “Obi-Wan, hello old padawan.”

slipped in and Obi-Wan felt his knees buckle as the faint realization
that he was passing out hit him.

hoped Anakin had mind enough to catch him before he hit the ground.

So the picture you reblogged with ObiWan hiding the ladle? Could you maybe have Old Ben doing it in OldAndSweet to amuse Ventress/Ahsoka/various clones? I love everything you write!

as the older version of Obi-Wan threw some more of the gathered herbs
into the pot, Anakin wrapped his arms around himself. “…So the
Chancellor.” He stated quietly to Obi-Wan, the man having not left
his since since Ben told them the identity of the Sith lord.

slowly, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest too with a deep
breath. “It is… disturbing to realize he’s been so close for so
long without no one… noticing.” He murmured before swallowing
heavily and glancing up at Anakin.

glum and solemn mood had descended ever since, most of it coming from
the blond but he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around how high the
level of betrayal was actually going on not to mention his personal
conflict of it all.

mood had been so far reaching that even Ventress was showing signs of
being dejected and therefor Ben had, in a bright tone once Kix had
looked him over, declared he was going to make food for everyone and
hobbled to the mess tent as quickly as his aching knees allowed him.

sorry Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered, hesitantly resting his hand on
the others shoulder. The hesitancy hurt but Anakin understood since
earlier Anakin had rejected the comfort when it was offered from both
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.

had wanted to throw a tantrum, had semi thrown a tantrum when he
threw a rock halfway across the camp with the Force but at least he
hadn’t hurt anyone or done something regrettable though he did
regret now cause it made people wary.

Breaking out of his sulk even as the glum mood around him broke a
bit, Anakin turned his head from Obi-Wan to blink at Ben as the man
stood in front of the heating stove with an…orb?

floating silver orb the size of a man’s fist?

heavily to make sure he was indeed seeing right, Anakin had to
conclude that Ben was indeed floating around an orb between his hands
while wiggling his fingers at everyone and grinning brightly.

Anakin couldn’t feel any Force at play so how in Sithhells was Ben
doing that?

at my display of amazing Force control
and quiver in awe at the beautiful shininess,” Ben crooned before
jerking his sleeve forward to show that the ‘orb’ was actually a
ladle, Echo
snorting his water out his nose in surprise when it came out.
“Is in all fact an illusion and I just stuffed a ladle into my
sleeve while
no one was looking,”
He grinned brightly as he waved the ladle at everyone before winking.
“The situation may seem bleak dear ones but never fret, we are not
so far gone yet that we can not recover.” Ben chirped brightly
before turning back to the pot and stirring the stew he was making

up to his side, Ahsoka peered up at him suspiciously before smiling.
“That’s a round about way of saying that things aren’t as bad
as we think isn’t it?” She questioned while leaning her head on
his shoulder.

snorted, coming over with a cut up tray of some tubers or something
that Ben had given her, sliding it all into the pot as Ben continued
stirring. “I’d say it was a visual way of those words.” The
assassin drawled before setting down the knife and tray and leaning
against the stove too, watching Ben closely.

out with his free, withered hand, Ben petted Ahsoka’s monterals.
“Things are never as bleak as one assumes if we continue to be
willing to look for the light young ones. We are in a time of change,
however change can be bad and it can be good,” Ben lifted the ladle
out and sniffed at the contents before reaching for the salt packet
Longshot had given him from the food rations, spreading some of it
in. “It is up to us which way that change goes just like it is up to me how this stew turns out and I don’t know about all of you but I’d rather it goes good.” He settled on,
giving a smile at them that had the crowsfeet around his eyes
scrunching up.

on that, Anakin glance at Obi-Wan only to find the other already
looking at him, a hopeful smile on the redhead’s lips as he
squeezed the knights shoulder. A silent ‘I’m here if you want to
talk’ motion.

slowly, Anakin felt a small smile twitch onto his lips only to jerk
to when Ventress gave a loud grunt. “Yeah well regardless what is
going on, you’re going to sit down or so help me old man, I will
make you sit down.” She seethed at Ben, who only chuckled and waved
his hand at her before yelping when the woman threatened him with the
medics and the healers once they were at the temple.

Ben stuffed the ladle into a bemused Ahsoka’s hand and outright
waddled over to the benches, sitting down beside Boil with a grunt of
pain and then giving Ventress a wide eyed, ‘innocent’ expression
that made Anakin want to laugh.

OldAndSweet. SO. We get to see Ben go apeshit on Count Dooky, right? RIGHT? :D

healers helped had done much for their Ben, something he proved with
his loose, flowing movements as he meet each of Dooku’s tightly
controlled makashi style thrusts with his own soresu parry.

older men, both past their primes and yet still strong, master’s
of their forms,
medical aid helping them retain that
strength and
experience and instincts making up for where for where their age had
brought weakening in reflexes and speed.

Ben, for all that he had suffered and the heat had made him old
before his time, really could still jump.

like Obi-Wan, there was no twisting into the air or bouncing in a
roll for Ben but
more simple jumps and easy twirls that allowed him to feint and use
his razor edged battle instincts against another master.

unlike Dooku, Ben fought to defend, keeping himself between the
serenno Count and the former dathomir assassin with simple ease. “My
my, I would have thought you were more of a challenge grandmaster,”
Ben practically chirped with familiar sass practically flowing from
him, lips twitching with amusement. “I seem to remember this being
a lot harder but maybe my age has teased my memories.” He dodged
beneath the red saber and almost slashed out at the Count’s chest.

held his breath, barely blocking a blast that would have taken him
out as he kept half an eye on Ben.

the front he could see Obi-Wan making his way towards the command
droids to dismantle them and deprive Dooku of support, the redhead
followed by troopers that kicked up the dust and had shields that
blocked out the worst of the blasts and kept them as safe as one
could be in a battle as all of them were experienced in the usage of
the shields.

are a thorn in my side though I see that you are quite formidable, it
would be much better for you to join me.” Dooku tried to sway Ben,
lashing out towards the other man’s knee with a kick that Ben
barely dodged.

his head, Ben smiled almost kindly at Dooku. “Grandmaster, I’ve
seen your corpse already once. I’ve seen your head roll curtsy of
your master. I would rather we did not repeat that.” He answered in

answer seemed to startle Dooku and Ben swooped in at that second
of hesitation,
using the hilt of his saber to knock into the Sith’s wrist
numb and send it flying only
for Dooku to summon his saber back to his other hand.

went right back to dueling, sweat dripping down their foreheads as
Dooku bounced back several meters and pressed on his wrist comm, cape
flaring around him. “I-I see that you are quite the formidable
master Jedi Master Ben, everything I believed Obi-Wan can become with
experience and time.” He panted out.

gave him a little salute with his saber, eyes focused on the other
man. “You’re going to run away,” He stated, his lips pursing as
Dooku smirked back. “There is little I can do to stop you, however
is always more than the darkness, more than the pain and the fear.
You know that, you were once one of us for all that you’ve done.”
stated calmly despite the annoyance in in his eyes.

cursed, yelling at Rex as he pointed out the shuttle flying low
towards them. There was instant scurrying of troopers trying to aim
the cannons at the shuttle that was weaving through the blasts.

Ben’s voice was cold and
tone snapping
Anakin’s attention back to the old man as he stood in front of
Ventress. “I will give you one warning, the only warning I will
give you. If you ever come close to my lineage, to Asajj, Anakin,
Ahsoka or Obi-Wan with the intention to harm them, I will return your
action tenfold. This is not a threat, I do not do threats,” Ben
smirked. “I do promises so for your own safety… stay away from
them.” He stated calmly.

grunted, blocking a blast aimed at his back before bouncing high into
the air, landing in the open shuttle and grasping a hold of the door

the while his eyes were locked on Ben as Ben’s eyes were locked on
him as
Dooku was taken away to safety by the stupid shuttle even as the ion
canons were being turned after the escaping Count
and Anakin just knew
that they would meet again.

if they don’t become darksider followers they’re gonna become
darkside stalkers aren’t they?’ He questioned with a deep groan
before focusing back on the remaining droids as Ben turned to
Ventress, helping her up with gentle hands.

to gentle, back to soft.

no longer addled as Ben smiled warmly at everyone once the droids
were taken care of, his eyes twinkling as he kept a hand on Ventress
shoulder. “Now, if I could be a bother, where is Kix? My knees are

gentle, soft Ben with white hair and dust on his sweaty face.

OldAndSweet. SO. We get to see Ben go apeshit on Count Dooky, right? RIGHT? :D

healers helped had done much for their Ben, something he proved with
his loose, flowing movements as he meet each of Dooku’s tightly
controlled makashi style thrusts with his own soresu parry.

older men, both past their primes and yet still strong, master’s
of their forms,
medical aid helping them retain that
strength and
experience and instincts making up for where for where their age had
brought weakening in reflexes and speed.

Ben, for all that he had suffered and the heat had made him old
before his time, really could still jump.

like Obi-Wan, there was no twisting into the air or bouncing in a
roll for Ben but
more simple jumps and easy twirls that allowed him to feint and use
his razor edged battle instincts against another master.

unlike Dooku, Ben fought to defend, keeping himself between the
serenno Count and the former dathomir assassin with simple ease. “My
my, I would have thought you were more of a challenge grandmaster,”
Ben practically chirped with familiar sass practically flowing from
him, lips twitching with amusement. “I seem to remember this being
a lot harder but maybe my age has teased my memories.” He dodged
beneath the red saber and almost slashed out at the Count’s chest.

held his breath, barely blocking a blast that would have taken him
out as he kept half an eye on Ben.

the front he could see Obi-Wan making his way towards the command
droids to dismantle them and deprive Dooku of support, the redhead
followed by troopers that kicked up the dust and had shields that
blocked out the worst of the blasts and kept them as safe as one
could be in a battle as all of them were experienced in the usage of
the shields.

are a thorn in my side though I see that you are quite formidable, it
would be much better for you to join me.” Dooku tried to sway Ben,
lashing out towards the other man’s knee with a kick that Ben
barely dodged.

his head, Ben smiled almost kindly at Dooku. “Grandmaster, I’ve
seen your corpse already once. I’ve seen your head roll curtsy of
your master. I would rather we did not repeat that.” He answered in

answer seemed to startle Dooku and Ben swooped in at that second
of hesitation,
using the hilt of his saber to knock into the Sith’s wrist
numb and send it flying only
for Dooku to summon his saber back to his other hand.

went right back to dueling, sweat dripping down their foreheads as
Dooku bounced back several meters and pressed on his wrist comm, cape
flaring around him. “I-I see that you are quite the formidable
master Jedi Master Ben, everything I believed Obi-Wan can become with
experience and time.” He panted out.

gave him a little salute with his saber, eyes focused on the other
man. “You’re going to run away,” He stated, his lips pursing as
Dooku smirked back. “There is little I can do to stop you, however
is always more than the darkness, more than the pain and the fear.
You know that, you were once one of us for all that you’ve done.”
stated calmly despite the annoyance in in his eyes.

cursed, yelling at Rex as he pointed out the shuttle flying low
towards them. There was instant scurrying of troopers trying to aim
the cannons at the shuttle that was weaving through the blasts.

Ben’s voice was cold and
tone snapping
Anakin’s attention back to the old man as he stood in front of
Ventress. “I will give you one warning, the only warning I will
give you. If you ever come close to my lineage, to Asajj, Anakin,
Ahsoka or Obi-Wan with the intention to harm them, I will return your
action tenfold. This is not a threat, I do not do threats,” Ben
smirked. “I do promises so for your own safety… stay away from
them.” He stated calmly.

grunted, blocking a blast aimed at his back before bouncing high into
the air, landing in the open shuttle and grasping a hold of the door

the while his eyes were locked on Ben as Ben’s eyes were locked on
him as
Dooku was taken away to safety by the stupid shuttle even as the ion
canons were being turned after the escaping Count
and Anakin just knew
that they would meet again.

if they don’t become darksider followers they’re gonna become
darkside stalkers aren’t they?’ He questioned with a deep groan
before focusing back on the remaining droids as Ben turned to
Ventress, helping her up with gentle hands.

to gentle, back to soft.

no longer addled as Ben smiled warmly at everyone once the droids
were taken care of, his eyes twinkling as he kept a hand on Ventress
shoulder. “Now, if I could be a bother, where is Kix? My knees are

gentle, soft Ben with white hair and dust on his sweaty face.

So what happens now that Ben is on the field in Old and Sweet?

about, Anakin frowned slightly. “…Where is Ben?” He blinked,
looking to Obi-Wan and then reluctantly to Ventress.

looked around before Asajj with a thunderous frown turned to Cody and
Ahsoka worriedly peeked under a shuttle wing where they had once
found Ben napping.

clone just calmly pointed at a
at the edge of the camp, the
creature had come wandering and been docile so the camp hadn’t
minded to let it linger, especially since Ben perked up at the sight
of the large feline.
were generally quite calm for large predatory felines and quite smart
though it was uncertain just how large they could become if left
alone since they were quite long lived felines.

three Jedi, though Anakin wasn’t sure he really sure
what to call
Ventress, turned to said katbeast as the gray and white haired
creature lifted its head to blink back at them with large yellow eyes
before dropping her head to gently nuzzle at something between her

prompted said thing to lift it’s head, proving to be Ben,
laying half beneath the katbeast as he blinked sleepily at them,
covered up in fur.

peered at them in puzzlement and then yawned and cuddled back under
the large feline, prompting her to put her head back down to cuddle
the old human.

three stared at where Ben now was without seeing neither cloak or
hair of the old man.

Ventress outright cursed and sat down on a cargo crate, rubbing her

was tempted to join her.

deeply, Anakin rubbed a hand over his face before turning to Obi-Wan
and gesturing at where the katbeast was happily cuddling their
addled, revered master. Which had the redhead holding up his hands in
surrender. “I like animals, Ben seems to be quite content and
safe.” He shrugged.

“… So
you’re just going to allow him to be captured under there?” Asajj
shot him a glare.

more Obi-Wan shrugged. “He’s being kept out of danger, he’s
kept warm and we all know where he is. I see that as three benefits
and no downside.” He summed up sufficiently.

had all three of them pausing, exchanging looks before turning to
look at the katbeast once more.

then they went to work because Obi-Wan was right, with the katbeast
basically cuddling the old man, they knew where he was and could do
other things.

preparing for the droids incoming, the katbeast fleeing when the
ground started to rumble.


one can claim that Anakin and Obi-Wan do their best with the aid of
their men and Ahsoka of course.

they can not be everywhere at once and they can’t do everything at
once and when Dooku himself enters the battlefield in search of his
traitorous apprentice…

can’t keep Ben safe.

even Asajj can keep him safe regardless how she prowls around the old
man like some kind of demented lioness to try and keep him safe
because the Sith master in true power sees Ben as a threat and Dooku
now needs to handle it because his apprentice has failed and even let
herself be swayed by the old man.

barely turns towards Dooku when the old man is there, sending her
crashing into the mountain side to get Asajj away from Ben, leaving
him alone in front of Dooku as darkness swirls and Anakin wants to
scream because that is the last thing Ben needs.

yet it is exactly what was needed because Ben entire body jerks in
the presence of malicious darkness as his wrinkled hand covered the
lightsaber hilt and his eyes closes as the old man grows as pale as


is how Anakin will later explain it in front of the council, it is
suddenly silent despite blasters and wildlife and screams as he tries
to make his way towards Ben and Dooku and Asajj tries to push herself

shifted, he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly.

suddenly he wasn’t Ben anymore.

their soft and old Ben as his eyes focused on Dooku, his smile gone
as power wrapped around him as familiar as a cloak around his
shoulders and
the man shifted his position into soresu, lifting his saber.

wait, that was wrong too.

was still their Ben, soft and sweet Ben, Ben who smiled at them.

it wasn’t just
their Ben anymore.

was aware now, he was aware of the dangers around him, he was
conscious of
the ongoing, of the war, of the enemy in front of him.

Force addling was gone.

came the Jedi Master, not the hermit of the wasteland who considered
himself a relic nor
the man who had gone through time and been confused and lost. This
was the warrior hidden beneath the exterior, the Jedi battle master
and once council member, the man who had survived where other died. A
man with a crown of thorns and pain and a cape of power and sorrow
which he bore with the familiarity of someone long used to carrying
his burdens.

testing his limbs for the pain he had carried in the desert, clarity
in his eyes and battle in his body for
the first time in what was closer to a full year.

will admit, I was curious how long it would take before the Force
would let go of me,” Ben stated, his tone clipped as his eyes
remained focused on Dooku. “So then grandmaster, lets see if soresu
beats makashi?”

So what happens now that Ben is on the field in Old and Sweet?

about, Anakin frowned slightly. “…Where is Ben?” He blinked,
looking to Obi-Wan and then reluctantly to Ventress.

looked around before Asajj with a thunderous frown turned to Cody and
Ahsoka worriedly peeked under a shuttle wing where they had once
found Ben napping.

clone just calmly pointed at a
at the edge of the camp, the
creature had come wandering and been docile so the camp hadn’t
minded to let it linger, especially since Ben perked up at the sight
of the large feline.
were generally quite calm for large predatory felines and quite smart
though it was uncertain just how large they could become if left
alone since they were quite long lived felines.

three Jedi, though Anakin wasn’t sure he really sure
what to call
Ventress, turned to said katbeast as the gray and white haired
creature lifted its head to blink back at them with large yellow eyes
before dropping her head to gently nuzzle at something between her

prompted said thing to lift it’s head, proving to be Ben,
laying half beneath the katbeast as he blinked sleepily at them,
covered up in fur.

peered at them in puzzlement and then yawned and cuddled back under
the large feline, prompting her to put her head back down to cuddle
the old human.

three stared at where Ben now was without seeing neither cloak or
hair of the old man.

Ventress outright cursed and sat down on a cargo crate, rubbing her

was tempted to join her.

deeply, Anakin rubbed a hand over his face before turning to Obi-Wan
and gesturing at where the katbeast was happily cuddling their
addled, revered master. Which had the redhead holding up his hands in
surrender. “I like animals, Ben seems to be quite content and
safe.” He shrugged.

“… So
you’re just going to allow him to be captured under there?” Asajj
shot him a glare.

more Obi-Wan shrugged. “He’s being kept out of danger, he’s
kept warm and we all know where he is. I see that as three benefits
and no downside.” He summed up sufficiently.

had all three of them pausing, exchanging looks before turning to
look at the katbeast once more.

then they went to work because Obi-Wan was right, with the katbeast
basically cuddling the old man, they knew where he was and could do
other things.

preparing for the droids incoming, the katbeast fleeing when the
ground started to rumble.


one can claim that Anakin and Obi-Wan do their best with the aid of
their men and Ahsoka of course.

they can not be everywhere at once and they can’t do everything at
once and when Dooku himself enters the battlefield in search of his
traitorous apprentice…

can’t keep Ben safe.

even Asajj can keep him safe regardless how she prowls around the old
man like some kind of demented lioness to try and keep him safe
because the Sith master in true power sees Ben as a threat and Dooku
now needs to handle it because his apprentice has failed and even let
herself be swayed by the old man.

barely turns towards Dooku when the old man is there, sending her
crashing into the mountain side to get Asajj away from Ben, leaving
him alone in front of Dooku as darkness swirls and Anakin wants to
scream because that is the last thing Ben needs.

yet it is exactly what was needed because Ben entire body jerks in
the presence of malicious darkness as his wrinkled hand covered the
lightsaber hilt and his eyes closes as the old man grows as pale as


is how Anakin will later explain it in front of the council, it is
suddenly silent despite blasters and wildlife and screams as he tries
to make his way towards Ben and Dooku and Asajj tries to push herself

shifted, he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly.

suddenly he wasn’t Ben anymore.

their soft and old Ben as his eyes focused on Dooku, his smile gone
as power wrapped around him as familiar as a cloak around his
shoulders and
the man shifted his position into soresu, lifting his saber.

wait, that was wrong too.

was still their Ben, soft and sweet Ben, Ben who smiled at them.

it wasn’t just
their Ben anymore.

was aware now, he was aware of the dangers around him, he was
conscious of
the ongoing, of the war, of the enemy in front of him.

Force addling was gone.

came the Jedi Master, not the hermit of the wasteland who considered
himself a relic nor
the man who had gone through time and been confused and lost. This
was the warrior hidden beneath the exterior, the Jedi battle master
and once council member, the man who had survived where other died. A
man with a crown of thorns and pain and a cape of power and sorrow
which he bore with the familiarity of someone long used to carrying
his burdens.

testing his limbs for the pain he had carried in the desert, clarity
in his eyes and battle in his body for
the first time in what was closer to a full year.

will admit, I was curious how long it would take before the Force
would let go of me,” Ben stated, his tone clipped as his eyes
remained focused on Dooku. “So then grandmaster, lets see if soresu
beats makashi?”

Oldandsweet- okay so this universe is a lot of fun but I’m craving a little angst. I understand if you don’t do this prompt to keep up the tone, but I was hoping for a moment where Ben is a little more clear headed and ppl find out more about the terrible things of the future? I know he said a little already but I’d like more.

a bit, Anakin turned in his harness to peer at Ben, frowning a bit.
“Wait, if this is a life long thing… what did you do on Tatooine
Ben? I know you can’t have gotten a hold of the medication, but…”
He hesitated, glancing towards the bottle in Cody’s hand.

blinked, looking up from the cat’s cradle he was making with Asajj
with a puzzled expression before smiling. “Oh I chewed roots and
after a while I figured out to how to pulp it with a mortar and eat
the soft remains,” He said with a certain amount of cheer. “I’d
harvest a lot of different things to make alternatives for medication
and keep warm furs for the cold nights where my arthritis became
painful, not that it always helped.” Ben hummed, turning back to
the cradle.

stared at him.

question was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t get himself
to ask.

Ahsoka did it instead, a frown on her face. “You harvested and took
care of it all? Weren’t there anyone else there?”  The young
padawan questioned, worried.

Ben stared at the cat cradle between his and Asajj’s pale hands.
“…Everyone else was dead, they all died in the temple and I had
to hide or be wiped out with them. I had to, I had duty, I swore to
uphold my duty and I couldn’t be found…” Ben blinked slowly,
his hands starting to shake, a hiccuping breath escaping him. “I-I
couldn’t be found, I had to fade away even though I never knew how
to, to forsake my own morality and watch Tatooine slave trade…”
He was starting to tremble and with a crude curse, Asajj pulled the
thread off their hands to wrap her arms around the old man, coaching
him through a quick but efficient
exercise to calm down what must be a racing heart.

swallowed heavily, staring at Ben.

words echoed in his head.

was dead.’

had been lucid when he said that, his eyes far away yes but lucid.

implications had been there all along of course but no one had wanted
to examine them too much, all of them wondering if it was the Force
addling adding its own brand of memory.

Anakin was sure that Ben just spoke the utter truth.

had been alone because something awful happened to the order, because
most of them were dead
or couldn’t be reached by Ben.

he meet Obi-Wan’s eyes, watching his master’s pursed lips and
knew the other would be contacting the Jedi temple and the other
Council masters the moment he could to ensure they knew this
information that was now confirmed.

that was what they had needed.


was suddenly wondering if Ben becoming lucid and free of the Force
addling was the best thing for him. To face all those painful,
traumatic memories that was in there that hadn’t happened

and might never and yet his experience still rang true and painful
no one who could relate to it because what Ben, what Obi-Wan
in the future had gone through was through the genocide
of the Jedi order.

now he was resting his head on Ventress shoulder, eyes closed, his
breath calm as she rubbed his upper back and the nape of Ben’s neck
while he relaxed.

looked up at him with wide eyes and Anakin forced a small smile onto
his face, reaching out to squeeze her wrist in what he hoped was a
comforting motion. “It’s not going to happen, whatever happened
to the future… I won’t let it happen and Ben and you and Obi-Wan
are going to remain safe,
I promise you Snips.” He whispered quietly to her, making sure he
had Ahsoka’s full attention until she relaxed and leaned her head
against his shoulder. Then he raised his eyes to Obi-Wan’s again,
watching the man.

nodded, almost imperceptible and then went back to drumming his
fingers on his own gauntlet with a small ponderous frown.

least Anakin wasn’t thinking about the wax dildo anymore or the-oh
that sneaky little devil. Anakin turned his eyes on Ben and felt any
burgeoning anger dissipated,
how could he be angry at the old man for distracting him with that
story but at this point being angry at Ben was like being angry at an
old dog for being incontinence.

he was not about to tell the old man cause he could already feel the
glares that would be aimed at him if he did say it.

was Ben inc-nope, not going there.

that was an issue, the healers would have told them and had them
prepare for such a thing and they had not and there was no need to
embarrass anyone by asking those questions without something

now they would just get out and get some battles against the CIS and
muck up some droids and maybe Anakin could mess up Grievous…or send
Ben at the old droid menace since Ben already got to Ventress.

maybe not, I don’t want yet another pet darksider following us
around,’ Anakin shuddered at the thought and smiled at Ahsoka when
she sent him a worried look. ‘Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, Padme
in a beautiful nightgown… there we go… good thoughts.’