Obi-Wan getting stuck in a vent and needing to be lubed out?


Cody wasn’t unaware how his General was shaped, even outside of
armor, he was a bit
broader than the rest of them, the clones, General Skywalker and
especially Commander Tano.

as there was a low curse behind him, Cody hadn’t quite considered
how that would turn out as he turned to the vent opening they had all
come out off.

but Obi-Wan that was, who had his hands on the sides of the vent and
was working on pushing himself.

Cody ventured worriedly, taking a step back towards the vent and
bringing the rest of the groups attention back to the Jedi.

man stopped pulling, seemed to chew on the inside of his cheek before
huffing out a low breath. “…It
seems that I am stuck inside the vent,” Obi-Wan said as primly as
he could, even as redness was climbing his ears. “Most likely
because I am… voluptuous?” He
tacked on, likely intended as a statement but ended as a question.

at their general, Cody opened and closed his mouth a few times before
Skywalker suddenly made his way through the crowd with a wide grin to
stare at Obi-Wan. “Are you telling us that you’re STUCK in the
vent because of your hips? Because you’re so curvy?”

was a long pause before Obi-Wan let out a long suffering sigh and
nodded. “Yes Anakin, I’m stuck because I’m wide in the hips.
Are you happy now?” He huffed then did something very close to
pouting with his fellow Jedi started to cackle.

Obi-Wan turned his attention on Cody and gave him a tight smile.
“Commander, you wouldn’t happen to have blaster oil on you?” He
glanced around. “Any of you?” He tacked on hopefully.

his pouches,
Cody found nothing but
very different kind of lube but
Longshot did, coming forward with a bit of confusion in his posture.

be fair, Cody was confused too.

the bottle, Obi-Wan dripped some on his fingertips and rubbed it
between his fingertips before nodding and smiling up at Longshot.
“I’ll replace this.” Was all he said before squirming until he
was laying on his back on the floor out of the vent, something that
must have been painful by the way he was grimacing at time.

he started to add oil around the opening and himself with the little
drip nozzle of the oil.

is lubricating himself! That’s what he’s doing, so he can slip
out.’ Cody quietly knelt down, ready to offer his hands as
Skywalker seemed to finally be done laughing as he wiped his eyes,
Tano looking bemused between the two older Jedi as she crossed her
arms over her chest and cocked her head.

believe… that should do it. If you would kindly help me Cody?”
Obi-Wan looked at Cody hopefully and lit up when Cody instantly
handed over his hands, grasping the other to pull.


slipped out but what the Jedi nor the clone had counted on was the
fact that Obi-Wan’s leggings, belt and underwear were pulled down a
fair distance to expose quite a bit of skin. Almost the Jedi’s cock

it was really exposing however was the bite marks and suction marks
covering Obi-Wan’s hips, not even hidden slightly by the
red lines of the vent and the blaster oil. And the top of what was
hand prints, the fingers defined against the pale freckled skin.

that was what finally wiped the grin off Skywalker’s face as Tano
went a rather interesting shade of red on her orange skin as she
covered up her face with her hands only to peek through her fingers.

instantly got to his feet and pulled his leggings up, clearing his
throat as he fixed his belt and removed his lightsaber from his boot
where he had stashed it in clear anticipation of the vent perhaps
being smaller than him. “Well! That was an experience one can say
but lets not dally, we have work.” The man chirped, as if he wasn’t
aware he was being gawked at or the vibrating troopers around him.

picked up the blaster oil and neatly handed the remains to Longshot
before heading through the group, intent on finding their objective,
the CIS general.

finally seemed to shake Skywalker as he let out a choked noise and
rushed after the General. “Hold up Obi-Wan! Your hips! What
th-where did you-who has…” The man was spluttering and Obi-Wan
was answering very vaguely.

followed, tucking his hands into his belt even as he felt the rest of
his vode staring at him while smiling smugly inside his helmet.

knew exactly how those marks came to be.

Can I request a prompt, where Obi-wan discovers he has a terminal disease and tries to hide it from others. Cue Obi-wan hump, and a healthy dose of angst and miscommunication -probably shouldn’t call that healthy though XD.


“…So that’s it then?” Obi-Wan stared at his hands and didn’t
dare look at Che.

“Yes. I’m sorry Master Kenobi. If we caught it a few years
before…” She let out a frustrated breath.

“But what about bacta?” He swallowed. “Couldn’t that…”

“Its been repairing the tissue the sickness has ruined. But it
can’t distinguish your healthy cells and the illness sick ones, it
considers both healthy because technically they aren’t destroyed
like the surrounding structure.” She reached out slowly and took
his hands.

Obi-Wan squeezed down on them, letting out a sharp breath through his
nose. “…So there’s nothing.”

“No. Had it been discovered two years, perhaps even a year before,
you could have undergone chemo and surgery but now? No, its to far
gone, to far advanced.” She offered quietly.

“I didn’t even feel sick…” He whispered.

“That would be the bacta and your natural resistance coming to
terms.” Healer Che murmured.

“…Now I’m thinking about all the signs I ignored.” Obi-Wan
gave a breathless little laugh, wry and painful sounding. “Back
pain, exhaustion, heartburn, weight loss and lack of appetite. It was
so…easy to explain away with the war.” He swallowed, feeling
nauseous as he thought of how things always hurt extra when he leaned
over. “Even the dryness of the mouth…” He was always thirsty,
he drank more then he ate the last few years.

He took a shuddering breath, his emotions sprawling.

Che squeezed his hands. “Master Kenobi…Obi-Wan…I’m so sorry.”

“…How…how long do I have left?”

“With the current prognosis…anything between two to five months.”


‘Two to five months…two to five months… pancreatic cancer…to
far gone for treatment…’ Obi-Wan wrapped his robe more tightly
around himself, feeling colder then the ice on Hoth. He had managed
to swear the healer to silence, citing patient privileges and privacy
and war morale. It still felt like lying but with the news…

He was going to die.

He had two to five months and then he was going to die.

He froze in the middle of the hall before forcing himself to continue
moving towards his quarters, less someone become curious why Master
Kenobi was not moving.

Force blessedly, no one stopped him, perhaps sensing his mood and no
other Council members were meet in the hall.

He reached his rooms and stepped in, closing his eyes in gratefulness
that Anakin was of somewhere. Obi-Wan couldn’t actually bring
himself to remember where as his mind muzzily reminded him to remove
his boots and hang up his robe.

The moment he bent, pain flickered his back and he straightened
slowly as he remembered that this was not a passing pain, this was a
symptom of his sickness. “…I’m going to die.” He said
outloud, the words actually spoken outloud hitting him like a gong.
Obi-Wan pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down until
he was sitting against it, staring at the ceiling of the darkened

“…I’m going to die…” He curled up and cried against his own
legs, each sob tearing from him like a lash of a whip. He would not
get to grow old, Anakin would be his only padawan, Ahsoka his only
grandpadawan. He would not get to see Anakin raised to master. He
would not get to see the end of the war unless it came om swifter
wings then anyone could anticipate.

He was going to die and leave everyone behind.

He wasn’t ready to die.


He was even more reckless on the battlefield.

His safety was no longer a priority. He had no need to preserve
something that was going to snuff out if he could bring the Republic
another victory.

Obi-Wan pretended not to see the worried gazes in his back or the way
Anakin would linger everytime a battle ended, blue eyes searching him
out and looking him over as if he could divine some sort of answer to
Obi-Wan’s behavior.

He had seen Cody run ragged across camp in an attempt to find
something Obi-Wan could eat. He had started accepting the ration bars
if only to appease the man, quietly slipping them back when no one
was looking. No use in wasting rations that wouldn’t be eaten.

Occasionally he had a good day, occasionally he’d manage to eat,
his appetite and pain allowing him to chew and consume something.

He had started to bolster himself thicker clothes so his gauntness
wouldn’t be noticed. Yet…yet he could feel the difference.

Obi-Wan was so tired. His hands would shake at random intervals and
Obi-Wan had more then once noticed a trooper watching them with small
frowns, pretending they hadn’t when they saw Obi-Wan’s eyes on
them but fully reporting it to Cody when they thought the Jedi’s
back was to them enough.

There wasn’t any use though.

Obi-Wan was slowing down.

His exhaustion was becoming more and more apparent. Was this how
death was going to catch him, to ill to fight, to exhausted to
remain, deprive him of all his functions?

Just wasting away, freezing cold in his own bunk?

He’d rather have Qui-Gon’s death. Quick and efficient, a
warrior’s death, cut down.

Or shot down by a blaster.

But he was still the Negotiator, he still had to shoulder on. He had
just a little more fight in him.

And then he had no more.

They were called back to Coruscant and Obi-Wan could feel every step
a painful move as they headed together to the Council chambers, his
shields barely keeping back everything. He felt dizzy and his back
ached despite his straitlaced position.

He could barely hear the rest of the Council through the buzz in his
ears but managed to react when needed. Obi-Wan was so tired and when
it was time to leave the council chamber…he fell.

He stood up, swaying for a few seconds as Anakin called his name
faintly and far away and then the ground came rushing up to meet him.

Obi-Wan never learned if he hit the floor or if someone caught him
because blissed darkness embraced him instead, sending him into


He woke to the ceiling of the Halls, resting in a bed with the
sterile smell of medical around him. His hands were hooked up to
several machines and resting on his sunken in stomach. As he became
more and more aware, Obi-Wan became aware of the pain originating
inside of him where the tumor rested.


“Obi-Wan?” A rough voice whispered and Obi-Wan tilted his head to
look at a scruffy blond at his bedside. He must have been out for a
few days if Anakin’s face meant anything.


The two stared at each other before the others face twisted and he
slowly reached, taking his hand. “I know…Obi-Wan why didn’t you
tell me?”

“…I don’t know…Anakin…I’m scared.” He whispered,
clinging to the hand holding his, pain leaking out past his shields.
“Anakin I don’t want to die. I’m not ready.”

“Oh Obi-Wan.” Anakin sat up on the bedside and pulled the other
up and against his chest, holding him tightly as the copper haired
Jedi started to quietly cry, his entire, to thin body shaking. As he
cried, the pain in his body was slipping past his shields.

“Shit…Obi-Wan, can you release any of that pain?”

“I’ve tried for weeks…no…” He whispered.

“Okay…I’m calling for the healer, alright? they’ll have
something for you.” Obi-Wan felt the knight shift and use the call
button but didn’t move from him. A dying man deserved a respite.

He closed his eyes though, tucking into Anakin’s chest.
“Does…everyone know now?”

Anakin hesitated even as the healer entered the room. “Yes. Oh,
Healer Che.”

“Yes. I see master Kenobi is awa-”

“He can’t release the pain into the Force. Could you…”

“If I do this, his body might start shutting down once the pain
isn’t there to remind him he’s alive. This might be the last few
hours Master K…Obi-Wan, this might be your last few hours.” She
moved around but Obi-Wan couldn’t lift his head from Anakin’s

“Okay.” He whispered. “Anakin can…help me. Help me say
goodbye?” He glanced slowly up at the blond. The other took a
shuddering breath before nodding. “Want me to call for Ahsoka?”

Obi-Wan winced a bit as Che gave him a hyposhot before nodding. “And
Mace and Yoda? And Depa…and I’d like to say goodbye to
Cody…and…and perhaps leave a last message to…to whoever cares?”

“Of course Master.” Anakin held his hand tightly, enclosed in his
as the pain slowly faded.


Obi-Wan was…confused, that was the best word for it.

He was sitting somewhere very dark and he tugged worriedly on his

“Oh padawan…” Obi-Wan looked up in surprise and then blinked up
at Qui-Gon’s sad face before the man reached down and pulled him
up. “It wasn’t suppose to go this way.”

“I don’t understand Master.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon wrapped his robe around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and the
younger man leaned into him. “It doesn’t matter anymore, come
along with me now.”

Qui-Gon slowly brought him through the darkness, Obi-Wan safe beneath
the other mans robe. “Where are we going Master?”

“Does it matter padawan? You’ll be with me.”

“Oh…that sounds nice.”

(Sent this a while ago, but maybe tumblr ate it? Obi-wan gets a «free hugs» sign taped to his back for a day. If you’d really rather not do it, thats fine too)


Anakin blinked as he found the man hiding away in a dark
alcove, the copper haired
Master looking a bit discontented and confused as he peered back at

“What are you…what’s going
on?” It was clear to the knight that Obi-Wan was hiding in the dark

gave a slow shrug then glanced about warily. “Just…people have
been behaving strangely around me this morning.” He stepped closer
to Anakin when the younger man carefully coaxed him forward and out
of the dark alcove.


The older man hesitated before
shrugging. “Several have…hugged me. No reason for it. Yoda even
hugged my legs.” He shrugged again and Anakin blinked at the image
presented. “He’s not
the only one. So far half the council has, all the padawans and quite
a few masters, Mace even gave me a bear hug. I just…its nice but very…unusual.” Obi-Wan

nice?” Anakin blinked and Obi-Wan suddenly looked rather

“I, that is…hrmm.” The man
took a deep breath then nodded. “Yes, nice. Its…been a rather
long while since I was hugged like that.” He confessed.

Anakin stared at him as he walked
beside the man. “Oh…well…” He stopped and Obi-Wan stopped
beside him, peering curiously at him before tensing ever so slightly
when the taller man wrapped his arms around him, squeezing Obi-Wan
into a careful but genuine hug.

“…Have to admit, this one is
better then the earlier ones.” Obi-Wan chuckled against the others
shoulder and if his voice sounded a bit thick, then Anakin wasn’t
going to say anything.

“Just…if you want a hug, you
can always come to me. I mean…I might no longer be your very young
padawan and you my very young master…but…well…I will admit I
miss this part.” Anakin confessed, taking in the changes since he
was a teen, how Obi-Wan’s broad frame slotted under his chin and
how warm the other felt in his arms.

“I will keep that in mind

Over the others head Anakin
caught view of a flimsi stuck to the others back in with Ahsoka’s
handwriting on it, a small, sad grin crossing his lips as he read it
upside down.

-I work very hard. I’m very
tired. I deserve all the hugs I can get.-

(Sent this a while ago, but maybe tumblr ate it? Obi-wan gets a «free hugs» sign taped to his back for a day. If you’d really rather not do it, thats fine too)


Anakin blinked as he found the man hiding away in a dark
alcove, the copper haired
Master looking a bit discontented and confused as he peered back at

“What are you…what’s going
on?” It was clear to the knight that Obi-Wan was hiding in the dark

gave a slow shrug then glanced about warily. “Just…people have
been behaving strangely around me this morning.” He stepped closer
to Anakin when the younger man carefully coaxed him forward and out
of the dark alcove.


The older man hesitated before
shrugging. “Several have…hugged me. No reason for it. Yoda even
hugged my legs.” He shrugged again and Anakin blinked at the image
presented. “He’s not
the only one. So far half the council has, all the padawans and quite
a few masters, Mace even gave me a bear hug. I just…its nice but very…unusual.” Obi-Wan

nice?” Anakin blinked and Obi-Wan suddenly looked rather

“I, that is…hrmm.” The man
took a deep breath then nodded. “Yes, nice. Its…been a rather
long while since I was hugged like that.” He confessed.

Anakin stared at him as he walked
beside the man. “Oh…well…” He stopped and Obi-Wan stopped
beside him, peering curiously at him before tensing ever so slightly
when the taller man wrapped his arms around him, squeezing Obi-Wan
into a careful but genuine hug.

“…Have to admit, this one is
better then the earlier ones.” Obi-Wan chuckled against the others
shoulder and if his voice sounded a bit thick, then Anakin wasn’t
going to say anything.

“Just…if you want a hug, you
can always come to me. I mean…I might no longer be your very young
padawan and you my very young master…but…well…I will admit I
miss this part.” Anakin confessed, taking in the changes since he
was a teen, how Obi-Wan’s broad frame slotted under his chin and
how warm the other felt in his arms.

“I will keep that in mind

Over the others head Anakin
caught view of a flimsi stuck to the others back in with Ahsoka’s
handwriting on it, a small, sad grin crossing his lips as he read it
upside down.

-I work very hard. I’m very
tired. I deserve all the hugs I can get.-

could we please have a Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan when obi is a padawan and they’re just taking some time to relax in a forest or grass land? Just a bit of fluff between them after a mission?


Staring up at the sky, Obi-Wan felt the
wind lightly ruffle his clothes and the grass around him but he
wasn’t cold as the temperature was indeed one of the more pleasant
ones he had the pleasure of being on lately.

Not to cold.

Not to warm.

And no rain in sight with just the warm
twin suns shining down on him and his master.

He shifted to look at the man in
question and smiled a bit at the others relaxed expression, a straw
caught between his lips and his arms beneath his head as he enjoyed
the sunlight just as much as Obi-Wan did, a quiet moment on a
peaceful planet.

Taking note of being watched, Qui-Gon
cracked open an eye and raised an eyebrow at his padawan in question
before he chuckled and shifted one arm out from under his head,
holding it out to Obi-Wan.

Beaming, Obi-Wan instantly shifted into
the grasp of the arm, tucking his head up on the others chest and
settling at the closeness with a content little sigh.

“Been a few long weeks hasn’t it?”
Qui-Gon rumbled out around the straw, his chest rumbling pleasantly
under Obi-Wan’s ear.

“Uhu. Sure we can’t stay here for a
few weeks?” The young padawan hummed while snuggling into his
master’s side.

That got a laugh outright from his
master and Qui-Gon shifted his other hand down to stroke his hair
gently, teasing the short strands from the forehead to the nape and
rubbing his neck carefully. “I’m sorry but no, once the shuttle
repairs are done we’ll have to return to the temple.”


“No Obi-Wan. No sabotage.”

“I wasn’t going to Master!”
Obi-Wan gave the other a grin, eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Brat.” Qui-Gon chuckled fondly,
still slowly rubbing the nape with his broad fingers, feeling how the
smaller body relaxed into his side, taking in the comfort like a
pampered feline.

The older man focused back on the sky
as they leisured back into the comfortable silence, wondering where
they would be sent next and what mess they’d get themselves into
then. Did it really matter though.

He was living in the moment with his
padawan at his side.

That would be enough for him,
especially as he felt the drowsy sensation of his young companion
settling with him. Obi-Wan was far to high strung for a teenager,
always ready to please, prone to visions and always trying his
hardest to be the best Jedi he could be, perhaps as a response to
Qui-Gon’s maverick ways or more likely the late and rocky start to
his apprenticeship.

Perhaps he should request a week off
roaster just to recover, spend some much needed time focusing on his
padawan alone?

Hmm, it sounded like a grand idea,
Obi-Wan would certainly enjoy having some time in the temple both for
training and for his friends if they were there at the same time.

Yes, yes Qui-Gon could do that. They
deserved recovery periods after all.

“Obi-Wa-oh.” A slow smile crossed
his face as he focused down on the boy sleep against his chest, head
pillowed on it as his chest rose and fell slowly with Qui-Gon’s
broad hand still cupping the back of his head and fingers resting at
the nape of the neck. “Well then. Seems you were more tired then
you wanted to admit to huh.” He chuckled, making an effort not to
shake to much.

Carefully he tucked his arm more
tightly around his padawan while stroking the nape lightly. “Nap
well Obi-Wan.” He murmured.

could we please have a Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan when obi is a padawan and they’re just taking some time to relax in a forest or grass land? Just a bit of fluff between them after a mission?


Staring up at the sky, Obi-Wan felt the
wind lightly ruffle his clothes and the grass around him but he
wasn’t cold as the temperature was indeed one of the more pleasant
ones he had the pleasure of being on lately.

Not to cold.

Not to warm.

And no rain in sight with just the warm
twin suns shining down on him and his master.

He shifted to look at the man in
question and smiled a bit at the others relaxed expression, a straw
caught between his lips and his arms beneath his head as he enjoyed
the sunlight just as much as Obi-Wan did, a quiet moment on a
peaceful planet.

Taking note of being watched, Qui-Gon
cracked open an eye and raised an eyebrow at his padawan in question
before he chuckled and shifted one arm out from under his head,
holding it out to Obi-Wan.

Beaming, Obi-Wan instantly shifted into
the grasp of the arm, tucking his head up on the others chest and
settling at the closeness with a content little sigh.

“Been a few long weeks hasn’t it?”
Qui-Gon rumbled out around the straw, his chest rumbling pleasantly
under Obi-Wan’s ear.

“Uhu. Sure we can’t stay here for a
few weeks?” The young padawan hummed while snuggling into his
master’s side.

That got a laugh outright from his
master and Qui-Gon shifted his other hand down to stroke his hair
gently, teasing the short strands from the forehead to the nape and
rubbing his neck carefully. “I’m sorry but no, once the shuttle
repairs are done we’ll have to return to the temple.”


“No Obi-Wan. No sabotage.”

“I wasn’t going to Master!”
Obi-Wan gave the other a grin, eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Brat.” Qui-Gon chuckled fondly,
still slowly rubbing the nape with his broad fingers, feeling how the
smaller body relaxed into his side, taking in the comfort like a
pampered feline.

The older man focused back on the sky
as they leisured back into the comfortable silence, wondering where
they would be sent next and what mess they’d get themselves into
then. Did it really matter though.

He was living in the moment with his
padawan at his side.

That would be enough for him,
especially as he felt the drowsy sensation of his young companion
settling with him. Obi-Wan was far to high strung for a teenager,
always ready to please, prone to visions and always trying his
hardest to be the best Jedi he could be, perhaps as a response to
Qui-Gon’s maverick ways or more likely the late and rocky start to
his apprenticeship.

Perhaps he should request a week off
roaster just to recover, spend some much needed time focusing on his
padawan alone?

Hmm, it sounded like a grand idea,
Obi-Wan would certainly enjoy having some time in the temple both for
training and for his friends if they were there at the same time.

Yes, yes Qui-Gon could do that. They
deserved recovery periods after all.

“Obi-Wa-oh.” A slow smile crossed
his face as he focused down on the boy sleep against his chest, head
pillowed on it as his chest rose and fell slowly with Qui-Gon’s
broad hand still cupping the back of his head and fingers resting at
the nape of the neck. “Well then. Seems you were more tired then
you wanted to admit to huh.” He chuckled, making an effort not to
shake to much.

Carefully he tucked his arm more
tightly around his padawan while stroking the nape lightly. “Nap
well Obi-Wan.” He murmured.

Can I request a prompt, where Obi-wan discovers he has a terminal disease and tries to hide it from others. Cue Obi-wan hump, and a healthy dose of angst and miscommunication -probably shouldn’t call that healthy though XD.


“…So that’s it then?” Obi-Wan stared at his hands and didn’t
dare look at Che.

“Yes. I’m sorry Master Kenobi. If we caught it a few years
before…” She let out a frustrated breath.

“But what about bacta?” He swallowed. “Couldn’t that…”

“Its been repairing the tissue the sickness has ruined. But it
can’t distinguish your healthy cells and the illness sick ones, it
considers both healthy because technically they aren’t destroyed
like the surrounding structure.” She reached out slowly and took
his hands.

Obi-Wan squeezed down on them, letting out a sharp breath through his
nose. “…So there’s nothing.”

“No. Had it been discovered two years, perhaps even a year before,
you could have undergone chemo and surgery but now? No, its to far
gone, to far advanced.” She offered quietly.

“I didn’t even feel sick…” He whispered.

“That would be the bacta and your natural resistance coming to
terms.” Healer Che murmured.

“…Now I’m thinking about all the signs I ignored.” Obi-Wan
gave a breathless little laugh, wry and painful sounding. “Back
pain, exhaustion, heartburn, weight loss and lack of appetite. It was
so…easy to explain away with the war.” He swallowed, feeling
nauseous as he thought of how things always hurt extra when he leaned
over. “Even the dryness of the mouth…” He was always thirsty,
he drank more then he ate the last few years.

He took a shuddering breath, his emotions sprawling.

Che squeezed his hands. “Master Kenobi…Obi-Wan…I’m so sorry.”

“…How…how long do I have left?”

“With the current prognosis…anything between two to five months.”


‘Two to five months…two to five months… pancreatic cancer…to
far gone for treatment…’ Obi-Wan wrapped his robe more tightly
around himself, feeling colder then the ice on Hoth. He had managed
to swear the healer to silence, citing patient privileges and privacy
and war morale. It still felt like lying but with the news…

He was going to die.

He had two to five months and then he was going to die.

He froze in the middle of the hall before forcing himself to continue
moving towards his quarters, less someone become curious why Master
Kenobi was not moving.

Force blessedly, no one stopped him, perhaps sensing his mood and no
other Council members were meet in the hall.

He reached his rooms and stepped in, closing his eyes in gratefulness
that Anakin was of somewhere. Obi-Wan couldn’t actually bring
himself to remember where as his mind muzzily reminded him to remove
his boots and hang up his robe.

The moment he bent, pain flickered his back and he straightened
slowly as he remembered that this was not a passing pain, this was a
symptom of his sickness. “…I’m going to die.” He said
outloud, the words actually spoken outloud hitting him like a gong.
Obi-Wan pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down until
he was sitting against it, staring at the ceiling of the darkened

“…I’m going to die…” He curled up and cried against his own
legs, each sob tearing from him like a lash of a whip. He would not
get to grow old, Anakin would be his only padawan, Ahsoka his only
grandpadawan. He would not get to see Anakin raised to master. He
would not get to see the end of the war unless it came om swifter
wings then anyone could anticipate.

He was going to die and leave everyone behind.

He wasn’t ready to die.


He was even more reckless on the battlefield.

His safety was no longer a priority. He had no need to preserve
something that was going to snuff out if he could bring the Republic
another victory.

Obi-Wan pretended not to see the worried gazes in his back or the way
Anakin would linger everytime a battle ended, blue eyes searching him
out and looking him over as if he could divine some sort of answer to
Obi-Wan’s behavior.

He had seen Cody run ragged across camp in an attempt to find
something Obi-Wan could eat. He had started accepting the ration bars
if only to appease the man, quietly slipping them back when no one
was looking. No use in wasting rations that wouldn’t be eaten.

Occasionally he had a good day, occasionally he’d manage to eat,
his appetite and pain allowing him to chew and consume something.

He had started to bolster himself thicker clothes so his gauntness
wouldn’t be noticed. Yet…yet he could feel the difference.

Obi-Wan was so tired. His hands would shake at random intervals and
Obi-Wan had more then once noticed a trooper watching them with small
frowns, pretending they hadn’t when they saw Obi-Wan’s eyes on
them but fully reporting it to Cody when they thought the Jedi’s
back was to them enough.

There wasn’t any use though.

Obi-Wan was slowing down.

His exhaustion was becoming more and more apparent. Was this how
death was going to catch him, to ill to fight, to exhausted to
remain, deprive him of all his functions?

Just wasting away, freezing cold in his own bunk?

He’d rather have Qui-Gon’s death. Quick and efficient, a
warrior’s death, cut down.

Or shot down by a blaster.

But he was still the Negotiator, he still had to shoulder on. He had
just a little more fight in him.

And then he had no more.

They were called back to Coruscant and Obi-Wan could feel every step
a painful move as they headed together to the Council chambers, his
shields barely keeping back everything. He felt dizzy and his back
ached despite his straitlaced position.

He could barely hear the rest of the Council through the buzz in his
ears but managed to react when needed. Obi-Wan was so tired and when
it was time to leave the council chamber…he fell.

He stood up, swaying for a few seconds as Anakin called his name
faintly and far away and then the ground came rushing up to meet him.

Obi-Wan never learned if he hit the floor or if someone caught him
because blissed darkness embraced him instead, sending him into


He woke to the ceiling of the Halls, resting in a bed with the
sterile smell of medical around him. His hands were hooked up to
several machines and resting on his sunken in stomach. As he became
more and more aware, Obi-Wan became aware of the pain originating
inside of him where the tumor rested.


“Obi-Wan?” A rough voice whispered and Obi-Wan tilted his head to
look at a scruffy blond at his bedside. He must have been out for a
few days if Anakin’s face meant anything.


The two stared at each other before the others face twisted and he
slowly reached, taking his hand. “I know…Obi-Wan why didn’t you
tell me?”

“…I don’t know…Anakin…I’m scared.” He whispered,
clinging to the hand holding his, pain leaking out past his shields.
“Anakin I don’t want to die. I’m not ready.”

“Oh Obi-Wan.” Anakin sat up on the bedside and pulled the other
up and against his chest, holding him tightly as the copper haired
Jedi started to quietly cry, his entire, to thin body shaking. As he
cried, the pain in his body was slipping past his shields.

“Shit…Obi-Wan, can you release any of that pain?”

“I’ve tried for weeks…no…” He whispered.

“Okay…I’m calling for the healer, alright? they’ll have
something for you.” Obi-Wan felt the knight shift and use the call
button but didn’t move from him. A dying man deserved a respite.

He closed his eyes though, tucking into Anakin’s chest.
“Does…everyone know now?”

Anakin hesitated even as the healer entered the room. “Yes. Oh,
Healer Che.”

“Yes. I see master Kenobi is awa-”

“He can’t release the pain into the Force. Could you…”

“If I do this, his body might start shutting down once the pain
isn’t there to remind him he’s alive. This might be the last few
hours Master K…Obi-Wan, this might be your last few hours.” She
moved around but Obi-Wan couldn’t lift his head from Anakin’s

“Okay.” He whispered. “Anakin can…help me. Help me say
goodbye?” He glanced slowly up at the blond. The other took a
shuddering breath before nodding. “Want me to call for Ahsoka?”

Obi-Wan winced a bit as Che gave him a hyposhot before nodding. “And
Mace and Yoda? And Depa…and I’d like to say goodbye to
Cody…and…and perhaps leave a last message to…to whoever cares?”

“Of course Master.” Anakin held his hand tightly, enclosed in his
as the pain slowly faded.


Obi-Wan was…confused, that was the best word for it.

He was sitting somewhere very dark and he tugged worriedly on his

“Oh padawan…” Obi-Wan looked up in surprise and then blinked up
at Qui-Gon’s sad face before the man reached down and pulled him
up. “It wasn’t suppose to go this way.”

“I don’t understand Master.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon wrapped his robe around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and the
younger man leaned into him. “It doesn’t matter anymore, come
along with me now.”

Qui-Gon slowly brought him through the darkness, Obi-Wan safe beneath
the other mans robe. “Where are we going Master?”

“Does it matter padawan? You’ll be with me.”

“Oh…that sounds nice.”

Can I request a prompt, where Obi-wan discovers he has a terminal disease and tries to hide it from others. Cue Obi-wan hump, and a healthy dose of angst and miscommunication -probably shouldn’t call that healthy though XD.


“…So that’s it then?” Obi-Wan stared at his hands and didn’t
dare look at Che.

“Yes. I’m sorry Master Kenobi. If we caught it a few years
before…” She let out a frustrated breath.

“But what about bacta?” He swallowed. “Couldn’t that…”

“Its been repairing the tissue the sickness has ruined. But it
can’t distinguish your healthy cells and the illness sick ones, it
considers both healthy because technically they aren’t destroyed
like the surrounding structure.” She reached out slowly and took
his hands.

Obi-Wan squeezed down on them, letting out a sharp breath through his
nose. “…So there’s nothing.”

“No. Had it been discovered two years, perhaps even a year before,
you could have undergone chemo and surgery but now? No, its to far
gone, to far advanced.” She offered quietly.

“I didn’t even feel sick…” He whispered.

“That would be the bacta and your natural resistance coming to
terms.” Healer Che murmured.

“…Now I’m thinking about all the signs I ignored.” Obi-Wan
gave a breathless little laugh, wry and painful sounding. “Back
pain, exhaustion, heartburn, weight loss and lack of appetite. It was
so…easy to explain away with the war.” He swallowed, feeling
nauseous as he thought of how things always hurt extra when he leaned
over. “Even the dryness of the mouth…” He was always thirsty,
he drank more then he ate the last few years.

He took a shuddering breath, his emotions sprawling.

Che squeezed his hands. “Master Kenobi…Obi-Wan…I’m so sorry.”

“…How…how long do I have left?”

“With the current prognosis…anything between two to five months.”


‘Two to five months…two to five months… pancreatic cancer…to
far gone for treatment…’ Obi-Wan wrapped his robe more tightly
around himself, feeling colder then the ice on Hoth. He had managed
to swear the healer to silence, citing patient privileges and privacy
and war morale. It still felt like lying but with the news…

He was going to die.

He had two to five months and then he was going to die.

He froze in the middle of the hall before forcing himself to continue
moving towards his quarters, less someone become curious why Master
Kenobi was not moving.

Force blessedly, no one stopped him, perhaps sensing his mood and no
other Council members were meet in the hall.

He reached his rooms and stepped in, closing his eyes in gratefulness
that Anakin was of somewhere. Obi-Wan couldn’t actually bring
himself to remember where as his mind muzzily reminded him to remove
his boots and hang up his robe.

The moment he bent, pain flickered his back and he straightened
slowly as he remembered that this was not a passing pain, this was a
symptom of his sickness. “…I’m going to die.” He said
outloud, the words actually spoken outloud hitting him like a gong.
Obi-Wan pressed his back against the door and slowly slid down until
he was sitting against it, staring at the ceiling of the darkened

“…I’m going to die…” He curled up and cried against his own
legs, each sob tearing from him like a lash of a whip. He would not
get to grow old, Anakin would be his only padawan, Ahsoka his only
grandpadawan. He would not get to see Anakin raised to master. He
would not get to see the end of the war unless it came om swifter
wings then anyone could anticipate.

He was going to die and leave everyone behind.

He wasn’t ready to die.


He was even more reckless on the battlefield.

His safety was no longer a priority. He had no need to preserve
something that was going to snuff out if he could bring the Republic
another victory.

Obi-Wan pretended not to see the worried gazes in his back or the way
Anakin would linger everytime a battle ended, blue eyes searching him
out and looking him over as if he could divine some sort of answer to
Obi-Wan’s behavior.

He had seen Cody run ragged across camp in an attempt to find
something Obi-Wan could eat. He had started accepting the ration bars
if only to appease the man, quietly slipping them back when no one
was looking. No use in wasting rations that wouldn’t be eaten.

Occasionally he had a good day, occasionally he’d manage to eat,
his appetite and pain allowing him to chew and consume something.

He had started to bolster himself thicker clothes so his gauntness
wouldn’t be noticed. Yet…yet he could feel the difference.

Obi-Wan was so tired. His hands would shake at random intervals and
Obi-Wan had more then once noticed a trooper watching them with small
frowns, pretending they hadn’t when they saw Obi-Wan’s eyes on
them but fully reporting it to Cody when they thought the Jedi’s
back was to them enough.

There wasn’t any use though.

Obi-Wan was slowing down.

His exhaustion was becoming more and more apparent. Was this how
death was going to catch him, to ill to fight, to exhausted to
remain, deprive him of all his functions?

Just wasting away, freezing cold in his own bunk?

He’d rather have Qui-Gon’s death. Quick and efficient, a
warrior’s death, cut down.

Or shot down by a blaster.

But he was still the Negotiator, he still had to shoulder on. He had
just a little more fight in him.

And then he had no more.

They were called back to Coruscant and Obi-Wan could feel every step
a painful move as they headed together to the Council chambers, his
shields barely keeping back everything. He felt dizzy and his back
ached despite his straitlaced position.

He could barely hear the rest of the Council through the buzz in his
ears but managed to react when needed. Obi-Wan was so tired and when
it was time to leave the council chamber…he fell.

He stood up, swaying for a few seconds as Anakin called his name
faintly and far away and then the ground came rushing up to meet him.

Obi-Wan never learned if he hit the floor or if someone caught him
because blissed darkness embraced him instead, sending him into


He woke to the ceiling of the Halls, resting in a bed with the
sterile smell of medical around him. His hands were hooked up to
several machines and resting on his sunken in stomach. As he became
more and more aware, Obi-Wan became aware of the pain originating
inside of him where the tumor rested.


“Obi-Wan?” A rough voice whispered and Obi-Wan tilted his head to
look at a scruffy blond at his bedside. He must have been out for a
few days if Anakin’s face meant anything.


The two stared at each other before the others face twisted and he
slowly reached, taking his hand. “I know…Obi-Wan why didn’t you
tell me?”

“…I don’t know…Anakin…I’m scared.” He whispered,
clinging to the hand holding his, pain leaking out past his shields.
“Anakin I don’t want to die. I’m not ready.”

“Oh Obi-Wan.” Anakin sat up on the bedside and pulled the other
up and against his chest, holding him tightly as the copper haired
Jedi started to quietly cry, his entire, to thin body shaking. As he
cried, the pain in his body was slipping past his shields.

“Shit…Obi-Wan, can you release any of that pain?”

“I’ve tried for weeks…no…” He whispered.

“Okay…I’m calling for the healer, alright? they’ll have
something for you.” Obi-Wan felt the knight shift and use the call
button but didn’t move from him. A dying man deserved a respite.

He closed his eyes though, tucking into Anakin’s chest.
“Does…everyone know now?”

Anakin hesitated even as the healer entered the room. “Yes. Oh,
Healer Che.”

“Yes. I see master Kenobi is awa-”

“He can’t release the pain into the Force. Could you…”

“If I do this, his body might start shutting down once the pain
isn’t there to remind him he’s alive. This might be the last few
hours Master K…Obi-Wan, this might be your last few hours.” She
moved around but Obi-Wan couldn’t lift his head from Anakin’s

“Okay.” He whispered. “Anakin can…help me. Help me say
goodbye?” He glanced slowly up at the blond. The other took a
shuddering breath before nodding. “Want me to call for Ahsoka?”

Obi-Wan winced a bit as Che gave him a hyposhot before nodding. “And
Mace and Yoda? And Depa…and I’d like to say goodbye to
Cody…and…and perhaps leave a last message to…to whoever cares?”

“Of course Master.” Anakin held his hand tightly, enclosed in his
as the pain slowly faded.


Obi-Wan was…confused, that was the best word for it.

He was sitting somewhere very dark and he tugged worriedly on his

“Oh padawan…” Obi-Wan looked up in surprise and then blinked up
at Qui-Gon’s sad face before the man reached down and pulled him
up. “It wasn’t suppose to go this way.”

“I don’t understand Master.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon wrapped his robe around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders and the
younger man leaned into him. “It doesn’t matter anymore, come
along with me now.”

Qui-Gon slowly brought him through the darkness, Obi-Wan safe beneath
the other mans robe. “Where are we going Master?”

“Does it matter padawan? You’ll be with me.”

“Oh…that sounds nice.”

Modern AU where Anakin and obi wan meet at a dog park. Anakin has trouble controlling his large german Shepard meanwhile obi-wans Samoyed is a perfect cute service dog


“Ahsoka no!”
The yelp sounded through the dog park only seconds before a rather
large German Shepard crashed into Obi-Wan, sending him to the ground
with a loud yelp of pain and surprise, he heard someone come running
to him as his head spun. “Oh Force, oh no, I’m so sorry!”

Qui-Gon, his blue
eyed Samoyed, whined and nuzzled at his master’s face, carefully
encouraging him to try and get up even as he gave unhappy rumbles to
the still bouncy looking dog who had run Obi-Wan over.

The owner was a
young, curly haired blond who offered his hands in sheepish
embarrassment to the redhead. “I am so sorry, I’m still training
Ahsoka and unfortunately, I don’t really have much control over her.
I thought I’d take her to the dog park to tucker her out some.”

Obi-Wan swallowed
hard then gave a weak smile. “I-Its alright. She seems rather

“She is, she’s
nine months old. I’m so sorry once again.” The blond offered,
looking Obi-Wan over and wincing at the amount of dirt on the other
mans clothes. “Fuck…I, please, let me buy you a coffee? There’s a
cafe right over there we could get one from.”

Obi-Wan hesitated
and Qui-Gon nudged his hand gently, whining up at him and prompting
the redhead to rest his head on the dogs head, feeling himself calm
down a bit. “I would prefer tea but…that does sound nice.” He
finally offered. “Obi-Wan.” He offered the hand not on Qui-Gon’s

“Anakin.” The
blond smiled then glanced down at the white samoyed, taking in the
vest the other was wearing.

Obi-Wan felt a
flush enter his cheeks and he shifted a bit, wondering what the other
was thinking. He knew most preferred not to have their service dog in
vest showing exactly what they were but he preferred Qui-Gon to wear
his, if only because of the added layer of protection it gave him.

However the young
man just smiled. “Well, if I had as well behaved a dog as your
friend here, I think I’d be better of. What’s his name?”

Obi-Wan blinked
then smiled almost shyly. “Qui-Gon, his name is Qui-Gon.”
“Qui-Gon and
Obi-Wan, fitting.” Anakin grinned then clipped Ahsoka to her leash,
nodding towards the cafe. “Lets go get that tea and coffee?”

Modern AU where Anakin and obi wan meet at a dog park. Anakin has trouble controlling his large german Shepard meanwhile obi-wans Samoyed is a perfect cute service dog


“Ahsoka no!”
The yelp sounded through the dog park only seconds before a rather
large German Shepard crashed into Obi-Wan, sending him to the ground
with a loud yelp of pain and surprise, he heard someone come running
to him as his head spun. “Oh Force, oh no, I’m so sorry!”

Qui-Gon, his blue
eyed Samoyed, whined and nuzzled at his master’s face, carefully
encouraging him to try and get up even as he gave unhappy rumbles to
the still bouncy looking dog who had run Obi-Wan over.

The owner was a
young, curly haired blond who offered his hands in sheepish
embarrassment to the redhead. “I am so sorry, I’m still training
Ahsoka and unfortunately, I don’t really have much control over her.
I thought I’d take her to the dog park to tucker her out some.”

Obi-Wan swallowed
hard then gave a weak smile. “I-Its alright. She seems rather

“She is, she’s
nine months old. I’m so sorry once again.” The blond offered,
looking Obi-Wan over and wincing at the amount of dirt on the other
mans clothes. “Fuck…I, please, let me buy you a coffee? There’s a
cafe right over there we could get one from.”

Obi-Wan hesitated
and Qui-Gon nudged his hand gently, whining up at him and prompting
the redhead to rest his head on the dogs head, feeling himself calm
down a bit. “I would prefer tea but…that does sound nice.” He
finally offered. “Obi-Wan.” He offered the hand not on Qui-Gon’s

“Anakin.” The
blond smiled then glanced down at the white samoyed, taking in the
vest the other was wearing.

Obi-Wan felt a
flush enter his cheeks and he shifted a bit, wondering what the other
was thinking. He knew most preferred not to have their service dog in
vest showing exactly what they were but he preferred Qui-Gon to wear
his, if only because of the added layer of protection it gave him.

However the young
man just smiled. “Well, if I had as well behaved a dog as your
friend here, I think I’d be better of. What’s his name?”

Obi-Wan blinked
then smiled almost shyly. “Qui-Gon, his name is Qui-Gon.”
“Qui-Gon and
Obi-Wan, fitting.” Anakin grinned then clipped Ahsoka to her leash,
nodding towards the cafe. “Lets go get that tea and coffee?”