I am still thinking about this SW Mermaid AU thing I did for May 4th and now I’m curious on how you would handle a mermaid au. Would you give everyone a tail based on their lightsaber colors or would you just go colors you think look good to avoid giving Vader a bright red tail?


I’d probably try to go the light saber colours to a certain extent just bc I think mood change tails would be funny but I don’t think it would be vaders that tripped me up more likely it’d be ahsokas as I don’t really use green that often despite it being my favourite colour

Edit: so I tried it and I was right here’s the results


This is technically part of my Sith obi wan au seeing as for obvious reasons he can’t be anakins master, so instead I made Windu Anakins master with qui gon acting like a plo koon figure

(so I actually asked my followers what they all thought and all the replies I got could not agree so I just tried to choose the most interesting choice I could I hope that’s okay)


Ahsoka is positive that Yoda is trying to punish her but in actual fact the masters are just trying to contain all the crazy to one single lineage and hoping it doesn’t all go to hell

(Part 4 of that master swap au Full au guide here)