I love nostringscanholdme! What’s going on with Cody? Is he curious about why Vader transferred him? Does he know he’s being used as bait, and prepared to capture Obi-Wan if he comes for him? How did Vader change the chips’ programming to stop them from killing Obi-Wan in the first place?

Standing at attention, watching Vader pace on the bridge and occasionally pausing to seemingly stare out into the sky, Cody let his mind wander slightly.

When the order had come through that he was being transferred from the 212th on Kamino to Vader’s own Fist, Cody had been excited at the honor of being the left hand of Lord Vader himself.

He had been reduced to working on Kamino after the end of the clone wars with the CIS and the clean up of the Jedi, training new vode, and while that was rewarding, Cody wasn’t a teacher.

He had been raised to fight and he had been exited to join Lord Vader himself, already aware of the man’s reputation from before the war and then later on, the man fighting on the front line with the troopers.

Cody had been so optimistic.

Or that had been his initial emotions.

After about a month of watching the man’s utter ruthlessness in battle, using Cody’s own vode as shields at time and throwing them around without thoughts, Cody no longer could consider it an honor and worked more to keep his brothers as safe as possible from the menace in black.

Especially the less experienced ones.

He half expected to be on the receiving end of one of these deadly assault, particularly the snapping of his neck, when he interfered.

And yet, regardless of how clearly enraged the yellow eyed man became as he glowered at Cody, he never went as far as killing him

Choking him with the Force, yes, killing him, no.

And Cody could not for the life of him understand why.

There were other commanders able to take over for him, which meant that there was a reason for why Vader had transferred him, outside of Cody’s skills.

So he couldn’t make sense of why he kept surviving when other vod did not.

‘What’s different about me…’ Cody let his eyes slide to the blond haired man glaring out into the sky before he resumed pacing. ‘What are you thinking Lord Vader…’ Cody narrowed his eyes faintly, safe in his own mind that the Sith could not hear his mind.

He had been taught how to shield his mind just in case by…

A spike of pain throbbed through Cody’s brain and he clenched his teeth together to avoid hissing, not wanting the attention of the clearly enraged man on him.

‘The Doll…’ Cody took a breath through his nose. ‘Is it really that simple? Could it really be the Doll?’ Cody let his mind space, not daring to think of the name or the former title of the man as every time he did, his mind echoed with pain.

And the faint stirrings of a memory.

Of Rex and whispered words and the name Fives.

Glancing at the Sith once more, Cody stiffened to attention as yellow eyes landed squarely on him.

He would have to take care of those memories later.


Spooning Obi-Wan, one arm tucked around the former Jedi and his other settled under his own head, Rex let out a small sigh into the others neck.

Obi-Wan just pressed back into him, fingers slowly caressing the back of Rex hand as the captain rested it on Obi-Wan’s stomach.

Since Obi-Wan calmed down they had finally managed to settle down, curled up on Rex bunk together as Rex wrapped himself protectively around his redhead. He had removed the nerftail tie, the long length resting down Obi-Wan’s back on the bed, smelling faintly of fruits from the soap they had picked up.

He knew from Kix that sleeping on a hair tie was not a comfortable experience and had opted to remove it as they curled down together.

Because he had known from the moment Obi-Wan started to calm down that they wouldn’t be leaving the room any time soon, the clear exhaustion and outright depression visible on Obi-Wan’s face telling Rex that Obi-Wan just needed time.

And Rex had water bottles in his room, so while they preferred to have Obi-Wan eat full meals, they were also accepting of him eating snacks and drinking water. “…We’re going to have to talk about your actions you know.” Rex whispered tiredly into the others neck.

Squeezing Rex hand, Obi-Wan let out a small noise. “I know… but please can we wait until I’ve slept? I really just…” He sighed deeply and Rex felt his heart constrict with pain.

He knew that Obi-Wan still struggled quite a bit with the after effects of the Sith drug Vader had kept him on and to see the former proud General reduced to blankness hurt.

But even worse was to see him like this, emotionally unstable and uncertain as he clung to the minor comforts Rex could give him.

Instead of verbalizing all that, Rex simply nodded and nuzzled his nose into the back of his Jedi’s neck. “…If there comes a chance Obi-Wan… we’ll save him. I promise. But right now…” Rex trailed off, wincing as Obi-Wan’s breath hitched before it came out as a soft keen.

There was nothing to do for that and so they simply laid in bed, Obi-Wan watching the wall and Rex watching the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, both consumed in their thoughts.

Wow wow wow I just spent all day reading your stuff I’m so glad I found you! #obiinpain drew me in, so could we get some more of that? I want these boys to Talk About Their Feelings

Looking taken aback, Obi-Wan stared at his brother padawan while
accepting the cup of tea the other had made for him before
hesitating, glancing at their shared master before looking back at
Anakin’s earnest expression. “I’m not sure about medical weed
Anakin, I’ve trie-”

“Normal weed Obi-Wan,”
Qui-Gon injected, looking thoughtful as he settled back in his
squishy armchair, his own cup of tea in his hands. “What you had
was normal weed that made you so paranoid you ended up climbing on
top of the fridge but Anakin has a point, if you tried one with low
TCH and high CBD strain…” He developed into a low muttering to
himself, his tea forgotten in his hands.

Anakin glanced between the
two before focusing back on Obi-Wan, curiosity plain on his face.

Wincing slightly, Obi-Wan
blew on the tea and took a sip, mentally admiring that Anakin’s tea
making skills had become better. “It was a diplomatic mission, we
had to smoke a peace pipe and… well the effects were adverse on
me.” He explained quietly, colors turning ruddy as he focused on
his knees.

Anakin’s hand was on his
thigh, warm and large feeling and Obi-Wan had to force himself not to
tense up from surprise as he looked up at the other, meeting big blue
eyes full of concern. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have suggested
this if I had know…” He trailed off before withdrawing, seemingly

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan
smiled at the other. “You didn’t know and you couldn’t have, we
kept it out of the reports for my dignity sake but it sounds like
Qui-Gon has some suggestions.” They both looked to the older man as
he continued muttering to himself, gray blue eyes focused on the
ceiling now and his cup fully abandoned.

Both watched him with
amusement before sending each other entertained gazes and Obi-Wan
tried hard not to notice how defined Anakin’s jaw had become with

Or the rest of him

He had grown from an
adorable kid and a lanky teen into very desirable man honestly and
Obi-Wan was struggling a bit he would admit.

Especially when Anakin was
being so generous and chivalrous to him.

‘Kind… he’s always
kind to me. But he’s also crushing on me.’ Obi-Wan let his eyes
fall to his cup, stroking it with his fingertips before taking a slow

It would be foolish to
engage in anything with Anakin, Anakin had issues with separating
himself from attachment as his questions about his mother and her
safety had often proved and even once Obi-Wan had, very discreetly,
returned to Tatooine during a mission by pretending a ship breakdown,
Anakin still kept asking.

Regardless of knowing that
Shmi was no longer on Tatooine but on a core world.

To be fair, Anakin hadn’t
gotten to know that she was on Coruscant,
it just wasn’t safe to tell the attachment prone man and Obi-Wan
was walking a very fine line too should the council discover that
Obi-Wan had not only bought a sentient in hutt space but also
transported her to Coruscant where he helped her get proper
documentation and a job.

were fond of Obi-Wan, but even they couldn’t be lenient then.

Obi-Wan was already in such a fragile state, he would never become a
ma- a gentle hand covered his knee, bringing Obi-Wan out of his
thoughts to look up at Anakin, meeting worried blue eyes.

would it be so bad to indulge him, if only for a while? He’ll grow
tired of me eventually and… and aren’t I due some happiness for
all that I have sacrificed?’
Obi-Wan stared at the blond before smiling shyly at him, shifting his
right hand off the cup to hover over Anakin’s, indecision lingering
as he stared at the sun
kissed hand on his beige knee, watching how it looked beneath his own
pale, freckled one..

frowned, clearly confused, his nose scrunching endearingly and
Obi-Wan couldn’t help a soft chuckle as he finally let his hand
drop, catching Anakin’s to gently twine their fingers together.

bemused, Anakin blinked, looking between Obi-Wan’s shy smile to
their hands and back several times before his own eyes widened, his
hand tightening on Obi-Wan’s as a brilliant beam crossed his face,
Obi-Wan’s blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears and the back
of his neck as his smile grew
at that obvious delight.

all the while, an oblivious Qui-Gon muttered to himself with a
cooling tea in hand only a meter away from them, oblivious to his
former and current padawans actions as Anakin raised their hands and
pressed a lingering kiss to Obi-Wan’s freckled hand, callused
fingertips caressing each others.

What happens next in Candleinthedark???

the truth comes out, none of them are prepared for it, none of them
expect it despite seeing the state of the little Jedi.

apparently the news is worse than they could have expected.

do you mean all the bonds he carries are broken?” Mace questioned
incredulously, glancing over his shoulder to where Obi-Wan was still
sitting quietly on the medbay, once more tucked up in Qui-Gon’s
clothes with a blanket wrapped around himself.

was trembling faintly.

pinched the bridge of her nose. “I mean, they’ve been broken for
a few days at the very least, before he came to this universe from
wherever he was pulled from. Wherever he is from, the Jedi he once
was bonded to are long dead and gone into the Force.” She stated

did explain a few things in Qui-Gon’s eyes though.

had only very reluctantly moved from Obi-Wan, not wanting to leave
the reluctantly relaxing Jedi behind to pull up his walls again but
he also wanted the information Che had.

was good he did.

broken bonds was of particular interest to him.

clean bill of physical health was a nice bonus but that didn’t make
the mental and emotional part any better, adding on top broken
bonds from every person Obi-Wan had ever bonded to, most likely the
same people who the original Sith Obi-Wan from this universe once

reverse was that they no longer had that bond.

those broken bonds in one person… it was mind boggling.

about the height?” Plo suddenly murmured, breaking
Qui-Gon from his musings on broken bonds,
the kel dor
tapping his fingers together in front of himself in a triangle shape.
“You say he measures a meter and fifty five
cm. Or five
point one feet,” Here he nodded to Oppo, to inform the other Sith
what the height would be in his measurement, the
other Sith nodding in understanding.
“Where is the rest of his height compared to our Obi-Wan?” He
raised his brow ridges at her.

her chest, Che brows furrowed. “My best guess, and that is all it
can be as this is not my field, is that the scar we found was meant
to kill him. However when he was transported, the Force pulled matter
to heal the injury while also transporting him,
but that matter had to come from somewhere, which seems to have been
his own body, making him smaller.
That is my theory at least though it is not my field and I can simply
make guesses.” She stated sternly.

did mirror Qui-Gon’s theory and he nodded in agreement slowly,
still keeping a tab on Obi-Wan in case he moved.

far he hadn’t, only remained curled up on the bed with his legs
tucked beneath him since the Sith moved away to discuss.

just seemed so tired.

with that many bonds broken, that would actually be natural.

should be in a coma still honestly, that many bonds breaking at once
should have drained him and left him in exhaustion. Then there is the
way he avoids looking at Anakin…’ Qui-Gon mused to himself,
glancing at his apprentice, only to find yellow eyes already watching

younger Sith wasn’t as stupid as some thought him to be and as he
sometimes behaved, it was better for some to believe you were stupid
and use that to your advantage.

may not be the best wordsmith… but Qui-Gon had taught him the skill
of acting and using fear to his advantage.

end is that this Obi-Wan is quite the damaged soul and he is not
quite like our Obi-Wan was.” Che finished, frowning faintly.

bonds like your Obi-Wan, he does not seem to,” Yoda croaked, large
golden eyes narrowed at the healer. “As natural as breathing,
Obi-Wan formed connection to everyone, fighting against it useless it
was. Natural it was to him, defense mechanism of native Stewjoni it
was…but lacking it is here.” He turned his head, peering at the
curled up Jedi.

feeling the gaze, Obi-Wan gave a short glance up before looking back
down, pulling his legs in under himself as he pulled the blanket
taunt around himself.

to hide away despite sitting in the bright light on top of the bed.

his head, Qui-Gon pursed his lips. “My question would be this,
would our old Obi-Wan’s bond be enough to create a bond to this
Obi-Wan?” He stated quietly, glancing between Che and the Jedi.

slightly, Che sighed. “Your guess is as good as mine, my specialty
is the body, not the mind.”

had a few answers but were left with more question.

was going to get the answers.

Aww thanks for picking up my prompt!! I loved it. Maybe a continuation where Qui Gon is trying to be supportive by being careful about his wording and Obi-Wan is like “this is nice. ,, but kinda weird? Why do this Master?” Bc maybe Qui-Gon hasn’t explained the diagnosis yet and Obi doesn’t realize this is how things are supposed to be and that he’s not supposed to feel THAT bad about criticism cause he’s so used to it.

his master with a small frown while slowly sipping at his tea,
Obi-Wan slowly shifted to sit against the man on the couch.

as had become common since the beginning of this week, Qui-Gon
instantly wrapped his arm around his padawan, looking up long enough
from the pad he was reviewing Obi-Wan’s grades on to give Obi-Wan a
small, welcoming smile before he turned back to the pad to continue
scanning the reports the teachers of the lessons had sent, as per
norm of the end of the month.

as norm set up by the master Jedi once they came back to the temple,
once after they had eaten last meal and then prepared for bed,
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon gathered on the couch in the living room of the
quarters to go over the report and see what issues they had to go
over together to improve Obi-Wan’s abilities.

so they curled up in nightwear after their ablutions,
normally with caffeine free tea to read through and talk.

most of your teachers have only good things to note about your
progress,” Qui-Gon suddenly announced, thumb soothingly rubbing at
Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he paused in sipping his tea, peering up at
his master. “Master Nura notes that you seem to be having issues
with poetry but that your comprehension of the literary section is
beyond acceptable, not everyone has the hand for writing poetry even
though they can understand it. So I think you’re doing well.” He set the pad aside, giving his
padawan the warmest smile yet.

up at his master, Obi-Wan stared at him before lowering his eyes to
his cup. “…Master, what’s going on?” He whispered, biting his
lower lip, worrying the flap of flesh and skin before glancing up at
Qui-Gon again.

man was staring at him in bemusement. “Obi-Wan?”

Obi-Wan shifted forward, setting his cup on the table before turning
on the couch to look right up at the man, gathering courage even as
his stomach knotted tightly. “I-I mean, this week has been nice and
all but you… you’ve been acting kinda odd, different… I-I don’t
really know what to make of it all.” He managed to get out,
twisting his hands together in his lap, he didn’t want to say that Qui-Gon had been acting too nice, because while that was true kinda, it was also mean to say and Obi-Wan didn’t want to upset Qui-Gon.

really didn’t feel any better when Qui-Gon continued staring,
shoulders tensing and pulling up under his ears the more seconds
ticked past.

then the Jedi master sighed deeply, slumping a bit. “Of course you
caught on. You’re
smart, after all.” He smiled a tad weakly before reaching out and
gently rubbing Obi-Wan’s scalp in a mimicry of hair ruffling that
Obi-Wan did not have the length to do.

faintly at the praise, Obi-Wan let out an inquiring noise as he
paused twisting his hands in his lap, staring up at his master,
wanting an explanation.

there was obviously one.

his beard slowly with thumb and forefinger, his others tucked beneath
his chin, Qui-Gon let out a deep rumbling noise as he glanced at
their dark window, seemingly gathering his thoughts. “…Do you
remember I was called up to the council in the start of the week?”
He murmured, glancing back down at Obi-Wan.

slowly, Obi-Wan frowned, wondering what that had to do with anything.

wasn’t summoned because of any issues, but because the healers had
come with a report to them… on you, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon explained
gently, a small, worried smile on his lips. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened
a bit. “And I was going to tell you, I was just trying to figure
out how to word myself, but at the meeting, I learned that you have
ADHD, Obi-Wan, with some very prevalent symptoms that can make
things… difficult for you.” Qui-Gon continued.

widening even more, Obi-Wan stared at his master, his mind whizzing
past with several thoughts before Qui-Gon’s large, warm hands came
down on his shoulders, abruptly stilling his mind as Obi-Wan jumped a

see, that’s part of it kiddo, your mind is never still,” Qui-Gon
chuckled faintly, smiling at him still. “You literally can’t
turn it off like others. But don’t worry, I’ll help you, we’ll
all help you if you let us.” Qui-Gon murmured before gathering his
padawan into a hug, Obi-Wan letting out a low, surprised noise as he
grasped the man’s thin worn sleep tunic, staring into the gray
colored tunic.

have ADHD?’ Obi-Wan blinked hard, pressing into Qui-Gon’s chest
and the hug he was offered while wondering what that meant for his

what kind of help that meant he would get.



A while ago I did an obikin/venom au. Because let’s face it, isn’t Vaderkin all that clingy.

╮( ̄▽ ̄"“)╭

Although I haven’t really thought up if he’s real venom, or just an imagination that’s in Obi-Wan’s mind. Therefore I throw in some burned ashes to the twin-sun planet just because I can. 😈