
“Day 17: Chaaj’miit – Broadcast/message

Fennec doing her job and Boba’s bored without his fellow Blaster Buddy. 🤣 Had a ton of fun with this, as much as my brain hated me trying to get work done that day??

Hope y’all like it, and have a wonderful weekend!! 🙌🏻💕💖”

Also!! Incorrect Quote found via the Incorrect Quote Generator!!


Context: there have been a number of posts lately about de-aged Disaster Lineage shenanigans and I’ve been enjoying every single one, they’re all really creative and funny.  I ended up talking out some ideas with a friend about the same concept which led to these bad sketches that I am now subjecting to all of you haha.

In this, the older the member of the lineage was, the more they de-aged.  We have (actual) baby Yoda, 6-year-old Dooku, 9-year-old Rael, 11-year-old Qui Gon, 13-year-old Obi Wan, older teen Anakin and poor young adult Ahsoka.  There is no logic to these ages, that’s just roughly what we were going with.

Alternative dialogue for the Qui Gon, Obi Wan and Anakin scene:

Qui Gon, to Anakin: You’re not my Master. 😡

Anakin: Well, your Master is currently 6 years old so too bad.