Hear me out, FertileWar since Obi is wary about trying to find his answers while Anakin’s around, he contacts his best friend and shadow-in-training Quinlan Vos to research for him. This is something he’s never experienced before (unless the Mandalore mission happened here too? Maybe he experienced flashes of it on Mandalore but the New Mandalorians don’t trigger it) And Quin has heard whispers that he only paid attention to BECAUSE of Obi. And it’s something like a force blessed hunt for a partner and now he’s got to make a choice on what to do

“So you basically want them to rail you against a flat surface, that’s what you’re actually saying.” Quinlan drawled, leaning away with a snigger as a bright red Obi-Wan reached out to try and cover his mouth.

“Shhhh! Not so loud you jerk.” He hissed, looking around the diner wildly.

Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying them any attention with the chatter of people and the sound of dishware being used. It also helped that both Obi-Wan and Quinlan were dressed as ordinary spacers instead of anything potentially interesting. Spacers in this diner were a dime a dozen it looked like as they floated in and out before disappearing back out with their ship into the stars.

Honestly, it was Obi-Wan’s luck that Quinlan needed a layover before he returned to the temple, the two being able to meet up and head into town.

It was some much needed privacy Obi-Wan needed to air what had been going on between him and the troopers and his desperate need for information, something Quinlan could get him since he was going back to the temple.

Obi-Wan on the other hand was not, he was likely stuck out in the mid-rims for at least another two months and he would go crazy if he didn’t have any information before that. Just anything to make sense of his situation.

Obi-Wan had attractions before, hell, he had been attracted to Satine Kryze for one, a few of his classmates and even some random people throughout his missions with his master.

But never like this, not like how he felt physically and almost spiritually drawn to his troopers and they in turn seemed drawn to him equally hungry.

There was something going on and Obi-Wan didn’t know what and that troubled him enough to effect his stress levels even more than what the war simply was doing.

Picking up a few root fries from his plate and dipping them in his shakes, Quinlan face went serious. “Though, I already got a few guesses to why things are going as they are.” He admitted, chewing on his foot.

Pulling his own milkshake closer, Obi-Wan raised his brows at that. “You do?” He questioned a tad doubtfully.

“Look, I’m not saying I know,” Quinlan waved the greasy fries at him before sighing deeply. “But you’re my friend, you have been since we were Initiates and I paid attention when there came any rumors regarding you.” He stated seriously.

Pausing, Obi-Wan set his milkshake down. “Rumors… about me?” He questioned, eyes narrowed in concern.

Glancing around the diner, Quinaln pursed his lips then leaned in, the windows glare glittering on his brown skin. “Look, be very careful about who you tell that you’re from Stewjon, okay?” He whispered. “The rumors might be true and if they are, then being from Stewjon makes you a target for full blooded mandalorians. I heard that there’s a rise of Death Watch in their sector and if they find you…” He grimaced.

Frowning heavily, Obi-Wan blinked. “…You think that’s why I react to them? Because they’re of Jango Fett’s blood?” He whispered.

Quinlan nodded slowly before sitting back, huffing slightly. “Look, I’ll look into it when I get back home, but based on the rumors I heard, apparently it was common for mandalorians to go to Stewjon and hunt themselves a ‘prize’.” He made quotation marks with his fingers at the mention of prize, giving Obi-Wan a meaningful look.

It sent a chill down Obi-Wan’s back, the phrasing not lost on him. “…Why?” He couldn’t help but whisper, feeling tense and uncomfortable.

Swirling his straw in the half drunk milkshake, Quinlan let out a deep breath then shrugged. “Look, I’m not sure this is true, I’ll do the research when I get home but… supposedly it had to do with fertility and the fact that Stewjon had equal warrior spirits to those from Mandalore. But I’m not certain,” Quinlan reminded him. “I’ll figure it out when I get home, alright, send you a message. In the meantime, you need to be careful Obi-Wan.” The shadow operative stated seriously.

Frowning, Obi-Wan nodded, looking down at his half eaten plate of fries and burger, he really didn’t feel all that hungry anymore and the idea that the only reason Cody and the others were looking at him like that was because of genetic was… discouraging.

‘No, no, I’m a Jedi, I can’t… damn it,’ Obi-Wan bit his lip brutally, bowing his head under Quinlan’s watchful eyes as he fought against tears. ‘Damn it all to Sithhells.’

So, age swap Obi and Ani, with intersex Obi finding the clones. Clones that claim him due to his stewjon status. I know its been done before, stewjon being somewhat of a status symbol to mandalorians, so I figured I’d try it with you and a youngish Obi?

The day it happened, it had taken the clones only one look, one sniff of the air to know that something was up as the scent abruptly changed, something was going on and no amount of trainers or longnecks could stop them from noticing the beacon following Taun We.

A young, seemingly male baseline human with red hair gathered back in a nerf tail and a braid swinging with beads and threads as green eyes warily observed everything, seemingly unnerved and shocked despite hiding it well from Taun We.

But not from the clones.

They could feel it in their bones, the others emotions. He was nothing like the clones and nothing like the trainers.

Something was different.

This one was different.

They hadn’t had any kind of reaction like this to the trainers, regardless what they were though they were less fond of the Death Watch bastard due to how the Prime reacted to her. Clearly the Prime hated her despite hiring her to train them and no one could claim she wasn’t skilled.

But this one, the Jedi they realized, something was very different.

And it was clear in how the Prime reacted too, the way the man had frozen in the clear hallway above them, eyes on the Jedi that stared him in the eyes, a challenge and a hunger in the Prime’s eyes at the same time.

Somehow, the Prime, Fett, has a handle on that hunger and the challenge, despite being unable to take his eyes off the Jedi that walks on the other side of Taun We, clearly aware of the hunger in the other human.

There is an even more vigilant look in the redhead’s eyes as he disappears with the Prime and Taun We.

Its not until they are on Geonosis that they see him again, this time bruised, injured and bleeding from a split nose, his hands in chains and yet he fights fluidly, falling into line with the troopers as if he knows where he belongs, as if he has fought a war before.

He’s perfect in the vode’s eyes.

His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, padawan to one Anakin Skywalker, the so called chosen one of the Jedi order, whatever that means. Obi-Wan is turning twenty by human standards this year and he’s a stewjoni.

A fucking stewjoni, the troopers know, they might be clones but hell, the Prime hadn’t neglected this part of them. He had taught the alpha clones the important bits of Mandalorian culture and the alpha clones had taught the rest.

They knew this part as intimately as the back of their hands as learning about it had made them hungry in a way they couldn’t explain or sate.

Stewjon and Mandalore had always been tightly entwined, to claim a Stewjon was a prize no Mandalore should resist if given the opportunity.

Stewjoni with fire in their veins and battle as born and war breed as any mandalorian’s will ever be and that includes the clones, the drums of war beating in their soul as much as anyone else.

And Obi-Wan proves that he is of Stewjon’s blood.

He breezes the war fields as easily as he breathes to the discomfort of many Jedi despite his own master ruffling his hair and praising him with an easy smile and a proud glint in his eyes when Obi-Wan can take over the battlefield.

Cody is the one to become Obi-Wan’s commander when he is knithed, he’s the one that gets to see that the new General has little issue in ordering them around on the field.

But when the battle dies down, something in Obi-Wan falter, as if orders are no longer something he can give and the confusion in him is clear as he struggles, peering coyly at the troopers from under lowered lashes before practically hiding behind his master much to the blond’s confusion and concern.

Its clear Anakin Skywalker knows nothing of the connection between Stewjon and Mandalore.

Something tells Cody that had the blond known, he’d never leave them alone, would have threatened entire battalions to ensure his padawan’s comfort and chastity.

Anakin Skywalker had strange ideas of virtue Cody had to admit, considering how he tries to cover his former padawan up as best as he could.

There is also one more thing that draws inevitably draws the mandalorian’s to stewjoni’s.

Their fertility.

Stewjon is a harsh planet, difficult to survive and due to it, it is common for most members to be intersex.

And the troopers want, hunger, deep in their bones as green eyes stare back at them, challenging yet somehow meek at the same time.

Yet no one makes a move, uncertain how to approach a situation like this.

So they hunger and they watch each other, like circling wolves, nipping at each others heels.


Help me help me somebody stop me ‘cause I know I can’t stop me (x) 🙃

If you gotta fill out a bunch of boring reports you better get yourself comfortable, right? 😈😈😈

I might be enjoying drawing shirtless Rex a little too much, but… I love him your honor