
Если бы эти двое работали вместе. Я так и вижу, как Кеноби постоянно попадает в передрягу, а Мол уже просто смирился с этим, ибо смерть от большого количества фейспалмов и головной боли ситху не подходит.

#dangerousgalaxy- what happens now that Palpatine is dead? How many other senators are dead? Do the clones send out a broadcast?

A shiver races down his spine and slowly, Obi-Wan places his cup down on the saucer, turning his head to meet Anakin’s eyes.

He and Ahsoka had been working on a puzzle set that Obi-Wan owned, just something meaningless but time consuming to preoccupy their time and since Ahsoka had sprained her left ankle, this was one of the better options.

Ahsoka too had paused, but kept her head down, lekkus twitching wildly.

Then all three had felt that, the cold tremble in the Force, as if something huge had happened.

Obi-Wan knew that Mace had already secluded himself into a Force muffled room due to the shatterpoints about to break but he had a feeling, with the way the Force had seemed to shake violently, that the poor man likely had a nosebleed by now.

None of them said anything though, Ahsoka placing a piece of the five thousand piece puzzle firmly into its place and then looking up at Anakin. “Your turn.” She stated quietly.

Clearly forcing himself back to the puzzle piece, Anakin eyed the pieces and found one to slot into place too, taking deep breaths.

Anakin had always been susceptible to the changes in the Force, being a son of it, so this had to be effecting him on a primal level Obi-Wan knew.

Least he was older now, the last time it happened had been when they went into that damn Sith temple and got separated. By the time Obi-Wan found his padawan again, the boy had a severe seizure and had bitten the inside of his own mouth, foaming with blood due to it.

Standing slowly, leaving his cup behind, Obi-Wan made his way to the door. “Obi-Wan.”

He paused at Anakin’s voice, turning around to peer at his former padawan as the blond stared at him. “…I’m not leaving the temple.” Obi-Wan murmured, watching both Ahsoka and Anakin purse their lips and exchange looks.

“…Alright. But we’ll both be cross if you leave the temple.” Anakin settled on, the two watching Obi-Wan pull on his boots but not his robe.

He gave them a small wave and then made his way outside to the empty halls.

Most Jedi had isolated themselves, knowing what was going on the moment the barrier had gone up around the temple.

Instantly, all shutters and doors had been closed, the shielding around the creche had become active and the creche masters had started the kids in on activities to keep them occupied, keep them as oblivious as possible to the coup. All masters were also keeping their padawans contained and active too, to keep their minds of what was going outside.

The padawans however were very aware of what was going on.

He knew that the temple guards had caught a few of them trying to leave, to help their troopers.

Making his way into the elevator, Obi-Wan breathed out heavily.

He understood the desire to help, he really did, he wanted to run to Cody’s side and make sure the other was alright, but…

The Jedi couldn’t.

If they involved themselves…

There was no saying what the end result would be and Jedi didn’t want power over the systems, regardless what some thought.

All they wanted was peace and justice and for people to damn well leave them alone.

Obi-Wan had to fight off a shiver of phantom hands on him and he took a sharp breath through his nose that he let out of his breath, forcing himself calm.

‘I’m just going to the stairs. I’m going to go to the stairs and wave in Ponds.’ Obi-Wan reminded himself sternly. He kept repeating it the entire way, waving to the temple guards at the door and feeling them keep an eye on him as he stepped out onto the staircase of the temple.

But there he stopped.

Technically, he hadn’t left the temple, not yet, keeping his promise to both Anakin and Ahsoka and also not alarming the guards.

He knew they would stop him if he really attempted to leave but he could feel their relief that he stopped on the top of the stairs.

Eyeing the area, feeling his the breeze ruffling his hair and smelling the under currant of smoke on the air, Obi-Wan waved as he spotted Ponds, the commander waving back and turning to one of the troopers beside him. Then he made his way to the stairs and started walking up, moving quickly.

It still took him a good five minutes, the stairs of the Jedi temple were big after all on all sides. Finally he reached Obi-Wan and saluted him. “General Kenobi, is there something wrong?” He questioned seriously.

As if neither of them could see the plumes of fire rising from not only the Rotunda but also several places of the Senatorial district.

But Obi-Wan simply shook his head. “No, not precisely. I was just… I wanted to ask how things were going… is… is Cody alright?” He questioned softly. He was very aware that Cody was the leader of this entire operation, was the Vod’alor, the brother’s chancellor.

He hadn’t been sure what to think about it when he found it out but it wasn’t up to him regardless… but it did give him hope, learning that Cody was in charge, after everything he and the others had done to keep the Jedi safe, Obi-Wan knew that Cody would keep them safe from such abuse.

After that shake of the Force though, Obi-Wan was worried.

Which left him standing on the top of the stairs, wrapping his own arms around himself as the slight chill of the breeze penetrated his tunic.

Ponds tilted his head before pulling of his bucket, giving Obi-Wan a sympathetic look. “Commander Cody is fine, they just finished up at the Rotunda and things should be under control soon.” He admitted softly, as if a full takeover of a government was common place.

It left Obi-Wan with true relief though and he smiled warmly at Ponds. “That’s good to know, I know a lot of Jedi are getting restless and I know Mace would like to see you so-” Obi-Wan paused as the Force suddenly gave a shrill cry.

The planet seemed to rock for a moment as the Rotunda east side suddenly blew out, the sound reaching all the way to the Jedi temple with ease as smoke and debris exploded out, much to Ponds and Obi-Wan’s shock.

Behind him, Obi-Wan could feel the guards step out too, equally shocked. “W-Was that suppose to happen?” Obi-Wan rasped out with wide eyes.

Ponds silently shook his head, staring too with equally wide eyes before he started barking commands to his men, the sentinels gently grasping Obi-Wan by the elbows to pull him inside.

All the meantime, black smoke swirled to the sky from the open hole of the Rotunda.


SO THE DISCORD WAS LIKE “The Darksaber can have some spooky whispers as a treat” and then we all just went absolutely fucking bonkers so DIn’s Haunted Now

Body in the pool

Watching his padawan curiously, Obi-Wan
raised a brow before politely excusing himself from the conversation
with the Andruiel Senator to give Anakin his attention as the somewhat
disturbed looking padawan came padding over towards him, having gone
outside for some fresh air since the party arranger was allowing smoke

It hadn’t done so well for Anakin’s lungs and Obi-Wan
didn’t blame him, would flee it too if he wasn’t suppose to be the
responsible one and keep the Senators in view and keep them protected.

as the responsible one, he waited for the other to approach him.
“Padawan?” He murmured, his voice a steady volume so not to be accused
of trying to have secrets at the Senatorial function which had needed
Jedi just in case with the guards.

“…Master, there’s a dead prostitute in the pool.” Anakin blinked down at him.

that’s one way to shut up a party.’ Obi-Wan thought wryly to himself as
he peered up at Anakin, the entire party suddenly falling to a
stuttering silence.

Of course this lead to the judicial showing
up ten minutes later with Anakin and Obi-Wan standing at the edge of the
pool, Anakin equipped with one of the pool noodles that he was using
the lightly poke at the corpse.

“…I should tell you to stop doing
that but the way our friend here keeps bobbing is kind of telling to
how he was murdered.” Obi-Wan noted with a little eyebrow raise as
Anakin tilted his head back and forth.

“He’s not gonna be in
there until he bloats is he? And what does his bobbing tell you he died
of?” Anakin asked, curiously glancing up.

It wasn’t the first
time he’d seen a dead person after all, seven years as a Jedi had taught
him how to deal with the sight of someone dead and his prior years as a
slave had its own brand of horror even if he tried to leave it behind.

out a hum, Obi-Wan took Anakin’s shoulder and pointed. “Not the bobbing
precisely Anakin. See how the water runs off the pale skin? How it
glistens?” He gestured.

Looking closer, Anakin frowned as he saw
what Obi-Wan was taking note of. “Near human?” He took a guess clearly,
lips pursing curiously.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan smiled.
“Possible but in this instance not. Poison. This is a particular brand
of poison from Kashyyyk that causes the skin of the victim to grow
sleek, almost like smooth plastic. Its slow acting but flavorless so its
easy to mix into a drink…”

Anakin’s lips became a tight line and
he glanced back towards the party and then at Obi-Wan. “Someone is
trying to cover up the evidence of an affair. Or another secret they
learned while having an affair.” He summarized.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
squeezed Anakin’s shoulder. “Yes, that is the most likely cause however
don’t lose sight of it Anakin. Remember, narrowing our gaze too much can
cause us to loose sight of the real cause because we’re too focused on
one.” He warned, a warning he had repeated often as Anakin had a
tendency to do just that.

And by the way the blonds cheeks colored, he knew it.

his shoulders, Obi-Wan turned to the ballroom where the Senators were
being contained, causing Anakin to let out a groan. “Interrogation?” He
questioned with some despair, groaning louder when Obi-Wan nodded.

“Lets go hassle some Senators and sooth their feathers afterward.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

of them except Organa is having an affair anyhow.” Anakin muttered,
dragging his feet as he followed his master back inside.

When the
other man let out a deeper chuckle Anakin glanced at his master with
raising eyebrow in question. “Look at it this way Anakin,” Obi-Wan said
in a teasing tone. “You get to eat more fancy food.” He winked.

Wrinkling his nose, Anakin just grumbled and muttered about wanting to go check on the droids to see if they saw anything.

fondly, Obi-Wan shooed his padawan away. ‘Well… back to work it is.’ He
squared up his shoulders and focused on the wary Senators, internally
wondering how many affairs, murder intrigues and money scams he was
going to find by the end of the night.

if you’re still doing distant pain, could we see more stories from obi-wan’s black ops missions/obi-wan being completely reckless and how the clones react to that? maybe some angst from obi-wan worrying he’s not enough for others after qui gon gave him up?? you’re an amazing writer!!!

Gingerly taking a step while holding onto Dogma’s arm, Obi-Wan let out a low groan as it pulled on tender healed skin as his foggy head finally started pushing blood in the right directions. “Shitty titty… blasted naked besalisk, fucking six titted-aaaah.” He grumbled deeply and paused, ignoring both Rex and Cody giving him bemused look and Dogma’s vaguely horrified one.

Zuru was just too used to his General’s behavior to take notice of the cursing and the rather… uniqueness of it. Which was why he was just sitting cross legged on Obi-Wan’s bed, watching closely as Obi-Wan tryingly started walking around after hanging upside down.

“Next time I see Dooku, I’m shoving my lightsaber up his arse.” Obi-Wan growled before carefully pulling away from Dogma’s arm and moving on his own, breathing out heavily as it still made his head feel a bit faint.

But he felt better as he moved, healing skin stretching nicely after the bacta had healed it even if it was sore along with his head.

“Where in galaxy have you seen six tits?” Rex couldn’t finally help but ask, scratching at his blond fuzz.

“Ever seen a naked jawa?” Obi-Wan bounced back, moving between the beds with stronger and stronger steps, ignoring how the rest of the tent paused at the reply.

Dogma gained a more obviously horrified look, echoed by both Rex and Cody, Helix squinting thoughtfully at the ceiling of the tent.

“Okay, hold up, you’ve seen a naked Jawa?” Zuru blinked at him. No one saw a naked jawa, they didn’t undress in front of outsiders from what people could tell and they got really territorial and angry if you tried to pull their hoods down.

“More like stripped it, I had to find my lightsaber somehow, little weasel thought I didn’t notice he stole it.” Obi-Wan grumbled as he paused and carefully stretched. All the bed laying and coddling had left him feeling stiff but thankfully the medics were willing to let him up now.

He ignored the disturbed and shocked looks of the troopers around him as he continued lightly stretching.

People didn’t just undress jawas after all but that was what Obi-Wan had been required to do, to get his lightsaber back.

Finally finished stretching, Obi-Wan turned and gave Zuru an expectant look.

The pilot, attuned as he was to Obi-Wan’s behavior, simply shook his head and threw him a black pouch.

Grinning happily, Obi-Wan made his way over to the mirror, set the black pouch onto the closest surface and fished out a tube of hair mousse from his products.

Quietly, most of the troopers watched Obi-Wan rub the hair product between his hands and run it through his hair, working it up into the faux mohawk he normally sported. “To be fair, I couldn’t have the little bastard open the case, if it found out I had a lightsaber, I’d either have to do some fast talking to convince the mandalorians I was with that I killed a Jedi or flee, compromising my mission.” He drawled slightly.

Perking up, Cody tilted his head. “Mandalorians? You worked with some?” He asked curiously, a tad hopefully. Obi-Wan had come to learn that a lot of the vode liked to assimilate mandalorian culture into their own.

Not really a shock, their progenitor was after all one, had hired many mandalorian teachers that taught the initial troopers and those later on had taught their own brothers.

The blood of true Mandalore flowed through the clones, regardless what kind of complicated view the other mandalorians had on them.

“Spied on them,” Obi-Wan corrected easily, not letting his thoughts escape, tilting his head back and forth before reaching into the bag again for a can of spray. “Death Watch, they’re officially listed as terrorists organization, even by the Republic despite staying on Mandalore most of the time but most consider them a ‘bygone’ threat.” Obi-Wan’s lips pulled into a sneer, alerting everyone what he thought of that decision.

“So you were spying on them to…what?” Rex questioned curiously.

“Correction, I was fucking the leader for information,” Obi-Wan smirked to himself, ignoring the aghast expressions in the mirror. Pre Vizla had been an easy mark for him and chatty once in bed. “To be fair, flash a bit of stewjoni blood at a true mandalorian and they kinda lose their mind, tack in the fact that I could fight and am decently attractive, especially back at twenty five, piece of cake infiltration really.” He chuckled quietly.

Before someone could respond to that, another person spoke up, clearly horrified. “Did the council send you on honeypot missions after you left me?” A strangled voice from the front of the tent question and Obi-Wan paused, turning his head to look at Qui-Gon.

He narrowed his eyes faintly before shrugging. “We do ours for the cause, Deatch Watch leader is a man of convictions with little morals and I knew my duty. Getting him to talk was difficult. So yes.” He turned back, spraying his hair so it would hold the mohawk shape.

Was he proud of that part of his missions repertoire?

No. Had it been necessary to get Pre Vizla talking?


Obi-Wan knew that his information had at least helped keep Death Watch from abducting more children and kept them from infiltrating offices of the New Mandalorian government.

Even if Satine refused to listen to sense.

His lip curled a bit as he thought of his old flame before firmly snuffing the thought. If she wanted to suppress everything that made a Mandalorian into a Mando or exile those that didn’t listen, then fine, on her head be the cultural genocide.

She wanted to be the Senate’s little voice, she could stay there and rot for all he cared.

But Obi-Wan had washed his hands on all that, he had given her the information she’d need and what had she done with it?


‘It is times like this I very much wish Jango Fett had become Mand’alor, at least this travesty of a pale imitation culture wouldn’t exist. Nor would the black markets for traditional Mandalorian items.’ He mused to himself, ignoring Qui-Gon watching him with stricken eyes in the mirror.

Oooh, Din is in TROUBLE in SweetPrincess lol! Poor Boba, spending forever worrying, only to then deal with an injured Din stumbling in! You’d think at SOME POINT, it’d occur to him that taking care of himself IF ONLY for Boba’s sake is the better option. I hope we learn what happened to Din to injure him, too. And will Boba take extra measures to try and re-teach Din how important it is to take care of himself (considering the effort he’d gone to PREVIOUSLY to help Din become his Princess)?

So due to the content, its on AO3, since Din experiances a subdrop.


I really love AWOL Jedi!! I could totally see Padme being more interested in her job/work than Anakin and the twins. Could we see the next part please? The Jedi in the Senate and maybe Padme trying to talk to them about Anakin and the twins?

Letting out a heavy breath, Obi-Wan rubbed his temples as they stepped out of the platform and into the hallway.

“That could have gone worse,” Depa stated tiredly behind him, everyone pausing to stare at her. She snorted at them. “It could have gone better too, but considering they’ve yet to try and jail us…” She trailed off, brows raised at them.

Sighing, rubbing his forehead with an obvious vein ticking at his forehead, Mace nodded slowly. “True, I frankly expected them to try that the moment we disembarked.” He stated wryly as they started moving once more.

Oppo gave an agreeing snort as they moved out into the hall, silently agreeing not to speak too loudly as the senators around them came from their pods.

A mix of glares and furtive stares were leveled upon them, not that they had expected anything else and never before had Obi-Wan been as happy to know that the troopers were on their side.

Should something happen, the Coruscant guard would aid them get away.

As it was, the plan was if the Senate called for their arrest and it became unavoidable, Commander Fox would take them in only for the Jedi to ‘escape’ from custody, to avoid bringing down the displeasure of the Senate on the CG.

After all, the Jedi were known for being wily.

Normally, at this point, Jedi would mingle with the high and mighty but this time they weren’t negotiating for others but themselves, so they stuck together, quietly trying to gather some energy from each other before once more into the breach they went.

Honestly, after so long, Obi-Wan had forgotten how unreasonable politicians could be when they were upset and thankfully the Jedi weren’t really out after anything, though if they could establish some trade routes with some planets, that wouldn’t be the worst.

But for now, they could finally breath even as they kept aware of the senators and their aids around them, the vigilant sensation never quite fading as they were in ‘enemy’ territory so to speak.

Mace and Depa quietly spoke with each other, both making plans for food to be bought to them with the clear intention of asking the others what they wanted.

However that plan was a bust as Plo suddenly got very interested in his claw decoration, fixing it with care. “On your left Obi-Wan.” The older master murmured quietly, as if Obi-Wan couldn’t sense the determined person marching towards him in the Force, a slight warning echoing around them.

Shifting slightly, enough so he could glance, Obi-Wan almost groaned as he took in the sight of Padme Amidala, wearing a beautiful gradient dress from light sky blue at the top of the heart neckline to the blackest midnight at the ankles of the flaring skirt. She wore no jewelry and only a light layer of makeup, but her hair was set up in several braids with decorations inserted into it that Obi-Wan suspected held shield tech just as the Queen of Naboo’s headdresses had.

All in all, she made a beautiful and dignified vision.

And a determined one as she made her way to the Jedi delegation with her entourage scrambling after her. “Master Kenobi!” She snapped out, watching him closely as Obi-Wan turned and gave her a light bow.

“Senator Amidala.” He greeted steadily, watching her closely as whispers hissed through the crowds at her approach.

After all, everyone knew that she had married a former Jedi.

It made Obi-Wan wonder if anyone knew Anakin was angling for a divorce or that she no longer was in the possession of her children.

They hadn’t been long enough on Coruscant or talked with anyone familiar enough to learn what rumors were circling.

Force, did Obi-Wan wish he had the chance to speak with Dex, Dex knew every rumor that echoed through Coruscant, be it the high society or the underground, the diner owner was well connected.

“Would you be amendable to a discussion?” Padme ventured, chin tilted stubbornly and oh, Obi-Wan recognized that position. It was one of someone that wouldn’t give up until they got what they wanted. “A private one?” She tacked on as her handmaiden and Jar Jar finally caught up to her.

It was the last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do, he knew what she wanted to speak about but still he inclined his head. “Of course, but later. We are after all still in session.” He stated, watching her conflicted expression before she nodded too.

‘Hopefully, Cody and the others will be done before that time comes…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hope, watching her march away once more.

Hi, Moddy! So what is Cody planning in AWOLJedi? Because he’s definitely got something up his sleeve!

Stroking his fingers through Leia’s hair almost obsessively as he rested his mech hand on Luke’s stomach as the two slept on either side of him on the couch, Anakin stared at the TV, feeling like he couldn’t even blink.

Even Rex hand on his shoulder wasn’t helping him calm down and he was half tempted to ask Kix for a sedative of some sort.

‘I wasn’t this nervous during the war even, so why am I this nervous now?’ Anakin swallowed heavily.


What?” Anakin stared at his former master, eyes wide. When he had followed his former master back to his newly opened quarters, Cody already sitting on the couch with a pad on his lap, this was the last thing he had expected. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan, repeat that?” He rasped.

Adjusting his sleeves, Obi-Wan eyed the golden rim of his tunic before looking back at Anakin. “We’re preparing a delegation to head to Coruscant to speak to the Senate,” He repeated before turning his head to look at Cody. “I don’t like this tunic Cody, its too… much.” He sighed deeply.

The commander turned his head, eyeing Obi-Wan’s gold hemmed tunic with golden and blue embroideries. “Maybe, but that’s what we have sir, we have to use what we have and we have to make a commotion.” He stated quietly.

Blinking, Anakin looked between them. “…What is going on?” He puzzled, wondering what in the world Cody had spoken to Obi-Wan about.

Sitting on the couch arm, Obi-Wan let out a deep sigh. “Normally, we wouldn’t even think about returning to Coruscant now that we’re off it, especially since we’re still building and getting comfortable, however…” He glanced imploringly at Cody.

Sighing deeply, Cody turned enough that he could look at Anakin over the back of the couch. “There’s a lot of vode on Kamino, we want them out, we don’t want our adik to be weapons in the hands of a Senate that doesn’t care about them.” He stated bluntly.

Blinking again, Anakin slowly made his way over to sit down in the stiff armchair Obi-Wan now owned, missing the old one back in the old temple. “You’re… creating a distraction?” He glanced between them.

Both men nodded. “Half of the council is going to Coruscant, the rest is staying here,” Obi-Wan confirmed quietly. “Meanwhile, a team of shadows combined with knights are going to Kamino with Yoda and the entire 327th to meet Shaak. They, along with every capable vode there, will be bringing all the younger ones here.” Obi-Wan explained steadily.

“And we’ll destroy the genetic samples the longnecks have, to avoid them just replicating new clones.” Cody tacked on, eyes on Anakin.

Rubbing his chin slowly, Anakin gave a small nod. “That… that could work, with the amount of clones on Kamino, that’s quick work because even the younger ones would be able to help.” He mumbled to himself, hardly feeling the warm sunlight coming in through Obi-Wan’s window.

This was just too serious a subject, his mind occupied with everything that could go wrong instead of the sensations around him.

“Keep the eye of the senators on the Senate and the galaxy on Coruscant… and an information blackout from Kamino I bet?” He glanced at the two, lips quirking wryly when both smiled slightly at him. “Hey, I went to war, I didn’t forget despite acting like an ass.” He chuckled.

Chuckling with him, Obi-Wan nodded. “Oh I know. That’s also why this is a thing,” He lifted his sleeves, showing off the gold ringed sleeves with blue patterns stitched on. “Everyone is wearing something ostentatious looking, keep everyone talking.” He added.

Peering at Obi-Wan, Anakin couldn’t help but smirk at him. “Let me guess, Plo’s going to Coruscant then.” He fibbed.

Both Obi-Wan and Cody stared at him before cracking up in amusement.


Due to his current… well, his situation with Padme and the kids, Anakin had been forbidden to leave Vercopa.

He had wanted to though, to go with Obi-Wan and seeing him in the pod in the Senate with Plo, Depa, Stass, Oppo and Mace made him wish even more he had gone with them because even on holo view he could see the glares they were getting from the Senators closest to them.

Obi-Wan hadn’t been joking either.

For Jedi, the entire group was dressed to the nines. Master Oppo had gone the traditional route, his clothes only slightly finer than usual but his beard and hair was decorated with beads and silver threads that glimmered in the light as was common among high standing thisspiasian.

Depa like Obi-Wan had opted for silky looking tunics and leggings, the midnight black tunic clearly embroider in a shining white thread that took Anakin a long moment to realize was spun diamond of all things.

Plo was wearing his usual purple and golden robe over a clearly new, silky outfit in his usual style, though his mask was decorate with gems compared to his normal sight.

Stass had also gone traditional, her headdress even more elaborate than the normal tholothian headdress she wore, the tails of it decorated in spirals with black gems that seemed to suck in the light only to make them pop with yellow gems beside them again.

Mace was honestly the most boring of them all, not that it surprised Anakin, he was wearing mostly red with white details, though his boots were his familiar black ones with his black belt breaking the color of red. Though apparently the cut of it was all Korun styled from what Obi-Wan had mentioned to him before they departed.

All in all, if it wasn’t for the obvious show of sabers on their waist and their familiarity to the Senate, no one would be able to guess they were Jedi.

‘They came to impress and distract… and they’re doing it for sure.’