sorry if this repeats idk if the first one went through lol. can we see some more sensitivetorejecton? how does their mission go? (hopefully fluffy)😃

Coughing harshly as awareness hit Qui-Gon like a ton of painful bricks, the Jedi blinked heavily as the sounds of crying and yelling sounded, his head throbbing as he tried to remember what in the world had happened.

His last memory had been…

“Obi-Wan… Obi-Wan.” He rasped, reaching out through their bond for his padawan as he struggled to sit up, pushing wood and duracrete off himself as he sat up, groaning in pain.

They had been walking down the street among the crowd of beings, their mission done, they were suppose to go home and then Obi-Wan had paused and looked around with confusion.

The boy must have felt something or noticed something with his hyperfocus, something Qui-Gon had not noticed, because a moment later, panic had crossed his face and he had opened his mouth.

It had been too late though.

The world had promptly exploded into a million pieces, wood and duracrete of the shops around them flying and something had hit Qui-Gon hard, sending him into the real of unconsciousness.

Struggling up on his knees, Qui-Gon looked around, barely recognizing the street from before, debris everywhere along with fire.

The shop Obi-Wan had paused in front of was fully gone, a crater left behind where it had once been.

The sight was enough for Qui-Gon to understand the gist of it.

The shop had exploded, whatever it had been and now there were injured and dead people all around the damaged shops.

And Obi-Wan was no where in sight, his padawan was unconscious and Qui-Gon had to find him.

Shaking as he struggled to his feet, Qui-Gon wrapped one arm around his ribs while scanning the area. He knew where he had last seen Obi-Wan, but if the force of the explosion had sent hi-wait, that boot…

Qui-Gon struggled towards what looked like half a wall, a familiar pair of boots sticking out from under it, stumbling over debris as people hurried around him, everyone trying to help and find others.

“Obi-Wan!” He rasped out as loudly as he could, kneeling down at the wall.

With a bit of Force as his ribes were strained already, Qui-Gon managed to push it up and away, finding his padawan laying still and pale beneath it, breathing shallowly with a thin stream of blood coming from his nose.

Cursing quietly, Qui-Gon reached out and started gingerly touching Obi-Wan’s neck, carefully testing it before breathing out in relief as he pulled the boy into a recovery position. ‘At least he hasn’t damaged his neck.’ Qui-Gon thought grimly, pausing when Obi-Wan’s little dice fell out of a damaged belt pouch.

Picking it up, Qui-Gon placed the stimming tool into his own belt pouch, knowing his padawan would want it back once he was conscious.

“Alright, hold on imp, just hold on.” Qui-Gon whispered, doing what he could as he looked around, hoping the medics and local law enforcement would come soon. His large hand rested on Obi-Wan’s forehead as Qui-Gon struggled to breath, his damaged ribs requiring him to take shallow breaths.

‘One hell of an end to a first mission.’ He couldn’t help but muse darkly to himself, blinking blood out of his eyes, likely steaming from a cut up in his hairline.

How is the council in distant pain? Has qui gon tried to get them to explain things yet?

Rubbing his face after glancing at the closed door, Qui-Gon slowly turned to look at Yoda, giving his old grandmaster a long stare. “…Your sticky fingers are too long grandmaster.” He finally ventured, forgoing all formality even as the council shifted uncomfortably.

“Know not what you speak of I do.” Yoda sniffed at him, giving him a gimlet eye.

Staring back evenly, Qui-Gon shook his head slowly. “I might have put the ice around Obi-Wan’s heart, but I was not the reason it continued to grow,” He stated gravely, holding the ancient master’s eyes. “And forcing him together with me will only keep the ice there, Obi-Wan has no obligation to forgive me, regardless of what a Jedi’s philosophy is. He still walks in the light, by some miracle, considering the missions he has hinted to being given by both the council and the Chancellor himself.” He continued steadily.

There was a long, painful silence before finally Yoda was the one to look away.

Shaking his head while tucking his hands into his sleeves and grasping his own wrists, Qui-Gon let his thoughts rummage a bit before shaking his head again. “I will accept this mission with Obi-Wan, but hear me grandmaster, what you want from it won’t happen. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me and maybe, one day, in the far future, he may forgive me, may,” He stressed when Yoda looked back at him. “But if he doesn’t or does is up to him. And even if he does forgive me… he is not required to have a relationship to me beyond the letters that state that I was registered as his master. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me.” He continued gravely.

The silence of the council chamber had never been so uncomfortable as in that moment, at least not for Qui-Gon.

Not even when it was clear Yan had fallen had it been like this, when all the eyes of the council had been on Qui-Gon, prodding and questioning as now both a padawan and a master had fallen.

He was dismissed minutes later, nothing left for anyone to say but he didn’t take the elevator down just yet, opting to move to the large window of the entrance hall to the council chamber.

After a moment, he stepped out onto the balcony, breathing deeply as the fresh wind far above the buildings and traffic of Coruscant hit him.

This far up, the pollution became none existent, especially as public speeders, cars and ships were prohibited from entering the airspace.

Settling his arms on the balcony rail, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh as he stared out over the city.

Sometimes, he wondered how everything could come to this.

‘Greed. Isn’t that what it all comes down to in the end?’ He mused, staring at the Rotunda.

He didn’t disagree that the Separatists didn’t have the right to leave, of course they did, considering how the outer rims and mid rims planets were often treated, but the way everything was going now…

It was a detriment and the Senate did not make it any better.

He was very aware that the Senate had made it illegal to meet with any Separatists in an attempt to broker peace as it ‘legitimized’ the CIS.

Bantha shit.

Narrowing his eyes, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his large nose, hearing the council doors swish open as he continued staring at the Rotunda. ‘There is something rotten on Coruscant, like mold, slowly spreading through the entire planet, reaching even the Jedi temple… and it will not be the Senate and what is rotten that will pay the price of that rot.’ He ignored the quiet noise of his grandmaster coming to a standstill beside him.

“…Thinking you are?” Yoda peered up at him.

“…That price we are paying for the Senate is too high.” Qui-Gon murmured, both falling silent once more. After all, the Jedi were used to paying the price when the Senate and the Senators eyed them up.

In AWOL Jedi, how does Obi-Wan handle telling Anakin that Padme called? OR how does Anakin handle the call?

Staring in stunned horror at the feathers scattering around them, drifting on the wind as it was, Anakin slowly turned his head to look at an equally horrified looking Obi-Wan. “…How?” He whispered, trying to ignore the stunned silence behind them.

“I-I have no idea.” Obi-Wan blinked heavily, the freckled man slowly reaching up to stroke his own beard.

“I just… launched the… how did, when did the bird… I mean…” Anakin stammered, looking around at what had once been a bird.

A bird Anakin had hit with the crop observatorius satellite he had been working on the last few days since he arrived on Vercopa, having been so proud to finally launch it and help in the feeding and care of the troopers and order and now he had exploded a bird all over the area.

‘Big bird.’ His brain pointed out morbidly as he stared at a wing laying about four meters away from him.

There was a snort behind them and both former and current Jedi wheeled around, staring as Fives dropped to the ground with a cackle, his arms wrapped around himself. “Fives!” Anakin cried out in dismay.

“First month back and he explodes a bird!” Fives cackled out, rolling on the ground and Anakin covered his face as a few more of the former 501st started snorting and cackling, trying to disguise the noise with coughs.

Rex rounded on Fives, even as Echo too fell over, his laugh muffled into his knees as he curled up as best he could and even as the captain tried to scold them, you could hear that the man was barely fighting his own laughter.

Groaning again, Anakin rubbed his face and smiled sheepishly at Obi-Wan when the other touched his elbow. “I… really have no idea how this happened.” He sighed. He was sure he cleared the field, sent the animals away with the loud noise to startle them.

Shrugging, Obi-Wan peered at the feathers. “We are still cataloging the flora and fauna of the planet, maybe this bird was camouflaging?” He theorized, squeezing Anakin’s elbow comfortingly. Then he looked up. “Thankfully, despite the avian sacrifice, it seems the satellite has made it to space.”

Tilting his head, Anakin squinted up into the blue sky before nodding. “Yeah, seems so, we’ll know in about half an hour when its properly in orbit if its still functioning though.” He sighed deeply, letting Obi-Wan pull him away.

They could both hear the troopers finally loosing it behind them when they thought Anakin and Obi-Wan was far enough away. “Least they got a laugh out of it.” Anakin mused dryly.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, giving Cody a little wave as the commander rushed by with Wooley and Longshot.

The commander waved back but didn’t stop, not that Anakin was surprised, he could feel Helix not far from them, most likely stalking Obi-Wan as usual. Thankfully, Kix wasn’t stalking him, the medic was busy with the twins, having offered up to babysit them.

It was nice, things were nice, getting into a routine and Anakin was just… grateful that he could come back, that the Jedi and troopers were allowing him to stay.

Even Windu, after glaring at him for a long moment, had eventually just sighed and gone ‘welcome back Skywalker, Try not to storm out of here. Now excuse me, I need to work with the bees.’ Before wandering away with Ponds.

‘Bees, what kind of bees would Master Windu be working with…’ Anakin mused curiously to himself, turning his head to ask Obi-Wan, only for the other to beat him to the punch.

“Senator Amidala called.” Obi-Wan stated in a light tone, his thumbs tucked into his belt with his hands curled lightly over the leather. It actually took Anakin a moment to realize what the other had said with how airy his tone was.

“She… did?” Anakin murmured, his hand automatically going to his belt in search of his missing comm link.

When and where he had lost it, he had no idea and he hadn’t had time to replace it yet, so learning that Padme had called…

“Mmmn, she wanted me to give you a message, to call her, most likely about the twins.” Obi-Wan noted, eyes aimed straight forward as he kept a tight hold on Anakin’s elbow.

If Anakin didn’t know better, it felt like Obi-Wan would rather Anakin didn’t talk to Padme. ‘…I’m imagining things.’ He shook his head, patting his best friend on the shoulder. “I see, well, I guess I should figure out what time it is on Coruscant and contact her. They are her children too even if I don’t trust her to look after them.” He sighed deeply, a throb of pain echoing through his very soul.

Obi-Wan let out a low, toneless hum, gripping Anakin’s elbow more tightly.

Hi Moody, 1) I hope you enjoy your break!!!! 2)Can we see what happens next in Secretwecarry? Do Kix and Helix find out Obi-wan is pregnant and using fetus gestation, guesstimate the conception date would be sometime between the week before his «death» and the week he was in prison?

Pacing back and forth by the door where there was the most free space, Anakin glanced to the bed where Obi-Wan was currently settled, Helix checking the Jedi’s eyes with a little light as Kix ran tests to figure out what was wrong with the Jedi master on their terminal.

Not that Anakin really needed them to tell him what was wrong, he already knew.

He’d known from the moment he had tried picking Obi-Wan up from the durasteel floor, rushing to the medbay section of their HQ.

Obi-Wan had starved himself to the point of malnutrition and had promptly collapsed and it wasn’t the first time he’d done it.

Anakin was familiar with this because Obi-Wan had done it at least twice before that he knew, the first time after Nabo and the second time after he and Obi-Wan had a gruesome argument when Anakin was fifteen.

It wasn’t something he did on purpose either.

Obi-Wan, when emotionally compromised, lost his appetite and forgot to eat.

Bant had called it a passive suicide trait of true born Stewjoni’s when she had, with a heavy heart, explained it to a frightened fifteen year old Anakin.

The worst of it was that Obi-Wan couldn’t control the reaction, not really. It was a Stewjon thing, something about their bodies where their psychological stress took over, releasing certain hormones in response to said stress.

It suppressed their appetite, made sleep difficult and made them… reckless for a lack of a better word.

And Anakin cursed himself for forgetting it.

Obi-Wan was usually so much more controlled, disciplined that he managed to control it or rather he had found a routine around the hormones stress and upheavals released, much to the healers pleasure when they weighted him but clearly his current isolation had been getting too much.

His routine included other people though, people that had been shunning him, leaving Obi-Wan on his own, his routines no longer working…

Guilt and raw anger clawed up Anakin’s stomach.

Along with nausea.

He was angry but he never meant for this to happen.

He was just…

How dare Obi-Wan pretend to be dead, Anakin had attended his funeral.

Kark, it was so fucked up!

But his righteous anger didn’t really measure up to the pale man laying on the medbed that had needed the people that cared about him to at least sit and eat with him.

And he was pale, Ahsoka was right on that despite not being human experienced.

His skin seemed papery thin and frightfully pale, his veins too prominent under the skin. He was so gaunt, Anakin could actually sot the jawline and cheekbones through the beard the other had regrown and the dark rings around the others eyes…

It made guilt gnaw at Anakin’s very bones.

Not that anyone else currently in the medbay looked much better.

Cody was standing stiffly at attention by the bed Ahsoka was occupying and the two medics…

Well, less said about their reaction, the better.

Medics were frightening when upset and Anakin was making a note, once more, to try not to piss off either Helix or Kix.

‘Least he doesn’t look as bad off as last time…’ Anakin noted, turning his attention back on the other. Because Obi-Wan’s face looked gaunt but his waist seemed to carry a plush little girdle so, at least there was some fat left on the other, better than nothing and would give them something to work with.

Last time, Obi-Wan had weighted one thirds of his original weight by the time he passed out. Getting him to eat a few good meals would get him back to his required weight.

That was something positive at least, that this time it seemed they had caught Obi-Wan in time before h-Kix let out a noise, his shock blooming into the Force as the medic stared at his terminal and Anakin forced himself to pause.

“Kix?” He murmured, glancing to Obi-Wan and then back to his medic, watching as Ahsoka and Cody nervously turned their attention to the man too.

Helix had simply moved to taking Obi-Wan’s pressure, a frown on his face at whatever he found. Though it was clear he was listening too with the way he had tilted his head.

Kix, still staring at the screen, let out a small oath. “I… I need to run a few more tests sir. Helix, Helix come look at this, tell me I’m not seeing wrong.” Kix stated, nervous.

Frowning thunderously, Anakin opened his mouth to demand answers only to shut it when Ahsoka sent him a pleading look.

Fine, he could wait.

He wasn’t happy about it, but he could wait.

Which was why he watched as Helix and Kix ran not one, but three tests, both staring at each other in shock, though Helix’s was turning towards horror. “Kix this… he weighed ninety nine Ibs, he can’t… this isn’t…” He stammered out, rubbing at his neck tattoo, a nervous tick Anakin would assume.

Those words had Anakin wincing, yeah, that was bad but Helix and Kix reactions seemed a bit disproportionate, Obi-Wan could totally gain weight again, he had done so before!

It seemed however that Cody too had finally had enough. “Alright you two, we’ve waited long enough, what’s wrong with the General to have you two like this?” Cody snapped out, helmet held tightly under his arm.

The two medics exchanged worried looks before Helix gestured for Kix to explain his findings. The other grimaced before sighing and straightening. “While he is underweight and severely malnourished and is likely what caused his collapse, General Kenobi is also pregnant, about two months pregnant if my readings are right.” He stated.

For a moment, no one said anything, simply stared at each other until Anakin felt his legs buckle underneath him.

‘…Oh… so that’s why his stomach is still plush…’ He thought a bit hysterically, a roar in his head blocking out everything else.

Hi Moddy in to me you belong do Obi-wan and Anakin finally talk after Obi’s panic attack?

The panic attack had been unexpected, of all the things he had thought Obi-Wan would react with when he came out of his heat and became properly aware of the situation, a panic attack was the last option.

Or well, the very last one was violence, Obi-Wan hadn’t even been able to harm him properly on Mustafar after all Vader had done, had kept withdrawing and defending, not properly attacking and even when he had the chance to kill Vader…

He had not taken it.

But yes, the panic attack had been very low on the list of things he had expected.

Finally however, Obi-Wan started to calm down, his warm and wet face still pressed to Vader’s collarbone.

It was almost comfortable, it soothed a part of Vader that he hadn’t been aware was clawing at the wall, the urge to nurture and care.

Until Obi-Wan finally could take in the situation.

Grunting as he was shoved back against the headboard as the Jedi flung himself back on his ass and out of the Sith’s lap, Vader stared at Obi-Wan as the Jedi stared back at him, still trembling faintly but no longer sinking below in his panic.

His face was covered in his tears and snot, flushed and his eyes red rimmed and puffy like Vader had never seen before with his hair tussled around his head.

Force, Vader had never seen the other so…


That was the word.

Obi-Wan had looked injured, had looked small, grieving and even broken sometimes.

But never before had Vader or Anakin looked at his former master and thought the world ‘vulnerable’, it just didn’t fit with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But right now, that was the only word he had for the man trembling in front of him.

Neither seemed to know what to say before Vader finally just sighed deeply. “You are a fucking moron for going to Tatooine.” He scowled at him and Obi-Wan flinched, mostly in response to the now aggressive hormones the man was pumping out.

Pressing his lips together, Vader refused to feel guilty about it as he narrowed his eyes, watching Obi-Wan back away from him and the bed, moving towards the door with his eyes pinned on the Sith.

“I told you what happened to unmated omegas on Tatooine, how you kept under the radar while in heat I have no idea bu-”

“Shut up!” Obi-Wan shouted, his back now pressing to the door that refused to open for anyone but Vader.

Jaw snapping shut so fast his teeth clacked, Vader stared in surprise.

Anakin had never had the ‘pleasure’ to see Obi-Wan like this.

Upset and loud.

Shaking, the too thin body looking like he was going to fall over.

But it was the shouting that took Vader fully of guard, cut any anger he had been building off at the knees.

With shaking hands, Obi-Wan reached up and ran his hands through his hair, whining faintly. “Please… please… please just shut up. Shut up.” Obi-Wan voice tapered off into a quietly mumble, still shaking, slowly sliding down the door until he was sitting on his ass, his legs pulled up to his chest in a protective move.

A part of Vader cried out at the sight, almost screamed.

Another part, more analytical pointed out that the person in front of him was having a PTSD breakdown.

He should be gloating at it honestly, he was after all Lord Vader, right hand of Emperor Palpatine and the attack ‘dog’ of the Empire.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a genocide survivor of a purge that left most of the people he had called family for dead.

And before that, he had been through a war with countless death.

And Vader should be gloating because he was a Sith and this was a Jedi at his mercy, his former master, one of those that had betrayed him even if Obi-Wan’s betrayal paled in comparison to Sidious these days.

All it made him do was want to wrap Obi-Wan up and hold him tightly.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Vader approached the sitting Jedi, rumbling quietly and soothingly, trying to appeal to the omega instincts that Obi-Wan seemed to have embraced while living on Tatooine if his survival instincts had gone into during his heat.

He still flinched at the sound, his hands trapped in his hair but didn’t do anything else and let Vader approach until the Sith could kneel down in front of him.

Carefully, Vader reached out and touched Obi-Wan’s shins first, taking in how the other flinched at the touch. “…Okay… I won’t scold you…” He whispered, keeping his tone even. “Just… please calm down?” Vader asked instead.

Obi-Wan, lips pressed into a pale, thin line and his hands still kneading his scalp, gave a sharp nod before leaning in and pressing his forehead to his knees.

Uncertainly, Vader remained right there, rubbing the other man’s shins slowly, his mind spinning circles.

Kybertears: Well… if there’s no rescue yet, can we at least see what Obi Wan is going through in the meantime?

Raising his chin from his chest, Obi-Wan blinked the blurriness as best out of his eyes as he could.

Not that it was working all that good for him, between the blood loss and the pain currently stealing all his senses in the dark, seeing clear was not something he could hope to do.

And the occasional red flashes along with the beeps, as much as they broke out the monotony, did not count proper light or distraction from his situation.

His mind was buzzing as he squinted into the cell, trying to see anything.

Not that it would help him right now if he could.

Not after what Palpatine had done to him.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan tried to ignore the throbbing in his body.

Not that he really could, the harness wrapped around him to keep him upright was doing a bang-up job of both reminding him and being uncomfortable after all.

‘How long have I been here?’ He couldn’t help but wonder, mouth dry as he smacked his lips together.

He couldn’t tell if it had been an hour, five or a full day?

Maybe longer.

It had to be longer with what had been done to him, Obi-Wan knew that he had passed out at some point and he had woken up in the harness with Palpatin.

The door snapped open and Obi-Wan couldn’t help the instinctual flinch at the light and the shape standing there.

It was Palpatine of course, the man looking… frazzled?

Squinting more at him, Obi-Wan let out a small noise as he stepped in, his robe as fancy as always. “It seems I underestimated just how much young Skywalker cares for you. I may have to move you before I was ready to.” Palpatine stated, almost cheerfully but…

This wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had been captured, he had seen Ventress stressed and he had seen Dooku stressed.

And while a good actor, Obi-Wan could see the tightness at the corner of the man’s eyes and the way the corner of his lips were twitching.

Laughing breathlessly, even as the man tapped at the IV bag connected to Obi-Wan’s left hand, Obi-Wan gave what he hoped amounted to a smile at the Sith. “Anakin does like to put wrenches into plans.” He rasped agreeably, ignoring the black straps and the manacles keeping him upright, barely seeing them from the corner of his blurry eyes.

Palpatine let out a hum, stopping fully in front of him as he moved down to the display machine and the readouts of his heart, reaching out easily and backhanded Obi-Wan across the face.

Wincing, the taste of blood blooming in his mouth, Obi-Wan sluggishly turned his face back to the Sith while wondering if he should be grateful for the blood moistening his mouth finally, watching dazedly as he tapped at the machine before he checked on the machine pumping Obi-Wan’s blood.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan focus and look down to where his legs were suppose to be.

Where they had been before Palpatine had taken a red lightsaber to both his legs and cut them off at the thighs, leaving Obi-Wan a double amputate.

Looking down past the black straps of the harness holding him afloat at the covered stumps of his legs with the wires full of blood leading from them, Obi-Wan shook before clenching his eyes shut.

He didn’t want to see the black medical harness strapped over the beige tunic, he didn’t want to see the medical blue caps covering his stumps, he didn’t want to see the machines holding him alive and draining him for blood as his heart beat.

And he certainly did not want to see Palpatine.

‘Least the scars under my feet or the missing toes will never be an issue again.’ He couldn’t help but hysterically think before wincing as as his chin was grabbed, leveled up to face Palpatine once more.

He forced his eyes open, trying not to show Palpatine too much weakness as the man started speaking. “Your boy is a menace, he’s ransaking the Rotunda for you, but by the time he realizes you are gone, it will be too late for you,” Palpatine’s yellow eyes lit up, a smug sneer gracing the man’s face as he reached out and tugged lightly on one of the tubes of blood from Obi-Wan’s stumps. “With every beat of your heart, blood fills the chamber and you will be far gone before the first chamber is full, I will hide you away in the galaxy and no one will rescue you, not even your ‘sainted’ Jedi Order.” He laughed.

A sickening feeling turned Obi-Wan’s stomach.

And yet at the same time he simply smiled in return at Palpatine, his lack of self preservation kicking in as always. “Then you’re just as much a fool as Ventress and Dooku are on the field, because Anakin will never stop, if there is one thing that boy is, its tenacious.” He murmured, keening with pain when his head was slammed back against the wall by an invisible force.

Everything was blooming in pain and tears slipped down Obi-Wan’s face once more, kyber dripping onto the floor below where his legs had once been.

‘I wonder what more I’ll loose before Anakin and Cody finds me…’ He couldn’t help but breathlessly muse, feeling Palpatine mess with the straps and manacles.

Mythical Relics, does Naboo play out differently?


The word is too simple and yet too complicated at the same time with the power it contains and Obi-Wan feels his knees fold beneath himself, his shoulders trembling as he manages to keep his chin up and watch Qui-Gon and the Sith through the red ray shield.

They’re both frozen, the word still trembling in the air between them all and the one that spoke it.

They are affected and yet not as badly as Obi-Wan, the saber only millimeters from Qui-Gon’s abdomen, the tunic charring with the closeness of the lightstaff.

Just another second and his master…

Obi-Wan’s shoulders trembled before he forced himself to raise his head as a presence stopped at his side.

Anakin stood there, blinking back at him and not for the first time since the discovery of the boy on Tatooine did Obi-Wan wonder how anyone could keep him as a slave.

Or had they?

They had kept his mother for sure but Shmi had by no means seemed skinny, nor did Anakin. Nor had Watto punished them.

Anakin might have been under some chains with unwieldy powers at his fingers, but no, he listened because he was waiting.

Waiting for… him?

Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, letting out a keening whine at the boy.

Anakin tilted his head again, looking back at Qui-Gon and the Sith and then to Obi-Wan. “He’s going to die, I don’t want him to. But my powers can’t stop it, not alone. I don’t have control.” He stated, a tad childishly.

‘Nine, he’s nine and he has no idea what he’s doing and yet he can do this.’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but shakily comprehend just the sheer power of this boy with too many teeth in his smile and unnerving light in his eyes.

“No one should kill a Jedi,” Anakin continued, glancing to the Sith again, cocking his head not unlike a small bird. Curious and wary at the same time. “Will you help me? You love him after all.” Anakin stated, as if the word was as simple as just that.

Love wasn’t simple though, not with the start Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had to their apprenticeship, the trauma’s they had been through at each others hands and the secrets Obi-Wan had. But he did love Qui-Gon, how could he not, after twelve years together?

Though what kind of love, well, that was hard to define.

Did love really have to be defined?

Instead he simply raised a shaking hand to Anakin, unable to open his mouth under the sheer pressure of the boy’s power, numbly trying to avoid Qui-Gon’s confused eyes.

Beaming, that smile full of teeth as it was and his blue eyes swirling with his power, Anakin grasped Obi-Wan’s hand only to jerk to when Obi-Wan gave a pitiful little cry, tears instantly streaming down his face from the pain of holding on.

It was too much power and yet Obi-Wan didn’t let go.

His very bones were aching and his soul felt like it was crumbling at its foundation, the swirl of Anakin’s own power, of ozone and electricity hitting Obi-Wan’s own placid storm, the redhead shaking as he forced it under control.

It was too much and yet Obi-Wan carried that burden of power that wasn’t his to hold, pushing it towards the Sith, wheezing as he slammed the wide eyed zabrak across the open hole and into the wall opposite.

His lightstaff hit the ground with a clatter but Obi-Wan’s focus was on the presence the now unconscious man had left behind.

He could taste the fear in him and for a dark moment, the Force along with the power at his fingers rose, whispered to him how he could kill the Sith, destroy his very core and ensure he never rose up again.

Obi-Wan turned away from that, it was not the path of the Jedi and his bones were breaking, his skin burning as it was, he let go of Anakin’s hand and crumbled to the ground, wheezing and coughing, tasting blood in his mouth.

Anakin’s power was not his to wield.

And it showed on how it affected him, the padawan laying crumbled to the floor and if it wasn’t for his master, the ray shield would have cut him apart as the man quickly jerked Obi-Wan out of the way of it.

It gave him a moment to see that Anakin was no longer there.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what that meant, busy coughing on blood with his head pounding as Qui-Gon worriedly turned him over, his hands fluttering over Obi-Wan as unconsciousness greeted the redhead.

Heated Teen is adorable. I’m curious how the fight with Maul goes, and how things progress from here?

Pressing a kiss to the boys head, Obi-Wan smiled softly. “Remember,
remain in the hanger and keep safe Anakin, let the pilots do their
thing and let me and master Qui-Gon escort the Queen.” Obi-Wan
murmured quietly to his kit.

blond frowned at him before nodding and scuttling into the ship,
settling down while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan turned to escort the Queen
and her decoy.

going to be a relief when this is all over. I hate going to these
planets that has archanic views on omegas.’ Obi-Wan mused to
himself only to freeze at Qui-Gon’s side when the blast doors
opened in front of them, Qui-Gon’s hand coming up automatically as
they both zeroed in on the darkness and cold in emanating from the
dark figure in front of them.


one from Tatooine.

suspected Sith had followed them all the way to Naboo and for some
reason that sent Obi-Wan’s heart thundering in his chest because
that meant that this whole plot by the Trade Federation…

maybe the Sith is just taking advantage of the chaos.’

will deal with this.” Qui-Gon announced, moving forward past the
Queen as Amidala left the Jedi to the Sith warrior, ordering the
others with her.

ignored that, he didn’t particularly care as he felt the Sith
wasn’t here for the Queen at all.

for them.

their robes, the three stared each others down as they drew their
sabers, Obi-Wan swallowing heavily at the sight of the red

then he twitched, a soft, sweet scent reaching him with the wind
blowing from the zabrak to them, making him breath out in shock.
“Master… he’s an omega.” He whispered, eyes wide.

twitched a bit but gave a sharp nod.

a good thing master’s nose is broken and he has issues smelling
pheromones.’ Obi-Wan licked his lips. With the warning, Qui-Gon
would be able to filter the pheromones away so it would not effect
his alpha mind.

not make him hesitate.

could not afford to hesitate in the face of this darkness and
malicious spite.

that, they clashed, saber meeting saber as master and padawan went up
against the first Sith in a millennium.


into the room quickly after his loo visit, Anakin watched mr Qui-Gon
take slow breaths before focusing on Obi-Wan, watching the omega rest
with his upper body resting on the bedside, his hand holding the
remaining hand for the large alpha.

the fighter had taken off with Anakin, he had been unable to see
anything happening even as he helped the Naboo.

But a
lot had gone down while he was gone, the scary looking zabrak had
harmed Qui-Gon quite heavily, taken his left arm and leg, leaving
Obi-Wan to fight him alone.

in turn had sent Obi-Wan into a frenzy.

wasn’t quite sure but a few of the pilots had whispered about
‘omega frenzy’ when they had caught the faint smell that had come
their way through the open doors.

It had
made the hairs on the back of Anakin’s neck rise so it was

Obi-Wan was still just himself in a way.

very clingy.

he was asleep, he didn’t like to have Anakin out of his sight and
didn’t like leaving mr Qui-Gon either.

some of the guards had whispered about shock heat?

wasn’t…sure what that meant.

Obi-Wan smelled very sweet to the point it was sickening and Anakin
was one of the few that managed to remain around him for prolonged

now they were just going to wait on the Jedi council, apparently they
were on their way.

couldn’t help but wonder what that meant for his future, all of it.

had offered him a place on Naboo, as a hero, he was welcome to stay,
but as Obi-Wan’s kit…

into the medbed, curling into mr Qui-Gon’s good side, Anakin felt a
hand wrap around his calf, Obi-Wan subconsciousness latching on once

had a lot to think about.

There is an undeniable fact in the war.

Well, honestly, there are
many undeniable facts but this one is the biggest of them all.

Where there is a
Skywalker, there is a Kenobi and visa verse.

A team, the
Team, never one too far from the other and if one should falter in
battle, the other is there to boost the other up.

has been so since the start of the war, just an undeniable fact as
Skywalker, the unstoppable force, meets Kenobi, the immovable object
and instead of clashing, they make each other greater in their time
of need with companionship and care.

when Anakin Skywalker goes missing during a scouting mission, of
course Obi-Wan Kenobi will come looking for one of the GAR’s
greatest poster boys along with himself, the redhead on swift steps
trying to find his fellow Jedi.

will come looking for his former padawan and battle brother on a
planet full of sand that is warping the Force and making it hard to
track down the man.

is relying on his troopers to help him find the CIS camp and Anakin
but in the end, Grievous finds them.

former kaleesh turned cyborg
more than anything flesh and blood, seemed to be waiting, droids
lined up on each side of a small hill made of rocks among the dunes
with magna guards at his side, sabers unlit in his hands as the sun
baked down on them.

that droids generally felt the heat and if Obi-Wan was to take a
guess, these had internal coolant functioning to make them desert

matter, Obi-Wan was here for Anakin, but if he could wind up Grievous
a little bit and get his information, then that was fine by him.

What a surprise though I thought I smelled rank oil in the air when
we arrived.” He greeted as cockily as he could, subtly poking
around with the Force and practically getting a slap over the ‘hands’
so to speak by the static sensation of the Force.

way of finding Anakin like that so Grievous was his only chance.

was no way the other wasn’t involved in Anakin’s disappearance in
some manner, but what was the best way to lure information out of

wheezy chuckle escaped the cyborg, echoing over the dunes separating
them and interrupting Obi-Wan’s line of thinking as he focused
fully back on the spiteful amusement Grievous was demonstrating.

was wrong.

could feel it in his bones, he had a bad feeling since the moment
Captain Rex had informed him that Anakin had gone missing but now he
was sure that something was wrong.

would ask if you are looking for something General Kenobi,” The
cyborg wheezed out, shifting one arm slightly in a beckoning motion.
“But I’m rather sure that you’re missing something. Or should I
say, someone.” The
brutal cyborg gloated.

he had a face, it would be leering, of that Obi-Wan was sure, sweat
rolling down his own temple from the heat and he was sure he’d get
a lecture from Cody once more about getting a heat stroke and Helix
complain about not wearing head wear on a burning day like this.

mind couldn’t focus on that however as
he was sure that Grievous had Anakin.
“Now, what would give you that impression?” He drawled, desperate
to keep his worry out of his posture.

as loudly as his damaged lungs allowed him, Grievous gestured at
someone behind him, a magna guard appearing with something gripped in
one hand
not holding it’s spike.

heart froze over, staring at the limp ragdoll of a person dropped in
front of Grievous, the blond hair and black armor and tunic obvious
to him as outrage spread through the troopers that had followed him,
Rex letting out a low, desperate growl.

was pounding through Obi-Wan’s ears, his eyes straining through the
sun to stare at Anakin even as Grievous was saying something about
struggle and stubbornness and yet Anakin wasn’t moving and
Grievous was waving about Anakin’s lightsaber as if it was his now.

had taken Anakin’s lighstaber, stolen it from the brightly laughing
man with enough raw Force powers to be a storm even when relaxed,
whose joy was infectious even to those who were nulls in the Force.

wasn’t Anakin moving?

foot shifted forward, resting on Anakin’s body before pushing him
off the rocky outcropping among the dunes, sending the limp body
rolling down among the stones, in a cloud of sand and why wasn’t
Anakin bouncing to his feet?

and cursing about sand while desperately shaking himself and turning
to taunt Grievous?

rolled to a stop, no more force or gravity to keep him rolling,
landing on his back with his mouth open and his curls in a mess
around his face, just a child’s ragdoll toy having been thrown
about instead of a human being.

blood clung to his face, coated his hair, bruises lined from his jaw
and down into his tunic and his mech hand was twisted and unnatural
as he laid in the sand, unmoving and Obi-Wan felt something close to
nausea as he noted Anakin’s leg was twisted abnormally.

chest wasn’t moving.

wasn’t breathing.

was gone.

wasn’t possible.

was The Team, Kenobi and Skywalker and Kenobi was always suppose to
go first.

master always went first.

was suppose to go first, dying at Anakin’s side.

felt his legs buckle, his body feeling like it was cut from it’s
string even as he locked knees to remain upright, his shoulders
slumping and his face falling forward to shield it from everyone.

Grievous laughed at
the sight even as Cody desperately tried to keep order with his men
and Rex threw insults at Grievous.

Grievous wasn’t more metal than he was flesh and blood, he might
have had the Force, might have gotten the warning as he gloated
wheezily at Obi-Wan’s slumped form. He might have had an indication
of what was coming.

there were only two trained Force sensitive on that planet and only
one that was conscious and would never warn Grievous.

if he had been a wiser man, he would have seen the danger for what it
was as Obi-Wan slowly raised
his head, burning yellow
staring up at Grievous as blood started to roll from the corner of
his eyes, a grotesque mimicry of tears.

flee when good men go to war and wise people run
when those souls scream in grief.

Obi-Wan Kenobi has so much anguish and grief to give, an unfathomable
well of sorrow barely contained in one person.

by the loss of the single soul Obi-Wan Kenobi thought he would never
have to part with.

ReporttoSanate: what heppens next? The Jedi consul knows about Who the Sith is. At least they are away but how does the order feel about it? The clones? Like, honestly, is a strike force being organized?

Everything was just coming down all at once now, wasn’t it?

They had escaped the war
mongering Senate and settled in to build a new life while also
finding a very suitable solution to getting the troopers recognized
as citizens only to be told about the biochips that could snap their
wills that were inside every trooper.

They needed to do
something about that still.

Then Senator Organa had
suddenly called them and now they had a Sith
on Coruscant, and not just any Sith but the Sith master himself,
leading the merry hydra that was the Senate.

the highest position of power.

wonder the war had been going to shit for all these
years and Obi-Wan couldn’t
help but wonder what the man had planned with all the troopers once
everything was said and done.

just wanted to return to bed where he knew Cody would be waiting for

and comfortable with all his ‘sons’ throwing teasing ‘dad’
comments when they saw him and how most of them were still taunting
Cody with ‘buir’ comments from time to time.

it really too much to ask?

they were stuck in their makeshift council chamber for the entire
twenty four hour cycle, it certainly seemed that way, especially as
they were leaning towards the twenty fifth soon and several council
members had already been hailed by their concerned troopers a few
times and Cody, as the highest ranking clone trooper, had outright
entered the council chamber.

to be fair, he had done so with food and water for all, a knowing and
resigned look in his eyes.

knew them too well and he also knew that they had to make sacrifices
right now as they needed to find solutions but Obi-Wan was honestly
getting a headache that was very close to a migraine at this point.

“I don’t think we can
remove every troopers chip,” Shaak rubbed her chin slowly, her
lekkus twitching with agitation and sleep deprivation. “There’s
just too many and brain surgery, even in our day and age, is a
sensitive thing. The brain is a tender thing.” She noted with a
worried frown.

For several long moments,
no one said anything until finally Kit sat up a bit, looking around.
“We might not be able to remove them and deactivating them is
uncertain, but could we rewrite them?” He queried, receiving
puzzled looks in return. “They’re biochips right? They run on a
signal but that also means they should be able to be rewritten like
most pieces of engineered hardware with software, yes?” His
tentacles twitched as his black eyes bounced between fellow council

The more technically
advanced members opened their mouths only to shut them again seconds
later, falling into contemplative silences.

He wasn’t wrong, per
say, the biochips were a mixing of technology and bio engineering but
that didn’t mean he was also right.

It would be a difficult
thing test and could take a lot of time, time they may not have with
the CIS and the Republic at war.

“I could work on it,”
Anakin rubbed his chin, frowning heavily. “But I’d need help of
someone knowledgeable with tissue and healers and a few other
technically advanced people, particularly people who are
knowledgeable about medical technology.” He glanced around.

“A wizard with
technology young Skywalker has always been,” Yoda tapped his cane
on the floor, looking around. “Our best bet this may be, to rescue
ourselves and the rest of the galaxy. Ideas for others someone has?”
His ears perked slowly.

Letting out contemplative
sounds, everyone started to brainstorm who could be of aid in such an

They still had a long
night to go and Obi-Wan bolstered himself with the Force for the
fiftieth time that day alone. ‘I just wanted a warm bed with Cody
in it…’ He sulked quietly.