More vampire obiwan growing in his new adult fangs and biting anything to alleviate the pain while quigon pats his back

Qui-Gon winced at his padawan’s tiny but unmistakable whimper of
pain, the teen biting into the pillow in his arms as harshly as he
could. New fangs were always the case of soreness but it seemed these
were particularly agonizing as Obi-Wan curled up on their couch and
clung to a pillow, sweat coating his skin and sticking the braid to
the others pale neck.

It also left Obi-Wan weak and drained as he was not able to feed as
the new fangs grew in and it was always a case of concern for Qui-Gon
and a case for the healers to ground them to the temple.

He sat down on the couch and rubbed the others back slowly, murmuring
soothingly. “Do you want me to talk to the healers Obi-Wan? If I
asked, they would give you a hypospray of painkillers.”

“I’m…I’m suppose to…manage the pain.” Obi-Wan panted then

“I know, but this is obviously worse then before. Let me see?” He
carefully tugged the other up and eased the others grip on the
pillow. “Open your mouth for me?”

Obi-Wan gave him a look but did as asked, showing Qui-Gon his teeth.

Qui-Gon quickly took the others chin and reached out, pulling the
upper lip back a bit to get a good look.

Obi-Wan’s growing canines were barely peeking out from the gums but
it was the gums that caught his attention, red and partially bleeding
around the tip of the fangs. He hissed in sympathy. “Obi-Wan,
you’re bleeding from the gums.” He carefully touched the swollen
gums of the canines and jerked in shock when Obi-Wan gave a pained
cry and bit down on his finger in reflex.

It was just normal teeth and didn’t break the skin but it did hurt
and Qui-Gon pulled his hand back, hissing a bit.

“Master! Apologies!” Obi-Wan’s wide eyes stared at him and
Qui-Gon hushed him, ignoring his aching finger as he pulled his
padawan to him and settled the other close, rubbing his back. “No,
its alright, I should have warned you Obi-Wan. But I want to call the
healers. I know the fangs grow in a accelerated pace but they are
bloody, swollen and the gums are bright red around the canines.
That’s not like last time.” He murmured seriously.

“…Can…” Obi-Wan hesitated then shifted until he was almost in
Qui-Gon’s lap, burying his face in the others broad chest.

The Jedi master blinked before smiling a bit and wrapping his arms
around Obi-Wan. Sometimes his padawan needed care but he didn’t know
how to ask for it Qui-Gon had realized. Instead of words he would
curl in as close as physically possible and leave it to Qui-Gon to
realize just how to sooth the young man.

“Its alright Obi-Wan. Its alright padawan. I’m here for you little
imp.” He murmured, rubbing a broad hand slowly over the others
back, letting the young man bite into the fabric of his tunic with a
small keen of pain.

for the dragon!au, does obiwan ride mika into battle?!?! (also when she’s little, does she ride obiwan into battle? haha) though for reals though. how would mika and obiwan do space? one in a ship and one not? both in space? does she sulk in the hold during battles instead of flying? (also balmorra run? those space mantas?)

“Yes I know Mika, you don’t like the cargo hold. No you are not
flying all the way to Naboo for the trade federation. You’d be
exhausted…yes I will ask that you be let out once we arrive there
though, so you can fly around the planet.” Obi-Wan sighed,
pretending his master wasn’t watching Mika himself in amusement.

Pika was chirruping from the sleeve, sounding smug once again.

“Master, please tell Pike that its not nice to tease Mika for her
size. She can’t help that she has to be in cargo holds most of the

Qui-Gon chuckled quietly and stroked Pike’s head slowly. “I would
make him apologize but he likes to antagonize. You know that.”

“Ah yes, the dragon is like the master.” Obi-Wan snorted before
cooing softly at Mika and taking her snout in his arms, nuzzling
between her eyes. “Its alright. I’m sure the pilot will open the
hatch so you can slip out before we dock with the Trade Federation
ship.” He assured.

The dragon made a miserable sound and curled up as best she could in
the rather small pen of the cargo hold.

“Its really not fair Master, the pen is to small for her.”
Obi-Wan sighed and settled down so she could rest her head in his

“I’m sorry Obi-Wan but you know that she is among the bigger
dragons associated with the temple. Most are…well…smaller. At least she’s not as big as the Humongos from Wild space.”
Qui-Gon settled down too, not wanting to leave the two alone in the
cargo hold.

“I know. It just doesn’t feel right by her.”

“At least the dragon pen masters back in the temple built out a
special one for her so she wouldn’t be to cooped?” Qui-Gon reached
out and rubbed the the top line of Mika’s fur, smiling when she
purred a tiny bit.

“And she is finally done growing so you won’t have to worry about
her growing even bigger and not fitting into ships.” He chuckled
quietly and Obi-Wan sighed. “True, still…I worry about her.”

“..I do remember a time when she used to ride on your back like
Pike does with my arm. Peeking over your shoulders at Senators and
pirates alike.” Qui-Gon smiled peacefully.

“And then she got big enough think she’d try and take on the
neebray mantas we encountered.” Obi-Wan offered dryly.

“To be fair to her, she did put up one good fight against them.”
Qui-Gon chuckled and Mika rumbled proudly at them.

“And came away with new scars on her underbelly.” Obi-Wan sighed
then smiled down at his dragon before glancing at his master.

The two sat there quietly together.

“…So did Pike really sneak into Master Mace’s quarter before we

“Made a small nest in Mace underwear’s drawer before he was caught.” Qui-Gon smirked.

I want to tell you that your blog definitely makes my day. I keep checking it several times a day, hoping for an update. And it never fails to amaze me what a great job you do. Keep up the great work, please! And I had a thought, in the verse where Anakin told Obi-Wan that it should had been him to die on Naboo…what if there was a battle immediately afterwards and it didnt go so splendidly for Obi-Wan – basically some angsty Anakin, or the vode reactions to Obi being injured even further. Thx!

He was going to apologize, but by the time Obi-Wan had left the tent
there was a new attack, a ambush.

Anakin had tried to speak to him, had come away with the realization
that Obi-Wan agreed with Anakin’s hasty spoken words and the blond
felt sick to his stomach at the thought. Obi-Wan wished he had died
instead of Qui-Gon.

It had sent his heart to his stomach and he had tried to grasp the
words to ease the pain he had caused while wanting to shake Obi-Wan
by the shoulders until he understood that while he was sad for
Qui-Gon, it was Obi-Wan who had been his master, who had looked after
him, taught him how to use the Force and been there when he had
needed him.

The dragon beneath his skin hissed about his mother but for once
Anakin shut it up because broken green eyes filled his mind. Obi-Wan
needed him and Anakin had to smooth the pain he had caused.

But they never got that far.

Because there was a trap.

Because Ventress had laid her trap well this time.

And Anakin hadn’t seen the bomb, had only felt his master’s shock
through the Force before grim determination came up and he turned,
throwing him and the clones out of the room, Anakin looking up only
to see Obi-Wan’s sad smile before the Jedi Master covered the door
and reinforced it.


The bomb went of in the sealed room with Obi-Wan.

Anakin felt the ship shake as they got to orbit, lifting his head
from his hands to look beside him at the gurney that contained his
master, wishing the man would open his eyes so they could speak. But
there was no movement except for Obi-Wan’s chest rising and falling.

His eyes lingered on the others chest as the other breathed in and
breathed out, wondering if it was Obi-Wan himself or just the machine
Kix had hooked him up to that was breathing for him, wondering if the
older man was unhooked from it, would his chest still?

That didn’t bear thinking about and Anakin reached out slowly, taking
a still bloodied hand between his and stroking the damaged skin with
care. ‘You need to hold on Master. I don’t think I can do this
without you.’ He swept his thumb gently over the skin and peered at
his master’s bloody face, grimacing before tucking the hand back
under the blanket and reaching for a canteen of water, pulling a soft
cloth from his belt.

He carefully started to wipe dried blood and grime from the others
face, being careful not to dislodge the tube that went down the
others throat.

“…You need to hold on Master. I need to tell you I’m sorry.” He
whispered. “Don’t let this be goodbye. Whatever lullaby the Force sings you and calls for you, please…not yet.”

I think maybe tumblr ate one of my prompts. Can we have more bby!ObiWan and clones? Specifically where Fives is taking care of a distressed ObiWan while the other clones sit around uselessly please?

“He’s been crying for a hour straight.” Cody winced and continued
rocking their little General. “None of us can get him to calm down,
even Boil tried.” He offered Rex and Obi-Wan continued screaming
between them, his little voice high and painful after crying for that

Obi-Wan’s little face was scrunched up and bright red with while
covered in snot and tears. He hiccuped and his little throat sounded
so raw. “I swear we’ve tried everything, rocking him, singing to
him, feeding him, swaddling him, unswaddling him, changing his
diaper, playing with him…” The Commander looked lost.

“Here, let me try.” Fives, without his armor on, stepped in
quickly, taking the small bundle from the other and cooing quietly,
tucking Obi-Wan against his shoulder and resting one hand on the
others head, stroking the soft tufts of red hair. He hummed softly
and nuzzled him, big hand slowly rubbing the little ones back.

Slowly the noise started to ease down and Obi-Wan hiccuped tiredly as
he snuggled against Fives warm shoulder.

“…Oh thank the Stars.” Cody sat down heavily, rubbing his face.
“If he was still crying when General Skywalker and Commander Tano

“I suggest taking of your armor next time.” Fives grinned then
made a tiny cooing noise to Obi-Wan. “He’s a baby. Babies need to
be touched and feel body warmth and skin sometimes.” He settled
down, holding the tiny Jedi to him, marveling at how little the
General had once been.

Been in a mood lately, so hit me with your ANGSTIEST way of Anakin learning about QuiObi. Perhaps even the council somehow? You’re GREAT at portraying emotions!

“And what keeps your negotiator going? What regrets linger in his
mind? What haunts him?” The elder leaned forward, her eyes
glittering from under the hood as a forked tongue scented the air.

Obi-Wan just smiled blandly at her, pretending not to see the tail
that flickered and curled around the body.

“My duty to the Republic is what drives me forward of course.” He
offered quite contently, as if he was not seated in a sweltering tent
with half the council in physical state and the rest in holos. As if
the tent was not sheer enough for everyone outside it to hear them

“Lie to me you should not.” The elder hissed at him and Obi-Wan
quirked a eyebrow.

“I’m not lying. I do my duty to the Republic.”

“Partial answers is not what we seek if we are to give the Republic
access to our factories.” She shifted again and at her words,
Obi-Wan’s smile turned strained.

“More there is to your answer then the Republic. Something you
fight for, not just peace, not just justice and not just order though
Jedi you still are to the core.” her tail flickered and picked up a
vial of something. “Pain lurks underneath the skin, perhaps
unnoticed, perhaps ignored, release it you can’t because its burrowed
deep under skin. Perhaps you do not wish to let go of said pain?”

Obi-Wan’s body was tense as a coil, pretending not to see Mace’s
burning gaze in his neck or Anakin probing concern at the bond from
outside the tent.

“Young you are. Yet a weight you carry, the all-mother already has
taken much from you, to take more she might plan if changes you do
not find in yourself. Burdens of planets I see in you, weary pain and
hidden tears. Perhaps…perhaps loss, much loss.” Her lavender eyes
glittered once again as she poured green sand from the vial into a
bowl and setting it aside.

“We agreed to the negotiation because several planets are suffering
shortages that your factories could improve. I did not think we would
discuss me.” Obi-Wan tried desperately to find his center.

“But to know the negotiator is to know the goal. To know the
negotiator is to find a common thread. Honor in you I sense, pain,
quiet strength and bitter cynical wounds, covered up with clever
words so not to show the cracks in the armor. Calm you project to
those around you, the mask pulled up high. Yet underneath…the thing
that drives you forward…hidden is.” She picked up another vial
with her tail and this time red sand joined the bowl.

“And what are you asking then?” Obi-Wan settled resignedly.

“Truth.” She returned simply, this time pouring blue sand into
the bowl before lifting the entire thing and holding it towards
Obi-Wan. “What drives you forward, what you hide in here. Truth
lies that way.” Obi-Wan looked to the bowl at the mix of colors
before looking at her, feeling the Force shift to her direction.
“Willingly given blood must be however for this to work. Know you
we would after, the pain, the hurt, the doubts, the fear and what
drives you forward.”

Obi-Wan stared at the bowl at that, they had one shot at negotiation
here and they could solve several planets food and medical
emergencies. But if there was truth to her words then they would know
more of Obi-Wan then he had shared with anyone in years.

But those planets…his mind flashed to Qui-Gon and what the other
man would have done and with that his decision was sealed, lifting
his hand towards the bowl despite a softly spoken protest from Adi.

Crimson blood dripped from a small slash to his hand and into the
sand, the grains promptly glowing like lightsabers in their colors
while the Force rose to action, giving images to everyone’s mind.

It was him, shy of twenty four, kneeling on the meditation mat his
master had gotten him for his name day. His braid was unbound from a
shower and he looked relax under the sunlight from the window, eyes
half closed.

He recognized this scene even now years later and his mind panicked
even as it played out, Qui-Gon stepping from the bedroom and moving
to Obi-Wan, kneeling down while talking softly about a mission they
were to be dispatched on, grasping the unbound braid to slowly do it
up with all its ornaments, voice low but filled with affection until
it was whole, the braid carefully wrapped around the large fist
before lifted to lips and kissed, the gaze between master and padawan
filled with nothing less then love yet a softly uttered. “Not yet.”
kept them separated.

“What you hide.” She whispered. Oh he and Qui-Gon had hidden the
love they had for each other in fear of separation, despite nothing
untoward happening. As long as he was a padawan, they would wait and
keep the appropriate distance.

The image changed, and Obi-Wan could have screamed for it was Naboo
and it was Qui-Gon and Qui-Gon was dead and gone. A whispered thought
from Obi-Wan’s mind came. ‘Why didn’t I die instead. Why not take

“What you regret.” And  Obi-Wan shuddered, a heavy breath
escaping him. Oh he had wished for death that day but he had promised
Qui-Gon. He had promised him.

The image faded again and Obi-Wan recognized Qui-Gon’s room and he
himself curled up on Qui-Gon’s bed, a robe several times to large for
him tucked about him as he sobbed soundlessly so not to alert Anakin.
Regret yes, regret that he did not die, regret he had not told
Qui-Gon, regret he had not begged the other to at least have him
close once. Regret he had ever become a Jedi.

“Your pain.” She hissed like the wind in grass.

And the image changed for the last time. And it was Qui-Gon, his hair
in disarray with twigs in it, mud splattering his robe and his cheeks
but a smile on his lips as he stared towards the sunrise over the
ocean, wind catching the hair and blowing it lightly before turning
to his padawan and giving him a larger smile that gave light to his
eyes. And Obi-Wan’s unmistakable ill timed thought  as he realized
for the first time how he cared for Qui-Gon. ‘I love this man.’

“What drives you forward Negotiator. Not duty, not justice, not
order, not the Republic…but this mans memory.” The elder
whispered. “Each step you take, is one for him. You move forward
for him even if his memory is what lies in the past. But back you can
not go. So you think of him and move forward even as you wish you
were cold in the ground, strength to carry on with broken heart
pieces and shattered soul. Numbing yourself so one more step may be
taken. One more life saved. Like he would have wanted.”

The Force let go and Obi-Wan slumped, taking a shuddering breath. His
shields were in disarray, memories of Qui-Gon locked away for so long
shattering them like so much sheet ice. There was a flash of light
and the sound of a tent flap being shoved aside with a blissful
sensation of cool air.

And then Anakin was there, right in front of him as he grasped both
the blood dripping hand and Obi-Wan’s cheek, wet green meeting wide
blue. How long had Obi-Wan been tethering on the edge of the Force,
waiting to see if it would take him this time and let him find
Qui-Gon or make him continue forward.

Anakin channeled healing Force to the small cut as he stroked away
tears from the older mans face with a thumb, a gentle tendril
reaching out from their bond. ‘Perhaps you understand better then
I thought…Oh Obi-Wan…I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.’

‘You were a
child…it was not your job to know…only to grow…’

Anakin’s face twisted then he let go of the others hand to reach out
and pull Obi-Wan into his lap, wrapping him in a tight hug. ‘The
council may not understand but I do Obi-Wan, I’m so sorry he died.
I’m so sorry Maul took him away before he was even yours.’

“Our factories the Republic will have access to, workers they have
to supply.” The Elder hissed and Obi-Wan muddily thought that he
should respond but he couldn’t quite get himself to.

Not this time, locked into the circle of Anakin’s arms.

Can we get a continuation of the Rako Hardeen prompts in where Cody and Rex try to woo/seduce ObiWan into their bunk now please?

Obi-Wan was amused.


But also flattered.

His little talk with Rex and Cody had gone over rather well and the
two had taken his words to heart. Day after had arrived with small
but thoughtful gifts appearing in his tent or in his quarters on the
Negotiator, low conversations to enquirer about health and the day,
lingering touches to arms and shoulders with pointed looks and
intrigued smiles.

Of course, Anakin hadn’t stopped sputtering once he noticed and
Ahsoka was quite clearly recording most of the days. The betting pool
at the temple was apparently getting quite large.

There was a bit of worry in his own mind about the chain of command
but so far no one had objected to the idea Obi-Wan shacking up with
one of the clones and if no one was going to object… well all of
them were handsome sons of hutts damn it.

Jango Fett personality aside, his clones were mostly lovely people
that Obi-Wan had come to respect fiercely and rely on in their time
of need.

And if he was a bit fonder of a certain commander and captain…well
who could blame him?

Obi-Wan sighed and stretched slowly, feeling sore muscles and bones
snap as he did. “I think we can leave everything here in the
command. Going over minute details won’t help.” He smiled at
everyone, pretending not to see the flashing in Cody’s eyes from when
he stretched.

Anakin rubbed his face. “Urrrg, yes. Going to bed sounds like the
best thing ever right now.”

“Mmmn, yes, a bed.” Obi-Wan glanced at Cody and smirked slightly
before looking away and taking a step back. “Nice and soft bed.
Warm.” He drawled and settled his hands behind his back.

Anakin blinked and looked at him slowly before grimacing. “Yes, for
sleep Obi-Wan. Sleep…”

Obi-Wan just smirked at him and gave a small nod before turning,
chuckling under his breath when he noticed Rex standing frozen by one
of the consoles. “Of course Anakin. For sleep. No other reason to
have a bed…walls are quite useful too after all, and desks.” He
quipped before disappearing down the halls to his quarters.


Everyone stared after the departed General before Ahsoka broke the
stunned silence with a loud giggling. “I can’t believe he said

“The images!” Anakin groaned, rubbing his face.

“Mother of Koth, you lucky son of a nerf herder.” Longshot
muttered to Rex. “You and Commander Cody both.” He sulked.

Rex just gave him a grin full of teeth before looking towards Cody,
eyes gesturing to the hallway. There was a swift head shake and a
pointed glance to General Skywalker and Rex nodded.

Wait a few more moments.

Said General gave them a suspicious look before relaxing and turning
to his padawan.

Both captain and commander saw their chance and made their escape
down the hall.

“If he’s teasing us again…” Rex trailed of and Cody snorted at
him. “Its General Kenobi, who knows. But hopefully…I mean, I
won’t exactly say this is going easy so…” The two shot each other
matching grins.

The actual pursuit of Obi-Wan had been as intriguing as the goal in
mind for it.

Finding out what the other liked, how he liked it and how he reacted,
how he would melt to the briefest of touches to the back of his neck,
just a swipe of fingertips. Little things they had taken note of in
their hunt.

The door to the General’s quarters swished open and they found the
General getting out of his armor pieces.

“Ah, I was hoping you’d both take the hin-”

Confirmation given Cody talked forward grabbed the sligheter man by
his wrist, pulling him sharply to his chest and pressing his lips
against the Jedi’s, feeling the beard tickle his skin. He felt
Obi-Wan’s lips curve into a smile before the Jedi relaxed against
him, arms going around Cody’s neck.

Rex grinned and locked the door behind them before moving forward
too, hands going for the fabric and armor pieces Obi-Wan had yet to
remove, working carefully but effectively on them. He let his
fingertips trace the smooth planes of the others back, finding little
dips and scars that got shivers out of the man currently kissing

He stepped back once the other was bare to the waist to work of his
own armor, cursing quietly before grinning and setting it aside,
looking up to meet Obi-Wan’s intrigued green eyes as he had pulled
from the kiss to watch.

“Very nice Captain.” He grinned and Rex cursed again as he
reached out and dragged the other man to his chest for his own kiss,
feeling how Obi-Wan melted for him.

Nice, very nice.

He ran his hands down the others back, over his hips and then cupped
the others rear, squeezing experimentally and mentally moaning at the
firmness he found. He heard Obi-Wan squeak a bit and grinned into the
kiss, slowly fondling the other man while backing him slowly until
Obi-Wan’s back meet Cody’s bared chest, the Jedi pulling from the
kiss to give a breathless laugh.

“Well then, you two work well without words.”

“What can I say General, we do work a good pair.” Rex gave a
rugged grin.

“Obi-Wan.” The jedi shifted between them, breathing out as Cody
licked his neck. “I…just Obi-Wan feels better in here.”

“Just Obi-Wan.” Cody murmured into his ear. “Is that what you
want? No rank? Because we can work with that.”

Obi-Wan groaned quietly at the sensation of hot air washing over his
ear. This was payback, he was sure of it. For teasing them.

“We can work just fine with that Obi-Wan.” Rex purred and gave
the firm ass another squeeze. “We can also work with ropes and
knots but that’s another kind of conversation.” He grinned and both
their smiles got wider at the little hitch in Obi-Wan’s breath.

“Lets…start of slow for now I think.” Obi-Wan laughed
breathlessly before groaning as Cody’s hands started peeling his
leggings down. “And please get out of the bodysuit Cody. I prefer

“As you wish Obi-Wan.” Cody gave a slight snigger against the
others temple.

Rex shifted when Cody stepped back and picked Obi-Wan up, the Jedi
yelping in surprise as he locked his legs up around the captain’s
waist, blinking at him.

“Now, while we wait on Cody, I think you mentioned something about
a desk…”

Obi Wan finds himself the last line of defence for his clones who are injured and unarmed due to a series of unfortunate events while on campaign. Despite being hurt he refuses to go down even against overwhelming odds because fuck that. He’s lost enough brothers, enough friends and enough loves to last him a lifetime already. He’s not losing anymore.

The gunship had gone down hard and fast, parts breaking of and taking
their weapons with it and leaving everyone jarred and Obi-Wan could
feel the aches working their way up his back to his head, wetness
running down his face from where he had split open his temple.

But worse still was the gas slowly filling the gunship as explosions
rocked the planet around them, the sound thundering through their
ears as Obi-Wan and his troops were stranded behind enemy lines.

The gas snuck in under the troopers helmets and even Obi-Wan could
feel the itch in his throat and down into his lungs with the
application of Force to heal himself as he looked out one of the
ripped holes to the droids and the tanks aimed at them.

‘We’re trapped and the 212 are weaponless and down. This blasted
gas…’ He gave a short cough, feeling it rattle his ribs and glanced
to where Cody was coughing harshly. ‘They’re going to…’

No, no Obi-Wan wasn’t going to allow that. He brought the Force to
bear and started sealing up the ship with bits and pieces of the
debris, blocking out the gas until only the hole he was at was open.
Like a sealed durasteel can.

But it would keep the troopers safe.

Obi-Wan looked to Cody to find the other had removed his helmet and
was watching him in return, warm amber eyes turning panicked as the
General offered a slow and steady smile before stepping outside the
hole. “General!”

“Stay in there, I’ll keep the klankers of the ship until rescue
arrives.” The Jedi offered then sealed the hole shut for the rest
of the gas. Hopefully that would hold, hopefully that would keep most
of the gas out.

And with that he turned to the droids, blade drawn and ready, blood
coating his face and beard to drip onto his armor and a cough
tickling his lungs that told him of the gas doing its job to corrode
the tissue inside.

He wouldn’t falter though. His men had saved him so many times, it
was his turn to be his mens defense.

Obi-Wan would hold this line if it was his last line.

A continuation of the prompt about Qui-gon time-travelling to the future? Forcing Obi-wan to go to the healers because he’s damn reckless and needs someone to take care of him? Fluff?? Thank you ~

“Qui-Gon!” Obi-Wan yelped as the older man grabbed him by the
neck, the large hand like a heavy guide on the skin.

“Obi-Wan.” The man returned pleasantly, ignoring the troopers and
Anakin in the temple hanger with practiced ease of a man used to
ignoring diplomats. “Welcome back, healers are this way.”

Obi-Wan squirmed even as the older man started moving him via his
hand on Obi-Wan’s neck. Anakin, the traitor, was sniggering under his
breath and Cody was leaking smug happiness into the Force at his
General being forced to the healers.

“Qui-Gon I am quite fine. Honestly, I have to go see the council.”

“You are not to big for me to pick up and carry to the healers
Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon offered in return.

“You wouldn’t dare! I’m a council member now Qui-Gon.”

“Ah yes, the council, the council I always listen to, the council
which I always adhere to, that council.” Qui-Gon snorted. And then
he made good on his own promise and tucked his arms around the
younger man, lifting him up in a fireman carry.


The master looked to Cody, a peaceful smile on his face but a twinkle
in his eyes. “I’m requisitioning your General for the time being
Commander. I do promise to return him to you in better shape though.”

“I see no problem with this General Jinn.” Cody the traitor
called out and Anakin was now loudly guffawing from where he was.

“Qui-Gon you arse! Put me down! This is not proper!”

“I’m a time traveling Jedi stuck in the future for some odd reason,
I don’t think propriety really counts in my case.” The man said
cheerfully as he started walking and Obi-Wan sulked, glaring at the
212, the 501 and Anakin, who was leaning on Rex and almost crying
into the captain’s shoulder.

“…Qui-Gon, I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.” Obi-Wan
muttered as they passed another set of staring padawans.

“I just lifted you without the aid of the Force, in your armor
getup without any problems Obi-Wan, forgive me for thinking you may
need a visit to the healers. And I know you, you have a tendency to
downplay any injuries you get. Healing trances only gets you so far.”
Qui-Gon patted a booted calf with care. Then he squeezed it. “I
worry. You aren’t good at taking care of yourself. So while I’m here,
I’ll do it for you.”

Obi-Wan blinked then flushed, directing his eyes to the floor.
“Oh…um…your…your shoulder is digging into my stomach

“Indeed? And if I let you down are you going to try and convince me
you don’t need the healers?”


“I’ll take that as a yes Obi-Wan.” There was another squeeze to
the calf. “Masters always worry about their padawans, even when
said padawans become masters themselves.”

Obi-Wan blinked and then slowly dug his fingers into the back of
Qui-Gon’s tunics, holding on as tightly as he could with a small

Obi wan and Anakin having a really bad fight in front of the clones and Anakin saying something mean and hurtful. Its obvious Obi wan is hurt and the 212th and some of the 501st getting super protective of Obi wan. (Love this blog so much!!!)

Obi-Wan felt off-kilter.

Anakin had always been a emotional creature despite trying to reign
it in like a Jedi should. Sometimes his emotions were even his
greatest strength but other times it could be his deepest failing as
he couldn’t let go of the negative.


It was odd how arguments sometimes snowballed.

Tempers running to short after to many battles, to much pain and to
little rest.

Yet they had always kept their arguments private and as quiet as they

A outright shouting match that ended with Anakin basically telling
Obi-Wan that he should have died instead of Qui-Gon?

No that was something new and it left Obi-Wan floundering in place
even as Anakin instantly looked like he regretted his harsh words.
Yet the younger man didn’t do anything but turn on his heel and march

Obi-Wan let him, arms slowly coming up to wrap around himself as he
watched the dark clothed back move further and further away from him.
For the first time in a long time Obi-Wan wished he had his robe if
only to hide in the hood of it.

How many times hadn’t he himself wished he had been the one to face
Maul’s blade since Naboo?

How many times had he lost only to be back in that damn melting place
in his mind?

Friends, brothers in arms, sisters in arms, companions dead to his
own mistakes that he always thought Qui-Gon would never allow.
Qui-Gon would have found a way his mind would whisper heatedly as he
stood by pyres and watched burial rites for those who had come to his
heart only to leave with shards of it.

“…Cody, if anyone needs me…I’ll be in my tent. Meditating.”
He murmured, his voice carrying through the camp despite the
quietness of his voice. He almost winced, was that really his voice?
Did it sounds as fragile as he felt it did?

“Yes General, I’ll ensure you won’t be disturbed.” Came the swift
reply and Obi-Wan felt a gratefulness settle to the core of his bones
at the unchanged nature of the others voice. He nodded and moved
towards his tent, head held high but eyes kept low, not wanting to
meet anyone’s gaze.

Inside he sunk down on the floor, carefully arranging himself before
reaching for the Force, desperately searching for calm and to release
his screaming emotions, his harshest guilt and deepest grief.


“With all due respect sir-” It was odd how when someone said
that, they meant the complete opposite of the word respect. “The
General didn’t want to be disturbed.”

Anakin gritted his teeth but nodded sharply to Cody, turning and
walking towards his own tent.

He had regretted his harsh words the moment they had left his mouth
but by then it was to late to take them back like so much else he had
said and done through the years. He knew the death of Qui-Gon still
pained his former master and it had been a low blow against a man he
cared about like a brother.

Pride had kept him from instantly apologizing as he instead had
marched away to fume in his own emotions.

But guilt had soon come creeping as he remembered the absolute
desolated expression Obi-Wan had sported before the other Jedi had
managed to cover it up. Raw pain in green eyes and a broken kind of
agreement that sent ice to Anakin’s stomach and tasted like ash in
his mouth.

So he had returned, intent on apologizing, for overstepping a
invisible line that neither of them crossed.

Yet the moment he did he found himself being diverted away, sudden
questions from the troops, his attention needed to minor things or in
Kix instance, a firm hand on his shoulder guiding him to the medical
tent for some kind of checkup.

They were stalling him, keeping him away from Obi-Wan.

It became clear when he had finally reached the tent only for
Commander Cody to abruptly stop him, hand on Anakin’s shoulder that
they weren’t going to allow him to see his former Master, not yet.

It left Anakin feeling frustrated.

Yet…yet those sad broken eyes lingered in his mind.

may I request in the wingverse – Anakin loves Obi’s wings so much, he tries to make his own? (whether they come close to working or not up to you)

His Master was the only humanoid with wings in the temple.

Anakin had asked him about it but Obi-Wan had only shrugged and told
him that he had been given to the temple as young and his DNA put him
at near human. Interbreeding between two species was the likeliest of
reasons for his wings.

Anakin still thought he was a starbird in human shape.

Standing in the open window in the early mornings as the sun rose,
green eyes turned towards it with his wings rustling in anticipation
before he took to the air through the large window. Anakin wondered
if it had always been that large or if the window had been put in
once Obi-Wan started living in the quarters to ensure he had space to
leave the temple.

The wings spread in a snap of colors that caught the rays of the
rising sun, making them glow as Obi-Wan let himself be free of
Coruascant and the temple, his emotions not as tightly locked away
when in the air.

The blond could feel soft joy and some grief reach out each morning
as Obi-Wan broke gravity.

The other still missed Master Qui-Gon obviously.

Anakin understood that. He missed his mom too.

He bit his lip and looked at Obi-Wan high in the air, a speck of
beige and brown, twirling and looping through the air in gravity
defying stunts.

He wanted to make Obi-Wan smile. How could he make him smile?

The young padawan glanced to his room and beamed as he got a idea,
rushing to get glue and paper from one of the droids.


Obi-Wan landed softly and sighed in relief, running his hands through
his windswept hair, his fingertips lingering on the spot right behind
his right ear as he felt a acute sense of loss.

‘Qui-Gon…’ It still hurt, a month later and it still hurt.

It hurt that Mace had been the one to sever his braid. It hurt that
the rank of knight had been bestowed on him by the council after the
loss of his master.

It hurt that they hadn’t had the time to work through their issues as
Qui-Gon said they would.

‘Forgiveness may be a long time coming my master, when you’re not
here to explain.’ He thought as his heart throbbed painfully in his
chest. He shook his feathers out, deciding he’d have to groom them
later before stepping into his and Anakin’s apartments.

And promptly stopping, staring in surprise.

“Master! I wasn’t done yet!” The ten year old pouted at him, a
dark flush rising to his tanned cheek as a pair of half made red
cardboard wings stuck to his back, made with thin durasteel poles as
the wingbones and glued together as best his padawan could do.

He stared at them then felt his lips twitch up as he moved into the
quarters and knelt down, pulling the boy into a hug and getting not
yet dried glue on his tunic sleeves. “What are you doing?” He

“…I wanted to make you smile.” Anakin whispered back, wrapping
his skinny arms around the others neck. “And your wings are pretty.
I wish I had wings like you.”

“Oh Anakin.” Obi-Wan held the child tighter to him, wrapping his
wings around as he rested his cheek on the top of the others head.