I love all your stories! I am hoping you don’t mind me combining some past prompts into a new one! I’d love to see Always-Winged-Obi getting captured by baddies after his wings/feathers (maybe they’re plucking him?) rescued by Jango (KaminoAU) or Anakin or both! Thank you for all the great fics!

“I don’t like you and if it wasn’t for Obi-Wan I would have shoved
you off the nearest building without your jet-pack.” Jango slowly
looked up from where he had a knee in his targets back to the
glowering twenty year old in the end of the alley.

“Nice to know we stand on the same page Skywalker.” He drawled
while cuffing the Twi’lek under him. “Not sure why you came out of
the temple for that though.” He smirked at the other.

The fresh knight glowered harder and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Because like you or not, you care about Obi-Wan and he’s missing.
The council is refusing me information, some undercover thing but
he’s in trouble, I know it.”

Jango felt his smirk drop at that and he straightened, staring at the
other. “Trouble…wait, undercover? He has kriffing giant wings,
one of the few beings in the galaxy from what is known and he’s

Anakin grimaced and shrugged. “Cloaking devices to keep them
hidden, I don’t know. But he hasn’t reported in for three days now,
that I do know and that’s not like my former Master at all.”

Jango stood slowly, staring at the blond before growling quietly.
“Not like him at all. Fine Skywalker, you’ve ensured my service for
free.” He turned his coms on. “Boba, track these coordinates, you
and Bossk have to make the final delivery.”

He finally turned back to Skywalker. “Alright, what’s Obi-Wan’s
last known location?”


Obi-Wan jerked weakly at the chains keeping his hands to the floor,
ignoring how the cuffs bit into his wrists as the pain from his back
was more pronounced then his wrists were anyhow.

He had been stupid, of course someone was going to notice how the air
shimmer behind him each time his wings moved. Of course someone was
going to catch on, how many kriffing humanoids were walking around
with wings on their back.

He still hadn’t expected the drugs in his drink until it had been to
late and his Force sense had been fully closed of even as he tried to

One sharp blow to his head had bought him down and when Obi-Wan woke
blindfolded, he had been restrained on his knees, straps over his
calves keeping him down with cuffs at his wrists that connected to
the floor. And a strange kind of ache in his stomach that got worse
if Obi-Wan shifted.

But worst was the hooks in his wings that pulled his wings and body
backwards, keeping him upright, the pain both from where the hooks
had penetrated and the pulling of the joints of his wings keeping him
from proper sleep.

Obi-Wan dropped his head forward, he was a damn well seasoned knight
turned master, how had they gotten the damn jump on him like this. Oh
right, he had no one to watch his back this time and had relied on
the cloaking technology to keep him safe, like a rookie knight and
was therefor drugged up with Force suppressant and drugs to keep him
as docile as possible.

There was the sound of a swishing door and Obi-Wan gritted his teeth
as steps moved closer to him. “I see your still alive Jedi, good.
Lets make sure you remain alive.” There was a small thump and then
the thing at his stomach was jerked a bit, making Obi-Wan grit his
teeth harder. “What is…that?”

“Food Jedi! If we want to keep your wings healthy, we need to keep
you alive. That’s what the stomach tube is there for.” Obi-Wan
blinked then hissed as a strange spasming started inside his stomach,
making him want to curl together despite the hooks in his wings.

“And while that’s going on, lets get to work.” The Jedi barely
registered the sounds of the man moving around again until there was
firm grip on his left wing and then a horrible ripping sensation that
had him screeching in pain.

“Hmm, these are strong. But then again that’s good for you when
flying.” The man chuckled cruelly as Obi-Wan tried to focus past
the pounding of blood in his ears. “Less good right now.” A new
grip and then fresh wave of tearing pain until it was all Obi-Wan
could focus on as he thrashed in his restraints, tears soaking into
the fabric of the blindfold.

He collapsed forward when the man let go of him, panting harshly as
he hung limply.

Molting had never hurt like this. Breaking bones had never hurt like

Perhaps the lack of Force was the catalyst for the pain. But hurt it

He welcomed the dark if only to escape the pain for a while.

Yet Obi-Wan woke to the same darkness and a dull thumping pain that
originated from his back as he slowly shuffled back enough to take
his weight of his wings. He was alone from what he could tell and
there was a fresh batch of suppressant in his system, most likely
from the feeding tube he could now recognize was stuck in his

Obi-Wan shifted and rubbed his head on his own shoulder, ignoring the
pain until he could work the blindfold of, looking around the empty
room slowly as he took in the grey durasteel cell he was contained
in, makeshift chains connected to the ceiling obviously added in to
keep him contained.

He avoided looking at his stomach, not wanting to see the tube as he
tried to wiggle his hands out of the cuffs only for them to dig
further into his skin. He then worked on the straps keeping his legs
contained and growled quietly as they wouldn’t give either.

Hours started to pass as Obi-Wan sank himself into meditation,
wishing he could reach the Force. Well at least he could reach some
inner peace, some calm.

His mouth was dry as the desert by the time he surfaced from his
meditation and his head throbbed faintly.

He wondered what was happening back home, it was sure to be past his
scheduled check-in point. Was anyone worried?

Oh who was he kidding, Anakin was sure to be worried. But did Jango

He rather hoped not, he wouldn’t want to worry the other man.

‘Then again…’ Obi-Wan thought dryly. ‘Jango would know how to get
out of this somehow.’ He let meditation sweep him under again, trying
to work the drugs out of his system. Only moments later he was jerked
out of it when he heard the sound of blaster fire followed by

A rescue.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes tightly and tried to shift himself up. He
wondered who the Council had sent and hoped Anakin wasn’t among them,
if only to spare his former padawan the sight of Obi-Wan.

Of course if wishes were fishes…

The door swished open and there his freshly knighted padawan stood,
the man turning pale in shock before hurrying forward. “Obi-Wan! Oh
sweet Force your wings…” He knelt down, slicing his lightsaber
through the middle of the cuffs first and then the straps at his calves. The young
man cupped his Master’s cheek with one hand, trying to give a
soothing smile.

Obi-Wan smiled back. “Not the kind of mission I wished were you
first knighting ones…rescuing your former master.” He chuckled
painfully. “Apologies Anakin, this was not how I wanted you to find

“Oh shut up. Lets…oh…your wings…” Anakin stared at the
plucked left wing before getting up. “We need to get the hooks
out…I…I don’t have anything to numb the pain with Obi-Wan.”

“I do.” A gruff voice and Obi-Wan closed his eyes as he
recognized it. “…Jango.”

“Fool Jetii.” The man growled as he marched over, pulling a
hypospray from his belt and handing it to Anakin. “That one, give
it five minutes and then work the hooks out. I’ll get the cuffs fully
of him.” He knelt down and took Obi-Wan’s hands, teeth gritting as
he took note of the raw scrubbed skin beneath the durasteel.

Obi-Wan covered Jango’s hands with his own and raised them to his
lips, pressing a soft kiss to them. “Thank you…I know you and
Anakin…well…so thank you.”

“…Fool Jedi. I’d work with Mace Windu himself to get you back.”
Jango murmured then pressed a kiss to the others temple, glancing at
the wings over the Jedi’s shoulder as Anakin waited for the hypospray
to start working. “Your wing…”

“Shh, they’ll grow back. Skin will heal, feathers will regrow and
pain will be left behind.” Obi-Wan murmured and slumped a bit as
the painkiller started to work through his system. “But I’d really
appreciate you two getting me lose and home.”

“Home.” Jango agreed, thumbs stroking the back of Obi-Wan’s


She could complain all she wanted but Qui-Gon had seen Asajj’s
interested and greedy look to the little present for her under the

And Maul’s and Savage too.

Obi-Wan had gotten wide eyes when Qui-Gon had told him that Yan was
bringing presents for Lifeday and then had started vibrating all over
the mansion, the lad running himself in circles to make presents for

Qui-Gon had offered to make it simple, give the boy credits and take
him to market so he could find presents.

But Obi-Wan had insisted. His gifts were to come from him and to be
made by hand like he was used to.

He had asked for materials though, colorful papers, glue, glitter,
clay, fabric. What the eight year old had in mind Qui-Gon had no idea
but a quick squeeze of his own had told him it was soft.

Savage had even managed to get a large tree into the house that he
and Obi-Wan together had decorated with Lifeday decorations provided
by the Count himself. A quick conversation with said man had
confirmed that he had to buy them for the occasion and he had gruffly
told Qui-Gon not to let this go to Obi-Wan’s head.

How his little imp had managed to wrap everyone around his finger
Qui-Gon had no idea but it was impressive as everyone slid a present
for Obi-Wan under the tree at some point. Said redhead was busily
running back and forth like a energized beam of sun, switching
between crawling into Yan’s lap and hugging him and then running
around the room and into Qui-Gon’s lap.

“Ouf!” He gave a surprised breath as said ball of sunshine jumped
into Qui-Gon’s lap, beaming up at him with wide eyes. “Obi-Wan…”

“Sorry! Excited! There’s so many presents and look at all the
colors and the food smells really good!” The child bounced on his
knees and Qui-Gon shook his head and shot Maul a glare over the
redhead as he hugged him. “I believe we gave you to much sugar
little imp.”

“You don’t say.” Yan snorted quietly before smiling as Obi-Wan
squirmed out of Qui-Gon’s lap again and ran around the table. Asajj
snorted and poured herself another drink under Qui-Gon’s watchful
gaze, he had already warned both Maul and Asajj what he’d do if they
became actually drunk.

There may be a few things he couldn’t shield Obi-Wan from, but drunk
sith apprentices would be one of them.

Obi-Wan suddenly threw himself at Savage with something in his hands
and climbed the large Zebrak like he was a tree, beaming when he
reached the mans shoulders. “Savage! Help me hang the mistletoe!”

Asajj choked on her drink and spat it out in shock.

Savage grunted before nodding and moving with the child on his
shoulders towards a doorway, a small smirk wounding itself over his
face as Asajj glared at him.

Qui-Gon was tempted to laugh until the mistletoe was hanging and
Obi-Wan promptly pecked Savage on the cheek.

This was going to be a loooong night.

Quinlan and old Ben being friends. Quinlan flirts gently and takes him on walks and braids Ben’s hair. He doesn’t mind old Ben being a little crazy.

“Knock knock!” Quinlan called out cheerfully, balancing back and
forth on his heels. “Rise and shine for a new day of my delightful
company.” He grinned happily, ignoring the disapproval he could
feel behind him from other Jedi’s.

There was a small shuffle and then the door opened, Ben standing
there with a small smile on his face. “Quinlan, I did not know you
were coming, if I had known I would have prepared breakfast for two.”

“You remembered to eat? And don’t worry, I already had breakfast.”
Quinlan beamed as he stepped in, pausing when Ben stopped to think
before nodding.

“…You sure?”

“Yes, yes I had fruits and oats. Simple but good. I was going to
make tea, unless there was something important you wanted me to do?”

“No, nothing important just now. I just came to keep you company, I
came back from my mission yesterday.” He sat down on Ben’s couch as
the man moved to the kitchen. “And I could really like a cup of
tea.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Ben chuckled quietly. “I have nothing stronger to add to it
Quinlan. I’m not allowed alcohol yet or healer Che would have my
head.” He carefully filled the pot with a bit more water before
closing the tap and setting it to boil.

“Ah but you’re plenty strong for me Ben.” The kiffar beamed as a
slight flush rose to Ben’s cheek and the older man shook his head,
smiling at him. “Its not nice to tease a old man.”

“Old? I see no old man, only a viral man in his prime.” Quinlan
bounced to his feet and moved to give Ben a light hug, smiling when
the other instantly melted against him and dropped his head on
Quinlan’s shoulder, soft white strands of hair tickling his chin.

“Hey, want me to braid this for you? I don’t mind you know.” The
knight slowly ran a broad hand over the soft strands.

“That would be nice. I was going to do it myself but I haven’t
gotten that far.” Ben hummed quietly and let Quinlan guide him to
the couch to sit down, the kiffar quickly fetching both brush and a
hair tie from the fresher.

The kiffar carefully worked out the few tangles that were and started
braiding as they waited for the kettle to whistle, making sure not to
braid to tightly and give the other a headache. “How about after
tea, we head out to the gardens, you like the greenery I know,
perhaps even ask if we could get some saplings for your room.”

Ben hummed quietly and Quinlan tied of the braid before getting up as
the kettle whistled. “I’ll fetch the tea.” He gave a gentle
squeeze to the others shoulder and left quickly to steep the tea and
serve it.

He returned to find Ben watching the wall with a empty look in his
eyes and sighed inwardly as he set his cup down on the coffee table
before taking one of Ben’s callused hands into his own and pressing
the cup into it. “Ben?”

“Mmmn? Oh! Tea, yes, splendid.” The man settled against Quinlan
and held the cup between his hands, relaxing slowly as he started
sipping the warm liquid. “Mmmn, sapir.”

Quinlan petted the others hair before taking a sip and grimacing, tea
would never be his favorite.

“I like it better here.” Ben suddenly mused, snuggling more
against the others side.


“Mmmn, more friends, less sith.” Ben gave him a bland smile then
took a new sip.

“Did you fight a lot of sith then?” That was frankly a horrifying
thought. Fallen, darkened Jedi’s were bad enough when they attacked
people, not to mention rogue Force users. But actual trained sith?

“Sith after Sith. I fought, I defended, I killed…and then I was
the only one left.” Ben blinked slowly into his cup. “Only Jedi

Quinlan swallowed before setting his cup down and wrapping his arm
around Ben. “How about we take that walk to the garden. Fresh air
would do us both good and I could use some fresh air that didn’t
involve me being shot at.” He beamed warmly.

“What about the tea?” Ben blinked at him.

“There’s not a lot left, sip it up and then we can go.” Quinlan

“Only because its you Quinlan, tea is suppose to be savored.” The older man rolled his eyes and
took a bigger sip to empty his cup before setting it aside. The
knight beamed and stood, offering his arm to the man. “Sire, if
you’ll come with me, I’ll escort you to the gardens.” He added
poshly, as if he was talking to a dignitary.

Ben laughed quietly. “Why young knight, you honor me.” He
carefully got a hold of the arm and looped his into the corner of it
once he was standing, curling himself into the younger mans side.
“Well then…gardens.”

“Gardens.” Quinlan nodded happily.

In your dragon Au, what is Anakin’s dragon if Obi-Wan has a gold empress?

Obi-Wan smiled sadly down at Pike who held onto his arm, the dragon
chirping back at him in comfort. “…You ready?” He whispered,
getting a confirming chirp. “Captain, please lower the hatch.” He
spoke into his coms.

The two watched the hatch lower to the green nature beneath them.
“…Goodbye Pike, I will miss you as much as I will miss Master.”
Obi-Wan whispered and a mournful chirp escaped the usually smug
dragon who finally let go and dropped down the open ramp, escaping
into his native habitat.

“You can shut it now Captain. The dragon is out.” Obi-Wan managed
after a few moments and then sat down in the cargo hole, utterly
alone for the first time since he was thirteen.

The last thing Obi-Wan would do for Qui-Gon.

To let Pike free to his own native planet, to live out his lifespan
now that Qui-Gon had joined the Force. Alone as the ship was to small
for Mika.

He took a shuddering breath and drew his knees to his chest, focusing
on the link he had to his dragon, feeling her sorrow and concern as
keenly as his own. And then the fledgling link to his new padawan.



“I’ve been doing as you’ve said. It just…it won’t…one of the
twi’lek girls got her egg two days ago and it hatched already.”
Anakin stared at his dark green egg with wide eyes, clinging to it.

Obi-Wan blinked then set the kettle aside, moving to the boys side
and sitting down on the couch with him. “Anakin, you barely had
your egg for a month.” He soothed, touching the boys shoulder, his
scraggly beard only just coming in. “Its honestly more normal for
it to take time. I mean, my own took years.”

That made Anakin look up at him. “Really?” He asked, desperate
for hope.

“Yes. I got my egg when I was ten. But Mika didn’t’ hatch until I
was almost thirteen.” Obi-Wan soothed, smiling gently at him before
running his hand over the others short hair. “Yours will hatch when
its ready Anakin, don’t doubt that. But for now you need to be
paitent and continue caring for your eg-” There was a cracking
noise and both of them snapped their attention to the egg as a
crackling pattern slowly appeared all over the egg in Anakin’s lap.

Obi-Wan smiled a bit. Perhaps all his dragon had needed was for
Anakin to calm down and not fear as much.

Slowly parts of it started to push out until a black snout was
pressed out and then the egg collapsed around the dragon who stared
up at them with golden green eyes, its hide a deep dark grey. Anakin
gasped in awe and held out his fingers to the creature, giggling when
it instantly licked his fingers.

“Well then…what’s his name Anakin?” Obi-Wan grinned, his heart
aching ever so slightly as he remembered there had been no Master to
watch him get his own dragon, only Yoda.

“…Remi. Hello Remi.” Anakin whispered, beaming as the dragon on
his lap chirruped in glee, accepting his name. “What is Remi?”

“Remi I believe Grey Prince. There is a handful of them in the
temple. He won’t get as big as Mika but he will reach my height. Its
a good thing honestly, he’ll have comfortable space on ships once he
gets bigger unlike my Mika.” Obi-Wan smiled. “We’ll look
everything up about Grey Prince’s in the library later, but for now,
lets have that tea and scones?”

“Yes Master!”

More of obi wan being the last defense for the clones? The aftermath and clones protecting him?

medical tent were full.

evac to behind the lines had come but it had come later then hoped
and most of the clones had still breathed in a substantial amount of
the gas which had torn through their lungs.

a breathing in a mist like bacta treatment was currently solving it
along with bacta patches for various injuries. Four of them had
required actual bacta tanks and were currently floating inside them
and two had perished.

Cody couldn’t find it in himself to care about that at the moment as
he sat on his own bed and stared at the bed containing his General,
breathing mask for the bacta still on though he refused to remain

wasn’t the only clone doing it so the droids had just given in

Skywalker had come storming in a hour ago too, had taken one look at
General Kenobi and promptly turned on his heel in a swirl of his
robes, his face drawn in a tight, pale grimace that could only mean
anger. Cody had vaguely heard the sound of a lightsaber moments later
and a quick question to one of the 501’s had told him that the
General was doing katas, fast and furious outside in a larger area to
calm down.

would have joined him if he could, to get rid of the nervous energy
itching under his skin as he watched the limp and pale shape of
Obi-Wan Kenobi.

he wakes, we’re going to have a long conversation about appropriate
sacrifices for clones.’ Cody pressed his lips together tightly. They
were expendable, they were created to fight a war, Jedi’s, Generals
weren’t suppose to…suppose to…

to lay on death’s doorstep on a medical tent bed.

suppose to have their lungs almost dissolved from gas for their men.

suppose to bleed internally from crash damage.

suppose to suffer from physic exhaustion from prolonged Force use.

suppose to be suffer from dislocated arms and broken clavicle.

for them. All for protecting the 212 from the gas and the droids.

It was
their duty to be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s defense and attack. Not the other
way around and Cody tasted the ashes of failure in his mouth as he
watched the man breath slowly, the bacta mist, thank little gods,
improving his condition by the second.

then the General coughed, blood splattering the inside of the mask
covering his face as green eyes snapped open then narrowed in pain as
he continued coughing harshly, more blood filling the mask with each

was on his feet but the droids were there before any of the vods
could do more then shift of the beds, pulling the mask of the General
and letting him cough out the blood, red stripes rolling down his
cheeks and mingling into his beard until he stopped and the mask,
which had been cleaned, was replaced.

green stared at the tent ceiling, blinking slowly.

was a loud curse from outside the tent and then General Skywalker was
back, marching to Obi-Wan’s bed and staring down at him and taking in
the blood before turning to the droid. “What happened? I felt…”

lung tissue has fully formed, trapping blood inside. General Kenobi
expelled the blood and has now a fully functioning lungs. Another
hour and we will be transferring him to a bacta tank as he will now
be able to breath on his own.” The droid offered in a monotone.
“This was to be expected.”

The General let out a quiet curse before nodding and sitting down on
a chair and taking one spasming hand, holding it with care. “A
warning-” Skywalker growled out. “Would have been appreciated,
for all of us.” He looked up at Cody. “At ease Commander, he
feels stronger.”

Cody closed his eyes then slowly sat down, hearing others around the
tent do the same. “General, I-”

“Don’t…Just don’t. Me and Obi-Wan…we care for our men. But
Obi-Wan has difficulties expressing it but he does care. And if we
can prevent casualties we will. So please, for his sake, don’t say
anything. He tries so hard to be the perfect Jedi.” General
Skywalker sighed then settled to hold the pale hands between his own
gloved ones.

“Just be grateful for who are still alive.” He gave the hand
between his a careful squeeze.

Cody stared at him before nodding slowly.

SithQui-Gon and deaged Obi-Wan? How is the war different now that all of the Sith are working together instead of at cross-purposes? Is Obi-Wan being trained as a Sith? Are they letting him remain a Lightsider while he’s young?

it Obi-Wan, you know you want it, now reach for it with your want.”
Qui-Gon watched his young apprentice with a small smile over his
stapled fingers as Obi-Wan stared at the box containing the delicate
little pastries Yan had given him.

however had seen it as a wonderful little chance for some Force
lessons of the…hmm sithly variety.

one. You need to reach for it with your emotions.” He coaxed when
Obi-Wan slumped on his pillow with a small frown before looking at

don’t know. That’s not what they taught in the creche dad.”

also taught you not to get attached little one.” Qui-Gon shifted
until he was sitting beside the deaged former version of his padawan.
“I know its different Obi-Wan. I know you were taught differently
in the temple but there is another way, another balance. You know
what I am, what grandpa Yan is and what both Asajj and Maul are…you
can go a different way.” He stroked his hand gently over the soft
copper hair.

always wanted to be a Jedi…and Sith are suppose to…” His little
one bit his lips and Qui-Gon shifted him until Obi-Wan was sitting in
his lap. “Sith are suppose to be the bogey men of the Initiates, I
know. But you know us little one. Are we truly so bad?” Qui-Gon
wrapped his arms around the little boy.

gnawed on his bottom lip, staring at him.

hurt people.” He settled on.

do the Jedi and their troopers.” Qui-Gon didn’t deny it, he knew
that with Obi-Wan he would either have to go half truths or full
truths when the questions were direct.

mulled over that. “They are, aren’t they…did I hurt people?” He
turned wide green eyes on Qui-Gon and the man sighed. “Sometimes.
You didn’t mean to, you tried to be a good Jedi.” He stroked a soft
cheek. “But sometimes its unavoidable little one.”

stared at his hands. “There is no emotion, there is peace…” He
whispered at his hands before looking at the other man again. “What
do Sith say?”

“Peace is a lie,
there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through
strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through
victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” Qui-Gon
recited quietly, his eyes flashing yellow and Obi-Wan stared at him
before ducking his head again.


“Free little

“Free from what?”

“Free from
whatever would hold you down, free from what anyone would do to hold
you down, free to achieve the greatness the Force would give you.
Free…to be you.” He stroked his hand through Obi-Wan’s hair.

He let Obi-Wan
think, his little one was a smart cookie and coercion was not
something he wanted to use on him.

“Free doesn’t
sound so bad.” Obi-Wan whispered. “I’d be…free to like you?
Free to play with Grandpa Yan?” He peered up at Qui-Gon and the
older man smiled slowly.

“Free to do
whatever you wished my Obi-Wan.” He closed the boy in a warm hug,
eyes glittering possessively in the light. Perhaps, just perhaps he
could turn his little one after all and have him by his side as a
proper apprentice in full public.

After all, planet
after planet were falling for their hands as they went forward, both
Maul and Asajj working well as generals, and then there was Maul’s
apprentice, Savage helping out too. ‘Soon we won’t need Sidious

Things have been a bit shit lately so. I was wondering if you’d be willing to write something about Cody and Rex taking care of Obi Wan? Or idk. Maybe just the two of them keeping Obi Wan between them, running their hands through his hair and over his arms and back. Just touching him gently and softly because Obi Wan never really gets to have that? Hell maybe even a continuation of that one where they made Obi Wan finally sleep. Just something where they get to love him softly please?

Obi-Wan blinked tiredly and sighed, shifting to push himself up only
for a hand to firmly but gently keep him down on the futon on the
floor of his tent.

“…Cody, I need to get up, we got t-”

“No. You’re sick. We’ve already informed General Skywalker and he’s
informed the council. We are not advancing forward until you are
better.” The Commander said firmly and Obi-Wan muttered before
gasping in surprise as gentle hands started to massage his ankles and

He tiredly glanced down to where Rex was sitting with Obi-Wan’s legs
in his lap, the blond clone smiling gently back.

“General Skywalker’s made sure someones going to be there to look
after you since, and I quote him on this, you’re terrible at it…and
I have to agree with him cyare.” Obi-Wan’s blond lover added
seriously before continuing his slow and steady massage of sore legs.

Obi-Wan grumbled a bit before reluctantly relaxing as Cody started
slowly stroking his fingers through the Jedi’s copper hair with a
steady touch, fingertips massaging the others scalp with steady

A small exhalation of utter contentment escaped him as Rex reached
his kneecaps and Cody’s fingers the nape of his neck.

“That’s it cyare.” Cody murmured approvingly. “You’re stunning
on the battlefield but you’re lovely when you’re relaxed just like
this for our touches.”

“Mmmn, shut up Cody.” Obi-Wan shifted, hiding a smile in the
other mans lap.

he’s right cyar’ika.
While you are handsome on the battlefield, this is how we like to see
you.” Rex reached up and turned Obi-Wan’s face towards them,
smiling down at him once he had the others eyes. “Relaxed, warm,
content…absolutely gorgeous to us.”

eyes fluttered closed as a thumb gently swiped underneath his left
eye, caressing the fragile skin with care before Rex sat back and
continued his steady massage and caress of the Jedi’s muscled legs.

we had our wish, this would be your everyday look.” Cody murmured,
teasing the tip of Obi-Wan’s nose before rubbing his hand up and down
the others back slowly.

we’ll take this day and as long as you are given by the high generals
to make it stick and make you relax.” Rex picked up on Cody’s trail
and squeezed a ankle with care.

Obi-wan is used to dealing with his Master’s «pathetic life forms,» but what would happen if a pathetic life form decided to adopt Obi-wan instead?

“Master its not funny.” Obi-Wan groaned as the large tongue kept
‘grooming’ his head and hair, slicking the short strands to his scalp
and covering him in viscous saliva.

Qui-Gon chuckled quietly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh but
it is, you do complain about me bringing home pathetic life forms
often, this time one of them seem to have adopted you.”

“We are neither home and I honestly don’t think a howlrunner is
pathetic by any shape or form.” Obi-Wan huffed then groaned as the
canine wrapped itself more tightly around him, nuzzling at him with
its human like skull head. “I know we’re borrowing its cave but
please master, can’t you…make it sleep?”

“I think its good of you to get a closeness with animal life
Obi-Wan. Or you can try to send her away yourself.” Qui-Gon offered
peacefully, smiling still. He wished he had a camera to take a holo,
Yoda would love to see this.

Obi-Wan sighed then groaned as the howlrunner continued ‘grooming’

The cloaks really do hide everything. Including obi wan’s beard hiding his face. Also comparisons when he was a padawan to now, as they should get photos while growing up.

“They’ve been whispering to each other for the last ten minutes and
glancing over at us every few seconds.” Obi-Wan sighed, rubbing his

It was suppose to be downtime, just relax and be calm but the more
the little group of clones with Rex and Cody in the middle glanced at
them and went back to whispering about something, the tenser Obi-Wan
felt himself become.

“Oh relax Obi-Wan, most likely they’ve found some holonet gossip.
Perhaps its one of those claiming you’re really two jawas in a
android suit?” Anakin laughed warmly.

“Or perhaps the one claiming you’re pregnant with your padawan’s
love child?” Obi-Wan shot back and Ahsoka sniggered under her

Anakin sulked. “I’m not getting fat enough for that. Also, male..

“Everything is possible with the Force my former Padawan.”
Obi-Wan smirked then sniggered when Anakin got a terrified expression
on his face. “But so far we have no records of such things
happening, relax Anakin.”

“Hey, I was created by the Force apparently, apologies for being
nervous.” The blond huffed and Obi-Wan hummed, considering that.
“When you put it like that…okay, honestly, I need to know what
they are talking about.” Obi-Wan found himself once again
distracted by the clones whispering.

He moved towards them, raising his eyebrows when half of them
scattered like naughty Initiates.

“Commander Cody, may I inquire what you and Captain Rex has found
that is so interesting for everyone?” He asked crisply.

Rex and Cody traded looks before the Commander gave a half grin to
him. “We may have done some…digging into the past sir. And found
some old photos…of you.”

Obi-Wan blinked then stared as Cody showed him what had the clones so

It was him, from his padawan days. One just a shy year into his
padawan ship with him hiding underneath Qui-Gon’s robe from the rain,
looking both wet and yet happy tucked under his Master’s robe into
his side. And a later one, piggybacking on Qui-Gon’s back, his leg
clearly broken, both looking like they’d been dragged through a
wormhole but alive.

But it was clearly the one of Obi-Wan and Anakin that had received
the most attention from the clones. A half year into Anakin’s
padawanship, Obi-Wan’s hair was still in a short cut and he had no
beard, he had his hand on Anakin’s shoulder and was smiling ever so
slightly down at the ten year old.

“You were cute General Kenobi.” Cody couldn’t handle his own grin
and it broke forward fully. “The dimples really suit you.”

Could you write more touch starved Obi-Wan? Maybe other Jedi finding out, idk

He’d only patted Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

A brief, if heavy touch.

Yet Obi-Wan had flinched, as if physically struck and given Mace a
owlish look before covering up and smiling at him. “Was there
something you needed Master Mace?” He asked, polite as always

“No…No Knight Obi-Wan, I was just…I wanted to congratulate you
on a well done mission. First time missions alone can be strenuous
and hard. Its impressive you finished yours as well and as quickly as
you did.” Mace hid his surprise under his usual stern expression
but allowed a small smile to the younger man.

Obi-Wan blinked before giving a short bow and smiling in return.
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to pass those words along to my padawan,
he helped quite a bit.” He stepped back and left the council

Mace stared at him before turning when he heard Yoda sigh. “Careful
you should be, Obi-Wan fragile can be.”

“He flinched. Why?” Mace frowned. The care of all Jedi the
council was and Obi-Wan’s reaction to his touch was…disturbing.

Yoda sighed again and fiddled with his grimer stick. “Break my cane
over creche masters and Qui-Gon’s shins I should have. Touch starved
Obi-Wan is. Difficulties he had growing up, visions in the creche and
difficulties in apprenticeship. Tried to help.” Yoda huffed before
looking up at Mace and pointing his stick at him. “Touch starved
Obi-Wan is, longing for touch yet always surprised by friendly ones.”
His ears dipped sadly.

“…I know we’re not to talk ill of the dead but what in kriff did
Qui-Gon do to that boy?” Mace frowned thunderously, noting Plo
slide past him and hurry of down the hall.

“Much difficulties. Resolved it they did but traumas lingered,
Obi-Wan withdrew into self. A gentle touch he needs.”

“Has he been to the mindhealers?” Mace stepped to the old master.

“Been told to go to them he has, willing to go? Not so much. And
being forced would not help. Healer Altan almost break cane on me for
that.” Yoda huffed then smiled. “Smart she is, right she is.
Force him we can’t.”

Mace rubbed his face. “So…what do we do?”

“Do? Do what Plo is doing. Slow touches, let Obi-Wan come to us
once he knows he can.” Mace blinked and turned to the open council
doors where Plo and Obi-Wan were standing further down there hall,
Plo’s hand carefully resting on the young man’s shoulder.

Obi-Wan was leaning slightly into it, giving a half smile at whatever
the other Jedi was saying.

“Let him know he’s wanted. Occasionally ask if he would go to the
healers. Little things. Having tea with him tomorrow I am.” Yoda
shuffled of his chair with care. “Perhaps you wish to come Master
Mace?” Old eyes peered up at him.
