(I got an overactive mind and you all get this)

and red ringed eyes flickered
over the crowded
dining hall,
the young Initiate scanned the crowds for potential masters as
both young and old mingled during meal time even if they had their
own assigned tables and didn’t mix all that much.

was by no means a weak prospect for a master to guide but neither was
he exceptional in
the eyes of most Sith.
Just one of hundreds of younglings around his age or a bit older who
lacked a master to take them on and teach them.

was not to say that Obi-Wan was without prospects of course, he
had won too many a training duel and was too strong in the Force to
be utterly without prospects.

knew at least two interested Inquisitors who would take him on…

inquisitors. His
lip unconsciously curled into a sneer at the thought.

he took that offer,
he would become one and never rise to the rank of Darth, always be
looked at from the corner of the upper Sith’s echelons eyes and
dismissed for power and opportunity and
looked down on by everyone else.

if Obi-Wan was honest with at least himself, he wouldn’t settle for
just anyone.


master was not going to be just another face in a crowd of Sith, just
another red blade among the crowd.

master was going to be someone worth Obi-Wan’s devotion and not
just a teacher to guide him through a lackluster apprenticeship.

issue to that was that any Sith worth their salt at the moment was
already engaged with a padawan or did not want anymore as they
already had a legacy. ‘But if I were to get rid of the legacy…’
Obi-Wan had weighed his options carefully for
several weeks.

audacity to get rid of an older Sith and expose the weakness of
someone would gain him better than getting rid of an ongoing
apprentice and may actually endear him to his future master. Only
time would tell but it would give him an in if he choose carefully.

had already put aside both Windu and Nu, neither would take well to
Obi-Wan getting rid of their previous apprentices even if they fit
the criteria of what Obi-Wan wanted.

time was running short, he would turn fourteen
soon and it would be too late, he’d be sent away to some mercenary
company soon to be trained as a foot soldier and that was the last
thing he w-

ripple in the Force caught his attention, Obi-Wan’s head snapping
to the left with a crack that had another Initiate wincing at the
sound before glaring balefully at Obi-Wan.

didn’t notice, busy following the ripple.


overly tall human speaking with Yoda and Obi-Wan felt excitement
slither into his veins, a
giddy sort of insanity as Qui-Gon Jinn filled every criteria Obi-Wan
had for a future master. Power, poise, Force beauty, handsome enough
in Obi-Wan’s eyes, physical strength and reputation…

the legacy….

slowly turned his head to the left, finding the black head of a cocky
looking raven with an arrogant smirk upon his face, a circular scar
resting beneath an eye.

The Force hissed, the snake below his skin writhe and coiling in
preparation of attack. ‘Steady,’ He whispered back, eyes turning
a deeper red than amber and scaring a few of his age mates away from
him as he kept his eye on Du Crion. ‘Soon enough. Soon.’ He
promised himself and the snake, who reluctantly stilled.

his teeth in a predatory smile, Obi-Wan speared the meat on his plate
and bit into it, various ideas slipping through his mind.

yes, Obi-Wan knew what he wanted and he intended to have it, all he
had to do was kill Du Crion in a manner that would impress the Sith
lord he intended to have for his master and with the Force at his

was sure he would get exactly what he wanted.


Inktober day 19!

Yesterday, I was so busy I didn’t even have time to sketch a little! Thankfully, that’s not the case today so I’ll upload two drawings to catch up, and since Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan seem to be so popular (and are getting easier to draw – perhaps because I’m drawing them a lot lately xD) here is another sketch of the two.

In a few hours I’ll upload today’s drawing!

A continuation of your sith!quigon please? With him harassing obi wan through their bond? Maybe with Feemor and Xanatos?


The man in question bit his lips and closed his eyes, trying to focus
past the point inside himself, tried to close of the lid he had

You know that doesn’t work. You may as well respond my own’

Obi-Wan rolled his shoulders and glanced around the cell he was being
kept in. For his own safety was what they said.

It didn’t feel like it was for his own safety, it felt like it was
for others comfort, to keep the Jedi bonded to the Sith out of the
loop. Obi-Wan shuddered a bit. At least they hadn’t been cruel enough
to block of his connection to the Force even if there were Sentinels
placed everywhere.

‘My Own, you
best respond now before I do something…rash.’

‘Please stop. I
don’t…I can’t return.’

‘Of course you
can. Don’t tell me you’re happy as you are dear Obi-Wan?’

Obi-Wan huffed a bit then stood slowly from his meditation mat,
moving to the fresher to wash his face. He knew there was something
wrong with him, something inside of him that had fractured when he
had agreed to reignite the bond with Qui-Gon.

Some deeper sense of self that got lost in the others domineering

‘Not really.
You’re still you Obi-Wan. I never wanted to change you my own. Only
have you as the person you are.’

Blasted if Serenus didn’t sound amused.

‘I’m going to
be meeting with mind healers. They’ll help me figure this out.’

jerked and clung to the sink as sudden anger, not his, rushed through

‘They’re going
to try and remove the bond aren’t they? Obi-Wan they can’t and I
won’t let them imp. Don’t you ever think I will let you go willingly.
You belong to me my copper haired imp.’

stop, it hurts…’
breathed harshly as the pain suddenly let up and sunk togheter on the
fresher floor, still holding onto the sink before biting his lips as
a gentle soothing sensation started inside his mind.

that was…unnecessary. I won’t let them take you from me though. You
don’t belong to the Jedi anymore Obi-Wan. I’ll be seeing you soon

Obi-Wan blinked as the bond went silent with those ominous words.


The sith name Darth Serenus belongs to @poplitealqueen. If you enjoy Sith Qui-Gon do please go checkout her things!

Young Master Obi-Wan with a teenaged Padawan, injured and trying to pretend it’s not as bad as it is because Anakin needs him to be strong right now and there’s no one else around to help

“Its alright Anakin.” Obi-Wan captured the fidgeting hand between
his own, ignoring how the pain cramped through his entire left arm
when he did.

Instead he smiled softly at his padawan and rubbed the cold hand
between his.

Even four years after being brought to Coruscant Anakin was still a
desert child, prone to chills and colds yet loving space and flying
just as much still.

Not that it helped either of them at the moment, trapped on a icy
planet after their transport had been shot down. Anakin had happily
escaped rather unscathed but Obi-Wan had surely dented his head on
every piece of loose metal along with his right arm, his padawan had
effectively wrapped the bleeding scrape on his head though. And then
there was his back that hadn’t stopped hurting even with the
application of a hypospray of painkiller from a first aid kit and the
stabbing pain from his chest.

But Anakin didn’t need to know that. Anakin who was nervous and
frightened of the cold howling outside their transport. “What if
whoever shot us down comes looking for us though?” He questioned

“Then we’ll handle it, moving from here is not wise though. We have
no idea where on the planet we are, its dark, we have very little
supplies for actual on foot travel and it sounds like a storm is
raging.” He tugged the teen closer to him. “The best we can do is
remain still for now and let the rescue beacon continue to alert to
our emergency.”

Anakin bit at his lips and looked past Obi-Wan at the beacon. “…I
could boost the signal, if you let me tamper with it.” He
whispered, reaching a calm since Obi-Wan wasn’t panicking.

“That sounds like a excellent idea padawan mine. Go ahead, I know
you can do it.” Obi-Wan shifted back so Anakin could get the
toolkit and start working. His padawan distracted Obi-Wan gingerly
pressed a hand to his ribs and closed his eyes tightly at the
onslaught of pain.

Broken ribs. Great.

‘No…ignore it. Ignore the pain. Anakin needs you.’ He forced
himself to sit properly and focused on his working padawan.

Anakin needed him.

Parts of Old Bens life showing through – like being careful of water usage because tatooine, or unconscious shielding cause purges. Idk about sparring, cause on the one hand, illness/age etc, but on the other hand general…

It took Qui-Gon a while to notice. A embarrassingly long time
honestly and it was Quinlan pointing out that Ben should take a warm
shower instead of his usual sonics for his aching bones that finally
clued Qui-Gon in as he took the startled look in Ben’s eyes.

Tatooine was a desert planet.

Ben had lived there for so long.

He waited for the rest to leave before taking Ben’s hands and rubbing
them lightly between his. “Ben, you know that the temple has a
large water reserve? You’re allowed to both shower and bath if you
wish to, no need to ration water for drinking.” He talked softly as
faded green focused on him.


“There’s no water limit here. Else we wouldn’t have fountains. And
aquatic Jedi species.” Qui-Gon smiled, lifting one hand to gently
stroke underneath the wrinkles of one eye. His smile widened a bit
when Ben instantly leaned into the hand, eyes closed as he enjoyed
the touch.

Sweet was the word that popped up in Qui-Gon’s mind as he continued
gently stroking the aged skin, Ben was sweet.


“I’m sorry but it seems the commissary is serving the same tuber
mash and meat chunks again but at least the bread rolls are fresh.”
Qui-Gon sighed as he came back with Obi-Wan to Ben and Quinlan, both
setting down spare trays to the other two.

Quinlan grimaced but pulled his tray to him, peering at the chunks of
meat floating in sauce for a few moments in sulky silence before
shrugging and reaching for the salt.

“I don’t mind. At least its not snake. Spent a whole year only
eating snake once.” Ben murmured as he pulled his own tray to him.
“And scorpions. And some rather nasty worms that grew to about the
length of my arm…” Ben stopped eating and mused on that. “…I
honestly think they caused a slightly hallucinatory reaction.”

Obi-Wan stared at him in horror and looked to Qui-Gon. “Master, I
really don’t want to eat worms.”

Quinlan looked torn between amusement and horror too. “You must
have a stomach made of iron Ben.”

“Lets…just consider ourselves lucky we have this meal? No?”
Qui-Gon shifted a bit closer to Ben as the other man ate peacefully,
dipping his bread roll into the sauce and chewing away with a content


“Are you sure he’s ready for a training session?” Qui-Gon crossed
his arms over his chest, glancing at Vokara who snorted before
sighing. “To be honest, no. But we really have no idea until he has
actually tested his own joints. Sparring saber and a Initiate level
set droid will have to do to figure this out.” She confided in
Qui-Gon as Quinlan continued prowling around the mat with a small
easy smile that hid his worry.

Bant and Obi-Wan and their friends were watching from the benches.

The healer squared her shoulders. “No time like the present you
know to figure these things out. But I do advice he takes a bath
after to soak his muscles and joints.” She gave him a meaningful
look and Qui-Gon nodded, he’d make sure Ben took a bath since the man
sometimes reverted back to saving water.

“Alright then…lets start up the droid then.” He breathed out as
he against his better judgment turned it on. “Ready Ben?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” The man seemed amused by all the
fussing they were doing even if Quinlan was being discreet about his.
And he carefully started blocking the droids moves, the training
saber set on low in case he ended up hurting himself.

“Ah, training he is? Better he has become?” They looked over as
Yoda hobbled in with Shaak Ti behind him, moving to lean on his cane
beside Qui-Gon and Vokara as the togruta nodded happily to them.

“Somewhat, if he can handle Initiate level training I might be able
to up his physical therapy.” The healer huffed, crossing her arms
over his chest.

Shaak spoke up after a few moments. “The droid has a saber too. But
its getting more and more common for blasters to be used, he should
be able to defend himself against a blaster shot if just for our
comfort.” She suggested.

The change was instant the moment the droid fired at Ben.

Feet shifting backwards, hands coming up as he fell into starting
pose of the Soresu, straining muscles screaming out as Ben’s eyes
flashed brightly green as chaotic shields rose with the protective
instincts of a mothering krayt dragon.

But Ben was old, Ben was slower and his body screamed in protest for
his moves even as the first of a set of blast hit his shoulder and
leg and the training saber tumbled from a numbed hand.

And the chaotic shields splintered like a wood for lightning and
through those shields Ben’s memories rose like the cry of something
dark and predatory.

The flash of a bomb as Ben, young and in his prime with a groomed
beard, ran among soldiers dressed in white and orange, his face
covered in blood giving him a gruesome mask as he swiped a shield of
the ground. His shoulder smoking from a fresh blaster wound as he
went crashing into a group of droids with a loud cry, no lightsaber
at his belt.

“That’s it you ugly sons of scrapbolts! Here I am!” He called
with a hoarse voice as fire focused on him.

Ben, brave Ben, who waved his hand behind him at two young padawans.
“GO! I’ll handle this!” Two padawans no more then eleven or
twelve, both sporting armor as they stared with wide frightened eyes.

“Y-Yes Master Kenobi!” They ran, as told, towards the men in
white and orange as Ben kept his eyes on the droids, his teeth
gritted, eyes glittering with fierce protectiveness. Ben who was all
alone against to many droids with to many blasters, to far from his
allies who were helping the padawans into a gunship.

“General Kenobi!” One cried out as Ben caught another blaster
shot in his shoulder again, the armor smoking even as the man
stumbled and bought the shield up.


The image flashed again as suddenly they were thrown out of Ben’s
memories, the man himself swaying on his feet before he sunk to his
knees, taking sharp jagged breaths before suddenly it was like he
wasn’t there anymore.

Qui-Gon stumbled over to him and collapsed beside Ben, touching him
with care as the older man flinched. “Ben. Ben look at me, quickly
now look at me.” He coaxed the other, mentally reaching out to the
all to familiar shields of Ben hiding himself. He ignored the sounds
of someone being sick and continued talking until Ben opened his eyes once
again, faded green looked at him yet past him.

“Ben, you’re safe. Ben you are in the temple. In one of the
salles.” He rubbed the others upper arms while talking soothingly,
trying to hold onto his own thoughts.

“…Temple?” Ben whispered.

“Yes, temple. With me. Can you see me Ben?”

“…Qui-Gon.” Ben whispered then swallowed and leaned forward.
“…Everything hurts…”

“I know, I know. We pushed you to far. How about Quinlan helps you
back to your quarters and makes you tea huh? I can find some of those
fruit pastries you like so much?” He murmured, glancing at Quinlan
who gave a firm nod then knelt down to touch Ben’s arm, smiling
warmly at him when Ben looked at him.

“…Tea sounds good.” Ben nodded and let Quinlan help him up,
supporting himself on the younger man’s arm who guided him past the others
and out of the salle.

Only then did Qui-Gon sit down heavily and rub his face before
staring at Yoda and the others.

Yoda looked like he had aged a year in just those moments. Shaak had
a shaking hand over her mouth while Che was staring at the wall with
her lips pressed together tightly, arms crossed over her chest and
her lekku’s twitching.

He didn’t even dare look towards his padawan for what he might see.

This is what the future had brought Ben.

Their best sent into battles as generals for a war.

Their youngest padawans in armor to battle against droids alongside
men who died for them to keep the padawans safe.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, the image of Ben, of Obi-Wan’s blood covered
face forever seared into the back of his eyelids.

‘No…this will not be the future…’ He opened his eyes to meet
Yoda’s and then Che’s.

This would not be the future of the Jedi, even if they had to tear
themselves from the Republic to prevent it.

Are you going to continue your young Luke meets young Obi wan AU? The one where Luke is 8 and Obi is 5? I just found it and it’s so freaking adorable! I wonder how Obi wan would react, coming home to find his tiny self and his padawan’ future son. He’d probably steal himself away so he doesn’t have to deal with Anakin pestering either of them for WHAT RHE EVERLOVING FUCK HAPPENED IN OBI WANS CHILDHOOD

The door swished open for the copper haired man to step in and smile
at the kids. He looked frazzled to Luke but safe, kind of reminded
him about the hermit Uncle Ben had told him to stay away from.

Obi-Wan thought the man familiar too as he peered curiously at the
Jedi Master.

“Hello little ones, how about we leave this room and get you two
tucked up in a bed?” He held out his hands to both of them.

“Am I going home?” Luke asked as he took the big hand, holding
tightly onto it, a sensation of safety coming of the man.

“Well, we are going to help you but not right now. We can’t right
now.” The man smiled gently at them with a soft expression on his
face as he held both boys hands in each of his hands. Obi-Wan clung
to the master’s hands, peering up at him in awe at how warm he felt.

He wanted the other to pick him up but he was suppose to be a big boy

The Jedi master suddenly stopped and peered down at Obi-Wan, lips
twitching before kneeling down and picking up each child on one arm
and standing with them both. “There we go, now, food and bed. Do
you two like bantha stew?”

Obi-Wan hid against the mans neck, giggling as the mans beard tickled
his cheek. “Uhu!”

“Yes sir.” Luke beamed, peering down at the ground then at him.
“You’re strong! And tall!”

The master’s lips twitched at that. “You should tell that to my
friends. They are all mostly taller then me.” He chuckled softly,
his chest rumbling warmly. “Now come along little ones, food,
fresher then bed.” He squeezed both to him and continued walking.


“If you can’t be quiet, you’ll have to leave the quarters.”
Obi-Wan offered mildly as he watched the two kids sleep in his bed.
“They just settled in fully.”

Anakin glared at his back before taking a deep breath. “Please
Obi-Wan, I just want to talk. Master Windu hinted at your childhood
being…less then perfect.” The honey blond settled on as he peered
over his former master’s shoulder to watch his son curled up
protectively around Obi-Wan’s smaller form. It made his lips twitch
until he noticed how little Obi-Wan clung to Luke as if scared even
in his sleep the other would disappear.

Obi-Wan sighed and closed the bedroom door. “Of course Mace went
and blabbed…look…Anakin… I don’t know what you assumed but just
because we are Jedi doesn’t mean we’re prefect at child raising. I’m
sure you remember your own experience with bullies.” He made his
way to the kitchen to clean up the kids plates.

“But…you?” Anakin blinked.

“Me…” Obi-Wan rinsed of the plates. “Anakin…I know we don’t
discuss the past often. I respected that when it came to you.” He
slowly peered at the other with his deep green eyes. “But I haven’t
forgotten where you came from.”

Anakin narrowed his eyes and was about to bite out something when he
realized what Obi-Wan was doing. “You’re trying to divert me.” He
murmured in realization and the copper haired Jedi chuckled tiredly.
“Almost had you…yes fine. I did. Some things I’m not comfortable
at talking about despite having put it behind me.”

“Well…” Anakin licked his lips nervously then stood as tall as
he could, staring at his friend and brother in arms. “Lets talk
then. I ask you a question, you ask one.”


“I…you’re so nervous.” He glanced at the bedroom where his tiny
child master was. “You’re scared and nervous and jumpy and you keep
saying you won’t be a Jedi. And…and I don’t think you let those
insecurities behind as much as you hidden them Obi-Wan, and now I’m
reviewing everything you’ve said and done through the years and…I
don’t like what I’m seeing.”

He sat down on Obi-Wan’s couch and patted the couch, waiting for his
suddenly hesitant master to sit down. “So I’m asking Obi-Wan…what
happened when you were in the creche?”

Obi-Wan hesitated before sighing and closing his eyes. “When I was
little…I used to wake up the creche and my creche mates with
visions in the middle of the night…” He started talking, he
talked himself hoarse as he explained to a steadily closer Anakin
about his fears, about the bullying that happened because Obi-Wan
grew quickly and was bigger then most his age, the visions, his
training with Yoda, master upon master’s rejection of him until he
and Bruck were the last ones, about Qui-Gon’s rejection and

At that the other drew him into his lap and held Obi-Wan tight.
“How…how could he…I don’t…understand.”

“You knew Qui-Gon’s kind words and encouragement Anakin.” Obi-Wan
whispered. “But when I meet him, he was a broken master who
threaded close to the dark and needed to be pulled away. And I fought
so hard for recognition, for…to be who I was meant to be.”

Anakin ran his hand through Obi-Wan’s hair and pulled his former
master forehead to his shoulder. “…That’s why you always made
sure I knew I was wanted huh. You knew what it was like to feel like
you weren’t by your own.”

“…Qui-Gon tried…he…”

“No, don’t apologize for him. He may have become a good master
but…a padawan shouldn’t feel unwanted. Snips is never going to feel
unwanted or unloved or…Obi-Wan, I don’t know what Qui-Gon was like
before, but…I think you deserved the man who came before Xanatos. I
think you deserved the knight who loved with his entire heart. The
same man who…”

“…Who was willing to throw me away for you?” Obi-Wan smiled
against Anakin’s shoulder.

“…It must have hurt.”

“Oh it did. It hurt a lot. I didn’t feel ready at the time and he
knew it. I wasn’t ready. But I floundered forward as he had always
expected me to do. And then there was you, you needed me. So I was
there for you Anakin, my padawan. My rather large padawan.” Obi-Wan
chuckled as those strong arms wrapped tightly around him and

“…Obi-Wan, what do you think about coming to dinner with me at
Senator Amidala’s place?” Anakin offered and Obi-Wan chuckled

“That…might be nice.”

Obi wan has visions when he was a child what if they start again during the clone wars and right in front of the clones?

One moment he had been fine.

General Kenobi had been resting for once, on his back near the fire
on a bedroll, one arm across his stomach and the other resting along
his side as he breathed slowly and steadily.

And then something in the air had changed, like a electric current
that seemed to catch both General Skywalker and Commander Tano’s
attention, the latter looking puzzled in her conversation with
Captain Rex while the former frowned in worry, taking two steps
towards the fire.

All in vain as the General suddenly sat up with a dying cry on his
lips, green eyes wide and unseeing into the dark before he drew his
knees to his chest, one hand covering his mouth as he closed his eyes
sharply, his breath coming in sharp burst.

The younger knight made quick work of the rest of his steps and knelt
down, hand reached towards the man shoulder but not actually
touching. “Obi-Wan, its alright, its alright whatever you saw,
you’re not there, you’re here with me.” He talked in a calm,
soothing voice.

Rex looked to Ahsoka for clarification. “Force Vision.” She
mouthed back and frowned at the Jedi Master in worry.

“Anakin?” The older man whispered roughly. “Oh…good…you
still have most of your limbs…”

“Yeah, yeah I do. Can you tell me where you are?” Anakin
swallowed down his worry to smile at him, resting his hand on the
others shoulder.

“…Virlon. Virlon VII, one of the minor moons of the cluster.
Camp. With our troops.” Obi-Wan breathed out and rubbed his face
slowly. “I…kriff.”

“You should try sleeping some more Obi-Wan. You look tired, I can
even help you along if you want.” Anakin shifted his hand and
pressed it against the others chest until he was laying down, Obi-Wan
breathing out and nodding. “Okay? Good. Sleep.”

The older General was out like a light again, his face strained even
in sleep compared to his earlier moments.

“Skyguy, shouldn’t you have asked him about his vision?” Ahsoka
asked hesitantly as Anakin drew the covers up around the man.

“I’m not going to force him Ahsoka and I wasn’t joking. He’s needed
to sleep for a while. Commander Cody.” He turned to the commander
and the trooper instantly snapped to attention.


“Obi-Wan is going to be disoriented when he wakes. Vision tends to
leave him…less then cognitive. Ensure he eats and doesn’t suddenly
wander of, fetch me if he requests me, regardless what I’m doing.”

“Yes sir…sir is this common? I’ve never…” Cody rubbed his
hands together.

“It used to be. Obi-Wan was always prone to visions but stopped a
few years before the war began. Thought he might not be getting
anymore.” Anakin took a deep breath then stood. “Make no mention
to anyone until I’ve had a chance to talk to him, vision can leave
Jedi’s…addled for a while.” He nodded and stepped back, heading
back to what he had been doing before.

Cody hesitated, watching both Commander and General before moving to
his General’s side and settling down by the bedside, shifting until
he could raise the Jedi’s head into his lap, stroking his thumb over
the furrowed brows until they smoothed out.

“…Boil, make sure there’s a tray ready for when he wakes. Waxer,
you’re better at making tea. Please get the red, I have a canister of
it in my bunk.” He murmured quietly.

“I got one too sir, don’t worry.” Waxer beamed at him and went to
boil water.

“Everyone has a canister of red tea.” Boil grumbled before
getting to go scrounge up some proper food for the Jedi that wasn’t a

FYI I had a really terrible last week of the semester, this blog has improved my mood every time I’ve checked it. And could I ask for, I don’t know, something with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka?

“Its going to be alright little one.” Obi-Wan murmured, trying to
ignore his own shivers as he wrapped his cloak around Ahsoka’s
trembling shoulders. “Anakin will come looking for us soon enough.”

“Lets hope we don’t turn into icicles first.” She teased then
shivered at a gust of wind coming in through the cave opening. At
least their clothes were mostly dry from the dip in the cold river
but that didn’t help them warm up since they couldn’t light a fire in
fear of alerting the droids.

Obi-Wan sighed then wrapped his arms around the young togruta,
pulling her into his lap and against his chest while rubbing her arms
with his hands. “Knowing Anakin we’ll be frozen to the bone first.”
He bantered back to keep her mind of the situation.

“Typical Skyguy.” She snuggled against the others warm chest.

For the first time since their dip in the freezing and raging river,
Ahsoka actually felt safe as Master Obi-Wan held her tightly and
tried to coax some warmth into her.

“How are your lekku’s and monterals? Cold? I don’t have a hat I’m
sorry to say.” Obi-Wan sighed and moved one hand to the growing
monterals, frowning at the cold skin. “Ahsoka, you’re freezing.”

“I know, its-its alright.” She sighed.

“Not its not. You don’t have to carry a burden you don’t need.”
Obi-Wan offered sternly then pulled the hood of the robe up and over
her monterals before tucking her under his chin. “Try to sleep a
bit. I’ll keep guard while you rest.” He murmured quietly,
soothingly rubbing her back as he did.

Ahsoka blinked then tucked a bit closer, hiding her face in the
master’s chest.

“…Okay…but don’t tell Skyguy.”

Obi-Wan chuckled quietly and held her tighter. ‘She’s as prideful as
you are Anakin, our padawan.’

Would you write an asexual Obi-Wan? Like he’s in love but he just… doesn’t want to do…. that.

“I just…I don’t…” Obi-Wan looked away from Mace’s confused
eyes, shifting on the mans lap.

He knew this had eventually been coming but he had hoped it was
further in the future.

“Does…this have anything to do with why your relationship with
Quinlan Vos ended?” Mace prompted carefully, sliding his hands away
from Obi-Wan’s thighs to wrap around his back.

Obi-Wan flinched at the question then nodded. His relationship with
Quinlan was friendly thankfully now but for a while after they broke
up it hadn’t looked like they could handle it. Obi-Wan had felt more
then a little bit of guilt.

He just…

He had never enjoyed the ideas of bodies together. Never had the urge
to explore with another but when Quinlan had approached him…well…

It had ended so badly though.

And then Mace…stern but warm Mace had approached him not long after
Obi-Wan had become a knight. Had carefully courted him, thawed his
way past Obi-Wan’s natural defenses.

And the copper haired knight had let himself fall into a easy
relationship with the man.

And Mace…Mace who held his hand, who took him out to casual dinners
and held around him while they watched holovids on eithers couch.
Mace who’d press soft kisses against his temple and welcome him back
to the temple in private after long missions.

Mace who deserved a explanation as to why Obi-Wan was sitting so
stiffly on his lap.

“I…I like feeling good..but I just…I don’t…” Obi-Wan looked

“You don’t…?” Mace rubbed the redhead’s lower back slowly,
trying to encurage a answer as to why his boyfriend was suddenly so

“…I don’t like sex.” The other whispered quietly.

“Oh.” Mace blinked and Obi-Wan braced himself for the same
rejection he had from Quinlan so long ago.

“Alright then.” Mace wrapped his arms tighter around the shorter
man and pulled him close. “Want to watch a movie instead?”

“I…what?” Obi-Wan blinked as Mace guided him closer and cuddled
him against his chest. “Mace?”

“Obi-Wan…sex is nice, I admit that but…I didn’t court you just
to get you in bed.” The Korun master rumbled deeply, pressing his
lips against the others temple. “Its nice just to hold you too and
be held. And I know you don’t have anything against kissing. Is that
why Vos…”

“Yes…” Obi-Wan whispered. “He’s not the only one…just…the
last. You…you really don’t mind?”

“Its part of you. So no, I don’t mind.”

Obi-Wan took a shuddering breath and hid in Mace chest, hands
clenching into the others tunic. “Oh…Oh thank the Force.” He
whispered as Mace held him tightly, a warm callused hand rubbing his
spine slowly.