

This is a commission by the amazingly talented @orientalld , for my Vaderwan series to have and to hold. The scene in particular is from the second part of the series, an anatomy of want. I literally couldn’t love it more!

Thank you for this amazing request, dear! Your vaderwan series are amazing😭💧❤

So in the Snails are Free, does Ani get to take Obi on that date?

Its not that they don’t notice of course.

Skywalker’s smile is just sometimes a tad too wide, has too many teeth. His hair seems to live on its own, as if there’s something there they can’t see that’s more. His eyes seem like they’re voids sometimes, too deep and yet not empty and his body sometimes seems too small for him, as if there’s something larger than life lingering just behind him.

Kenobi isn’t any better, not really.

The larger feeling isn’t there, not with him but his eyes… his eyes just sometimes seem to look too deeply, seem just a tad too large and too knowing at times and his smile too has grown, as if there’s too many teeth that have been sharpened in his mouth.

Jedi have always known there is more to them than to many others.

Have always known that Force sensitive are set slightly apart by the nature of what they are able to do and the things they can reach for, that they are something… more.

But the truth of it has never been narrowed down, not fully.

But Skywalker…

Skywalker has always seemed a tad different and his master started to follow him into the difference not that long ago.

As if they could see the things that the Force had hid before and if the truth is that Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one then… maybe that’s why.

Maybe the Force has decided to show Skywalker, his eyes sometimes lingering in places there is nothing, eyes on the ground where there seemingly isn’t anything and yet Jedi do not step in those spots, even before Skywalker’s eyes focused there.

It makes sense that the first to follow him would be his own master, Kenobi’s own eyes rapidly following the same spots at times.

Even in the council chamber, Kenobi’s eyes will flicker to the windows, as if something has moved, his eyes deeper than space itself as it tracks the path of something invisible for a few seconds before he focuses back on the meeting. Pretending he saw nothing, pretending the other council members aren’t watching him.

Both Skywalker and Kenobi are pretending.

Yet they are observing.

They watch, not simply these invisible things but also their fellow Jedi.

Seem to be waiting.

Waiting for what?

Its a good question.

Not even Yoda, the few times someone can prompt him to answer, has an answer to that.

So everyone waits and everyone observes, takes in the slightly too wrong look of Kenobi and Skywalker, takes in the feeling being observed and notes when their bodies seem to automatically avoid certain places.

As if their feet know to avoid stepping on something but their eyes can not see it.

“Obi-Wan! Come on! You know it took me weeks to get this reservation! And we’re shipping out tomorrow for that… that thing! The Naboo thing!” Skywalker groaned loudly, arms crossed over his chest as he stands at the doors of the south entrance.

Sighing, Kenobi bowed apologetic to Master Koon, the kel dor simply chuckling and waving him of as he’s not offended. Turning Kenobi makes his way to Skywalker, a small smile growing as Skywalker suddenly seems to smile wider and more ferociously than any human should be able to, both pausing in front of the doors as if they are waiting for something to pass, like a shadow over their face where nothing exists to create it. “I swear Anakin, I know I taught you patience as my padawan, Do you need a refresher?” The redhead scolded softly, stepping out with Skywalker, whose hair looks like its living.

“Oh come on master, I leave the patience to you.” The other winked, bringing his former master out into the sun of Coruscant.

In the Snails Are Free can we get some cute courting between Anakin and Obi-Wan Please?

“I’m sorry.” Anakin croaked out, peering blearily up at his Obi-Wan as the other set down a glass of water and a bowl of soup on the caff table.

Pausing, clearly startled, Obi-Wan’s three eyes blinked at him for several seconds before the other shook his head. “Now, what in the world are you apologizing for Anakin, for getting sick?” Sinking down on the couch beside the other, Obi-Wan gently had the blond lean against his side, smiling slightly as a few of Anakin’s tentacles wrapped weakly around his waist.

“I was…,” Pausing as a coughing fit overcame him, Anakin whined pitifully as Obi-Wan rubbed his back, his chest aching heavily. “I was suppose to take you out. To Dex. To…” To take him on the date that wasn’t quite a date because neither Obi-Wan or Anakin seemed to be able to say as much.

Even though both of them knew that they were dating at this point.

Waiting until Anakin collapsed against his side, Obi-Wan stroked the slightly sweaty hair out of the way. “Oh Anakin, I don’t blame you for getting sick and we can go on… we can go to Dex at any time. Your health comes first.” He scolded faintly before picking up the soup bowl, carefully pressing it into Anakin’s hands.

Grimacing slightly but raising the bowl to his lips, Anakin sipped slowly.

Thankfully, it was a thin soup, made with chicken and some thin noodles. It also brought back memories of Obi-Wan making the soup when Anakin was sick when he was young or when the weather was cold.

On the latter though, they’d also have bread to go with the soup, soaking it all up, the bread making it all more filling.

“Still…I know you were looking forward to it, so I was I.” Anakin lamented, his throat feeling a tad better for the warm liquid.

Both ignored the shadow of the giant snail’s tail suddenly passing by their balcony, Obi-Wan just gently hugging Anakin to his side. “I was. But as I said, we can go to Dex at any time. It wasn’t deeply necessary for us to go today.” He tugged playfully on a blond curl.

Snorting slightly, realizing that Obi-Wan wouldn’t accept Anakin taking on the blame, Anakin instead focused on slowly finishing of the soup so he could lay back down again.

He was honestly miserable and if he was to take a guess, it meant that while this was a cold, it was also a otherworld cold at the same time.

Just karking great.

Didn’t help that along with the couch, fever and normal body aches, his tentacles also ached and he had developed a purple rash everywhere that itched at times.’

“Besides,” Obi-Wan’s voice had turned soft, prompting Anakin to look at him, finding Obi-Wan watching him with tender eyes. “I don’t mind looking after you.” He murmured quietly, fingers brushing gently over Anakin’s cheek.

Feeling a tad gooey at that, Anakin couldn’t help but grin goofily at his master, his mate, setting down his soup bowl so he could cuddle in closer.

Laughing, Obi-Wan pressed a chaste kiss to Anakin’s cheek, his long hair brushing against Anakin’s neck before the redhead carefully prompted the knight to lay down, his head resting on Obi-Wan’s lap.

Oh, that was real nice as Obi-Wan instantly sliding his fingers into Anakin’s hair, slowly massaging the other scalp as Anakin let out little, happy noises between coughs.

Don’t get him wrong, he still felt terrible…but at least he wasn’t alone.