I love how high as a kite went from crack to angst back to crack and I’m here to request more angst from it maybe if you want to? Obi wan encountering slavers and being drugged and then they see his reaction and realise he’s stewjoni? Or something like that?

He was going to kill them.

Each and every last one of them, they were going to die a slow and brutal death at Cody’s hands, that the commander swore as he watched the slavers strip the General, leering at the Jedi as Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a token resistance.

Not after the captain had put a gun to Killer’s head and told him he’d shoot someone for every moment of resistance the Jedi put up.

And much to the troopers rage and shame, Obi-Wan instantly became docile, his face blank as every piece of armor and clothes were taken from him until his pale and freckled body was laid bare for inspection.

Rage at what was being done to their general.

And shame at them being the tools used for it.

“Well, well, well, carpet matches the drapes I see, bona fide redhead,” The captain sneered, eyes lingering on the soft cock resting against Obi-Wan’s thigh. “Not too shabby a state, expected you to be well trained considering the Force poodoo you Jedi get up to but damn, see you got blessed with length if not girth.” He leered as his crew laughed at the words.

One even daringly reached out and pinched Obi-Wan’s ass, hooting something about it being a nice handful.

Obi-Wan didn’t move a muscle beyond closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, even as Cody rattled the chains tying the Ghost company up in the cells they had been stuffed into, the commander snarling at the chaavla that had their General.

The slaver barely spared him a glance though, already having dismissed Cody and the rest as simple means to an end, only kept alive because of how it kept Obi-Wan in place.

When they had gone out to scout, this was the last thing they had expected, being ambushed by a group of karking slavers.

But the assholes had gotten the jump on them and now they were gloating about having a Jedi caught in their mist, kept in control by using his men against him.

Because of course Obi-Wan didn’t want them in harms way, of course when the captain and his second had managed to get Boil and Cody into strangle holds and put their blaster to the troopers heads, Obi-Wan had surrendered himself.

Obi-Wan would do anything to spare the troopers and lower the casualty count.

Even if it meant being demeaned in such a way.

The tailhead suddenly barked something in an unfamiliar language, certainly not basic or mando’a, but Obi-Wan clearly recognized it and for a second, Cody could see panic and some fear echoing in the Jedi’s eyes before they once more went blank.

He realized why a second later as another togruta, who looked disturbingly similar to Commander Tano, came jogging over with a hypospray.

Wooley jerked to beside him, realizing the same thing Cody did.

They were going to drug the General.

“Leave him the kark alone!” Cody roared out, almost pulling the others off their feet when he jerked forward, his voice echoing in the cave the slavers were using.

“Ugh, if you don’t shut up, I might have to soil the merchandise, I’m sure he’ll still sell well with a few lashes on his back.” The captain sent him an annoyed look even as the other togruta placed the hypospray into Obi-Wan’s neck, a resigned look in the redhead’s eyes.

“Th-” Cody cut the word off, swallowing heavily at the implication and around him the rest of Ghost shifted worriedly.

“Cody, its alright.” Obi-Wan murmured quietly, ignoring the laughing and jeering slavers as he smiled calmly at Cody, even as a hand smoothed down along his back to cup his ass again.

“…No… no its not General,” Cody whispered, all of Ghost waiting for what they knew would come, waiting for the inevitable realization the slavers would come to when Obi-Wan’s reaction to the drugs came out. “This isn’t alright at all…”

He was going to kill them for this and his vode were going to help.

Chaavla = Rough underclass criminal

In daredevil recklessness, as Obi gets a bit older is he ever dared to do things like skinny dipping or other little explorative teenage stunts like that?

a hand to his chest, Qui-Gon struggled to get his jaw to work so he
could close his mouth, hand held to his chest as he let out a
slightly wheezy breath.

hand held his other arm tightly as Tahl’s all to amused voice spoke
up, Qui-Gon unable to turn his head from the bush he was staring at.
“So,  something tells me that Obi-Wan was up to something since he
rushed by without a greeting and you’re… like this.” The blind
woman teased.

let out another wheezed breath, blinking hard, trying to expel the
vision of his padawan’s moon pale and freckled arse from his mind.

his padawan had been streaking, soaking wet , shiny and running
through the garden from bush to bush in an attempt to avoid being

Qui-Gon and Tahl, having been on a midnight stroll together to
discuss the finer points of the Urevella principles of artistry
school’s latest publishing.

a bit, Qui-Gon finally turned his head to look at Tahl, watching the
master’s amused face. “Nude.” He finally choked out what
he had seen that she had not seen.

streaking past, nude as the day he was born, letting Qui-Gon see
everything the other was born with.

that Qui-Gon hadn’t seen that before, there were some very
difficult missions with little space before.

this was different.

out a bark of laugh, tightening her grasp on Qui-Gon arm,
Tahl shook her head with wry amusement. “Well, that does explain
it, he’s streaking or potentially skinny dipping. Let us go find
the wayward and
stark-naked padawan.”
She laughed, pulling Qui-Gon along in the direction Obi-Wan had

the time they found him, Obi-Wan had plucked two large pukka leaves
and fashioned them into a makeshift loincloth with a vine from
another plant and while that was a decent thought, Qui-Gon had
already seen his very nude padawan more than once.

a shock to see his nude padawan rushing past in the garden.

up, Obi-Wan gave a sheepish, blushy smile as he adjusted the large
leaves he had made into a cover around his groin and rear. “Hiiiii
master, master Tahl,” He chirped, voice high and clearly
humiliated. “Fancy
meeting you both here… in the garden of darkness… at night…”
He coughed, looking at his feet, toes wiggling on the ground.

couldn’t help it, his lips twitched now that he was over his
surprise. “So, which one of your friends had you doing this and
what are
you doing Obi-Wan? I imagine streaking alone isn’t enough.” He
raised his brows.

giggled, lifting a hand to muffle her noises even as her blind eyes
continued to dance with amusement.

sharply all the way from his stomach to his face and even the tips of
his ears, Obi-Wan whined a bit and squirmed before sighing heavily
and slumping, an embarrassed smile still on his lips as he peered at
Qui-Gon, tugging on his braid. “Garen, he said couldn’t skinny
dip in the crystal pools without getting caught… a-and I wasn’t
caught in
the pool.” He eeped out.

Qui-Gon gently pushed Tahl’s arm off his shoulder and stripped his
robe from his shoulders, moving over to wrap it around Obi-Wan’s
smaller frame with a smirk. “Well, that is true but in regards to
our less… experienced Jedi or those who subscribe to a chaste way
of living, let’s cover you up.” Qui-Gon teased gently, tweaking
the teen’s nose.

his hands through the sleeves, Obi-Wan smiled shyly up at Qui-Gon and
gave a grateful nod, the color of his cheeks not disappearing and
remaining a stubborn deep red color. Then he gave Qui-Gon a squinted
look and his face transformed to a vauge expression of resignation
and horror mixed into one.

amusing expression really.

going to tell everyone, aren’t you?” He whispered, Tahl finally
losing it fully behind the two other humans as she gave in to the
belly laughs she had wanted to the entire way as
Qui-Gon crossed his arms over his chest with a telling smirk.

Obi-Wan covered his face, quietly cursing Garen and his own
impulsiveness under his breath.

Qui-Gon placed a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and gently steered him
towards the first entrance. “Lets go get you in some clothes you
little heathen.” He teased, grasping Tahl’s arm on the way to
lead her along as Obi-Wan just squeaked weakly in agreement.

a dull moment with a padawan like Obi-Wan.

Prompt: A mission takes Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and anyone else you do or don’t feel like including to question someone at a bdsm dungeon. It’s assumed that the reason Obi is so agitated is because he’s a perfect golden innocent child tm… until someone (or multiple someones) recognize him.

about the club pumping with music and the vibration of the living and
the hazy smell of musky
in the air and atmospheric dimmed light that
all screamed of intimacy,
Obi-Wan tried to hide his nervousness from both his master and

really didn’t want to be at the Glazed Dragon, why their suspect
had run into the bdsm dungeon club he had no idea but they had and
Obi-Wan really wished they had not.

rather he wished that he did not have the companions he currently had
as they looked around the Glazed Dragon at people in various state of
dress, kneeling or sitting and even someone who was engaging in a

were in one of the privacy booths of course but everyone could tell
even if they couldn’t see properly.

wouldn’t matter if they could, if the privacy wasn’t engaged.
Once you entered the Glazed Dragon, you had consented to seeing this
kind of thing because that was in the contract everyone signed before
they entered the second door and just how his master and Quinlan
hadn’t noticed he was not required to sign, Obi-Wan did not know.

how he wished that the perp hadn’t run of into the club, clearly
having a membership that allowed them in and because they were Jedi
and were claiming investigation, all three Jedi were allowed in.

bouncer had only given Qui-Gon and Quinlan some narrow looks before
shrugging and letting them in, neither taking notice of how the
bouncer only gave Obi-Wan friendly nod before the female besalisk
went back to leaning against the wall and watching.

were sending him looks now though, Qui-Gon of exasperation and
Quinlan of amusement as the man threw an arm around him in
companionable affection. “Alright then Obes, I know that you’re
kind of restrained and sorta prudish but you do know that you’re
going to have to open up that mind and accept some practices out
there.” He teased as
a semi nude twi’lek sashayed past them with a leash in her hand,
hooking the ring onto the collar of a burly looking zabrak who she
cooed at.

yelped however as he was shoved off Obi-Wan with the Force by an
irate master, who gave the Jedi knight a slight glare. “Obi-Wan
does not have to do anything he is not comfortable with,” He stated
sternly before hesitating and sighing. “Though Obi-Wan, you do have
to understand and respect the culture and live styles of others.”
He continued a bit more gently.

a bit, Obi-Wan waved his hands. “That’s not it master, I fully
understand and respect a bdsm practice.” He
tried to explain without giving himself away.

was promptly busted when there was a loud squeal and Obi-Wan was
suddenly lifted of his feet by a two meter tall man with long, very
long black hair to his rear tied back, piercing brown eyes and a
beatific smile on his face. “Obi-Wan! Little Imp you didn’t say
you’d be back so soon!” He
cried out happily as he held Obi-Wan up with his arms under the
redhead’s armpits.

deeply, feeling both his master and Quinlan’s eyes on him while
also remembering the last time he saw Karas,
Obi-Wan smiled shyly at the man holding him up, his
large hands under Obi-Wan’s armpits. “Hello Karas sir and I
wasn’t suppose to sir, I’m here on duty.” He explained quickly.

now named Karas face went through several emotions at once, surprise,
disappointment and then last acceptance as he set Obi-Wan down,
nodding. “Oh I see, that explains your companions.” He rumbled,
rubbing his clean chin with a sigh. “That is too bad, I was hoping…
ah well.” He shrugged and smiled.

slightly to the man, Obi-Wan kept the nervous flutters behind a
smile. “Maybe another time, sir.” He offered up, almost purring
when Karas gently patted his head.

that does sound good. But for now I’ll look for another companion.
None as great as you but oh well.” He laughed that booming laugh
before nodding to both Quinlan and Qui-Gon, offering them respect
before wandering further into the club.

Obi-Wan turned around and
smiled meekly at the two wide eyes staring at him, Quinlan even
gaping rather unattractively at Obi-Wan as the kiffar’s muscled
arms hung at his sides. Qui-Gon at least had managed to restrain
himself to simply raising his brows high with wide eyes and crossed
arms over his chest. “I um, I can explain?” He offered up.

that Qui-Gon, with an odd look in his eyes, settled one bushy brow
down and one up. “I imagine I can guess Obi-Wan considering that
interaction.” He stated calmly before tilting his head. “And
since that guess involves being intimately familiar with this place,
I would like to request that you lead the charge to find our suspect,
that good with you padawan?”

horribly and grateful for how the dim light would hide that fact,
Obi-Wan nodded and moved past the two.

he was under no illusion that they would forget about it and that
there would be questions later on, especially Quinlan could be a nosy
bastard and Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon’s burning eyes in his back.

right here and now they were Jedi and they had a smuggler of Force
artifacts to find.

frankly, Obi-Wan was suddenly very relieved that they could both be
professional because the idea of explaining his inclinations in the
Glazed Dragon was not something he was interested in, especially as
they had both gotten a good look at Karas, the tall, barrel chested
man with long hair tied back and the leash on the man’s belt.

he was very happy they were being dutiful because if he had to
explain it now, he would combust with embarrassment.

much for trying to keep a low profile and not letting other Jedi
know.’ He thought mournfully even as he thought he felt a phantom
sensation of a hand in the low of his back, a slight shiver going
through his spine that made him blink and

Vaderkinsgift, does Vader show off to try to make Obi-Wan hot for him? Saber fighting, shirtless, working out, «forgetting» to put clothes on after a shower? Does he compliment Obi-Wan with innuendo? Does he stare in Obi-Wan’s eyes and not let Obi look away? Is he better at flirting than canon Anakin is? I love this AU so much.

Swallowing heavily as he continued working the sponge along the Sith’s back, Obi-Wan desperately wondered what was wrong with him.

He was washing the karking Sith that had him captive, that had him in expensive but sheer clothes and collar and he was fighting against an erection of all things!

It was enough to make Obi-Wan hate himself as he ran the sponge below the water and down before running it up and over the man’s shoulder, trying not to react to the lazy, lidded eyes that watched him when Vader settled back against the tub rim.

Obi-Wan was sure he was going to hate it when the Sith had ordered him to follow to the fresher to the half sunken tub to wash him, was sure he was going to hate it as he disrobed the other but so far he felt like a bitch in heat.

‘What is wrong with me?’ Obi-Wan swallowed, feeling fearful.  

This wasn’t the first time he had felt attracted to the karking Sith either, the man had been wandering around half naked a lot and Obi-Wan wasn’t asexual, Vader was sculpted and he couldn’t deny it, couldn’t deny the sensation when warn fingertips ran along his spine or the fingers rubbing his scalp.

He hated himself for it but at the same time he was craving the sensation of those hands because they were actually kind and yet that was a contradictory feeling because this was the same man who held him captive even if he wasn’t the one to take Obi-Wan captive in the start.

And then he let out a low noise as a warm, wet hand cupped his cheek, the thoughts slipping away as he looked to the yellow eyes.

Vader’s eyes flickered over his face before a slow, predatory smirk crossed his face. “If you want to join me you can Obi-Wan. There’s ample space in the tub.” He crooned.

‘Yeah, no kidding, it’s big enough for two besalisks and still leave space for a human.’ Obi-Wan breathed out while clenching the sponge between his hands, kneading it slowly as he tried to answer but couldn’t find one.

Luckily it seemed the Sith wasn’t going to demand one as he gave a slow shrug. “Fine, go get me some diced fruits and cider.” He drawled as if uninterested in Obi-Wan and for some reason that stung.

Yet Obi-Wan dropped the sponge and got to his feet, padding off on slightly wet feet to the kitchen to do as told with a troubled frown furrowing his face.

He missed out on Anakin’s smug expression as he watched the Jedi go.

He didn’t even mind the blast of cool air that came in and caused goosebumps when the redhead left the room.

No, he didn’t mind at all as his plan was coming to fruition and was closer to it’s goal than ever, Obi-Wan clearly becoming more and more enamored with Anakin as the days went by with affectionate behavior that was slightly pushy when Anakin would linger his hands on the Jedi.

It was a fine balance but the fact that the other was starting to crave his master’s touch was showing that the Sith was clearly making headway.

‘Stockholm syndrom is a hell of a drug,’ He mused to himself, ruffling his hand through his wet hair with a smug smirk. Anakin felt a tiny bit bad for Obi-Wan but not enough to stop, he was a Sith and the other was his. ‘And soon he’ll be mine willingly to the point where he crawls into my bed and sucks my co-’

“I have the fruit master, but there wasn’t any Tatooine pallas cider left so I had to take the chilled white wine from Alderaan instead.” Obi-Wan stated as he stepped into the room, giving a surprised Anakin a challenging look.

Fighting to hide the twitching of his lips, Anakin instead gestured for the other to kneel again by the tub. ‘So not fully tamed huh… a bit of fire left…’ Anakin lifted a cubed piece of melon and feed a surprised Obi-Wan it, feeling soft, full lips brush his fingertips. ‘…I’ll let that fire be. I rather like it as long as he keeps it in private.’ The Sith thought to himself as he licked his lips, running his thumb over the bottom lip until Obi-Wan’s mouth opened.

The tip of his thumb felt the heat and wetness, felt teeth but he didn’t push his luck.

Anakin would be patient in this unlike so many other things until Obi-Wan was ready, after all, the prize would be so much sweeter when it was gained willingly.

‘Beside, I’m not Darth Tarantu the violator, I don’t get off on rape.’ The blond thought to himself with an inward grimace. He never really understood such and intimate act being made into pure violence and fight but then again, as far as he understood, it was never about the sex but about power.

Anakin, or rather Vader, already had power.

What he wanted, no what he craved, was willing submission.

And maybe… he wanted someone to look at him like how he had seen Senator Organa look at Queen Breha, with utter adoration and love shining in his eyes.

He’d settle for adoration he figured as he feed Obi-Wan a piece of pear while sipping at the wine.

What is going to happen to Obi-Wan in Obi in Pain?

in the mirror, Anakin caught the sight of Obi-Wan carefully stepping
into the tub and felt a line of heat travel his spine that made him
stiffen in shock and
disgust at himself.

had been going well lately, Obi-Wan was responding to the improved
healing techniques that Anakin was picking up and with regular
application, both at the temple and out on mission, he was showing
some improvements in his pain coping over
the years.

wasn’t getting better, he never would but still, improvement in
coping and some mild easing of the worst of the pain was
something they all appreciated and celebrated.

sometimes Obi-Wan pushed himself too hard and this was one of them
which was why Anakin was in the bathroom with the other man, intent
on giving him a wash down and make sure he took a medicated bath for
the pain with proper heat and the bathing salt the healers had
recommended without Obi-Wan trying to fuss or strain himself cleaning

had turned away to allow Obi-Wan a little bit of privacy in
undressing, just for the others comfort but forgot the mirror.

Obi-Wan’s pale skin in the misted mirror, the
deep throbbing red of his scar,
the dimple of his back, his
still plump looking rear,
the strong muscles of his thighs dusted
with red hair…

scolded himself for
mentally lingering on the sight in his mind, for his hands itching to

Obi-Wan needed help,
not Anakin being a creep!

Obi-Wan hiss softly, Anakin turned quickly and smiled as he saw the
other sitting in the tub, the
water above his nipples as the man sunk back against the tub rim
where the dark green bath pillow for support that Qui-Gon had bought
helped him remain up with little to no effort.

had claimed it was just because of himself but had admitted to Anakin
that if Obi-Wan fell asleep in the tub, the pillow would make it
impossible for the redhead to slip down and drown himself.

was a worry off both
their shoulders honestly.

He asked, rolling up his sleeves as he approached the tub to sit down
on the edge, smiling
at the sight of white foam on top of the water form the bath salt.
have a foamy element added to it.’ Anakin mused.

Smiling up at him, Obi-Wan shrugged. “Waiting for my skin to get used to the heat,” He huffed out, his smile turning a bit tinge with embarrassed. “Thank you for this.”

for the water bowl to scoop water up over Obi-Wan’s head and the
shampoo Obi-Wan preferred, Anakin hummed. “Hey, I like helping
you.” He answered easily while realizing that he did
like helping Obi-Wan.

liked being needed by the other.

Obi-Wan feel better felt… good to him.

just wish I didn’t need it as much as I did.” Obi-Wan confessed
before closing his eyes when Anakin poured a full bowl of water over
his hair to wet it. It wasn’t the first time Anakin or Qui-Gon had
helped him actually so the bowl had been added to the bathroom to
make it easier to help.

out a faint hum, the scent of the medical bath salt in his nose,
Anakin set the bowl and grabbed the shampoo instead. “Honestly, I
don’t mind helping. And you’ve helped me with homework before.”
He added carefully before setting his hands to the others wet copper
hair, rubbing in the dollop of soap slowly to foam it up.

different,” Obi-Wan argued, his eyes still closed.

his fingers through the thick hair, Anakin let out a small snort.
“Not really, I had a lot to learn that those who grew up in the
temple already knew. You helped me. You’ve even helped me to the
fresher remember?” Anakin chuckled faintly, scratching lightly at
the others scalp.

be fair,” Obi-Wan chuckled too. “You couldn’t walk without
support.” He pointed out, tilting his head back into Anakin’s

so let me support you now.” Anakin answered softly, feeling the
steam of the water make his face wet and yet not caring as he
continued slowly washing out Obi-Wan’s hair and then moving down to
his beard.

snorted, but stopped complaining, leaning into the fingers washing
out his beard. “…Anakin?” He whispered, his lips brushing
Anakin’s fingers.

Anakin rubbed his fingertips in circles, trying not to stare at the
pink mouth so close to his fingers, wondering what those lips would
feel like against his before mentally groaning about being a creep
with how Obi-Wan was trusting him.

you.” Obi-Wan murmured.

Anakin smiled brightly down at the other Jedi with his eyes still
closed. “Any time Obi-Wan.”

What is going to happen to Obi-Wan in Obi in Pain?

in the mirror, Anakin caught the sight of Obi-Wan carefully stepping
into the tub and felt a line of heat travel his spine that made him
stiffen in shock and
disgust at himself.

had been going well lately, Obi-Wan was responding to the improved
healing techniques that Anakin was picking up and with regular
application, both at the temple and out on mission, he was showing
some improvements in his pain coping over
the years.

wasn’t getting better, he never would but still, improvement in
coping and some mild easing of the worst of the pain was
something they all appreciated and celebrated.

sometimes Obi-Wan pushed himself too hard and this was one of them
which was why Anakin was in the bathroom with the other man, intent
on giving him a wash down and make sure he took a medicated bath for
the pain with proper heat and the bathing salt the healers had
recommended without Obi-Wan trying to fuss or strain himself cleaning

had turned away to allow Obi-Wan a little bit of privacy in
undressing, just for the others comfort but forgot the mirror.

Obi-Wan’s pale skin in the misted mirror, the
deep throbbing red of his scar,
the dimple of his back, his
still plump looking rear,
the strong muscles of his thighs dusted
with red hair…

scolded himself for
mentally lingering on the sight in his mind, for his hands itching to

Obi-Wan needed help,
not Anakin being a creep!

Obi-Wan hiss softly, Anakin turned quickly and smiled as he saw the
other sitting in the tub, the
water above his nipples as the man sunk back against the tub rim
where the dark green bath pillow for support that Qui-Gon had bought
helped him remain up with little to no effort.

had claimed it was just because of himself but had admitted to Anakin
that if Obi-Wan fell asleep in the tub, the pillow would make it
impossible for the redhead to slip down and drown himself.

was a worry off both
their shoulders honestly.

He asked, rolling up his sleeves as he approached the tub to sit down
on the edge, smiling
at the sight of white foam on top of the water form the bath salt.
have a foamy element added to it.’ Anakin mused.

Smiling up at him, Obi-Wan shrugged. “Waiting for my skin to get used to the heat,” He huffed out, his smile turning a bit tinge with embarrassed. “Thank you for this.”

for the water bowl to scoop water up over Obi-Wan’s head and the
shampoo Obi-Wan preferred, Anakin hummed. “Hey, I like helping
you.” He answered easily while realizing that he did
like helping Obi-Wan.

liked being needed by the other.

Obi-Wan feel better felt… good to him.

just wish I didn’t need it as much as I did.” Obi-Wan confessed
before closing his eyes when Anakin poured a full bowl of water over
his hair to wet it. It wasn’t the first time Anakin or Qui-Gon had
helped him actually so the bowl had been added to the bathroom to
make it easier to help.

out a faint hum, the scent of the medical bath salt in his nose,
Anakin set the bowl and grabbed the shampoo instead. “Honestly, I
don’t mind helping. And you’ve helped me with homework before.”
He added carefully before setting his hands to the others wet copper
hair, rubbing in the dollop of soap slowly to foam it up.

different,” Obi-Wan argued, his eyes still closed.

his fingers through the thick hair, Anakin let out a small snort.
“Not really, I had a lot to learn that those who grew up in the
temple already knew. You helped me. You’ve even helped me to the
fresher remember?” Anakin chuckled faintly, scratching lightly at
the others scalp.

be fair,” Obi-Wan chuckled too. “You couldn’t walk without
support.” He pointed out, tilting his head back into Anakin’s

so let me support you now.” Anakin answered softly, feeling the
steam of the water make his face wet and yet not caring as he
continued slowly washing out Obi-Wan’s hair and then moving down to
his beard.

snorted, but stopped complaining, leaning into the fingers washing
out his beard. “…Anakin?” He whispered, his lips brushing
Anakin’s fingers.

Anakin rubbed his fingertips in circles, trying not to stare at the
pink mouth so close to his fingers, wondering what those lips would
feel like against his before mentally groaning about being a creep
with how Obi-Wan was trusting him.

you.” Obi-Wan murmured.

Anakin smiled brightly down at the other Jedi with his eyes still
closed. “Any time Obi-Wan.”