Is Notstrangerstothedark done or can I prompt it again? Because i would love to see Anakin and Obi-Wan’s confrontation, please?

with Padme had helped him clear his head a bit but Anakin had to
admit, he still wasn’t very happy with his master when he finally
returned to the temple and to learn that they would be shipped out
without him…

why wasn’t Obi-Wan being shipped out?

his eyes at his former master’s back as the other puttered with his
tea set for sapir tea, Anakin bit his lips before stepping forward
and turning the other around firmly. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan yelped in
surprise before outright crying out in shock
when the other Jedi firmly stuck his hands under Obi-Wan’s
and lifted him clean off his feet.

the Tatooine native’s face dropped from concentrated frustration to
understanding shock as he stared at the Stewjoni, Anakin’s mouth
dropping open as Obi-Wan squirmed in his grasp and held onto Anakin’s
wrists while loudly complaining and demanding to be set down and how
undignified they both looked. “You lost weight!” Anakin snapped
out as if personally offended by that fact, dropping Obi-Wan down on
his feet.

his hands still on Anakin’s wrists, Obi-Wan stared up at him before
hunching in a bit.

dropping and pulling up around his ears, eyes turning to his bare
feet and spine curving.

the sight made the anger in Anakin’s chest still then sputter out
as if someone had thrown cold water on it, the blond sighing deeply.
“Is this why Vos and Bant are hanging around? You’re missing
meals and replacing sleep with meditation again?”
He questioned quietly, more despairing.

hunched even more in on himself.

then again, disappointment was always worse
than anger.

wonder Vos is all up in arms,” Anakin rubbed a hand over his face,
grunting a bit before settling his fingers under Obi-Wan’s chin,
tilting his master’s head up to look at him. “Why didn’t you
tell me?” He asked quietly. The words ‘I would have helped you’
were clearly tacked on but unsaid between them.

opened his mouth then closed it, trying to gather himself before he
sighed tiredly and leaned back to press his lower back to the counter
and escape Anakin’s rather gentle fingers under his chin. “I
just… I didn’t want to worry you or upset you. You tend to…
overreact when I don-”

deadpanned look crossed Anakin’s face, cutting Obi-Wan’s stilted
words off without the blond needing to do anything else. “Right,
because you losing and gaining it like a yo-yo
is so healthy and therefor we are going to react like normal adults
about it, its not like you’re putting your body through massive
strain.” He said bitingly, sighing when Obi-Wan flinched.

two went quiet for a long few minutes, Anakin rubbing his forehead.

you having nightmares too?” The knight murmured then huffed when
Obi-Wan winched. “Of course you are and you didn’t come to me
when you had a panic attack triggered by all of it, nope, Vos had to
find you and I just… Obi-Wan I thought you trusted me?” Anakin
questioned sharply.

as if hit, Obi-Wan looked up at the other in panic. “I do!” He
quickly said. “It’s just that…” Obi-Wan swallowed heavily.

Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, quiet desperation in his voice and somehow
that was worse than the disappointment because Obi-Wan outright
slumped, his head bowing.

just don’t want to be a burden Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered

in surprise, Anakin stared at his brother in all but blood,
hesitating before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the
other Jedi who tensed in his arms.

Obi-Wan dropped his cheek on Anakin’s collarbone, huffing out a
shaking breath. “I just don’t want to become an inconvenience
Anakin…” He added quietly against the black tunic and tabards.
“You have so much else to do. There’s the war, your duties, your
visits to the Senate and then there’s Ahsoka. I don’t want to
steal your time for my problems.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly.

his hands in the dip of Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin bit his lower lip.
‘I could drop a few of those Senate visit… not the ones to Padme
but I’m sure the Chancellor would understand if I tell him I have
Jedi business.’ He mused to himself before holding the other
tightly. “…Please talk with me Obi-Wan, I know its unbecoming
but… I’m still your former padawan, I still care for you and… I
don’t want anyone to take my place.” Anakin admitted quietly,
knowing the other would read between the lines and find Anakin’s

was a little noise against his chest. “…I just don’t want to be
a burden Anakin…” Obi-Wan repeated.

not a burden to me Obi-Wan… why do you keep saying that?’ Anakin
settled his cheek on the others hair, staring at the forgotten kettle
for Obi-Wan’s tea. ‘Why do you think you’ll be a burden…’

Is Notstrangerstothedark done or can I prompt it again? Because i would love to see Anakin and Obi-Wan’s confrontation, please?

with Padme had helped him clear his head a bit but Anakin had to
admit, he still wasn’t very happy with his master when he finally
returned to the temple and to learn that they would be shipped out
without him…

why wasn’t Obi-Wan being shipped out?

his eyes at his former master’s back as the other puttered with his
tea set for sapir tea, Anakin bit his lips before stepping forward
and turning the other around firmly. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan yelped in
surprise before outright crying out in shock
when the other Jedi firmly stuck his hands under Obi-Wan’s
and lifted him clean off his feet.

the Tatooine native’s face dropped from concentrated frustration to
understanding shock as he stared at the Stewjoni, Anakin’s mouth
dropping open as Obi-Wan squirmed in his grasp and held onto Anakin’s
wrists while loudly complaining and demanding to be set down and how
undignified they both looked. “You lost weight!” Anakin snapped
out as if personally offended by that fact, dropping Obi-Wan down on
his feet.

his hands still on Anakin’s wrists, Obi-Wan stared up at him before
hunching in a bit.

dropping and pulling up around his ears, eyes turning to his bare
feet and spine curving.

the sight made the anger in Anakin’s chest still then sputter out
as if someone had thrown cold water on it, the blond sighing deeply.
“Is this why Vos and Bant are hanging around? You’re missing
meals and replacing sleep with meditation again?”
He questioned quietly, more despairing.

hunched even more in on himself.

then again, disappointment was always worse
than anger.

wonder Vos is all up in arms,” Anakin rubbed a hand over his face,
grunting a bit before settling his fingers under Obi-Wan’s chin,
tilting his master’s head up to look at him. “Why didn’t you
tell me?” He asked quietly. The words ‘I would have helped you’
were clearly tacked on but unsaid between them.

opened his mouth then closed it, trying to gather himself before he
sighed tiredly and leaned back to press his lower back to the counter
and escape Anakin’s rather gentle fingers under his chin. “I
just… I didn’t want to worry you or upset you. You tend to…
overreact when I don-”

deadpanned look crossed Anakin’s face, cutting Obi-Wan’s stilted
words off without the blond needing to do anything else. “Right,
because you losing and gaining it like a yo-yo
is so healthy and therefor we are going to react like normal adults
about it, its not like you’re putting your body through massive
strain.” He said bitingly, sighing when Obi-Wan flinched.

two went quiet for a long few minutes, Anakin rubbing his forehead.

you having nightmares too?” The knight murmured then huffed when
Obi-Wan winched. “Of course you are and you didn’t come to me
when you had a panic attack triggered by all of it, nope, Vos had to
find you and I just… Obi-Wan I thought you trusted me?” Anakin
questioned sharply.

as if hit, Obi-Wan looked up at the other in panic. “I do!” He
quickly said. “It’s just that…” Obi-Wan swallowed heavily.

Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, quiet desperation in his voice and somehow
that was worse than the disappointment because Obi-Wan outright
slumped, his head bowing.

just don’t want to be a burden Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered

in surprise, Anakin stared at his brother in all but blood,
hesitating before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the
other Jedi who tensed in his arms.

Obi-Wan dropped his cheek on Anakin’s collarbone, huffing out a
shaking breath. “I just don’t want to become an inconvenience
Anakin…” He added quietly against the black tunic and tabards.
“You have so much else to do. There’s the war, your duties, your
visits to the Senate and then there’s Ahsoka. I don’t want to
steal your time for my problems.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly.

his hands in the dip of Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin bit his lower lip.
‘I could drop a few of those Senate visit… not the ones to Padme
but I’m sure the Chancellor would understand if I tell him I have
Jedi business.’ He mused to himself before holding the other
tightly. “…Please talk with me Obi-Wan, I know its unbecoming
but… I’m still your former padawan, I still care for you and… I
don’t want anyone to take my place.” Anakin admitted quietly,
knowing the other would read between the lines and find Anakin’s

was a little noise against his chest. “…I just don’t want to be
a burden Anakin…” Obi-Wan repeated.

not a burden to me Obi-Wan… why do you keep saying that?’ Anakin
settled his cheek on the others hair, staring at the forgotten kettle
for Obi-Wan’s tea. ‘Why do you think you’ll be a burden…’

Could we see Not strangers to the dark again pleasz? Perhaps Anakin complaining to Padme about Obi-Wan and his friends ? He seems jalous in what we have seen.

In her time knowing
Anakin Skywalker there was one thing she had learned early on when
she had met the awkward but adorable teen he had become and that was
when her husband came home and sulked into the flatcakes, something
was bugging him.

Getting to her
feet, Padme moved around the table and stepped behind him, leaning
down to wrap her arms around his shoulders and rest her hands gently
on his chest.

His mech arm came
up quickly to rest on her arm, rubbing lightly as he leaned back in
her embrace willing so at least he wasn’t angry but that meant that
he was upset for some reason and if Padme was to guess, it would have
something to do with Obi-Wan Kenobi as six out of ten times it was
usually the former teacher of Anakin that had somehow managed to
upset Anakin.

Nosing the others
ear, Padme rubbed gently at the man’s chest. “What’s wrong
love? You’re not like you to be gloomy into your flatcakes.” She
asked, knowing better then to say sulk as Anakin would vehemently
deny he was sulking.

Grunting a bit and
squeezing her hand, Anakin resisted answering until Padme pressed a
soft kiss to his cheek which gained her a cheek. “Its… Obi-Wan.”
He mumbled out reluctantly.

‘And bingo, I
knew. Oh what has he done this time.’ She speculated a bit

Half the time
Obi-Wan hadn’t really done anything to garner Anakin’s mood
except be a different person with different opinions but Padme was
getting a bit tired of dealing with Anakin’s moodiness when it came
to his former master if she was honest.

While pondering
what to say to get Anakin to talk, Padme was surprised when the blond
stood up, breaking her hug.

“He’s such an
emotionally constipated idiot but when Quinlan Vos drags him to bed
he lets him cuddle!?” The man started to pace.

Blinking hard,
Padme stared at her husband as he paced their kitchen. “…Are you
telling me you’re upset because you discovered Quinlan Vos and
Obi-Wan in bed together?” She queried with confusion, frowning when
the blond nodded as understanding bloomed in her mind.

“I’m his former
padawan,” Anakin ranted, dragging his fingers through his curls.
“He should come to me if he needs someone!”

Sighing deeply,
Padme pinched the bridge of her nose. “…Anakin, being jealous
about Obi-Wan getting some comfort isn’t really going to help
anyone, least of all you.” She stated gently.

“I’m not
jealous!” Anakin turned on his heel to stare at her as he yelled
before wincing at her glare and looking down at his naked toes.
“…I’m… I just don’t get why he won’t come to me when
something is wrong.” Anakin finally muttered.

“Did he go to
Vos?” Padme asked, finding it hard to think the master Jedi would.

Shifting a bit,
Anakin shrugged. “I… no. No I don’t think so, Vos kind of
jumped me asking what I’d done to give Obi-Wan a breakdown, which I
hadn’t!” He quickly explained when Padme’s brows jumped to her
hairline. “But apparently Obi-Wan had one and Vos just-”

“Was being a
friend and taking care of said friend?” Padme said gently while
walking over to Anakin, rubbing her husband’s upper arms. “Doing
what old childhood friends should do for each other when one is in

Glancing at her, a
mix between ashamed and pouting, Anakin shrugged. “I… guess.”

Standing up on her
toes, Padme pressed a chaste kiss to Anakin’s lips. “How about we
eat, you help me dress and then you head back to the temple as I go
to the Senate because if Obi-Wan needs Vos… he certainly also needs
you. After all, you love him just as much as Vos does.” Padme
stated with a smile.

Flustering a bit,
Anakin nodded mutely before smiling and leaning down to kiss her
again. “Yeah… yeah you’re right. You’re always right angel.”
He huffed in amusement before wrapping her in a tight hug.

‘Well, hopefully
this won’t make Anakin sulk even more.’ Padme decided to look at
the situation optimistically.

Could we see Not strangers to the dark again pleasz? Perhaps Anakin complaining to Padme about Obi-Wan and his friends ? He seems jalous in what we have seen.

In her time knowing
Anakin Skywalker there was one thing she had learned early on when
she had met the awkward but adorable teen he had become and that was
when her husband came home and sulked into the flatcakes, something
was bugging him.

Getting to her
feet, Padme moved around the table and stepped behind him, leaning
down to wrap her arms around his shoulders and rest her hands gently
on his chest.

His mech arm came
up quickly to rest on her arm, rubbing lightly as he leaned back in
her embrace willing so at least he wasn’t angry but that meant that
he was upset for some reason and if Padme was to guess, it would have
something to do with Obi-Wan Kenobi as six out of ten times it was
usually the former teacher of Anakin that had somehow managed to
upset Anakin.

Nosing the others
ear, Padme rubbed gently at the man’s chest. “What’s wrong
love? You’re not like you to be gloomy into your flatcakes.” She
asked, knowing better then to say sulk as Anakin would vehemently
deny he was sulking.

Grunting a bit and
squeezing her hand, Anakin resisted answering until Padme pressed a
soft kiss to his cheek which gained her a cheek. “Its… Obi-Wan.”
He mumbled out reluctantly.

‘And bingo, I
knew. Oh what has he done this time.’ She speculated a bit

Half the time
Obi-Wan hadn’t really done anything to garner Anakin’s mood
except be a different person with different opinions but Padme was
getting a bit tired of dealing with Anakin’s moodiness when it came
to his former master if she was honest.

While pondering
what to say to get Anakin to talk, Padme was surprised when the blond
stood up, breaking her hug.

“He’s such an
emotionally constipated idiot but when Quinlan Vos drags him to bed
he lets him cuddle!?” The man started to pace.

Blinking hard,
Padme stared at her husband as he paced their kitchen. “…Are you
telling me you’re upset because you discovered Quinlan Vos and
Obi-Wan in bed together?” She queried with confusion, frowning when
the blond nodded as understanding bloomed in her mind.

“I’m his former
padawan,” Anakin ranted, dragging his fingers through his curls.
“He should come to me if he needs someone!”

Sighing deeply,
Padme pinched the bridge of her nose. “…Anakin, being jealous
about Obi-Wan getting some comfort isn’t really going to help
anyone, least of all you.” She stated gently.

“I’m not
jealous!” Anakin turned on his heel to stare at her as he yelled
before wincing at her glare and looking down at his naked toes.
“…I’m… I just don’t get why he won’t come to me when
something is wrong.” Anakin finally muttered.

“Did he go to
Vos?” Padme asked, finding it hard to think the master Jedi would.

Shifting a bit,
Anakin shrugged. “I… no. No I don’t think so, Vos kind of
jumped me asking what I’d done to give Obi-Wan a breakdown, which I
hadn’t!” He quickly explained when Padme’s brows jumped to her
hairline. “But apparently Obi-Wan had one and Vos just-”

“Was being a
friend and taking care of said friend?” Padme said gently while
walking over to Anakin, rubbing her husband’s upper arms. “Doing
what old childhood friends should do for each other when one is in

Glancing at her, a
mix between ashamed and pouting, Anakin shrugged. “I… guess.”

Standing up on her
toes, Padme pressed a chaste kiss to Anakin’s lips. “How about we
eat, you help me dress and then you head back to the temple as I go
to the Senate because if Obi-Wan needs Vos… he certainly also needs
you. After all, you love him just as much as Vos does.” Padme
stated with a smile.

Flustering a bit,
Anakin nodded mutely before smiling and leaning down to kiss her
again. “Yeah… yeah you’re right. You’re always right angel.”
He huffed in amusement before wrapping her in a tight hug.

‘Well, hopefully
this won’t make Anakin sulk even more.’ Padme decided to look at
the situation optimistically.

Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

Not strangers to the dark please ? Can we see the visit to Bant ? Old memories and friendship and support. And at the end, Obi-Wan and Quinlan sleeping again like two puppies in a basket because I love platonic bed sharing and male characters refusing male toxicity and accepting help and support.

Levering the human a disappointed stare, Bant gave a deep sigh.“Obi-Wan, you lost another five kg in the field. Your tally is now sixty three kg and you’re officially on the underweight scale Obi-Wan.” Bant said while carefully pushing the other off the scale towards the bed.

“I’m not trying to loose weight Bant, I promise I’m not but youknow how hard it is out there,” Obi-Wan defended himself quietly while settling on the examination bed and giving her his arm to draw a blood test. “I’m running ragged out there.” Obi-Wan confessed.

Settling the blood into the machine, Bant sat down on her chair to peer up at her old childhood friend. “Obi-Wan, if you continue to loose weight, you’re going to put yourself in sever danger and I will have to temple restrict you and ban you from active missions. ”She said quietly while resting a webbed hand on his knee.

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan rubbed his face with his hand and peered over it when she squeezed his knee.

“We can soon see your ribs if you continue this Obi-Wan, do you remember what Qui-Gon did when you lost so much weight your ribs started showing?” She said softly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at her before letting out a soft laugh. “He ate every meal with me, kept enriching them with nourishment powder and always carried things like nuts or fruit leathers on him until I gained ten kg. And always kept snacks on him after that just incase.” He said softly, remembering this part of his master fondly.

She smiled at him too, rubbing her thumbs over his knees slowly as he sat there in his thin tunics. “…Quinlan said you had a panic attack.” Bant stated, not asking anything outright but clearly offering to be his ear.

Sighing a bit, Obi-Wan patted the others hands. “Nightmares, they’ve become more common occurrence since the start of the war unfortunately and this time I didn’t handle them so well I’m sorry to say,” Obi-Wan said quietly while rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles slowly. “I was back on Theed and… I couldn’tdo anything to save Qui-Gon once more.” He sighed quietly, wondering how life got this way before squeezing gently down on Bant’s hands.

Smiling at him, Bant stood. “I’m going to prescribe you some sleeping aids Obi-Wan. You clearly need it though I’m only going to give youfor two weeks,” She sent him a stern look when he opened his mouth.“You will take them because I am going to ensure you are medically grounded for two weeks at least to allow you time to recover and I know Quinlan is going to be in the temple too.”

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly before smiling at the second part of the information. “I guess… I could spend a week in the temple.” He murmured.

“Two.”Bant said stubbornly, sending him a stern look.

“Two.”Obi-Wan sighed, lifting his hands in surrender.

Of course the first thing Bant did after making sure the council was informed was to inform Quinlan who showed up at the quarters and dragged Obi-Wan to dinner and then bed where they curled up around each other.

The sleeping aid was part of the reason Obi-Wan was asleep rather quickly yes but it was also the sensation of being curled up with someone familiar and safe, Obi-Wan leeching the heat of Quinlan’s body.

Hedidn’t even notice the door opening sometime in the night and Anakin peeking in, a jealous frown on the blonds face before the door shut, the sleeping master unaware in his deep aided sleep in his friends arms.

Not strangers to the dark please ? Can we see the visit to Bant ? Old memories and friendship and support. And at the end, Obi-Wan and Quinlan sleeping again like two puppies in a basket because I love platonic bed sharing and male characters refusing male toxicity and accepting help and support.

Levering the human a disappointed stare, Bant gave a deep sigh.“Obi-Wan, you lost another five kg in the field. Your tally is now sixty three kg and you’re officially on the underweight scale Obi-Wan.” Bant said while carefully pushing the other off the scale towards the bed.

“I’m not trying to loose weight Bant, I promise I’m not but youknow how hard it is out there,” Obi-Wan defended himself quietly while settling on the examination bed and giving her his arm to draw a blood test. “I’m running ragged out there.” Obi-Wan confessed.

Settling the blood into the machine, Bant sat down on her chair to peer up at her old childhood friend. “Obi-Wan, if you continue to loose weight, you’re going to put yourself in sever danger and I will have to temple restrict you and ban you from active missions. ”She said quietly while resting a webbed hand on his knee.

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan rubbed his face with his hand and peered over it when she squeezed his knee.

“We can soon see your ribs if you continue this Obi-Wan, do you remember what Qui-Gon did when you lost so much weight your ribs started showing?” She said softly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at her before letting out a soft laugh. “He ate every meal with me, kept enriching them with nourishment powder and always carried things like nuts or fruit leathers on him until I gained ten kg. And always kept snacks on him after that just incase.” He said softly, remembering this part of his master fondly.

She smiled at him too, rubbing her thumbs over his knees slowly as he sat there in his thin tunics. “…Quinlan said you had a panic attack.” Bant stated, not asking anything outright but clearly offering to be his ear.

Sighing a bit, Obi-Wan patted the others hands. “Nightmares, they’ve become more common occurrence since the start of the war unfortunately and this time I didn’t handle them so well I’m sorry to say,” Obi-Wan said quietly while rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles slowly. “I was back on Theed and… I couldn’tdo anything to save Qui-Gon once more.” He sighed quietly, wondering how life got this way before squeezing gently down on Bant’s hands.

Smiling at him, Bant stood. “I’m going to prescribe you some sleeping aids Obi-Wan. You clearly need it though I’m only going to give youfor two weeks,” She sent him a stern look when he opened his mouth.“You will take them because I am going to ensure you are medically grounded for two weeks at least to allow you time to recover and I know Quinlan is going to be in the temple too.”

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly before smiling at the second part of the information. “I guess… I could spend a week in the temple.” He murmured.

“Two.”Bant said stubbornly, sending him a stern look.

“Two.”Obi-Wan sighed, lifting his hands in surrender.

Of course the first thing Bant did after making sure the council was informed was to inform Quinlan who showed up at the quarters and dragged Obi-Wan to dinner and then bed where they curled up around each other.

The sleeping aid was part of the reason Obi-Wan was asleep rather quickly yes but it was also the sensation of being curled up with someone familiar and safe, Obi-Wan leeching the heat of Quinlan’s body.

Hedidn’t even notice the door opening sometime in the night and Anakin peeking in, a jealous frown on the blonds face before the door shut, the sleeping master unaware in his deep aided sleep in his friends arms.

Not strangers to the dark – yeeess Quin lan and Obi fluffs! Someone need to give the poor Obes love. Where is Bant, reed and his other friends exactly? Are they ripping anakin a new one?

wants you to come by the Halls next time you’re in the temple.”

Obi-Wan paused mid
action, peering at his friend over the bun he had been about to take
a bite out of as Quinlan stared seriously back at him.

“I agree with
her. You need to drop by the halls, she couldn’t tell me how long
you’ve been avoiding it but you have skipped several appointments.”
He said seriously while sitting cross legged on his bunk, Obi-Wan
seated at Quinlan’s desk in the small tent to eat.

Looking away
finally, Obi-Wan set the bun down and rubbed his hands together.
“Thought you two didn’t get along.”

“Bant has a stick
up her ass and worships Yoda but she calls me sometimes to hear about
you, especially now that the war is on. When she heard I was going to
be on the same campaign as you, she gave me a ring to bring it up to
you and not ignore the Hall calls as you normally do.” Quinlan
shrugged, hands resting on his knees.

Snorting a bit,
Obi-Wan rolled one of the styluses on the desk, wincing a bit when
there was a loud sigh.

He looked up when
there was a shift though and watched the other take the one step over
so he stood in front of Obi-Wan instead, Quinlan reaching out and
resting his hands on Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “Obi-Wan,” He said
seriously, leaning slightly down. “You need to go to the Halls, you
need decompression time and I can feel the beat of your heart. Its
not normal, its going to fast.” He said seriously.

shoulders slumped. “They can’t spare me and I don’t want Cody
to be sent out with someone else, enough troopers are dying.” He
whispered up at him, blinking tiredly.

Quinlan squeezed
the others shoulders. “I know but they won’t send the commander
out without you, there are others Obi-Wan, you need at least two days
in the temple to just… breath. Or at least let the healers take a
look at your heart and other functions because its not suppose to go
that fast. You have arrhythmia Obi-Wan and I know your heartbeat was
steady before the war.”

Looking down at his
knees, Obi-Wan drew a hand over his eyes.

“…How about I
go with you when we get to the temple?” Quinlan suddenly offered
and Obi-Wan looked up hopefully, getting a smile. “I’ll go with
you then when we get back. You and me in the halls, just like old
times. Remember when I broke my leg?”

Snorting, Obi-Wan
gave a little snigger. “I had to piggyback you all the way from the
gardens and they still called your master and you had to confess you
were jumping the trees like he told you not to. Tholme was so upset
at you.” He grinned up at him.

“That he was.”
Quinlan chuckled and returned to the seat, settling down again as
Obi-Wan returned to the food before the stew went cold.

They sat together
in companionable silence for long minutes, Quinlan half meditating
and Obi-Wan filling up on food before there was a shift by the tent
doors, Anakin standing there hesitantly with a fold of clothes in his

For a second he
just stared at them, taking in the single bunk and Obi-Wan’s
rumpled clothes before he smiled. “Figured you’d want to get into
clean Obi-Wan, since you weren’t in your tent last night.” He
hefted his arm.

Getting up while
wiping the back of his mouth with one hand, Obi-Wan gave him a wide,
grateful smile. “Yes, thank you Anakin.” He said with
appreciation, accepting the clothes and missing the dark look Quinlan
sent over his shoulder that promised Anakin a sever beat down if he
made Obi-Wan upset for not staying in his own tent.

Anakin just stared
evenly back before looking down to Obi-Wan again. “By the way,
Ahsoka wanted to know if you two were still up for that jar kai
sparring?” He asked on his padawan’s behalf, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan gave an enthusiastic nod as he stepped back to get a
clean tunic on, muttering in relief to himself as he did.

Some things never

Like Obi-Wan’s
need for tidiness and cleanliness.

Not strangers to the dark – yeeess Quin lan and Obi fluffs! Someone need to give the poor Obes love. Where is Bant, reed and his other friends exactly? Are they ripping anakin a new one?

wants you to come by the Halls next time you’re in the temple.”

Obi-Wan paused mid
action, peering at his friend over the bun he had been about to take
a bite out of as Quinlan stared seriously back at him.

“I agree with
her. You need to drop by the halls, she couldn’t tell me how long
you’ve been avoiding it but you have skipped several appointments.”
He said seriously while sitting cross legged on his bunk, Obi-Wan
seated at Quinlan’s desk in the small tent to eat.

Looking away
finally, Obi-Wan set the bun down and rubbed his hands together.
“Thought you two didn’t get along.”

“Bant has a stick
up her ass and worships Yoda but she calls me sometimes to hear about
you, especially now that the war is on. When she heard I was going to
be on the same campaign as you, she gave me a ring to bring it up to
you and not ignore the Hall calls as you normally do.” Quinlan
shrugged, hands resting on his knees.

Snorting a bit,
Obi-Wan rolled one of the styluses on the desk, wincing a bit when
there was a loud sigh.

He looked up when
there was a shift though and watched the other take the one step over
so he stood in front of Obi-Wan instead, Quinlan reaching out and
resting his hands on Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “Obi-Wan,” He said
seriously, leaning slightly down. “You need to go to the Halls, you
need decompression time and I can feel the beat of your heart. Its
not normal, its going to fast.” He said seriously.

shoulders slumped. “They can’t spare me and I don’t want Cody
to be sent out with someone else, enough troopers are dying.” He
whispered up at him, blinking tiredly.

Quinlan squeezed
the others shoulders. “I know but they won’t send the commander
out without you, there are others Obi-Wan, you need at least two days
in the temple to just… breath. Or at least let the healers take a
look at your heart and other functions because its not suppose to go
that fast. You have arrhythmia Obi-Wan and I know your heartbeat was
steady before the war.”

Looking down at his
knees, Obi-Wan drew a hand over his eyes.

“…How about I
go with you when we get to the temple?” Quinlan suddenly offered
and Obi-Wan looked up hopefully, getting a smile. “I’ll go with
you then when we get back. You and me in the halls, just like old
times. Remember when I broke my leg?”

Snorting, Obi-Wan
gave a little snigger. “I had to piggyback you all the way from the
gardens and they still called your master and you had to confess you
were jumping the trees like he told you not to. Tholme was so upset
at you.” He grinned up at him.

“That he was.”
Quinlan chuckled and returned to the seat, settling down again as
Obi-Wan returned to the food before the stew went cold.

They sat together
in companionable silence for long minutes, Quinlan half meditating
and Obi-Wan filling up on food before there was a shift by the tent
doors, Anakin standing there hesitantly with a fold of clothes in his

For a second he
just stared at them, taking in the single bunk and Obi-Wan’s
rumpled clothes before he smiled. “Figured you’d want to get into
clean Obi-Wan, since you weren’t in your tent last night.” He
hefted his arm.

Getting up while
wiping the back of his mouth with one hand, Obi-Wan gave him a wide,
grateful smile. “Yes, thank you Anakin.” He said with
appreciation, accepting the clothes and missing the dark look Quinlan
sent over his shoulder that promised Anakin a sever beat down if he
made Obi-Wan upset for not staying in his own tent.

Anakin just stared
evenly back before looking down to Obi-Wan again. “By the way,
Ahsoka wanted to know if you two were still up for that jar kai
sparring?” He asked on his padawan’s behalf, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan gave an enthusiastic nod as he stepped back to get a
clean tunic on, muttering in relief to himself as he did.

Some things never

Like Obi-Wan’s
need for tidiness and cleanliness.