How is Obi doing with his mini apprentice in Alive But Lost?

holocron bounced against his hip as he bore it openly alongside his
saber, a small smile on his lips as he passed several Sith.

of them only nodded while other had a knee jerk reaction to seeing
the former amnesiac abductive with what was clearly a Sith holocron
on his belt as he moved about. Obi-Wan knew that some members were
still suspicious of him but those who really mattered, Qui-Gon, Yan,
Feemor, Xanatos and Anakin, they trusted him with no suspicion and
only worry for his health attached.

combination of Jedi meditation and Sith techniques were also aiding
him in recovering his memories slowly and steadily and for all the
pain it had brought people, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but be a tiny bit

and clinical as it had been, his Jedi training was proving to be
quite useful.

when training Anakin because that little troll was proving to be
quite the handful as he was a clumsy little thing, his body growing
and therefor sending him tumbling ass over heels quite often if he
rushed or during sparrings.

Obi-Wan was to take a guess, he would be choosing the form ataru for
the young man with his high energy levels but maybe…
shien might fit him better.

could be aggressive, he didn’t like to lay in wait and ambush and
preferred to create his own openings to attack.

the way of the krayt dragon could do him better, a mix of
defensiveness and yet also combined with attack that would stop him
from becoming restless and Obi-Wan was sure if he asked one of the
battle masters of the temple then he could be taught.

at least lay the foundation for Anakin so he could later on choose if
he would go with the classical shien form or develop it further for
djem so.

was more suited for blocking blasts while the other was more for
blade to blade battle.

wouldn’t be so bad to teach him both.’ Obi-Wan mused to himself
as he finally arrived at the language classrooms, knowing that Anakin
and his class were getting tested on huttese and he was rather sure,
thanks to the blonds unfortunate past, that Anakin was going to be
quick and brilliant in the spoken version of the test.

spelling might need work however and would take longer time.

still, Obi-Wan would rather know what he would need to work on
further with his apprentice and a good basic in huttese would allow
Anakin to learn both aqualish and rodian easier since the structured
similarities in the languages were very similiar and he grinned
brightly when the door opened to let the class out finally, Anakin
following Dara out with a gloomy look on his face only for the blond
to brighten up when he saw Obi-Wan.

He cheered, pulling from the pack of classmates to race into
Obi-Wan’s chest.

his arms around the boy, Obi-Wan chortled, eyes flashing yellow
unknowingly and comforting a few of the Sith watching. “Hello there
little troll, I’ve come to drag you to train.” He teased gently,
laughing when the boy groaned.

tell me we’re doing saber practice, my butt is numb!” Anakin
stared up at him with wide eyes. “We’ve been testing for two
hours and I swear my butt is going to fall off if I have to sit

the boy in the forehead, Obi-Wan smirked. “Patience is a virtue,
you may have to remain still for much longer come ambush missions but
luckily for you, we are indeed going to do saber practice as I think
I know which form to teach you finally.” He teased warmly, his
smirk softening to a gentle smile at Anakin’s excitement.

do!?” Anakin latched onto Obi-Wan’s hand and pulled him, eager to
get to one of the sparring salle.

the boy pull him along, Obi-Wan felt the warmth of the sun through
windows and the chattering of Sith around them, a sense of peace and
safety settling in his bones.

was home with his family surrounding him and he was finally, finally
to be who and what he was.

How about some Mace and youngling interaction to counteract Anakin’s view of him?

is something really annoying about being sent as a messenger boy
through the temple but Anakin can’t really complain considering
it’s not only the Temple’s communications that is on the fritz
but the entire of Coruscant with the Chancellor having to use the
emergency holochannels to really reach people to inform them that
there are faulty signals interfering with the standard comm signals.

it is basically all scrambled and people are reduced to running
around, informing each other by foot and several droids are very

has had to listen to R2 yelling obscenities in binary for a good half
hour before he managed to escape the angry astromech.

now he’s being a messenger boy, Obi-Wan having turned his deadly
pleading eyes on Anakin while begging him to go inform Windu, who was
apparently in the creche, that there was a council meeting.

how big the creche was…

Anakin asked one of the crechemaster where he could find Windu, the
woman covering her mouth for a moment before clearing her throat and

he’s holding some kind of boring little lecture on containing
emotions and not getting attached to toys.’ Anakin grumbled to
himself as he made his way towards the room pointed out. ‘Those
poor little souls, best save them from Windu’s grumpy sourpuss fa-’

stopped working as he took in the room.

room pretty much looked like any play room of the creche when in use,
full of kids, toys everywhere, kids sectioned into groups depending
on what they were doing.

was even a few hand prints in different colors on the wall from
finger paints that Anakin knew from experience that would be hell to
scrub from the wall as he had come to learn during creche duty.

it was Windu that had Anakin’s attention.

Windu was sitting with a group of five younglings at a squat little
table on one of the tiny chairs, a little porcelain yellow cup in his
giant looking hands, having a tea party with two rodians, one wookie,
one zabrak and a human.

that in itself would have been enough to cause Anakin to pause, Mace
Windu having a pretend tea party with the younglings.

that was not the end to the madness.

the kids had also given Windu a makeover, the master of the order’s
lips smeared in bright purple play lipstick, sparkly pink blush that
could barely be seen with the man’s dark skin, a sparkly top that
barely fit the man and must be stretchy and what was in essence a
vulture wide brim hat.

at the vulture hat, Anakin could slowly feel his jaw drop.

was a wide brimmed brown hat, the vulture clearly fake but glaring at
everyone with a faux fur trim around it, looking like the damn fake
thing was about to swoop off and caw at everyone.

it seemed the man noticed Anakin, giving him a haughty look, the
makeup and outfit he was in doing nothing to take away from his

Knight Skywalker, was there something you needed?” He questioned
dryly, raising the cup to his lips and then blinking and peering into
it, as if suddenly realizing that it was pretend and therefor there
would be no tea.

emergency council meeting?” Anakin managed to get out, his voice

was a chorus of disappointed groans, the little wookie latching onto
Windu while rawring up at him sadly.

dear, well that’s too bad. I seem to be in a meeting already with
the younglings of bantha clan,” Windu answered, patting the
wookie’s head gently. “You’ll just have to inform the others
that I’m stuck and will have to review the meeting holo later on.”
He drawled then smirked when there was a cheer of happiness and the
wookie crawling into Windu’s lap.

Anakin.exe had certainly stopped working.

How about some Mace and youngling interaction to counteract Anakin’s view of him?

is something really annoying about being sent as a messenger boy
through the temple but Anakin can’t really complain considering
it’s not only the Temple’s communications that is on the fritz
but the entire of Coruscant with the Chancellor having to use the
emergency holochannels to really reach people to inform them that
there are faulty signals interfering with the standard comm signals.

it is basically all scrambled and people are reduced to running
around, informing each other by foot and several droids are very

has had to listen to R2 yelling obscenities in binary for a good half
hour before he managed to escape the angry astromech.

now he’s being a messenger boy, Obi-Wan having turned his deadly
pleading eyes on Anakin while begging him to go inform Windu, who was
apparently in the creche, that there was a council meeting.

how big the creche was…

Anakin asked one of the crechemaster where he could find Windu, the
woman covering her mouth for a moment before clearing her throat and

he’s holding some kind of boring little lecture on containing
emotions and not getting attached to toys.’ Anakin grumbled to
himself as he made his way towards the room pointed out. ‘Those
poor little souls, best save them from Windu’s grumpy sourpuss fa-’

stopped working as he took in the room.

room pretty much looked like any play room of the creche when in use,
full of kids, toys everywhere, kids sectioned into groups depending
on what they were doing.

was even a few hand prints in different colors on the wall from
finger paints that Anakin knew from experience that would be hell to
scrub from the wall as he had come to learn during creche duty.

it was Windu that had Anakin’s attention.

Windu was sitting with a group of five younglings at a squat little
table on one of the tiny chairs, a little porcelain yellow cup in his
giant looking hands, having a tea party with two rodians, one wookie,
one zabrak and a human.

that in itself would have been enough to cause Anakin to pause, Mace
Windu having a pretend tea party with the younglings.

that was not the end to the madness.

the kids had also given Windu a makeover, the master of the order’s
lips smeared in bright purple play lipstick, sparkly pink blush that
could barely be seen with the man’s dark skin, a sparkly top that
barely fit the man and must be stretchy and what was in essence a
vulture wide brim hat.

at the vulture hat, Anakin could slowly feel his jaw drop.

was a wide brimmed brown hat, the vulture clearly fake but glaring at
everyone with a faux fur trim around it, looking like the damn fake
thing was about to swoop off and caw at everyone.

it seemed the man noticed Anakin, giving him a haughty look, the
makeup and outfit he was in doing nothing to take away from his

Knight Skywalker, was there something you needed?” He questioned
dryly, raising the cup to his lips and then blinking and peering into
it, as if suddenly realizing that it was pretend and therefor there
would be no tea.

emergency council meeting?” Anakin managed to get out, his voice

was a chorus of disappointed groans, the little wookie latching onto
Windu while rawring up at him sadly.

dear, well that’s too bad. I seem to be in a meeting already with
the younglings of bantha clan,” Windu answered, patting the
wookie’s head gently. “You’ll just have to inform the others
that I’m stuck and will have to review the meeting holo later on.”
He drawled then smirked when there was a cheer of happiness and the
wookie crawling into Windu’s lap.

Anakin.exe had certainly stopped working.

Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


OMG GhostFriend! Can we get big mama bear Qui-Gon swallowing up Obi-wan in a hug when they get back to the temple? After being non-corporal Obi is probably pretty touch starved too. How is he adjusting? Does he get overstimulated? LOOOOVE your work.

was so different now.

many years of literally passing through everyone and everything with
nothing really sticking to him or comforting him though he could
speak to people at least.

the touch of others…

both craved and feared it as he clung to Anakin’s hand every time
he could and yet when bumping shoulders Obi-Wan could feel himself
tense up for just a few clicks as if his body somehow expected to
pass through people.

was lucky the troopers were such understanding people when he
apologized every time he bumped into people and Obi-Wan did suspect
that Anakin had explained the rather unique situation that applied to

had been quite adamant to give him a throughout examination when
they got on the Resolute and his attention had been…

kind of overwhelming.

yet Obi-Wan had missed them when they were gone, something the medic
had noticed before going to one of the lockers and rummaging around,
pulling out a rather heavy blanket in a dark blue fabric and
explaining to Obi-Wan that it was a basic weighted blanket.

had theorized, correctly, that the weighted blanket would help some
of Obi-Wan’s touch starvation and body disassociation which allowed
the Jedi made physical once more to sleep peacefully without Anakin
pretty much holding him the entire night like they had to last night.

it was a comfort to wake in the same room as Anakin, feeling his
warmth close and knowing that he was there as a physical sensation
that Obi-Wan had so missed and longed for.

travel back allowed him to slowly acclimatize to touch, the troopers
starting to pat him on the back, rest their hands on his shoulders
and Anakin outright hugging or holding his hand often.

nothing could prepare him for the moment he stepped off the ramp and
into the Jedi temple as Qui-Gon swept the redhead up into the
tightest hug the other could ever remember being subjected to with
his feet leaving the floor,
his face buried in the folds of Qui-Gon’s tunic.

sharp scent of sapir, of Qui-Gon’s musky soap and of the temple’s
mild detergent
him along with that hug.

scent of safety.

Obi-Wan broke down for the first time in years, his body trembling as
he started to sob into the beige cloth and leave behind darker drops.
First quietly and then until his voice rose in a wail that rose over
the sounds of shuttles being worked on in the hanger as he broke
down, both from the overwhelming sensation of touch and smell but
also of Qui-Gon, the comfort that was currently offered to him.

somehow grew even louder when he felt Anakin settle his hand on his
back, rubbing in a soothing motion yet neither scolded him.

let him cry all those painful tears he had kept inside of him, locked
as he was in limbo where he could see and hear but not be touched.

was too much and yet not enough and Obi-Wan felt his legs falter
under him only for the Jedi master to pick him up as if he was a
child still, as if he was Qui-Gon’s very young and exhausted
padawan who needed to be cared for.

just maybe… that was what he was.

was tired and all Obi-Wan wanted was the comfort he had longed for as
a ghost even though his skin buzzed with the physical sensation to
the point of it almost hurting.

he clung harder to Qui-Gon in desperation, not wanting to lose it too
quickly even as he felt the rocking motions of the man walking with
Anakin following beside.

Obi-Wan registered his hood being raised but he didn’t focus on

focused on the physical sensation of warmth and care being offered to
him and the quiet voice promising that Qui-Gon had him, that he
wasn’t about to let his poor padawan go.

aching, Obi-Wan gave in to that and let his tears bring him to
exhaustion as he tapered off finally and let himself drowse into the
others collarbone, shivering still as he felt them stop yet move at
the same time.


don’t think he can handle a report Mace,” He heard Qui-Gon say,
realizing the other must be talking into his comm link when there was
a thinny noise of Master Mace voice, though
how considering the man’s hands were occupied holding him Obi-Wan
did not know.
“He had an utter breakdown when I hugged him. I’m going to take
him to my quarters and try to settle him. We’ll have to meet
tomorrow or at least once he’s calm.” The master added.

to summon a slick of shame, Obi-Wan only felt gratefulness.

one day to bask in Qui-Gon’s warmth and physical presence.

was all he needed as he
rubbed his nose into the wet fabric while reaching for his bond to
Anakin for emotional support that the blond quickly gave, a hand
returning to his back and considering Qui-Gon’s hands were busy
holding Obi-Wan up, he knew it was Anakin.

one day for comfort.

OMG GhostFriend! Can we get big mama bear Qui-Gon swallowing up Obi-wan in a hug when they get back to the temple? After being non-corporal Obi is probably pretty touch starved too. How is he adjusting? Does he get overstimulated? LOOOOVE your work.

was so different now.

many years of literally passing through everyone and everything with
nothing really sticking to him or comforting him though he could
speak to people at least.

the touch of others…

both craved and feared it as he clung to Anakin’s hand every time
he could and yet when bumping shoulders Obi-Wan could feel himself
tense up for just a few clicks as if his body somehow expected to
pass through people.

was lucky the troopers were such understanding people when he
apologized every time he bumped into people and Obi-Wan did suspect
that Anakin had explained the rather unique situation that applied to

had been quite adamant to give him a throughout examination when
they got on the Resolute and his attention had been…

kind of overwhelming.

yet Obi-Wan had missed them when they were gone, something the medic
had noticed before going to one of the lockers and rummaging around,
pulling out a rather heavy blanket in a dark blue fabric and
explaining to Obi-Wan that it was a basic weighted blanket.

had theorized, correctly, that the weighted blanket would help some
of Obi-Wan’s touch starvation and body disassociation which allowed
the Jedi made physical once more to sleep peacefully without Anakin
pretty much holding him the entire night like they had to last night.

it was a comfort to wake in the same room as Anakin, feeling his
warmth close and knowing that he was there as a physical sensation
that Obi-Wan had so missed and longed for.

travel back allowed him to slowly acclimatize to touch, the troopers
starting to pat him on the back, rest their hands on his shoulders
and Anakin outright hugging or holding his hand often.

nothing could prepare him for the moment he stepped off the ramp and
into the Jedi temple as Qui-Gon swept the redhead up into the
tightest hug the other could ever remember being subjected to with
his feet leaving the floor,
his face buried in the folds of Qui-Gon’s tunic.

sharp scent of sapir, of Qui-Gon’s musky soap and of the temple’s
mild detergent
him along with that hug.

scent of safety.

Obi-Wan broke down for the first time in years, his body trembling as
he started to sob into the beige cloth and leave behind darker drops.
First quietly and then until his voice rose in a wail that rose over
the sounds of shuttles being worked on in the hanger as he broke
down, both from the overwhelming sensation of touch and smell but
also of Qui-Gon, the comfort that was currently offered to him.

somehow grew even louder when he felt Anakin settle his hand on his
back, rubbing in a soothing motion yet neither scolded him.

let him cry all those painful tears he had kept inside of him, locked
as he was in limbo where he could see and hear but not be touched.

was too much and yet not enough and Obi-Wan felt his legs falter
under him only for the Jedi master to pick him up as if he was a
child still, as if he was Qui-Gon’s very young and exhausted
padawan who needed to be cared for.

just maybe… that was what he was.

was tired and all Obi-Wan wanted was the comfort he had longed for as
a ghost even though his skin buzzed with the physical sensation to
the point of it almost hurting.

he clung harder to Qui-Gon in desperation, not wanting to lose it too
quickly even as he felt the rocking motions of the man walking with
Anakin following beside.

Obi-Wan registered his hood being raised but he didn’t focus on

focused on the physical sensation of warmth and care being offered to
him and the quiet voice promising that Qui-Gon had him, that he
wasn’t about to let his poor padawan go.

aching, Obi-Wan gave in to that and let his tears bring him to
exhaustion as he tapered off finally and let himself drowse into the
others collarbone, shivering still as he felt them stop yet move at
the same time.


don’t think he can handle a report Mace,” He heard Qui-Gon say,
realizing the other must be talking into his comm link when there was
a thinny noise of Master Mace voice, though
how considering the man’s hands were occupied holding him Obi-Wan
did not know.
“He had an utter breakdown when I hugged him. I’m going to take
him to my quarters and try to settle him. We’ll have to meet
tomorrow or at least once he’s calm.” The master added.

to summon a slick of shame, Obi-Wan only felt gratefulness.

one day to bask in Qui-Gon’s warmth and physical presence.

was all he needed as he
rubbed his nose into the wet fabric while reaching for his bond to
Anakin for emotional support that the blond quickly gave, a hand
returning to his back and considering Qui-Gon’s hands were busy
holding Obi-Wan up, he knew it was Anakin.

one day for comfort.

So grooming and ears is fricking adorable, and I must ask: what was the clones’ first reaction to seeing cat Jedi?

are two Jedi on Kamino.

is a kel dor who contributes most of the talking with the longnecks,
his tone serene and steady as he follows one of the longnecks around
as they’re given a tour though the noses of the canines can clearly
smell the displeased scent of the male.

other is a munchkin tabby who is dripping water with the grouchiest
of expressions cc-2224 has ever had the pleasure of seeing a feline
wear. Clearly the munchkin has not gotten time to sit down and groom
himself and 2224 feels an itch to go help the feline and after a
moment, he abandons his food bowl.

2224 was to guess, the tabby didn’t want to ask the longnecks for
time to settle or feared that he’d be blow dried.

potentially he would feel embarrassed to hold up the tour though that
felt wrong to 2224 as feline Jedi could be just as their normal
counterparts, just as willful and arrogant as normal cats that
weren’t Force boosted.

feels more than he sees several of the other clones canines pause,
ears swirling in his direction.

munchkin pauses too, peering up at him with green eyes and maybe he’d
be intimidating if he wasn’t wet to the bone with all his fur
sticking to his slender looking body.

2224 was to guess, he’d imagine the other looked tubby normally but
with the fur not fluffing out, he was now just flesh and bone.

I be of help sir? You’re rather in a state.” 2224 offered
nervously, tail twitching nervously and he had to force himself not
to tuck it between his legs.

would be too obvious an emotional indicator and would make the damn
longnecks watch him closely in case he needed to be decommissioned,
something every clone feared.

was an annoyed murple noise and then the munchkin stomped forward and
planted his rear down in front of 2224, tail flickering in annoyance.
you would be doing me the favor of a lifetime.” The
feline bit out.

bit worried about getting scratched, 2224 shifted forward a bit until
the munchkin was between his front legs and then ducked down, slowly
grooming him like he would one of his batchmates.

the first full minute, the feline was tense before slowly a deep
rumbling noise escaped him and he arched himself under 2224 tongue,
letting the larger canine carefully groom him.

the clone heard the kel dor say something to the longneck and then to
the munchkin, the feline responding before turning his attention back
to being groomed as the Jedi walked away, most likely continuing the
tour though the munchkin, Obi-Wan as the kel dor said, remained with

the storms, he was a small thing.

could easily imagine wrapping his jaw around the neck and snapping it
but that was the last thing he wanted to, protective instincts
rearing up just like in response to his smaller clone brothers when
they were decanted.

they didn’t purr when they were decanted, this Jedi feline did as
he relaxed beneath 2224
slow and steady grooming until the feline was quite literally laying
on his back and getting his belly groomed by the dog.

was also growing quite fluffy as
he started to dry off
and if 2224 didn’t know better, he’d call him cute as the
munchkin tapped him on the snout with a paw, purring up a storm.

fluffy and dangerous creature, mighty predators… who apparently had
belly fat and 2224 had to resist the urge to nip at it despite how
tempting it was.

didn’t want to upset the Jedi.

munchkins could carry grudges like no ones business, so
he’s not biting him.

So grooming and ears is fricking adorable, and I must ask: what was the clones’ first reaction to seeing cat Jedi?

are two Jedi on Kamino.

is a kel dor who contributes most of the talking with the longnecks,
his tone serene and steady as he follows one of the longnecks around
as they’re given a tour though the noses of the canines can clearly
smell the displeased scent of the male.

other is a munchkin tabby who is dripping water with the grouchiest
of expressions cc-2224 has ever had the pleasure of seeing a feline
wear. Clearly the munchkin has not gotten time to sit down and groom
himself and 2224 feels an itch to go help the feline and after a
moment, he abandons his food bowl.

2224 was to guess, the tabby didn’t want to ask the longnecks for
time to settle or feared that he’d be blow dried.

potentially he would feel embarrassed to hold up the tour though that
felt wrong to 2224 as feline Jedi could be just as their normal
counterparts, just as willful and arrogant as normal cats that
weren’t Force boosted.

feels more than he sees several of the other clones canines pause,
ears swirling in his direction.

munchkin pauses too, peering up at him with green eyes and maybe he’d
be intimidating if he wasn’t wet to the bone with all his fur
sticking to his slender looking body.

2224 was to guess, he’d imagine the other looked tubby normally but
with the fur not fluffing out, he was now just flesh and bone.

I be of help sir? You’re rather in a state.” 2224 offered
nervously, tail twitching nervously and he had to force himself not
to tuck it between his legs.

would be too obvious an emotional indicator and would make the damn
longnecks watch him closely in case he needed to be decommissioned,
something every clone feared.

was an annoyed murple noise and then the munchkin stomped forward and
planted his rear down in front of 2224, tail flickering in annoyance.
you would be doing me the favor of a lifetime.” The
feline bit out.

bit worried about getting scratched, 2224 shifted forward a bit until
the munchkin was between his front legs and then ducked down, slowly
grooming him like he would one of his batchmates.

the first full minute, the feline was tense before slowly a deep
rumbling noise escaped him and he arched himself under 2224 tongue,
letting the larger canine carefully groom him.

the clone heard the kel dor say something to the longneck and then to
the munchkin, the feline responding before turning his attention back
to being groomed as the Jedi walked away, most likely continuing the
tour though the munchkin, Obi-Wan as the kel dor said, remained with

the storms, he was a small thing.

could easily imagine wrapping his jaw around the neck and snapping it
but that was the last thing he wanted to, protective instincts
rearing up just like in response to his smaller clone brothers when
they were decanted.

they didn’t purr when they were decanted, this Jedi feline did as
he relaxed beneath 2224
slow and steady grooming until the feline was quite literally laying
on his back and getting his belly groomed by the dog.

was also growing quite fluffy as
he started to dry off
and if 2224 didn’t know better, he’d call him cute as the
munchkin tapped him on the snout with a paw, purring up a storm.

fluffy and dangerous creature, mighty predators… who apparently had
belly fat and 2224 had to resist the urge to nip at it despite how
tempting it was.

didn’t want to upset the Jedi.

munchkins could carry grudges like no ones business, so
he’s not biting him.

it’s been a while but. Undeadwalking. do they get off the planet in time? is everyone okay? or what about the reactions from the jedi when they learned about the situation on the planet? or maybe padme’s pov during/after the senate votes to bombard the planet with only a few hours for the ones on it to leave? is the entire situation secret or does the general public know what’s happening – and that The Team are the ones on planet? (sorry, i just really like this au)

heart is in her throat as she rushes through the halls of the Rotunda
her office.

she looks, flocks of Senators and their aides
are gathered, whispering and hissing at each others in worry and
shock, all of them showing various signs of distress or agitation.

outright anger.

all Padme can focus on is the fact that her husband and his men are
on that damnable planet.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are there.

die if they don’t escape it soon.

if one of them is infected…

heart thunders and she feels the urge to vomit, the horrifying image
of the undead stumbling around in a padded cell still playing for her
inner eye as she replaces the human woman with Anakin, super imposes
the rotten flesh and almost bluish skin onto her beloved husband.

had tried to vote against the bombardment but the fear had caused
many other senators to vote for the tactical bombardment, all of them
judging the planet a lost cause and most of them too scared of the
virus escaping to really give the Jedi and their troopers more time.

now Anakin is at risk once more.

for some reason this feels worse, this feels so much worse and it
takes Padme a long time to realize why.

a blaster to the head is a quick death and then it is over for her
beloved husband, her dear Anakin who beams as bright as the sun and
loves her so dearly.

virus however will cook his mind and leave him an undead shambling
corpse that will hurt others.

will break her heart to see him like that and finally locked up in
her own office, Padme has a panic attack as she breaths harshly while
sinking onto her knees
with no one to turn to because how can she explain to anyone that she
hopes that Anakin is either fully healthy or fully dead?

can’t, even her own handmaidens would look at her as if she’s
insane, of that Padme is sure as she presses shaking hands to her

husband is in trouble and there is nothing Padme can do to save him,
nothing she can send that would reach him in time, no weapons she can
give him, no crew, no ship, no information or kind words.

aid at all, Padme Amidala is no stranger to being helpless but in
this moment she can’t remember ever being as helpless as she is
right now.

Anakin, please don’t take stupid risks.’ She thinks shakily as
she looks at her large windows, the Jedi temple far in the distance
as wet trails leak down her cheeks and coat the back of her hands and
as if in response to her tumultuous emotions the dark sky breaks open
and rain pours down.

is oddly fitting.


is something happening but Obi-Wan feels too horrid to get up and
check on the situation, his legs feeling shaky even laying down as he
was with Jesse and Waxer playing a card game and rather obviously
trying to distract him by talking rather loudly.

will only get in the way or distract someone he feels and that is the
last thing they need at this moment so Obi-Wan remains laying in his
area where all sick or injured had been settled aside, his braced
by rods
arm resting on his chest as he listens to Jesse and Waxer discuss the
finer points of blaster rifle care and about the time Waxer had to
remove a leech from his own ass though how that leech managed to get
to the man’s ass he refuses to elaborate on.

Obi-Wan were to take a guess, he’d say it would have something to
do with the leech Boil managed to get near the groin area and certain
activities they were trying to get up to while in a semblance of
privacy only for the leeches to interrupt them.

hey, who was he to judge, both of them were consenting adults after
all and it made for an amusing story later on as Jesse certainly
agreed while laughing.

yet Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the mounting horror filling the
Force that was somehow overcoming the wrongness
of the entire planet thanks to the walking dead all around them.
Clearly something was wrong and normally he’d ask Anakin…

Anakin hadn’t returned since his last visit nor had he called
Obi-Wan to basically interrogate him how he was feeling and that in
itself was telling.

was the biggest of worry warts and the only thing that could trump
his concern was the mounting pressure and panic of something

Obi-Wan had enough of
the mounting horror in the Force
and sat up slowly, squinting
in the bad light of the warehouse towards
the two troopers sitting
on the floor with a crate for a table between them to hold their
cards with
a tired expression as he took in Jesse’s black eye and Waxer’s
braced leg.

with their pale complexion and panicked expressions it really
confirmed his thoughts.

bad was happening. “…Please don’t make me ask outright.”
Obi-Wan stated softly and the two exchanged looks, both Jesse and
Waxer’s face turning even more concerned and sending Obi-Wan’s
stomach plummeting.

Senate has given the go on tactical bombing the planet, with or
without us, Skywalker is trying to get us off but we don’t have
long General.” Waxer finally confessed, his voice nary a whisper.

at the other, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it, nodding
faintly. “…Oh.” He said, voice weak as the words tactical
bombardment echoed in his head.

at least we’re not gonna become zombies? Can you imagine our jaw
just hanging and swaying in the breeze?’ His mind chirped and with
that Obi-Wan lost it as he started laughing on the edge of hysteria,
covering his face with his good, functioning hand and hearing Waxer
yelp in panic and Jesse call for Kix.

there were tears mixed into that, no one called him on it.