So does Anakin make his move? Does Obi-Wan realize he is attracted to his (unknown to him) mate? How do our boys proceed? Is Obi still getting headaches? Have we made friends with the giant slug? The Snails Are Free

Chewing slowly and thoughtfully as he observed the other, ignoring the sounds of quiet conversations and the click of cutlery on plates, Anakin finally reached out with one of his smaller tentacles and brushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind the others ear as the other gave a startled little noise, blinking at the blond with all three eyes.

“Your hair is getting long, it suits you.” Anakin noted, smiling contently.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan set his cutlery down and reached for his wine glass. “I was thinking of having it chopped when we got back to the temple.” He stated a tad wryly, the top of his cheeks notably red as he sipped and Anakin had to fight his own emotions as he noticed the table to the left once more staring at Obi-Wan as he slowly swallowed.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan said he wanted to have some fancier dining, Anakin hadn’t minded it too much.

He was very aware that Obi-Wan quite heartily enjoyed greasy fast food, their trips to Dex with the mountains of food Obi-Wan would sometimes order, being quite revealing in Obi-Wan’s taste.

So if he occasionally wanted to enjoy something a tad fancier, Anakin didn’t mind.

At least Obi-Wan’s definition of fancy was well made food with good ingredient and not fucking gold on food, Anakin never got over his revulsion when rich people did that and he knew Obi-Wan too had a hefty dislike of it.

It was a rather fancy place compared to what Anakin usually preferred. Decorated with what looked like real woods and plants around instead of durasteel and imitation plants or holo projectors, live servers instead of droids and semi shielded tables all around.

It was even mostly full of sentients, sitting in fancy clothes as they dined. On any other day, he might have actually enjoyed the difference compared to Dex Diner.

But seeing people in this restaurant stare at Obi-Wan like they wanted to eat him, instead of their fucking food…

Well, Anakin had the distinct desire to either stab them or throw salt in their eyes. Any eyes he himself was attracting was ignored, he didn’t have eyes for these idiots and the fact that they were mooning at Obi-Wan was frankly pissing Anakin of enough for his tentacles to start shifting in shade.

Something he hadn’t been aware of until Obi-Wan pointed it out, curiously eyeing the grey tentacles turning white as they twitched about. Anakin had to bullshit a bit there, telling Obi-Wan that the it was just all the attention when they were there to eat while being grateful that Obi-Wan no longer got headaches from unexpected eldritch changes.

Not technically a lie, they were being stared of by the clientele of the upper scale restaurant after all.

They all knew who Obi-Wan was, the two Jedi having helped mopping up the insurrection of the planet, a group of dissatisfied outsiders more than anything, and saved the Council of Elders in one fell swoop.

Letting Obi-Wan believe it was because he was annoyed over the attention when he was hungry was easier than letting him know that Anakin was kriffing jealous as fuck and a tad angry the people were being so obvious when Obi-Wan had no interest back.

That and he was a bit terrified that Obi-Wan would return interested if he knew just how much some of these assholes wanted him.

Instead of voicing any of that, Anakin just grinned a tad in response. “I’d rather you didn’t. Never seen you with properly long hair, think you’d look good though but its up to you.” He shrugged absently, absently twirling his fork through the pasta on his plate.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan picked his cutlery back up and cut a nice piece of meat, carefully running it through the sauce. “You like it huh… well, we’ll see. I might keep it, it depends on how much of a hassle it feels like.” He stated a tad thoughtfully.

Anakin couldn’t help but notice that the tips of Obi-Wan’s ears were red too now. ‘…Cute.’

The clones move forward with their plan to take down the senate. Kix finds something interesting on a fellow clones brains scan that sends alarm bells ringing.- Dangerous Galaxy

Looking up from his pad, Cody raised a brow as Wolffe entered the meeting room, watching quietly as his vod made his way over to the hidden cabinet to bring out the moonshine.

The gruff commander uncorked one, glanced at the others and then started chugging directly from the bottle, causing the rest to exchange resigned, worried looks.

This tended only to happen when Wolffe was geared up from something, generally something relating to his Jedi and with everything the troopers were figuring out about how the Senators treated them, a lot were automatically going that direction.

It didn’t get any better when Rex, with Kix in tow, also went straight for the booze, the two clicking the bottles together before chugging.

Pressing his face into his hands, letting out a deep sigh, Cody wondered if he really wanted to know before his mind reminded him that if it had to do with the Jedi, he had to know with what they were planning to do. “…Okay, what’s up?” He finally questioned after a few moments of the two drinking.

Poor Kix looked lost and a bit disapproving at how his captain and the commander was chugging alcohol but the medic instantly turned to Cody at the question. “We have biochips in our heads.” He announced darkly.

Pausing, Cody stared at him before sighing deeply and getting to his feet, moving over to Wolffe and Rex, holding out his hand while mentally noting that he hoped someone refilled the secret cabinet, it was getting a tad empty.

Rex quietly handed over one of the blank bottles and watched Cody chug from it. “Okay, we’ll talk about that after the meeting. Wolffe?” He turned to his vod, ignoring the shifting holos behind him of the other commanders and captains.

“General Plo let it slip that one of the CIS senators once broke his arm.” Wolffe grumbled, glaring at Cody.

Freezing, bottle of moonshine at his lips, Cody’s mind suddenly kicked into high gear.

Of course, of karking course.

The CIS had Senators in the Rotunda once too.

Karking hell.

Of course they too had access to the Jedi at some point.

Slowly he lowered his bottle, letting a deep breath out through his nose. “You get the name from the General?” He questioned, sighing quietly when Wolffe nodded. “Good, I’ll bring the issue up with Senator Amidala when I meet with her again, get some names… I know she has a big black book, actual book, with names for us.” He murmured tiredly.

He ignored Rex and Wolffe exchanging surprised looks. Padme had explained that she kept the black book with her at all times and inserted names as she either heard from the grape wine or saw for herself that someone hurt the Jedi.

A book, made of paper, after all could not be hacked and a book, simply filled with a random amount of names could mean anything. After all, the Senator was smart enough not to fill in the reason on the paper why those particular names were in it.

Things were starting to line up now, three more weeks and they’d take the Senate and Cody’s gut bubbled a bit with the thought of it.

Troopers were already cautiously being rerouted towards Coruscant, quite a bit of slicing around the natborns required to not let them get suspicious. Hell, Cody had even managed to get Tarkin’s battalion rerouted to Coruscant.

He was one of the natborns that would be a casualty of the coup. Cody did not want a man that disregarded his vode as Tarkin around for the aftermath.

They wouldn’t strictly need the superior numbers, looking at it from a logical point. Most of the Senators had no task force of their own and couldn’t fight worth shit but a voice, deep in Cody’s head, wanted more trooper feet on Coruscant.

Something deep in his mind.

Quietly, he turned his head towards Kix, watching the other quietly converse with Fox. That same little voice whispered that he now knew why he wanted the troopers on Coruscant.

Biochips were things slavers used, he had learned about them after Zygerria.

They were normally implanted into a slave with trigger words, trigger orders.

It could make a normally docile person suddenly turn into a violent maniac with the correct phrase or make someone that constantly fought kneel, the right words and suddenly a person might drop to their knees without understanding why.

Makers, sometimes they didn’t even realize that the order was wrong, that it wasn’t something they’d normally do.

A chill went up Cody’s back at the thought of being forced to do something so ingrained against his own moral code it made him wonder…

The nightmares.

Cody’s hand went tight on the bottle, his eyes widening as the thought occurred to him.

The GAR wide nightmare, the nightmare every member of the entire GAR experienced at least once a week if not more.

The nightmares of murdering their own Jedi, even the young ones.

Could it be that?

He knew, from working closely with Obi-Wan, that the question of the clones creation had always been a weird, blurry spot. The idea of Dooku ordering clones for the Jedi, along with the Jedi he had been working with, always having had big question marks with it, but what if it was so simple as these biochips.

What if the creation of the clone army, what if the nightmares and these biochips were related?

Cody suddenly felt very sick, his own dreams of turning his blaster on Obi-Wan, surfacing hard and fast and he wanted to vomit even as he slowly made his way to his seat, sitting down heavily as he let the implication sink in.

If he was right…


There were so many troopers, so many of them on Coruscant at every hour of every day.

If the troopers marched on the temple, their wills wiped, with simply the order of killing every Jedi…

It be a massacre.

Would the chip even make a distinction between the healthy that could fight or the young and the impaired?

Or would they be blasting down every knight, master, padawan, youngling and bed bound Jedi?

The alcohol bubbled in his stomach and Cody felt saliva pool in his mouth, heard Rex ask quietly if he was okay, heard Fox stand as Kix was making his way around the table towards him.

But his mind was caught on Obi-Wan, the sight of his smiling face as Cody gave his saber back, the warm glow of the Jedi’s eyes before his mind twisted the image, Obi-Wan’s eyes wide and full of shock, his own saber piercing his chest, Cody holding the hilt.

Cody turned to the side, just as Kix touched his shoulder and promptly threw up all.

Anakin interacts with his Obi’s new pack mate. Obi sets ground rules for his pup and his pack member.- Lupine Copper

Everyone feed and watered, Obi-Wan let out a tired sigh as he settled forward on the end of the recliner, resting his elbows on his knees while looking between the Sith and Anakin on the couch. “…We’re going to need some ground rules, now that we’re pack.” He stated seriously.

Maul stiffened, sitting back against the couch with his arms crossing over his chest.

Anakin just cuddled up on the other end of the couch, a pillow in his arms and a sleepy, content look on his face.

Being full of food after so much excitement tended to do that and Anakin was young.

He’d likely have to repeat the rules later for the blond’s sake but it was good to start on it now.

“If you two are in trouble, you comm me, regardless what, you involve me,” He stated slowly, looking between them. “I might not always be able to help you get out of trouble but I could at least head off some of it.”

Anakin sat up a bit, biting his lips. “A-Are you expecting us to be in trouble?” He whispered.

Maul’s toxic colored eyes seemed to echo the question.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan first pointed at Anakin. “You are a kit, a child, who likes to tinker. I expect trouble to find you,” He stated a tad wryly, smiling a bit at the sheepish look on Anakin’s face. “And you,” He pointed at Maul, the Sith tensing. “Are a darksider I beat in a vicious battle that has to answer to me due to our instincts. I expect you to make trouble or for other Jedi to do it, which is why I need you to comm me if others trouble Maul.” He stated seriously.

Both Anakin and Maul exchanged looks, seemed to realize what they had done and snapped back to staring at Obi-Wan.

It was almost adorable and Obi-Wan snorted. “Look, not everyone likes were’s in the temple and we’re Jedi. The fact that you’re there is going to be… difficult. Not everyone will agree with it.” Obi-Wan stated severely.

Maul top lip raised, revealing a flash of teeth that were covered when Obi-Wan gave him a penetrating look, the other lowering his eyes in submission.

“But as long as you stay with either me or my master, things will be fine. The council has already agreed to let you come with us.” Reluctantly, very reluctantly but Obi-Wan was nothing if not a fine negotiator in the making and had made his points very clear. Maul was coming with him and that was that. “And I’ll do my best to keep you safe and healthy. With time, the temple will get used to you.”

Maul gained a doubtful look but Obi-Wan didn’t call him out on that.

He would have doubted too. He had doubted it when Qui-Gon had said the same words when he had returned to the temple.

He’d let Maul have his doubt for now.

“Other than that, I expect you both to behave appropriately in the temple, and you Anakin to do your lessons to the best of your capability,” He raised his hand when he saw the other about to interrupt. “I know that you can’t write basic,” Obi-Wan stated softly, smiling softly when Anakin’s cheeks flushed. “That’s why I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you anything you need to know Anakin before you join the other Initiates in class. If there’s anything you’re wondering, anything you don’t know, you can always ask me.”

Anakin looked up, suddenly excited, eyes wide as he sensed the genuine truth in the statement.

He was a very emphatic Force sensitive, most likely a trait he had cultivated to survive as a slave. “I can’t promise I know the answer or can answer your questions well, but I do promise to answer, even if it is to tell you I don’t know.” Obi-Wan promised.

As he did, he flickered his eyes to Maul, meeting the others eyes, giving him the silent promise of the same.

Maul said nothing of course, simply turned his head away but Obi-Wan could see an ocean of questions lined up in his eyes already.

“Other than that, I don’t have any rules. You, Anakin, will be moving in with the Initiates once I taught you what you need to know and you, Maul, will be living with me as I prepare for my Knighthood trials.” Obi-Wan explained what little he already knew would be, what the council had confirmed for him.

He could see Maul’s shoulders relax a bit, the zabrak turning thoughtful.

Anakin meanwhile bounced on the couch. “Where will I be living while you teach me?” He wondered, eyes wide. “On your couch?”

Snorting softly, Obi-Wan shook his head. “Nope, you get my old rooms, Qui-Gon and you will live together.” He grinned, snorting softly at the softly whispered ‘wizard’ that came from his kit.

Life was about to turn very interesting.

“I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.”“Where did you hear that?”“Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.Sightless Bird

The last place he wanted to be in this moment was in the karking Rotunda and the only reason he had left Obi-Wan’s side at all was because Rex had promised to sit with him. So here Anakin was, marching through the Rotunda, his cloak billowing up around him dramatically.

If Qui-Gon could see him at that moment, he would have rolled his eyes and fondly called him a drama prince.

Or maybe he would have been stomping along with Anakin.

The other had been calling daily until the comm signal had become too unstable, hearing about what health Obi-Wan was in.

All because he had been directly summoned by the War Commission to speak about the last campaign he had been out on with Obi-Wan. Something about someone having caught Obi-Wan on holocam, running around with the bomb over his head.

‘Not like they cared before that there were padawan’s out there.’ He thought grouchily.

A part of him knew that it was Obi-Wan’s disability that made them suddenly interested, a blind Jedi running around doing impossible feats.

‘If even one of them calls my padawan ‘broken’, I swear, I will ram my mechano han-’

“Knight Skywalker!” A familiar and unwanted voice called out and Anakin grit his teeth as he came to a still, turning around slowly to face his own wife with a bow. “Senator Amidala.” He murmured, noting with some surprise that Commander Fox and another Coruscant Guard was following her.

Force, she was beautiful, wearing a golden dress with white details, no jewelry on her but her hair set up in a beautiful crowning braid.

Yet he wished she hadn’t intercepted him, for all her beauty.

Lately their conversations had been too strained, too much happening with Ahsoka and the war and a part of Anakin recognized that their relationship hadn’t been healthy even before that. That they strained to talk, to be honest, to give each other what they needed.

With a new padawan…

Well, Obi-Wan was his priority, like Ahsoka should have been from the moment she was his padawan.

It was putting a large strain on their relationship, Padme recognizing that Anakin no longer trusted her, no longer talked to her and Anakin recognizing that she hadn’t done so from the start.

Padme smiled at him, a bit nervous but still as pretty as an angel. Anakin’s heart gave a complicated throb as he peered back at her, tucking his hands into his robe sleeves to hide how they were shaking.

“Apologies for interrupting you Knight Skywalker but I…” She hesitated then took a deep breath, her face turning sad. “I heard your new padawan is not likely to make it. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am Anakin.” Padme stated softly, biting at her lips.

Startling, his eyes widening slightly before his lips pursed, Anakin couldn’t help but glare at his wife. “Where did you hear that?” He asked harshly.

It took her by surprise clearly, the slight woman jerking to as she stared up at him. “Chancellor Palpatine mentioned it when I met with him earlier today.” Anakin looked past Padme to where Fox was standing and signing that the conversation had occurred.

Obi-Wan’s condition was not a widespread rumor, that he was sick, sure, but not how badly of he had been or that it had almost claimed his life.

That the healers had managed to save him had been a little miracle on its own when they had identified the poison as one with very few cures, a snake from Korriban of all places.

Yet no one had known how severe it was outside of the Order or the troopers, the information having been put on ice to be able to trace it to the potential culprits.

For the Chancellor to know how severe it was, for him to be able to claim that Obi-Wan wouldn’t make it with such certainty spoke of knowing what poison his little padawan was slipped…

Anakin knew then that Palpatine had something to do with Obi-Wan’s poisoning.

There was no other way the other could be so sure of Obi-Wan’s death and the Chancellor could have no idea that there was a poison expert in the Halls of Healing, one who had been on duty when Obi-Wan was brought in.

He couldn’t have known that Kix would have been able to keep Obi-Wan stable just long enough to get him to the temple.

Couldn’t have known that Obi-Wan’s body would fight the poison when put into a medical coma.

Didn’t know that Obi-Wan would survive.

The Chancellor was involved in the poisoning of a Jedi padawan, Anakin’s padawan.

A lightbulb popped overhead, sparking as Anakin fought to control his rage, Padme clearly reading his face as she frowned in worry and reached out to him.

Anakin stepped back. “My padawan… is in a coma. Thank you for your concern Senator Amidala.” He bit out, desperate not to give out anymore information, not where there were ears that could hear, not when Obi-Wan had barely survived.

Not when the Chancellor could try again if he knew Obi-Wan was still weak.

He turned on his heel and left Padme behind with Fox, fuming as he headed down the a side hall he knew was a shortcut, several bulbs popping overhead as he fought with his own wrath and concern.

So in Lupine Copper, does Obi win? How do the Nabor react when Anakin returns to the surface and Obi tries to get his pup? How does Ani react? Plus he is a son of the Force so…

Shuddering faintly as the wind seemed to burrow past his cloak as he pressed himself to Qui-Gon’s side, Obi-Wan eyed the tied up Sith sitting at their feet with wary concern as they waited for the council to arrive.

So far the bacta seemed to be doing its duty and the two hearts of a zabrak meant the other was hardier than most humans. But as the other’s alpha and now pack leader, Obi-Wan was now responsible for him.

And wasn’t that just a fucked up situation, a Sith as his packmate and underling.

How he was going to explain this to the Council and the rest of the temple he wasn’t sure but frankly, Obi-Wan was just too tired to really make sense of it at the moment, focusing more on the comfort of Qui-Gon’s body.

And Anakin hiding under his cloak.

The boy hadn’t left his side since Padme had, very clumsily since Obi-Wan was standing right there and she was trying not to be obvious in calling him a monster, tried to convince him away from Obi-Wan.

Anakin had not liked that.

No, the boy had been scandalized by Padme and clung to Obi-Wan waist with wide blue eyes before looking up at Obi-Wan, calling out with a high pitched voice. “You were right! They’re prejudiced!” Then he hid his face in Obi-Wan’s side.

Several Nabooan’s had gotten an ugly flush at that, even as Obi-Wan soothingly tried to rub at Anakin’s back, murmuring comfortingly.

Frankly, aside from a few snide comments and scathing looks, Obi-Wan was actually treated better than he was used to if he was honest.

Not that he’d tell Anakin that.

The boy was already upset with Obi-Wan’s injuries, the minor and the major, from the left arm settled into a sling, scrapes on his face and the limp he had when he walked. So Obi-Wan would rather not upset the boy even more when his pup was already distressed.

And he liked it even less that Naboo’s queen seemed determined to follow them around and tried to speak with Anakin one on one when she could.

It was thankfully difficult for her, seeing as she had duties but due to her handmaidens and their undercover trick, it left Padme time to find them too. The handmaidens were skilled in the affairs of court too after all, being as close as they were to their queen.

And at the moment, they were all there.

Since with the council came the new Chancellor, former Senator Palpatine.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what he felt about that.

Valorum wasn’t extremely pro lupines but he didn’t have a bias against them either and was friendly to Jedi. And he was Qui-Gon’s friend, he had always greeted Obi-Wan pleasantly, never changed his attitude even when he realized Obi-Wan was a were.

The cultural context of Naboo almost guaranteed that Chancellor Palpatine would have less friendly views of werewolves and Obi-Wan…

Well, hopefully the man wouldn’t try to lobby for any laws that prohibited or made werewolves lives harder.

Finally the ship came into view and Obi-Wan sighed deeply only to tense when he felt his new packmate suddenly shift back, pressing against Obi-Wan’s leg, shoulders trembling faintly.

A subconscious move for sure and Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon questionably.

Qui-Gon, familiar with canine behaviors, studied the zabrak, the way his head was tilted down, the trembling shoulders and the way he had pressed back into Obi-Wan. “…I’ll greet the council and Chancellor, take him to our space.” He finally murmured.

Reaching down, Obi-Wan helped the zabrak up, feeling Anakin follow under his cloak as they made their way down the landing platform, Obi-Wan ignoring how the nabooan group gave him a wide berth.

He had worse, right now he had pack duties, a packmate to settle and a pup to feed as he heard Anakin’s stomach growl.

Anakin is very glad that his little padawan is with Fox when he runs into Palpatine on his way out of the Senate. He does not like how focused the man is on his young padawan.-sightless bird

If there was ever a time Anakin was grateful he had sent Obi-Wan of with Commander Fox, it was right now as he forced his face into a pleasant expression, slowly turning to meet the smiling man practically jogging to him.

“My boy, I’m so glad I caught you before you left!” Chancellor Palpatine greeted with a warm smile.

It made Anakin want to punch his face in. But he forced himself to keep smiling, tucking his hands into his sleeves to avoid letting people see his clenching fists. “Indeed Chancellor, its always a… pleasure.” Anakin hoped no one caught the momentary lapse in his voice.

Of course they did though, as Palpatine raised a decrepit eyebrow. “You seem unhappy my boy, have I caught you at the wrong time?” He questioned curiously.

Shaking his head, Anakin reminded himself that this was the chancellor and regardless what Anakin’s personal feelings for the man was, he had to pay him a mediocre of respect. “Its just been a long day sir, long weeks if I’m honest, its my first day back on Coruscant.” He tacked on, as respectfully as he could.

He hated being in the Rotunda.

He felt like he was surrounded by snakes at every corner, slimy ones at that and never before had he agreed with Qui-Gon’s sentiment of slimy politicians as strongly as he did in that moment.

His statement however seemed to have done the trick as the Chancellor smiled once more at him. “Ah, I see, then I won’t keep you. I was simply curious as to where your young padawan has gone of to, I noticed him and you observing the debate.” The man chuckled.

Instantly, Anakin’s entire being felt submerged in ice, his smile fading.

How in karks name had the Chancellor seen them?

They had been in one of the highest observational balconies, a calculated move by Anakin, using his Jedi access to go where normally only the press went to have a good eye on everything, with additional viewing screens. It was the furthest away from not only the Naboo pod but also the Chancellor that Anakin could get them while still being able to hear and see.

That only lead him to the conclusion that Palpatine had been looking for them, to be able to know that.

And now he was asking where Obi-Wan was…

The dragon in his chest rose, snarling and roaring even as Anakin forced himself to respond, feeling a bit like his ears were cottoned, trying to force himself not to scream at the man not to approach his padawan. “My padawan ran off with some friends of his, teenagers always have a lot of energy, even if I require rest.” He tried to feign something close to nonechelance.

Not that he thought he’d managed it, by the scrutinizing look Palpatine and the confused ones the man’s aid sent him.

He also noticed a few of the Coruscant guards that had followed a bit behind were shifting.

Clearly they knew where Obi-Wan were.

Considering the amount of adoration Anakin had felt when Fox saw Obi-Wan, that didn’t shock Anakin and he quickly slipped his hands out of his sleeves to finger spell with the battle signs Rex had taught him, the chancellor saying something inane about it being a shame he missed meeting Obi-Wan, once more sending shivers down Anakin’s back.


A trooper with a red spiral on his helmet eased his own fingers off his. ‘Copy.Birdie.Safe.’ One of Palpatine’s aids were leaning forward to whisper into his ear, something about a meeting. Anakin’s thoughts were occupied by other things.


Was Birdie Obi-Wan’s battle sign in clone finger language?

He’d have to ask, though asking Obi-Wan would be difficult.

Maybe call up Fox or ask Rex.

Anakin forced himself to bow as he heard the Chancellor finally dismiss him, finally able to turn and walk away, searching out his bond with Obi-Wan to track the boy down.

He breathed out when he found the other, far away in the barracks of the CG and clearly also on the move.

Then he paused, feeling another set of eyes on him, slowly he raised his head and meet Padme’s eyes, the brow eyes staring at him with wide, questioning eyes.

Anakin stared back before simply heading straight for the doors, jaw muscle jumping.

He had enough of politicians for one day.

Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

Ani and Obi are home one leave. Palpatine tries to sink his claws into Obi in Sightless bird.

Keeping his padawan against his side with a hand on the boys shoulder, Anakin glanced around the Senate chamber, his upper lip curling involuntarily as he and Obi-Wan stood in one of the observatory halls. He hated being here, wanted to be anywhere, even down in the slums of Coruscant just as long as he didn’t have to be here.

The only thing keeping him still was Obi-Wan’s obvious fascination as he tilted his head, listening as blind eyes flickered to whoever was speaking at the time.

Master Windu however had been right when he had spoken with Anakin and Qui-Gon in the hanger, Obi-Wan was an apprentice of the Jedi order, that also meant dealing with politicians and learning about the laws and rules.

Now, Anakin wasn’t the best at those things, despite Qui-Gon’s many, many tries but Obi-Wan for sure had the gift of gab and with a little fine tuning, both he and his master could see the negotiator in making Obi-Wan would become.

It was why he often let Qui-Gon take over those lessons with Obi-Wan, his master showing his grand padawan the way better than Anakin could.

His heart throbbed a bit as he remembered who had taught Ahsoka and the memory made him pull his padawan closer, Obi-Wan letting out a soft, confused noise but let Anakin settle him in front of him.

Padawan settled in front and both his arms wrapped around the boys shoulders, Anakin settled again, looking up once more to observe with the curl of disgust flashing through him once more.

How he had come to loath politicians.

Looking through Ahsoka’s trial again, it was clear how it was all a show, the Senate wanting to look like they were doing something.

Bringing a traitor to heel, especially a Jedi traitor of all things, how grand a production.

Especially when Ahsoka ran of, a giant hunt through Coruscant, it became an even bigger thing then and something Anakin hated that he had contributed to.

If he had just… reached out to Ahsoka instead of chased her… maybe, maybe, always maybe.

It was why he kept such a close hold on Obi-Wan, why he wouldn’t leave him alone with any politician, especially not in the Senate and he would not be leaving him alone with anyone from Palpatine or Tarkin’s faction.

Which he now knew were the same thing.

It was uncomfortable to look back on his own memories, the hindsight, especially when a cautious Aayla had asked, no less than a week ago if Anakin himself would have left Ahsoka or Obi-Wan to visit the old man.

It had both made him upset and bitter.

Upset at the idea of leaving either of his padawans to Palpatine, to let him do as he had done with Anakin back then, the hindsight making it clearer to him how Palpatine had manipulated him and also used him as his lapdog to make it seem like he had a powerful thug in his arsenal.

And bitter because why hadn’t Qui-Gon or the others stopped it.

Well, Aayla had answered that.

Because they had tried but the Chancellor had used his powers to ensure Anakin came to see him, to ‘guide’ him.

‘Yeah, bringing me to seedy cantinas to watch corrupt politician gamble and pretend he couldn’t do anything about it. Lots of guiding there.’ Anakin inwardly growled.

A small, callused hand wrapped around his wrist, Anakin looking down even as Obi-Wan’s focus continued to be on the debate happening in the Senate. His thumb slowly rubbed Anakin’s wrist, the touch itself grounding along with the sight of a safe padawan in his arms.

It was reluctantly relaxing and Anakin couldn’t help but ease up his grip, his body unwinding ever so slightly as he smiled wryly down at his padawan.

Clearly, from the smile that grew on Obi-Wan’s lips, the boy realized it.

‘Brat.’ Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, giving the others braid a little tug as he draw Obi-Wan back into him, the boy almost hidden in the darkness of Anakin’s robes as they wrapped around him.

All the better to hide the other away, until Obi-Wan was ready to take on every challenge head on.

Anakin had no doubt he could but until then, Obi-Wan was his to nurture and guide and he’d do his best and no one, absolutely no one got to take him away from Anakin until then.

His eyes slowly rose to stare down the Chancellor pod, Anakin’s lips pulling back in a silent snarl.

Absolutely no one.

Obi-Wan buys his Padawan a fun animal hoodie in Light Through the Cracks. He also does some slicing to find out about Palpatine.

Humming faintly under his breath, Obi-Wan continued quietly typing away at his terminal as the small, warm shape cuddled against his side.

Anakin had fallen asleep hours ago and technically, Obi-Wan should have carried his padawan to his bed.

But he knew that if he did that, if he separated the boy from his side now, Anakin would surely wake up and that would mean that he’d be awake for hours before he managed to fall asleep once more, which meant that Anakin wouldn’t be in his best shape for tomorrows classes and chores.

Glancing at him, Obi-Wan’s lips twitched into a soft smile.

Despite his outburst about Obi-Wan’s frog hoodie, Anakin had been a bit envious about the soft comfort cloth, even stealing it once in a while to wear when Obi-Wan wasn’t.

And while he strictly didn’t mind, Obi-Wan wanted to wear his own hoodie too.

Which was why Obi-Wan had gone out, with Luminara as leaving the temple was a bit out of the healers comfort line without company.

Which was fair, Obi-Wan wasn’t fully healed, his mind still had pockmarks in it and if he had a relapse while outside the temple…

That would not be pretty, all those people without shields around their mind.

So with Luminara at his side, Obi-Wan had gone shopping, coming away with a child sized hoodie of a desert fox native to Tatooine, one Obi-Wan had seen while on the planet actually.

It had the largest of ears for its little body Obi-Wan had ever seen, white legs ending in large paws,  and a small beige body, golden in the sun as its black snout quivered as it stared at Obi-Wan with black eyes as it bushy, large tail swished in the air.

The hoodie was based on that fox for sure, the ears so large it needed structure inside it to hold themselves up and Obi-Wan suspected with a few washes, the ears would start looping down, from the elbow to the wrist, the hoodie was white and so was the pouch on the belly and most amusing of all, it had a tail.

It wasn’t furry like the real creature would be, the company that made the hoodie not wanting it to shed, but it was slightly fuzzy to touch at least and at the moment, resting in Anakin’s lap as he slept against Obi-Wan’s side.

Anakin looked adorable in it.

Shifting slightly, Obi-Wan pulled the blanket that had slid down the boy’s legs further up with the Force, smiling to himself. ‘How he can sleep comfortably I have no idea.’ He mused, marveling at the youth.

He should really tuck the other down on the couch.

But shifting more than he already had would wake Anakin, something Obi-Wan had experienced twice already.

So, he just accepted the situation, waiting for Anakin’s mind to go into the deepest sleep as he continued working away at his terminal, eyes narrowing as he finally accessed the file he had been working on for the last few hours.

Sheev Palpatine’s personal voting history.

Obi-Wan was compiling everything he could.

NO one got away with hurting Obi-Wan’s padawan, not without Obi-Wan making sure it would never happen again.

Ani goes full caring mode in Secrets we Carry. Palpatine is sniffing around too:

Rinsing the others hair out carefully with the cup, Anakin sent his drowsy master a small smile as his longish hair dripped soap and water into the bowl below him.

Due to his healing injuries and the current painkillers he was on that left him not only sleepy but dizzy, Obi-Wan couldn’t handle standing in a shower for long at the moment and sonic would not be kind to his at the moment sensitive skin due to residual hormones. But Obi-Wan, quietly and a bit shifty, had complained about his hair and beard feeling gross.

Tacky the man had said.

Anakin had pounced on the opportunity.

Offered to wash the others hair as Anakin had done long ago when Obi-Wan had both of his hands broken on a mission, his neck length hair and beard coated with mud.

And to his relief, Obi-Wan had accepted after only a bit of hesitance, his desire for cleanness and comfort outweighing his thoughts on being a ‘burden’.

Oh, Anakin knew how Obi-Wan’s brain functioned.

He would see this as being a nuisance to whoever helped him if he outright asked, which was why Anakin had themed it as Anakin not having anything better to do.

Cody had helped by finding a larger, empty ammo crate that Anakin tipped onto its side to settle the water bowl on while Helix had shoved an empty bed next to the one Obi-Wan occupied for more space, so Obi-Wan could lay in bed still and just carefully tip his head off the side where Anakin sat and washed the others hair.

Running his flesh thumb gently over the others temple, Anakin smile widened at Obi-Wan when he gave a drowsy little noise in return, blinking blearily up at him in return. For all that he didn’t want to be a ‘burden’ to anyone, Obi-Wan looked content at the moment.

Maybe it was because Anakin was touching him, gently scrubbing away dirt, rubbing at his scalp or maybe it was the warm contentment of the medbay.

Or maybe it was the current mood of the medbay.

He could feel several troopers watching them and from the corner of his eyes he could see a smiling Waxer, the troopers still in the medbay contently relaxing after the battle for the Negotiator.

Seeing their General settled and content for the moment, enjoying what could amount to a bit of pampering with how much care Anakin was putting into washing the others hair was doing good for them too after all the weeks of seeing Obi-Wan stagger and drop around them.

It was a good change from the gaunt and tired man that had collapsed in a hallway and given himself a nosebleed due to his fucked up genetics.

Anakin had no idea why stewjoni people had developed such a thing, he was sure that once it was made for survival, perhaps in lean times when the mood dropped where adults tried to keep their children feed to avoid malnourished impact on children.

But it wasn’t useful anymore.

Especially not to a Force sensitive, they were suppose to eat more calories due to the way channeling Force through themselves burned calories and liquids. There was a reason Helix had kept Obi-Wan on so many Iv’s throughout the days after all and now, thanks to the fucking droidbait scum, Obi-Wan was back on it, his arm bandaged in a blue, sticky bandage since it made Obi-Wan nauseous to look at it.

Running another cup of water through the others hair, more to be certain than for anything else, Anakin watched how Obi-Wan’s eyes closed again, the soft touch of Anakin washing his hair making him even more lethargic.

It was a good look on the other, despite once more wearing medbay scrubs, eyes closed and comfortable over the two beds.

Picking up the waiting towel, Anakin wrapped in the others hair and started slowly rubbing, not wanting to be too vigorous and make Obi-Wan feel energized.

No, Obi-Wan needed rest and it soothed Anakin’s frenetic emotions to see the other rest, the image of Obi-Wan on his knees, bleeding on the durasteel floor after fighting with with bone weary tiredness already in him being replaced by this.

A soft, comfortable and sleepy Obi-Wan.

Much better.