#MajorStars- Does Obi get warned off from spending time with Anakin? Does he get sent off on long term missions so he can “let go” of his attachment to his son?

Frowning up at the door, Anakin tried knocking again, the sound echoing faintly down hall B11, one of several knight dorms on this level and this door in particular holding the name plate ‘Kenobi’.

No answer once more much to Anakin’s disquiet.

His bearer had been out of touch for days now, neither Qui-Gon or Anakin being able to get into touch with the Knight and honestly, Anakin was getting rather worried since Obi-Wan had made a point of contacting Anakin somehow once a day, by showing up where he was eating, sending him an encouraging message when Anakin was working on his homework, being in the salle when Anakin was sparring or training with fellow padawans or his master, showing up for a visit and dinner in their quarters or inviting them to his, or hell, even showing up as a TA for some of the classes, a secretive wink in Anakin’s direction.

It made for fun lessons in Anakin’s eyes, the warmth of Obi-Wan’s attention during class making him strive to do better.

Even in poetry and Anakin hated poetry, bleh.

But four days ago, Obi-Wan had gone dark and while initially not worried, Anakin was after the second day, especially when Qui-Gon told him he wasn’t able to get into contact with Obi-Wan either.

‘He’s not home now either…’ Anakin bit his lower lip, wondering where in the temple he could potentially look for the other.

He couldn’t just stretch his senses all over the temple, that was rude, everyone would be able to tell he was doing it and honestly, it would be invasive. Anakin had no need to know where everyone was.

But he did want to know where Obi-Wan was.

As he stood in front of Obi-Wan’s door, arms crossed with a thoughtful frown on his face, a few knights came down the hall from the opposite end, all deeply involved in a conversation.

Honestly, Anakin barely paid them any attention until one of them, a female zabrak, called out to him. “Are you looking for Kenobi, padawan Skywalker?” She called curiously, pausing with her friends a few steps ahead of her.

Turning to her, giving a shallow but polite bow, Anakin nodded. “Master wanted to invite him for dinner but we can’t get a hold of him.” A white lie, giving a reason for why he was there and why he was looking for Obi-Wan.

The lady smiled apologetic and Anakin felt an uneasy feeling rumble through his stomach. “Well, that’s too bad. He was sent of on a mission in the middle of the night a few days ago. Was really hasty, he apparently didn’t have time to leave a message behind if even your master didn’t know,” She explained calmly before turning back to her friends. “But at least you know now, so you should tell your master too.”

Struggling not to drop his jaw, Anakin nodded mutely before hurrying away, his heart pounding slightly.

Obi-Wan was on a mission?

But last they saw each other, Obi-Wan said he had down time for a full two months!

What kind of haste mission had Anakin’s bearer been sent on so suddenly?

For all that he was extraordinary in Anakin’s eyes, he was only one of many knights, no more special than the next one even though his skills in negotiation was apparently beyond many others as Obi-Wan excelled in it.

So why had Obi-Wan been sent of in such a haste, to the point he hadn’t even left a message.

‘Oh, I’ll be telling dad alright.’ Anakin thought, determined as he rushed back to their quarters.

Please tell me Anakin is on his way in Secret we carry!?

Snarling loudly as raced through the halls, the blaring alarms covering the sound, Anakin questioned how the hell this had happened.

Of all the bastards to find them this far out from anyone that could aid them, it was Grievous.

Anakin had preferred karking Ventress to that scrap metal, at least she could be talked with, as much as Anakin hated both, at least Ventress he knew could have a bone of sympathy in her body that the other CIS did not have.

Especially not with Obi-Wan.

Ventress had once tortured Obi-Wan, made everyone think he was dead but Obi-Wan reminded her of her lost master supposedly and sometimes, sometimes as the mission where Obi-Wan landed in Maul’s grasp showed, Ventress could extend mercy towards him.

Ah but Ventress no longer fought at the CIS side, she had turned on Dooku and was now somewhere else in the shitty galaxy where Obi-Wan was now karking fighting against Grievous, who had boarded the Negotiator!

Anakin had almost screamed when he had seen the boarding ship impact the side of the Negotiator.

He had known.

The moment he saw he had known and had been moving away from the controls while yelling for Rex to take charge as he charged down the halls to the elevator, desperate to get to his interceptor, the same Interceptor kind Obi-Wan had.

The ones Anakin had painted for them.

One yellow and one red.

The colors of the Open Circle Armada, the colors of the fleet he and Obi-Wan commanded, gaining untold victories together as Jedi Generals.

But Obi-Wan wasn’t the same warrior as he was back then.

He was currently weakened, he was here to recover and Anakin with the 212th and 501st were there to protect him.

‘Please, just hold on long enough for me to get there. I know you can, you’re strong Obi-Wan but so is Grievous, so just hold on for me to get my karking ass over there.’ Anakin gritted his teeth, grasping desperately at the muted by distance bond he had to Obi-Wan.

That at least let him know Obi-Wan was alive.

Alive but scared.

Gritting his teeth, Anakin legged it the last few halls, bursting into the hanger and startling several mouse droids and several clone ship marshallers. A few called after him but Anakin didn’t have time.

He didn’t even wait for R2, Force opening the canopy to throw himself into his Interceptor. “I’m on my way. I’m on my way. Just hold on.” He panted, engaging the motors, hearing people cry out and R2 crying out curses in binary as Anakin took off without the astromech, racing out the Resolute’s hanger and into battle.

Not that he was going to remain in battle.

He was aimed at the Negotiator’s hanger, shooting what came between him and his goal, trusting his troopers to take care of the droid bait and Rex to take care of the Resolute. He knew he could trust them.

And while he also trusted Cody and the 212th, he needed to be at Obi-Wan’s side.

“If he touches one hair on Obi-Wan’s head,” Anakin hissed out between clenched teeth, hands clenched on the Interceptors controllers. “I’ll fucking shove his own beating heart into his lungs with my flesh hand.” He pulled the controls sharply, bringing the Interceptor into a sharp dive, aiming for the open hanger of the Negotiator, Obi-Wan’s voice coming into clarity as Anakin cleared into proximity, their bond breaking open.

‘Anakin! Help!’

#secretswecarry- is Obi able to physical handle the stress of battle? If he does handle it, does he collapse afterwards?

Staring out the view of the bridge, feeling speechless and frozen, Obi-Wan clung tightly to his saber. Cody had marched past him and was barking out orders, the bridge a mass of activity as everyone got to their post and continued returning fire on the Malevolence.

How in the Force had Grievous found them!?

This entire trip was off the books.

Anakin and Obi-Wan were officially listed in a totally different sector to avoid this because of Obi-Wan’s… delicate state.

This wasn’t suppose to happen.

Shaking himself, Obi-Wan stepped forward to Cody’s side, looking at him. “Can we contact the Resolute?” He questioned quietly.

Shaking his head, Cody turned his head to him. “No sir, the comms are blocked, the rustbuckets fault I’m sure, though the Resolute is also returning fire but…” They both looked out the view again, at the gathered CIS ships.

There were a lot, giving both the Negotiator and the Resolute a run for their credits.

And the Malevolence was focused on the Negotiator.

Kark, this was not good, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he was up to handle Grievous right n- “INCOMING!” Someone shouted and Obi-Wan looked up just in time to see something whiz past the view, the entire star destroyer rocking as something impacted with them.

“What was that!?” Cody roared, moving forward to the techs at the controls.

“A boarding ship! We got clankers onboard!” Someone replied back and Obi-Wan felt himself freeze as everything came into crystal clear realization.

This was planned. This wasn’t an accidental find.

This attack was planned because Grievous knew.

Somehow, the CIS knew that Obi-Wan wasn’t in a good condition and would make for an easier target, whether they knew of his miscarriage or not wasn’t even important but they knew.

Someone had misspoken or been on an unsecured line or something and the information had returned to Dooku’s master, the true Sith above him and they had sent Grievous after Obi-Wan for whatever reason.

Most likely to kill him as there wouldn’t make for much sense to take Obi-Wan hostage, getting rid of one of the key players of the war as Obi-Wan held several high positions both as a Jedi council master and a High Jedi General.

“Grievous is on the ship.” He stated with conviction, feeling like his voice was coming from too far away even as he spoke, Cody whirling around to stare at him, Obi-Wan able to feel it even through the man’s helmet.

Actually, he could feel several stares but no one argued against him, every trooper realizing that he was right despite how ludicrous it was for Grievous to know.

“There is nothing of value out here in this system for either the CIS or the Republic, our location isn’t officially listed anywhere, a false trail was left for anyone that looked…” Obi-Wan continued, swallowing thickly. “He’s coming here for me. He knows.” Obi-Wan tongue felt thick in his mouth.

What was he suppose to do?

They couldn’t get contact with Anakin and the Resolute, Grievous was onboard for certain, the CIS knew something at the very least of Obi-Wan’s condition and they could not call for any other aid, stuck out here as they were.

Whirling around to the rest of the bridge, Cody roared orders as the alarms of the Negotiator shrilly sounded, Obi-Wan feeling unmoored as he shakily tried to bring himself to hunt Grievous down, turning and stepping out the doors with Cody rushing after when he noticed Obi-Wan leaving the bridge.

Sweet honey: a lot of things are going to down and everyone is happy! How does Padma handle finding out that Anakin is bonded to someone else? How would she react? Is she happy for him or does this possibly change something for her? P.S. love your writings they are all amazing!!

Trying not to show how twitchy he was, Anakin shifted closer to Rex as they followed Obi-Wan and Jango through the Senate, the redhead more familiar despite Anakin having visited often.

But Anakin had always gone straight to the Chancellor, that was the path he was familiar with.

Obi-Wan was now officially a Senate liaison, having been taken off active duty due to his pregnancy and because of that, he would now be showing up in the Rotunda more often than not. Thankfully, today he was only here to observe the Senate meeting.

Jango, in full armor, was going with him because he was a protective bastard and as his mate, had full right to follow Obi-Wan anywhere in the Senate.

He acted very much like a bodyguard, scowling at everyone that looked at Obi-Wan the wrong way or too long, his helmet thumping on his thigh as it hung from his belt, clearly wanting everyone to see his face.

Jango was nothing if not a fastidious mate.  

But so was Rex, who was sensing Anakin’s discomfort at being in the Rotunda.

After the failed heat, the two had cuddled together for a long time before Rex had quietly asked what Anakin wanted to do now that his heat was over.

That of course, had been very simple for Anakin now that his body didn’t hurt at the slightest touch to his most sensitive areas, which oddly enough included his armpits that had kept itching and burning for some odd reason.

He wanted to get bonded.

Rex had balked a bit, eyes wide as he clenched his arms around Anakin, panicked about the pain it would cause.

Bonding with an omega in heat was preferred due to the pain bonding could cause, both from biting through the gland and the bond slotting into place.

But why Rex thought that Anakin would be more sensitive to that than he himself, Anakin had no idea.

Rex didn’t have those omega prejudices many worlds had from old so it had surprised and honestly offended Anakin.

Until Rex had explained nervously that only a few hours ago, Anakin was crying if Rex so much as brushed against his bonding gland and that the last thing the alpha wanted after seeing that, was to cause more pain and discomfort.

It mollified Anakin, slightly.

And he had managed to talk Rex into it once he assured the other that he wasn’t as sensitive anymore.

It still had hurt like a bugger, something Rex had agreed with after Anakin returned the favor but Force, a mating bond was like nothing Anakin had suspected and yet everything at the same time.

Of course, that also meant that everyone was now able to smell Rex and Anakin on each other and knew they were now mates and coming to the Rotunda meant Senators… Senators like Padme Amidala, who had been staring at him from one of the higher floors for what felt like hours.

Even from a distance he could feel her shock and hurt, though he wasn’t sure why, she was the one that had distanced herself first when it was clear he was an omega.

And he knew that somewhere in this building, the Chancellor lurked, like a snake waiting to strike.

It was strange to think that once, that man had been a friend but once Anakin’s status had come out…

He would never forget the desire in the old man’s eyes and the slimy feeling it gave down his back.

A hand wrapped around his, forcing Anakin’s attention to the here and now as he glanced to his side, Rex peering up at him with a small frown that turned into a smile when Anakin squeezed his hand in return.

It didn’t matter now.

Anakin was bonded, neither Padme or the Chancellor mattered to him anymore, at least not in a mating situation.

Because Anakin was spoken for by a man he knew would always do his best by Anakin.

He hoped he could do his best by Rex too.

This isn’t a prompt unless you want it to be, just wanted to say how much I loved the latest bit of Secret We Carry! Obi-Wan just seems so fragile and I love it — and I love how everyone’s taking care of him. The details of how his hands were shaking were awesome. What’s in the blue bottle?? Maybe we’ll find out soon! Anyway, thanks for writing!!

Pulling out his pad and powering it without looking up, Helix let out a low hum as he settled behind his desk in the medbay office. “Its a concentrated mix of painkillers along with a multi vitamin mix, in particular iron and vitamin C.” He stated quietly as he looked over the General’s blood test once more in case he missed something.

He’d hate to have to put in another IV after promising Obi-Wan that once the bottle was done, they could remove the needle and all.

Apparently it made the Jedi faintly ill sometimes to look at, which was why he had taped the thing to prevent him from staring at it.

“I see.” Came the softer than expected reply, prompting Helix to look up at his commander and vod.

Cody was staring at a spot above Helix head with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes rather glazed though seemingly calm.

Appearances could be deceptive though, as Helix well knew from treating patients, especially Jedi but most clones also learned to hide their emotions most of the time, especially if they disliked being fussed over or were vaguely Force sensitive.

It had honestly taken the medic a shockingly long time, mixed with frustration, as to why Jedi often tried to avoid or leave the med stations so quickly.

The hurt, pain and sickness lingered in the Force apparently, even in the Jedi temple from what his General had confessed, though the healers there did their best to dispel that for the patients as they could.

But normal clinics couldn’t, normal medics weren’t able.

That’s why his General was so quick to leave or wanted to treat his own injuries.

And why Helix, if he could, instead went to his General ever since the man confessed to him.

He had also shared that news with Kix at the first opportunity, the other’s eyes flashing with sudden understanding as to why even his General avoided the medbay, despite clearly loving the troopers as Skywalker did, his heart on his sleeve at all times.

Cody however was not among the Force sensitive clones and he accepted being treated, which was why Helix watched him closely for a sign of anything out of the normal. Him coming to the office to ask about the General was quite normal though, so that wasn’t something Helix even thought long about.

He didn’t find anything but that didn’t mean there wasn’t something. “…Are you alright commander?” Helix finally ventured.

Cody’s eyes fell to Helix and he stared for several long seconds before slumping. “Are any of us?” He questioned right back. “Could any of us be alright right now?” He tightened his arms, almost wrapping them around himself instead of simply crossing his arms over his chest.

Slumping too at the response, Helix gave a small nod as he leaned back in his office chair, ignoring the creak of the thing. “No, no you’re right. I wouldn’t expect any of us to really be alright.” He agreed quietly, swallowing thickly as he glanced to the terminal, relaxing when the recorder still showed Obi-Wan laid out in bed, the vitals still steady.

Helix hadn’t been able to work in peace without keeping an eye on his General but he knew he couldn’t constantly observe him without Obi-Wan becoming uncomfortable and uneasy, something the man didn’t need.

So he compromised, going to his office but pulling up the security recording for the medbay on his terminal along with Obi-Wan’s vitals.

It allowed Helix peace of mind and Obi-Wan to feel he wasn’t under scrutiny. “Its understandable if we’re shaken.” He almost whispered.

He knew the constant need to know where and how the Jedi was doing wasn’t healthy for Helix own sake, sitting in the office just watching Obi-Wan as the man slept or read or talked with others but…

Helix needed the reassurance.

Wasn’t he owed just a little peace of mind?

He was the one that had been there and seen everything.

He was the one that had been there to put bacta in places, to hook Obi-Wan to wires and take his blood test and know just how badly his General had been hurt when away from them.

And he was the one that had to save the General when he didn’t do the full blood tests to ensure Obi-Wan’s safety.

He had Obi-Wan’s blood on his hands and he had been the one that had to take care of the fetus, his hands trembling as he held the bloody little thing in his hands, unable to think of anything but the tiniest of vode back on Kamino.

A hand touched his cheek, bringing him back from his thoughts and Helix blinked, feeling tears slip down his face as he looked up at Cody as the older clone stared back at him, his lips twisted into a grimace.

“I…” Helix hiccuped and Cody leaned down as Helix reached up, the two hugging each other tightly.

He felt his hair bun be undone, the curls coming down only for Cody to run one hand through his hair. “Its alright to cry brother, its alright. We’re not okay. And its okay if we’re not okay. So you can cry.” Cody whispered, his voice choked as Helix sobbed into the commander’s pauldron, ignoring how hard it was as the hand continued rubbing his scalp and hair.

Now that Obi has miscarries in Secrets We Carry, how much pressure is the Team deceiving to go about business as usual? If it is occurring, who is doing the pressuring?

Pausing in the doorway with the tray in hand, Cody swallowed thickly as he stared at his General, the man for the first time since the miscarriage being utterly alone while awake.

Anakin had to jump over to the Resolute, Rex needing his General hands on and Helix was nowhere in sight. Where the medic was, if he was perhaps in his office, Cody didn’t know.

What he did know was that his heart hurt as he stared at his General.

Obi-Wan had always seemed so much larger than life to Cody, though he was not really all that much bigger than most people and yet his presence seemed to fill rooms as he commanded attention with a smile and a word.

‘He looks so small and ill, though better than earlier when General Skywalker helped him out from the fresher…’ Obi-Wan was propped up by pillows, a pad in his hands as he was reading something. Despite the rest and food Helix was making sure he had, Obi-Wan’s skin was still so pale and papery thin looking and he had dark rings around his eyes and maybe it was the pillows or maybe it was something else but somehow he seemed almost petite in body.


That could be with the weight loss and then the miscarriage and blood loss but… it still hurt Cody to see the other in his condition when all he really wanted was for Obi-Wan to smile once more.

Small and ill.

‘And unaware. D-Does he feel safe in here?’ Cody licked his lips as he wavered hesitantly. ‘I hope he does. He deserves to feel safe somewhere.’ Swallowing, Cody stepped forward and cleared his throat to announce himself. “Sir?” He murmured, his heart clenching when Obi-Wan jumped with a quiet meep, looking up with a fearful expression for a moment.

“Mmnh… its you Commander…” Obi-Wan relaxed, settling the pad in his lap as his eyes lowered to the tray in the troopers hands. “Oh, is it mealtime?” He blinked slowly.

“Yes sir,” Cody walked over to him, watching as Obi-Wan pulled the bed table to support the tray over his lap. “Brown rice mixed with egg and chopped vegetables, some broth and a small jello.” He smiled at the other, relieved Obi-Wan had relaxed.

There were two portions on the tray, Cody opting to eat with his General now that he was aware of the others condition.

He had also seen Obi-Wan eat, how he relaxed when others around him were eating at the same time or at the very least seemed to be less self-conscious about his own food. Which was why he was taking one of the bowls to eat, relieved when Obi-Wan followed a moment later with his own shaking hands.

Quietly, Cody settled down on the chair Skywalker usually used and started to eat, wishing he had hot sauce or something as despite the egg and vegetables, the meal was rather bland.

But he would tolerate that as Obi-Wan’s diet was reduced to things like this.

Overtly, he watched as Obi-Wan cradled the bowl to ensure he wouldn’t spill food everywhere. ‘His hands still shake so much. Why are they shaking, I thought Helix said he was healed from the blood loss at least?’ Half of the food ended up falling back in the bowl with how Obi-Wan trembled.

But he was eating.

And Helix hadn’t put him on a new IV bag.


Cody glanced up at the IV pole.

Instead of a IV bag, there was now a blue bottle instead that was slowly dripping into the tube that lead to Obi-Wan’s hand, the fluids in it being tinged lightly blue.

‘Medication maybe?’

He wanted to ask but felt it wasn’t his right to know after failing Obi-Wan so much and what if it was too inva-there was a sharp click and Cody looked up sharply to find Obi-Wan no longer holding the bowl, his hands clenched together. “…General?” He shifted forward, setting his own bowl down. “Are you al-” Cody quieted down, blinking as Obi-Wan held up the hand without the Iv needle in.

“…Can,” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly, staring at Cody. “Can you please hold my hand for a bit? Just a little bit?” He whispered warily.

A little bewildered, Cody didn’t hesitate to tug his gloves off and tucking them on his belt before reaching out and grasping Obi-Wan’s hand in his, surprised by the tight grip the Jedi had on his hand, Obi-Wan lowering his eyes back on the tray once Cody held his hand.

‘…Its so cold… and still shaking.’ Cody swallowed, standing up and pushing the tray table aside so he could sit on the bedside instead, slowly rubbing at Obi-Wan’s hand with his thumbs. A thought occurred to him as he stared at his General. “…Its going to be alright. You’re going to be alright, you’re safe on the Negotiator, in the medbay.” He whispered,

Obi-Wan flinched and Cody swallowed thickly, his suspicion at least partly confirmed as he shifted closer to the other, slowly rubbing Obi-Wan’s hand. “Its alright to be scared Obi-Wan… but we won’t let anyone hurt you again though. No one is going to hurt you on the Negotiator.” Cody stated imploringly, squeezing the thin hand in his as Obi-Wan leaned forward and pressed his forehead to the commander’s shoulder.

‘I’ll slaughter anyone that hurts you from here on out, I’ll rip them apart with my own hands,’ Cody swore, resisting the urge to wrap his arms around the other and only hold the hand he had been given, letting Obi-Wan be in charge of his own bodily autonomy. ‘The first one that touches you pays with their life.’

Ok, so the latest MajorStars have me melting from the gooey warm happy love everywhere from Ani, can we maybe see Obi and/or Qui’s perspective on what’s happening/Ani’ s behavior? As always, your writing is fantastic, no pressure, and I hope you’re doing well!!!

Stroking through Anakin’s hair slowly as he peered down at the sleeping child, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile. Clearly the day had been too much for the eleven year old but he had tried so much to keep awake and speak with Obi-Wan and it had been…

‘Adorable,’ Obi-Wan watched Anakin burrow more into his lap, sighing softly as his chest rose and fell steadily. ‘My son is adorable and sweet.’ Anakin had asked so many questions, from Obi-Wan’s missions to what Obi-Wan liked and even if Obi-Wan had a favorite color.

But he was just eleven.

And every eleven year old’s eventually got tired, slowly slumping against Obi-Wan until the knight had slowly and carefully slid the boy until he was laying on the couch with his head in Obi-Wan’s lap, stroking his hair slowly as Anakin blinked large, blue eyes at him until sleep claimed him.

“Better get him into bed,” Qui-Gon murmured quietly, settling his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder when the other made to stand. “No, I’ll do it.” He smiled, Obi-Wan’s stomach fluttering at the sight as Qui-Gon stood and carefully lifted their son.

It was a sweet image and Obi-Wan’s hands itched to take a picture.

He resisted though, maybe he’d have the opportunity in the future.

For now he let Qui-Gon bring Anakin to bed, sitting back on the couch with a little sigh.

‘I didn’t know Anakin was so affectionate. I thought he might bow to me but…’ His mind flashed back to earlier, Anakin standing in the doorway, staring up at Obi-Wan with his wide eyes. ‘He came right over and hugged me.’

Honestly, it had taken all Obi-Wan had not to blush at the act.

Having had Anakin, regardless how much he trained, his stomach kept a slightly plush girdle and while he was as strong or maybe even stronger than the next Jedi, he knew that that little girdle of fat made it look like Obi-Wan was less in shape than for say Qui-Gon.

It was one of the reasons he tried to avoid communal showers of the salles.

That and the stretchmarks that was.

Anakin however didn’t seem to mind it.

No honestly, the child seemed to like that even more, burying himself into Obi-Wan’s stomach, pressing his face to it.

“I’d offer a credit for your thoughts but I imagine I could guess where they were.” Obi-Wan looked up quickly, finding Qui-Gon settling back down beside him.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly. “If you’re thinking its about Anakin, you’d be right.” He murmured, leaning forward to press the back of his hand to the teapot.


Oh well, it was better than cold and it be a shame to waste good tea so Obi-Wan poured himself a full cup of the lukewarm tea and took a large sip.

“He’s a very affectionate child.” Qui-Gon suddenly stated and Obi-Wan paused, glancing at the other man as Qui-Gon rubbed his beard slowly, looking thoughtful.

“…I noticed too. Is… isn’t that how he’s always been?” Obi-Wan slowly settled back against the couch again, turning mostly to the other Jedi.

A low hum escaped Qui-Gon. “…Not until recently,” Qui-Gon stated quietly, glancing at Obi-Wan and then away to the caff table. “Until now, he’s been a regular creche child, as affectionate as another but after I took him on as a padawan…”

The room went silent except for the chrono quietly ticking away and Obi-Wan slowly sipping at his tea.

“You… think he knows?” Obi-Wan whispered, unsure what to think about that.

Or what to feel.

They had been planning to tell Anakin of course but not for years and years, when he wouldn’t let emotions rule him. He was just a young boy after all and Obi-Wan didn’t want to burden him more than he had to.

“There is a possibility, yes,” Qui-Gon stated, sighing quietly before smiling at Obi-Wan and shrugging. “Nothing we can do about it if he does, we can only continue forward and teach him well.” He settled on.

Nodding slowly, Obi-Wan finished off the cup only to jump when large fingers caught the tresses of his hair. “Ah?” He flustered a bit as Qui-Gon gave his hair a gentle tug.

“Your hair has gone quite long Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon was smiling more softly at him. “When you left, it was still so short but now…” He leaned in and carefully tucked the hair behind Obi-Wan’s ear. “It suits you.” Qui-Gon voice was a deep rumble, his fingers lingering for a moment.

Obi-Wan had to fight the urge to squirm and flush, staring at his former master. “…Thank you Qui-Gon.” He whispered, his insides fluttering as he swore he could still feel the warmth of the others touch.

He had known for a long time how he felt about Qui-Gon but his time away had given Obi-Wan some time to cool emotions down… yet now… his return and visitation only reaffirmed those emotions once more, his heart racing in his chest at the lingering warmth of his master’s hand. ‘…Could he return those feelings?’

#MajorStars: Ani meets his bearer officially as padawan brothers. Ani loves his bearer’s presence.

Stumbling out of the fresher only to freeze when he heard another voice in the quarters, Anakin held his breath for a moment before shaking himself and sneaking towards the kitchenette, peeking in around the wall.


It was Obi-Wan!

His suspicions were right, his bearer had come to visit and was standing with Qui-Gon at the counter, teasing him lightly, gently hip bumping the other man with a joking smile on his lips. Qui-Gon himself gave a low, chuckling laugh, clearly used to the action as he picked up the boiled kettle to pour into the teapot on the counter, sending the younger man a warm look.

And simultaneously catching sight of Anakin, his smile spreading even as Anakin gave a little squeak. “Ah, there you are padawan. We have a guest today.” Qui-Gon stated even as Obi-Wan was turning quickly.

Green eyes were sparkling with subdued excitement and nervousness, Anakin catching sight of it before Obi-Wan covered it up by smiling widely at him. “Well, hello there, you must be Anakin. I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s former padawan before you.” He stated warmly, his eyes clearly taking in the sight of Anakin.

This was his parent, this was Obi-Wan and he was smiling at Anakin, standing right in front of him and-and… and Anakin didn’t have to hold back this time.

Moving around the wall, Anakin let out a soft noise and moved forward before his brain could tell him to stop, rushing at Obi-Wan and wrapping his arms around the others waist, pressing his face to Obi-Wan’s stomach.

He could feel what was almost a soft pudge or maybe that was the layers of tunic the other was wearing but regardless, it was warm.

Obi-Wan was warm.

It felt good and Obi-Wan’s hands came up to hug him in return, one hand running through his short shorn hair slowly.

‘…Mom… This is how my mom feels and he’s warm and soft and… and I don’t want to let go ever.’ He shook a bit, fighting to reign in his emotions so he could look up at the other, smiling up at the redhead peering down at him with concern. “Hi. Thank you for the ship.” Anakin whispered, unsure what else to say.

Instantly Obi-Wan’s smile turned wide again, his hand petting through Anakin’s spikes. “You liked it then? I heard from the temple grapevine that you liked ships…” He stated, almost sounding shy to Anakin’s surprise.

But then again, he only knew Obi-Wan from reputation.

The Sith slayer, a diplomat with a silver tongue, someone that was the ideal Jedi.

Or that was what everyone said.

But… Obi-Wan cared for Anakin clearly, Anakin knew that as he pressed into the warmth of the others body, feeling the warm hands petting him.

Another, larger hand, equally warm, rested on Anakin’s back and he peered up to find Qui-Gon looking over Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he reached around his former padawan. “The tea is done steeping.” He announced softly.

Grasping Obi-Wan’s hand, Anakin gave the man an excited smile. “Tell me about your missions?” He questioned hopefully as Qui-Gon set the teapot on the carry tray along with teacups.

And thankfully a large pot of honey.

Obi-Wan laughed softly, following Anakin out to caff table as Qui-Gon carried the tray with tea, Anakin’s chest glowing with warmth and happiness. ‘My parents. These are my parents!’

Hi hope you are a having a good weekend. Thanks again for writing such wonderful stories that make us fall in love with the characters that you write. If you have some time coming can you continue Hoarder Seer…I want to see those babies and hope that Cody is going to be perfectly fine.

To add insult to injury after the poisoning of his love, the stress finally tipped over for Obi-Wan’s body as a trickle of water ran down Obi-Wan’s thighs, followed soon after by a slow contraction of pain even as Cody’s color was improving with the antidote spreading through his system, fighting the poison.

The babies were going to be born, regardless if Obi-Wan was ready or not though how long the labor would take was uncertain.

It could take everything from a full day to maybe half a day since Obi-Wan was still in the early stages of labor with his water breaking, the occasional contraction hitting along with his backache.

And Force did Obi-Wan have to go to the bathroom occasionally, a female togruta medic quickly explaining that one of the children were most likely laying against his bladder as she helped him out of his normal clothes and into a long medcenter gown that thankfully reached his knees, leaving him easily exposed for the time to come when he would be dilating.

She had also assured him that should an accident occur, that would also be completely natural even as Obi-Wan turned bright red at the suggestion of wetting himself and the bed.

‘Thank Force its been eight months, the kids are fully developed.’ Obi-Wan thought shakily even as he was being settled into bed, his hips hurting severely enough that the doctor wanted him in bed, the medic theorizing that as a male birth, his hips were preparing for the birth and they might need to set them after.

The nurses scuttled about quickly after helping him into bed, sending wary looks towards the troopers now stationed in his room as they moved around them as they kept a close eye with them in return.

After the poison attempt, Wooley had enough and had set up guards directly in the room as he and Qui-Gon dealt with the poisoning attempt, crowding it a bit with the nurses trying to get Obi-Wan comfortable with Cody settled on a second bed in the room, watching closely with worried eyes.

Helix was at Cody’s side, taking care of him since the poisoning had left the commander exhausted and numb. “Its just a temporary side effect for now,” Helix explained to both, eyeing one of the nurses before looking back to Cody. “You just need rest and fluids, though you have to take it carefully for a few days since the poison strained your organs, but I’m pretty sure you aren’t going far right now.” He looked to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan gave a breathless laugh at that before grunting slightly as one of the babies kicked him. “If he leaves this room for anything but food or the fresher, I’m gonna get up and kick him.” He huffed slightly.

That got a laugh from Cody, the trooper relaxing into the bed. “If you got enough energy to be sassy, you got a while to go still.” He stated softly.

Warmth spread through Obi-Wan at that, smiling slightly at his lover as one of the nurses covered him up with a blanket to keep him warm.

Cody had taken the pregnancy seriously, reading almost every article of relevance to a multiple pregnancy and childcare.

Hell, Obi-Wan suspected that Cody had also tried some hands-on experience down in the creche a few days when he and Cody weren’t together but he hadn’t asked.

But it made him feel loved, that Cody invested that much time into their future, into his care and their children care.

Huffing faintly as a contraction took him by surprise, Obi-Wan rubbed his belly slightly. “Has anyone called Anakin?” He questioned, snorting when he got a round of surprised looks first and then sheepish ones. “I suspect by the looks on everyone’s faces that he has not been informed of any of this?” He stated a tad dryly.

“I’ll inform him.” Helix offered, giving his vod a pat on the shoulder and then heading for the door, stepping out so he could take the call without the constant buzz of noises in the room being an issue.

Turning his head to look at Cody again, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “So… our kids will be coming soon, you ready?” He teased gently, even as a thrum of nervousness went through him.

Because what if Cody wasn’t?

What if Obi-Wan wasn’t?

Cody however gave him a tranquil smile. “Cyare, after everything this war had to throw at us and the weird Force osik I had to put up with, I’m ready for anything. Just as long as I’m doing it with you.” He informed almost cheerfully, melting Obi-Wan’s nerves away.

As long as they were doing it together.

Smiling, Obi-Wan gave a nod at that as he rubbed his stomach in slow, uneven circles.

#MerSong- Ani, Obi, and Jango talk. Ani gets to feel reassured that Obi will not leave him.

Curled into the other mer’s side, Obi-Wan couldn’t stop grinning at Jango. Ocean waves, his face hurt from how much he was smiling!

Finding Jango again felt like a damn dream, he’d never expected to find a familiar, friendly face again.

Not only had Obi-Wan managed to find an alpha that suited his taste, that he was maybe going to form a proper mating bond with but he had also found his old pod mate and friend. Even if things fell through with him and Anakin, he was guaranteed a home with Jango and his brood, because there was no way Jango would leave him to fend for himself.

Jango had always been a protective person and Obi-Wan couldn’t imagine parenthood had changed him

And speaking of parenthood… “I still can’t believe you managed to parthenogenesis, and so many of them!” Obi-Wan glanced around the cave, feeling Anakin’s arm latch around him as if he was an octopus instead of a mer.

He didn’t notice Jango’s amused stare at the blond’s needy action, absently patting Anakin’s hand on his waist instead.

“Yeah, I have no idea how I managed that either. And not all of them look exactly like me either,” Jango shrugged, reaching out to pull on Rex’s dark blue tail, the blond yelping and whacking his father with his tail before giving a burst of speed to get behind Anakin and Obi-Wan, avoiding retaliation. “Though, they’re all little shits.” Jango smirked, scratching at his chin.

Laughing, Obi-Wan shook his head and fluttered his fins at Jango. “As if you weren’t one at their age? We were in the same pod, I know what you were up to at their age.” He teased back, humming happily when Anakin nuzzled at his hair.

“Still can’t believe you’re here,” Jango mused, resting back against the cave wall, tucking his hands behind his head. “I was sure you’d already be mated ages ago to… oh hell.” Jango sighed suddenly, eyeing Obi-Wan with sharp, knowing eyes. “Satine choose another, didn’t she?” He asked grimly.

Flickering his tail, Obi-Wan glanced warily at Anakin.

It felt disingenuous to talk about Satine with Anakin there.

As if admitting the reason he left his former pod was because he wasn’t picked.

“Obi-Wan.” Jango stated sternly, frowning at him.

Sighing, Obi-Wan pressed into Anakin’s side. “No. She didn’t. I don’t know why and I didn’t have a place in the pod anymore, you know how many omegas there were in the pod, if I’d stayed, then there be no one I was compatible with.” Obi-Wan admitted quietly, fiddling with Anakin’s fingers on his waist.

Of course, mating wasn’t all there was to life, you didn’t have to have a partner or pups…

But Obi-Wan had wanted.

And he had thought Satine wanted the same with him.

‘Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, the ocean is bit a there are other chances.’ He turned his head, smiling up at the confused looking Anakin, the blond tightening his hug when Obi-Wan smiled at him.

“Whose Satine?” Cody, one of Jango’s older sons, asked.

Honestly, Obi-Wan could see himself getting quite well along with Cody and it seemed that between Rex and Cody, one of the two would be the leader after Jango, both powerful and commanding but Cody a bit more rigid than Rex.

“Someone that Anakin is very lucky is a moron,” Jango stated dryly, accepting one of his sons into his arms to cuddle, Obi-Wan taking notice that this one was an omega of all things and seemed to be damaged, scars stretching over their body and their tail not moving correctly. “But to answer you better, Satine is the clan head of my former pod, her father was when I was still in the pod.” He shrugged.

Cody frowned slightly, blinking before looking at Obi-Wan, putting two and two together.

Letting out a deep snort, Jango continued cuddling his son, another with a five of all things tattooed on his forehead coming closer to rub at the others back. “She was always a moron. Guess that’s to our boon though, you were always the cleverest of the podlings in group hunting. Never saw anyone take down a shark as easily as you did” He gave a toothy grin, laughing when Obi-Wan flushed at the impressed gazes he was getting from Jango’s brood.

“My boon, that’s for sure.” Anakin agreed quietly, the words only meant for Obi-Wan as the mer smiled shyly at his old friend, settled into Anakin’s side on the sand.

‘Yeah… this is my new pod. My new home.’ Obi-Wan nuzzled Anakin, chirping faintly at him.

He was home.