Major stars- How does Obi-Wan handle hearing that Anakin knows? Is anyone else going to figure it out? Anakin isn’t really the best at keeping secrets…

His son knew him.

That was a… novel thought.

Even more novel was the sensation of having his son in his lap, his good arm wrapped around Anakin as the kid quietly read his homework. Occasionally, he’d stop and ask for Obi-Wan’s help for either words he didn’t understand or concepts that went a bit above his head.

The task of ones master really.

Yet, by the fond, soft look Qui-Gon was sporting as he watched the two interact as the man himself was tending to his plants, Qui-Gon didn’t mind that Anakin had gone to Obi-Wan for the help.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan smile shyly back at the man, watching Qui-Gon carefully clip his Kashyyyk climbing flowering vine into a manageable lengths, to prevent it from spreading out of its pot.

On the floor, Qui-Gon’s bright pink watering can, the flower nutrients pellets and a bin for the plant waste was stationed, in easy reach for the tall man to use on his hobby.

It was domestic and Obi-Wan couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

When Qui-Gon had told him, Obi-Wan hadn’t been sure what to feel.

A tad panicked, the sensation of fear and hope building so fast it made Obi-Wan dizzy.

The fact that Anakin had known for so long and yet not said anything did put some of Obi-Wan’s fear to the side though, the worry that someone would learn that Anakin knew and would inform the council, that Anakin would be reassigned by the council of reassignment.

Their son himself had put the other worries to rest.

Obi-Wan had worried Anakin would think they had abandoned him, had thought the boy might resent them a tad.

He hadn’t.

He still curled into Obi-Wan with eagerness, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s tunic, hugging him as tightly as he dared with Obi-Wan injured from his mission. No, Anakin loved them with all his heart.

Still, some fears remained.

He wanted Anakin to become a good knight, well, as long as that was what Anakin wanted. If their son wanted to join one of the corps or even leave, then Obi-Wan would support him. But those options were easier, Anakin had the skills to become quite the pilot, mechanic or any number of things.

But to become a Jedi knight, a certain… demeanor was required.

Obi-Wan worried the wouldn’t be able to teach Anakin that, that the love they had for their boy would lead to attachment.

Would lead to Anakin developing his own attachment.

Jedi were to love, to be compassionate… but love and attachment were different things.

To love with all their heart and yet to be able to let go, grieve but don’t let death or loss destroy you or your rage control you due to said love.

There were the healthy kind of love and the unhealthy kind and overwhelming emotions were not good for a Jedi. It could lead to a darker path, to the dark side whispering in your ear.

It could lead you to taking the wrong choice.

‘But we have to do our best, don’t we? We love our boy… and… and I don’t know if I’m strong enough now to walk away. I don’t think I’m strong enough to let him go either…’ Obi-Wan mulled over that.

He was worried, Obi-Wan didn’t want his love to turn selfish and problematic.

The only thing he wanted was for Anakin to become the best person he could be, to be happy with who he was, regardless what path he chose.

Pressing a soft kiss to the crown of Anakin’s head, he smiled a tad shakily as their boy made a happy noise and burrowed into Obi-Wan, ignoring Qui-Gon’s now slightly worried glance at him.

All Obi-Wan could do, was to be as good as possible, to make the decisions that seemed right and believe in the Force.

That was all he could do.

Can we see what happens next in SecretWeCarry? Do the clones ever figure out the prisoners responsible?

Letting out a deep sigh as he eyed the report Fox had sent him, Cody rubbed at his stubbled jaw. He finally had the name of the prisoners that had jumped ‘Hardeen’ in the showers, but the only thing was…

Two of them were already dead, had been killed in a riot in the prison and could not be touched much to Cody’s consternation.

The other three involved however were still alive and still in prison, though there had been a few attempted escapes on the three’s attempt, enough to bring them up to the high security levels to prevent them from getting out.

After what had happened to ‘Hardeen’, Fox had also transferred more guards to keep an eye on them and had isolated them from the general population.

Violent prisoners such as these couldn’t be allowed among the general population after all.

‘Five people, five people jumped and assaulted my General…’ Cody stared at the images, two humans and three aliens. ‘He would have tried to fight them but without his Force powers against an overwhelming number…’ Cody’s wanted to put his fist in their face that moment.

The three survivors were one human, one zabrak and a twi’lek and all of them had a long rep, the human actually already had rape on his record and the longer Cody stared at their mugshots, the more his stomach curled with disgust.

‘…Death is too good for them.’ His lips pulled into a snarl before he let out a deep breath, sitting back in the chair of his office. It was practically a small storage but it was okay enough to do the requisition and other paperwork a commander had to fill in for the GAR without input.

The other times he would work with Obi-Wan in his quarters, for things the other had to sign of on and such. Obi-Wan’s office wasn’t much larger but the desk was good to sit at and Obi-Wan had a water boiler to make tea in his office.

He often actually made enough hot water so Cody could have caff, having a jar of instant caff stashed with his tea. It never failed to warm Cody and he suddenly wanted to go see his General.

‘But Obi-Wan is resting and that’s how its going to stay, resting, recovering.’ Cody reminded himself sternly.

Obi-Wan was actually doing somewhat better these days, despite the loss of the fetus and the attack by the CIS. If Cody was to take a guess, the constant attention from not only the medics but also General Skywalker was doing him a galaxy of good.

Along with the troopers own brand of care.

Helix, as the CMO, had sent out a priority message for most of the higher level command to read, to arrange for someone to visit Obi-Wan for an hour every five hour throughout the day cycle and evening cycle, to keep him occupied if he needed conversation.

Always a different clone, always for different reasons.

Obi-Wan needed human interaction and he had always been happy to speak with his troopers since the get go, happy to learn what he could of the troopers unique sign language or about the things they learned, even if some of it made him sad. Or he liked to teach them the things he knew.

He knew that both Waxer and Boil visited him and got language lessons, their visits often lasting longer than the hour the medics had asked for.

No one had the heart to send them away though and when Obi-Wan showed signs of tiredness, the two would make themselves scarce with believable white lies.

Cody too visited for more than the required hour, sometimes not talking at all and simply sitting at Obi-Wan’s side, holding his hand as the two read novels from a pad each. Sometimes that was all Obi-Wan needed, human contact but not a lot of talking.

After everything Obi-Wan had gone through, he needed positive, reinforced contact.

That was why Cody often held the others hand or let Obi-Wan rest his head on his shoulder.

‘But he has to rest now, Band-aid sent out a ship wide message about him being asleep.’ Cody reminded himself, focusing back on the mugshots, narrowing his eyes faintly.

Fox had promised to keep them alive… for now.

‘Your days are numbered… just you wait. You live for now.’ Cody bared his teeth in vicious smile, knowing the prisoners days were numbered.

He’d make SURE of that.

So Waxer and Boil had their baby in the Hoarder verse? Is it okay?

Rubbing at a little hand, Cody barely hears his love speak.

He’ll blame it on his healing ears and the fact that Obi-Wan’s voice is so low it rasps, turning to look at the Jedi with besotted confusion. “I’m sorry, what?” He whispered, not wanting to disturb the little ones.

Giving a drowsy, glassy eyed smile, (all the drugs doing their duty in his system), Obi-Wan repeats himself. “Boil and Waxer’s baby. You didn’t tell me… I mean I saw Waxer but I didn’t think to ask…” He trailed off sleepily, voice slightly slurred.

Cody just knew the other would fall asleep again in moments.

And he deserved it, a solid twenty hours in labor before the first one came, Obi-Wan clenching Cody’s hand in his, crying out with the contractions until the wails of their first baby filled the air as a light bulb in the room had popped, only for the second to be a breech baby.

The medics had been required to do an emergency c-section due to the circumstances.

The medics had of course drugged Obi-Wan up properly for the procedure and the removal of the babies but that didn’t make it any less exhausting on the body, Force sensitive or not.

It had of course helped that General Qui-Gon was there, carefully mopping at Obi-Wan’s brow while sending as much comfort the others way as he could.

After all that, Obi-Wan deserved all the rest he could get.

Smiling softly, Cody continued rubbing at a little hand grasping at his finger. “Their baby?” He finished the half sentence Obi-Wan had tried to sound out.

He got a sleepy little nod.

“Their daughter is fine, needed to be in an incubator for a while, apparently she got jaundice and its easily solved with some light.” He answered in soft tones to keep the other tired.

With the dimness of their room, the sedation in his veins and the warmth, Obi-Wan let out a sleepy little hum of understanding.

Back to sleep he went, with soft, even little breaths.

Chuckling quietly, Cody turned back to their little pink swaddled bundles, topped with blue caps to cover their downy little heads.

For the most part the kids seemed to take mostly after Cody, their skin on the darker side, though not as dark as Cody and while two of them had dusting of dark hair, the other two looked to be lighter.

It would be amazing to see what they eventually turned out to be.

And eyes…

Apparently newborns were generally born with blue eyes, or so a booklet Cody had read said. But eventually their eyes would turn into the color they were suppose to be.

Obi-Wan had theorized, rather early in the pregnancy, that the kids had a chance of going Cody’s amber or a mix of his own and Cody’s.

Something about recessive and dominant genes.

Cody hadn’t been paying too much attention to it at the time, his head resting on Obi-Wan’s belly, listening to the children move as the Jedi petted his hair and teased the springy curls that would disappear the next time Cody cut his hair.

There was a reason he kept it so cropped after all.

“We still haven’t thought of names for you all…” Cody murmured, smiling fondly when the one in the middle of the bassinet twitched at his voice and then settled back.

He and Obi-Wan had of course talked about it.

It had been a bit of a novel experience for him, if Cody was honest.

Clones named themselves, it was one of the few things that were theirs.

But they were also very much conscious beings.

The children wouldn’t be able to name themselves for years and years to come and they had to call them something.

Cody refused to be like the longnecks, dehumanizing his children and not giving them any names and instead a designation that would last until a name was chosen. Though he was more open to the suggestion when Obi-Wan assured him that if the children wanted, they could change or edit their names in the future.

So, they would have to think of names.

Proper ones.

Strong names.

Names that the children would be proud of and maybe want to keep.

He wondered if it be wrong to name one of them ‘Kote’. It had been Cody’s name, what felt like a long time ago, given to him by Fett of all people.

Then Cody found his own name…

But Kote was still a good name, a strong one, one to be proud of.

He’d ask Obi-Wan what he thought, once the Jedi was awake but until then, he was going to settle in and watch his little squad sleep, the sounds of all five’s steady breathing reassuring Cody that his strange little family was fine.

I have never really read Star Wars fics before but you are def changing that! I am even rewatching the clone wars because I like your stories so much! I am soo curious as to what will happen next in the secret we carry! Is obi gonna be okay? How are the medics gonna react? What is Ani gonna do?

Busting into the room, Anakin paused uncertainly to take in the chaos of the medbay.

While Obi-Wan had been the primary target of Grievous but the troopers, bless their hearts, had thrown themselves into the line of fire so to speak, trying to slow the karking asshole down.

That and the droids Grievous had brought with him onto the Negotiator with the boarding ship had lead to several troopers becoming injured and in worst case, death.

So the medbay was full, Helix and the junior medics rushing around, helping those they could.

Loath to disturb the medics saving lives, Anakin took a deep breath through his nose and focused on Obi-Wan’s Force aura, tracing it to a bed further in the back.

Either drugged or having fallen naturally asleep, Obi-Wan was resting on a crisp, white medical bed, his clothes changed from the soft cardigan and sweats to medical garb and he wasn’t alone in the back as by his side in a chair, holding his hand though he quickly let go when Anakin approached, Commander Cody.

The commander nodded to Anakin when he approached but made no move to stand up.

Considering the brace currently from settled around left knee, that was understandable and Anakin sent it a quick frown.

“Grievous kicked me,” Cody answered the silent question, Anakin hissing quietly since he knew how hard that fucker could lash out. “Yeah, Helix has done what he could but I might not be walking without a limp, it all depends on how well it heals and even then, I’m gonna feel it when the weather pressure changes.” He sighed quietly.

Sighing quietly along with him, Anakin slowly sat down on the bedside, grasping the hand Cody had been holding moments before, tracing the back of Obi-Wan’s freckled hand with his thumb. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here faster. I’m sorry we didn’t chase them away quicker.” Anakin whispered, feeling drained and tired as he wasn’t sure if he was apologizing to Cody or Obi-Wan.

So many lives had been lost and people he cared about injured.

Because Grievous had found them.

Someone had leaked the information of their position, of that Anakin was certain and an uneasy feeling had settled in his stomach.

He would have to check the comms of both the Resolute and the Negotiator but something told him that outside of himself, the only outside contact might be the Jedi council.

The same council that had sent them here for Obi-Wan’s safety and had censored Obi-Wan’s folder to prevent the mission details to be leaked.

He had, in a fit of paranoia, contacted Ahsoka and had her try to slice the file, his padawan informing him with a smile that nope, neither her or any of her friends could get into the mission folder.

And then they had to explain to a stern faced Mace Windu what they had been doing.

Thankfully the master of the order hadn’t punished anyone, only given Anakin a long, stoic look over holo before sighing and told him to look after Obi-Wan.

Not that Anakin wasn’t already doing that as best he could but…

Well, he couldn’t overwhelm or hover over Obi-Wan either and sometimes he had to do other things.

Staring at the pale face of his master, Anakin let out a deep breath. “How was he?” He questioned, not looking away even as he aimed the question at Cody.

There was a shift. “Karking scrap metal gave him internal bleeding, broke four of his ribs, tore several muscles in his left arm and he had a gash on the back of his head that gave him a concussion after he hit the wall,” The words were tight and quiet, Cody clearly unhappy to recite the injuries but knowing Anakin would want to know. “Helix fixed him up of course but those things on top of his existing conditions… Helix put him into a healing coma.” The commander explained.

Frustration bubbled up in Anakin’s stomach as he tightened his grip on the others hand.

He understood why but Force, why was it always Obi-Wan?

His heart hurt just looking at his former master. “… He’s going to loose weight again.” Anakin whispered bitterly.

Cody just nodded mutely in agreement, the two staring at Obi-Wan’s weary, pale face as they both cursed the fates that seemed to land Obi-Wan in trouble.

Okay, really, how did Anakin and Qui-Gon know Obi-Wan had returned in major star?

Crawling into the bed with the exhausted Obi-Wan, Anakin only spared Qui-Gon a glance before burying himself into the other Jedi, taking in the scent and feel of mom finally being back after so long. He had missed Obi-Wan so much.

Which was why he had stationed R2 down in the hanger, the astromech giving in after a bit of pleading from the blond.

And after the first week of antsy probing at his comm, Qui-Gon had been clued in, both of them keeping an eye on the hangers and R2’s information.

Honestly, the two hadn’t expected the late night call, the two arriving from a late excursion out to the slums as Anakin and Qui-Gon had been investigating a drug ring mission the two had been handed.

An on Coruscant mission, easy for a fresh padawan with their home in sight, learning to work with their masters on a planet where Jedi were known and at least somewhat respected.

It was only luck that the two had arrived and about to prepare for bed when R2 commed Anakin, informing him that Obi-Wan was back.

His mom was back and with a little whimper, Anakin nuzzled into the warm, softness of the others body.

After a moment, he felt the bed dip as Qui-Gon settled down too, pressing both Obi-Wan and Anakin towards the wall as they squished in, the bed really too small for all three of them, especially as both Anakin and Qui-Gon were being careful of Obi-Wan’s braced arm.

But they made due, mostly by tangling legs and tucking and folding themselves.

Qui-Gon turned the lights of the room off with a bit of Force use and drew the blankets up around them, his long, warm arm tucked over Anakin and settled around Obi-Wan.

Finally, things went quiet, his dad a warm furnace on one side and his mother a quiet, steadily breathing comfort in front of him, Anakin able to hear the steady drum of Obi-Wan’s heart like this.

“…You know, don’t you.” Qui-Gon’s deep brogue disturbed the silence.

Anakin just nodded quietly into Obi-Wan’s chest, fisting the other Jedi’s shirt in his hands.

“Thought as much, started to suspect when you got so upset at him being sent of…” Qui-Gon murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Anakin’s head. “How long have you known?” He questioned.

Thankfully, Qui-Gon didn’t sound upset or disappointed, Anakin relaxing slowly as he realized his dad wouldn’t tell the council. “Before you took me on. Long before… I think two or three years.” He admitted shyly into the dark.

A quiet chuckle echoed into the bedroom, full of warmth and affection. “Clever little boy. But with a mom like this, how could you be anything but clever.” Qui-Gon teased quietly.

Snuggling up between them, Anakin smiled shyly into Obi-Wan’s chest, grateful for the darkness as he didn’t want Qui-Gon to see how much he was flushing at the praise. “Heard some creche masters talk about it… and then I narrowed down the possibilities. Had to be humans. Had to be males after what I heard and um… well you two showed up at my lessons.” Anakin squirmed a bit.

Qui-Gon tightened his grip around them, easing when Obi-Wan gave a little mumble. “I see… hmm, if it wouldn’t expose us, I would have had a small conversation with the creche masters… they shouldn’t be gossiping where initiates can hear them.” He grumbled, disapproval dripping of him.

Shrugging, uncaring since it allowed him to figure it all out, Anakin just settled, wondering if Qui-Gon would tell Obi-Wan in the morning, content to just feel safe and loved between his parents on the bed.

And maybe a bit squished. “…You need a bigger bed.” Anakin pouted, his pout growing as Qui-Gon just chuckled quietly into the dark night.

can we have more of the A/B/O Jangobi? I just want to see them happy with their baby!

Smiling goofily as he rested his head on Obi-Wan’s belly, Jango couldn’t believe how his life had turned out like this.

Laying on the couch in the Jedi temple, between his mate’s legs, his head resting on the clearly pup swollen belly with Obi-Wan fingers scratching and massaging Jango’s scalp as the Jedi watched his silly little musical show with several pillows behind his back as he was more reclined than laying flat.

Or well, not silly really, but not Jango’s thing at least.

No, Jango’s thing was more feeling how big and warm his mate was, the sensation of his pup beneath his cheek as they moved, Obi-Wan’s sweet scent wrapped around them and the affection that seemed to just linger in the air somehow.

He never expected his life to go this way.

He had thought it be him and Boba, that was all there would be of his pack, a clan of two and no more.

And now he had an intimate pack consisting of Obi-Wan, Boba, Anakin and Rex as the others mate and external pack consisting of a thousand of vode and Jedi, the entire temple becoming a place of safety and warmth.

A proper Clan.

And getting to know the Jedi culture was also something he had come shockingly to appreciate actually.

If the Mandalorians of old had known what Jango knew now… well, he knew quite a few that would have been chasing down Jedi for courtship instead of battle for sure with the parallels that could be drawn between true Mandalorians and Jedi.

Both swore oaths to live by, both would protect their adiik with their lives, took in foundlings that became kin just as fiercely as any born to them, both protected their own people and both were people that could be marginalized by the rest of the galaxy, people as often turning on true Mandalorians as they did on Jedi.

To know that so much of the old hate was made on prejudice… it was strange to think and Jango wondered what Jaster would have said to all of it if he had survived Montross betrayal.

‘…He’d have been fucking thrilled and harassed the scholars in the temple,’ Jango thought some amusement tinged with sadness.

The years had taken the bitterness and anger, had dulled it so only the fond memories remained, but the sadness would always be there.

He’d always miss his adoptive dad, just as he missed his biological parents, just as he missed Arla and often wondered what kind of aunt she’d have been for Boba.

A gentle hand ran over his cheek, catching his attention as he shifted to peer up at Obi-Wan, the other staring down at him with a questioning, saddened gaze. “Your scent shifted, what were you thinking of?” He asked quietly.

Rubbing his cheek down against the belly, Jango let out a deep sigh. “I was just… contemplating how my father and sister would have reacted to all of this. That’s… all.” He rumbled out.

Obi-Wan’s eyes turned sad before he smiled comfortingly down at Jango, running his hand through his mate hair once more, purring quietly.

Jango couldn’t change the past.

The past would forever be stained in blood, pain and betrayal of the worst kind but he had the future in front of him. He wouldn’t soil the future by letting the past taint it, missing and mourning his past family was fine.

But he had a future family to think of.

And new pups that would come.

Catching Obi-Wan’s free hand, Jango brought it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the knuckles, rubbing the pale hand slowly as he held onto it, letting his mate comfort him along with the soothing feel of the pup beneath his cheek.

This was all he needed, Jango Fett had everything he had ever wanted.

A mate and his adiik, all safe and sound.

And he would fight tooth and nail to ensure it would remain that way.

Does Obi get stuck on long term missions so he “forgets” his attachment to his child? How does Ani, Obi, and Qui handle it if he does? What negative effects does it have?

Tiredly trudging down the ramp with his bag limply held in his left hand, Obi-Wan almost cried in relief as the familiar sounds of the temple hanger wrapped around him along with a thousand of familiar, Force sensitive beings.

He had been gone from the temple for a full year, unable to contact anyone due to the sensitivity and black ops nature of his mission but finally, he was home.

A bit worse for wear as his left arm in a brace against his chest proved, but alive and recovering from almost being blown up by a karking Sith temple.

Due to his familiarity with at least one Sith and how they felt, Obi-Wan had been sent off to investigate and report back once he was done.

Or that was the official version at least.

While Obi-Wan was familiar with a once living Sith, he knew there were several Jedi with better knowledge than he that could have done the investigation.

This was a reminder to Obi-Wan by the council, that he couldn’t let himself get attached to his son.

And he wasn’t.

Obi-Wan loved Anakin, yes, that was very much true.

And he loved Qui-Gon.

But he would let them go, he would choose his duty and the light everyday.

Yes, he feared some days and those fears could lead to danger but he let those emotions go into the Force.

But he also understood the council position.

Didn’t mean he had to like it even though he understood it fully.

‘Least I’m home now.’ He noted tiredly, nodding absently to a few night mechanics that waved at him but clearly understood he was too tired for any conversation as they let Obi-Wan just pass into the elevator with no more interruption.

He couldn’t wait to be back in his own bed and thankfully the ship had a sonic, so he could go right to bed, silently promising himself a bath once he had slept and eaten a full meal in that order.

Or he would have if not for the moment the doors to the elevator opened, a dark clothed missile slammed into him so hard Obi-Wan staggered back with a ‘oof!’ as he dropped his bag in sheer surprise while flailing for balance and would have fallen over if it wasn’t for a large, warm hand wrapping around his right arm.

Out of breath and tired, the redhead swayed on his feet a bit before focusing, blinking tiredly between Qui-Gon standing in the elevator opening and Anakin currently wrapped around Obi-Wan with his face pressed to his stomach.

Wheezing faintly, Obi-Wan blinked several times more as he tried to understand what the kark had just happened as Qui-Gon smiled gently at him, the man reaching down to pull a clingy Anakin away with his free hand. “Come along Obi-Wan, you must be tired.” His old master murmured, his eyes falling to the arm in the sling with worry even as he pulled Obi-Wan out of the elevator.

“My bag…” Obi-Wan protested tiredly even as he pitched forward at the gentle prompting from Qui-Gon

“I got it!” Anakin chimed in, popping in beside Obi-Wan on the other side, big blue eyes looking up at him with Obi-Wan’s bag slung over his shoulder, Anakin quickly latching onto Obi-Wan’s belt as if to prevent the other from disappearing into thin air.

Considering how late it was, Obi-Wan really should be asking how the other two knew he was home, after all, Obi-Wan had been gone for quite a long while and he doubted Qui-Gon would let Anakin run around in the middle of the night without reason.

But frankly, his brain was so muddled and tired it hurt and he was just ready to collapse into bed as he shuffled along, sore eyes switching between the two other Jedi with exhaustion.

Asked later, he barely remembered putting up a token protest to Qui-Gon bundling him into his and Anakin’s quarters instead of Obi-Wan’s own, the older man quietly hushing him as he helped the redhead out of his robe and boots.

After that Obi-Wan’s mind went dark for memory as he was finally put to rest in a warm and comfortable bed, wrapped up in the scent of Qui-Gon’s preferred scents which lulled him into a deep and undisturbed sleep.

SecretWeCarry oh POOR Obi!! That was rough on him, and I’m REALLY glad that Anakin got there in enough time to prevent more damage – I could practically SEE him Force-toss Grievous, and that was awesome. And the Troopers were great too, dogpiling Grievous like they did! I’m surprised but grateful that nobody was seriously hurt by him!

Pulling his General away from the furious fight between Skywalker and the cyborg, Cody struggled not to let his Jedi know that he was limping.

Grievous kicks were one hell of a tool and Cody was honestly a bit envious by the clanker even if he’d never admit to that.

Thanks to that, several of the troopers were feeling the effect of said kicks or just feeling the effect of hitting the durasteel floor of the Negotiator when they were shaken off after dog piling the fucker.

Considering Obi-Wan’s personality, Obi-Wan would be sure to blame himself for their injuries despite Grievous being the perpetrator.

Obi-Wan had been proven to blame himself for the actions of others when he was the target they were after before.

He still blamed himself for Maul after all.

Tucking the redhead to his side, Cody glanced to Boil and Waxer, relaxing slightly when the former raised a thumb before quickly signing in hand signals to him.

The two were sore but not too injured, their armor protecting them as intended. ‘Unlike Obi-Wan.’ Cody winced as the redhead coughed then spat blood onto the floor, barely hanging onto Cody for support as the man swayed. “General, we need to get you to a medi-” A trooper hustled over, one of the shiny’s, though Cody couldn’t tell which of them with their helmet on.

But he had a medical backpack in hand.

It would be enough for emergency treatment, until things cooled down and Cody could get the General back to Helix and the medbay for a proper checkup. ‘As long as we can chase the fucking clankers and the big clanker himself of off the ship, though with the raw power Skywalker’s currently throwing at him, he’s bound to turn cockroach soon.’ Cody glanced over to the battle.

Skywalker was a raging bantha bull in a pen at the moment as he kept literally throwing the heavy cyborg off his mechanical feet, not even letting him get close with his many sabers to attack.

Clearly the severe threat to his former master had put the man in snit, not that Cody could blame him as he felt Obi-Wan cling to him for support as the shiny put medicine dispenser to his neck and injected.

Honestly, any sane man would have turned tail and run when they had seen the look on Anakin Skywalker’s face when Obi-Wan buckled to the floor, blood and bile in his beard and on his soft cardigan, his face pallid from his pain and sweaty from exertion as he trembled against on his knees.

Then again, you couldn’t accuse Grievous of being a sane man could you, considering who he regularly went up against and who he served.

Glancing back at his slumped General, Cody took a chance and slowly started to sink down on the durasteel floor with the man, keeping him supported all the way down as the shiny paused long enough for Obi-Wan to be settled before continuing, this time with a bacta spray in hand for the obvious head wound the man had.

“Easy does it General, we got it under control…” Cody whispered, hesitating before reaching out to slowly run his fingers through the blood matted red hair. “We got your back General. Trust us.” Cody whispered, swallowing thickly.

Isolating their General had lead to much of his weakness in the beginning as his biology had released the hormones that suppressed his appetite, not to mention what had occurred while he was undercover as Hardeen.

So if the other had rejected him and told him to buzz off while he was injured, Cody would have understood.

Instead Obi-Wan let out a low whine and pressed closer to Cody. “I always do…” He breathed out, coughing up blood onto Cody’s chestplate and vambrace, keening quietly as the shiny set another injection. “I trust you.” He slurred, only half aware as Cody fought his own tears, protectively wrapped around his General as both trusted the rest of the troopers and Skywalker to send Grievous and his droids packing.

SecretWeCarry, oh I’m so glad that Anakin is on his way! As if this wasn’t emotionally-charged enough, Grievous just HAD to step in; Anakin is SO shook up. Part of me is glad he could get close enough for the bond to open – that means OBI can sense him in return, so he’s not TECHNICALLY alone – but it also worries me, because if Anakin’s NOT quick enough, that bond is only going to highlight for Anakin how much he’s failing Obi right now. Either way, Grievous makes this a dicey situation!

Slamming into the wall with a sickening crack, Obi-Wan cried out with pain and spat up blood and bile on the durasteel floor, all sounds around him muted down except the ringing in his ears.

He had been right that Grievous had been on the boarding party along with a squadron of droids that kept the troopers busy for the most part, the cyborg targeting Obi-Wan immidiatly with Obi-Wan responding as best he could, the two exchanging taunts as normal.

Well, the slippers had given the cyborg a pause but things had quickly devolved from their to a full on battle in the hanger.

And now Obi-Wan was quite clearly having internal injuries along with the external ones, a thin stream of blood making its way down Obi-Wan’s temple from his hair.

Potentially a flesh wound from hitting the wall, Grievous cyborg leg hitting with the force of a skycar out of control.

And Grievous kick had clearly done damage to his insides as well, with the hit to the wall had rung Obi-Wan’s head, his head throbbing as he struggled to get to his feet, the wheezing of the cyborg coming closer sending panic through Obi-Wan’s systems.

It was so hard, he could barely keep up with the damn cyborg at the moment but thankfully the troopers were aiding him, causing Grievous to roar with anger, the sound echoing off the walls along with the sounds of blasters as someone threw a grenade at him to give Obi-Wan a chance to recover..

Cody had outright tackled the cyborg with a few others only a few minutes earlier, dog piling him before being shaken off.

Thankfully, none of the troopers seemed too injured by that action, Obi-Wan didn’t know if he could forgive himself if any of them died here and now in the hanger with Grievous when there was just a token force of droids to keep them occupied while Grievous was doing his best to kill Obi-Wan.

Thankfully, as Obi-Wan parried a lightsaber swinging at him, he felt the bond between himself and Anakin become alive with proximity, the other clearly on his way.

Obi-Wan could have cried with relief but ended up dodging from another lightsaber slash, his ribs protesting as Obi-Wan spat out another mouthful of blood.

Because Obi-Wan wasn’t enough.

He was sick, he was injured and he just wanted to sleep but Grievous was a danger to every trooper onboard, Obi-Wan refused to hide when he knew the other was out after him. He wouldn’t sacrifice the troopers just to run away from the damn cyborg that was so intent on killing him.

“Pathetic Kenobi,” Grievous wheezed at him, Obi-Wan barely jumping out of the way of one saber while parrying another. “Your condition has left you even weaker than before. I will take great pleasure in taking your head and your saber.” He growled out, somehow managing to both wheeze and sound smug at the same time.

Normally, Obi-Wan would be jauntily replying back, sassing and distracting but all of Obi-Wan’s focus was going into defending and breathing.

He was just feeling so exhausted and in pain, seeing double of everything and inwardly he cursed.

Knocking his head against the wall must have done some trauma.

Hissing as his next dodge wasn’t good enough, cutting through his leggings and into his left thigh, Obi-Wan wondered how long he could keep going when he heard the most beautiful sentence in the world.

“Skywalker incoming!” A trooper called out and Obi-Wan could have cried from relief, hearing a ship, most likely Anakin’s Interceptor, coming powering through the force field of the hanger.

And when he heard the tell-tale sounds of a ship crashing against the floor and the popping of a canopy he could have laughed.

‘Another happy landing…’ He thought hysterically, his knees buckling under him as Anakin came roaring into his field of vision, the blond knocking Grievous back with a throw of brute Force.

Reinforcement had arrived and Obi-Wan could finally, finally lean into the aid of Cody when the commander appeared at his side to pull him away from the fight gingerly, trusting Anakin to deal with the interloper as he powered down his saber.